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Kokoro Flow Lecture 6-25-11

by on June 28, 2011
Kokoro flow
My others
3 circles with kokoro flow-my others- self
We show up in the world with my others my family, military, your team, you need Team physical readiness
Team mental readiness, team Maturity Team situational awareness
How do we achieve mastery in the my others and self
In self We need physical readiness and need strength, stamina, endurance Need mental readiness which is
more than college degree, mental readiness is breathing, visualization, goal setting, positive attitude Need
emotional readiness which is insight and examination. Awareness of what is holding us back.
Tapas is burning off shadow of what is holding us back possibly through physical.
All part of five mountains of self are physical readiness, mental readiness, emotional readiness Self
awareness intuition
Integral theory of how we view the world is Awareness
Mental toughness is pretty simple with goals, visualization
Emotional control is harder. If you harbor past shadows and button is pushed then you explode. Difficult to
train emotional.
Awareness and intuition is harder. Starts with good world view. Right thought -what is your thought.? Look
at mental models which help you to make better decisions. Control ego which is controlled by monkey mind.

Most of society stays in monkey mind babbling and in ego.

Right Action I-We-it
Body control, breath control,
non-action is concentration and meditation.
How many athletes take tome to be silent and polish mirror.
Concentration technique of breathing, watching an item. Meditation thought less ness, sitting in silence.
The longer you sit in silence will allow you to be more aware of world
You can spontaneously find this in hard physical action
Awareness practices
Yoga is moving concentration
Box breath and centering breath
Box breathing is a practice. Concentrate on breath as center post. Box breath is Calming and centering. When
you need air nothing else in your mind, can use box breath in all cases at work or workout, Box breath is 5
second in and hold for 5 second then exhale for 5 sec, Good stress is good for performance through arousal
and physical action. Bad stress is bad for performance Sitting contemplating Concentration on a mantra
Concentration on an object (flower), image (painting) sound (ocean)
Moving purposefully
Fox walk with wide angle vision. Mindful observation
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