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Special Edition Newsletter

THE ART OF QUILTING was held at the Prestige Inn on October 2 and
October 3. We had 40 contributors and more than 150 entries - a
wonderful showing of the work of both the Day Guild and the Night Guild of
our Kootenay Quilters Association. So many bed quilts were originally
submitted that we had to withdraw some as we did not have enough frames
or room to showcase them all. We hope those that were withdrawn will
reappear for inclusion in our 2017 show.
In the end we had 53 bed quilts, 10 paint chip challenge entries, 2
miniatures, 22 small wall hangings, 10 large wall hangings, 2 group quilts, 6
baby/child quilts, 7 lap quilts, 8 seasonal quilts, 34 art quilts, 2 miscellaneous
and 1 wearable. What a lovely diversity in colour, pattern, design, machine
& hand quilting, artistic interpretation - our show was very well received and
we had lots and lots of compliments from our viewers.
Many years ago we judged in every category; now, we have the CQA Award
(judged by another guild) and Viewer's Choice #1, #2, and #3 in two
categories - BED QUILTS and OTHERS. Giving out 6 Viewers' Choice Awards
was new this year but members have reported that it was a good way to spotlight our smaller quilts.
Special congratulations to our winners this year:
CQA AWARD - BEST OF SHOW: "Tranquillity in Flowers" by Kazuko Takano
CQA Honourable Mention: Orchid by Rosalie Johnson,
"Grandma's Dream" by Dorothea Housworth,
"Rose Plates" by Sharon Drew.
VIEWERS' CHOICE - BED QUILTS: 1st - "Grandma's Dream" by Dorothea Housworth
2nd - "Rose Plates" by Sharon Drew
3rd - "Tranquillity in Flowers" by Kazuko Takano

"Tranquillity in Flowers" by Kazuko Takano

"Grandma's Dream" by Dorothea Housworth

"Rose Plates" by Sharon Drew

Orchid by Rosalie Johnson

CQA Judges

VIEWERS' CHOICE - OTHER QUILTS: 1st - "Bargello Sunflower" by Laura McEachern

2nd - "Empress Garden" by Miyo Mori
3rd - "Duck Puddles" by Joy Lobach

"BargelloSunflower" by Laura McEachern

"Duck Puddles"
by Joy Lobach

"Empress Garden" by Miyo Mori

PAINT CHIP CHALLENGE: 1st - "Mardi Gras - by Rosemary Wallach

2nd - "Purple Guitar" - by Laura McEachern
3rd - "The Sentinel" - by Bonnie Chalmers

Rosemary Wallach
Featured Quilters: Janet Jones

Quilters Boutique

Laura McEachern
and Dorothea Housworth

Bonnie Chalmers
Quilts of Valour

The Applique Society

An up-to-date financial statement for the Quilt Show is located in the Library -- it details revenue and expenses. For
revenue, here is a breakdown: vendors tables brought in $500; Friday admissions were at 212 @ $5.00 for a total of $1,060
and Saturday admissions were 221 @ $5.00 for a total of $1,105. Our three beautiful raffle baskets brought in a total of
$1,216. Our expenses totalled $2,686.95, leaving us a profit of $1,194.05.
In 2017, we are anticipating higher costs for room rentals at the Prestige so we may have to consider corporate
sponsorship, something new for our guild but something that is done in other guilds. If you have any ideas for raising
money to cover our increased rental costs, please let someone on the committee hear from you!

Once again our raffle quilt was well received -special thanks to the Raffle Quilt Committee, to all those
who worked on the raffle quilt, and especially to Sheila
Hart for organizing ticket sales. We made our donation
of $5,000 to the Hospital Foundation - an impressive
amount from our Day Guild. Miyo and Diane made the
presentation to the Hospital Foundation in early
December and the funds were directed to their Light Up
the Hospital campaign for priority medical equipment in the Operating Room.
Your hard-working Quilt Show Committee met after the show to debrief and to
make recommendations for the next show - most of our recommendations can
wait to be reviewed and implemented just prior to our next show but we want you
to start thinking about ideas for Challenge NOW. Tentative dates have been set
for September 22 and 23 for our 2017 show - and we may 'book' and pay for the
Thursday evening to ensure that we can start setting up early!
A very special THANKS to everyone for contributing to our show - for all of your
beautiful quilts which were displayed and for all of the help in set-up and takedown - it was a fabulous GROUP effort!!!
Fond Memories

Another successful show is behind us - time to get back to quilting and to start planning for our show in
excuses; you have lots of warning!

From your Quilt Show Committee

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