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Din pacate, de multe ori socializarea online o exclude pe cea reala.

Daca cea online e un punct

de pornire, totul e in regula. Am cunoscut pe cineva pe internet, fie pe iubirea vietii mele, fie
pe partenerul de afaceri de vis, continuam sa comunicam vorbit, nu scris. Ne intalnim si nu ne
dam mail-uri. Bineinteles, si aici e nevoie de un echilibru. Daca toti oamenii pe care-i cunosti
sunt de pe Hi5, undeva e o problema. Daca reteaua ta de prieteni e exagerat de mare si pui
accent pe calitate, nu pe calitate, retelele sociale iti anihileaza simtul real al comunicarii. Iar
dezamagirea sa vezi ca profilul de pe site nu corespunde cu cel real poate fi un dus rece

Ce ma enerveaza instinctiv la site-urile de social networking e dorinta unora de a se baga fara

drept de apel in seama, de a-i sacai pe altii sau de a incerca sa para cu totul altfel decat sunt.
Plus tendinta de a pierde timpul in fata calculatorului in detrimentul experientelor reale, vii.
Ma sperie ideea ca daca imi fac un cont pe un site de socializare online (cum am facut azi sa
vad ce-a postat mama), imi spune ca 200 dintre prietenii din agenda mea au deja cont acolo.
De ce? Chiar atat de multa lume sa aiba probleme in comunicarea face to face si sa aiba
nevoie de un profil, un grup virtual de prieteni si o galerie de poze?

In sine, site-urile de social networking pornesc de la un principiu frumos. Sa comunicam,

avem acest internet mare la dispozitie, hai sa ne cunoastem mai bine si sa vorbim despre
lucrurile pe care le avem in comun. Apoi hai la o bere sa ne cunoastem mai bine. Din pacate,
experienta spune ca nu e intotdeauna asa si ca genul acesta de retele pot ajunge un substitut si
sa se piarda in gesturi inutile. In schimb, retelele mi se par interesante din punct de vedere al
marketingului. Cine urmareste tendintele poate sa-si faca o idee destul de coerenta pentru
profilul unui anumit target. Hi5 spune multe despre cum comunica adolescentii, ce le place, ce
nu, ce ii intriga, ce le starneste interesul. Totusi, ramane o intrebare: comportamentul online
este identic cu cel offline?

Unfortunately, online socialization often exclude the real. If the line is a starting point, everything is
okay. I met someone online or on the love of my life or the dream business partner, we continue to
communicate spoken, not written. We meet and we are not emails. Of course, here you need a
balance. If all the people I know are on Hi5, a problem somewhere. If your network of friends is
unreasonably high and put emphasis on quality, not quality, social networks annihilate your sense of
real communication. And disappointment to see the profile of the site does not correspond with the
real could be a bad cold shower.
What annoys me instinctively to social networking sites is the willingness to put them into account
without right of appeal, have urged the others or try to appear very different than they are. Plus
tendency to waste time in front of computer experience detriment real, live. The idea scares me that if I
make an account on an online social networking site (like we did today to see what was posted on
mother) tells me that 200 of my book friends have an account there. Why? Even so many people have
trouble communicating face to face and have need of a profile, a virtual group of friends and a picture
Itself, social networking sites are based on a principle well. To communicate, we have this big Internet
available, let us know you better and talk about things they have in common. Then come to know us
better beer. Unfortunately, experience says it's not always so and that this kind of networks can get a
substitute and get lost in useless gestures. Instead, networks seem to me interesting in terms of
marketing. Who can follow the trends to make a fairly coherent idea of a specific target profile. Hi5
says a lot about how teenagers communicate, what they like, not what intrigues them, stirs their
interest. However, one question remains: online behavior is the same as offline?

Hi5-ul : un spatiu web in care fiecare isi creeaza cate un cont prin care isi realizeaza
un portret virtual.Contul contine atat poze ale persoanei cat si date personale . Prin
intermediul contului hi5 iti poti face prieteni ,poti regasi cunostinte mai vechi poti
afla mai multe despre o anumita persoana.
Ce invati accesand hi5-ul? Accesand hi5-ul invati sa operez in spatiul web ,sa postezi
diferite imagini ,filmultete, sa fac slideshow-uri etc.
Care sunt avantajele unui cont hi5? Este una dintre intrebarile pe care ni le punem
atunci cand ne creem un cont.Raspunsul la aceasta intrebare ar suna cam asa:poti
cunoaste mai multe persoane si poti afla parerea celorlati despre tine,avand in vedere
faptul ca pot fi lasate comment-uri la fiecare poza si la profil, insa tinand cont de
legea compensatiei, avand avantaje are si dezavantaje.Care ar fi acestea?
In primul rand poti deveni usor o victima a celor care stapanesc foarte bine arta
conversatiei, pentru ca prin intermediul hi5-ului dupa cum am mentionat mai sus
,poti intra in contact atat cu persoane necunoscute cat si necunoscute.
In al doilea rand exista posibilitatea de a deveni un captiv al acestui spatiu virtual, al
acestei lumi superficiale.
Insa hi5-ul nu este singurul spatiu web de acest tip, ci poate doar cea mai utilizata
retea sociala din Romania.Pe net (in anumite cercuri) umbla o vorba. Nu ai cont pe, nu existi. Este fals. Cea mai mare retea sociala din lume, la ora actuala este
Facebook. Retea in care incep sa se inregistreze foarte multi romani in ultima vreme
Hi5 site: a web space where each one creates his account that he made a portrait of the person
virtual.Contul contains both pictures and personal data. Hi5 account through you can make friends, old
acquaintances you can find out more about a particular person.
They learn by accessing your hi5? Hi5 accessing your web space learn to work in, to post various
images, filmultete, slideshows, etc. do.
What are the advantages of a hi5 account? It is one of the questions put to us when we create a
cont.Raspunsul to this question might sound like: you know more people and you can find opinion of
others about you, considering that comment can be left at sites each picture and profile, but
considering the compensation law, with the advantages and dezavantaje.Care would they be?
First, you can easily become a victim of those who have mastered the art of good conversation, that's
through hi5 as mentioned above, you can get in touch both with strangers and unknown.
Secondly there is the possibility of becoming a captive of this virtual space, this world's surface.
Hi5 But is not this the only web space, but maybe the most used social network in Romania.Pe Net (in
some circles) a walk about. No account on, no. Is false. The world's largest social network,
currently is Facebook. Network they begin to register a lot lately Romanian

Facebook - un nume popular printre cei care sunt atât de în ea. Persoanele care au un cont pe
Facebook sunt acum, folosind mai mult din timpul lor de a socializa cu alte persoane în
mijlocul de distanţă şi de lipsa de timp. Şi chiar dacă o comunitate precum Facebook serveşte
numeroase avantaje, este, de asemenea, se dovedeşte a avea anumite dezavantaje, de
asemenea. Există acum serie de îmbunătăţiri în sistemul doar pentru a face pasul cu
deficienţe. Argumentele cu privire la avantajele şi dezavantajele diferitelor Facebook sunt
indicate mai jos.

· Permite căutarea de utilizator pentru prieteni vechi şi noi
· Accesibil universităţi ales cu un nivel ridicat de securitate
· Face mai puţin ciudat atunci când comunică cu persoane necunoscute sau de persoane pe
care nu sunt familiarizaţi cu
· Atractie Dragoste - poate fi folosit ca un sistem, datând de servicii
· Face mai uşor să se alăture grupurilor de vedere similare place si displace
· Membri Permite pentru a verifica elevii care iau aceeaşi clasă, care trăiesc în aceeaşi zonă,
sau care provin de la aceeasi academie

· Suprapopularea
· Subred relaţie de lungă distanţă
· Neacceptat de adiacenţă fizice
· Contribuie paletă largă amânare
· Extravagant dependenta
· Stalking este posibilă
· Cunoştinţe fi etichetate ca prieteni

Desigur, dezavantajele nu reprezintă o ameninţare la adresa pe care tocmai aţi de doar uiţi la
ea. Altcineva trebuie să dovedească că ceea ce utilizatorii de a face cu profilul lor este direct
proporţional cu ceea ce se poate întâmpla cu ei. Un utilizator trebuie să înţeleagă ceea ce el
încearcă să dea afară altfel lucrurile s-ar putea obţine murdar şi oamenii le va confundat ca

Este destul de evident că un compromis se întâmplă între avantajele şi dezavantajele de

Facebook. În timp ce aceasta creşte de comunicare şi de conexiune între prieteni şi
comunitatea online, de asemenea, creşte riscul de amânare şi face mai uşor pentru ceilalţi să
tulpină un utilizator. Mai rău, unele sunt de fapt pedepsiţi pentru ceea ce pune pe profilul lor
şi ar pretinde că a fost acolo doar pentru distractie.

În ciuda avantajelor mai sus menţionate şi dezavantajele unui serviciu de reţea on-line, acesta
este încă câştigă cererii şi popularitate în rândul mulţimii tineri. Există aproximativ 10.000 de
studenţi (profesionisti si tineri profesionisti nu au fost încă incluse) care se asociază în
Facebook in fiecare zi. Aceasta este, indiferent de vârstă, rasă şi ţara. Unele dintre acestea
sunt acum încercarea de a critica statutul de profesionalism al acestui site dacă acesta e doar
un alt moft precum serviciile online sunt de alte reţele.

Facebook - a popular name among those who are so into it. Individuals who have Facebook account
year is now more of Their Using time to socialize with Other people amidst the distance and lack of
time. People who have an account on Facebook is now using more of their time to socialize with other
people in the middle distance and lack of time. Even if the community and serves Numerous
advantages like Facebook, Also it proves to have certain disadvantages as well. And even if a
community like Facebook serve many advantages, it also proves to have some disadvantages as well.
There is now series of improvements to the system just to make up with the shortcomings. There are
now several improvements in the system just to make up the deficiencies. Arguments regarding the
different advantages and disadvantages of Facebook has stated Below. Arguments about the
advantages and disadvantages of various Facebook are listed below.

Advantages advantages
· Allows user search for new and old friends · Allows user looking for friends old and new
Chosen · Accessible to universities having the high level of security chosen · Access universities with
high security
Makes it less awkward · When Communicating with strangers or people You are not familiar with ·
makes it less funny when communicating with strangers or people who are not familiar with
· Love Attraction - Can be used as a dating service system · Love attraction - can be used as a dating
· Makes it easier to join groups having similar likes and dislikes · make it easier to join the groups
similar likes and dislikes
Students · Allows members to check who is taking the same class, living Within the same area, or
coming from the same Academy · Members allowed to check students taking the same class, living in
the same area, or coming from the same academy

Disadvantages Disadvantages
· · Overcrowding Overcrowding
Weakening · · shaky relationship long distance relationship long distance
Unsupported by physical · adjacency · Unsupported by physical adjacency
· Contributes wide-range wide-range delay Procrastination · Contribute
· Rampant rampant addiction addiction ·
· Possible · Stalking Stalking is possible
· Acquaintances Be labeled as friends · knowledge qualify as friends

Surely, the disadvantages Do not pose the threat to you just by merely looking at it. Of course, the
disadvantages are not a threat to you just by just looking at it. Someone else has to prove that What
users do with Their profile is directly in proportion with What can Happen to Them. Someone has to
prove that what users do with their profile is directly proportional to what might happen to them. The
user must understand What he is trying to give out otherwise things get Messy Might Them and
People Will I mistook diary jurnal else. A user must understand what he is trying to give out different
things could get messy and people will confuse anyone else.

It is quite obvious that the trade off is happening between the advantages and disadvantages of
facebook. It is quite obvious that happens compromise between the advantages and disadvantages of
Facebook. While it increases the communication and connection between friends and the online
community Also it increases the risk of Procrastination and Others Makes it easier for the user to stalk.
While it increases communication and connection between friends and the online community also
increases the risk of delay and make it easier for others to stalk a user. Worse, Some are actually
punished for What They put on Their profiles and There Would claim that it was only for fun. Worse,
some are actually punished for what they put on their profile and would claim that he was there just for

Despite the above mentioned advantages and disadvantages of online networking service year, it still
is gaining popularity and demand among the young crowd. Despite the above advantages and
disadvantages of an online network service, and demand is still gaining popularity among the young
crowd. There is about 10.000 Students (professionals and young professionals not yet included) who
is into Joining Facebook Every Day. There are approximately 10,000 students (professionals and
young professionals were not yet included) which is associated to Facebook every day. This is
regardless of the age, race and country. That is, regardless of age, race and country. Some are now
trying to criticize the status of professionalism of this site whether it's Just Another fad is like Other
online networking services. Some are now trying to criticize the professional status of the site if it's just
another fad and online se

Apărute aproape simultan pe internet, facebook şi hi5 au devenit cele mai cunoscute şi accesate
reţele de socializare virtuale din lume. Milioane de oameni de pe tot globul, inclusiv din România, au
făcut din ele o “a doua casă” aducând totodată şi milioane de dolari celor care le-au creat: Mark
Zuckerberg (25 de ani) şi Ramu Yalamanchi (35 de ani). Amândoi tineri, amândoi îndrăgostiţi de
calculatoare, amândoi inventivi, amândoi bogaţi. Totuşi, poveştile lor au şi deosebiri.rvices are the
other networks.

Appeared almost simultaneously on the Internet, Facebook and hi5 have become the most popular
and accessible social networking virtual world. Millions of people across the globe, including Romania,
have made them a "second home" while bringing millions of dollars and those who created them: Mark
Zuckerberg (25) and Ramu Yalamanchi (35) . Both young, both in love with computers, both creative,
both rich. However, their stories and differences

Facebook, at least in Romania, did not reach even 10% of Hi5's popularity. However, if you sit and
watch television or read newspapers, you notice that no mention almost nothing about hi5, but instead
so-called news

Diferenţa dintre facebook şi hi5 în România este că, în general, facebook-ul este promovat de
către persoanele care au o expunere publică mai mare; în schimb hi5-ul chiar dacă a pornit de
la acelaşi nivel de la care a pornit (diferenţa de acel 1 an în plus/minus e ireleventă având în
vedere că explozia în online-ul românesc a venit după lansarea acestor site-uri) şi myspace-ul,
zorpia şi alte reţele de socializare, a atras mult mai bine userii români în a-şi creea un profil
virtual unde să îşi adauge pozele.
Alte diferenţe pentru care hi5 a depăşit în România facebook-ul este că hi5-ul oferea de mai
mulţi ani site-ul tradus în limba română (aproape de la început), iar încă un element foarte
important erau linkurile custom. Ţin minte, cât de uşor era să îmi dau linkul de hi5,, pe mess, decât să dau un întreg cârnat de link. A venit şi moda… celor
mai multe viewsuri, commenturi, prietenilor…

The difference between Facebook and hi5 in Romania is that, in general, Facebook's is promoted by
people who have a greater public exposure, in contrast hi5's even started at the same level at which to
start (the difference that 1 year plus / minus is impertinence since the explosion in the online
Romanian came after the launch of these sites) and myspace site, zorpia and other social networks,
has attracted more users than the Romanian- and create a virtual profile where to add pictures.

Other differences which exceeded hi5 in Romania is that hi5's facebook site gave many years the site
translated into Romanian (very early) and still a very important element was custom links. I remember,
how easy it was to give me the link hi5,, the Messiah, only to give a whole
sausage link. He came and fashion ... most viewsuri, commenturi, friends ...

Concluzia mea e că hi5-ul a ajuns sus datorită capului

iar facebook se zbate să ajungă sus cu banul pe
publicitate. My conclusion is that hi5's head came up because of facebook and
struggles to get up with money on advertising.

in opinia mea despre retelele de socializare as

avea de spus ca exista unele deosebiri dar si
asemanari ce fac ca cele doua retele sa fie situate
la doi poli diferiti caracterizate mai exact prin
avantaje si dezavantaje.aceste doua retele sunt
diferite dar au si cateva elemente in comun mai
exact Facebook s-a inspirat din prima retea de
realizin my opinion about social networks I have to say that there are some similarities but also
differences that make the two networks will be located at two different poles accurately characterized
by strengths and two networks are diferitedar dezavantaje.aceste have some elements in common

exactly Facebook was inspired by the first network to achieve, namely hi5 are,mai exact
de ex de multe ori pe siteurile virtuale de
socializare se intalnesc persoane care incearca
prin intermediul datelor pers, a imaginilor etc sa
para ceea ce nu sunt, isi creeaza o lume a lor in
care se refugiaza de fiecare data cand realitatea e
prea dura
sau cand vor sa iaba parte de putina distractie pe
seama naivitatii celorlalti
often virtual socializing on sites trying to meet people through person data, images etc which appear
not, he creates a world that is their refuge whenever reality is too hard
or you want to iaba part of candor little fun at the expense of others

Paula Marica ne-a dezvăluit câteva trucuri cosmetice pentru un ten catifelat.

Etapa I: Se amestecă un albuş cu mălai. Se "freacă" faţa cu această pastă apoi se

clăteşte cu apă.

Etapa a II-a: Se aplică o mască dintr-un cartof fiert, un gălbenuş, o linguriţă de miere
şi o linguriţă de smântână. Masca se lasă pe faţă 10 minute apoi se spală faţa.

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