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Homosexuality is emotional attraction, sexual attraction or sexual behaviour between

members of the same sex or gender (American Psychological Association, 2008). According
to American Psychological Association (2008), as a sexual orientation, homosexuality is an
enduring pattern of emotional, romantic, and/or sexual attraction primary or exclusively to
people of the same sex. It also refers to a persons sense of identity based on those attractions,
related behaviours, and membership in a community of others who share those attractions.
Homosexuality is widely found in human societies and it must be described as a natural
phenomenon. According to Barcalow (2003), many people condemn homosexuals and
homosexual acts as immoral. Homosexual acts are sexual acts between members of the same
sex (Barcalow, 2003). I agree with the saying that allowing gays to marry will help better
integrate them and their relationships into society.
Aquinas's natural law theory says that the natural law constitutes the basic principles
of practical rationality for human beings, and has this status by nature (ST IaIIae 94,
2). Aquinas understood human nature to be defined by reason and freedom; it is our ability to
reason and to make our own free choices ( According to utilitarian
ethics, human nature is supported by David Hume as human beings are rational beings; we
think and reason, but our sentiments rule our reason. The focus is on the natural laws and not
simply natural acts ( Natural Law Theory supports doing unnatural deeds such
as surgery for the sake of realizing a restoration of health and the prolongation of human life
which are each consistent with the natural drives of organisms: survival (
People claim that homosexual acts are immoral because they are unnatural. Natural mean
conformity with the physical laws of nature; unnatural means contrary to the physical laws of
nature (Barcalow, 2003). It is natural for a lion to eat meat and unnatural to eat grass; it is
natural for cow to eat grass and unnatural for it to eat meat. In this sense of the words natural
and unnatural, homosexual acts obviously are not unnatural. What is unnatural, in the sense
of contrary to the physical laws of nature, cannot occur (Barcalow, 2003). If we use natural
and unnatural in the statistical sense, its preposterous to think what is unnatural is morally
wrong. Most human cannot run a mile in less than 5 minutes, but it would be silly to say that
it is morally wrong to do so. Therefore, if homosexual are unnatural merely in the sense of
being statistically abnormal, we have no reason for thinking that they are morally wrong.
According to atheistic natural law theory, humans have reasoning ability and with it the laws
of nature are discernable ( If there are species on earth in which members of
the same sex physically interact to produce physical pleasure then homosexual couplings
amongst humans would be morally good ( Thus, humans are morally obliged
to use their reasoning to discern what the laws are and then to act in conformity with them.
Hence, gays marriage should be allowed because their acts are not unnatural and they have
reason and freedom to do so. Most people hate gays because they feel that it is unpleasant to
their eye. The idea of gays marriage are not unnatural should be indoctrinate to society since
that many countries in the world such as Canada, United States, France, Brazil and many
more have allowed gay marriage. Therefore people have to change the way of their thinks. By
using this way, gay marriage will slowly be accepted by majority and this can help them and
relationship to integrate better in society.

In the point of Aquinas's view he claims that the natural law is an aspect of divine
providence. The fundamental thesis affirmed here by Aquinas is that the natural law is a
participation in the eternal law (ST IaIIae 91, 2). The eternal law, for Aquinas, is that rational
plan by which all creation is ordered (ST IaIIae 91, 1); the natural law is the way that the
human being participates in the eternal law (ST IaIIae 91, 2). Aquinas defines law (ST
IaIIae 90, 4) as a rule of action put into place by one who has care of the community; and as
God has care of the entire universe, God's choosing to bring into existence beings who can
act freely and in accordance with principles of reason is enough to justify our thinking of
those principles of reason as law. So God created man in his own image, in the image of God
he created him; male and female he created them (Genesis 1:27). God create a male and a
female for them to have their next generation. The concern of people are if gay marriage is
allow, human will be extinct. Then why is abortion still happen for the purpose do not want to
take responsibility of the foetus? Wont abortion cause human to extinct? God give male and
female different sexual organs to have the function of procreation. They claim that
homosexual acts are wrong because it does not make use of its function. This view has
several problems as something may have more than one function. For example, a book may
have the function of both informing and entertaining its readers; an automobile may have the
function of both providing transport and providing status. If something has more than one
function, it is not wrong if we use it for only one of its function. The mouth can be used for
drinking, eating, speaking, breathing and kissing. Does any of these constitute an unnatural
misuse of the mouth? We might think that our sexual organ have the function of both
procreation and providing pleasure. Therefore, the claim that gays marriage caused human to
extinct is preposterous as abortion still happen. Since The United States had stipulate a law
which same sex marriages are allow, their rights are concerned and their position in the
society will be stabilized. With this, they will get their honour from the society and less
argument from the society towards them. Hence, the society will treated gay equally and this
can produce a peaceful country. In this sense, gay marriage should be allowed.
Utilitarian ethics proposed by Jeremy Bentham held that the basic consequences of
ethical choices are based on the feelings of pain and pleasure. According to the The Principle
of Utility proposed by Bentham is stated that:
One should always do whatever will have the most value for all concerned.
Utilitarianism is a normative ethical theory that focuses on right and wrong on the
outcomes of choosing one action over other actions and it is based on the consequences that
take into account the interests of others. Actions are right in proportion as they tend to
produce happiness; wrong as they tend to produce the reverse of happiness. Utilitarian ethics
can be used to show that same sex marriages should be allowed because it would cause the
greatest good for the greatest amount of people. The best possible society is one in which we
are equally protected under the law. There is precedence for this consideration in the state of
Massachusetts ( Same-sex marriages were made legal there in 2004
( Since then, the polls have continually shown that a larger and larger
percentage of residents think that they should be legal. In 2003, 50% of Massachusetts

residents thought that same sex marriage should be legal (Phillips, Klein, 2003), by 2013, that
number had risen to 60% (MA voters say yes to minimum wage increase, no to government
shutdown, 2013). We have seen this happen in American before. At one time interracial
marriages were illegal, and were not protected under the law, and then the law was changed
( Now they are protected and our society no longer has to deal with those who
find it unethical. Because of what has happened in Massachusetts since 2004, we have good
reasons to believe the same will happen with same sex marriages. Make same-sex marriages
legal, and society will begin see them as just another family, and everyone, gay and straight
alike, will be equally protected under the law. With this, allowing gay marriage help better
integrate them and their relationship into society.
The harm principle states that people should only be prevented from performing
actions if those actions would harm other individuals ( The Harm
Principle is intended to place limits not only on the authority of government, but also on the
actions of the collective public ( I believe that society disagree gay
marriage violate Mill's harm principle. I can't think of anyone who gets harmed when people
of the same sex are allowed to marry. What do you think Mill would have to say about this?
Am I off base or does this really violate the harm principle? Are there really any ethics to
sexuality (is that a completely different subject)? How does this harm other people? One
could argue that it sets back evolution and humankind, because same-sex couples aren't
producing offspring- but is that really harming us? It's not like some contagious disease that
needs to be contained. Therefore, gays marriage should be allow as it did not harm anyone.
The underlying problem with prohibiting homosexual acts, then, is not that the state is
using the law to enforce private morality. It is that the law is based on the mistaken view that
homosexuality is immoral and unnatural. In conclusion, gays marriage should be allow as it is
not immoral, unnatural and it also did not harm any of the society.

According to the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on
the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography-Article 2(c), child pornography
means any representation by whatever means, of a child engaged in real or stimulated explicit
activities or any representation of the sexual parts of a child for primary sexual purposes.
Many arguments have been made about whether or not pornography is morally acceptable,
but when children are involved in any kind of sexual exploitation, they are by most nations
standard, victims if a crime. In my point of view, child pornography is morally wrong and
illegal because each child involved in the production of pornography (image or video) is a
victim of sexual abuse (U.S department of justification). Child sexual abuse is defined as any
sexual act involves forcing or enticing a child or young person to take part in sexual
activities, not necessarily involving a high level of violence, whether or not the child is aware
of what is happening (
The harm principle states that people should only be prevented from performing
actions if those actions would harm other individuals ( Child
sexual abuse not only cause physical harm but also mental harm to a child. Child being
sexual abused will suffer not just from the sexual abuse but also from knowing that their
images can be traded and viewed by others worldwide. The permanent record of a childs
sexual abuse can alter his or her entire life because once an image is on the internet; it is
irretrievable and can continue to circulate forever. They will mentally suffer because in most
child pornography cases the abuse is not a one-time event, but rather on going victimization
that progresses over months or years. It is common for producers of child pornography to
groom victims, or cultivate a relationship with a child and gradually sexualize the contact
over time. The grooming process fosters a false sense of trust and authority over a child in
order to desensitize or break down a childs resistance to sexual abuse. There is no place in
the priesthood and religious life for those who would harm the young. -Pope John Paul II
Therefore, child pornography is morally wrong because it cause physically and mentally
harm to a child.
Utilitarian ethics proposed by Jeremy Bentham held that the basic consequences of
ethical choices are based on the feelings of pain and pleasure. According to the The Principle
of Utility proposed by Bentham is stated that:
One should always do whatever will have the most value for all concerned.
Utilitarianism is a normative ethical theory that focuses on right and wrong on the outcomes
of choosing one action over other actions and it is based on the consequences that take into
account the interests of others. Actions are right in proportion as they tend to produce
happiness; wrong as they tend to produce the reverse of happiness. In the point of view of
Utilitarianism, child pornography is wrong as the consequences tend to produce reverse of
happiness. In this case the children who have being sexually abuse might feel low self-esteem
and offended. This will cause the children to have no courage to face their future. As a result,
child pornography leaves painful, sadness and the feeling of hopeless to the children being
sexually abuse. As there was demand, the production of child porn will be continuing. This
will cause condoning the use of children in inappropriate sexual contexts, strengthening the

argument of paedophiles that children are asking for sex, exploiting and dehumanising
children without their informed consent and glamuorising children as sexual objects. The
consequence has created more pain then happiness in a child. Therefore, child porn is morally
Ethical absolutism is moral rules that are always true, that these rules apply to
everyone in all situations regardless of the context of the act and which allow no exception. It
holds that morals are inherent in the laws of the universe, the nature of humanity, the will of
God or some other fundamental source. In ethical absolutism child abuse is absolutely
immoral regardless of the beliefs and goals of a culture that engages in these practices. Child
pornography had opposed the will of God, the nature of human beings, the nature of life in
general, or the universe itself. Therefore, child porn is morally wrong.
In the point of Aquinas's view he claims that the natural law is an aspect of divine
providence. The fundamental thesis affirmed here by Aquinas is that the natural law is a
participation in the eternal law (ST IaIIae 91, 2). Aquinas said that God has care of the entire
universe. When God created mankind, he instructed them to 'fill the earth and subdue it
(Genesis 1:28). It is our responsibility to love each one of us, completely and unconditionally
although they are strangers. "The abuse of the young is a grave symptom of a crisis affecting
not only the Church, but society as a whole. It is a deeply-seated crisis of sexual morality.
The Catholic faithful must know that bishops and priests are totally committed to the fullness
of Catholic truth on matters of sexual morality.- Pope John Paul II Child porn is morally
wrong because it violent the command of God that we have to love each one other completely
and unconditionally.
In conclusion, child porn is morally wrong because it violent the commands of God; it
cause harm to other; it bring more sadness than happiness.

Societies are controlled by governments. This is the starting point for discussing
social contract theory. Hobbes believed that in nature, individuals had to do whatever was
necessary to survive ( But he also believed that people were still likely to fight
even if they lived together. Therefore, a contract was necessary. In Hobbes' view of the social
contract, people were not capable of living in a democratic society ( A powerful,
single ruler was needed. If everyone did his or her part, society could function relatively
smoothly. Living in society, however, requires rules and laws. Societies are the result of
compromises, and social contracts provide the framework for how people and governments
interact. Individuals who live within a social structure gain protection from outsiders who
may seek to harm them. In return, they must give up certain freedoms (like the ability to
commit crimes without being punished), and they should contribute to making society stable,
wealthy, and happy. For example a snatch thief will catch by police because of the crime that
conducted and it will help in stabilize the society.
The concept of the Land Ethic was developed by Aldo Leopold in A Sand County
Almanac. The land ethic simply enlarges the boundaries of the community to include soils,
waters, plants, and animals, or collectively: the land.- Aldo Leopold (1949) Leopold
understood that ethics direct individuals to cooperate with each other for the mutual benefit of
all. One of his philosophical achievements was the idea that this community should be
enlarged to include non-human elements such as soils, waters, plants, and animals, or
collectively: the land ( According to The Golden Rule of the Land Ethic, a
thing is right when it tend to preserve the integrity, stability, and beautiful of the biotic
community; it is wrong when it tend otherwise. Land is a community is the basic concept of
ecology, but that land is to be loved and respected is an extension of ethics. Human are plain
members and citizens therefore we have obligation to act consistently with the long term
welfare of the community. For example, excessive logging had disobeyed land ethic because
we do not act consistently with the long term welfare of the community; it will cause loss of
ecological balance. Therefore excessive logging is wrong as land ethic teaches us that we
should consider our actions in light of their impact on the living, breathing community.

The term 'natural law' is derived from the belief that human morality comes from
nature ( Saint Thomas Aquinas explains that natural law is nothing more
than the rational creatures participation in the Eternal Law. Its general precept, from which
all the others follow, is that good is to be done and pursued, and evil is to be avoided
( Aquinas claims that natural law is an aspect of divine providence
( Eternal law is comprised of those laws that govern the nature of an
eternal universe. It is the moral law; the law of nature. It is the law which God in the creation
of man infused into him for his direction and preservation. For law, as Aquinas defines it as a
rule of action put into place by one who has care of the community; and as God has care of
the entire universe, God's choosing to bring into existence beings who can act freely and in
accordance with principles of reason is enough to justify our thinking of those principles of
reason as law ( Law is directed by its nature to the good, and especially to
the universal or common good ( Therefore, we humans are guided by our
human nature to figure out what the laws are, and to act in conformity with those laws. For
example, if we throwing injured passengers in an accident in order for us to survive, this acts
under natural law is immoral. Acts of violence, like murder, work against our 'humanly
purpose' to live a good life. Therefore, throwing the injured passengers is an unnatural act and
contrary to natural law. Even if their deaths would ensure the survival of other, but the act of
murder is against our human nature. Natural law forbids killing the injured passengers under
any circumstances. A law against murder is a just law under the natural law theory.

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