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History Essay
The decisions that were made at the
Treaty of Versailles were completely
unexpected. As Politician insert German
name here said; We thought that
Wilsons 14 points would come up at
the meeting All the countries arms
would be reduced. All countries would
be in the League of Nations, and there
was no mention of paying reparations.
Since when are we to blame for this
attack on our country? If anything, we
are the victims. We fought to defend
our country, and though we may not
have won, we were definitely not the
creators of this terrible war. Not only
did the triple entente give us the blame
when we are the victims of those blood
sucking vampires, but they are making
our New Republic pay for the damage
of the Keiser. We just overthrew him,
and we are being made to suffer for his
bad decisions. It is outrageous, no it
is evil.


They made us pay for defending our
country. They made us pay the huge
number that is: 6,600,000,000. We will
be paying for this for 3 generations,
along with the huge amount of land we
are being forced to give away to those
who forced us to defend ourselves.
These arias that have been snatched
from our loving hands include; Alsace
Lorraine, Eupen, Malmedy, Morsenet,
North Shleswig, The Saar, Hultschin,
Danzig and more. And to add insult to
injury, the cruelest, the most vicious, is
that they are separating their country in
to two parts. In fact, from now on, East
Prussia will be separated from Germany
and the area in between will be named
the Polish Corridor, in honour of
those they gave it to. The Rhineland will
also be demilitarised, to protect the
poor Clemenceau who is afraid of us
attacking them again. Again? We didnt
start this war. We simply defended
ourselves. Our precious, German army,
which we have worked so hard for, the
people who have formed our nation, will
be taken from us. The army is reduced
to a small 100,000 men, and almost
every effective weapon under the sun is
banned from our use. The German navy
will be reduced in order to please Lloyd
George, who wants the best navy in the
world, and the German air force, will be
completely destroyed. Harsh? Or just
plain evil? I believe it is the latter.


The effect of the Treaty of Versailles on

Germanys economic resources was that they
were less able to trade with other countries.
Firstly, this was because they were asked to
pay the extortionate price of 6,600,000,000 to
the central powers as reparations for the
damage caused, and because they did not
raise taxes in Germany. This led to inflation in
Germany, and less ability to trade with other
countries. They also lost land that they could
make money from such as the Saar. Losing this
area meant giving away their coalfields to
France for 15 years, and therefore made it
harder to repay their debts. Germany ended up
losing 48% of its iron and 16% of its coal, and this affected its ability to trade with
other countries.
History essay
There were many reasons why Germany sought an armistice in 1918.
Firstly, one of the reasons for this was their shortage of supplies. Operation
Michael had been working until the advancing Germans grew exhausted and their
supply lines were over-stretched. They were suffering from food shortages as a
result of the British Blockade, which used the British Navy in order to stop
Germans from getting resources, and it worked, as 800,000 Germans starved to
death. They were not helped from the fact that they saw the fresh US troops, they
were not tired, and were being properly fed. The USA were also helping Britain
with huge amounts of supplies. They therefore realised that defeat was necessary.
The lack of resources led to another reason for the armistice being sought out.
This was that Germany was alone by that time in the war. This was because all of
its allies had already signed armistices, such as Bulgaria, Austria-Hungary, and
Turkey. Also, there were many strikes which left Germany helpless, such as
industrial strikes, mutinies from sailors and soldiers. This meant that they were
short of weapons, soldiers, sailors, and food.

These two reasons together caused Germany to realise that they could no longer
carry in with the war and that defeat was imminent. This was because their
supplies were short which led to strikes, and desertion, and this led to supplies
being short.

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