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Man and God, man and life, man and political

world, man and man

It is very hard to encapsulate every moment that man has on earth.
Sometimes we partly tell our story and fairly listen. Struggling to live for that
blessed destination is not easy, so much thistles punctuated on our side,
sometimes stumbling and we have to carry on as those lived by faith did,
primarily admitting ourselves to be foreigners on earth and doing our best to
benefit those who follow.
Living on earth some is challenge, some is unfortunate and others
don't know but all we have arduous path that requires devotion and
determination till the end. As Ben Carson says, life is not just the
entrance and exit from the earth but living in full satisfaction
thanking God in every situation we face. It is all about God.
We are living in such a sensitive time when the wise are twisting the
knowledge, when educated are misguiding the principles of life, when foolish
are suffering on hands of those supposed to save them. A child is born and
told that there is no God, a weak man is radicalized to kill the enemy, every
conspiracy is up driven by immoral force to defeat what before considered to
be right.
We must chart out a way how to live the days, we must hold on what is good
and what the scripture tells us to do as God commanded/commands them/us
to obey. This generation is responsible in every barbarity bedeviling world
today, we must stand and challenge the yoke. We can renew our life and live
like them, those who walked by faith in spirit. We can be like Elijah, like
Apostle Paul who fought the good fight, kept the faith and successfully
finished the race. It is possible, don't grow weary brother!
Man wakes up in fated morning and all over a suddenly zealous world
declares inevitable for him, to follow monolithic version of life where freedom
to life is scarce, to choose life or death. I have been following closely what
has been happening in our 21st century, deep from the angle of bigotry,
LGBT rights, terrorism and so many other frailties sapping human life today.
A political government gives freedom to minority, minority misuses freedom
to disadvantage the righteous/majority. A man decides not to bake cake for
gays because compromises his faith, a political court jails the righteous for
denying such contract. When will the will minority and majority be equal on
eyes of political ruler? Never!
Church is a commissioned body on earth commanded to go all over the
nations of the earth to make disciples, baptizing all in the name of the
Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. How will church mix their role with
political world? Impossible!
A young child is indoctrinated how to kill non-believer in 'His name'. When
did scripture tell us to kill our enemies? Man today is so much corrupted and

full of hatred and zealous. Men of darkness have decided to snare righteous
with unfound promises of after-life. Today all Islamic groups are fighting
under the die-hard Sharia law. Any person who justifies persecuting so called
'infidels' is inferior to kingdom of my Jesus Christ who says 'Love your
We must learn how not to be swayed away by false preaching, not to
surrender ourselves in chains of darkness. To live means an obligation to
challenge the evil, to defeat the evil is to do good. There is no promotion in

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