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Commentary on the Apostles Creed

By Romn Gonzlez
The Apostles Creed is an ancient summary of doctrine in the early western
Christian church that summarize the principle teachings of the entire Bible with the purpose
of helping the church not to depart from the right meaning of the Scripture. It is known as
the Apostles Creed cause it was thought it had been composed for the twelve apostles.
There was a tradition that says each one of the twelve disciples contributed a clause. But,
even thou I would really like to think this to be true, there are no proven evidences that the
twelve disciples of Jesus wrote it. Nevertheless, the church still use it because its teachings
are rooted in the message of the apostles.
The Apostles Creed has three mayor divisions or sections, each one of it starts with
the statement I believe and every division is related to one of the persons of the Trinity.
One is dedicated to the Father, the next one to the Son, and the last one to the Holy Spirit.
The largest section is the one related to the Son. Let see each one of its sections.
First section of the Apostles Creed: Related to the Father
I believe in God. It is very interesting that it doesnt say in a god but in God, so
the creed shows the monotheistic idea the church had at this point in the history, linking by
it the Jewish teaching from the old Testament of One God. This one God as latter in the
history of the church is presented as existing in three persons but still, one God. Even
though the creed does not use the word Trinity it seems in the making of these mayor
divisions that the apostles creed holds a Trinitarian view of the God of the Scripture.
The Father Almighty. God is father in two senses. First, He is the Father of Jesus
Christ as latter on is affirmed by the creed. This assertion shows the filial relationship that
exists between God the father and Jesus the Son. God is also the Father of those who
believe in Jesus, in other words, Jesus make his Father our Father by his work of salvation.
Now we are adopted sons and daughters of God. All this means that God is a personal God
and we can relate to him in Christ his only Son. His power has no limit, He is the God of
the impossible.
Creator of heavens and earth. God is the creator or maker of all things that exist.
The things that are in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible as the Nicene creed states
it. It means at list two things: First, all the rest are creatures and He is the only one who
deserved to be worshiped. We as creatures owe Him honor and respect. To worship the
creatures either animals or trees is idolatry. Second, Because God created all things, all
things are good as it is stated in the Genesis account.
Second section of the Apostles Creed: Related to the Son
This is the largest section in the Apostles creed. As the same as the father, this
section of the creed begins with the affirmation I believe in Jesus. Even though the word
believe doesnt appears in the first forms of the creed it is obvious by the conjunction
and. The first affirmation in this section is the relationship there is between the Son and

the Father. He is the only Son of God in the sense that only He is truly God and He posses
all Gods attributes. He is also Lord, which means that Jesus is sovereign and that He is
Almighty and we own Him honor, glory and praise.
The creed mentions the state of humiliation of Jesus by mention the fact of his
incarnation in the words: who was conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the virgin
Mary. He came to the world as a baby to live a real human life in order to identified
himself with humankind and act as our representative before the Father. So He is able to
clean us from the pollution of our sins. Then the creed speaks of the events in the live of
Jesus. This is an explanation that Christendom doesnt have some kind of mere fideism but
instead of the Faith of the Christians are rooted in historical facts of the life, dead and
resurrection of Jesus Christ.
The state of the exaltation of Jesus is referred also in the words: He ascended into heaven
and is seated at the right hand of God Actually the last part in this section is all about
the exaltation of de Son. Contrary to his sufferings now the creed speaks about things that
are taking place right now in heavenly places. Jesus is been given all the power and all the
authority all over the creation, not only as creator but also as redeemer. He is the King who
is reining on all over the creation in two senses, as creator and redeemer. He is not a King
waiting for rule but instead of He is already ruling. The present hope of every Christian is
the second coming of Christ. Again Christ is not coming in relation to sin but to judge all
human kind for their deeds.
Third section of the Apostles Creed: Related to the Holy Spirit
The Holy Spirit is the third divine person of the Godhead, which means that He posses all
the attributes of God. He is co-partaker of the same nature of the Father and the Son. He is
God. After the creed mentions that the Christian church has always believe in the Holy
Spirit, then it speaks of all the different ministries He has. First, it mentions the holy
catholic church, which means that we believe there is only a true church of Christ and that
this church is universal because its the gathering of all the redeemed people of God of all
nations and all times in human history. Second, this Church is also referred as the
communion of the saints. Communion can exist only on the ground of their union with
Christ, which is the head of the body by the work of the Holy Spirit.
Third, we also believe as the creed affirms in the forgiveness of sin. It is a statement that
indicates the special and uniqueness of Gods pardon. There is not other God who offers
forgiveness of sin as God the Fathers does it in the person of Jesus and through the work of
the Spirit within us. The Apostles Creed ends with two affirmations on last things. First, it
speaks of the resurrection of the body. Contrary to what many Christians beliefs the creed
states we believe God is going to bring back our body in a glorified way, we are not to exist
in eternity (the last affirmation of the creed) as disembodies soul. God will also restore our
material body to live a life with no ends.

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