You are on page 1of 68


Why is Evil Permitted?
I'o,{< nf..
Who Made the Devil!
Why Docs not God Kill the


Dt\; [

Prophecy Dnd its Fullilment

FI> 1.' _

End of the World

~ T:'...,.u.lInmoruility



Where are the Iftad?

A Ransom fot All

';",,10 ..

World Distress- Why?





l1 ......kl)"D, N.




81at.6 SU8JECTS


AUlho, g!



of God"
"(I~" !~,'i~, Tal .. ",i!~ !~, V.od'"
"ilIill"'M Nu", J.i"'ng ll'iII "'tror D~I"

I'RIN'fl':O IN l',s'A .


l.t~rnaU"""1 IIlt1. StudeD .. .I.$ood.l1lQa

Why is Evil Permitted?


ill earth II. fWl of IOnoY; ""d

ODe hu
I!lOI't! or lea human ailm<'IItr, po.i..wI alId .u- . Crime iI pn-qIeot in efi11"J land; hal~.
ill will and mal;"" an! maniloslod .ritboul limlt; awl
Ihe '1ul!ltJOIl ff\'(juentl,. (OIMII to the m.lnd of tho 0 ,
..ho it uketl 10 1)Q!II!;da" the diyillO! &r~\'.I!I~nt: Wb,.
.bould .. just and .ioe ."d Wring God pennit coil to
boo iu 100 ""rld and IIIllicl the pooph! all long'
Evil iI that ...blob produ~ unhe.ppi.neM: lind lIn]thing .. hkh dUu:r dinrlIy or iuiliNdly ca\Uell lufrcriDg
may ~ dUltd lUI ijoil. 'l'he 'lU..tiOD it ..ked: Wby did
God permit Satau to (emit our lint paIl.'2lt.l and (:IIUfII
thfm to ,"iolate his law? 'Could M J>Ot han, P'eI""IIt...l
all thlt trouble, tho fall a! rna.n. ""d the thollA.Ddi of
,0'&1'$ of lIlII:ering that hne beou upon I,"m"~kjnd?
'nil' riatemeot tmt Johovah ia all-JIO"erfui 01 once
lNda to the concltuion that he c:ould ha<e pmeoW
it bad his ,..;,dcm dictated tha.t he tbould do 10. n.
fad. that be did mY. do .. iI rullJc:ieDt proof that be
~tt..J. i\ for 1OWe...t.. ODd gwd purpcooe. Whal
_e.,. and undorrtand tbo oul,..orkil!J of hlI grn,\ plan,
bll ..udom ilmanifut in all that be hu p<'rlllltied,
LIId hIf lOff II 'r.-er manile<!. :iD thee ~od provided
for the ~aWl ..tio" Bud bl~ of mukind.

Can Man be Made Good through EyJll

(Jod cmted the tml man perlecl, mentally, morolly.

DDd phylicall,.. AI ~ in a di.icualOIl of IhlI

IUbjtrl in Volume 1, SroDII:II 1:< TlLIl so.,lJ'T1.InII,



"'IOd _~ bI..e ... <1< or o.blUl1 10 dIJ..
t<ru ttot .. _ rich' ... ~ _r.'" aIolot ""I.T to Cls:tnl and.
to do rIP.: .... l.O hATe blm"" _ _ ..... _

_U ...... " .. 1I'1nII _obl"~, ""d <'frulnl, nol a ",mID!

or hit C"'~IO" O. I><t Illl"'" h~'.. "",II\! IDIW ",,!'fort
<ilId 1rW ultlll, ... tt dl .... u"d 111.,. (\lUll"" ~I .. fNm


Ilolll.'_ I","Vlull""'"

J" "" olhe. "-ay could ma" ullinlately be


hlPI,lnca Uo "'\I&t be lro& to e:.=ire hil

O...n "'ill; aud II\< ""lit learn 10 uerclie that in harruony
"'ilh u dh'ine "Will, and 10 0<) c>;e,cioe it volllDtarily
j" order lo, """'pletc happu.. to oontinue.
UOO emtted .'"ry"lbiug ror hi.o O~"Ill'~e. (lli."'e!4.
lion 4, 11) God hM no pi_UN W ..icked" .... (1'...m.
~: 4) 'l'h.", '" DO o"ny, therntor'C, \lui! ho oould <0 lI;clI
teKh hi.o . uhjedll tho lI.&ndul docll <If If:rong-daillg
and lho> go>od effecU of 'ight-daUlg u by p"nnitting
them to cxpe,ienoo these <err tlti.rIv. Jehovah "l\lI.ted
man la be abo'a all other <'4rlhIJ """,turn., IWd o"daw""
hint will. moral _
of wiCoeming good and evil fud
hi.o ""'P'lrirnoe boon lim.iled to good a10l!$ by hi.o being
prolecll ""d Wieldl from ",il influeoceo, then man
"o>uld De,",,1 hne gained by ""'p<'rienoe .. knowledge of
the b&neiul eflecio of ui); but it ..-ould mile ""Iuire<!
oon..lIm\ guarding of maD at all time>!, which would bay,
~ hll irft more.! lIgen.y. 'l'he moral 5eIl.'lI' IWd
the po .. er 10 d~n r4;ht aDd wr<mg, IIld the liborly
10 !lie lhilI 5e1\ll! poo .... ed by Adaru, ........ impod4nt
in tnalcitJg him the \ikenl$& of !he Lord.

God's Object in Permitting Evil

It ia lIlIWifeat !rom th. revealed plan of Goo lb.1 he
ISII" I.D actual e>:p<!ri<!llOO "ilb em ..ould be th. '11n'M
""d beet ""d mort lail.lag ....y 10 .. rve man eternallr;
~d lor that l"\l8.S(ln h" did not Prel"wt, but permittod
man to come in """tact with it. While God """,led the
llnt ID4II Fect in hi< orgllDiml,.yet the man ..... with
out I'.~neru:e; ""d up<'rienoe can IK! obtahIt<! ouly by
puling through oertnin conditioM- The ScriplW'tll,

ho.. e,..., Wf<>rm Ui UUlI wbe" th~ ICIiYil)' of ~,U hIS
001>11 permitted long tllougb to ;:iYl! IIWI a full t.wl
_p!ri~ '""'" of ill baudul drodl, Ihm it ..ill ~
to be ..:tive; for all of God'. Jllbjll 'rill be wiUi.uglr
,ubmia"l1 to him and .ill follow I~Ye I.Ild jUItJce.1 Corinlhiaul Iii: 2(;,:tO; n.b"' .... .8: 14.

Why Man Suffers For Adam's Sin

nut it mar be .. ked: llllie Lonl ... ould permit eril
10 come t.. one %l1ao, Adam, why ohQuld hi' pennit Adam'!
olLlpring fo< lhoW&llw of yW""i to feel the
of it,
When n diJOlltn God', plan "'l C&II _ \he eoollOmr
of it and that wifdou, I.1:d Itml prolllpted hit ao:tic>n.
Adam ..... pul 011 trw ill Eden ... hUe he wu pedod;
lind while in thol rondiUon h. i>;ot no chillil'lln. Alter
hi! bad TioI.&ted the Ia... IUld Iuid beui IJent.noed to duth
and drirw mm Edell, then he \>(Pt clilldm!, who
.. ere born and l"ed 011 the. nnh. God ~ thtt
thll judgment of oondCDlllauou Ihould ol!ect all oJ
Adam's ..u.prillg. OCI thit one redCIUJ>U" prioo ...ould
ben.5t 1111 men. .lm.perfOJd hau.oe of liD, Adam rould
~t OlIIy impml.'d. clilldren. 'l"he Palmirl ktll Ui:
~Behold, I ... obIpen ill Iulqwtr; and in lin did my
!'l?ihu eollt"ehl! Irui'." (l'oahn ~l: G) "\Vherclore,"
bl OlIO w&1I &in ""teffil iuU. l lu. world, an<.l death by
l.W; and 10 death pa-.I llpon all wen, for that aU "",.~
linued." (""m'no ~: lJ!) God I'rorided r-edempUOII
tf mankIud by the ..nUk.. of &noI.ber ped:t " ilid ilia judgW<'llI rcoul.ling: mm Adoln. dolation
4l!ccted him &to,"" the" if (Yo'er Adam got Ufo at auy
( !me theruttu he mut! be node(>Jntd by the IkIIth 01
..,other ped"1.'d. be.inf, IlIId nuy oue of hio offIp'lIi&
...110 ..ould grlW. would IlU.-iw have t.. be ted.."",ed.
U each 0",'" ""l1lill!d to haTe .tplrate and diotlurl
h W, tben the", _ould ba'e to be ..:po.rate and diollnct
redeemer for -.h Ollf. 'l'be,elore God iDcl~ded thow


W<>rld Dlil,m-IVA"

Th Rlm/ay

all in one j udgment, in uNt< thai 00>1' Red.."",r IIIight

1' Ibm! olI.
It " U JclIo.Ih'. jlurpose bolure \lIe I~und;.lion u1
th~ world 10 l'1'li ... ", ''''''' [rom \l,~ l.'Oudltion 01 dtath
411d ghe him ~ .nd imfNI,tl..t Irial for Iif~ after I"
had "-'<."",,.d hi' full expe';"""" ... ith tiw,> """elul elIect<
ot .In. Alld .. lieu the world " vul on trial. "<lOb on.
will knuwl!in IUId U.... mult. 01 rid";", In it; "'~P"",.
Adaw, ... hou Ilr.t iIi"I, had II~I ~-"peri""Qed t~ thing..
We ~ properly $)1 thai wb"" Adam violated Go"r.
1.1.'" tl!!> elltire human ...<Ie"'1ll! in his loiw, uuptoduoli'd.
'fh. I"'nl, theil, could '1lIIb> prl)l"j.iou (or the MIW~'[n,

01 u.,. jud~ent a~'ai"'t ,\dam nnd aU 01 bit offipring

by 4noth~r t'quW 10 Adam going ,'oluutaril.v ioto l1.oath.
'l'ho 1.(",1 made fuij prowlse thl"Q~h the Prop,,",l: "I
... m raJl50m them from tILe pO"'" of the grare; 1 ..ill
redeem them fro'" death: 0 death, I will he Ihy plo.,"tle.:
o grall', 1 will he thy d.struction: rq>01Il~ . h8Jl be
bid IMII mine tre!." (ll-. lao 14) The oniy .....y
lru.. rWemption ..,lIld be sl'OOml'\u.hed ns by Ihe deI.!h
gt B perfe<1
Bnd in.n th~ earth there was not 011 .
''None of them ('en by any moem redeem hi! brothor,
DOr give to God B ~m for him!'-l'..lm 49 : 7.
'l'hen it ",as thol Jeiu.o ...... lranRf",rW f ro", the
spiril plan. to the humaIj. ""lng born I mID, bul
DOt ""gotten bJ anr of AdOl!l'. offspring. When he grew
to manhood'~ eIItot.. he Will! pertect, m""tolly, lllIlJ'lIlJ
""d phJ"ically, hid
of the oontruniu.. tion.o of the
Adamie noel< in him, and WI.!! I h. exact OOIInterpari of
the perfect man Adun, who otood in Ed"", \Ul!ClIthl'll
or unm.orktd b~ .in. .J1'l!U! had oome nO'" lor Ibe ''''1
PUlJ'O'I' of red.ieming PlIlIkind ... he olal." ''11>e So"
of IIIUI ram. nol to be m..inht .... d unto, bul to mlni!ter,
and \0 gh.. hi. lifo .. 11I.1Ioom (or "",ny!' "I um <.'",ue
th.t they mlght ha,'~ life. and th.1 they rui!,lI! hovr it
",<>If! ahunohnUy."-M.dthew 20 : 28; .lolm 10: 10.



WAy " ril


End ofEvu after Eanh is Populo

'The penni""111 of the roij;n of ~W &lid deB
thtM mlDy )'Un. P<. lu.llkil'nt lime lor wotlj;h
to be born illto the Moth ultimalelr 10 fill Ibe
lI"lw::a tbey &Ie redortd to perfect hum.:m conditio
IUId alro.dtd ample time &.lid opportunity ludh. gro
up OlIN 10 acquire an uJ'Cfimcc with the budul eIre"
of liD. AU \h_ who loa,'. wed in infancr ",ill grllh~i r
""peri~ dllriDg the thou .... od)wr reign of ehri",
!luting whith ihl'r will be ol'liftl'<l.
will ""Ittira
lm.oll'l~ bl ~ .. hat III:ppeued. 10 ou..,n; ",.,J
bJ -wg the dfed opo .. others in addition to their
...." Hp<':I'ien<I>. '!he d('llh of J .......... for th.
of aU. We rt&d: "We 100 J~, who ... ITllde ~ little
lo~r than tho ango.>Lo for the rulfcring ot dO!ath, ero..-ucl
with jI;!ory and bOMr; th,t he by tbe grace of God
.houhl wte da~ lor e'~ry man," (Htboo .... 2:9 )
'lbu u oboJon t nJ the p~ 01 God thai lb.,
<loath of J _ and ru. ~"n shmild rroti~" "
I"ice .ullicimt to redftm the ~otire hu.m.ID. familyAdam and dl of hiI olbl,,;"g. Thli;' in !wlllon! "'it!>
St. Paul' lu.I.went: '~1'hl1 .. goOO ..,01 IIa.'o'plahl~ ill
the light of God our $ 10.; ... ho will h~\'8 all h,"n
t o be A,-ed, and to ootnt unto the lwo.. l~ of tOO
truth. For \b('re iI 0116 (lod, and one mNiator~ "
God and 1IIftI, the mIJI Chrirt J-..; .. OO !;11'~ himd(
~ ran,oQm for all, to be ta~ in due tim.!' (1 Timothy
.2: 3-(;) TIK> ordor hue 1l&mod ;. Ihli iii'll mankind
ohaJl lit .<C<I hom Ihe "'dtml" curOi! by Ib~ dcaU, of
Jet.u. &lid the p ..... nl4liou of Ih" ruoril
hi. Nlcrificrl
10 Diy;"" J~, and IIuot lUb$eqIWlUy III ,..."kiud
",un be l>roui;bt to. kDo.,t~ of the troth and ,i'<ll
~ f .... aud impariiall:i&l fOJ: 1iIe.



World Dioj,.... _lI'h~ f TM B,mtdy

Go to Heaven
Auolhl'/'-reaoon "by Jeho,-ah permitted ",'il "'as
A \'ery Fell'



II afforded Ih~ opportunity of denlapi,,! from anll,ng.!

mankind a "s.... e~Tl(}". which "ilL bo \he hlghl>n and
Ill""! "-,,,lied nmo"l;:,l .u of hll crl\llion. Jemo u 100
Hrad ~{ !hI!! IlI'W Cl'IlIIlion; IDe !'IlImh ooruti\ute. hh
bod)' !D~mbe .. ; IUld theM:', lI-"'OCiattd togelhu In glory.
",ill be the intinul!t nt through which JehoTah .,ill
minultr ..... toration blejllwg:o to all the humlll {""itT.
It hili pl..wd the b.a~<'Jl!:r hiller 10 rlevelop Ibt. n<:;"
=atfo" through .nflering. (lleb ..,... 3: 10, 11) J eou .
1.11 the oouth of glory, wI,,,,,, "" ""joyed happu-
IUp"""~ iu IlL! ...."lailon with Iln! g1\'ll1 J.ho,".h God.
H- ,..eo mad. He.h and dwelt IUUQD~t tnen, Ha gre...up ... a t.nder pll"t. l'~rlect hi organum, h.
bf1iuillul .~Iure. For<'f'<' aud on.. hal! ~.&1'
be ~t.d _lIlI .inn~"'. lie did not n>ftIoe to nl
bread ..jth pLlblioa ... aDd oionrnl. Be cam. in CQnlatt
with the.., bi.uu"" liter ...... membell of tho Adami<
1'8"", and one of the pu,JlO_ ~r his uperi.u<'CI! 00 .,.rth
"" to acqulro a knowt..]h'" or tb~ .uJ(or'ng~ ... bich oin
lu..J brought upon mlllkiod.. in ordor tb.:>t be might b;o
fully ,yrnp.llheti~ in d""Hng with IIllIIlIdnd in the t,!IlI'
of trial. or him u,. l'roph.t
"Ho ...... \founded
fcr cllr 1","'"grl$Oioll>, be w.... brua.-d for our.iniqui/iea:
thl' chastiwm""\ of our ! ~OO ...115 upon hilll, and ,..jlh
hil> ,\.ripe, we a.., heale.l. II ~ l78.J oppreooed, aDd h.
" .. QlIljd~>du (I",lah ~3: ~- 7)----<ill tor tho uk~ or
I, iug Prol .. red to de&! properly wllb hll.tIlankiud during
hill glorioU! ""gn.
It has 1,1es.ed the h,a,'e.ulr Fath 10 de<e/op the
HI~mbo!l'I of the bodr of Chris!. throu:h uperien_
of luU.rins' ,lUlu IMt is ... hr 81. Paul ...,.: " If we
.nU"., ,,' .;lLall Ifuo"'lgu "';th him." (2 Timothy 2, Ii)
,\nd "&'lin h. l\.tle. t!\.I;tlre are joinl.hein with ChT;~t
J~I, uil .., be that w .wr.. with him!' {Homan.



8: 16, 11/ This "".. creation, wh"" compldl.'d IIIId !:f"rl.

Mr, . hall be th~ 'p""w ",i"~ aud j~1 of Ihn

'fh<I Scri~umllprak 01 IhI. n.... Cn:stiOlL "" Z;.,".
""'''''mlllg .-hlob the I'MlmUl nolo': "l'gt tJx. l",rd
~th ch_n ZIon; ho hath (koimJ it lor 1m hlbi!&tion."
(1'...:111113::13) In Q~r 1I'<>rd_, In., new ~lftthn"'U
~ the mN'tiug ptftOO bet"",",, (0,"1 .n~ mall, it ... ill
tvnd.itute 1M great Mcdillor, Prlerl and I{,u<;. (If "hich
J~ ill the ll~ and CAi.{ 0 .... It will be lllI' ,pTe*ntatl\e at Johonh ...11 the n,!,rt><nla\t,e uf nw>,
mcdialiog be\nen Ood IUId man, bring;",g mall b&o:Ic
Inlo harmony with J ehovah. '1'11;' i. the cIuo tlmt will
be ....... ud<!d w;!h htu.,.. nly homo and glOl')' lom-er
with ~ Lord.-Re.'elation 2: 10.



Teaching All Who Ever Uvro Righteousness

"Out of Zl<.m, !lit rlllClion of OOIu11, God hath
.hil1ed." (1'w.m OO:!- 'I'hen lhia Zion cla.o, or_
cno.1ioD, of which J etiii' III the cbid 0Dt, will teach all
lhe pt<IpJe the \ni\h; II.n.t 100....11.'''' on ranh a1 u",
lim& of the ..tabllihment ot the kinj;dolll. 'l'bey "rill
be tau.ght ...... t to .al &lid ... hat 10 nu. how 10 act and
bow to think, ""d abo..., &!I, tho! priDcipl.. &1J.d La ....
ol ri~t..ollill",,; ud hld
long ~J:perieneI
<rilh eril, \bo;;e who hale <:riI and \0'" ri,llhlmUlClU
<rill be brollllbt back by miillIUon I'''''''''"" 10


~rI@icl! ot bod} and mind and

hem. AIId lhi. m!ilu-

p _ will wnlillu. for a p<.<iod of a l~d

uano, m. the ~,iod of the n'i;tI of Y _!ah, duriDg
;.meb liIlIe.,...'Y olle 01 M ....... rtocr.., IllC]ud~ A,w"
hJw.df, wjJJ h41'l! G toir aod i1np&l"\l:I.I trial tor Hr.
Wlw:r r.,.ol'llblp C(mditioru. It ~llI then be ,1110".",,\
u...t death h.u 110m 11t....1 ~myj but u...1 .. hl1~ lbq
propl. baot been dftd. 1>0 one of the (\<-.. ,\ I"", 1>.""
fU8mng. ThI' ."perinIee hu beeu lIIaino<1 &1,,\ "". u..
ble!!iJl{:lof Uh b...-o W!lll!; II.Ild the reoto ...", I"-'PWt.tiOI!

Irorld Did" ",_WAy r TIi~ Rt mtdy


n Oll, ~iu& lhi<, gi"~ pmi.. 10 God II.Ild Ilia Chriol

tor .ver ud tl-cr.

Tb~ WI'"""

tbeman! lh .... primary ~'" wby God

permib evil : (I) '1'" J;il. Il1IInkinu a full Bud eomplm

1..,11 in the baneful ~I.'d!! of e,~l doing; (2) [<>.
II rul'li.eia.t 1(1)j;th of time to aililr.! opportunit!" to

get Iheit expe,ienee

fill the """Ih with poopw who

Wore their Jlnal hial (0' ill,,; and (3) to alIord

opportunity for Ihe


of II 1lClJ" cruo.tion.

lu ~'Onml"l. tb. imt:ruJncnt through "'hich the 'JOn!

J .ll<,1'loh wi!l """lore: bleumg. 10 mankind, ""d ..11'1
tlwrttJto, "'Ill b(! tho prido and glory of Jehovah.
lle<:4u... of Ihe \rut it i, ~id, "In the tt;e. to .:om. he
l wmj ,how the ~~coodi])g ricb .. of his !;f1Ire in his
kind" ... t01l'lU<l1U through Chru\ J",,,,."-Epll. 2: 7.
In ric'r of the ~at plan of redemption I\IId the
oo~ue"l ,..,.ti!U!WD or aU tbing. through Christ, we
can .... that blO!>'.rn.."" teOlull through tho """";,,,ion of
.,i! which Nuld not
been 10 f ully noali1l)d in any

olb......y. No! only


men benefited 10 aU d,,",ity

by u.. exper;"""" "",in".j, IUId ugel. b! their ob .... " -...Iion

of man'. e:r;p<r'","""" b~t .U .'" furlbor advanlaf!:ed
by bocoming fully ~cqu.aiPtl:d with God'. clw1icIcr, .I..
ma~i!COIW in his plan. They ",ill thws behold hta pede<:t

po;'" IUld holl!c.,........hio v iodcm, j udiw, lare and power,

....,rking in uact humany.

World's Judgment Now

Bnt vhy all tlte war. faminl'.



and &IBbevi=.

other un.peakable crim thai the poopl.. of earth

no ... witn~wg? Ilriclty ans..-ered,!hit is the

reMOn :

Satan th~ ~.i1 OM .. dr-Bignated in \he Bibl. a.s the

" god of thta world." (2 Corinthians 4: 4) He has oo.n
in oonlnol of th~ "..lionJ lor nan,. <:faturi .... Ood fatetold \h~ d...y of judgtnent "",d \.""g<!IIJl"" upon Satan'.
""'pire and the IIlIHons of ... rlb. W.. ha .... nO'- como to

Why ill Edl P",",If,d t









I~ .,,\ IP'll\IlIi af ~ Clrth. Thil '",ubi. in ... th if
apJ'roaching II gmt (Ii",.", .. hieh rnurl tlk. rl""" j,~<t
bo>(OI'll th. brginning of lb ......!oratlon b!, ... IIl;: .\lIn.
ki"d II nulf ill tut penGol of hi.torr fureld!l by tho:>
i.nrd JelU<, .cililll: rt'rt.~!he condition. thai .'ou\,I i.\
it, the ]..t tlaY" jw;t b.. to,", !he bl.., ill;: ~f tnUIkind.
'!he Grot .. orld ~ ...)' in II " ....1 1100<1. Xo,.- thor
...,.ld if
in . , ..... t Buy time
01 troubl<'. God'. indllrllliioa upon the IYIl IYltlWIL'. to



r-i,'j: ......)"

be [ullo\O'(<I by


~""'. <>{

, isht<'Ou'IlUl.-' l'etu ~; 13.




The Fut\l.te Eanh

Of tbia limB Volume 1. "'nIe Dirint PlaD or the

SreD'''' IN TUB IiC.BlrTIIlr;s,





-.:_ )'0'" ....

momtII, to t/If< ''''''''''' of ",1""7
I.d .......
11 " .. " ....11 on _"""u.t
of .... '''~ ,,,",,........0 ... J1>IIr _t.1 ,., ...... t~ clen 01
Sot. "0:0 of .... .an, ,"" """-1" 1Ul~
""" .... of 1><'rf<e<
blllrr \IIolllb~ 1>01 ... "...
Itlnd IWI< ~r .-onJ; "'~~. ulllo; ~,. fnnto .'rn ........ m.,...
Ill, ....... ' . _ ID
DthH Ioeotn. "0'\ ....... 01.....,.,
.....," ''''~'' a",. n......Mm .... l'i,.ll \)(" ,,,, 111<"'' ; u01 ...

,",<1"" ... "'" _"T' .....


orIw n'" a

""lII. oor '''1 ,,''''''''' uL

~""-''''' ..... Ih.

I ... of _b 1~IOp. 'f bl"~ ~r all I .... plotu_.' _

.. u ..
boLIlib ... ~ ""-~IJ" ~f j,....,.u 10"" ."'lI ( 1... l!Pot rOll

ha, .. e'''''''''' ODd ion,",

.ha. 1"''''''''

b_'nltr .. til ... ,,' OInt

",."",,~ _In-. '"'" In.."nl 1"1"" ~"" ......., on<!
.... "" poof_ .m ''''''P .... ckoo1" ......., ",dIan' ...,."

......"" ".eft

will .... h. ~~')- 100>: ."., ~."",". "" .... ' .. ,

"""" ..\11 loa'" Ibol. ,",...n wlllhl ...., .... ,.,." th,. tII01
_11., Ib~ ,,,.",,,,,1011 "wk ',oo'rl .....

Who Made the Devil?

"Thou IUI .. orlAy. 0 1-<1'4. 10 reui~ glory ",,4 """or
pwtr; for Ih"", ko>Il ",,,,I,d al/lhins.,""'.1 {QT lAy
pi_oro Ihy art and ",,,", CMlltd."-Be.,/"li<m ~: 11.


lit! ~ in the Diblo thai III thWgo were

c;noated by the. Lord and. that olJ. of hiI ...



perfect (1Jeuteronomy 311: 4.); lUId.linoe ... bow

that the deril iI lbe ml OM, ..e f0cl rnre that Ood
.... ould lIot c .....te neb a wicked OII~. There!o", we uk:
Who tmllOO tho deTU?
AU intelli~lIt emtu.reto mm be tne /DOra! ~IIU,
'rilh pririlepo of chOOOling good or em; olbn-wiot !he
trfthat would be mud,. ... machi"t, (!QIDpelltd 10 W
that [or ..hich h4 .... .,.....W ....,d DOthing tilt. Sino:e
ff'IIG ",on!"6......:r leu.. it to th4 """'tun. 10 cltoote the
right or tile wroug(ul C<lUIW, it iI U5Y 10 be oeom how
erralure 111&,. be pm<ci at the btgiD.rrlng and b,.
chooeing an t'ril COlIne become nry 'ridtd emf..

Lucifer Not AlWl!.)'II the Devil

Among the 1I'QDderlull,. be&utJ1ul creeturte atated
..,. Jtbo'<.b .... LuclfN. The .... rd .Lucilu IIIUII.I
bright and IhiniDg one, tho /IIOmiog mr. J ob record..
tile faet that Luciler 'O'U p_t when God laid !he
fOWIf!al:ian of
arIh, BIId jointd in praiR. Wlio tilt
SJftIO_tor. (Job 88: 1) I'NII! tbe. a....::riplian ,ioeo
of b.lm by God'. prophet he mlllt hoi ... """" ~
WUlldrnul &lid bNutiful ~,g\orioUJ in hU appatd.
The l'rophd ,ar-: "Tboll hut boo! in Ed"" the gorden
"I God; """l' prl'ciouo ",ace "oI'U th,. oo=in", the
_diu., tapa,. &lId thn d~nd, the beryl, thn OIl,.,.,.
&lid the ilfP"', !he APphize. thl! tlllmald, &lid the cu-



Wha Jladc tAt Vll'

bund.., and gold: the "o,koUU1>hil' of th.~ iabrrill ano\.

of Ih~ pipca "III p~parro in 111<'<1 ill the <la,.1.hal tho~
vu! created. T h9n an the lUIvinWd chorub tlld ..... ,.,.
elh ; and 1 hII,e ... t Ih ....," thou wa>t npon U,,: ho!~
mou.n14in of God; Ihou hast ,,'alked up and do,", III t,,,,
mid,! of the .tonei! of fire. Thou "aot pcrll'Ot ill thy
10"8,.. {rom the da.y tbat th9n ,,0.01. created, lill i;-o'quity
wu (ound in ih",,!,-E.dcid 28, 1311>.

When lucife r BecalJle the Devil

ThU5 we ..., lbat Lucile, 1<113 c"",Wd perfl'Ol. Jh> is

oalled the 4Iloinled. ell.rult, ...),ich m"",," one ba<i~ ;
aulhorily owr oth...., 'fht.. .eril"ure ruw.. UUlI ho "M
in Eden, and ~ logether with olh., ..fiplu"," indi
calef lhat he WII3 made ",'ol"loeCl" of Ad~II1lU1d Ere whel!
tho] Ifere created. and put into Edell. When (l oci "",aiM
man he gll.e Adom dominlou o<or Ih~ Ihmg. of tho
earth. While Ludle. wu ,cry gn.'Olt nnd beautiful 4e
did not~ a domiulon. lIn load ambitinu in hilll!e.:In
to ha,e II dominion, and he ...-L a~ut to 3O'jul", !ucll.
To =mpi;,b. he dOO'.i,fd mother E,.. by
I,. lying to her. In .uh.t..!lCot he t~1<l Enl that Jcilolllh
" .. trying to keep her and her htn.loand in i;o,wlln<'<l,
'1'0 IICCOmplim lin pnrpo&<l he oporMed thnlugh the
o;erpont, one of the bcaot. in k!d<'n; II./)d. ,peaking through
\b.i. boa>t he .eaid. to Eve: "Yea, balh (loci lllid, Y~ otwl
nQt cat of e-.'ery Ilt'e of the gar<.!""?" And En:: roplitd.:
"Of the fruit ef the trw which i; in the midit of the
gBl"dom, Qod hIItb said, 'i.e ElJaJ.I not rot of ii, ncithoer
1!1ull yo tol1Cit it, lest ye dio.u And to Ibll the "'ply,,...
1114de: " Ye ilial.l not lurely di<l; lor G<>d doth know thd
in tho! day )'e ret tb!lWf, th.... your "1" ohalIl., opouod,
",Ii rc ,ball be u go.u, boring ~ood and cvil."_
Geu.Ni.i s: 1-':;.
'!'he eoi<!wt purpooe hen) vu to C&Il'" EYe to bo:'.u...
loyal to (lod IWd through her to gel control of her hus--


WorIofDif!""I-lrhy' Th Brmtdy

band;.."d Ad.,,, ""d J:>'r b.,i"ll the power to prod",",

~hitdren nnd popublle fb~ carlb, Lucikr ;'lte"d~ in
thia ....y to g\'t "o,,\ro\ 01 the ItUln4ll nl;(' Dnd ",Iabliooh
.. <\gntinion 01 W. 0"11. Thi.. 'fU an evil co,,<re. It
InS di,lotslty On h .. part 10 .Teh\lrah; and for this
l'\'8..'Ou he Ml froln God'.

fa,,, .

Satan, the Ruler of the Earth

The l'",phd deocribca bim IIIld hil tall lblU: "How art
thou full.n m"m hee,eu, 0 Ludler, 60U u! the morning!

ho .. art thou cut do ..... to the ground, which didrt I<1'llk.

en ilia n"Horn l i'or thou hut Mid inlh,,,,, beo.rl, r,..jJ1
BlC('ud into h..,..... , 1 ",ill "".U my throne "bort the
titan at God : 1 ...ill lit ili.o upon the mQUllt of the
congregation in the ~id"" of the IlOrtb: I will lL5CCud
11.110", the height.. of the c\nud.; l ... illlll' like the most
Illg!!. yet thou .hoIt be broll{;ht do,", to bcll, 10 !be
aide.! at: lhe pit."_m.iah H: If..l~.

.Toms laid of Lucifer: "1 beheld Salan a< Ughtning

fall from hean"ll." (Luke J O: IS) He!clI from GOlrs
(,u'Or. He wu degrad!'d nnd hi, lWIIe..."" chUlged; and
Ibcn'Gfter he is DOWD in the Setiptureo a, the dragon,
the old eerpent, t be d.,a and Satan.

Why Evil Prospers

Every crn.turo nam.d by Jebovoh ;. named for a
purpotiO, and the name "llnifito mueb.. '!'he '><Ord Satan
1U<'aIIA opposer. In Eden he ..'ao tbe opposer of God and
bu been.,... Iin<e, and the opJ'OE"r of ",'erythiug that
a rlgbtco\ll'. Ue opposed J ..w wben our lord , 00
l:'lrih, o!",l'1Iting tbro~b .arioUi .genci~, and blJl 01"
pooM. the foUolr\!U of J ".w of"r .i",..., "W!ing them
to be J>P-'....,.,!ed. \\'bon God uJ>P-Iled Ad"", aDd E,o
from t::den he .!!IIed: "I \! put eomity be""''''o tb<.>
and the womaD, and betncn thy Re<l. and her ~:

I dd it .1uJ.I bruioe thy he4d and thou ,holt hruUe hio

hed." '!'he 6I!Cd. III<'4%a tha cffopriog; and therna1! ...

Satan and hi$ emi... rics or ou..p rin;; ha,-o pc~uW

alllh_ ",lin haT" 10110"00 rishlt'Oum...s. 'l'he otcl of
the ",'oman ~lI,l piclured tho ,;.,.,.} CUlM,tiOg
Abralwnic covenant, which se.!<l u. Iho Chri.!t. (Gaa.
llan.~: l G, 21, f9) Satan b.u dwa,. opf"*"llhill "",d,
ud \his !':IplaitI! "hy hut Christia.n.o are p"~uled.
The ... me oerpecl "',,".Ill d_her; and ODe of Satan',
f.,-oriie methods at all limes hu bee.n d"",il, l'I'I"'i."d
.. pon tbe !""'I'll>. By meant of rand and dec.U he hu
goll ... fdre doctrioell i.nlo the mind5 oHbe peaple. blind
iDglliem to God'. lru.. Word.-2 CorinlhlLDO 4: 3, 4.
The ,.ord dragtw tJlC.llU demurer. Salan h"" ""ugh!
10 de,OIU .mrythiog th8t is ri!!:hteoUi. lIo Cl~ .he
I""phdl! 10 be pet5OCule<! and killo:d. lie in.IU~'l\ted the
peroecutioD of J('5IlS at the hando III the J'haru-; and
1m ailCIIlpt is to derour eTU!thlng that is righteou!.


'J 'be nnIlIl' M\"i1 means tlanderer. Salan ~andpred Goo

ill lhe boardw of Eden; and Blilhe ",alicia",", .bode",,,,,
' CffiOBtions again.ot the Lord and hill Mlo.... ,.. from \heJ>
uotil nOW ha,-o ."",oIW Irom Ihi.i..,.U QIl J ,pe&king of him ...)1' Ibat be;'. liar and the f.the, of lies.J obn 8, 4.4 .

False Religions Stain God'5 Character

God c.dabfuhcl with the nation of l sr.ei Uoe !.rue

,dig'''''' <X>lIlllWlding that tbey Ihould wonhip bltn u

the true God.. &Ian the oppoo<r ..tabliahed with
b ...then naliol1l! ",uod about the {oJ..e rdigion, caw;io);
Ihe pE<lpw 10 ""nhip him, inag.' 8.IId demO!l.ll; and
!rom Ihi!.
.prillg allllw
rdigiolll. 'I'~ Lon!
ut.bli~hed the t rue Chti,tian religiun, and Sah'" t.b1'l1!afu,r tllabli.hed the mr.tery of ini~uit1, the falthl~
.cllgion, d . imioJ; 10 lI"onhip God IUld .t tbe O&IM Um"
m1 .epre6entiDg him. and miortpre.-enUng th~ Lord J rous



UOQrld m.drtu-WA,t TAt Bl~d,

11,ri.(. '11m. tile Srripturel proTO lhIt God did not att.le
Nilan. H, trftto:.i Luoifu, porl/!cl boiDg, ..Ito alter..-ud ~ S.w. be<:a_ of hlI 0'lI'l1 'rIebd t'IIIlDI'.

Angel, That Joined Satan

Impersonators of the Dead

'J'b_ nr t.ihpirilllbat had be<"n ITiirai".
.~d ..,,'" DO I<>ngtt pcrmilkd to ma!.erialia> .mo.,.,~t
men Wider EataD.'. d.ir9ttioll titabLlahOO oo::wlluli.,.tion



with willing Ollt& of Ih~ htllll.l.D rao. on t&rth tltr..",b

I"" i...tlumenW,t,. ot medionu. The LoJd 1'''''',J.,d
ill hlIla... that Ih~ Ju, !Ibowd keep oloof lrum u.",ho attempted to OQIrmuw.;.1e ,,-ilb the nU one.; and
provided in hlI law that a1llpiritm ttit'dil.l.UlJ Jbouhl
be put 10 dQlh. nullhe ution of ura<i fcl.l into Io'ml"
I.Uon time and thne ogo.iu; ....d fuw.Uy 831111 ,"'tI.O Ih'
Qllot: 01 IlIcir OTe.tluO"'.. li8 cauied ilia



1I.rso1J 10 be put 10 death. lie hal caUiell tho ..-a.. and

t llIline.o and trouble and Itrlte thnt lIs<!! fiUed the earth

from thtn o.niill101l'.

Why Does not God Kill me Devil !

~iDg that Satan is the IQthor of tl'il .."d th~ inoti~ ..
tor of ..icl<edne<t in thtoeuth, ... by doN God ""rmit him
to Ii... ? Why do.. uot God Icill tho de,it?

Horn "'-0 gi,.... brief 1I.llIIre'. God pl1tpo-l thor

0lU] Me of his in~~cut ~rooturoo .bo\Ild ""VI'
.... peril'DC<' Tith the
u1 tlItd.o of evil, IUld tbllt
they migM cl>oose betwo= good 8Jld ..,.il. He dl'Cfl.'<!d
10", centuriei qo ihlt Satan ohould be put to d~tb,
hul be baa .. iUlhdd the ....tculion of ihi.o 1P'01"''''''
1lD.ti1 rufficimi !I~r of tho htlUWl 1'I.CI! hu been
broagbt lortb to fil1 the earlh; acd theie _ gi.eo
""'pe~ with .... to I' the .-.l.ti ihe .....', ill onl..
that ...hen bolDg brou:bt to full kt\Q-1tdie of tho
truth and with. full opportunity to do righi, thoy ... m
~ righteoumea and lire, God ill hif, _4doln h.r.o
pro,idOl! lhio ~l!.IIi of k4d>ing the human l."wy that
tunhition, oellillhneu, lad _ro~ing 10111 10 d~gC'l.d.l
lion; and thot humble obed\t>l1ee to the Lonl41l1lIollu~'
wg after rightl'O~ lad to uall.:itlo~,
In 110 other ny roWd God ha .... 10 tho!'OUfhly d.. d,
Wltnkd this Je.c>~ thaD by pmW~ Satan 10 Cf.rry
0lI biJ nefarioII.I worlt. The I"" clIarIIcl.u lhIlt anooutmted ill God', gnat pla.a Ire Satan ud the loN


'F~.~:;Hi i<~





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--"' ....

Prophecy and its ,Fulfilment

liE .Bibl~ 300UUd< ""ith l1'I'J>heti~ n.!cmrntl.
called d~rk ...yi.llJl:i, I.><uu>(: not und<>r.t4nd.o.bI~ bv ru.e.n at Ihn fun 'pOll writLc.l!.
Prophocy m""lU "lho fo,delling of c,-cot.. \hal an:
""peete<! to happen in the future. Irh~ 1I"!11e ~\"nto
do <>:Ill lind ~'" ...oonled, .."e mil it {uUilled prophl'q
or Jmlory.
No humau '!lind rould clco.rly d~ro what the luiun!
will britt!; forth. lion"'::...-e 11m,,! """elude that p"'ph.."
1"0<'>-'<'<10 t rOll' God and i. ""illen fur llUIJI'. inl;trncli"" .
to be und.n;tood by him in oller. due lim<'. The Al""tln

oIa!<>8: "For prtlj,l!ecy .... me not in old liIoo by th. ,..ill

or luau; but holy men of God .pake theYl\WC _red.
by the holy 6pirit!' (2 \'.to, 1: ~l) Th ...... men really
notod .... the mouihpkceo 0. amnn"."..,. of the I..<lrd,
10 _peak or !1!CQrd plVpbetic ..Jing..
'rh. iae!: that propheoy p~ from J.!tOVM i.o
proof """clUJ;'-" thai a time murt .,.,IIW ... hm t1a.t
propheey ,,'Quid hal'" fulfilmeut, for the I>!lllOn \hot the
~I, all.";,., God ",ould do Mlhillg for an idle ptu"po>iI<'.
might be Ill'" of
JehOyah ca~ hi.
1""Pi>rl t" write: ~&.ru.Jl m) word be that gwth forU,
out ill mr "",uth : U ,IllIU DOt mum \Illto m~ 'aid, but
It .hall ,.cu,,,npiioh !hal .. hiol! 1 ,,1""-'11', and it tlW1
p'OIIper in the Ibillg whr",to I .eot it."-l.... ioh 56: 11.



\Vo rld Events That ""ere Prophesied

'fo illu.trate thiI point we ji,e lOme e:uun.plto. of
Prol'hNy Bod U>ir ruUlLmr~t. T rough hi. hoh pI"<Il'h,t
God fo,,told tho r<'llclnl,'iion of
(liose.i. 13: H)
It~ fooctol<! tho! tbi. moght; o,,~ ... ho ,,"oul.t c<>m~ 10
oo.rlh \'iOuld t...' bor .. a J",,". (~ut~rouoml 11:1: IG) ll~




lrorldDi</,,_IVAyl TIL.Rtmtdy

.ptdned 1M ,olac.t> ... hue I~ ",,'ould be born. (llicab G: 2)

H~ luI\'told th:t be nuld ('\In:.! to bl.o <nrn p"'p]~; that
tbty 'IOOIlId not ~h"e him, but ",oaJd despioeand nj.ct
him; anli that he OIOuld be II mall ot 10'''''', o.nd acq... iul>.od "'ilh Ilrid. (mill> 53: 1-$) lie fo",told hiI
lriUlllphn.llt wtry into JetII.iakm, Glftrill8 himW.{ ...
Ki~1I' I~ lh<' Je_L (ZKhuWl 9: 9) lie foretold lUi
bot.."al (ZKhlltioh 11: I~), and ihlt he >rOUid die,
but 110\ lor hillbocll (Dwld 9: 26); that thet\l would
be 110 Jurt ""uoe [or lou, bill tlot.iUlIta:'!~
be ,uMlld be ll1lJ:llbtml "~Ib u... tratucr-rs. ( .
63: 8, 9) He fouwld that be .wld di v;oitllt d'-Ib,
wd ,d not a booe of hi. body ,,"ould be broken.
E>'orr ttudell! of the Bible Iwo... that JMLI ful.fllled
I>ll qf the... I'ro~hclic lb.~1l1$ call<'<'<l 10 be nitta>
bylht L<m! Jcltoroh; that AI .......... a typo of him;
thtt J c,~ 'IrU born '" Ju'; that b ....... oorn at &th.l...
b'llD, u foretold; that he ,,"me 10 lb. JCW8 I1ld oUel'l.'ll
hl.m.!o.olf liS, ..hith Il1ltUtnwt i. opecilieally rworoed
in llatthoow f-l: 1-9; that he ... rejected I.Ild c~ ;
and lhat h~ be<:amt man'. 1tc\!('mlC,

Jews' National O\'crthrow Foretold

ThnlUJ;h 11_
God fOl'\'lOld the o<erthro_ of th~
nation of brael. (~.itle\ll 11): 18. 31. at) AgI1n M
(o.rlold l!ra('1', O\'ertlmI ... U""lUgb the l'roPMU l-:liCkicl
and JtmWub. l'he&e propoo.i.. wen fnlJillNl uarl/y
Oil 11m ~. and Ih!- Jew. updlfd from l'&Itrline.
God (oretold lhro~b th~ propb~tl the "lime of the
end." (luUcuJarly tJUogugh OlDi" be Aid: "!.lui IOOu.
o Dllli.1, .hut up t .... WOld>,...,d -.1 the book, ~\"f1l to
the tlIl'P QI the t'Ild; m&ny ~ I'll.!! Io...,d fro, and
knowlcdf;e ,hall bo in~" (Duid lZ:4) ThiI we
1I0W lite w CO\IM! of f1UfilJl>.Mt.


P,.,p/lfCY GIld iU FlIlfo]lIIm'

Railroad T rains Foretold by Nahum

11 is wt.rettioi; to know that many otlIluries 8j;O the

Lord Ihtough h4 pIOphet Nabwn loft'lold and gIn II

de.criplloo of .. rail..ay Ualn in full open.t.ion, .bo...wg
that .!hat wouW W<e glaee at .. oerlain time. Thi.o
i'n>~~11w """" boon lul.lUled.-See Nohum " s.6.
\oIume', ""!'be FiniolLed Myllory:' Srt:llus 1':< TILl<
ScnnullllS, page 93, dC6Cril'tirely u,lt,p":\' tim mil_
boll. ~ ""'piu,od by Nahnm, Hea to the josUw.;:
af tho ~ iD the aIaIa and to the OIQlldlu:\ar
ooll~ lid:PtL
The IInhip, IlOl'I" gmu.illy izt U'!O &rIIOIIj;1I the IlI.tialll
8lId pooplel; of earth, Goer. prophn. foretold
'l'he vim"", tclognlPb, .. Web 110.. i.o UiOld
tbNu,bout thIl earth izt FlOC'lljmj"g "'~, Go,n.
propbet llbriu! foretold
"",,\urlIlI IgO.-Uaiah
~O: 8; Job 38: 35.



= ,.

1914. Date Foretold for World War

'l1K>re are JnWl otber prophetic IItteraooe. in u..,
IllIIlIy of ,,-hith am no .. in <:OW'ICl of ful.Ime:o.l
I mportant ....,,"g tbt8c II the World War, which .....,
Vredicled in Volwne 2, ~'rbe Time is.t lI4nd," SrtJD.
US II< TUl! SCIlPTVUS (written in 1889). to begin in
1914.. We quate from ~'3 end 79:
"TlwI on- or u.. co..d.' 1O'U appUed. bl oa.r u,rd 10

thai Inwnal ot KIth'. bll'Q,.., bet--, tile mno ...l o[ tba

tlll''''[ klord= 01 God, tho IWIom or 1I....,~ ou;d the
II..,IlOl> ODd ..u.bIWun,'Q' of 11.0 BOUm"', the l"'~
1iliI1~.1ll 0( Ood."
"TIle mbIi> cl"ldftlC)J 10 _ .... 4 "troDc that 111<1 -:nof ,ho Ge<lW ... J.o .. perto..! 01 =---"ll )'..... trom "'" 1 ....
U. (). GOO 11> ou;d II>tII>IIlI>$ A.. D. mu, ~

1<o'' .

Otbln which may noW be dUcen>ed by the .ludent of

the Bible a",' The tZld of tbe world, tho: iOOOlI<} ~
of Chriit, the diilrw of tbe ~.t;o .... the batthl of
ArWAg\'dd01l, the IIeli' world bcginuloll'. etc. 'l'h\ll ,"'0

Wlltld Olllrtu_ ll'..I.yV T A. Bnn.dy

may .." thai Goo ["",f0l4 11., <It 11",



19Y; lu4 tho ""nful .tud.",l "f PNphI.'('y nU .... in th~

light ~l hli:",y ."J ~\cUU that .... daill 1~,,,piriD;.
ClD hiM. ~h\1IT vi.own of th~ ~l,","in; of 1"- thln~ .
'1'11<' Hibl,' I. U~ mOo!! ~und.rfnl book 'lfrillen. 11 iI
the 1,"&It ,,".s...moa.J. 'tb.ote;. nO" =III "0 exCUR for
not u"dentalLd;,,!: tho Seril,tur ... \ll". home .bonld
be JUP1,Hed .'(Ih Dihlc.o and Dible hell"- All IIII' thil
dn:~, from the lime they bq'ill to mlIl, ohonld ""
"~ 10 ~tudr the Bible; 10' it holw plllio

of Cod'. plan oj oahallon lhal .-ill briog lilt.

hcallh wd happinM 10 \be humaa ncr, IDd then. 1.

no oth.r moan ... hW1bl they ClW get i\' 'l"h~ prophet.
I"n told thl" Um~ .. ben tho! Klble vould be better uoclerrioad. \\'~ hate 11011" """,e to that time. All parmb
would therdoro inforttl tlu:nu~h'", concel1ling the Bible
and ,hould perfa"" their obl\g1.\lo!1 WYlrd their ~hil.
dren 10 propt".lr ~b tMm ill l!,,"-l bulhL
IlOthWg thal lXlooltute. luth W.-guard lllaillJl. the
IIiI1lI .,u. of the Jlf8"'t dt, u bowl.dg~ of Goo',
Word of lruth IDd hit tneanl of Ne"ing mankind. 'fM

"cry pu, pooc of the SnrDIES IS TII Z ScaS rTglIQ, 'l'Hz

H.t.u or COl>, &lid otil:niII. lile~IW1I l'uNt.hed by 1M

i uwrtllllic".J Bibl. Student. AaoclItiog. it W eDahl.
the poIOpil: to W iNd thewKh .,. cou""mwa: God'. Word.

End of the World

Oll almoit ni.oetreu hundred .-eB.. Chru.liaIIJ Ia,e
~D. looking for lhe comiug e.J;~,of the world. Long
before tho! lime the J en had c.n>ecled Un, "wid
IQ end; for Un,ir prophet. had taught the", thn.. lhlOy
hAy" boen emllllu.Iy aught lhat ... hen the ...orld ...,tIl..
to IU1 wd the ..rih! wd all that u in it will lH:
blllDro. up. Thk Mief i. due Ie a iIIck ,,( kDow!rull"
of God'& Word. It ..-ould "leU' unrra.>onabie that J~ho.
vah wwld Cl"('lI\e a great carih lilm thu, und <'UUlie it
to be iInpro' cd, werciy to d troy il. li tho", ...,uld be
allv doubl in one'" mind the Lord Iuu oeWed that
thiou,sh his prophet "hen ha .aid : " Y<>r thus ",,;U, th~
Lord lhal created the hell.",,",; God b.inu;.eIf Ih"t formed
Ih. earlh and lOode it; lie. hath .. ahlisn.d ii, h~ """In!
it uot in YlLin, he formed it to be inhabited." (UaiJili
45: 18) ~'.I'he oarlh fo ....",...." -t:ccl u...I~. 1 : -l

Wond, not Earth, to End

By Ill. .... ord IfoTld a~ u.oo in Ibe Sc:riptun'.

;. rueaut
the "rde. of oociety, ...hich is IlOrnethneo; called ciyi\u...
lion. 1l = u the or<!"" of !hizog. ";>ible, .. ",Ir.!t~ 10
1IIll1l, IW "",thod of gOTenuneul, _k The Bibl. ,p<'4b
of thn-e ,"Qlldi: (1) 'l"he IWrld tlat ......., whiclL bewl;
o,erll" ... cd with ..-ale. peri,hetl ( 2 Peler 3: 6) i (~) the
pment evil world, which al.ioo ill \0 be d .troy,,.j (GIlin
l iawll: 4; .II I'ete. 3 : '1) ; and (3) lbe ""arid 10 ' "<1m.!'
(HebreWll Z: S) 'l'be lint Terld or order \KogaJl ... ith
t he erealion of man and endro. with !he doJ.l1g~ or Rood.
It "'II.'! administered byan;;e1., .. the &:riphm.l .fat.:.
With the ending of tf.. Rood began !he oeooud world.
!I:hill hu indeed boen, and ill, en evil ""rid. 11 U Ibe
~"d of the " prooent evil ...orid" with ",hi~h the J II'I"lI


World Ditfrtu--lI'Ay' Til. Rlmtdll

wen' {'Qul.'finl'd and ",hkb l'htiJtiaJu; hive been

pa~ tor maul ()f!nlQrin:. TbI' ~ .. orld to



" ... htorI'l" d,.-d~th .4;hUou1r..l~," ;,. the Q~r of thinp

in ",hi.b llh>iah tlK Chri4t "'4,'11' In 'ighlJwHH"I,aiah n: 17: .t l~t,r 3: 13.
thrut I.ft no doubt iII 0,., mind of au! 0lIl' IhI! hi.
kin~om ,1<>(" upl MIll! during the pretl'Dt ~ 'IrIl.h1;
to b." he .Ioool bclol(' ]' iLale hi' .aId: ~ll! kWgdom
II !lot of thilll'olld:' Aj,,&ll> ho op<lb 01 Satin U I""
"pm..;., lhi>; ""rid": and the BpiI.tle Paul nfetl 10
t;.tan .. the "gOO at thU; .. arid:'
Durllig the ulou,1K'I' of tbI. p~"t edl ...-orld ho""o!
111<" hI~t fi","lrd tu .. tablilb " righUout ..",.mullen!
ou tlU"lh and to briuj; aboul DlIJI'.long del;",; uam<'ly,
lite. Ii,,"b ."d happln"'.. ' ..... beoen much good
in tbu. "arid; for lIW>y tneQ hilt .!.rhea for righleoll-~
.... <6 and 1l1Ith. ~:~i1 hu pn>..ntd, how...... During
t h.. time the proud h,re been ret up, and might hu
bee!> madoo .ight by rnan..-llWclrl3: 1 ~.


''Thy wru be Done on Eanh" -

"Lard', l',.,.),r"

'l'h~ J ..... .... n i!l"rt~ in the md of tht 1'""""\

1!"'i1 ...-urW. to.:au .. thtT c:q>l'Cted llfSi!iah'. krngd= then
10 be ut.bli1hed .... J tho pt'Op!~ to reeth'f blwiag,

Chrhlill."", h.~e looked (Of it ~U~ JUIU taught

t helll to I''''Y: ~'I'hy l:ingdolll CO"'~, thy ,..ilI be done
on eo.rth ll_' it U ~ in hH..-en." plallhe'<r 6: Ill)

XatunIlr, 1M",


true Iludwia of 1M Scriplu....

... euld be,htn .. and ..... ittng for tb. oo~ .... d of
u... 1'V!l ~orld u,,3 the i~ugu"'tion of th~ n..... J~"...
indio:JW ",hat ...:ollld oa:ur at that t\ml>. lie IJ'Okr In
I'",pbrij~ 1uI,,"11lIgIl in oumrt'r to a '1umion p"'pGuhd""to hilll.
Our L<:>nl'. diocipleo app."..,hIod him and uid: "lIos!.(or, t.lI In ..-hat Ihall be th~ procf of tby r_~ ""d
of the I!Qd of ~ voddl'" ( 1I~!thtw- 21:3) JKUJ

1lDiW~m1 thi, qu...U~n iJI propholiu LulS\1I&....that t.

w'",y, hill.\U_-et fo",told what \Coijld ooeu' lI'hi'~ Ibo
wo.ld .howd ~d; and lor this l'O'tI!(In hiA all5wU if
panicularly intemtm; in the Ii:;:ht Qf p,""o\day
~v""to. Before noUring II .......
lei. \Ill ""lUld"?



c!m>lIo1D.\:ire! fcatum of God'. pmph..tJo"llte to "",ow about ,,'!>en It might b.. 1IX]>(lciod
thaJ the ""rid ."mld end..

CluC5 to Propherlt DatC$. Times, Years, etc.

The J....,. ... ere God'. typw.I peopw; t!'at i. to I&y,
h. el>"",, that people and Orgatl4e<l 1hf.JIl Ullo uti"".
~a'e tbMll hi. 11"" mud uood Illrol to l"I'I'.m.dow <""UIU
\0 iranopil<'. (ncb",,", 10: I; I Corinthian. 10: ll)
Jlau"" the Jew. vlolaW hio I....., (Jed limo and ",aln
warn<!d thorn that he ",,'wld _t thelll oJ! and pc""l\
the O~ntileo 10 taU them capt!>". and OOIlabfub B lOD,ld
empire; &Ild funt 100. p"niwn>e"1 lru...."uu.. mOllld ""
ror a perioo of iC"oU .ymbolic tlrne6. '1'h1.'Oll iC'rc" oyru.
bolic timH and the period of lim~ in J<JMf; It IIp!4UIf<I
by Volume 2, 'The Time j, al !lond, ST'IlDIr.8 I" ruE
SC'UPTOImI. page 6~:
~/JJ. \,II. 1I\blo a '<iIJle' Is tla'>l 10 thf ...,J;e of ~ na., , , '
CQllWI.=U1, ""'" '11"",' 11 .......1 ::ti~'() n.... t

'l'll~ Scrlj!tLU'el I,lalnh .he .... that thla deer ot J~hOo

yth was eriforo:d lIj;ainit ~, In th" JtIU COlI R. C.,
"",d tht.t tMre Kcbucl>a~ bec4me uuivernd IIcntue
ruler. Countlnj; 2,6!O Teart the:u.ft..r "o\lld b.wl; US
\0 l~H A.P.; "",II csI.""laHog a>lcily, =dlnS to

chrQnoiogr, the sentile !i~ "OIIId end AUSIL.t I,

1914.. 'l""'t ""le, we, "ould mark the .nd of tb. world,
when eYWI.!! ""ould ~in to OOCIU', thus Indi..11nj; II.!!
.nd. J oaUI to",told what would hap!",n thrn bY'4,ing
that th~ l)lI!!Oflll ... auld b:ome alll;'1 /\l,d God'. wrotb
would t'OIIIc.-Iw.elalice 11: Hi-lB.




Augus t 1, 19 14 Events Since !

No .. muk the fulfilment of the Inner of J!'IUJ to
lhiI querliou' 'II~ .... rnav we Imo .. wh,,, we hII.~ QOInO
to the md. ~! the wodd?' "S.tJo" !hall rife a,;ahat
Il.I.tio~. II.Ild ltinI;dom agai ... t kiD$dom!' Tile World
Wir bfgw cucil,. all 4.~ 1, 19B, the mil. or the
I(tutile ~. which marks the od <If tho old oroer.
J .... n' aid in thla ccnnediou: "And IMrn .hall lie
famluN, and pHtil"" ....... ..,d tarlhquaket, in dim"
I'laceo. All th_ an! I~ beginning of IfJrtOYI," Ur
this "" underrlatld lhat the I/'I'<'.IIU jlLOt d!K.ribod woul d
muk the b!'giD.J:>i.og 01 the IoOrroWI upon the peopiel oJ
earth, whicll nOlI\! in g.....1<!r trouble law.
OtMnllie otatOO, Augurt 1, 1914, IDIU'Rd the brgiD~,,~ the oumr l'~g.; -.nd the Lon! it pr<>.
ill hiI (I,", majerlic wa1 in dCttroyWg Ihe tva
thin,. of thiI Y(lrid 10 mako ....y for til\! e.lefoU.. hmcn\
01 h.lo krngdom of rlghlWlllIlHi.

Evenn Happening,Because Prophesied

1'00 Wo,ld IVa..... foUowcd by 10m;" .. ill maD7
It ..... foUond h1
tho gteIIt pnllltllCC! of the iunuc/WI, which tilled IDOrc
people in one feu than Ihe ""' did in low:. The",
have bfen more ... tural ..mhquaktlln the a.rlb in lluo
bot four ~ than in any pre.iou pe:kId of earth'.
hietory. And &iDee <'&ribquUN IJDlboIicalIy .~,P....,t
fIl"I"OIuticm, the"" Uktwioeh.lT~muktd uu.~, mao,
lLIliOlU h.\viol;" bIlPo C,e.rlhrowA by reroluboA.
'Ib!l Lon! forelold through W. Won! tho! God', r.'or
,roul<l return to tho .r~". at lhII cnd or the "orld, u d
that tMj" would bo nplbeled to l'liNtine; ...,01. Ihif
proJ>hecr we now _ in ooano o!.ln1lilmeot.
~, the Lo,d ilI..... ttl Ui&t .. onld be
~t lalliJlg ...., from the faith in CIui.<f. Jew, ud

part. ol uroi'. Am, and Africa.

End of



that oo-uu..t t."hti>tilnl 1<IIuld be turning to lhiD,t1

oth., than tho Won! 01 0001. ADd thul "e ..., 1m. In
fulJibnoll!.'~ ....n /Ill 1IlI1IJ oth.r !hiD~' ihlilhe y .. hr
lII'Dliunm in thill "Dow-du! prophcey, .b.ich >pace.m
no\ ptl'lllit \15 hHe to dJ.c; .... It Jmgth. '!be !.on! foretold ~nfra1 tronbler, labor trouble.<, rititee, loekout.,
rro5tet.iIlf:, Bol!Ju,yWn, ud .narmJ, q lurtber
d.n.u of the f'V"i~g '.'y of tho old onitr, p",parinl;
l~r the nr . 'l'hffil gt1l .,.1 .1b'tU .hl~lL lro .ppa~t
On ol1!rr hand ...., !ubtlant4tod by th~lr OOOUfflll<tO In
W ytf.. prrllided. Volume t, STOol.!:$ Ilf ...rur 6<;JIlPl1J~, "'bs Time t. .t Hud." d..J.o In Bible chMnoI
~y ,"d lIUIkto tOllay'1 om:llb doubly ~I " - _
of tb.;. ~"" ill tho yrv prrllicled. Jt illurth<.
ouMWti.ted in thl' lII ....u""""'1a of the Gift' l'y",.
mid 01 Oi",h in !ypl. This i. dte11 .ith fullY' in
\'oIume 3, "Thy Kinsdom Come," Stl/DIM I~' TJlIl



liAT It tnrani by

W .on

pooM!M ."


DaN r<wJ 1"',

immortal .au!?

The Wi !"~icopap"''' d.fino immortality th... :

The qu&lltr 9' at.le 01 immortal "r \':tempt from &.I!d unlhl1aUon: au WleIld~ uUteut". '1'0 be
imm<>rW mttn. thai "ne QI1flOt di~, but mud. li'e
fO~'CT. It IIlI'IIlJ that ouch lID "ne hu. ntfor.rnding
uiiience. U 8"U. ~II hu&ll imIrIcrW fOul, it would
m...." lhen. that th.i iOUI is oeutIceo, perpot...l. t'ODlinual,
impuilhable, in<lO,rupiiblo, dtathlou. and 1lO\ .".bjrct
to lkath. The Scripture. iglOO ,.lIh thil Mfinilioo of
;mlPOrtaiit,.._IkI'eJ.ation to:6 ; 1 C<:!rinth;.". 16 :1>1. 65.
From oar ,,"ulh ...., haTe ~n taugbt by cur f1'ligiou,
lrach' ...
crVT 11\41> JIOI'<"'iel "" immortal lOW.
I. thU true or DOl? The Biblt II the only Iru IOUm! 01
k,," ... I~ "pcn this quution. The t\l>riH oJ IIl<'n are
of no ,dw. urtl&. thty Ire bucd upon roml'l'ieni
,ridm.. romln& In)ttl truthful 1IO'IIfU. 'l'be Bible iI
God'i Word o( truth. (101m I?: 17) Any quHlion that
;. 8.I!I~rtd ccmlro.ry to the Bible c.nnot be true
~r. it malt.n u()i who gi_ II. Tbe S<.Tiptllff$
.1400: "To the ltw Ind to tho ttdimonr: it they 'I~k
IIOt __ .cling to this ,"oni it" bI!co.llMIlht:re It no Ij:hI
\trulh) in them." (lMiah 8: to) ~u.. n~: "Let
God be tru~, but .,'uy mil" m liar." (Romani 3:4)
.1..:,..." honm pl'n<>n tho truth. Th_ qu ...tJono.
then, we ohouJd .." .... tr """"rdiD&: 10 u.. truth, .coordin&:


to 1>00" Word.

What is the Soul !

More ___ .... dml"Ul.iDe .. bcth<:o. or not man P"'W'....

an ilnnwrid oou1 "" ",wi lint dtU!rmiDII .. bat iI the

1 "'''' 0.Ia 1ity

lOut The ele",,. My Ihal the IOu! of mao II th~ d;Y;!II!
part 01 him which amuat die. 'Thor cite uo !;~riptur:tl
proof of tlili, ho~-""",. The Scriptllle d"Jin~~ a lOut u
II being, II hreatblug creature. '~l'he Lunl God lo.mro
mall of tho durl of the Grouud, and beihed iuw hi.
nostrilil the b_th of li.f~; and man bco.:amn a Ih'ing
lOuL"- G",","iJ 2:7.
It muot be cooceded tim! the dtL-t at the ground Ollt of
which God formed man "'.....;thout Ille or cou";<IU!"
n=. 'l'ho breath which he breatbed into his _mLo
vas not <lOJl$!iO\l!. But ... hM Johom mad. th. bady
out of the ~lem~!z of lho ""rib and theu write.! with It
the bmlth which !.iring erM\\lre!! hre!iite, tlili Uarl<d
anim.tioo. That ,put to \Tork the machinery, and th8
",<lilt "'B!! sli'-;lIg, oen!icn!, maTing being, II ""til. Tho
words '0',.0/ and hi", are 'ynoo)'!llOllS torm.!.

Have you a Soul? Ate you a Soul?

E'-ery erealur.. thet b=lbn is II lOuL No CIl'IIturo
o, L. B ""til. But no oue
"ll'ould coolwd t!utt an llIlimol~. a lOut. '1"h~ ",,,,d
.... ul God applied 10'10.... ' aninlab 10"<: briofe tli<- ~ ....~
tion of man. (See Goo ..;" 1: 20,~O, mug-in) AgBin .....
read in Ood', Word: "Lt.... II tribute unw tho LQtd of
the meo of WIll" which ..-eiit out to bettle: o"~ ooul of
Ihe hund~, both of the peneuo, and of the
and of the 1IMe!, and of tho ilieep." (Numoo!'\\ 31: 28)
The reason the Scripturea de.ig"",\e animol.o "" "",I.
i.5 lhat ther are mil breathing ."",ture.. iliu is Iho
high...t order of aniOl4l.
The prol"'r dffinition of ..out i~ ilion. lIll,. cfuiuro
that brealh". and ~ the ....,... of .;ght, om~U,
cle., 4lld tL.... !bem. lIan .. ~ soul . Man d_ IIOt
~ a soul For ;nstan~, "''' .n l!ut! a IIUIU hal "
CO"'; but nol that m.o i. It CO\O". M.o.n;" $~. ~Imu
doN not po!~ II wuL




WMld Didrf_


TM BllMly

\\'bm aeabml die, tbe;t dI CO \<>

<!III! plaoo. The

man ""d 1M lower .njmal. Sa that
ror tbe lower aniroW thenlU no ~ter; "hit. God
b,r red.emptiall aIld resurrwtion that man
liHI again. 'l'hc 5eripturu r\tM : "That which
beIalIrth the tIOUJ of men bdaLIeth beub; eVllD O!l~ IhiDg
beWl""" tbim: II u.. OM du,th, .., diclh the other; IN,
thoy hue all_ blUth;.., t,,-t. man hath no p~.
DtDOe abm"e. bn.rl: fot all b TIIlIiIJ. All go Wlto ODe
J1w", ; all aro of the du>t, and all ium. to dun 19IiD."
( HcclfSiulei :I: 19, 20) God 1iII1d to In4n when ill Eden:
"Of the tree of lcaowledge of gQO(\ and evil, tbou lh&lt
not. ..I of it : to. in the dar tba~ thou ederllhmof
lhoa ohall.urdy die!' (0....,. ... !'17) U ..... lbeman,
the bciDg, to .. hom God ad.u-i theM
U ID.lZI hu an inwIorlll toW, Ihm God' ...,nIi do not
mtan ..!at they _y. lIut n knOll' that God doet mu.n
wbat he !!II),"

di.f(r"""", betwtfll

:::!f"" m..d



The Soul dmt Dies

'l'M clem .tIo han 1.a..p.1 thai the .oul is the rpintoaI thing ",hieb .... not w.1eootd to deoIth, end ..bleb
omoot di~, aro flatly t'OD~ by the 5eriptlUft. We
mid : ''The IOU\ that .iJwrlh, i t ihall die." (E.ekitl 18:
4) " \\'luIt mao iI no thai Ii.,.!!" and ohaJl not too
okath? ohtJl be dcli ... r his IOU\ fl'lllll the hand of the
gran'" l PNII.1I 8:): is) 'fhIote .mptun. pro<e that the
ooul d.its. U it die!, lhmo1 c;ouHo it """",,\ k immor_
bl. lIan .. a ",Ill. llu .... KIlkDced to de&tb. llu
diet. 'l~ lOul dil'e. 'l'here!~re mao does not ~ an
immortal soul.
T ile", is a dirliDdi911 btb'Oli'll 1i-"1"1: forner and
iUUllon.Jity. A o;:roatnre thai wguld bo. al"'4YJ obrdltot
to God and i .. 1wmooy lI'iIh hi", mlf:ht be pl'rmil~ to
U'1l fOn'\"er. U 4 <.... Iure iI iDlmorlai, DOt ~ea God
.'OUld pot him to death. The Stripturel UN" that God

I .. ",.rtality
~. lh!o ~ to dNIzo! tho


IOIIL Jeou -.ld,

hinl ..h., i.! abl~ IQ <1",,11<1'" bolh E<)ul ,ud bOO .....
(.'!l.r.IU .. ~ 10,28); Ihlt i. I" MY, l.iod 1'0"",," the

pour I~ drotror ....." body ud hit ~~..,. ui.\I"",,

""hat ho ma~ "..... , 1I,'c "'S"iD. Thi~ di'I''''''' lhe
Tbf .. It not on" Ktiplu", in 1M !Jibl. U",I d"d.",.
man It inheftnUy imIn<,JHaJ. It Ill! """ ,,,I, )"0'.1 !l,1t
Ihe mbl~ k&chro that
mel! ban, iJrunuJ1al ......1>...k
hinl to citf ollf; "",iplu .. that 8G ~t..t... \'"hlt"e u,



Scalrrrua, pq;e

"1:,"",lnlt>: u~..., .,alltLl .. I






". ft,.ll no",

."... ,1>0> u.w.'w ....nI ...~-~<'"' .-hIob to """ .. liT ..,."I.roIl

_I".. I.
III ,bl"r""~ dllr...... ' .... J'~
TIl<" ""'"'k .'un! ,. ..he 1.... '1>1 bolI.ql. o( tlw! N_ -r.....



...." .. i> lru",I.,.oI ,.,ul" nhr.. l~ II ..... , to 01..., , .. _

LI.", 'mlIld' I~," U",.. ,
on",,: ond 'ur. !orJ)'.on&



lie Foundation of Doctrine

II /h~ Dible, Ib"", t",~Ms thai 011" It _rial and IK>t

inlmorhiJ. frou, ...1..." .. dirl lhil ,1"",,;,,_ <>r ;""""~I
Immo,;a!ih' Tht! Ill 'er ii, Sala" lhe do,,1
ori,i, .. letI ii, ami it il 1M Ii",t lie e,...,. lold, Ind fro~,
tlti, ::....1 Ue .11 olltt. tllht- do..ttin"" h.,~ 'I'ruug. tho
doclrin~ {lri~i ... tiD,t; in th~ foUG.'!n:: mannor:
Adarn and f:' ... ~ in EMn, ha"int:: be<>u !("i'~n d<>!n1Qion (I t lJu. thingo at B</"". Thoy b.,1 tbe ,i~bt In liTo
if th.y HaitI! tG Ilod. (;<)</ ",hi IQ ,\01 ... ",
"In the dar lhat thou ..kol [Gf I),.. tift at kn<> .. I<'<I~
of ):ood Ind ~d\1 thou ~han 1\l1d! dlo:o." ({I~ ....i. ~ '11)
8atl" "ractiO! 11 fraud up'm m~Il,,,, L.e. lt~ io.l""",\
htr (0 kl~ thaI God 'l"U ..rthholdmg from ),.., Uld
h", hnlbon,\ koo"lf<I~ lhol ibJor 'O"(IUld ,.in by"UIIJI
or tht. rrul\. H~ ><lid 10 her, 'Wh, "~J'ou ,1M .....1 01
Ih .. fruil!" And E~ "",Ii"": "God halb ..!d, y~ Mill
"'" Ht cf ii, a.itber Ihall J~ toaob it, leri J. dit." To


World Dulrtu-Why' Th' lUll'Itdy

this. Satan ... pliod : " Ye "'all not ' UI'1'ly die; for God
dolh !wo... that in tbe day:re ..1 I hereof, l!teo your eye.
_hall be opened, and yc ,hall be [all w,..,j all go.lo.


wS good and il." (Grnau 3: 11i) 'IbU ...... a He.

beco.\ISi! II dired contro.diclion of what J.::bonh hid told,.
Ihom. Uerarring 10 it J tJUH4;'\ concel'l1inl; Satan: "H e
...... a mcudorer tron, the ~lnn;ng, and abode not in
the troth, bmon ... !ben> is no truth in him. Whe.. he
.peaketh a liB h. lpeak~th of ru.. 0'""'; for"" is II Har,
and the father of it."-John 8: H.
From that day until no ... Satan has blinded th8 .nitUu.
of men by induciDg tho", to be!!.ye that the lOul of man
u Unmorlal and that m.m can""t die. 61. Paul ...,.. of
him that he , blind. the mind, of men le;'t the troth
dUne into their li'....- ! Corinthiana 4 : 4.

Who is Immortal?
Since immorta.lily


that "hioh n not suhjtcl

to death. who then;' immortal? 'l'he Scriptllfl':l! 1I",".r:

"God only IuIth immortality!' (1 Timothy 6: 16) God

;. lhe Sel(~i.ting On~, fton. e.",loJling. Whet! J .. u.o
.... a.\ on artb, ho Wa.\ poi inunorlal; bnt immortality
.... as grantt.!. 10 him a. II g,...t ......ard at h4 ...
lion. He .aid : "& Ihe hlher hath illo in hin~ll,""
hath h. ::ivtn to
Son to IuI.e life in hiroocl1!'
(John 6: 26) When ho ..... I,om the dead"" <Bid :
he thm! IhoU" BI,d .... dead; ""d, bebold, I BIll
iii;'" tor eve""o~."-H e,do.ti~n 1, IS.
'J'he de.a him.<elf i. not immortal; for the Seriptu","
Vbiinly stato that in God'. duo lime he .... ilI dl'>t",y tho
deviJ,-Heb~\t. 2, 14.
Immortality .. a great ...ward offenod onlr to thOllC



J...,. ure o<orwmiug, faithful Cb.rUli3rno, nnd who participate ... ith Chri.t J in h ... IVOurn'diou; and it
, be ~ ouly by theln. The", li a ... ide dis
li:id.ioll bcl,,-..en W.en iII seneRlnnd
ho ~mo


---_.... _- ...

th".., ...


I he foctl\ep f olIo .... ,., of Joru<. All men morbi ;
th .... fore .ubjed 10 ueolih. The upo.ltle Paul paWy
.. yo: "In Adam 1111 di~." (\ Corinlhi""" 1~:.l!Z) 111w
uK. ApotIe \,:Wuly paiD" out lhal immortality ill "
reward for fl.llhfulMo&. ll~ enoouragt'S the ChrilI ..... to
..u immortalily. (Romllll.l~' 7) If a P"""'u inherently
~ a thing he "'(Iuld not be .eekinJ; ,\. 111.
apo,Uol'aw, then, auu-.wg hiliI>el.f 10 the comecnled
Ch,iJ!tiana ...ho pIVI"ulbcir failb.fulneoa Wllo doIoih and
... hO!lll n:Taf\l ill pmmiR'd to be heavenly, EaYl: '111e
cleM dWl be BiRd iDco,ruptibw, . . , for thilI ""nu?,
ti~Ie mU61 put OIl inoorrop!ioo, and this moml mn>t
put on inuuorlility. So .... ""u this corruptible ili!.ll blr.
put on incorruption, and this mortal ohall. have put on
immortality, then $hall be brought to pal'll the ""ying
that ia wril~, .Dea.ih i. III"IllIOWed up in ,,clory."
(1 Corinlhi4M 1&: S25.oj ) It mart be lWUlifesl 10 "'''''y
rce.!(I1!able mind if every man poaoeooed. iahtrcnl
immortality, ftuon this .lawmen! of St. Panl oonld not
be true. We kno .... that il is true; tor he \f1OU! under
inspiratwo, He ,how' itnmortalit.'; is given IU the
t:n>ateot rc,,1lrd.

Th_ '-or!ho! 51. Panl anI.d~ no! to the \\"Odd

but <Wly io the conr;ee"ated Ch, if\ianl. 'to ,aeh J .. u
faid: "Be thou f iUthfnl unto death and I will giTolhee
a "mWU of life." (l~velation 2 : 10) The em"n nf life
mean! the high t oute of lire; hence the .tate of
inuuortality, whim 15 uot rubjeet 10 Again
J ceua llIid of lho6c ... he ~rlake in tho fint NJUrrediOn,
the <:hid ""'lInectiOO, thaI 0'" sueh the &eoond death
.hall h.,e no pawrr.-.l!c..lalion ZO: 6.
God has e!waY4 ~ll immorlel. J esus and hi< clm",h
ate granted itnmorlelity ; and 00 other =atllI"Oa in tho
un;, ..... ...ill e,et be inuuorlaL

'World DW/rfu-WAy ' Th o R. m/a'}


All Men Mon a!

'l'h~ ... ord f,ri,<1l i. d,finl'll by lI'~b.t.r wd olb.r lui""'grarhen .... !oUo"" '1'" br d~.tIO}'od; to rat>' '''"11",;
iq bec<lm~ oothiol:. ,!"u.o,ald, 'Gad. 10 \o,e<! the world,
that he [:'Ow hi.< o.dy .tlen Son. that ><h<'OOClU ,b(>.
l i~~lh

ill 1,;,,, .bout,1 nol Pr:1U6!<, hut h,,"e e...,rt.,llo:;

Ilk " (Job" ;1:16) l~"inly fun .,. :",dition he'" is th~l
~,... r:L!.'lWg lile d~p"Q'" ul"''' faith in the Lon! JOOI"
q"d lhal all o\hol'i do ]""i.<b. They ...u1d not peri.<h if
immortal. Aj,.,.i" Jf>.'Ia.aid ""noomiD" hi. rotning : "[
am ro"~ u .. t they "'ight ha"~ life, and that th~y 'nigh!
hale it "'0"' nh\",danU~':' (.Iohn 10: 10) U a lOul ;.
illlmorl.ol, thcn of 1,,"" ....iI1 it "Quid VO-'" lire, IlUd the
<oru;"1( of J<'>"" and hi;, 1I""lh a",\ refllrnrlion ...ould
M! \)!' tl ....""'ll"y 10 \li,~ ~llllik llcnre it i. oeo!n that
t"" IhMJ~' of inM",ni ,,,,,,,orWit1 il; a <Jin:.c!. and "",i,
tiw donial 01 the. great ro.u><Im "",.; nco, SaI,m;
\Q blind the poople to thioll[$i truth; I th ..." .. uo
oill UWlI~ <lI'~ that of Jcou. wlw",by m~1I ClII be oa,-ed.

" The Resurrection

Nollli,,!,: Is .n\lf~ cll'&l'ly laUJ,lh\ by the Scripture;
t b411 the """"reclioll of the dead. ll'!1llI ill '"U!
iw.morial it would mO!:ln that he ClUInoi die. Aud if
dead th~", ()(luld be n6 ."h thiug ... II
l't"Ctlon. He-.,melian "'". ..... ~ "",tanding to life, o. II
n u"alion, or .. b.inging back 10 lite. 'Int ocriplure.abo", cited . how that ilIl11eJl camo under !he condemn,
lion 01 drath ; and !hat it " !he IOu], lhe being.. the
.,....Iu"" thai diu. Ueferrilll': 10 the dcad, Je'''" ""';d,
" lIa""t not at thi.: lor Ihe hour i. ,-","'lng, in the "h(.h
ill !he! ~'" in lhe tm,.....haH h"'" hi. "oice i of th ""n
01 man]. and ohal.l ()(lme forth: ' (John S: 28, ~9) To
Ih", St. I'n.,1 ~dd.: "Th,,,, ohal.l bo a ....url1'clion 01 the
~ead, beth of the j~1 ~nd!he Wlju;t."-Aeb 24: Hi.



Jetlll died and. I'QIII! again from the dNd. B~.., ota~
himlll'!t. (Revelation 1: 18) Hlo l"OOIneCliou is II guar_
antee tht all th\l Iksd ohall be. a....o.k:enc<l out of death,
H immortal, thil ..,wd be imp:NR1>l~. beallUII! alreod,'
alin. }'or ihiI l'tUOo PUIlly den,. the nmrm:tloa.
To 1lI~ their argument St. I'aul aid: "U tho .. blloo
f'e.u.roclion of the d... d, th~" II Chri.t llQt r;.en; and
if Chrirl be not r~, thtn if our pachlng u.i.... and
you. faith is abo nln. . . . Thm they IiIo ,.biob In!
~!I weep in Chrirt 1m ptriIhfd." (l CoriDthWa 16:
13-18) Mark ~rc. thaI that ... bleb pl'riiheo ea=ot be
immortal. llenee the ApotUe plainly 9.ya that expt
for the ~O!l &II b.a\"C! pmmed. Then he ~
to o:bcnr ihat the fSIllm."lion of Jew. II pamntM
that ell the dNd W1I be Inwght forlh fro", the &1""
&golD. "Uut now ;1 Cbrllt riM!n from the dfllld, and

beooma the flntfruits of then, that !Iept. ~'or om ... hy

came death, by IIW1 came oloo !he retOlllrec:tion of
the dead. For .. In Adam all die, V1!ZI" ill C1ui5t!hal1


all be made Ili..."-l Corinthianl16: zo..n.

What is Rcsuntcted?
In Older ~r to Iaakn upon mlnkind hit lie of
i.nbtn:nt immortality. Saton ilId"""" hiI repnRIlta!i> ...

to te&cll. II further


doctrine ro~rn~ Ihe


t!oll_tlI.IIIoly, that it is \,he body that .. ~;

thai all the time {roan dellb unut n'lurrreticn the '<luI
uali.-e; thatthe Lord ""'my br~, up the body to unit..
it with the iOUI. Tho Lord antid~ uw IIttack QI
lhe dent &lid caUHd SI. Paw to wnte undrr i"'pinlian
couo:erolug il Ibu, "Bul "'me will ~1, Uow are the
dNd raiRd up? IIIId ...ilh ...hat body do Iboy DOme?
Thou. toal. that ... hkh tOOq _e<i u !lOt '1lliatDcd.
uo:ert il die: and lhat ..bith thou 10....1. thou_1
not lhat blldy that fhall be, . but God gi",th it
body ... il balh pltucd him."-l Corinthian. I!;: S~.38.


WorldD"'fm":"'lI'~y ' ThB.....ay

'J"hlLf ye """ u..1 th. body ..-hlcb dies ill not the 0....
rai..d. {"'Ill the d..d. To illurlratol: J ohn J",!n 1& I
t<m1, ~, UNlun, man. When the blHtb iJ
iak ... U'lIJ' !rom him be dIeI. 'Ibercl<ne J ohn JOIltf,
the 6O\IJ, the m.LII, _
to ....Ut. lD. God'i due lime
h. l.o "'~IlJTfde.:J. God hid ponr to mate a body out
of the element. of the tarth In tho firrl imWloe. 'l'he
AIUI<' POl<" I. dill c.rittu,g, aod ",Ul be enrciJ.\ to ... nl
the re.llln'C\loll of man. So ... hen John Jone, iJ b~ht
forti" 1M Lord .molN lot hhn a body WI it plc ..... the


'n.- "ho go 10 hN~~1I ...uJ of nt<ftilty ha'e I .plrituaI bod,; l~t JtoIut dolt~' "J.. .pirit hath IIOt IIl:1b
II.IId 00 ....."

Aud St. I'aul ,!.aln: "}/]<'lh.t.tld blood

canlltll ~il the kiu<!om of God." In w. arguJU'nl

to IPakc plaiD the rnumctlo.., IJId thot the resunwtlou
rd..... to the penou, tbe belnJ:. the c:ree.tur.., SL Plui
"1' lX><l .....nilIg the one whQ inherit. the hea.uly kiIlgdom: ~ [I II "'1m ill oomJpl!OD, it Ii niBed in u.oomap!Jou." 'rhe here rdfnl to tho l leUCII, the 00iD(. the
creelule, tA~ ",",. Again he ,ddo: "-n i.o 00 ..,. .. nltu1'&l
body; it is raiJC<! pirituaJ body_ 'I'hue is natural
body, ."d there Ii 11 IlitihU.l body."
Based u}IOll the o6ohood 01 inhuenUy iIzunorl&l
lOw., then is ta.,.;ht to the poop!e the ClTWl<!OW doC:i rllle
of a>c>eiow torture; .L.o the rol....., d<>dril>e that
the lioirlg CS!1 o=:ounieli.e ,..jlb the dead. And tbtk
IoU.! d<>eUillei de<i1 the g~t ~m~, ,..hich 10
the only we&nllo. the II01lqUoll 01 the hullWl ~ It
l.i euy to be S)l'.II, then, that the Oll~ who ,.outd be
y.riicular!r buoy in k""pi~, l!tll lWehood btt:o~ tho
I""'p'k would Ii!', ....d ii,", thaI old <erpent, the
Srlibw! L'< rlU. ScrunliB.lll, 'l'Iu: H..o.u Ot Go!>,
"What 541 the Sc,;plurt'f about lieU?" and ~Can the
LioiDg T ali: ,..ith the Del.dl''' dUruu tbiI mbj!:d. at
l uU ld'Klh-


Where are the Dead?

EATH h.u in,.ded almoot ...-ery hofll<'. d&imiD,
..."'" lo<ed __ The pt'rplulDg queftion 1'.....
tenD ib!dt to the miIld 01 Illooec ldt behind:
II' bu1! an! our beloffil deW? 1'hlt quOO;ioll " of too
much importall"" to T\lIIt ur,u BUY theory, but mu.~ be
rupported by God'. Word 0 I",t.h. '!'he I",th "'h~u had
ud nndentocd bring. hope in God and ru.. plaa of
IIlntion; and tbooe .. oo ha,.., lhia hope, iUS SI. J'aul,
.... ro .. not oonOl'n>.ing Ihtl< dc.d .. thoooe ..ho ha,.., not
the hope. ETel! bontrl ~ 1hrD, ,hnnld .rant to
g.! God', Word of t",th On Ih.IJ, rubjtcl, tb4t hi .... r
roriul brart might be <IOmforted..
'l'be ~ of - . J ud Pl&IHnad$ inriitutioll' iNch
roo=iDg the Ilate 01 lho! dH.d II 101101<1: 'l'b. (.lth
lul, good chareh mWlber goe. to bra."" ..""" he dieo ;
tho otbon, not ..., faithful, to I,urgatorr, ani 01 "h!dl
rondition of purgation tiler mu be mOfed by the lid
or prayeu &lid maastI 14;.1 by Prtt'fit. "The lllnual of
tbe l'urglto.ian Society" quolel the ..onb of Liguori
Ih ... :
"'I1IO prutlceof Ii(
1'"1.'0 God lbe ooulJ to I"'~'

'Of')' lbe, be mq ..ltlp .. u.. , .., polo.I wl>leb thol' ... 1':....
.... ~ tha, he mal'"""" ~rlItr'" 10 114 &Iorr. 11 .. 01' pkuLor '" LonI ""~ ....., p""""bIo to .....~



Inlhoril,. fu.lhu rlakw:

flo....,'" 1Jl0000d bt ......, at I~ ...." or <:It!l<lIm ooiT.

<1,,:11_ _ _ ""'l' ~, tIJDttI JU'UfI .. d 'oUoo fl'01ll ,h"
II .U . . ...... II ,. lIIJpa. rd ..,~b'" It tit ..........
""tit tItlI dlt'111 <lop"..,. tlte .. ~ deparll or
",,1 lII!rI'ual ~. i.<o< IU perform til.- ..., ..,!...


lOr <bOt, do1>o.nod. ",,4 ,b.,",1 ~n tItd:r OWII 1O!'1'O":

bu, ~ tbto> """ .. VNlet _~ ~ ...... ~11 lit
IIUt<'O<Inr <he ooulJ 01 tIto d""r(K bl' _ _ P"1~" _lid



lfMldDulnn_lrlly1 TltrBerrw!!I

.'all"ml. ... lIu, "lui' ""DId ""'''' lombl, .1I,tt



5,,",110<10 Ibn '" _ I I 0'" 111..<1 _

tJ!d. our _
, ....,,'" '" . , , _ dl .. _
"'hl'" _ bare the .......... .,r
oU"'au." , .,." ."II\r\.Il~1 Tho, ,,,,1"OOtI d_ n"t _ "
_,k 01 n ..btlOJl li""'11 "flO, , ..... JIOIko<t Or 1Il~.
ouII_ ,.,. ..... a. of bI. lrIm<Io to be tormm''''' 1.0 lhoo na.....
of ' '''rp.laq," -"!lnn,..' of tM l'urpturlaD SooIeIT." ""_

U In&ll oo.s !lot p<>!IeIIf an immortal. ..w, and if he

ill DOt COJIociow aft~r dNth, thea the abcl'e pracllcc U
not only fralldW~III, bu t 11 the obtainlDg of 1lI000"Y
IlIlIIn tal. pre\tllJtt ud the taking of .dn.n~ of
tbe IOI'f'I1U of the ~,ed in order 10 DlOIII'J
from them. For tbll ~n it if impooot to _
whether or not tbc theory Is 'nppo~ bribe Bible-.
The l'rDloriaDt dt'M te.oh their puilhionen that
the lOut iJ i=rI.Il; thal the ~d are 0011*:;0.,.., tho
good dNd ill bu.,ea, the wicked dad in ~ttrnallorture

The Scriptum Proof

Ood a:ntent'<'d n:&n 10 death, lIot to pt.ce of con

Iciowi IorIW'O.

~Ih _lIoI



of life. 'l'be

ocnkncc !,t.inly mlUr, "For out I/! the dud "'... , thou
tab,,; for d",t thou ut, and unlo dwt UlIlt thou
rthrn.." (C....m 3: 19) It iI the
thr! being, the
maD, tluIL die.!.
ooul that, it .ha!! die!'
(E>Uicl 18: 4) uWhat man t. he that Ihdh, Inel
not _ M1ilh? .ohaJ.l he eltlinor ru...w irom tho pon.
of Ih~ g""'6?-~ (l'Wm 89:>1.8) 1I1ha dead u .. in a
ri.~ of OOlIlCi<ntmeoo, .i!lw:r in bliu or ill torttm, \he
Scriptural ou,ght 10 to.tate.. 00 tho CCllauy, the
Scril'lu~ plainly _y: ''The <bel I'rUM not.tho Loro,
llcilh "1 lhat go d~,," illto oiIenw!' (1'1&im 116: 11)
OllKorYioo lilted, dI1Ilb II c:oaditlo.. of .u....:." whm)
none ean l'fli!oe the r.",rd; ..,o:! b'II011 1I0~ CII, wJfer.
Ag.w. "e read' "!fan'. brealh goolh torlJ!,. ho ....
turlldb 10 ru. Mrth; in that T('1 day bia \bought.





.!,., IAt D<C!dt

p<'rilh!' (Psalm 146 : 4) U a cretltun! in death canoot

think, then IILrcly he coul d nol be colllciou.; and it
1rOuld be inlpoDiblc lOT him 10 be cllhtr in tbe .\.Ito
of J'lL'Vtory, IUIIe~, or In a nate of bl;', whi1e dtad.
Agalll ... reid: ~ Unng know that they 6hall
dJe; but 1M dud !mow not anything," (~l""i.ut('lo
9:~) Thi.o utwrlr <llil'ro.~ the man"'ade theory, ill'
dllCed b.- the w.vil biuutlt, that the w..d. an! <:OI1III'iOUl
and nW!. ~ pr.rm and !Inancial IWlrlanoo of Ihclr
fmnd ...ho are Ili.....
Again oar' tho SeripIIL.e: ''Their lo.~, aud Ihci.
hllrro, ""d their ""'"1, 10 no ... periobed!' 'Ihis ~\.I~
mrnt iI lurtbe. proof of an uncoll.\ciow """ditiUll.
l '1lrlbennOl'l', add. the Seripture: "Wbat..oeY~r thy
band to do, do it with thy m~bt; for thue II
110 'O'Qrk, nor dev;"", Il<JT kunwlcdg.., DOT w!adorn, in Ibe
g' B"t, ,..hilhtr thoIL g<l\'Jt." (Eccl... i.ut.e& 9: 6, 10) Why
ohould the people pay meta to -1 p...y~f'I for Ihr.Ir oJe.d
0.... "-00 bare DO know]~ nor 'riId0lU., and
cannot "..." in the """dition .. !My IlIIlY
Again !8YS the smpture, "In death there 11 110
rernclIlbranoo of \he(: : in tho gru", who ahall givo theo
tlwW?,,-Psalm 6 : 6.

The Dead in Hell

'1'0 further carry out the lalaollheory of Ih& toniCiOUi

u.le of Ih& <lad, Sodan i.udu~ ""'" to teach that the

em df&d are In bell, that btU io a plao:e of OIOlItciolli

torture, and that God hq ffOridi lIIIeh a pIao.. The
dodrillll of ewl'l1lli tormen cannot bo true lor UI.InT
re&IOllI: ( I ) ~w;e it it unrusonable; (2) b.uie
it i. re~t to j.m.ioe; (3) becowe it ,. COlItW'y 10
the pnn<:lple of l<m! ; and (4) ho)cawe it iI .. l>.>lIr
What IUOOn could be ual.Itned for JehoTah', ~rualJy
tormenting Qf LIly ercalUlO? What gQOd coul.(! be fIoOo


I\'D,Id'Dirl".-.-lfA,r Xh Rfmtd,

DOt be reaoonablr JIOI"ib!e fD do

IhU unJe..o tb. fl\'8.hll" ... re immortal lod fIOuJd not
be d \",yl; and lhe ScriptlUU ""Dclo'i~tlr pl'OTe that
man it !lOt Immortal. A cltiId is born iJJto th8 w",ld
und", roudltiolll 0'.' ... b.ieb it lw no rolliN!. Many
U'I! born idlo!.!,
habitlW crimina4. ~ die tn
IhU condition. It k'\:1IlI a,*,lutcly unreucm.sbJe Ibat
lhe Creator ~d fila"" ,ufb to be I!temally lol"lund.
It ~ II.IlJftaOftabk, and il i.o ddlllUl\iOll of his holy<'ier. It is lhe doctrine of Saw.
J uli~ i.o the lO\Ul.r.tlon of Jd>onh'. throne. (Poal",
8';1: 14) God ItIItl'DOfd IlWI to die, to retum. to till!
dlli! lrom which l1l,I ... tab ... 'J'o thut..f~, chtnge
the pecaltr and QlUJI! him to .ulIe, tonure eternally
"wid be a1nolutclr unju.1.
Et.rnal tomm II; Told of lhe lriDciple ellon. "God
i.o 10'.... A Cf\'8.lor that ""luI torture tw ~n'l!luteO
. t..mIIlly '1<OUltl be a aend, IL/'ld not. God of Jot... U
!nm.rigibU. J<m, .oold dictate the dMt'lrlioo of Ih.
c:rmture and not lru:. torture. 00 Ih~ fIOniru;r....., Of<'
that God'. lOY!! Is iO gn!JIt thai he lw made P""UXm
lor tbe ffiI....ptioD and aJ,..lion of uuwkiml..

<:<>mpli.hN? It .-ou1<l


Hell ofTonoeot not Bible Hen

Eltnto.llorlare Is WIIlIpported by iDgt.. lui of the
StTlrtura. ~..-po, b.i;:hly IJ1lIboIlo--oJuoh u
the rich IIWI w hill and UuaI'Ul iD AbraMm', bowlm
-ha ... been t.iJlfd. to t.a.h rierml torl~; _berou
thm- IMcb llnythiP<!' but thaI. EUJUiJaatJon of thlo
pou&ble iD Volumn 5, S11II>LQ IS TIU SI:'I.ll'l'tlllDl, "1'be
AtoDtInwt," paf!Ol 31G, ooadude;l!

t tAd 'rIM'Yl", the ....tIotli. 1... 01

u_ .... d

"''''''''I''. ~ u.. ...Jt<oti> 01 JJ-.olL-


IIIu ..,ffo>n<l

111 \hlI ponble Luuu. repn:kllt<'<I the g>tlIh!,..,

}';v.,Luting puuWlll>I!I1t .I..... Jlot IOOlm e,.darling \QI'
ment. 'l 'rn- La,.. of the Lo'nd Vl1.llbh .. burg!.. by Impra.
OIl!l101lt, a mUMIt , by d,..u.. The punllhn1~nt of too
burgin lull II r.... rt"n. 1b """Wunml 01 IhP lUlU'Ilerer io .,-.r!a.Ii"ll' The dtIolh ~naI11 u..1 Ood prolWllJloecl Up"11 mau ill .,'orINthq; ".1 .." W I'<'1i <'I1
only bf,we of bit ('Iau of rt<ienlp\iCUl, lIut "hI'lI ...h
olll! ;. brought iu (au <'OUlad, ,"'ilh God'lloI'ing pro ....
ioJl for life and mlUM it, tbtll the pllDi!inllul ie
&.>atb. from whlch thmo 11 DO; tbrrclotll

Prophets who Prayed to be Sent to Hell

The At/I of the Bible InfIIIIU lhe tomb, the ClOlIditlou
01 dtuth, oblirion, the gnll- The owy ,"oro ill tho
oli&:inal Hebrew tu...JaW ~.1I1! .!eol; .nd lL io trllllSo
!al('d V"''' .. mauy time. as it 11 t n.u.latoo Atll. !J.
t ..... amp1ef. ..." oo..,,...-.~,
Jacob, nighed down .,ith grid bocI.u .. of the 1lUp1'0...'<1 <loath 01 hlI belOl"OO lOll J_pb .dolroN: ~1

"'i11 ~o do... n illto IArol [hI'llJl1nto "'11<1" InOllJ"ningl"

(Oou",1s 3'l: 3.';) t.tcr, ...-hell f<.'q" .wd to ""lid Utnj.min to grpl, hf oaid: "lIy"'~, Ucnja:nln, ohaJl not
0 down -.iu, you; for . it uil bdalJ hUn, !.Mil '!f!
.hall brlnj;_do..-u "'Y p*y h4in ,..ith 10,,,,... 10 ~M~
[h~111" (G"" ..!, "-t:38) G"'1 hili ... would ta.--t but 0.
I~I !lm" in a 1\1400 of fit\' and brilll-ltODt.
Job no a:ood and god!y IIIIJI. lie w ife....,.] til" 1_
of lit. nrthl1 JIO'Mf"'iOIll and his f.wil,.. tun hio: wile
bo.'I.'Q"'in IUs tofw~. llil ".Ighhofi I.\lnl"" him; IUs

OOdr b<o.._ puttlJ from f\Ulowg IIQre.; mild wbilu w

tbi. o:mdition he p..yed thai Ood wou.ld "'lid him to
bell. "Oh, Unt thoII wou.lolii hide IIU! j" d,oI (bdlJ

World Dirl't-.-lYlly' TIlt Bt ...dy

UDilllb ... ",Ih be pUt ~ Su:cl~ no _

putOu null!
und.nt4nd that Job ""uld pn.y to go to 01. plaoo of


tOttnellt. lle thou I:Il.&hA

the CCUWtiOIl of hill
"htn he .....,.., -u 1 nit, bill i.o w1ne houIe: 1 ha.a
_de m! bt...! In the ~ .. . Ollt mot 10 in the
dun." (Job 17 : 1;J..1G) .If dark, there oouId Ix' no fiN
the~. J ob date. thit it i.I .. condition of Nat In the
dllli, from which IIWI iI!al.-..D.
Agaia Job laid that llWt'a "",no ogme to baIlOr, 8lId
h. kno ... cth it nol; and !lle1 aN bNught lOll', but he
Jl"f'Dl'heth it not of lhem" (Job 14: llt) ; thu.o lha_iDg
that bdl. u not a plaoo oJ: co~
JKI1I ,..('11\ to heU ... he" he dkd. Co,,~ming 1m. the
.l'rophrl "'NIi!: ~Tbou.ilI not I.... e my lOW iu hclI.n
(1'II1II",16: 10) 'l'hlt le>:t" quoted by the A~ ill
Adl r: ~7, tbUi p1aiuIy .bu.;...: w i tho 11<11 of the Old
.IlIId New 'l'ftt4luenl.i.n' the N.1lI~,

u.., OOIlditioli oll1gn_

exi.rlen<le. '1'1 ... ""'nlAd.s to the G_k"...... the.....,~

Q.I 1 1 ill llebru. 'Ih!~" 01 the 1Iib1e do not
tran.;l.ale tlwe '\fordo ot 1111, but leare th .... In the olig.
iwoI, thUilholrinj; that. rnodtm iiclIulau knOll" that tlw
~11 of tho lIible dON lIot meAD. plac:e of torture.

Hades, Gehenna, Translated "Hell"

111 ttl.! XU' 'l'atamco.t appe&n the word hll apin,
haoolated from the Greek gdf1lnG. Ha4u rep......,.ta
\q! oorullUon of dl'Olth trow which God Iw prom.iicd
a ~n; "hile g.A ..."" "'p_15 that ..,ndllio.D
of dl)lth llom "hldl the ... Is 110 mumr:tion. JffiII
.aid: "And it thine eye ofI'end thfll, pllttk It O\lt , it
II beiter for tbm to ~nt.r into the kingdom Ilt God
with ODe eye, thaD. h.o.ri:;Ig t .. o .,eI, to be I2rl into
bell me;", tho:lr
dioth not, and t he lim II
not qu.nd>td.!' (Mark 9: 47,48 ) 'l'hll it a {,,"Orite t.~1
Yith \how who
et.rnal !orlUI\'. 'I'heJ attempt
to ~ u.. people that the ....,""" repramt hlllD&1l




t,..lnp that V1' holJ o'e. the flam", and .....,,,11<'01

"",tlnua]Jy and etl"uaUy. 11 "'~II lit 'pJIfo","1 Wt II ..
!~"gllllg. ill tb bo.~ te~t i. high!, oywbolk
\I'~ know tht.! J UJ <lid hot liteno1ly """"" that II",
<I;""pIN .bou.ld mno.. llicir f)' .. ",,<1 by that P""~
.~perllo 1'<I~1 belveu. J""-,.,, boo ... itt dark
""~f or parlbGlic la"llWl''''' ~."-"d ... ,II",ul. p.1;",b!
~k~ h~ 110\ wow lklu." (li8tH!<!',,. 13:31) 'I'he
9,h'''~o. I.e
.\ated, repre.etilla. wllditlCIl 01 .I'-4th



(rom ..bk:h tho... iI 110 ~tioP. JMIJ ..... hf'~

MUll:: hi! b~ in ~U~ that no ~.:r IblDt .
.garill""" of bo'O' d<:llr \0 lb."" obould be pennitled 10
I'''' ....' IMm how cuteri,ng 00<1'. kingdOIll. IJ ....11
",tr 10 de4or,lt .bou.ld be ploeked 0111 ""d t4It
for it you.ld be briter to enter the kin;(dom wilhoit!
IUeb thl.u to ha,.., the MmI! (u pJdu~ by the e1"')
timl 10 be cut iu\o ,.heUM IUId lulI., .i~I1l.L d.ttllctlw.


Punishment of the Wid~ed

The puIliIhment lILa! Ood ... W IDJIlct llpon the viclcc<.l
d~cti?n. Tbeoe ",ball be pWli<lled .,.;th ~"n...t
ing dednldlou." (1I'~laot 1:9) "llFill n,I,
dtotroy ..utile
of ~ land; thai 1 """y ....1 et!
all ..-icke<!. doe" from Lbo: cih of the J.ord," (P--.lm
101, 8) "Whooo d9pioolh til<> '..-ord .hall be de.uo!<'d,"
(PNY, 13118) "'J'he Lord p",""nrth dl tMm ibat Lo,.
him; bUI all u.. ... kk<:<l will he dMco!,"-I'oa. ll~' til,



After 0 thorough tJIlmiWl\;Oll of the rubjt'd, \'Glu",~

0, Snll,IES z.." TH.E SQ"'l'I'UB.l!I!, Pig" 381, e<lllcludCI:

-\"~ 1tJ~....... ~ ....,..., IrU pI Scrlpl"'" """WI.,

Ita the ...,nt. .IIHI ud
ud iIa.. ~ u...l
, , , 1dt<l1lI Itl ... Wle Or <'<lDdltI ... IlIId DOl .. )\lU<', IlithOu&b


........ llmH


.... U~l,

""'kn1 of .... \>1_.

p"-hQU ...

lro", ... hl"" III poUaa.", ohIolI CO"" fQrth III "'" .....



A Ransom for All

"Por /hUf i# """ G<>d, .11111 011...,dia/or ~h"wl aQd
<:rid "'.~, IA .......~ OAlid J",..; "'.." g~ff Ai_II a
""""'" lin' GIl, /0 ~. u.I'fltd ... dill I,,,,.:'-J Timo/Jr.y
Il: 6, fJ.

ALL of !hi! thirty dellOll>inatio!I.J oomposicg the


Wodd. llo.ement, ourely th're are

UhrlItluti. To thfte it must
otnnge that the clBgJ of d....
nolIlinatio!I.J -.awd agmt &D\OJlg$t to ignore
the doclritla of 1M Word 01 God. In. i!irIlei
by the In~rcbu.reh World lIowueot ",,!De tIIOIIUu ago
it ill,. nafod that they ha"e ~ to ignore
the dodriBH I.lId unite in action; and MOO thel, aruolla
III~ l.intIW to 1m. coll..dion 01 I.lI eoormo ... _OUll! of
money, we lab it fa. ,...,ttd that they weo.o to be
nodMStoocl that enrrthW, II !pam! HDl'jll ...,gon lor
mo"~ I.lId the of =boN. Upon .hat do tboy
Hpl'ct to feed lbe hllDgTJ" lIod: of God if the doc:trim
are ignorf<l?
We '-o"ture \he o.sseriion that no! oDe minIrtu out of
!bollYJ.jd io """",\ ,..... ... ha.! upl..t.i.ned to biI coog,....
galio" the phil_ph,. of the rantOlIl oacriflot. It might
.. iib IIICIdnty bo fIIllXOiUd thai f ..... of them unde ...taod
t!tia g ....t truth. Whether that be the nuoo or IIOt, any
mao ..ho ..IUIlltl to teaeh the Bible o. pl"ftcll the Won!
of God .howd be able to inJiruct hio coogresslion upou
t his doctrine. ls the tllllOI!! oac.rifioo D dodriue? In_
doed, it II tho! pivotal doclrl"" of all 01 Ood'& .. rang<menu COllCllllling mankiod. II iI the one doclrine from
whieb radiale all oUu!r i.nIthJ.. II ii the ~ by.-hicb
the lruib or of all other doctri" .. II tlltU1ImI
and Doe oot underltaodillJ tbe phil_ph, or u... ..1150";
CO!>~ ..ted


lor A ll

sacriEtt! iI \ clftrly to w"le~1.and the oth.-r gftJt

tru~ ollhe Bible. The pot! ha.o bnouUIuUyl&ld:

~ ~"""

All lIM!

or CIu1&I I ,10<)",
o'.r 11>0 ......,Ito <>t U-:


of hId 0117

(Jaw", rou,<Illl1 .... <1 oubII ..... ~

lD the pro.idiug ~t the ran,IOtu _rWee if the morl

mun\..... ubiblUon of 10l"Cl .,,-n made or NOOrded.
lJ,id\y ben! ..., ~dn the rubjed

MIUl Crnled to Enjoy


Good el'ftW man IUld "OIno.o, Ad.aot utd I::,e. 11.

Ih!!.UI perf,," in organiim, gl"O them. ptfrf.ct
endo ..ed then, ..-ith the faculUo. incident 10
perfect cm.tuno, o.od g>lT~ tbrm \be right to \be dom.i.a
"'0 0TCl the carlb IUld \be tlIjO)'rDtlIt ot life, liberty and
happin<v. Upou tho enjoyment of theoB bl ... tn.g. no
llwil.aUon -n& p!aged, ollly that Iboy ..ue requin.-l 10
be obecUo:nt to tlMo diTQloe la ... Satan ambiUo\LI for I
dominiou 01 bil ",,"n, IUld obwrvUlg l!,;t Jcborab bad
endo.. ed Ibis per/oct pair with tha 1>0 .... ' 10 VroduOll B
rl<'e that 'IfOuld populate the eurtb, conoeh-ed in hiJ,
df,tumlnaUan to got them WIder hit """Irot



and ..lIbllfh a dominioo of bia 010"", (loaiah H: 12_14)

He IUQrled 10 fraud IUld deccit 10 Iud" ...
to ,-ioW~
lhe Ia ... , -!in& to hu in llllatan..., 'God iI Wl'ing you
In jgno~, and II 0000 b JOu pal'!ake c1 Ihi. food
)"\)II will be u .. joe ... God. rr. hal \old J"\)II that you
,,-il! die, but that 11 lWe; yo.hall not 0lU~1! di\,.'
En, yltlded to lho ..ducl;'-g ponn of
and .wtlld U. taw. A.tIIIJJI, obIerring ... hal lad hap
penlld and Iwowing the rerult, ..ther t1= b. drpriud


u... ..

or hi~ \H!Hlrl "'If~ and her ""ml"'a1Qwil'. birniE-If

.ioIaW lM law that he might die. 11. no I ouic:id,'.
'I..... jud(>nw\ c1 Jtho.-ah wu clllorwd br


World Dirlna-lI'A"

The RtfUdy

lIIan ("'tIl hi, perfe..t hom~, t:II.",. alll1 oNcliog a har.

ri_, 10 pl'l!W.llt him fl'Oln {\inlier p'rlUiIlg of tho:- tree

All Sentenced in Adam

Out ioN &II uufiu\!hcd ~tuth ,\..t.m and hU wito
.. enl. 'I'M p";"'1IOtIJ "kw.ulo """tained In the Imp"<1.....1 f...od thor re DOW ...,ml"'lIed t.o eat c.oued thetn
.ian.., mflo.itlg, IJId ulhma!~l! &:.ol\!. I'"r nine hUll'
dred IIml ihIrh" yn.f$ tht'r 1,,",00<\ UW~h tlLlt trying
onl...!. bolo", lfr,_ ..... utincl. Owing UIlt period tht,i,
<hild~l1 ... "'" born, aDd bl lhto to .. of iuberi~ n'"
born illlJl"dfd, unri;rht..", ... , therefore diApp",.ed and
ooodrlllll<'<.! bclo,," JebOl"'; for .. 0 imperi<Ct thin!! h...


todol'\' GuJ. ( Hamill," 0:12; I'.<ahn 61:6;

ltoUWl> 6: 18) $"Olllt rill illtl, ! that it ..... unju.\ OJI

(:",.1'. ~ to p"=il tho cl>Ud ..... oj Adam to flIl'I#.
froID the ~ultl ot the f.ltb<f. 'IITIlor-<loWg. Xot 10,
bon<.r. '1M tather, im~rf....t and dring. could IlOl.
pWiblr prodnw .. perl""! thing. TheretoI\', b~ inh~ri.
tnre Ad"IIl'~ rhUd,. ...U are import",l, ol.I ..,ld UDd ..
W, .U Il1'<'0,,,,, the oIa... of liD..
God It co.llli.fknl; he cannot be olMnrioe Ria jll~
Int1It IhoreCore m"'! Idl.lld; It _ I be ren>ned. Ue

,tU villi CIItli-i.lencT, ho\01l''Cr, ruak~ ......geDItD! for

il. oatidacllon; anJ lhio he did. II~ IlI&de .. l'romiHo
t~t he TOUld "l"'= lllIIlIkiJ>d from dath, Ia.. itlg, ~l
u,..", ffOlll the JIO'"" <>f the g...... ; 1 ..uJ
rroaew them frolll oldllt: 0 <k', 1 rill be Ihy pla,oru ... ;
o g"'''C, I "m be thy d... trurliOll: "'pentan"" 4h.ilJ be
IUd from IIlIne oya."-IIOfCQ 18,14.
If .. judpent of wurt aU" for tho paymeDt by
0<1<' <>f thouwId dollIno. nothing obort of thouWld
dollln >nn>Id ..wfy that Juolgme:ul. 11t.D. Adam, had
.mnod: .ml 111. Judgtll'''t or lI'ntt.uC\' of Jrhov"", duly
,,-.~d, Iud cut.".J. ""juir\'<! tho d~lh of the perren

"m nnoom


Nothing abort of th~ 1I!~ of ,. perfl'clllWl, ginn

up III ~ ...
lI"uuld mliIfy 1111\ judl,'flltut. If ,\ ~ in
jail blullSlt of hia inability tu pay .. Ihou .....ddulla.r
)ud""" ..1 "P\".I him. UId if U deo.i_ W I*r it for
him. ~u. hi. pto""rir. rod!IeH it 10 <'&<b '" onl., to
8~1 u,~ IholWllld IloUo", with ~'bioh 10 I"J' ",1 Ih""
tlooo pay o.t, to lilt o.>llri 1M Ihouoalld dollo.,.. for
whi.h A .. MId ill "".tody. ,\ ..-aUld t.. ,deal'f<J I.lIJ
11 ,,-culd the",!ore beooll>ll hi,; red<'CIII~r. or ....... m
llao""", Iito:n11y means to purthaoe .t lhf (01'\1111. II)"
the _
1"'0(..... of ."aiym wt <&II ..., that "...thing
c'OUld red""" Adam moll of perii'd hUlIlllll life 001
ulllt.ll! l.rd uown ill d.ItI,.,
AU the bUllWl I"l<le, bcwg flNl'woh1Ju of .~da",. "ell.'
hnpo'rfrd: tbt~o", IlOl one poooe-.l the
zW""'" Aihm. 'The I'NSltuiot Ibu, ",at"" It: "N,,~ of
them call by 1U'r mea".. . ,'lioem b" b",IIu, 110. ,\ .... to
Cod.,.."..",. {or him!' (P..J.m. 49:1) i5eh<>ld, then,
IW wuloue !'&te, with I brid Ii*" of lite IlId ,. little
~lJjol'nent, going into dull" \khold,. .. hole
down the hroo.d '11", to df.truciwIL




love of God Manife5!

pro,'idtd ia hi.o pw. that hi.' would amI! IMt

do_n_anI ('Oune of IIlI.Il and perfed him .....~. God

'" 10'00 tllll..-o.ld thal be ga,e hi.o o,Ll,. begollell Son,
WI .. hoooe ., lIoliurlh In him ohoulLlllot I"'ri.h. bill
ho:r~ f\trlo.niag life. .1'0' God leal ",,\ hla Soli ,ulu lit.>
..... rld 10
tho ..odd; but lhat the ""rid tluw,gb
him n,igb! be lIIIud."--JOhn 3: 16.11.
The tinrt tU:p ia!hl: I'rogram. Volume 5. Sn:OJIt/:I JS
TilE 1kllllTllI.I!, "The AIQlIflIItnl," pile -ll!7. polnl.l
ou l II lb.iI:



mad U,Ue 10 ........ than lIM IlnC<II fut ,he

rull<rI.o, of donIlb . .........,. .'lb ,lQrJ .~<I _
. I"'"
pert~"" of hllWl U.'Ote] ilia! bot b7 lIM ,,,..,. 01 Oot;\


World Didrur-lI'Ayf TA. B,

ohooJd "' .... d... th



""'" Iud lb\lll

_~. ~blo

bl1lllLl> ..-J'~1I ...1: w~ 01." tb< ... r!< at _a'lluJ,,.U,,,, lblU

bT Jobo<ab. La 1''''''<Il<I ...,toN& .......... I'ri"" r
CPU. ""'... ~1kIu , , 0lIII u, ..... pluue .r d...,lu,e J..u....
, , Tl>u, tho ..u:rU!"" ..Ilkh our L<onl J..". p.w rOt mo..o',

P_ .

lin wu uot .. ",,'n,a1 _. Whld> _ _ 110... """"

.PNPf<, .......,....blor aorlb _


p rie.> 10'


.... I, _ _




u... en .........

Rl:Storing Life Adam Lost

JI1IUI .:" the boginning of Ow'. omutiou. Va""
1 :2) JthonJ, Clltaed thl! IU~ of Ih. Logua (J ......)
t<.> b- tl'll.ll.l!ernd from .pirit to h\lJIlaJl. lie ....
brgotte.D h the iDrUibIe power of Jtbo.oh. (M.tthew
1:20) H~ .... bam <)0 the bum"" plane, holy, butriIN>, WlUC6ltd, lCp&rate from IUutoro. (Heb".,.., 1: 26)
Whm JHUJ .... 00 ..rth ~ ..... IIQt of the ~
ollkr, bill bo.I W'U made l.wCj' thao the enU. (U...".....,.
l!:7,~) .He .... made neob, IlId d~elr 1ltDOp;\" mw,
(John 1 : 14) lIe "'I.i Bah &lid blood, (neb",,... 2, 14)
Wh..... JeoUi nwle 1<)11" than the..",w? Why
made .. waul Sll'.IllI.llR('" ~We _ Jon>, who
.... tnadIo. little lont Ihan the IlII8l'Io f<)r the IUlfet"io<;
of dtlllb, ~l'O'rDed with gloM' and h.uot, thot he b)' the
gnce ot Ow ohoul.d lute! tle&lh lor II"m)' 1JIID." (.He-b___ !, 9) He 1Jl!W to 'O,nhoo.!', tf!a!e; and wben
he had rftchod the ...'" of tbltt! yt:an be w.. ""rlod.
II BIIt.ll:I., phy.ieall" mentally,; aDd at the ...~
mtuind to offid&t.. .... a )lrlelt hi' W&l in ~ rapoct
the exact OOtmterpo.rt of the porlerl 1lWl, Adam, w""n
be Rood in EdeD, IIUIl'OIUIdecl by all the Ilory and
beauty 01 \1111 ploce.
Wby bad Jeaa COme lItUi to the ari.h? lie .......""':
The So.t:t of IlWI came not to be ~ Wlto, bot 1<1
mlnirlet. aud to gin his life I tlIIKIIII." (If.ttbe,,, EO:
~8) AI"w, "1 am rome that the)' mlgbllll~ IUe anll
lbat they might ba'8 i t I!II,I'" abwttla.nUy," {J.~ 10:

A Ran som 1m All

10 ) J~.u.< had oome for the upre..o purpoolO> 01 providing s .'ay nC lite 10 the
he .aid: "I. Juy down my liIe, that I might toke it
again."-JahD 10 : 11.


So, ... Volume


Ato ... menl," point.

S:runu:s Il< l'lIl'.: SOIIll'rUBJ:!!, "Tho

out, page i l l :

'"Our Lord ~ld !!<I' I" '" ..,I'I&'Unz: to,.",.., .. bOD< ...0
lUo.'e thla 'n61.wot&b1o .00000000Y .hat ....!utiog 'OI1ll..,t
u not the _
o! olD. "

Adotm. IhB perf~ mon, Iw1 aWmd; ~nd Jehonh

hnd I'Illered Ibe jud.<:mwt ag~t him, 1'I'<julling hls
lite, "bid judgmenflnd been onw re.! in he8>'Cn. That
...hid ,"ould be 1'I'<juire.! 10 ... tidy th~ judj;lI1eul agai",\
Adam, and indimctly againot his oltopring. mu.g\ be the
<>:juivalent of 8 perfect hUll1ll.!l lite, prtKnl.d in Itt~'rn.
No mom could """"lid into bea.en. J",IUI, the peril'ct
man, thereto...., mllrt dia anti
trom the- dCKd ud
ascend On high, omd there pteo!ent to Divine J udice the
,alue of hi. perfect human life. 1"hi...... hy he .aid:
"1 lay down my lite i.Mt I might 1m it again" ; thai iA
to .ay, loke il 10 bo u..<ed in hannon. wilh the di,iuo
purpooc. At the .ge of thirty y"ari J .. u.o p ~... utro
him5<!U in full ",n....."..\ion 10 do the Fathu', will. It
.. 4.0 the ... ill of Gw that he Mould ID.. down 1m life.
(John 10 : 11_19) 'l'hroo omd o,*halfYe4U Ibel>'e1ler
he died upon Ihil c ...... 'l'hroe day. late.. he arose from
the dcad. Forty da;n< thel>'e1ler he ..,."".ded into heaven.


Man Guaranteed Life on Eanh

Adam had forfeiled hi< right 10 hlUD.(l.1l life beeatae
of hi! ,iOlatiOb of Ihil b .... Jcaw, tbe perioct IDI.D,
,."IUlII.....,ly laid down h" human lite, bn~ did nol parl
.. itlt thi: right to il. Th"",rore, wben God ... i.'d
hi ... out of de4th a divine cl'I'slnre. J ..w po-" lbe
riJ(b. 10 the pcrf.d hutnlIl ille, .. """ call1lll!rit or
...tue. In othn pbruc,


a bad rmuo.-d

hit P'operty


World Dilt,tu-ll'A:"y' TAt Btl11!dy

to t:a.b in ardu to redeem hiI bl'Qtt... A, IO.J...... 1wl

.~u<ed tu. humuity to that .&l1Ie _hkh " ' btl'
to p~nt to O;.iDe JUItioe ia bn. ... n. ADd "". 1rbo:a be
....,.., from the dO&d and uctIId!-d on bJf;h, be foe! etad
\.he ,a11l<' or tquh-alwt to ... h&~ Adam had orleitt.!,
anJ Iblo J',-ntation of It to Jcbo"," for Ibnt pll'poiI!
"ould I'(leasoo Adam flOra the jllds:mont of dNI"; owd
... ht>n dont', God'. plan II tbat Ih6 dead IlWl =0 forth
alld ." opportullitl 10 li.~.
liut 1110<0 than .ISb~D bllDdred jUl'li ha,.., 1'l.ap&1!d
.h"" \he d."lh and mUl'~jon of JOOli, and Adam II
.\iI1 dtad, and b.. children IN dead and d~. Wu
tilt"" oome ddett in the Lord', arrangement? Would
it not fallo .. that if Ib.i. I'&II.OOCD Or pu""'-"e ....
raId o.e. to m.ine JUlliae, Adam and hiI olbpring
,bauld immrdi&td! ha the ,i,hllo life? Sam.,.....
10 be lhe ('(ItI'K"l thought. J ..... ..,uld h.",. preientffl
Ih~ .due of his .acriftoed hutC&D lUe to Oi.;"" JWllice
iDlm~tcly "'hm he u:wd~ on bigh, ..,h1tb ... ouId
f'IIUII". the Ie!;I11 di>abilit1 IIOde, .-hleb the n<ll h.o.I
bee"; and the PI'''''''''" oj mllorati"n, thai ii III "Y.
bringing bW: the race to tb. perfect co"dili<lu in body
and mind and life, _uld ha<G \q;un. Wh, did be Dot
do It? 'rite proper IIIll,",r to lhit
apia mUa
lIWIl!at u.. lowe of J~ho.ah aD \he Lord JeRI_ ill
rro.iding _
other wOD(\(rfui thlDga ef .-hich ID&D.
killd!tao ~n in.ita! to partake; IWUly. !he ~~
meol ef the cbUlci> and the work whlcb the ohurch .-ill
haft Ie do aft(r onoo dcf.loped.


Death Taints to be Eliminated

Til<' Ifree.t I"IlIlOOnl MC'dflce 11 guarant..e of the
re<!cml,!loD and dtli.~ranOl! of the .hurd>. .-blch iI the
bod! of Ghrid (ColOll!i.&nI 1 : 18), \0 W fallo.~ by II
full and tomplde trW of all DWlkiod fer life, and Is
a gu ..... k>e that all mfn lhaII ha.,. eD~ trW. (,1<1111:

Ba_"" for MI

31) ThOlO..,1to ate obrdiolt tu rlghk"u"""" ., Md., t ho!

trW ohaU lim fa""", on. the .'U'lh..
ti",~ mill-I
thud,,", ",,_..,hen it ft.!I "" trill,. NIid ~miJlioo _ n ".limg -.ill. nerer ~.~ Thai lime is no.., ]YO>\:.
S"rnrnin&" np the ,:o,..ha;""," of AIgUm""U mrn 'nanl


oie'O'poi.Dt., Volume ~. SII1DIQI III

"Tho Atonem..,t,'" l'A!,"t! ii2, "I':

%lIl!I S=M't:IlQ,

"11"0..." too, that lh'I work 01 ,b, !!a.kI, Ia DOt ~"""'o.

plWlN1 .".",1,. !u P"~"" ll:I...... bot "~lOt U~r V""
thuID~ ,bem II Ia ~_ry lboot h ~O"w Ilo ,h. 0 ..... '
l'lInldan. to boool tbem or .w-<llt~ . w.! 10 .... to .. U_
to U/e aDII to all u.. porl:tloa. 01 """I, nllu",: 0",1 'h ..
e_llIAI'l. Iilf1l~ Ibo P"-'- cr .... 'I.u... du< ,/Ie
"-""d 1"'" cr blo~ . 10 _ ....
tbt7 blm 1. ' Ptrlt<:lloo.


World Distress and Perplexity -Why?

L 11K! natiolUl 01 ea.rlb ate ernbar~ The .ta1l'6men and poUticio1l$ &n\ mum""l'd '.rile
l~bor~ people arI' "'.U~... T here am ",,!!Slaul


dillkultle. betwe<'.u labor o.od <l!Il'ilaI. Proli~n ooutfuue

the people. Bol.ilieviom, like. a hidoou.. m",,_
,tor, ba. ap~ and def;lroyed I\OlIle nation. IIJId Is
kn<>eklng .t the door of lIlany "lber.. Calalnilieo too
numerous here to ",""liou ate ",-o!rlakiug the inho.bil3nlA
of !he arth. The n>aI "''''''' of th_ lrQuhlet &Ud Ihe
ad"'1llllw KIlIedy t",.. lIi!Cm to IWd.rst ....d.
'l'hc Bibl. gi>1)I a elm, o.n,wer, oho';ng ...hy thoM!
couditio"" exiEt. In reply to the que;rtioll ... to ,,'bat
""QuId he th~ conditioru ill tlu,> earth at the lime of the
""<\ ollho ,",orld, J esus .aid: "On the earth auguilh of
mlio'" in CIllban=<>nt, 0<0 ""d ourge "",rounding.
lIle" fsinting from fea.r and ."peddion of the thieg.
ol'\!rl.okiog the ~ited earth!' (LIIh 21 : 25,26 ,
Rol~"ha"') 'l'hio prophetic utlenmec 01 the lord DOW
Cl'I'I)"OOdy ....... in C01lI'&C of f ulfilnleot. 'l'b"", is ilil\reo.a
and perpleritT everywhere, IWd !hi:! ~ 011 lbe iucrellOl.'.
What is tho m.t cauro ?

w (;"Ute

Increased P" rpiexity O pens Prophecies

Not Understood
No olle can get Ihe p.:>per ......... r to this qu..tion
1rithou! B kuo ... tedge of the dh'We plan" 'l'he", n",-.,r
.."u a time 10 itnporlallt for man to undurtand God'.
I'Ul'poo<"!! OJ! 1I0W" This l'lun i ...t forth in the !lible, and
it i3 110... due 10 be undentood. Ire ha'e l'5Ched the tim.
01 th~ end, tho ti_ ... hen the LoN Mid that ""Ihe" .... '"
~hall underodand." (Danid If: 10) The "v...... rithin
tho ml'Wlwg o! this scripturo lire u.- who hl)lIfiily,
~ DmrU3 Cl'Id Pt11lt%ify-Wllyf


diligenUy and Il.iccerclJ seek the truth in Gad'. Word;

and "'ho Iearlesoll1nt Midi! the teachWg8 of~. and
folio'll" the Lord all hi!! t.~ only.
lIridlv slated the answer is this: God emitted man
perfed: and gare him a perfect borne in Ed.", Man
,iololoo God'. la...., dte. havinj; been ...ame<!. that a
";01llion "'atilt! mult in hit derlnietioD .,.d the """.
le~ of himoclf to d""th. AdAm, the perleet man,
uoder 6ent~noo of, 1I0W upelJod from Edi!ll, bogo.n
to di., which death P"""'"" ..,ntinu~ for a period o!
nine hIWdred and thirlr yean, duriDg whioh periDd
of limB all lhe children that he bega! ..-en. bom.
'J'he6e wel"& brought forth ia ilia ""rib .. imperfed,
becaUlle their r.ther was under oondemnoliou ol dmth.
'l'his i. what is meanl bT tho l'rophot' ~Iem.nt,
''Behold, 1 was m..pen in'iuiquity, BDd in ,in did my
mother ..,aoc'n! me." (l' 1;1:6) AU were born
rJrm ... for this re&&On. (lImp'po 5 : 12) Jehorah "'ado
a l'romWl to m:I""", man fulm and 10 .wore him
to 1m original oondition it obedient 10 God'. law. The
o:ur)'iDg out of this plan w... required a long pmod of
time. lD the coune of timo God llCllt into the.ut.h hi!
belo.-ed Son, 10 provide the l'1l1li<Im ....,i1i"", and lhrou~b
til;. !.be redemption of man. J e<w came tht men mit;ht
have lile and ha.e it mo~ ahwnl...,Uy. (John 1(1: 10;
Matthe ... 20:Z8) He died upon lbc ern .. and IlrOM
J",m Ihe det.d ; SlId hi!! death SlId reourra1ion provided
lor the opening of the ny to all mm to rome b<Ick wlo
harmony with God w hi!! dlla litne.-Hcb""", 2:9;
1 CoriDtiriatu 15: 12-22.

Work of P2.5t 1900 Years

During lbc ~I nineteen bllPdrM yl'll'O ou Lord hu
been preparing hio bride, u... ehwcll. Wbe.o he .....,1 .......
he promised to return for the cl!UIclI {Jolm 14: l"~S,
8J!d tnt 'OitlJ hi!! coming would rome tlJe end of


lr~rldDilf" ...._

1Phy' 7'holl'fl1(dy

Ib" ..",Id. the .whin" to pi ....'


tho oM "rdon 11-",

ooltio)l: II!, 0/ hiI kingdcm Iml tho ~Ie.<>iu: of ItLIlIki"" .

nurin~ thi. ptTWd of pI'I'po:rmtion &t.n hll.ll ~n the
~od 01 \1,~ twil "'olid, ruling ill tb~ mind" and h"llrls
<If b"",kind. o:am;ng ~vil and "io/W<le on earth. II ,.


G';Hi'. PU'I"l"'" 10 "rain Satan, that he

d..,.i", the
"ltiU,," no rna"., (1Ic>d."tion 20: 1-4) &O<OiD/;:" that hI.
cmpirelo aboul to I>!: taken from him. Satan ul;au.;og
I!"",t trouble in lhe worM. in~uci"g fho pIl<)ple to ,,'ar,
.trife, hatred, 1"1,,.,*., i,r06il'l'r;nl;. ill
10 hHn<!
tMm to Ood'. rmI JllI'I""""- 't'hf l",rd {"",kno..- thi.
aud ("",told thl whon the lime "'1\.1 h.", UlI'f'Il would
be ~l of nalia ... with p<'rpieJ:ity, ornd Ri!<mpi'
an th" JlIlrt 01 "'on and ol'l:ani.alion. 10 palch Il l' Ih~
old .,:der.


AU Human Agencies a Failure

But lilt th .;e t/tOrl3 o! IlIUl to ",form tlu> rfTl'l'nt
",dOl Irill be ~f no avuil, TIw ttlid of mankind lios io
the .ll...]a,nio.J<i!ll':dom, whiob i~ now boing M8bllihed.
Th!!ll .,..m ilK' Lord rule In rightwu'~,"",. '1".. I'rol'hcl
opca1inf: 01 Ihi< tilIlt '&Y"' "God .ilIlhak~ all Mhop~,
an,! LIh"nllb~ <\W.., of aU nation> ,,,,,11 ro:m~:' (llolgge.i
2: 1) 'l'he ,Ip,;"" <>1 tbe nation. is peao>, p""J><'tily. 1if~.
Thl' ca" <:OlIle ",,]y througb th.
;U.,...ianic Iring< om; amI I"" J'~nl ol~"",,,, lind ]'t'I".
rip.,;l! j~ ""Iy a f"ruu'm~f at lb. (amin:: d~Yf of HC!'<The ~vi,I.,,<'I' ~< c,,,,d,,.!;,~ from th~ !icriptum \l,.t
..... a<6 in Ih" l... t o1ay~ of Ihn 010' Old"" ~n,l tbal it;,
olyinll "ul. '11." prophet 1laniel rer""io:: to 1I'~t timo

8",11"'111'' ' ''''''


"',.,.: "In 110" ,In~';; <or U, ... a kinlf" ..halJ 11", (1<><1 oJ b",,,,,,
!cl " I' . kingdom. whkb oIu,1I ne ..,. be- d..troy....J; .",1
th.. ~do", .hall not ~ I~ft to 0'''''' rooplo>, bul It
.ll.lll b."u in pl __ and ""nlume :Ill thow Idngdom.-,
and it ohalllriind f", .,-cr.'_1Janw 2: 44.
hI e.l1,lIw&Hon 01 iUch te,.ipluteJ Ui arc "o,mfu&iz:og

World Dill,... Gild Ptrpltrily--Wh!l'


to 10111C ",d Jri <IOuwn a drplh of II1<:LIIlng in oymbol le

phrur,ooo bill to Ide> to \'01""", 1, Sl"LDIQ IS
THE Scurruua, "The Di..we l'1u;' &lid look up the
Seripture ten. in the inda in the rMr 01 the book, thll
britl; I'ODIplrio inw ol enry borl UIf:d Or cited. in th~
",.-ell YIllumn of S:r~I>IU 1" Tlill Smurn'Ill!. 'l'h< ...
"'0 lInd that 1hU prophoey of DAni~l i. fuUy doelt witb
in Volume 1, "'l'be DIVino 1'1111 of tbe A:;~" ~e.I
f~ \0 25G, e-oe:tl i,Juti1y;og th~ natiolll rop~"",1cd in
tho l'rophet'. d... ription by the h~..,f line gold, bl'\lllri
&nd anDII of liher, bclIy &lid th4:ht of II...., Itg. of
iron, and f~ part of iron LIId part wy.

The Dl:$ire of All Nations

ThIo Lord. promiJeS. then. that io the wt day"

ill8 the



of the old <mi , the kincdom of riglltmuJ

.... h.n be ~bl;'hed: "And many JlI.tion..haU "'''''',
u d 1&1, Come, ""d let III SO uJ' 10 the mOWlI4in of the
Lord, &nd 10 the bOil.., 01 th~ Ood of J.rob : aod he ...ilI
t..acb III of hi. '..-aYJ, and we will n1k .... hill ",,1hJ; for
tho I... o.halJ. go forth of ~IOD. IDd the IOro. of t he Lord
from J~ru..:Jem. Alld ~ lhallJlI1l.<:<l am0nt: 1llIJl1 people,
and rclJtIke dtan& natlonl at.. elI; LIId u..y ohal1 bait
their .word. into plowlharef, alId th<i' .pran iato
pl'Wlinsho>ob; naUou1halJ !lOt lift up. CII'Ord spinot
nati01l, aeither ,hill they kern ..... ally "",re_ lIat u.:,y
lhall tit ntt,:r man uook, lib yj".. alId II.Ilder hi~ /lg
t ree; and IIW:C ohall !!lab tbem : for II... mouth
althe Lord 01 h~ hAth IpoUIi it!'_ lliellh 4: k.






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