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'A Double Promise Reveals Its Inner And Outer Meanings'

10:29PM AEST

April 14, 2010


This New Moon is taking place towards the end of Aries, the first sign of the
zodiac. It continues last month's theme of blended endings and beginnings. We
are still winding up old projects, are now in the planning stages of new ones and
also consolidating some of the beginnings which have been made since the Sun
entered Aries.

It is a time for making haste slowly.

As much as we would wish otherwise, nothing can be rushed at this time.

Patience is called for. The fable of 'The Tortoise and the Hare is instructive now,
with some of the planets behaving like the proverbial tortoise, and some of them
like the hare.

This will likely create some tension and friction, as we negotiate where, when and
how to hurry up and slow down!

This New Moon in Aries is very much like the hare, as Aries - the first sign of the
zodiac - is a sign of the moment, of immediate circumstances, reactions and
responses. It has a strong affinity for beginnings. As the first fire sign of the
Zodiac, it is instinctive and just wants to go 'haring off' to do its own thing.

The desire to strike out now in some new direction is powerful now, as Mars - the
planet of action and ruler of Aries - has now turned direct in harmonious
relationship with the Sun and Moon in the sign of creative expression, Leo, which
is also a fire sign. Mars will be in its retrograde shadow until mid May, and
symbolically going back over old ground until then. It is the nature of the fire
element to want to move, and Mars - as a fire planet in a fire sign - especially
wants to make up for lost time now, to catch up with itself, and shed the
handicap imposed upon it by its recent retrograde phase.

While the Sun, Moon and Mars are all keen to get going, Mercury and Venus want
to slow down and take stock. Mercury, the planet of communication, and Venus
the planet of values and relationship, are now both in Taurus, the first Earth sign
of the zodiac, which follows Aries. Taurus' nature is much more tortoise-like and
it has a reputation as being the 'slowest' sign of the zodiac. Taurus also has a
strong association with the earth itself, and its resources. On a more abstract
level Taurus is associated with our personal resources - physical, emotional,
mental and spiritual - what we consider to be 'ours' to draw on and make use of.
It rules 'raw' materials, and with Mercury and Venus in that sign, the stocktake
process, which began last month, is continuing.

New Moon in Aries 2

On April 19 Mercury once again enters its own retrograde phase, this time in
Taurus. It will turn retrograde at 12TA and will be retrograde until May 12 when
it will turn direct at 2 TA. It will finally move out of its retrograde shadow phase
on 29 May. At its station direct, it will make a prolonged harmonious aspect with
Pluto, planet of transformation, in the sign of Capricorn, the empire builder. This
will take place during the first three weeks of May and will be a great time for
practical troubleshooting; workable solutions to problems are likely to appear
with the application of a little diligence and patience.

While Taurus is the slowest of any of the zodiac signs to embrace change, it has
its own special wisdom and intelligence in its stillness. When Mercury is
retrograde in Taurus, it is a time to embrace the stillness of this sign, and to find
the intelligence in its silence. Any progress we make at this time will be
dependent on our being methodical and diligent and our ability to listen to what is
not being said. Dot all your I's and cross your T's, and take a 'steady as she
goes' approach.

There is a period of a week between the New Moon on April 14 and the Sun
changing signs from Aries to Taurus on April 21. This is an opportune window to
get something already planned started, after which projects and plans old and
new, will slow down and settle under the earthy energetic influence of Taurus.
The mind will want to be still and the body will want to move, so this is a good
time to practice meditation, and to engage in physical activity, both of which will
help channel this somewhat contradictory energy.

As the Sun changes sign from Aries to Taurus on April 21, the asteroid Chiron,
symbol of the Wounded Healer, changes sign at the same time, from Aquarius to
Pisces. This is significant, as Chiron has been in Aquarius for the last 5 years or
so. Its principle will undergo an energetic shift from the airy abstraction of
Aquarius to the watery compassion of Pisces.

As they change signs, both the Sun and Chiron will form inconjuncts with
retrograde Saturn in Virgo, creating an aspect known as a yod or a Finger of God.
A yod is a double inconjunct, where two planets both make inconjuncts to a third.
The third planet, as the apex of the pattern, becomes the point of tension and

Inconjuncts are erratic in nature, and indicate a need for constant readjustment:
sometimes their energy is harmoniously flowing, and sometimes it is jarring. It is
very difficult to control; an easier way to handle it is to monitor and respond and
adapt. We will need to be on our toes at this time to stay on top of things. The
rapid shifts are likely to be around what makes relationships 'tick' for us: Saturn -
the planet of structure which is at the apex of this yod - is retrograde and back in
Virgo, the sign of details, from Libra, the sign of relationship. Something from
the past is being revisited one more time, to be either tweaked one last time, or
just so we can be certain that it actually does not work and can properly be let go
as a foundation, for relationship.

Be prepared for a surprise or two as the Sun and Chiron change signs and set off
this shift, around April 21. If you find yourself squirming a bit emotionally around
this time, and uncomfortable with some situation or dynamic or person, take it as
a sign of adjustment to a new way of being. The idealism of the recent
Jupiter/Neptune/Chiron triple conjunction is coming to an acid test with this yod
aspect. Many of us haven’t yet caught up with how much we have changed, and
it’s relationships, which are the mirror and measure for this. Suddenly we are
looking at a new reflection of ourselves; what we want is different to what it was.

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New Moon in Aries 3

The intensity of this discomfort will pass relatively quickly as the yod aspect
wanes, and when it does, we will likely find ourselves in a new position with a
new perspective as to how we ‘operate’ in relationship.

The Sabian symbol for this New Moon serves to highlight this process, which
involves honouring both sides of the ‘double promise’ we all make when we enter
into any significant relationship. We either have to lower our own excessively
high expectations or we have to live up to our own promises. Francis
LaRochFoucauld said, 'We promise according to our hopes and we perform
according to our fears.'

The way forward now - the middle path - is through compassion. Chiron is
moving from Aquarius, an air sign given to abstraction, to Pisces, a water sign,
which seeks emotional expression. We are moving from abstraction to
compassion. Chiron has been in Aquarius for five years and we've all had high
ideals about how we want our relationships to be and have been seeking out
groups who are likeminded, with whom we can affiliate ourselves.

Now, it's about real people and real feelings and what goes on between
individuals at an emotional level, within that group context. It's about meeting
each other from a more embodied place emotionally, which requires
compassionate awareness and an ability to be comfortable with the wounds of
both self and other.

Being wounded is a human condition, and we don't have to be hurt by others in

order to experience our woundedness. It's now time to acknowledge that it's
entirely possible to be wounded without being a victim, and to recentre our
relationships to self and other accordingly. It is human nature to have
completely contradictory sets of responses to relationship dynamics: what we
think and what we feel can often be vastly different. It's now a good time to take
stock of all of this, and get a true baseline for where we are. Pisces is gifted at
being able to embrace larger and larger spiritual and emotional truths, as its
traditional ruling planet is Jupiter, whose principle is that of expansion.

Under Chiron in Pisces, it will be a good time to ask ourselves what we are now
going to do with our woundedness - how we are going to grow beyond it - if we
are no longer going to either deny it is there or hold others responsible for it. If
we can acknowledge and take responsibility for our own hurt, then we become
free to grow and to connect in new, more fulfilling ways. In turn, these will meet
our deeper needs which will be rising to the surface.

This is the time to embrace more of who we truly are right now, rather than who
we wish we were and/or aspire to be.

This month we also have the 4th of 5 oppositions between Uranus, the planet of
the new, and Saturn, the planet of the old. An opposition is an aspect of
polarised tension and stand off, and so the energetic signature of this aspect can
be described as 'Learn the Rules, and then Break Them'.

This 4th opposition takes place on April 26. The first 3 in the current series were
on Nov 4 2008, Feb 5 2009 and Sept 15 2009. Look back to see what issues
were crystallising for you at these times, as the theme will re emerge.

This will be the last of the oppositions in the signs of Pisces (spirit) and Virgo
(matter). Under it there will likely be some sort of definitive restructuring to a
long-standing situation or issue, which has remained stuck.

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New Moon in Aries 4

Following this, an elemental shift will take place as both planets change signs -
Uranus into Aries, and Saturn back into Libra. The shift will be from earth/water
(Virgo/Pisces) to fire/air in (Aries/Libra). Earth and water are much more dense
energetically than fire and air, so after the shift into Aries/Libra there will also
likely be a shift in perspective which will allow us to lighten up and take a newly
inspired approach, which is much freer. At this point - whatever our stuck
situation is, no matter how heavy it has seemed and how impossible to resolve -
it will likely seem to lose its excessive gravity and restriction, just because we
have learned to perceive it differently.

Uranus is the modern ruler of Aquarius, which is the sign of groups and group
consciousness. Pisces rules spirituality, and what I have noticed is that Uranus
transiting the last degrees of Pisces and moving towards the end of the zodiac,
seems to be corresponding with a quantum leap in collective consciousness.

People are especially sensitive and experiences of a 'psychic' nature are becoming
more and more common for them. This is not just an individual experience any
more; we are learning to use these abilities collectively. Thus it is important that
we recalibrate ourselves psychically from time to time, as the groups in which we
participate and our roles within them evolve. We still remain individual psychic
instruments, no matter how connected we are to our group. We serve our
chosen collective best, by learning to tune and play our individual psychic
instruments properly.

The Uranus/Saturn/Pluto t-square which is currently forming - with Saturn and

Pluto both retrograde - has brought with it peculiar personal conundrums unlike
anything we may have experienced before. As well as increased sensitivity,
many of us have been undergoing some form of personal quickening as we are
challenged by circumstances in a radical way. We have been forced under
pressure to tap into previously hidden spiritual resources in order to move

Move forward we will, as now is a great time to make a break from the past and
towards something, which has long been percolating within us, and waiting for
realisation. This break will take some planning and some diligence and it is not
quite going to happen overnight. If we have done all we can to help things along,
then all that remains is to trust, let go and leave them be to resolve of their own
accord in their own time. The temptation will be to hurry under this New moon
and there is the possibility of some frustration. However, Jupiter is also joining
Uranus in the latter degrees of Pisces this month, and the two of these combined
have the potential to create a real tipping point, and bring once in a lifetime,
surprising opportunities for radical personal growth and expansion. This promise
for the future is reflected in the Sabian degree following that of the New Moon for
this month; it is 'A Man Possessed Of More Gifts Than He Can Hold.'

If we do a little more preparation and go back over the details of our current plan
now, and if we put out feelers to check the lay of the land ahead of us, we will be
completely ready to strike out for a brand new horizon of possibility, which will
appear as Uranus and Jupiter move into Aries over the next few months.

May your stars bless you this month,


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New Moon in Aries 5

With thanks to Lynda Hill for the material in her book 'The Sabian Symbols As An Oracle'

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spinning lamps in the sky
lighting my way

© Sandra Kozmits 2008

About S andra

Sandra has been entranced by the magic of the stars since the time she first discovered an astrology book, in the
library in primary school. She was born in Melbourne in 1971 as a Cancer with Aries rising and a Libra Moon, and
completed her Certificate in Applied Astrology at the Chiron Centre in Melbourne in her early 20’s. Since then, she
has been passionately exploring and studying the holistic relationship between sky and earth through a variety of
healing modalities. She now practices as a life coach, combining astrology with NLP and other techniques in a
completely unique synergy, which helps clients centre and empower themselves not only in their own lives, but also in
relationship to the cosmos. Her specialty is helping clients unlock their inner wealth and their 'why'.

Sandra is a member of the Federation of Australian Astrologers.

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