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Thesis statement

People tends to eat milk chocolates and white chocolates because of their sweet
taste compared to dark chocolate which are bitter. Actually, there are many secrets
lays inside dark chocolates that give benefits greatly in health especially for blood
pressure, heart attack and cholesterol level.

Topic sentence 1

Reduces blood pressure

1. Tauberts study in Duisburg, Germany (Hitti, 2007).
a) Comparing white chocolate with dark chocolate
b) Preformed test to 44 adults
c) Results show that dark chocolate reduces blood pressure
2. Flavanols increase amounts of nitric acid in the body (Gunnars, 2015).
a) Causes blood vessel walls to relax and open
b) Consequently cutting blood pressure
3. Natives of San Blas Island in Central America, who drink flavanol-rich
cocoa drinks every day had normal blood pressure regardless of age (Wiley,

Topic sentence 2

Lower the risk of heart attack

1. Contain high antioxidant such as polyphenols, flavanols and catechins
a) Antioxidant gobble up free radicals; a destructive molecules that
implicated heart dieses
b) Antioxidant reduce the amount of low-density lipoprotein(LDL)
by 10%

LDL bad cholesterol built in arteries

Form blockage impede blood flow/ clots
trigger heart attack

(Whiteman, 2015)
2. Rises the level of good cholesterol (HDL)
a) Reduce the risk of having a heart attack (Eating Choolate, 2015)
3. Small amounts of dark chocolate can cut your risk of heart attack because,
like aspirin, chocolate has a biochemical effect that reduces the clumping
of platelets, which cause blood to clot. Platelet clumping can be fatal if a
clot forms and blocks a blood vessel, causing a heart attack (Mercola,
4. A few squares of dark chocolate a day can reduce the risk of death
from heart attack by almost 50% in some cases, says Diane Becker, MPH,
ScD, a researcher with the John Hopkins University School of Medicine
Becker's research found that blood platelets clotted more slowly in people

who had eaten chocolate than in those who had not.. (Magee, 2007)
Topic sentence 3

Give a beneficial effect on cholesterol level

1. Consist of stearic acid and oleic acid
a) Stearic acid saturated fats
does not elevate blood cholesterol levels as much
as other saturated fatty acids. (Magee, 2007)
b) Oleic acid mono-saturated fats
does not raise cholesterol instead reduce it
c) With a proper portions, we do not have to worry about
consuming dessert that would not increase our cholesterol level
2. One study involved groups of men on 3 different diets -one high in oleic
acid, the second in stearic acid, and the third in palmitic acid (the prevalent
fat in beef, pork and dairy products, and the fat thought to be a primary
contributor to increased LDL levels and cardiovascular disease). The
results surprised many people. The high-oleic acid diet reduced cholesterol
levels by about 10 percent. The high stearic acid diet reduced cholesterol
by even more-about 14 percent. ( Truth About Chocolate, 2015)


Dark chocolate benefits greatly in health especially in lowering the blood pressure,
lowering the risk of heart attack and give beneficial effect on cholesterol level.
Although many positive effects of chocolate and its ingredients have been
documented in the cardiovascular system, precautions in its use are mandatory.
Dark chocolate should be take in correct portion or quantity.

Chocolate. (2015). Retrieved January 20, 2016, from
Dr. Mercola. (2014, March 31). Dark Chocolate's Health Secrets. Mercola. Retrieved January
19, 2016, from
Elaine Magee (Ed.). (2007). Health By Chocolate. Retrieved January 27, 2016, from

Honor Whiteman. (2015, June 18). Chocolate: is it really good for our health?. Medical
News Today. Retrieved January 19, 2016, from
Katherine Harmon Courage. (2014, March 19). Why Is Dark Chocolate Good for You?
Thank Your Microbes. Scientific American. Retrieved January 19, 2016, from
Kris Gunner (Ed.). (2015). 7 Proven Health Benefits Of Dark Chocolate. Retrieved January
19, 2016, from
Linda Rao (Ed.). (2011). Dark Chocolate Can Pack a Big Antioxidant Wallop. Retrieved
January 19, 2016, from
Luke Yoquinto (Ed.). (2012). The Truth About Cocoa Butter. Retrieved January 27, 2016,
Miranda Hitti (Ed.). (2007). Eating 30 Calories Per Day of Dark Chocolate May Lower High
Blood Pressure. Retrieved January 27, 2016, from
Truth About Chocolate and Fat. (2015). Retrieved January 27, 2016, from

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