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Office of the Secretariat

345 Addiscombe Road

Council of

Croydon, Surrey

Unitarians and

+44 7921 822585


Global Chalice Lighting for February 2016

ICUU announces the 150th in its monthly global chalice lighting readings. Congregations worldwide are invited to use
the reading for at least one worship service in the designated month, identifying it as the ICUU Global Chalice
Lighting for that month. This Global Chalice Lighting was originally submitted by the Australia and New Zealand
Unitarian Universalist Association.

We light this Chalice, a living symbol of the one Life that animates and sustains all

things and all persons, the one Life in which we all live and move and have our being,
and the one Life which perpetually gives of itself to itself so as to become the many.

By means of the light of truth and reason, and the warmth of fellowship and

compassion, may the many come to know themselves to be not only interconnected
with each other but also indivisible emanations of that one great Light which
enlightens all Life and which can never be extinguished

Rev. Dr. Ian Ellis-Jones Australian and New Zealand Unitarian Universalist Association


Nous allumons ce calice en tant que symbole vivant de la Vie qui anime et soutient
toute chose et toute personne, une Vie dans laquelle nous vivons et nous oeuvrons, et
y avons toute notre existence ; cette Vie qui donne perptuellement aux uns et aux
autres, de faon atteindre le plus grand nombre.
Au moyen de cette lumire de vrit et de raison, de cette chaleur de la fraternit et de
la compassion, puissent la plupart mieux se connatre non seulement en tant qu'tres
en relation les uns avec les autres mais aussi recevant les manations indivisibles de
cette source unique de lumire, qui claire toute la vie et qui ne peut jamais tre teinte.
- Rev. Dr. Ian Ellis-Jones Australian and New Zealand Unitarian Universalist Association


Wir entznden diesen Leuchter, ein lebendiges Sinnbild fr das eine Leben, das alle
Menschen und alles Sein beseelt und erhlt und in dem wir unser Dasein gestalten.
Das eine Leben, das sich stndig selbst erneuert, um auszustrahlen und viele
Menschen zu erreichen.
Mgen sie mit Hilfe des Lichtes der Wahrheit und der Vernunft, der Wrme von
Gemeinschaft und Mitgefhl, erkennen, dass sie nicht nur untereinander verbunden
sind, sondern auch untrennbare Ausdrucksweisen des einen groen Lichtes, das alles
Leben erhellt und niemals ausgelscht werden kann.
- Rev. Dr. Ian Ellis-Jones Australian and New Zealand Unitarian Universalist Association


Accendiamo questo calice, un simbolo vivente di quella Vita che anima e sostiene tutte
le cose e tutte le persone, quella vita in cui tutti viviamo, ci muoviamo ed esistiamo,
quella vita che continuamente si rigenera in modo da diventare molteplice.
Attraverso la luce della verit e della ragione, attraverso il calore della fratellanza e
della compassione, possano molti giungere a conoscere se stessi per essere non solo
interconnessi gli uni con gli altri, ma anche indivisibili emanazioni di quella grande
Luce che illumina la Vita tutta e che non potr mai spegnersi.
- Rev. Dr. Ian Ellis-Jones Australian and New Zealand Unitarian Universalist Association


Encendemos este cliz, un smbolo vivo de la vida nica que anima y sostiene a todas
las cosas y a todas las personas, la vida en que todos vivimos y nos movemos y
tenemos nuestro ser, y la vida que siempre da de s misma a s misma para convertirse
en muchas.
Mediante la luz de la verdad y la razn, y la calidez de fraternidad y compasin,
puedan muchos venir a reconocerse a ellos mismos no slo como seres conectados el
uno al otro, sino tambin como indivisibles emanaciones de una gran luz la cual
ilumina toda la vida y que nunca puede ser extinguida
- El Rev. Dr. Ian Ellis-Jones Asociacin, Unitaria Universalista Australiana y Nueva

(With many thanks to our volunteer translators: Jean-Claude Barbier (French), Freya Bednarski-

Stelling (German), Paola Ferrari (Italian) and Roberto Padilla (Spanish).)

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