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Optimate Installation Notes

Optimate Installation Notes

To build and run Optimate jobs, HEEDS and Optimate must be installed
and licensed correctly. The configuration of Optimate requires that HEEDS
be installed before the Optimate add-on in STAR-CCM+.

HEEDS and Optimate are using licenses provided by CD-adapco. In order
to start Optimate and submit jobs, the environment variable
CDLMD_LICENSE_FILE must be defined correctly.

Installing HEEDS
The HEEDS product from Red Cedar Technology is doing the background
work for Optimate. HEEDS must be installed on the machine where cases
will be run.

Windows Installation
A Windows installation of HEEDS can be completed with the following
1. Download and extract the file Optimate_winXX.7z where XX refers to
the 32 or 64 bit version of the installation file
2. Start the install_HEEDS-Optimate_7.1_Win64.exe executable
3. Provide an appropriate installation path and select Next
4. Select Next to proceed with the installation process
5. Select Finish to close the installer
HEEDS is now installed. HEEDS POST can be found in the start menu under

Optimate Installation Notes

Linux Installation
A Linux installation of HEEDS can be completed with the following
1. Download and extract the file Optimate_linux64.7z
2. Provide the correct permissions to execute the installer by executing the
chmod u+x install_HEEDS-Optimate_7.1_Linux64.bin

3. Start the installer by executing the command:


4. Browse to a desired installation path or accept the default and select

5. Select Install.
6. Select Done.
HEEDS is now installed. HEEDS POST can be found in the installation
directory at:

Note however that you will need to select the script in the
same directory to open HEEDS POST from the Optimate UI or from the
command line.

Installing Optimate
The file Optimate_8.06.005.nbm is a Netbeans module file that must be
installed in STAR-CCM+ before Optimate can be started.

Plugin Installation
To install the Optimate module, use the following procedure:
1. Open a STAR-CCM+ client. The version must be 8.06.005 or later.
2. Select the Plugin option under the Tools menu
3. Navigate to the Downloaded tab
4. Select Add Plugins...
5. Locate and open the downloaded Optimate_8.06.005.nbm file
6. Select Install

Optimate Installation Notes

7. Continue through the installation wizard and select Finish when done
8. Select Close to exit the plugin manager
If successful, a new icon should be added to the right side of the main
Optimate can be started by loading an existing simulation file and selecting
the new icon in the toolbar.

Optimate Configuration
The first time that Optimate is started, users will be prompted to select the
executables for HEEDS and HEEDS POST.
HEEDS Executable
The HEEDS executable can be found in the installation directory at:

HEEDS POST Executable

The HEEDS POST executable can be found in the installation directory at:

Where ARCH is either LX64, Win32, or Win64, and the HEEDSPost

executable is HEEDSPost.exe on windows and on Linux.
Future Modification
The paths can be modified after the initial setup using the options in the
Tools menu in the Optimate window.

Environment Modification
When running Optimate jobs locally, STAR-CCM+ jobs will be executed
using the command starccm+ or starccm+.exe. This requires that the PATH
environmental variable be modified so that the correct version of
STAR-CCM+ is first in the list of STAR-CCM+ paths. A correct example
path looks as follows:
C:\Program Files\CD-adapco\STAR-CCM+8.06.005;

Optimate Installation Notes

If not done correctly, each STAR-CCM+ job will fail with an incompatible
version error.

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