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Privacy Preferences Change Form

Your Privacy Preferences:

Intuit Canada Limited (Intuit) is committed to protecting the privacy of its customers. We encourage all
of our customers, and any interested party, to review our Privacy Policy by visiting and
clicking on privacy for a complete discussion on how we use, collect and disclose personal information.
Changing your Privacy Preferences:
Intuits primary uses of your personal information are to respond to your requests for products, services or
information, and to alert you of important product revisions or updates. With your permission, Intuit also
may use your personal information to notify you of special offers, discounts and new products and
services, as well as seek your assistance on how Intuit can better serve you. If you want to provide or
withdraw your permission to such secondary uses of your personal information, simply telephone us at
the number below. Please note that for your protection, you will be required to provide your customer
number and another form of identification. If you are unable to locate your customer number, just
complete the following and, using the contact information at the bottom, return this form by mail or FAX to
1. We use your information to tell you about special discounts or offers on Intuit upgrades or
new products and services that can help you make your financial life easier to understand and
 Yes, Intuit may contact me occasionally regarding new Intuit products, services or
special offers.

 No, Intuit may not contact me occasionally to inform me of new Intuit products,
services or special offers. If you select NO, you will no longer receive advance notice
and special offers on new Intuit products or services.
2. We use your information to tell you about special discounts or offers on the products and
services of other companies that are made available to Intuit customers.
 Yes, Intuit may contact me occasionally to inform me of special offers from other
companies that are available to Intuit customers. (Please rest assured that we do not
share your personal information with these companies.)

 No, Intuit may not contact me occasionally to inform me of special offers from other
companies that are available to Intuit customers. If you select NO, you will no longer
receive notice of special offers to Intuit customers from other companies.
3. We use your information to occasionally invite you to participate in customer surveys or other
opinion gathering activities so that, based on your input and feedback, we can continue to
improve our products and services.

 Yes, Intuit may contact me occasionally to invite me to participate in customer surveys

or other opinion gathering activities so that Intuit can continue to improve their products
and services.
 No, Intuit may not contact me occasionally to invite me to give my opinion or feedback
regarding Intuits products or services. If you select NO, you will no longer be invited to
offer your opinions and feedback that help guide the development and direction of Intuit
products and services.

Customer: # _____________ (if available)


Postal Code:___________________


Telephone: 1-888-829-1722
Fax: 1-888-829-1724 or
Mail: Intuit Canada 7008 Roper Road Edmonton, AB T6B 3H2

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