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(A study of Allamah Mohammad Iqbals poetry)



Introduction ..5
Prayer 14..
Prelude to Heaven 37......
Song of the Angles 50............
Prelude on Earth 53..
Zarvan: The spirit of time and space, conducts the traveler on his
journey to the supernal world 96..........
Chant of the stars 107...
The sphere of the moon 113..
An Indian ascetic, known to the people of India as Jahan-Dost, who
lives as a hermit in one of the caverns of the moon
Nine sayings of the Indian sage .........
Epiphany of Sarosh 153...
The song of Sarosh 160...
Departure for the Valley of Yarghamid, called by the angles the
Valley of Tawasin ..
Tasin of Gautama 177
Tasin of Zoroaster 185..
Tasin of Christ 197..
Tasin of Mohammad (S.A.W.) 208.
The sphere of Mercury 219..
Afghani: Religion and country 235... :
Communism and capitalism 243

Said Halim Pasha: East and West 250.. :

The foundations of the Koranic world man: Gods vicegerent
262 :
Divine government 278
The Earth is the Lords 287..
Wisdom is a great good 295
Afghanis message to the Russian people 316........
The song of Zinda-Rud 341..
The sphere of Venus 344.
The assembly of the gods of the ancient peoples
Song of Baal 366....
We plunge into the sea of Venus and behold the spirits of Fharaoh
and Kitchner 374..
The Sudanese Dervish appears 392.............

Javidnama is often considered to be Iqbal's magnum opus. It contains
close to 2,000 couplets which express a fear that if Muslims dichotomise
under the cultural impact of the West, the spiritual and the temporal the
vital contact between their life and the fountainhead of their spiritual values
will be broken and Islam as a complete way of life will be stifled.
Inspired by the Night Ascension of the Prophet, the poem describes a
spiritual journey from this world to the heavenly spheres of the Moon,
Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn and from there beyond the bounds
of creation towards the Divine Presence. Beginning with the loneliness of
the poet in his earthly abode of separation, and the potentiality of Man who
is but a mere handful of dust, the poem reaches its climax when the journey
ends in absorption in the contemplation of Divine Majesty and Beauty.
The above paragraphs are a brief introduction of Javidnama given in the
website Arthur J Arberry, who
translated Javidnama in English, wrote about Allamah Muhammad Iqbal and
his works in some detail. What he said has been reproduced here-under. It
would have been appropriate if this had found place in first volume, but his
views are equally appropriate as concluding remarks as Javidnama is the last
book of the study titled Pearls from a Stream.
Arthur J Arberry wrote: The bare facts of the life and career of the
author of the work here translated may be summarized in a few sentences;
more extended biographies are not far to seek, and for the English-reading
public A. Schimmels Gabriels Wing, Iqbal Singhs The Passionate Pilgrim,
and S. A. Vahids Iqbal, his Art and Thought, contain a wealth of detail and
interpretation sufficient to satisfy the most exacting curiosity.
Muhammad Iqbal was born on February 22, 1873, at Sialkot, a
populous centre of West Punjab near the borders of Jammu, of a family
hailing originally from Kashmir. In 1895 he moved to Lahore to complete
his formal studies, and there began to write. In 1905 on the advice of Sir
Thomas Arnold, at that time teaching in Government College, he proceeded
to England and for three years at Trinity College, Cambridge he applied his
great energies chiefly to philosophy under McTaggart. Graduating from

Cambridge in 1908, Iqbal qualified for the Bar in London and did postgraduate work in Germany before returning to India to teach in Lahore and
to practise law; later he resigned his appointment at Government College
and concentrated on his legal and political work. In 1924, he became a
member of the Legislative Assembly of his native province, and in 1930 he
was elected President of the Moslem League of India; meanwhile in 1922 a
knighthood had been conferred upon him. Taking part in the London RoundTable Conference on India in 1931-32, he spent 1933 in Afghanistan as
adviser on education. In 1934 his health began to decline, and on April 21,
1938, he died.
Throughout his extremely active life, in which he did so much to shape
the destinies of the land of his birth and to mould the political future of the
Moslem community (so that he has been called the spiritual founder of
Pakistan), Iqbal maintained a steady and, towards the end, a torrential output
of literature. Writing with equal facility in Urdu, Persian and English, and in
his soaring range covering law, philosophy and religion as well as politics, it
was as a poet that Iqbal made his greatest contribution to letters. On his
death Rabindranath Tagore wrote: The death of Sir Muhammad Iqbal
creates a void in literature that like a mortal wound will take a very long
time to heal. India, whose place in the world is too narrow, can ill afford to
miss a poet whose poetry had such universal value. Iqbals first publication,
in 1901, was a treatise on economics in Urdu, the earliest to appear in that
language; his last, issued posthumously under the title Armughan-i-Hijaz
(Present from Hijaz), contained his final collection of Persian and Urdu
poems. The volume here translated, the Javid Namah, came out in 1932.
Iqbals magnum opus, writes his biographer S. A. Vahid, is the Javid
Namah. Within a few years of its publication the poem became a classic,
and. one great scholar proclaimed that the poem will rank with Firdausis
Shah Namah, Rumis Mathnawi, Sadis Gulistan and the Diwan of Hafiz.
Nor was this tribute an exaggeration, as subsequent criticism showed... In
judging a poem we have to consider two things: the style and the substance.
So far as the style is concerned, Javid Namah belongs to the very first rank
of Persian verse. It is unsurpassed in grandeur of expression, in beauty of
diction and in richness of illustration. As regards theme, the poem deals with
the everlasting conflict of the soul, and by telling the story of human
struggle against sin, shows to mankind the path to glory and peace. In every
line the poet makes us feel that he has something to say that is not only
worth saying, but is also fitted to give us pleasure. Thus, as regards style as
well as theme the poem is a masterpiece.

The Javidnama, having been frequently reissued in lithograph the

edition on which the present translation is based was published in 1946 at
Hyderabad (Deccan) was first translated, into Italian, by Professor
Alessandro Bausani under the title II Poema Celeste (Rome, 1952). A
version in German verse, Buch der Ewigkeit (Munich, 1957), has come from
the pen of Professor Annemarie Schimmel. A French version, by E.
Meyerovitch and Mohammed Mokri, has the title Le Livre de
lternit (Paris, 1962). In 1961 a translation in English verse was published
in Lahore, The Pilgrimage of Eternity by Shaikh Mahmud Ahmad. The
poem has thus reached a truly international public, and has already taken its
rightful place amongst the modern classics of world literature.
Iqbal composed three long Persian poems in which he gave artistic
expression to his highly characteristic philosophical ideas. The first of these,
the Asrar-i Khudi, was published in 1915 and on its first appearance took
by storm the younger generation of Indian Moslems. "Iqbal," wrote one of
them, "has come amongst us as a Messiah and has stirred the dead into life."
So wrote R. A. Nicholson, whose prose version of this work, The Secrets of
the Self (Macmillan, 1920), first introduced Iqbals writings to the western
public. The second of the trilogy, the Rumuz-i Bekhudi came out in 1918, but
it was not until 1953 that the first translation appeared, an English blankverse rendering by the present writer entitled The Mysteries of
Selflessness (John Murray).
As their titles indicate, the central theme of both these poems is the
Self, or human ego, in its relationship to society, more specifically the
Moslem community, and the place of the Moslem community in the world at
large. In common with all sensitive Moslems in India and elsewhere, Iqbal
was deeply pained by the contrast between Islam in the days of its greatest
power, and the status of colonial tutelage to use a mild euphemism to
which most Moslem countries had sunk in modern times. He saw the only
hope of reversing the process of decline to reside in the regeneration of
every individual Moslem, and the working together of these regenerated
individuals in a united and purposeful Community of Believers, in Gods
good time coextensive with the whole of humanity. Thus the Kingdom of
God on earth, Iqbal wrote in a famous letter to R. A. Nicholson, means the
democracy of more or less unique individuals, presided over by the most
unique individual possible on this earth. For a developed philosophical
exposition of his doctrine of the Self, in its maturest form, the reader is
recommended to consult Iqbals Reconstruction of Religious Thought in

Islam (O.U.P., 1934), and especially chapter IV, The Human Ego his
freedom and in mortality.
Both the Asrar-i Khudi and the Rumuz-i Bekhudi were composed in
rhyming couplets, following a very long tradition in Persian didactic poetry
going back a thousand years. The metre chosen by Iqbal for these poems is
the ramal-i musaddas-i maqsur, the same as that employed by the greatest of
Persian mystics, Jalal al-Din Rumi (1207-1273), in the greatest didactic
poem in Persian literature, the Masnavi. I have summarized the early history
of this verse-form in the preface to my Tales from the Masnavi (Allen &
Unwin, 1961), which the reader may wish to consult. One noteworthy
feature of the convention is that the poet lightens from time to time the
weight of formal exposition by the introduction of illustrative anecdotes; to
this tradition Iqbal also conformed. When, however, he came to compose the
third of his trilogy, Iqbal varied the pattern strikingly; the Javidnama is
conceived as a narrative poem, or rather, a poetic drama, in which the
didactic is put into the mouths of the dramatis personae. A further
remarkable novelty is the interspersing of lyrics, in various metres and in the
mono-rhyme characteristic of the Persian ghazal, the effect of which is a
very great enhancement of the poetic tension of the whole.
The Javidnama is a description of a spiritual journey made by the poet,
from earth through the spheres of the Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter
and Saturn, to beyond the spheres and to the Presence of God. The
antecedents of this heavenly adventure go back, within Islamic tradition, to
the celebrated miraj of the Prophet Mohammed, that famous legend of his
Ascension the germs of which are to be traced in the Koran. In his journey
through the seven heavens Mohammed, mounted upon the winged horse
Buraq, had as his guide the archangel Gabriel; in the course of his ascent he
is said to have encountered and conversed with earlier prophets, from Adam
in the first heaven to Abraham in the seventh, before enjoying the supreme
felicity of colloquy with God. The Prophets miraj naturally formed a theme
of meditation and as part of the imitatio Prophetae of emulation for many
pious Moslems and mystics through the succeeding centuries, and so Iqbal
did not lack for precedents and models when he came to adopt this very
popular vehicle for the final expression of his doctrine of Moslem
regeneration and self-realization. He nominated as his guide the poet to
whose language, style and thought he felt himself rightly to be under a
special obligation, the Sage of Rum, Jalal al-Din Rumi; whilst the
personalities he encountered on his journey were drawn not from the

hierarchy of the prophets, but from those who had played a leading part in
the history of Islam, particularly in its later period.
Iqbal presents the translator with all the usual problems connected with
translating poetry, and with further problems, still more difficult of solution,
posed by his elusive style and idiosyncratic vocabulary. That this elusiveness
was deliberate is proved by a remark he jotted down in a notebook dating
from 1910, and published by his son Javid in 1961: Matthew Arnold is a
very precise poet. I like, however, an element of obscurity and vagueness in
poetry; since the vague and the obscure appear profound to the emotions. In
choosing Persian as the medium for conveying his universal message, Iqbal
was not adding materially to the difficulties of interpretation; rather the
contrary, for Persian had been preferred by Indian Moslem poets for
centuries over the local idioms, Persian being the court language of the
Moghul Empire. (The rise of Urdu, and the consequent decline of the
knowledge of Persian, in fact happened during Iqbals lifetime; his own
genius did very much to enhance its status and mature its style.) But Persian
is a language almost ideally suited to deliberate vagueness, on account both
of its grammatical and syntactical simplicity, and of its rich and at the same
time somewhat imprecise philosophical vocabulary. Or rather, imprecision is
not the crux of the matter; the case is, that the terms available for was are
capable of a variety of meanings, and Iqbal, like every original thinker, not
infrequently attached to quite simple words and clichs his own private
This last point has been well made by S. A. Vahid in his Iqbal, his Art
and Thought. The remarkable point about Iqbals poetry is the sense of
"newness", and the main reason for this is that although Iqbal was not
actually anti-traditionalist, he uses certain words and combination of words
to express his visions which are entirely original. Some of these words are
coined by him; others represent old words used in an entirely new sense...
He is also a superb phrase-maker and has wonderful felicity of phrasing by
which language acquires meanings beyond those formally assigned by the
lexicographer. These words and phrases act as the keystone for the entire
arch of the poetic inspiration. As the removal of the keystone is sure to cause
the downfall of the entire arch, so if we try to substitute something else for
the master word or phrase, the whole artistic expression is marred. The use
of those words and phrases give to Iqbals poetry not only a sense of
"newness" found in very few Urdu and Persian poets, but also the quality of
surprise which characterises all great poetry.

It has been said that the ideal at which the translator should aim is to
produce a version as near as possible to what his original would have
written, had he been composing in the translators language and not his own.
It so happens that in the case of the Javidnama, we have been provided with
material, though all too scanty, enabling us to test this theory; in his
Reconstruction of Religious Thought, Iqbal has himself translated into
English two passages from this poem. The first of these passages represents
verses 2733-2736, which in Iqbals own version become:
The plant which groweth only from the invisible soil of
Groweth not from a mere heap of clay.
In the original Persian these lines read:
in maqam az aql u hikmat ma-vara-st


The poet thus not only reversed the original order of the two couplets,
but also changed the tense of the main clause, itself in apposition to the
immediately preceding sentence and having the same verbal construction,
from the past to the present; nor, as will be seen, were these the only liberties
he took with himself liberties which would surely be condemned in any
ordinary translator.
Iqbals second self-translation is more extensive, representing lines 239
to 266 of the Javidnama.
Art thou in the stage of Life, death, or death- in- life?
Invoke the aid of three witnesses to verify thy Station.
The second witness is the consciousness of another ego
See thyself, then, with the light of an ego other than thee.
If thou standest unshaken in front of this light,

What is Ascension? Only a search for a witness

A witness whose confirmation alone makes thee eternal.
And to test its lustre in the presence of the Sun!
Or else thy ego is a mere ring of smoke!
The foregoing passage affords a very fair example of how close and
how remote Iqbal was prepared to make his own version of himself; for
comparison, in addition to the translation offered in the present volume, the
reader may like to consider the verseparaphrase by Shaikh Mahmud

The fire of life is smoke and naught beside.
Other specimens of English versions of selected passages from
the Javidnama may be inspected in the general literature, by now extensive,
which has developed out of studies of Iqbal. As for the translation here
offered, the aim has been to adhere as closely as possible to the meaning of
the original Persian; passages not immediately comprehensible, by reason of
out-of-the-way references or otherwise, have been clarified in brief notes
Allamah preferred following pair of couplets as opening lines for

Khayal-e-mun beh tamashaey asman bood ast;
badosh-e-mah-o-beh aaghosh-e-kehkashaan bood ast.
Gomaan maber keh humein khakdaan nashiman-e-ma ast;
keh her sitarah jahan ast ya jahan
bood ast.

( )( )

) (

[Meyra takhayyal asmanon kay nazarey karta hai;

(kabhi) chand kay kandhay per (sawar)
aur (kabhi) kehkashan ki goud mein hota hai.
Aisa mut soch keh yehi zamin hamara nashiman hai;


her sitarah hamara jahan hai ya reh choka hai.]

My vision encompasses the heavens;
at times it sits on shoulders of moon
and at times in the lap of milkay way.
Think not that only this earth is our abode;
each star is or has benn our abode.


Monajaat :

Adami andar jahan-e-haft rung;

her zaman garm foghan manind-e-chung.

[Iss saat rungi dunya mein insan

her lehzah saarungi ki tarah faryaad konan hai.]

Man, in this world of seven hues,
lute-like is ever afire with lamentation;

Aarzooey hum-nafas mi sozadash;
nalah-haey dil nawaz aamozdash.

[Mehram raaz ki aarzoo ossey her lehzah jalati

aur nalah-haey dil nawaz sikhhati hai.]
Yearning for a kindred spirit burns him inwardly;
teaching him threnodies to soothe the heart;

Laikan ein alam keh az aab-o-gill ast;
kay tawaan goftan keh daraey dil ast.


[Laikan yeh alam jo pani aur matti sey bana hoa hai
kaisay kahin keh yeh sahib-e-dil hai.]
And yet this world, that is wrought of water and clay;
how can it be said to possess a heart?

Behar-o-dasht-o-koh-o-kah khamosh-o-kar;

asman-o-mehar-o-meh khamosh-o-kar.

[Samandar, jungle, paharr, sabzah, asman, sooraj, chaand

sabb goongay aur beharay hein.]
Sea, plain, mountain, grass all are deaf and dumb,
deaf and dumb heaven and sun and moon;

Garchih ber gardoon hajoom-e-akhtar ast;
her yakkey az deigarey tunha-ter ast.

[Agarchih asman per sitaron ka hajoom hai,

laikan her eik doosarey sey ziyadah tunha hai.]
Though the stars swarm in the selfsame sky,
each star is more solitary than the other;

Her yakkey manind-e-ma bicharah eist;
dar fazaey neilgon awarah eist.

[Her eik hamari tarah bicharah

aur fazaey neilgon mein awarah hai.]

Each one is desperate just as we are,
a vagrant lost in an azure wilderness;

Carvaan burg-e-safar nakardah saaz;
bikaraan aflaak-o-shabbha deir yaz.

[Yeh qaflah rakht-e-safar kay baghair hai;

jabb keh shabb-e-safar taweel aur asman la-mehdood hai.]
The caravan unprovisioned against the journey,
the heavens boundless, the nights interminable.

Ein jahan siad ast-o-siyyadaim ma?
Ya aseer-e-raftah az yaadaim ma?

[Kaya yeh jahan shikar aur hum shikari hein?

Ya hum aisey qiadi hein jinnhein framosh kar diya gaya hai.]
Is this world then some prey, and we the huntsmen,
or are we prisoners utterly forgotten?

Zaar naalidam sadaey ber nakhast;
farzand-e-Adam ra kojast.

) (

[Mien ney bohat aah-o-zaari ki

(magar jawab) mein koeyi awaaz nah aaeyi;
farzand-e-Adam ka humraaz kahan hai?]
Bitterly I wept, but echo answered never:
Where may Adams son find a kindred spirit?

Deidah-um roz-e-jahan-e-char sooey;

aan-keh noorash ber frozad kaakh-o-kooey.

[Mien ney iss char atraaf kay jahan kay dinn ko deikhha hai
jiss ka noor kaakh-o-koo ko roshan kar raha hai.]
I have seen that the day of this dimensioned world,
whose light illuminates both palace and street.

Az rum-e-siyyarah-e-oo ra wujood;
neist illa ein-keh goeyi raft-o-bood.

[Iss ka wujood eik siyyarah ki harkat ka marhoon-e-mannat hai;

yahan raft-o-bood (gaya aur thha)
kay alawah aur kochh naheen hai.]
Came into being from the flight of a planet,
is nothing more, you might say, than a moment gone.

Ay khosh aan rozay keh az ayyam neist;

sobh-e-oo ra neimroz-o-shaam neist.

[Mobarak hai woh dinn jo sooraj kay ayyam sey naheen

jiss ki sobh duopehar-o-shaam mein tabdil naheen hoti.]
How fair is the Day that is not of our days,
the Day whose dawn has neither noon nor eve!

Roshan az noorash agar gardad rawaan;

sout ra chon rung deidan mi tawan.

[Agar aisey dinn kay noor sey jan manawwar ho jaaey

tuo awaaz ko rung ki tarah deikhha ja sakta hai.]
Let its light illuminate the spirit and sounds
become visible even as colours;

Ghaib-ha az taab-e-oo gardad hazoor;

noubat-e-oo la-yazaal-o-bey maroor ra.

[Aisey dinn ki roshani sey ghaib hazoori mein badal jaata hai;
woh dinn hamaishah rehta hai aur kabhi khatam naheen hota.]
Hidden things become manifest in its splendour,
its watch is unending and intransient.


Ay Khoda rozi kon aan rozay mera;

warhaan zain rozay-e-bey sozay mera.


[Ya Allah! Mojhey woh dinn nasib farmaiay
aur iss bey soz dinn sey rahaeyi dilaiay.]
Grant me that Day, Lord, even for a single day;
deliver me from this day that has no glow!

Ayah-e-taskhir andar shan-e-keist?

Ein sepeher-e-neilgon hairaan


) (
[Ayah-e-taskhir kis ki shan mein hai;

aur yeh neila asman kis (ki azmat) per hairan hai.]
Concerning whom was the Verse of Subjection revealed?
For whose sake spins the azure sphere so wildly?

Razdaan-e-ilm-al-asma keh bood?
Must-e-aan saqi-o-aan sehba keh bood?

[Ilm-al-asma ka razdaan kon hoa?

Oss saqi aur oss ki sharab (-e-Alast) sey kon sarmust hoa?]
Who was it knew the secret of He taught the names?
Who was intoxicated with that saki and that wine?

Bergaziday az hamah alam kara?

Kardi az raaz-e-daroon
mehram kara?

[Aap ney kissay saarey alam mein sey montakhib farmaya
aur raaz-e-daron sey mehram kiya?]
Whom didst Thou choose out of all the world?
To whom didst Thou confide the innermost secret?

Ay tera teeray keh ma ra seinah suft;

) (

' '

harf-e-ad-ooni keh goft-o-ba keh goft?

[Aap kay teer (-e-hijr) ney hamara seinah chhaid daala,

mojhey pokaaro mein jawab don ga,
kis ney kaha thha aur kis sey kaha thha?]
O Thou whose arrow transpierced our breast,
who uttered the words Call upon me, and to whom?

Rooey Tou aiman-e-mun, Quran-e-mun;

jalwah-e-daari draigh az jan-e-mun?

[Aap ka chehrah he meyra aiman aur meyra Quran bunney;

Aap apney didaar sey mojhey kiyuon mehroom rakhhtey?]
Thy countenance is my faith, and my Koran:
dost Thou begrudge my soul one manifestation?


Az ziyan-e-sadd shoa-e-aftab;

kum nami gardad mataa-e-aftab.

[Aftab kay sainkarron shoaon kay bakhhair deyney sey

oss ka mataa (-e-noor) kum naheen hota.]
By the loss of a hundred of its rays;
the suns capital is in no wise diminished.

Asr-e-hazir ra khird zinjir-e-paast;
jan-e-bey taabay
keh mun daaram kojast?

[Daur-e-hazir kay leay khird paaon ki zinjir bun choki hai;

jan-e-bey taab jo mein rakhhta hon woh kahan hai?]
Reason is a chain fettering this present age:
where is a restless soul such as I possess?

Umar-ha ber khwaish mi paichad wujood;
ta yakkey bey taab
jan ayad farood.

[Hayat moddaton paich-o-taab khhati hai tabb kaheen jaa kar

eik jan-e-bitaab zahoor mein aati hai.]
For many ages Being must twist on itself
that one restless soul may come into being.


Gar na-runjay, ein zamin-e-shorahzaar;

( )

neist tokham-e-aarzoo ra sazgaar.

[Agar Aap naraaz nah hon

tuo kahon keh yeh shor zamin (dunya-e-)

aarzoo kay beij kay leay sazgaar naheen.]
Except you fret away at this brackish soil;
it is not congenial to the seed of desire.

Az daroon-e-ein gill-e-bey hasilay;

daan agar roeyad dillay.

bus ghanimat

[Agar iss bunjar zamin mein sey

eik dil bhi paida ho jaaey tuo ossey ghanimat samajhiay.]

Count it for gain enough if a single heart grows
from the bosom of this unproductive clay!

Tou mehay, andar shabistanam gozar;

yakk zaman bey noori-e-janam niggar.

[Aap chand hein meyrey shabistan ki taraf aiay;

aur zara meyri jan ki tareeki ko deikhhiay.]
Thou art a moon: pass within my dormitory,
glance but once on my unenlightened soul.

Shoalah ra perhaiz az khashaak cheist?
Barq ra az berfatadan baak cheist?

[Shoalay ko khas-o-khashaak jalaney sey perhaiz kiyuon ho;

bijli ko girnay sey kaya khouf?]
Why does the flame shrink away from the stubble?
Why is the lightning-flash afraid to strike?

Zeistam ta zeistam andar fraaq;

wa-numa aansooey ein neeli rawaaq.

[Mien jabb takk jiya fraaq he mein jiya;

mojhey deikhhaiay keh iss neelay asman kay peray kaya hai.]
So long as I have lived, I have lived in separation:
reveal what lies beyond yon azure canopy;

Bustah dar-ha ra baroaim baz kon;

khak ra ba qudsiyan humraz kon.

[Mojh per bund darwazey khhol dijiay;

iss khaki ko nooriyuon ka humraz banaiay.]

Open the doors that have been closed in my face,
let earth share the secrets of heavens holy ones.

Aatishey dar seinah-e-mun ber froz;

ood ra bagozar-o-haizam ra basoz.

[Meyrey seinay mein ishq ki aag roshan kar dijiay;

ood ko baqi rehney dijiay aur eindhan ko jala dijiay.]
Kindle now a fire within my breast,
leave be the aloe, and consume the brushwood;

Baz ber aatish baneh ood mera;
dar jahan aashoftah kon dood mera.

[Pher oss ood ko aag per rakhhiay

aur oss ka dhoona saarey jahan mein phhila dijiay.]

Then set my aloe again upon the fire
and scatter my smoke through all the world.

Aatish-e-paimanah-e-mun taiz kon;
ba taghafol yakk nigah


[Meyrey paimaney ki aatish (sharab) ko taiz kar dijiay;

taghafol kay saathh eik nigah bhi mila dijiay.]
Stir up the fire within my goblet;
mingle one glance with this inadvertency.

Ma tera joeyam-o-Tou az deidah door;

ney ghulat, ma kor-o-Tou andar hazoor.

[Hum Aap ko dhoondtey hein

aur Aap hamari aankhhon sey door hein;

naheen yeh baat naheen Aap saamney hein,
magar hum andhey hein.]
We seek Thee, and Thou art far from our sight;
no, I have erred-we are blind, and Thou art present.

Ya-kosha ein pardah-e-asrar ra;
ya bagir ein jan-e-bey deedar ra.

[Ya iss pardah-e-asrar ko hata dijiay,

ya deedar sey mehroom iss jan ko waapas ley lijiay.]

Either draw aside this veil of mysteries,
or seize to Thyself this sightless soul!

Nakhal-e-fikram na-ummeid az burg-o-ber;

ya tabber befarst ya baad-e-sehar.

[Meyrey fikr ka drakht burg-o-bar sey na-ummeid hai,

ya ossey kolhaarrey ki nazar kijiay

ya ossey baad-e-sehar sey nawaziay.]

The date-tree of my thought despairs of leaf and fruit;
either despatch the axe, or the breeze of dawn.

Aql daadi, hum janooney deh mera;
reh beh-jazb-e-andarooney deh mera.

[Mojhey aql di hai tuo janoon sey bhi nawaziay;

jazb-e-andaroon ki taraf meyri rahnumaeyi farmaiay.]
Thou gavest me reason, give me madness too,
show me the way to inward ecstasy.

Aql dar andaishah mi geerad moqam;

ishq ra kashanah qalb-e-la yanaal.

[Ilm soch mein apna moqam rakhhta hai;

ishq ka kashanah qalb-e-bidaar hai.]

Knowledge takes up residence in the thought;

loves lodge is the unsleeping heart;

Ilm ta az ishq berkhordar neist;
joz tamasha khanah-e-afkaar neist.

[Jabb takk ilm ishq sey faiz nah paaey;

woh tamasha khanah-e-afkaar kay sawaey aur kochh naheen.]

So long as knowledge has no portion of love;

it is a mere picture-gallery of thoughts.

Ein tamasha khanah sehar-e-Samiri ast;
ilm bey Rooh-ul-Quds afsoongari ast.

[Yeh tamasha khanah sehar-e-Samiri hai;

Rooh-ul-Quds kay baghair ilm shoabadah baazi hai.]
This peep-show is the Samiris conjuring-trick;
knowledge without the Holy Ghost is mere spellbinding.

Bey tajalli mard-e-daana reh nabord;

az lakad koub-e-khayal-e-khwaish

[Mard-e-daana tajalli kay baghair rah naheen paata;

apney afkaar ki duolattiyuon he sey mur jaata hai.]
Without revelation no wise man ever found the way,
he died buffetted by his own imaginings;

Bey tajalli zindagi runjoori ast;

majboori ast.

aql mahjoori-o-deen

[Tajalli kay baghair zindagi bimaari hai,
Haq Taala sey door ley jaati hai

aur oss ka deen majboori bun kar reh jaata hai.]

Without revelation life is a mortal sickness,
reason is banishment, religion constraint.

Ein jahan-e-koh-o-dasht-o-behar-o-ber;

ma nazar khwahaim-o-oo goeyad khabar.

[Koh-o-dasht-o-behar-o-ber ka yeh jahan

humein sirf Allah Taala ki khabar deyta hai

magar hum oss kay deedar kay mushtaq hein.]
This world of mountain and plain, ocean and land,
we yearn for vision, and it speaks of report.

Manzilay bakhsh ein dil-e-awarah ra;

baz deh ba mah ein meh-parah ra.

[Iss dil-e-awarah ko manzil ataa farmaiay;

iss mah paarey ko duobarah chaand sey mila dijiay.]
Grant to this vagrant heart a resting-place,
restore to the moon this fragment of the moon.

Garchih az khakam naroeyad joz kalaam;
harf-e-mehjoori nami gardad tamaam.


[Agarchih meyri khak sey sawaey kalaam kay

aur kochh paida naheen hota
magar meyra kalaam hijr ki poori dastaan
biyan naheen kar saka.]
Though from my soil nothing grows but words,
the language of banishment never comes to an end.

Zir-e-gardoon khwaish ra yabam gharib;
gardoon bago Inni qarib.

[Mien asman kay neichay apney aap ko ajnabi paata hon,

asman kay oss jaanib sey sada dijiay keh Mien qarib hon.]
Under the heavens I feel myself a stranger:
from beyond the skies utter the words I am near;

Ta misal-e-mehar-o-meh gardad gharoob;

ein jahaat-o-ein shomal-o-ein janoob.

[Ta-keh iss jahan ki jehaat chand sooraj ki manind

nazaron sey ojhal ho jaein.
(ta-keh mein qiad-e-makan sey azad ho jaaon)]
That these dimensions, this north and this south,
like to the sun and moon in the end may set;


Az talisam-e-dosh-o-farda bagozram;
az meh-o-mehar-o-suriya


[Aur mien mazi-o-mostaqbil kay talism,

aur meh-o-mehar-o-suyriya kay jahan sey nikal jaaon.

(qiad-e-zaman sey bhi azad ho jaaon)]
I shall transcend the talisman of yesterday and tomorrow,
transcend the moon, sun, Pleiades.

Tou frogh-e-javidaan ma choon sharar;

yakk dum daraim-o-aan hum mostaar.

[Aap ka noor javidaan hai jabb keh hamari zindagi

shararey ki manind eik duo mostaar lamhon ki hai.]
Thou art eternal splendour; we are like sparks;
a breath or two we possess, and that too borrowed.

Ay tou nashinasi nizaa-e-murg-o-zeist;
rashk ber Yazdan bord
ein bandah keist?

[Aap murg-o-hayat ki kashmakash sey bey khabar hein,

yeh bandah kon hai jo Allah Taala per bhi rashk karta hai.]
You who know naught of the battle of death and life,
who is this slave who would emulate even God?

Bandah-e-afaaq geer-o-nasaboor;

( )
ney ghayab oo ra khosh ayad ney hazoor.

[Agarchih yeh bandah afaaq-geer hai magar pher bhi na-saboor hai;
nah issey hijr khosh karta hai nah wisal.
(wisal mein murg-e-aarzoo, hijr mein lazzat-e-talab)]
This slave, impatient, conquering all horizons,
finds pleasure neither in absence nor in presence.

Aanaim mun javidaani kon mera;
az zamini asmani kon mera.

[Meyri zindagi eik lamha ki zindagi hai, issey javidaan kar dijiay;
meyra taaloq zamin sey hai mojhey asmani bana dijiay.]
I am a momentary thing: make me eternal,
out of my earthiness make me celestial.

Zabat dar goftar-o-kirdarey badeh;

jaadah-ha paidast raftarey badeh.

[Mojhey goftar-o-kirdar mein zabt ataa farmaiay;

raastey saamney hein


mojhey onn per chalney ki toufiq ataa farmaiay.]

Grant me precision both in speech and action:
the ways are clear- give me the strength to walk.

Aanchih goftam az jahaney deigar ast;

ein kitab az asmaney deigar ast.

[Mien ney jo kochh kaha hai woh eik aur jahan ki baat hai,
iss kitab ka taaloq eik aur asman sey hai.]
What I have said comes from another world;
this book descends from another heaven.

Behram-o-az mun kum aashobi khatast;
aankeh dar
kaaram frou ayad kojast.

) (

[Mien behar hon kum aabi meyrey leay naqs hai,

kahan hai woh shakhs jo meyrey afkaar (ki gehraeyi) mein ottrey?]
I am a sea; untumult in me is a fault;
where is he who can plunge into my depths?

Yakk jahan ber sahil-e-mun aarmeid;
az karaan ghair az rum-e-moujay nadeid.


[Eik jahan meyrey sahil per araam kar raha hai;

magar woh kinarey per baithhey
sawaey moujon ki harkat kay aur kochh naheen deikhhtay.]
A whole world slumbered upon my shore and saw
from the strand naught but the surge of a wave.

Mun keh naumeidam z-piraan-e-kohan;

daaram az rozay keh mi-ayad sakhon.

[Mien jo piraan-e-kohan sey na-ummeid hon;

mien aaney walay duor ki baat kehna chahta hon.]
I, who despair of the great sages of old,
have a word to say touching the day to come!

Ber jawanan sehal kon harf-e-mera;
beher-e-shan payaab kon zzorf-e-mera.

[Jawanon kay leay meyra kalaam samajhna
asaan kar dijiay;
onn kay leay meyray sakhon ki gehraiyan
payaab kar dijiay.]
Render my speech easy unto the young,
make my abyss for them attainable.



Nakhastin roz-e-aafrinash nikohush mi konad asman zamin


) (
[Aafrinash (kainat) kay awwalin roz

asman ka zamin ko malamat karna.]

On the first day of creation Heaven rebukes Earth


Zindagi az lazzat-e-ghaib-o-hazoor;

) (
bost naqsh-e-ein jahan-e-nizd-o-door

[Zindagi ney ghaib-o-hazoor ki lazzat ki khatar;

iss jahan-e-nizd-o-door (motaalaq beh makan)
ko monaqqish kiya.]
Life out of the delight of absence and presence
fashioned forth this world of near and far;

Aan chonaan taar-e-nafas az hum gaseikht;
rung-e-hairat khanah-e-ayam


) (

[Hayat ney taar-e-nafas ko apney aap sey alihdah kiya

(iss tarah apni safaat ka azhaar farmaya)
keh hairat khanah-e-ayyam (dunya) ko wujood bakhsha.]
So snapped asunder the thread of the moment
and mixed the hues of Times house of amazement.

Her koja az zouq-o-shauq-e-khudgari;
deigram, tou deigari.



[Her jagah khudgari ka zouq-o-shauq nazar aata hai;

her kaheen yeh naarah sonaeyi deyta hai keh
mien aur hon, tou aur hai.]
On all sides, out of the joyous yearning for habitude,
arose the cry: I am one thing, you are another.

Mah-o-akhtar ra khraam aamokhtund;

( )

sadd chiragh andar faza afrokhtund.

[Chand sitaron ko kharam seikhhaya gaya;

(aur onn ki surat mein)

sainkarron chiragh roshan kar diay gaey.]

The moon and the stars learned the way to walk;
a hundred lamps were kindled in the firmament.

Ber sepeher-e-neilgon zadd aftab;

) (

khaimah-e-zarbaft ba seimin tanaab.

[Neilgon asman per aftab ney zarbaft ka khaimah

seimin tanabon (shoaon) sey nasab kiya.]
In the azure heavens the sun pitched,
its gold-cloth tent with its silver ropes;

Az ofaq sobh-e-nakhastin sar kasheid;


alam-e-nau zadah ra dar ber kasheid.

[Ofaq sey pehli sobh ney sar nikala;

aur niay takhliq shodah alam ko apni aaghosh mein ley liya.]
Raised its head over the rim of the first dawn
and drew to its breast the new-born world.

Molk-e-Adam khakdaney bood-o-hust;

bey carvaaney bood-o-hust.

[Adam ki dunya oss waqt mehaz eik khakdan thhi

aur oss kay sehra baghair kissi carvaan kay thhey.]
Mans realm was a heap of earth, no more,
an empty wilderness, without a caravan;

Ney bakohay aabjooey dar staiz;

ney basehraey
raiz raiz.

[Nah koeyi nadi paharron sey nabard aazma thhi;
aur nah koeyi baadal sehra mein awarah thha.]
Not a river wrestled in any mountain,
not a cloud sprinkled on any desert,

Ney sarood-e-taeraan dar shakhsar;
ney rum-e-aahoo miyan-e-marghazar.

[Nah drakhton per parinday naghmah-zun thhey;

aur nah marghzaron mein aahoo ki taiz raftari thhi.]
No chanting of birds among the branches,
no leaping of deer amidst the meadow.

Ney tajalli-haey jan behar-o-berash;


[Dunya kay behar-o-ber andarooni tajalli kay baghair thhey;

othhta hoa dhoonan oss kay paikar ki chadar thha.]
Sea and land lacked the spirits manifestations;
a curling vapour was the mantle of earths body;

Sabzah baad-e-fraudeen nadeidaheyi;

aamaq-e-zamin khwabidaheyi.

[Sabzay ney baad-e-bahaari naheen deikhhi thhi;

woh abhi takk zamin ki gehraiyon mein mehav-e-khwab thha.]
The grasses, never having known the breeze of March,
still slumbered within the depths of earth.

Taanaeyi zadd charkh-e-neeli ber zamin;
rozgar kas nadeidam ein chonein.


[Neelay asman ney zamin ko taanah diya;

mien ney kissi kay halaat aisay (kharab) naheen deikhhay.]

The azure sky then chided the earth, saying:
I never saw anyone pass so miserable a life!

Choon tou dar pehnaey mun koray koja;

joz beh qandeelam tera nooray koja.

[Meyri faza ki wosaaton mein teyrey jaisa andha kahan hai;

meyri qandeel kay baghair teyrey leay koeyi roshani naheen.]
In all my breadth what creature is so blind as you?
What light is yours, save that drawn from my lamp?

Khak agar Alvand shod joz khak neist;
roshan-o-paindah choon aflaak neist.

[Khak agar Alvand paharr bun jaaey
pher bhi woh khak he rehti hai;
woh kabhi aflaak ki manind
roshan-o-paindah naheen ho sakti.]
Be earth high as Alvand, yet it is only earth,
it is not bright and eternal as the skies.


Ya bazei basaaz-o-burg-e-dilbari;
ya bameer az nung-o-aar-e-kumteri.

[Ya dilbranah andaaz sey zindah reh

ya kumtari ki nung-o-aar sey mur jaa.]

Either live with the apparatus of a heart-charmer,
or die of the shame and misery of worthlessness!

Shod zamin az taanah-e-gardoon khajal;
naummeid-o-dil garaan-o-mozmahil.

[Asman kay iss taanah sey zamin sharmsar,

naummeid, kabidah khatar aur mozmahil hoeyi.]
Earth felt put to shame by heavens reproach,
desperate, heavy of heart, utterly annihilated,

Paish-e-Haq az dard-e-bey noori tapeid;
taa nidaey z-aansooey gardoon raseid.

[Woh Allah Taala kay roobaroo apni bey noori kay dard sey tarrpi
yahan-takk keh asman kay parli taraf sey yeh awaz aaeyi.]
Fluttered before God in the agony of unlight.
Suddenly a voice echoed from beyond the skies:

Ay aminay az amanat bey khabar;

ghum makhor, andar zamir-e-khud niggar.

[Ay amin tou apni amanat sey bey khabar hai;

ghum nah khha apney zamir kay andar nazar daal.]
O trusty one, as yet unaware of the trust,
be not sorrowful; look within thy own heart.

Roz-ha roshan z-ghoghaey hayat;

ney az aan noorey keh beini dar jehaat.

[Teyrey dinnon ki roshani hungamah-e-hayat sey hai

oss roshani sey naheen jo tou
apney atraaf mein deikhhti hai.]
The days are bright of the tumult of life,
not through the light thou seest spread in all quarters.

Noor-e-sobh az aftab-e-daghdar;

noor-e-jan pak az ghobar-e-rozgar.

[Sobh ki roshani aftab-e-daghdar sey hai;

jabb-keh rooh ka noor zamaney kay
gard-o-ghobar sey pak hai.]
Dawns light comes from the spotted sun,

the souls light is unsullied by the dust of time;


Noor-e-jan bey jaadah-ha andar safar;

az shoa-e-mehar-o-meh siyyar-ter.

[Rooh ka noor raaston kay baghair sargaram-e-safar hai;

aur woh mehar-o-mah ki shoaon sey ziyadah taiz raftar hai.]
The souls light is upon a pathless journey,
roves farther than the rays of sun, and moon.

Shostaheyi az lauh-e-jan naqsh-e-ummeid;
noor-e-jan az khak-e-tou
ayad padeid.


[Kaya tou ney apni lauh-e-jan sey
naqsh-e-ummeid dho diya hai
(kaya tou bilkol na-ummeid ho choki hai)
naheen, teyri khak he sey noor-e-jan
(Adam) wujood mein aaey ga.]
Thou hast washed from the souls tablet the image of hope,
yet the souls light manifests out of thy dust!

Aql-e-Adam ber jahan shabkhoon zanad;

ishq-e-oo ber la-makan shabkhoon zanad.


[Adam ki aql kainat ko maskhar karey gi

aur oss ka ishq shabb khoon maarey ga.]
Mans reason is making assault on the world,
but his love makes assault on the Infinite;

Rahdaan andaishah-e-oo bey daleel;

bidar-ter az Jibril.

) (

[Oss ka fikr baghair kissi rahbar kay sehih rah
(siraat-e-mostaqim) ko samajhey ga;
aur oss ki aankhh Jibril (A.S.) sey bhi ziyadah bidaar ho gi.]
His thought knows the way without any guide;
his sight is more wakeful than Gabriel.

Khak-o-dar perwaz manind-e-malak;

yakk rabaat-e-kohnah dar rahish falak.

[Ho ga woh khaki magar oss ki perwaz

farishton ki manind ho gi;
asman oss ki rah mein

eik porani carvaan saraey ki manind ho ga.]

Earthy, yet in flight he is like an angel;
heaven is but an ancient inn upon his way;

Mi khold andar wujood-e-asman;

misl-e-noak-e-sozan andar perniyan.

[Asman ka wujood bhi oss ki khalash ko

iss tarah mehsoos karey ga
jaisey raisham kay andar sooeyi ki noak.]
He pricks into the very depths of the heavns
like the point of a needle into silk;

Dagh-ha shawid z-damaan-e-wujood;
bey nigah-e-oo jahan kor-o-kabood.

[Woh kainat kay daaman sey dagh dho dey ga;

kainat oss ki nigah kay baghair teerah-o-taar ho gi.]
He washes the stains from the skirt of Being,
and without his glance, the world is blank and blind.

Garchih kum tassbih-o-khoonraiz ast oo;

rozgaran ra cho mehmaiz

ast oo.


[Agarchih woh kum tassbih-o-khoon raiz ho ga

(Malaikah ney kaha thha keh hum tassbih-o-taqdees


kartey hein aur Adam jhagrralo aur khoonraiz)

laikan zamaney kay leay woh mehmaiz saabit ho ga
(zamaney ki traqi oss ki badoulat ho gi).
Though few his magnificats, and much blood he sheds,
yet he is as a spur in the flanks of doom.

Chashm-e-oo roshan shawud az kainat;

) (

( )

ta beh beinad zaat ra andar safaat.

[Oss ki aankhh kainat sey roshan ho gi;

kiyuonkeh woh (Haq Taala ki) zaat ko

(kainat mein kaarfarma onn ki) sifaat sey deikhhay ga.]

His sight becomes keen through observing phenomena
so that he sees the Essence within the attributes.

Her keh ashiq shod jamal-e-Zaat ra;
oost sayed jumlah moujoodat ra.

' ) (

[Jo koeyi (Haq Taala ki zaat kay) hosn ka ashiq hoa;

wohi saari moujoodat ka saradar hai.]
Whoever falls in love with the beauty of Essence,
he is the master of all existing things.




(Adam-e-khaki kay baarey mein Allah Taala

ka irshad sonaney kay baad)

About Adam after the command of the Creator

Frogh-e-mosht-e-khak az nooriyan afzoon shawud rozay;
zamin az kaukab-e-taqdir-e-oo gardoon shawud rozay.


) (

[Mosht-e-khak (Adam) ki chamak eik din

nooriyuon (farishton) sey barrh jaaey gi;


oss ki taqdir kay sitarey sey

eik din zamin asman bun jaaey gi.]
The lustre of a handful of earth one day
shall outshine the creatures of light;
earth through the star of his destiny one day
shall be transformed into heaven.

Khayal-e-oo keh az sial-e-hawadas perwarish geerad;

z-gardab-e-sepeher-e-neilgoon bairoon shawud rozay.

[Oss ka fikr jo haadsat kay sailab sey perwarish paata hai;

eik dinn neilay asman kay girdaab sey bahar nikal jaaey ga.]
His imagination, which is nourished by the torrent of vicissitudes,
one day shall soar out of the whirlpool of the azure sky.

Yakkey dar maani-e-Adam nigar! Az ma chih mi-porsi;

hanooz andar tabiyat mi-khold mouzoon shawud rozay.

[Zara Adam ki maanwiyat per ghor kar

hum sey kaya poochhta hai

abhi tuo woh oss mazmoon ki manind hai

jo zehun mein khhatakta hai,
eik dinn mouzon ho jaaey ga.]
Consider one moment the meaning of Man;
what thing do you ask of us?

Now he is pricking into nature,

one day he will be modulated perfectly,

Chonaan mouzoon shawud ein paish paa aftaadah mazmoonay;
keh Yazdan ra dil az taseer-e-oo por-khoon
shawud rozay.


[Aur yeh paamal mazmoon iss khoobi sey mouzon ho ga

keh oss ki taseer sey khaliq ka dil bhi porkhon ho jaaey ga.
(Khaliq bhi apney shahkar per naaz karey ga)]
So perfectly modulated will this precious subject be that
even the heart of God will bleed one day at the impact of it!



Aashkara mi shawud rooh-e-Hazrat Rumi-o-sharah
mi-dehud asrar-e-miraj

) ) (
[Maulana Rumi (R.A.) ki rooh zahar hoti hai aur miraj kay asrar ki
sharah biyan karti hai (Janaab Rasool-e-Pak (S.A.W.) kay wujood
mobarak ki surat mein yeh mazmoon mouzon hai).]
The Spirit of Rumi appears and explains the mystery of the Ascension

Ishq-e-shor angaiz bey perwaey shehar;

shoalah-e-oo meerad az ghoghaey shehar.

[Shor barpa karney wala ishq shehar sey bey perwa hai;
shehar kay shor-o-ghol mein oss ka shoalah bojh jaata hai.]
Tumulutous love, indifferent to the city;
for in the citys clangour its flame dies.

Khalwatey joeyad badasht-o-kohsar;

ya labb-e-daryaey napaida kinar.

[Woh ya tuo dasht-o-kohsar mein khalwat dhoondta hai

ya behar-e-bikaran kay sahil per.]
Seeks solitude in desert and mountain-range
or on the shore of an unbounded sea.

Mun keh dar yaraan nadeedam mehramey;
ber labb-e-darya
biyasoodam dummey.

[Jabb mien ney ahbaab mein koeyi mehram raaz nah deikhha;
mien thhorri dir kay leay zehani sakon kay leay
darya kay kinarey per chala gaya.]
I, who saw among my friends none to confide in,
rested a moment on the shore of the sea:


neilgon aab az shafaq laal-e-mazaab.

[Darya aur gharoob-e-aftab ka manzar;

neilgon pani shafaq kay rung sey laal-e-sayal bana hoa thha.]
The sea, and the hour of the setting sun;
the blue water was a liquid ruby in the gloaming.

Kor ra zouq-e-nazar bakhshad gharoob;
shaam ra rung-e-sehar bakhshad

[Gharoob ka manzar andhon ko bhi zouq-e-nazar
aur shaam ko rung-e-sehar ataa kar deyta hai.]
Sunset gives to the blind man the joy of sight,
sunset gives to evening the hue of dawn.

Ba dil-e-khod goftgoo-ha daashtam;

aarzoo-ha jostjoo-ha daashtam.

[Mien apney dil ki baat kar raha thha;

meyrey andar aarzoein aur umangein machal rehi thhein.]

I held conversation with my heart;
I had many desires, many requests.

Aani-o-az javidani bey nasib;

zindah-o-az zindagani bey nasib.

[Mien soch raha thha keh meyri zindagi pall bhar ki hai,
mojhey hayat-e-javidani nasib naheen
agarchih mien zindah hon magar zindgani sey bey nasib.]
A thing of the moment, unsharing immortality,

a thing living, unsharing life itself,

Tishnah-o-door az kinar-e-chashmah saar;

mi saroodam ein ghazal bey ikhtiyar.

[Mien kinar-e-aab-e-hayat sey door aur payasa thha;

mien ney bey ikhtiyaranah yeh ghazal gaana shoroa kar di.]
Thirsty, and yet far from the rim or the fountain,
involuntarily I chanted this song.
Ghazal :

Bakoshaey labb keh qand-e-frawanam aarzoost;

bamumaey rokh keh bagh-o-gulistanam aarzoost.

[Apney labb khholiay keh mojhey qand-e-frawan ki aarzoo hai;

apna chehrah dikhhaiay keh mein
bagh-o-gulistan deikhhney ki aarzoo rakhhta hon.]
Open your lips, for abundant sugar-candy is my desire;
show your cheek, for the garden and rosebed are my desire.

Yakk dast jaam-e-baadah-o-yakk dast zolf-e-yar;
raqs-e-chonein miyanah-e-midaanam aarzoost.


[Eik haathh mein jaam-e-sharab ho, aur eik haathh mein zolf-e-yar
pher mien maidan kay darmiyan raqs karon yeh meyri aarzoo hai.]
In one hand a flask of wine, in the other the beloveds tress;
such a dance in the midst of the maidan is my desire.

Gofti z-naz baish maranjaan mera, borau;


aan goftanat keh baish marunjanam aarzoost.

[Tou ney naz sey kaha keh jaa mojhey ziyadah tung nah kar;
mojhey teyri yehi baat sonnaney ki aarzoo hai
keh mojhey ziyadah tung nah kar.]
You said, Torment me no more with your coquetry: begone!
That saying of yours, Torment me no more, is my desire.

Ay aql tou z-shauq pragandah goey shau;

ay ishq noktah-haey perishanam aarzoost.

[Ay aql tou shauq-e-mohabat sey

behki behki baatein karney waali ho jaa;

ay ishq teyrey perishan kar deyney waaley nokaat
sonnaney ki aarzoo rakhhta hon.]
O reason, become out of yearning a babbler of words confused;
O love, distracted subtleties are my desire.

Ein aab-o-naan-e-charkh cho sial ast biwafa;

mun maahaim, nahungam-o-ammanam aarzoost


[Qismat ka diya hoa rizq sailab ki tarah bey wafa hai;

mien machhli hon nahung-o-behar ki aarzoo rakhhta hon.
(keh mien wahan sey apna rizq khod talash karon)]
This bread and water of heaven are fickle as a torrent;
I am a fish, , a leviathan-Oman is my desire.

Jaanam malool gasht z-Faroan-o-zulm-e-oo;

aan noor-e-jaib-e-Musa (A.S.) omranam



[Faroan aur oss kay zulm sey meyra dil bohat malool hai,
mojhey Musa (A.S.) kay Yadd-e-Baiza ki aarzoo hai.]
My soul has grown aweary of Pharaoh and his tyranny;
that light in the breast of Moses, Imrans son, is my desire.

Di shaikh ba chiragh humi gasht gird-e-shehar;
kaz deo-o-dod maloolam-o-insanam aarzoost.

[Kall shaikh chiragh haathh mein leay saarey shehar mein ghhooma
keh mien shaitanon aur darindon sey dil
bardashtah kissi insan ki aarzoo rakhhta hon.]
Last night the Elder wandered about the city
with a lantern saying,

I am weary of demon and monster: man is my desire.

Z-ein humrahan-e-sost anasar dillam grift;

[Inn kumzor manash humrahiyuon sey dil griftah hon;

mien Sher-e-Khoda aur Rustam ki qowwat waaley
insanon ka joya hon.]
My heart is sick of these feeble-spirited fellow-travellers;
the Lion of God and Rustam-i Dastan, are my desire.

Goftam keh yaaft mi nashawud jostah-aim;


' - '

goft aan-keh yaaft mi nashawud aanam aarzoost Rumi.

[Mien ney kaha aisa insan naheen milta hum ney bhi bohat talash ki,
kehnay laga jo naheen milta mojhey ossi ki aarzoo hai. Rumi.]
I said, The thing we quested after is never attained.
He said, The unattainable that thing is my desire!

Mouj-e-mozter khifat ber sanjaab-e-aab;
shoud ofaq tar az ziyan-e-aftab.

) (

[Bey qarar mouj pani kay (bistar) per sou gaeyi;

aftab gharoob honay sey ofaq tareek ho gaya.]

The restless wave slept on the grey water,

the sun vanished, dark grew the horizon:

Az mataash paaraheyi dozdeid shaam;

kaukabey choon shahiday balaey baam.

[Shaam ney aftab ki mataa sey eik tokrra chora liya;

eik sitarah jaisey balaey baam mehboob.]
Evening stole a portion of its capital and a star
stood like a witness above the roof.

Rooh-e-Rumi pardah-ha ra ber dareid;
parah-e-aamad padeid.

az pass-e-koh

[Rooh-e-Rumi parday chak kar kay

paharri kay peechhay sey namodar hoeyi.]

The spirit of Rumi rent the veils asunder;
from behind a mountain mass he became visible;

Talaatash rakhsindah misl-e-aftab;

shaib-e-oo farkhandah choon ehad-e-shabab.

[Onn ka chehrah aftab ki manind roshan thha;

onn ki peeri jawani ki sei aab-o-taab rakhhti thhi.]

His face shining like the sun in splendour,

his white hairs radiant as the season of youth.

Paikar-e-roshan z-noor-e-sarmadi;
dar sarapaish saroor-e-sarmadi.

[Onn ka paikar noor-e-sarmadi sey roshan thha;
naheen woh sarapa noor-e-sarmadi thhey.]
A figure bright in a light immortal,
robed from head to foot in everlasting joy.

Ber labb-e-oo sirr-e-pinhaan-e-wujood;

) (

bund-haey harf-o-sout az khod kashood.

[Onn kay labbon per wujood kay

poshidah raaz (ka biyan) thha;

onnhon ney alfaaz aur awaaz kay bundhan khholay.]

Upon his lips the hidden secret of Being;
loosed from itself the chains of speech and sound:

Harf-e-oo aeinaheyi aawaikhtah;



ilm ba soz-e-daroon aamaikhtah.

[Onn kay alfaaz yuon thhey

jaisey saamney aeinah aawizan ho


aur onn mein ilm kay saathh soz-e-daroon ki amaizash thhi.

(nah alfaaz thhey nah awaz
magar maani saamney nazar aa rehey thhey).]
His speech was as a suspended mirror,
knowledge commingled with an inward fire.

Goftamash moujood-o-namoujood cheist?

Maani-e-mehmood-o-namehmood cheist?

[Mien ney poochha moujood aur namoujood kaya hai?

Mehmood-o-namehmood kay maani kaya hein?]
I asked him, What is the existent, the non-existent?
What is the meaning of praiseworthy and unpraiseworthy?

Goft moujood aankeh mi khwahad namood;
taqazaey wujood.

[Onnhon ney kaha moujood woh hai jo namood chahta hai;

apney aap ko zahar karna wujood ka taqaza hai.]
He said, The existent is that which wills to appear:
manifestation is all the impulse of Being.

Zindagi khud ra bakhwaish aarastan;
ber wujood-e-khud shahadat khwastan.


[Zindagi apney aap ko apni nazaron mein aarastah karna

aur apney wujood per shahadat talab karna hai.]
Life means to adorn oneself in ones self,
to desire to bear witness to ones own being;

Anjuman Roz-e-Alast aarastand;

ber wujood-e-khod
shahadat khwastand.

[Haq Taala ney bhi Roz-e-Alast anjuman aarastah ki

aur apney wujood per shahadat chahi.]
The concourse on the day primordial arrayed
desired to bear witness to their own being.

Zindaheyi ya mordaheyi ya jan balabb;

az seh shahid kon shahadat ra talab.

[Tou zindah hai ya mordah hai ya jan ba-labb hai;

teen shahidon sey shahadat talab kar.]
Whether you be alive, or dead, or dying
for this seek witness from three witnesses.

Shahid-e-awwal shaoor-e-khwaishtan;
khwaish ra deidan banoor-e-khwaishtan.

[Shahid-e-awwal apna shaoor hai;

yaani ossey apney aap ko apney noor sey deikhhna.]

The first witness is self-consciousness,
to behold oneself in ones own light;

Shahid-e-saani shaoor-e-deigarey;

khwaish ra deidan banoor-e-deigarey.

[Shahid-e-duom doosaron ka shaoor hai

yaani apney aap ko doosaron kay noor sey deikhhna.]

The second witness is the consciousness of another,
to behold oneself in anothers light;

Shahid-e-saalis shaoor-e-Zaat-e-Haq;

khwaish ra deidan banoor-e-Zaat-e-Haq.

[Shahid-e-soum Haq Taala ka shaoor

yaani apney aap ko Haq Taala kay noor sey deikhhna.]

The third witness is the consciousness of Gods essence,
to behold oneself in the light of Gods essence.

Paish-e-ein noor aar bamani ostawar;
hye-o-qaim choon Khoda khud ra shomar.

[Agar tou Allah Taala kay noor kay saamney qaim rehey
tuo apney aap ko Allah Taala ki tarah hye-o-qayyum samajh.]
If you remain fast before this light,
count yourself living and abiding as God!

Ber moqam-e-khud raseidan zindagi ast;

Zaat ra bey pardah deidan zindagi ast.

[Apney moqam per pohnchna aur Zaat-e-Bari Taala ko

bey pardah deikhhna zindagi hai.]
Life is to attain ones own station,
life is to see the Essence without a veil;

Mard-e-momin dar nasaazad ba safaat;

) (

Mustafa (S.A.W.) razi nashoud illa beh Zaat.

[Mard-e-momin safaat per qanaat naheen karta;

Hazoor-e-Akram (S.A.W.) didaar-e-Zaat sey motmain hoay.]
The true believer will not make do with Attributes
the Prophet was not content save with the Essence.

Cheist miraj aarzooey shahiday;
imtihaney roobarooey shahiday.


[Miraj kaya hai? Shahid ki aarzoo,

keh oss kay roobaroo apna imtihan kiya jaaey.]

What is Ascension? The desire for a witness,
an examination face-to-face of a witness.

Shahid-e-aadil keh bey tasdiq-e-oo;

) (

zindagi ma ra cho gul ra rung-o-boo.

[Aisa shahid-e-aadil jiss ki tasdiq kay baghair

zindagi hamarey leay aisi hai
jaisi phhool kay leay rung-o-boo (napaidar).]
A competent witness without whose confirmation
life to us is like colour and scent to a rose.

Dar hazoorash kas namanad ostawar;
wer bamanad
hust oo kaamil ayyar.

) (

[Haq Taala kay hazoor mein koeyi shakhs qaim naheen raha,
aur jo raha hai woh kaamil-o-akmal hai (Rasool-Allah S.A.W.).]
In that Presence no man remains firm,
or if he remains, he is of perfect assay.

Zaraheyi az kaff madeh taabey keh hust;

pokhtah geer andar girah taabey keh hust.

[Agar tou zarrah bhi hai tuo

apni chamak ko haathh sey nah dey;

balkeh ossey apni girah mein mazbooti sey baandh kay rakhh.]
Give not away one particle of the glow you have,
knot tightly together the glow within you;

Taab-e-khud ra ber fazoodan khosh-ter ast;
paish-e-khurshid aazmoodan khosh-ter ast.


[(Zarrey kay leay) apni chamak mein azafah karna

aur ossey aftab kay saamney aazmana khosh-ter hai.]
Fairer it is to increase ones glow,
fairer it is to test oneself before the sun;

Paikar-e-farsoodah ra deigar traash;

imtihan-e-khwaish kon moujood baash.

[Apney paikar-e-farsoodah ki niay siray sey traash khraash kar;

apney imtihan kay zariay apney aap ko moujood saabit kar.]
Then chisel anew the crumbled form;
make proof of yourself; be a true being!


Ein chonein moujood mehmood ast-o-bus;

vernah naar-e-zindagi dood ast-o-bus.

[Jiss ney apney aap ko iss tarah moujood saabit kiya;

wohi mehmood hai;

iss kay baghair zindagi ki aatish mehaz dhoonan hai.]

Only such an existent is praiseworthy,
otherwise the fire of life is mere smoke.

Baz goftam paish-e-Haq raftan chisaan?

Koh-e-khak-o-aab ra goftan chisaan?

[Pher mien ney poochha:

Allah Taala kay saamney paish hona kaisey hai?

Iss khak-o-aab kay paharr ko kaisey tourra jaa sakta hai?]
I asked again, How shall one go before God?
How may one split the mountain of clay and water?

Amr-o-khaliq baroon az amr-o-khalq;
ma z-shast-e-rozgaraan khastah halq.


[Amr-o-khaliq (Allah) amr-o-khalq sey bahar hai;

hamarey halq mein zamaney ka kanta phansa hoa hai.]
The Orderer and Creator is outside Order and Creation;
we - our throats are strangled by the noose of Fate.

Goft agar sultan tera ayad badast;

mitawaan aflaak ra az hum shikast.

' :

[Rumi ney kaha: Agar tojhey sultan mayassar aa jaaey;

tuo aflaak ki hudood ko bhi tourra jaa sakta hai.]
He said, If you obtain the Authority
you can break through the heavens easily.

Baash ta oriyan shawud ein kainat;
az damaan-e-khud gard-e-jehaat.


[Intizar kar yahan takk keh yeh kainat
bey pardah saamney aa jaaey;
aur apney daaman sey atraaf (makan) ki gard dho daaley.]
Wait till the day creation all is naked
and has washed from its skirt the dust of dimension;

Dar wujood oo nah kum beini, nah baish;

khwaish ra beini azo, oo ra az khwaish.

[Aur tou oss kay wujood ko nah kum deikhhay, nah ziyadah;
apni taayyan oss sey kar aur oss ki taayyan apney aap sey.]


Then you will see neither waxing nor waning in its being,
you will see yourself as of it, and it of you.

Noktah-e-illa basultan yaad geer;
vernah choon moor-o-malkh dar gill bameer.

[Illa basultan ka noktah yaad rakhh;

vernah kirron makorron ki tarah matti kay andar he mur jaa.]

Recall the subtlety Except with an authority
or die in the mire like an ant or a locust!

Az tariq-e-zaadan ay mard-e-nikoey;

aamadi andar
jahan-e-char sooey.

[Ay naik shakhs tou iss jahan-e-charsoo
mein paidaish kay zariay aya hai.]
It was by way of birth, excellent man,
that you came into this dimensioned world;

Hum baroon jastan bazaadan mitawaan;

bund-ha az khud koshadan mitawaan.

[Iss sey bahar nikalna aur apney bund khholna bhi

eik naeyi paidaish kay zariay he momkin hai.]


By birth it is possible also to escape,

it is possible to loosen all fetters from oneself;

Laikan ein zaadan nah az aab-o-gill ast;
danad aan marday keh oo sahibdil

[Laikan iss paidaish ka taaloq aab-o-gill sey naheen;

sahib-e-dil mard iss noktay ko achhi tarah jaanta hai.]
But such a birth is not of clay and water
that is known to the man who has a living heart.

Aan z-majboori ast, ein az ikhtiyar;
aan nehaan
dar pardah-ha, ein aashkar.

[Pehli paidaish majboori sey hai,

aur doosari paidaish apney ikhtiyar sey;

pehli paidaish pardon mein pinhan hai
aur doosari ilaniyah.]
The first birth is by constraint, the second by choice;
the first is hidden in veils, the second is manifest;

Aan yakkey ba giryah, ein ba khandah eist;
aan joindah, ein yabindah eist.


[Pehli paidaish rotay hoay hoti hai aur doosari hanstay hoay
yaani pehli paidaish kay waqt jostjoo hai
aur doosari paidaish kay waqt maqsad paa leyna.]
The first happens with weeping, the second with laughter,
for the first is a seeking, the second a finding;

Aan sakoon-o-siar andar kainat;
ein sarapa siar bairoon az jehaat.

[Pehli paidaish kay baad insan

maadi kainat kay andar thhehrta aur chalta hai;

doosari paidaish sarapa la-makani siar hai.]
The first is to dwell and journey amidst creation,
the second is utterly outside all dimensions;

Aan yakkey mohtaji-e-roz-o-shabb ast;
waan diggar roz-o-shabb oo ra markab ast.


[Pehli mein roz-o-shabb (zaman) ki mohtaji sey

doosari mein zaman ko bataur sawari istimal karna hai.]

The first is in need of day and night,
the second-day and night are but its vehicle.

Zaadan-e-tifal az shikast-e-shikam ast;

zaadan-e-mard az shikast-e-alam

[Bachah shikast-e-shikam sey wujood mein aata hai;

mard shikast-e-alam sey paida hota hai.]
A child is born through the rending of the womb,
a man is born through the rending of the world;

Her duo zaadan ra daleel aamad azan;
aan balabb goyand-o-ein az ain jan.

[Duonon paidaishon ka saboot azan sey hai;

pehli paidaish kay waqt zoban sey azan di jaati hai,

jabb keh doosari paidaish kay waqt aamaq jan sey.]
The call to prayer signalizes both kinds of birth,
the first is uttered by the lips, the second of the very soul.

Jan-e-bidaarey cho zayad dar badan;
aftad darin deir-e-kohan.

[Jabb badan kay andar jan-e-bidaar paida hoti hai

tuo iss poraney bottkhanah (kainat) per larzah taari ho jaata hai.]
Whenever a watchful soul is born in a body
this ancient inn the world trembles to its foundations!


Goftam ein zaadan namidanam keh cheist?



Goft shaney az shiyuon-e-zindagi ast.

[Mien ney kaha: Mien naheen samjha

keh yeh paida hona kaisey hai?
Rumi ney jawab diya keh yeh hayat ki

mokhtalif shiyuon mein sey eik shaan hai.]

I said, I know not what manner of birth this is.
He said, It is one of the high estates of life.

Shaiwah-haey zindagi ghaib-o-hazoor;



aan yakkey andar sabaat aan dar maroor.

[Ghaib-o-hazoor zindagi kay andaaz hein;

ghaib (khalwat) mein sabaat hai
aur hazoor (jalwat) mein harkat hai.]

Life plays at vanishing and then reappearing

one role is constant, the other transitory;

Geh bajalwat mi godazad khwaish ra;
geh bajalwat jamaa saazad khwaish ra.


[Kabhi bandah jalwat mein nabard aazma ho kar

apna poora zor laga deyta hai;
aur kabhi khalwat mein apni shakhsiyat ki tasbeet karta hai.]
Now life dissolves itself in manifestation,
anon it concentrates itself in solitude.

Jalwat-e-oo roshan az noor-e-safaat;
khalwat-e-oo sataiz az noor-e-Zaat.

[Oss ki jalwat Allah Taala ki safaat kay noor sey roshan hai;
aur oss ki khalwat noor-e-Zaat sey manawwar.]
Its manifestation shines with the light of the Attributes,
its solitude is lit up by the light of the Essence.

Aql oo ra sooey jalwat mi-kashad;

ishq oo ra sooey khalwat mi-kashad.

[Aql ossey jalwat ki taraf aur ishq

ossey khalwat ki taraf ley jaata hai.]

Reason draws life towards manifestation,
love draws life towards solitude.

Aql hum khud ra badein alam zanad;
ta talism-e-aab-o-gill
ra bashiknad.


[Aql bhi iss kainat sey nabard-aazma hoti hai

ta-keh maadiyat kay talism ko torr dey.]
Reason likewise hurls itself against the world
to shatter the talisman of water and clay;

Mi-shawud her sung-e-reh oo ra adib;

mi-shawud barq-o-sahaab oo ra khatib.

[Her sung issay sabaq sikhhata hai;

bijli aur baadal oss kay leay lecturaar buntay hein.]

Every stone on the road becomes its preceptor,
lightning and cloud preach sermons to it.

Chashmash az zouq-e-nigah beganah neist;

laikan oo ra joraat-e-rindanah neist.

[Aql ki aankhh zouq-e-nigah sey aari naheen;

magar woh juraat-e-rindanah sey mehroom hai.]

Its eye is no stranger to the joy of seeing,
but it possesses not the drunkards boldness;

Pas az tars-e-rah choon koray rawud;

) (

naram narmak surat-e-moorey rawud.


[Iss leay woh raastey kay (khatraat) sey darti hoeyi

andhay ki manind chalti hai;
oss ki raftar chewanti ki tarah aahistah aahistah hai.]
Therefore, fearing the road, it gropes like a blind man, softly,
gently it creeps along, just like an ant.

Taa khird paichidah-ter ber rung-o-boost;

mi-rawud aahistah andar rah-e-dost.

[Choonkeh khird rung-o-boo ki dildaadah hai iss leay

woh Allah Taala ki rah mein bhi aahistah aahistah chalti hai.]
So long as reason is involved with colour
and scent showly it proceeds upon the path to the Beloved;

Kaarash az tadreej mi-yabad nizam;
mun nadanam kay shawud kaarash tamaam.

[Oss ka kaam tadreejan aagay barrhna hai;

mien naheen jaanta keh woh kabb apna maqsad paaey gi.]
Its affairs achieve some order gradually
I do not know when they will ever be completed!

Mi nadanad ishq saal-o-mah ra;
dir-o-zood-o-nizd-o-door-e-rah ra.

( )


[Magar ishq saal-o-mah dir-o-zood (zaman)

aur nizd-o-door (makan) ko kochh naheen samajhta.]
Love knows nothing of months and years,
late and soon, near and far upon the road.

Aql dar kohay shigafey mi-konad;
ya bagird-e-oo tawafey mi-konad.

[Aql paharr mein shigaaf daal deyti hai
ya oss kay gird tawaf karti hai.]
Reason drives a fissure through a mountain,
or else makes a circuit around it;

Koh paish-e-ishq choon kaahey bawud;

( )

dil saria-alsiar choon maahey bawud.

[Ishq kay saamney paharr tinkay ki manind hai;

(ishq sey) qalb chand ki tarah taiz raftar ho jaata hai.]

Before love the mountain is like a straw,
the heart darts as swiftly as a fish.

Ishq, shabbkhooney zadan ber la-makan;
gor ra nadeidah
raftan az jahan.



[Ishq la-makan per shabbkhoon maarna

aur iss dunya sey qabar deikhhay baghair rokhsat hona hai
(ishq per mout taari naheen hoti).]
Love means, to make assault upon the Infinite,
without seeing the grave to flee the world.

Zor-e-ishq az baad-o-khak-o-aab neist;
az sakhti-e-aasab neist.


[Ishq ki qowwat anasar-e-badan (hawa, khak, pani)

ya sakhti-e-aasaab sey naheen.]
Loves strength is not of air and earth and water,
its might derives not from toughness of sinew;

Ishq ba naan-e-javein Khaibar koshaad;

ishq dar andaam-e-meh

chaakey nehaad.

[Ishq ney jao ki roti khha kar Khaibar fatah kiya;

ishq ney chand ko duo tokarrey kar diya.]
love conquered Khaibar on a loaf of barley,
love clove asunder the body of the moon,

Kullah-e-Nimrod bey zarbey shikast;

lashkar-e-Faroan bey harbey shikast.

[Ishq ney baghair zarb kay Nimrod ka jabrra torr diya

aur jung kay baghair Faroan kay lashkar ko shikast di.]
Broke Nimrods cranium without a blow,
without a battle shattered Pharaohs hosts.

Ishq dar jan choon bachashm andar nazar;
daroon-e-khanah hum bairoon-e-dar.

[Ishq, jan mein iss tarah hai, jaisey aankhh mein nazar;
jo ghhar kay andar bhi hai aur bahar bhi.]
Love in the soul is like sight it in the eye,
be it within the house or without the door;

Ishq hum khakistar-o-hum akhgar ast;

kaar-e-oo az deen-o-daanish berter ast.

[Ishq raakhh bhi hai aur angarah bhi;

iss ka kaam deen-o-daanish sey berter hai.]
Love is at once both ashes and spark,
its work is loftier than religion and science.

Ishq sultan ast-o-burhaan-e-mobin;

her duo
alam ishqra zir-e-nagin.


[Ishq sultan (qowwat) bhi hai aur waazeh daleel bhi;

duonon jahan ishq kay zir-e-nagin hein.]
Love is authority and manifest proof,
both worlds are subject to the seal ring of love;

La zaman-o-dosh fardaey azo;



la makan-o-zir-o-balaey azo.

[Ishq la-zaman hai, magar mazi-o-haal (zaman) issi sey hai;

ishq la-makan hai, magar bolandi-o-pusti (makan) issi sey hai.]
Timeless it is, and yesterday and tomorrow spring from it,
placeless it is, and under and over spring from it;

Choon khudi ra Khoda talib shawud

jomlah alam markab oo raakib shawud.

[Jabb ishq Allah Taala sey khudi ka talib hoa;

tuo saari dunya sawari bani aur woh oss ka sawar.]
When it supplicates God for selfhood all the world
becomes a mount, itself the rider.

Ashkara-ter moqam-e-dil azo;

) (
jazb-e-ein deir-e-kohan baatil azo.

[Moqam-e-dil, ishq sey aur aashkar hota hai;

ishq iss qadim bott-khanah (dunya) ki kashash

ko baatil bana deyta hai.]
Through love, the hearts status becomes clearer;
through love, the draw of this ancient inn becomes void.

Ashiqaan khud ra beh Yazdan mi-dehund;

aql-e-taweeli beh qurban mi-dehund.

[Ashiq loug apney aap ko Allah kay sapord kar deytey

aur taweel karney waali aql ki qorbani dey deytey hein.
(Ishq farmoodaheyi qasid sey sobak gaam-e-amal;
aql samjhi he naheen maani-e-paigham abhi)]
Lovers yield themselves up to God,
give interpretative reason as an offering.

Ashiqi? Az soo beh bey soeyi kharam;


murg ra ber khwaishtan gardaan haraam.

[Agar tou ashiq hai tuo atraaf (makan) sey


la-makan ki taraf chal;

aur mout ko apney oopar haraam samajh.]
Are you a lover? Proceed from direction to directionlessness;
make death a thing prohibited to yourself.

Ay misal-e-mordah dar sandooq-e-gor;

mitawaan berkhastan bey bang-e-Soor.

) (

[Ay woh shakhs jo morday ki tarah

qabar kay sandooq mein bund hai!

Sonn keh (qabar sey) awaaz-e-Soor kay baghair
bhi othhaya jaa sakta hai.]
You who are like a dead man in the graves coffer,
resurrection is possible without the sound of the Trumpet!

Dar gullo daari nawa-ha khoob-o-naghz;

chund andar gill-e-banaali


[Teyrey gullay mein omdah aur khoob naghmay moujood hein;

tou kabb takk matti kay andar maindak ki manind roata rehey ga.]
You have in your throat melodies sweet and delicate;
how long will you croak like a frog in the mud?

Ber makan-o-ber zaman aswar shau;


farigh az paichak-e-ein zonnar shau.
[Zaman-o-makan per sawar ho kar

iss zonnar ki grift sey azad ho jaa.]

Boldly ride upon space and time,
break free of the convolutions of this girdle;

Taiz-ter kon ein duo chashm-o-ein duo gosh;

her chih mi beini banosh az rah-e-hosh.

[Apni inn duo aankhhon aur duo kaanon ko aur taiz kar;
aur jo kochh deikhhay ossey hoshmandi sey apna.]
Sharpen your two eyes and your two ears
whatever you see, digest by way of the understanding.

Aan kassey ko bang-e-mooraan bashanood;
hum z-duoran sirr-e-duoran bashanood.

[Jo shakhs chewanti ki awaz sonn leyta hai;

woh zamanah sey oss kay asrar bhi sonn sakta hai.]
The man who hears the voice of the ants
also hears from Time the secret of Fate.

Aan nigah-e-pardah soz az mun bageer;
ko bachashm andar nami-gardad aseer.

[Mojh sey woh nigah hasil kar

jo aankhh mein moqiyad naheen rehti;

balkeh pardon ko jala deyti hai
(raz-haey daroon-e-pardah deikhh leyti hai).]
Take from me the glance that burns the veil,
the glance that becomes not the eyes prisoner.

Adami deid ast baqi post ast;


) (

deid aan bashad keh deid-e-dost ast.

[Adami faqat nigah hai, baqi badan nira chhilka hai;

aur nigah woh hai jo dost (Haq Taala) ka didaar karey.]
Man is but sight, the rest is mere skin;
true sight signifies seeing the Beloved.

Jomlah tun ra dar godaz andar basar;
dar nazar ruo, dar nazar ruo, dar nazar. Rumi.


( - )

[Apney saarey badan ko pighhla kar nigah bana ley;

nigah hasil kar, nigah hasil kar. Rumi.
(Lon lon wich houwan sadd sadd chashman


Hazrat Sultan Baahu.)]

Dissolve the whole body into sight go to gazing,
go to gazing, go to gaze!

Tou az ein neh asman tarsi? Ma-tars;

az fraakhay jahan tarsi? Ma-tars.

[Tou inn nou asmanon sey darta hai? Nah dar;

tou kainat ki wosaat sey darta hai? Nah dar.]
Are you afraid of these nine heavens? Fear not;
are you afraid of the worlds immensity? Fear not.

Chashm bakosha ber zaman-o- ber makan;
ein duo yakk haal
ast az ahwaal-e-jan.

[Zaman-o-makan per zara nazar daal;

yeh duonon rooh kay la-taadad shiyuon

mein sey eik haal (shan) hein.]
Open wide your eyes upon Time and Space,
for these two are but a state of the soul.

Taa nigah az jalwah paish aftaadah ast;
ikhtilaaf-e-dosh-o-farda zadah ast.


[Choonkeh nigah jalwah kay sabab aajiz-o-darmaandah hai
(jalway ki taab naheen la sakki)
iss leay oss ney mazi-o-haal ka ikhtilaf paida kar liya hai.
(Nigah jalwah badmust az safaaey jalwah mi laghzad;
tou mi-goeyi niqab ast ein, hijab ast ein,
majaz ast ein Iqbal.)]
Since first the gaze advanced on manifestation
the alternation of yesterday and tomorrow was born.

Danah andar gill beh zolmat-khanaheyi;

az fazaey asman beganaheyi.

[Danah jabb matti ki tareeki mein (hota hai tuo woh)

fazaey asman sey bey khabar hota hai.]
The seed lying in the soils house of darkness
a stranger to the vast expanse of the sky.

Haich mi-danad keh dar jaaey fraakh;
mitawaan khud
ra namoodan shakh shakh.

[Tuo kaya woh jaanta hai keh iss pehnaeyi mein

apney aap ko shakh dar shakh kiya jaa sakta hai?]


Does it not know that in an ample space

it can display itself, branch by branch.

Johar-e-oo cheist? Yakk zouq-e-namost;
hum moqam oost ein johar hum oost.

) (
[Oss ka zouq faqat zouq-e-namood hai;

yehi johar oss ka moqam (mataiyyan karta) hai

aur yehi woh khud hai.]
What is its substance? A delight in growing;
this substance is both its station and itself.

Ay keh goeyi mehmal-e-jan ast tun;

sirr-e-jan ra dar niggar ber tun ma-tun.

[Tou kehta hai badan rooh ka mehmal hai;

aisa nah kaeh,
rooh ka bhaid samajh, tun per gharoor nah kar.]
You who say that the body is the souls vehicle,
consider the souls secret; tangle not with the body.

Mehmalay ney, haaley az ahwaal-e-oost;

( )

mehmalash khwandan fraib-e-goftgoost.


( - )

[Yeh oss ka mehmal naheen balkeh oss kay ahwaal (shiyuon)

mein sey eik haal (shan( hai;
ossey mehmal kehna fraib goftgoo hai
(irtbaat-e-harf-o-maani, ikhtilaat-e-jan-o-tun iqbal).]
It is not a vehicle, it is a state of the soul;
to call it its vehicle is a confusion of terms.

Cheist jan? Jazb-o-saroor-o-soz-o-dard;
zouq-e-taskhir sepeher gird gird.

) (

[Rooh kaya hai? Jazb-o-saroor-o-soz-o-dard;
ghhomnay waaley asman (kainat)
ko maskhar karney ka zouq.]
What is the soul? Rapture, joy, burning and anguish,
delight in mastering the revolving sphere.

Cheist tun? Ba rung-o-boo khoo kardan ast;
ba moqam-e-charsoo khoo kardan ast.

) (

[Badan kaya hai? Jahan-e-rung-o-boo

aur moqam-e-charsoo (dunya) per razi ho jana.]
What is the body? Habit of colour and scent,
habit of dwelling in the worlds dimensions.


Az shaoor ast ein keh goeyi nizd-o-door;
cheist miraj?
andar shaoor.

[Nazdik-o-door makan kay tassawar ka taaloq shaoor sey hai;

miraj kaya hai? Shaoor kay andar inqilab paida ho jana.]
Your near and far spring out of the senses;
what is Ascension? A revolution in sense,

Inqilab andar shaoor az jazb-o-shouq;

) (

wa-rehaanad jazb-o-shouq az tehat-o-fouq.

[Shaoor kay andar inqilab

jazb-o-shouq (ishq) sey paida hota hai;

jazb-o-shouq insan ko pusti-o-bolandi (makan)
sey azad kar deyta hai.]
A revolution in sense born of rapture and yearning;
rapture and yearning liberate from under and over.

Ein badan ba jan-e-ma anbaar neist;

mosht-e-khakay maanea-e-perwaz neist.

[Yeh badan hamari rooh ka sharik-e-kaar naheen;

nah yeh rooh ki perwaz mein rokawat hai.]

This body is not the associate of the soul;

a handful of earth is no impediment to flight.



Zarvan keh rooh-e-zaman-o-makan ast mosafir ra
basiyahat-e-alam-e-Alvi mi bord

) (

[Zarvan jo rooh-e-zaman-o-makan hai mosafir (Iqbal) ko

Alam-e-baala ki siyahat kay leay saathh ley jaata hai.]

Az kalamsh jan-e-mun bitaab shoud;
dar tunam her zarrah choon seimaab shoud.


[Rumi (R.A.) kay kalaam sey meyri jan bey chain ho gaeyi;

meyrey badan ka her zarrah tarrapney laga.]

My soul was convulsed by the words that he spoke,
every atom of my body trembled like quicksilver.

Naghan deidam miyan-e-gharb-o-sharq;

asman dar yakk sahaab-e-noor gharq.

[Achanak mien ney Maghrib-o-Mashriq kay darmiyan

asman per eik noorani baadal chhaya deikhha.]
Suddenly I saw, between the West and the East,
heaven immersed in a single cloud of light;

Z-aan sahaab afrishataeyi aamad frood;

ba duo talaat ein cho aatish aan cho dood.

[Oss baadal sey eik farishtah neichay otra;

oss kay duo chehray thhey

eik aag ki manind doosra dhoonin ki manind.]

Out of that cloud an angel descended
having two faces, one like fire, one like smoke.

Aan cho shabb tareek-o-ein roshan shahab;

chashm-e-ein bidaar-o-chashm-e-aan bakhwab.


[Eik raat ki manind tareek aur doosra roshan sitarah;

eik ki aankhh bidaar doosarey ki khwabidah.]
One dark as night, the other bright as a meteor,
the eyes of one watchful, the others eyes asleep.

Baal-e-oo ra rung-haey sorkh-o-zard;

[Oss kay baalon ki rungat sorkh, zard,

sabz, seimin, neili aur asmani thhi.]
The hues of his wings were of crimson and gold,
emerald and silver, azure and lapis-lazuli;

Choon khayal andar mizaj-e-oo rummay;
az zamin ta kehkashan oo ra dummay.

[Oss kay mizaaj mein khayal ki sei taiz ravi thhi;
zamin sey kehkashan takk ka faslah
woh eik lamahey mein taey kar leyta thha.]
His temper had the fleetness even of a phantom,
he sped from earth to the Milky Way in an instant;

Ber zaman oo ra hawaey deigarey;
per koshadan dar fazaey deigarey.

[Her zaman oss kay andar naeyi khwahish paida hoti thhi
aur woh eik naeyi faza mein perwaz karta thha.]
Every moment he was seized by another desire,
to spread his wings in yet another sky.

Goft zarvanam jahan ra qaheram;
nehanam nigah hum zaharam.

[Kehney laga mein Zarvan hon aur iss jahan per meyra tasallat hai;
mien nigah sey penhan bhi hon aur zahar bhi hon.]
He said, I am Zarvan, I am the world-subduer,
alike hidden from sight and manifest am I.

Bastah her tadbir ba taqdir-e-mun;
hamah nakhchir-e-mun.

[Her tadbir meyri taqdir kay saathh bundhi hoeyi hai

gongay aur goya; sabb meyrey shikar hein.]
Every plan is bound up with my determining;
voiced and voiceless-all alike are my prey.


Ghonchah andar shakh mi-baalad z-mun;

morghak andar aashiyan nalad z-mun.

[Meyri wajah sey shakh kay andar sey ghonchah phhootta hai;
meyri wajah sey parindah ashiyan kay andar mehav-e-foghan hai.]
Through me the bud swells upon the branch,
through me the birdie bewails in the nest;

Danah az perwaz-e-mun gardad nehaal;
her fraaq az faiz-e-mun gardad wisal.

[Meyri nashv-o-numa sey danah drakht bunta hai;

meyrey faiz sey her fraaq wasl mein tabdil hota hai.]
Through my flight the seed becomes a stalk,
through my effluence every parting turns to union.

Hum ataabey hum khitabey aawaram;

tishnah saazam ta sharabey aawaram.

[Mien ataab bhi laata hon aur iltafaat bhi;

tishangi paida karta hon ta-keh mashroob laon.]
I pronounce both reproach and exhortation;
I render athirst, that I may offer wine.


Mun hayatam, mun momatam, mun nashoor;

mun hisab-o-dozakh-o-firdous-o-hoor.

[Mien he zindagi hon, mien he mout aur mien he roz-e-mehshar;

mien he hisab kitab, mien he duozakh, jannat aur oss ki hoorein.]
I am life, I am death, I am resurrection,
I am the Judgment, Hell, Heaven and Houri.

Adam-o-afrishtah dar bund-e-mun ast;

alam-e-shash rozah farzand-e-mun ast.

[Adam ya farishatah sabb meyrey aseer hein;

yeh shash rozah jahan meyri aulad hai.]
Man and angel are both in bondage to me,
this transitory world is my own child;

Her gulley kaz shakh mi cheini manum;

umm-e-her cheezay keh mi beini manum.

[Her phhool jo shakh sey torrta hai woh mien hon;

her cheez jo tou dekhhta hai
oss ko janam deyney waala mien hon.]
I am every rose that you pluck from the branch,
I am the matrix of every thing that you see.


Dar talism-e-mun aseer ast ein jahan;

az dummam her lehzah pir ast ein jahan.

[Yeh jahan meyrey talism mein aseer hai

aur meyrey saans sey yeh her lehzah boorrha hota jaata hai.]
This world is a prisoner in my talisman,
every moment it ages through my breath.

Li maa-Allah her keh ra dar dil nashist;
aan jawanmarday talism-e-mun shikast.

[Magar jiss jawanmard kay dil mein
Li maa-Allah baithh gaya
woh iss talism ko torr deyta hai.]

But he who has in his heart I have a time with God,

that doughty hero has broken my talisman;

Gar tou khwahi mun nabaasham darmiyan;

Li maa-Allah baz khwan az ain-e-jan.

[Agar tou chahta hai keh mien darmiyan mein nah rahon;
tuo Li maa-Allah duobarah dil-o-jan sey parrh.]
If you wish that I should not be in the midst,
recite from the depths of your soul I have a time with God.


Dar nigah oo namidaanam chih bood;

az nigaham ein kohan alam rabood.

[Mien naheen jaanta oss ki nigah mein kaya thha

keh meyri nigah sey yeh porana jahan oujhal ho gaya.]
I know not what it was that was in his glance,
it snatched away from my sight this ancient world;

Ya nigahum ber diggar alam kashood;
ya diggargon shod haman alam keh bood.

[Ya tuo meyri nigah ney koeyi aur jahan deikhha;

ya yehi jahan saarey ka saara tabdil ho gaya.]
Either my sight opened on another world
or this same world took on another form.

Mordam andar kainat-e-rung-o-boo;
zaadam andar alam bey haaey-o-hoo.

) (

[Mien iss kainat-e-rung-o-boo mein mur gaya;
aur aisey jahan mein paida hoa
jo haa-o-hoo (hungamah) baghair thha.]
I died in the universe of colour and scent,

I was born in a world without tumult and clamour;

Rishtah-e-mun z-aan kohan alam gosast;
yakk jahan-e-tazah-e-aamad


[Iss porani dunya sey

meyra rishatah monqata ho gaya;

aur eik niya jahan meyrey haathh aa gaya.]
My thread snapped from that ancient world,
a whole new world came into my hands.

Az ziyan-e-alamey janam tapeid;
taa diggar alam z-khakam ber dameid.

[Iss jahan kay noqsaan sey meyri jan tarrapney lagi;

yahaan takk keh meyri khak sey eik niay alam ney janam liya.]
My soul trembled at the loss of a world until
another world blossomed out of my dust;

Tun sobak-ter gasht-o-jan siyyar-ter;


chashm-e-dil beinindah-o-bidaar-ter.

[Meyra badan sobak-ter aur jan (rooh) taiz raftar ho gaeyi;

aur meyrey dil ki aankhh bidaar ho kar

oss ki beinaeyi taiz-ter ho gaeyi.]

My body became nimbler, my soul more adventurous.
the eye of my heart was keener and more wakeful;

Pardgi-haey bey hijab aamad padeid;
naghmah-e-anjam bagosh-e-mun

[Chhopi hoeyi cheezin bey hijaab zahar ho gaein;

aur meyrey kaanon ney sitaron ka naghmah sonna.
(Hadis: Mojhey Allah Taala kay saathh
aisa waqt mayassar hai
jo kissi Nabi, Morsil ya farishtah-e-moqarrab
ko mayassar naheen.)]
Veiled things became manifest uncurtained,
the melody of the stars reached my ears.




]Sitarey Iqbal ko khosh aamdeid kehtey hein[

Aql-e-tou hasil-e-hayat, ishq-e-tou sirr-e-kainat;


paikar-e-khak! Khosh biya ein sooey alam-e-jahaat.

[Teyri aql hayat ka hasil hai, teyra ishq kainat ka sirr (raaz) hai;
ay khaki insan! Teyra alam charsoo sey iss taraf aana mobarak.]
Your reason is the fruit of life, your love is creations mystery;
O form of dust, welcome to this side of the world of dimensions!

Zoharah-o-mah-o-Moshtari az tou raqib-e-yakk diggar;

az pey-e-yakk nigah-e-tou kashmakash-e-tajalliyat.

[Zohrah, chand aur Moshtari teyri wajah sey

eik doosarey kay raqib hein;


teyri eik nigah ki khatar tajalliyat mein kashmakash hai.]

Venus and Moon and Jupiter are rivals on your account,
for one glance from you theres a great jostle of manifestations.

Dar reh-e-dost jalwah-hast tazah batazah nau banau;

sahib-e-shouq-o-aarzoo dil nah dehud bakoliyat.

[Rah-e-Haq Taala mein tazah batazah

aur nau banau jalway hein;

shouq-o-aarzoo rakhhney waala shakhs

poraney koliyat sey wabastah naheen rehta.]
On the road to the Beloved there are revelations ever fresh and new;
the man of true yearning and desire yields not his heart to the All.

Sidq-o-safast zindagi, nashv-o-numast zindagi;
taa abud az azal bataaz molk-e-Khodast zindagi.

[Zindagi sidq-o-safa hai, zindagi

(khoob sey khoob-ter kay leay) apni nashv-o-numa hai;

azal sey abud takk ghhorra dourra,
zindagi teyrey apney Khoda ka molk hai.]
Life is truth and purity, life is quickening and surging;
gallop from eternity to eternity; life is the Kingdom of God.

Shouq-e-ghazal saraaey ra rokhsat-e-haaey-o-hoo badeh;

baz beh rind-o-mohtasib baadah saboo saboo badeh.

[Apney shouq-e-ghazal sara ko haaey-o-hoo ki ijazat dey;

eik bar pher rind-o-mohtasib ko saboo bhar bhar kay sharab dey.]
Unto the passion of minstrelsy give leave to clamour and riot,
give wine again to profligate and censor, wine pitcher on pitcher.

Shaam-o-Iraq-o-Hind-o-Paaris khoobah nabaat kardah-und;

( )

) (


khoobah nabaat kardah ra talkhi-e-aarzoo badeh.

[Shaam-o-Iraq-o-Hind-o-Iran (saari dunyaey Islam)

shirini ki aadi (aish prast) ho choki hai;
shirini kay aadi lougon ko aarzoo ki talkhi ataa kar
(onn mein aagay barrhney ka jazbah paida kar).]
Syria and Iraq, India and Persia are accustomed to the sugarcane;
give to the sugar-canes habituate the bitterness of desire!

Taa beh yum-e-boland mouj maarkaheyi bana konad;
lazzat-e-sial-e-tund-rau ba-dil aabjoo badeh.

[Nadi kay dil ko sailab-e-tund-o-taiz ki lazzat ataa kar;

ta-keh woh boland moujon waaley samandar sey
maarkah ki ibtida karey.]

That it may enter upon battle with the high-billowed ocean

give to the heart of the rivulet the joy of the swift torrent.

Mard-e-faqir aatish ast, Miri-o-Qaisari khas ast;

faal-o-fur-e-malook ra harf-e-brahanah bus ast.

[Mard-e-faqir aag hai, Miri-o-Qaisari khas hai;

badshahon kay faal-o-fur ko mittaney kay leay
eik harf-e-brahnah kafi hai.]

The poor man is a fire, rulership and power imperial are straw;
a naked sword is ample enough for the august pomp of kings.

Dabdabh-e-qalandari tuntanah-e-Sikandari;

aan hamah jazbah-e-Kalim (A.S.), ein hamah sehar-e-Samiri.

[Dabdabah-e-qalandari saarey ka saara jazbah-e-Kalim hai;

tuntanah-e-padshahi mehaz sehar-e-Samiri hai.]
The drumming of the dervish, Alexanders clamorous vanity
the one is the rapture of Moses, the other the Samiris conjuring.

Aan beh nigah mi koshud, ein beh sipah mi koshud;

aan hamah solh-o-aashti, ein hamah jung-o-daawari.


[Qalandar nigah sey (qaloob) fatah karta hai,


padshah fouj sey kosht-o-khoon karta hai;

qalandari solh-o-aashti sey abarat hai,
padshahat kosht-o-khoon per mabni hai.]
The one slays with a glance, the other slays with an army;
the one is all peace and amity, the other is all war and wrangling.

Her duo jahan koshastand her duo dawaam khwastand;
ein beh daleel-e-qahiri, aan beh daleel-e-dilbari.

[Duonon fatoohat kartey hein, duonon dawaam chahtey hein;

yeh qahari kay zariay, woh dilbari kay zaria.]
Both were conquerors of the world, both sought immortality,
the one by the guidance of violence, the other guided by love.

Zarb-e-qalandari biyar, sidd-e-Sikandari shikan;

) (

rasm-e-Kalim (A.S.) tazah kon, rouniq-e-sahiri shikan.

[Zarb-e-qalandari paida kar (aur oss sey)

sidd-e-Sikandari torr daal;
Hazrat Musa (A.S.) ki rawayat tazah kar,
Samiri ki rouniq khatam kar dey.]
Bring the hammer-blow of the dervish,
break the rampart of Alexander;
renew the ancient wont of Moses,
break the glamour of wizardry!




;Ein zamin-o-asman milk-e-Khoda ast

ein meh-o-pervin hamah miraas-e-mast.


[Yeh zamin-o-asman Allah Taala ki milkiyat hein;

(iss leay) yeh meh-o-pervin hamari miraas hein.]
This earth and heaven are the Kingdom of God,
this moon and Pleiades are our patrimony;

Andarin reh her chih ayad dar nazar;
ba nigah-e-mehramay
oo ra niggar.

[Iss rah mein jo bhi nazar aaey;

ossey apnon ki nigah sey deikhh.]
Whatever thing meets your gaze upon this road,
regard it with the eye of intimacy.

Chon gharibaan dar dayar-e-khud ma-rau;

ay z-khud gom andakay bibaak shau.

[Apney shehar mein ajnabion ki tarah nah pher;

ay apney aap ko gom kiay hoay shakhs
zara bey baaki ikhtiyar kar.]
Go not about your own dwelling like a stranger

you who are lost to yourself, be a little fearless!

Ein-o-aan hokam-e-tera ber dil zanad;
gar tou goeyi ein makon aan kon, konad.


) (

[Yeh sabb teyrey hokam ko dil-o-jan sey maantey hein;
agar tou onn sey kehey yeh karo, woh nah karo,
tuo (issi tarah) kartey hein.]
This and that impose your command on their hearts;
if you say Dont do this, do that, they obey.

Neist alam joz bottaan-e-chashm-o-gosh;

ein-keh her fardaey oo meerad cho dosh.

[Jahan, chashm-o-gosh kay botton kay alawah

aur kochh naheen;
yaani iss ka her aaney waala kall
gozashtah kall ki tarah mur jaata hai.]
The world is nothing but idols of eye and ear;
its every morrow will die like yesterday.

Dar biyaban-e-talab diwanah shau;

yaani Ibrahim ein bottkhanah shau.

[Biyaban ki talash mein diwanah ho jaa;

yaani iss bottkhanah ka Ibrahim bun jaa.]

Plunge like a madman into the desert of the Quest,
that is to say, be the Abraham of this idol-house!

Choon zamin-o-asman ra taey koni;

ein jahan-o-aan jahan ra taey koni.

[Jabb tou iss zamin-o-asman aur

iss jahan aur oss jahan ko taey kar lay.]

When you have travelled all through earth and heaven,
when you have traversed this world and the other,

Az Khoda haft asman deigar talab;

sadd zaman-o-makan deigar talab.

[Tou Allah Taala sey aur saat asman

aur sainkarron niay zaman-o-makan talab kar.]

Seek from God another seven heavens,
seek a hundred other times and spaces.

Bey khud aftadan labb-e-jooey bahisht;
bey niaz
az harb-o-zarb-e-khoob-o-zasht.

) (

[Bahisht ki nehar kay kinarey naiki aur badi ki kashmakash sey

bey niaz parrey rehna (koeyi zindagi naheen).]
Self-lost to sink on the bank of the river of Paradise,
quit of the battle and buffetting of good and evil.

Gar nijaat-e-ma fraagh az jostjoost;

gor khosh-ter az bahisht-e-rung-o-boost.

[Agar nijaat ka matlab jostjoo sey nijaat paana hai;

tuo pher iss bahisht-e-rung-o-boo sey qabar behtar hai.]
If our salvation be the cessation of searching,
better the grave than a heaven of colours and scents.

Ay mosafir jan bameerad az moqam;
zindah-ter gardad z-perwaz-e-madaam.

[Ay mosafir! Qayam sey rooh mur jaati hai;

aur perwaz-e-madaam sey rooh aur zindah hoti hai.]
Traveller! The soul dies of dwelling at rest,
it becomes more alive by perpetual soaring.

Humsafar ba akhtaran boodan khosh ast;

dar safar yakk dum naya-soodan khosh ast.

[Sitaron ka hum-safar hona aur

safar mein zara aaram nah karna baais-e-musarrat hai.]

Delightful it is to travel along with the stars,
delightful not to rest one moment on the journey.

Ta shodam andar fazaey pey seper;

aanchih bala bood, zir aamad nazar.

[Jabb mien fazaon mein massroof-e-safar hoa;

tuo jo kochh bala thha woh neichay nazar aaya.]

When I had tramped through the vastness of space
that which was once above now appeared below me,

Teerah khakay berter az qandeel-e-shabb;
ber sar-e-mun ay ajab.

( )( )

[Tareek khak (zamin)

raat ki qindeel sey berter (dikhhaeyi di)

ay ajab! Meyra sayah meyrey sar per thha.]
A dark earth loftier than the lamp of night,
my shadow (O marvel!) flung above my head;

Her zaman nazdik-ter nazdik-ter;
ta nomayan shod kohistan-e-qamar.

[Hum her lehzah falk-e-qamar sey nazdik hotay gaey;

yahan takk keh oss kay paharr nazar aaney lagay.]
All the while nearer and nearer still
until the mountains of the Moon became visible.

Goft Rumi az gomaan-ha pak shau;

! '

) (

khoogar-e-rasm-o-reh-e-aflaak shau.

[Rumi ney kaha! Vehum-o-gomaan chhorr

aur apney aap ko aflaak kay rasm-o-rah (qawaid) ka khoogar bana.]

Rumi said, Cleanse yourself of all doubts,
grow used to the manners and ways of the spheres

Mah az ma door-o-ba ma aashnast;
ein nakhastin manzil andar rah-e-mast.

[Chand hum sey door hai,magar hamara aashna hai;

yeh hamarey raastah ki pehli manzil hai.]
The moon is far from us, yet it is our familiar;
this is the first stage upon our road;

Dir-o-zood-e-rozgarash deidni ast;
ghar-haey kohsarash deidni ast.

[Iss kay makan-o-zaman aur iss kay


kohsar kay ghaar deikhhney kay qabil hein.]

(Chaand per pohnchney kay baad)
Seen must be the late and soon of its time,
seen must be the caverns of its mountains.


Aan sakoot aan kohsar-e-houlnaak;

andaroon porsoz-o-bairoon chaak chaak.

[Woh kohsar aur wahan ka skoot houlnaak thha;

chaand ka andaroon porsoz aur bairoon chaak chaak thha.]
That silence, that fearful mountain-range,
inwardly full of fire, outwardly riven and ravined!

Sadd jabal az khaftin-o-Yildirim;

ber dehaanash dood-o-naar

andar shikam.

[Wahan Khaftin aur Yildirim

ki qisam kay sainkarron paharr thhey;

jinn kay dahanon per dhoonan aur andar aag thhi.]
A hundred peaks, such as Khaftin and Yildirim,
smoke in their mouths and fire in their bellies;

Az droonash sabzaheyi sar ber na-zad;

taeray andar fazaish per na-zad.

[Chand ki sar-zamin kay andar sey sabzah naheen oga thha;

nah oss ki faza mein koeyi parindah per maarta thha.]
Out of its bosom not a blade of grass sprang,

no bird fluttered in its empty spaces;

Abr-ha bey num, hawa-ha tund-o-taiz;
ba zamin mordaheyi andar staiz.

[Numi kay baghair baadal aur tund-o-taiz hawain,

wahan ki mordah zamin sey jung aazma thhin.]
Clouds without moisture, winds swift
and sword-sharp ever doing battle with a dead earth.

Alamey farsoodaheyi bey rung-o-saut;

ney nishan-e-zindagi darooey nah mout.

[Woh farsoodah jahan rung aur aawaz kay baghair thha;

nah wahan zindagi ka nishan thha, nah mout ka.]
A worn-out world without colour and sound,
no sign of life therein, neither of death,

Ney banafash raishah-e-nakhal-e-hayat;
ney beh sulb-e-rozgaarash

) (

[Nah oss ki naaf mein nakhal-e-hayat ka raishah thha;

aur nah oss kay zamanah ki sulb mein haadsat (ka wujood).]
No root of the palm tree of life in its navel,

no events hidden in the thighs of its time;

Garchih hust az doodman-e-aftab;

sobh-o-shaam-e-oo nazayad inqilab.

[Agarchih chand aftab he kay khandan sey hai;

magar oss kay sobh-o-shaam koeyi inqilab naheen laatey.]
Though it is a member of the family of the sun
its dawn and evening beget no revolution

Goft Rumi khaiz-o-gaamey paish neh;
ra az kaff

[Rumi ney kaha othh! Aur qadam barrha,

haathh aeyi doulat-e-bidaar nah ganwa.]

Rumi said, Rise, and take a step forward,
do not let slip this wakeful fortune.

Baatinash az zaahir-e-oo khosh-ter ast;

dar qaffar-e-oo jahaney deigar ast.

[Chand ka andaroon oss kay bairoon sey khoster hai;

oss kay ghaaron mein eik aur jahan abad hai.]
Its interior is fairer than its exterior,
another world lurks hidden in its hollows.

Her chih paish ayad tera ay mard-e-hosh;

geer andar halqah-haey chash-o-gosh.

[Ay hoshmand! Jo kochh teyrey saamney aaey;

ossey apney chashm-o-gosh kay halqon mein samait ley.]

Whatever presents itself to you, man of sense,
seize it in the rings of the eye and the ear.

Chashm agar beinast her shaey deidani ast;

dar trazoay nigah sanjeedani ast.

[Chashm agar beina ho, tuo her shaey deikhhney

aur trazoay nigah mein toulney kay qabil hai.]
If the eye has vision, everything is worth seeing,
worthy to be weighed in the glances balance.

Her koja Rumi bord aan-ja barau;

yakk duo dum az ghair-e-oo beganah shau.

[Jahan tojhey Rumi ley jaaey, oss kay saathh chal;
eik duo lamah kay leay Rumi kay alawah
baqi sabb sey beganah ho jaa.]
Wheresoever Rumi leads, there go;

be estranged a moment or two from all but he.

Dast-e-mun aahistah sooey khud kashid;

tund raft-o-ber sar-e-ghaarey baraseid.

[Oss ney aahistah sey meyra haathh apni jaanib khhaincha;

pher taiz chal kar eik ghaar kay
dehaaney takk pohnch gaya.]
Gently he drew my hand towards him,
then swiftly he sped to the mouth of a crater.



Arif-e-Hindi keh beh yakkey az ghaar-haey qamar khalwat

griftah-o-ehal-e-Hind oo ra Jahan-Dost mi goeyand

[Hindi Rishi jo chaand ki eik ghaar mein khalwat-gazin hai

aur ehal-e-Hind ossey wishwa-mittar kehtey hein.]

Mun cho koraan dast ber dosh-e-rafiq;

paa nehadum andar aan ghaar-e-amiq.


[Mien andhon ki tarah

apney saathhi kay kandhay per haathh rakhhey;
oss gehri ghaar kay andar dakhil hoa.]
Like a blind man, my hand on my companions shoulder,
I placed my foot within a deep cavern;

Mah ra az zolmatash dil dagh dagh;

andaro khurshid mohtaj-e-chiragh.

[Oss ghaar ki tareeki sey chaand ka dil dagh dagh thha;

oss kay andar sooraj ko bhi chiragh ki zaroorat parrti thhi.]
The moons heart was sore ravaged by its darkness,
within it even the sun would have needed a lamp.

Vehum-o-shak ber mun shabkhoon raikhtand;

aql-o-hosham ra badaar aawaikhtand.

[Vehum-o-shakk ney mojh per hamlah kiya

aur meyrey aql-o-hosh ko sooli per latka diya.]
Fancies and doubts made assault upon me,
hung my reason and sense upon the gallows.

Rah raftam rehzunan andar kamin;

( )
dil tehi az lazzat-e-sidq-o-yaqin.


[Mien rah per chalta gaya magar

(iss tarah keh vehum-o-shakk kay)

rahzun meyri ghhaat mein thhey
aur meyra dil sidq-o-yaqin ki lazzat sey khali thha.]
I went along a road where highwaymen lurked in ambush,
my heart void of the joy of truth and certainty;

Taa nigah ra jalwah-ha shod bey hijab;
bey taloo-e-aftab.

[Yahan takk keh meyri nigah per jalway aashkar hoay

aur aftab taloo hoay baghair he
sobh roshan ka saman bundh gaya.]
Presently manifestations met my gaze unveiled,
a bright dawn without any rising of the sun.

Wadi-e-her sung-e-oo zonnar bund;
daiv saar az nakhal-haey sarboland.

[Mien ney (oss roshani mein) eik aisi wadi dekhhi

jiss ka her pathhar daiv aasa boland drakhton
kay zonnar baandhey thha.]
A valley, whereof each stone was an idolater,
a demons haunt thick with lofty palm-trees.


Az sarisht-e-aab-o-khak ast ein moqam;
ya khayalam naqsh bundad dar manaam.


[(Mien sochney laga keh) yeh

moqam (jahan-e-) aab-o-khak ki sei sarisht rakhhta hai;

ya meyra takhayyal neind mein
yeh sabb naqosh deikhh raha hai.]
Was this place truly compounded of earth and water,
or was my sleeping fantasy painting pictures?

Dar hawaey oo cho maey zouq-o-saroor;

sayah az taqbil-e-khakash ain-e-noor.

[Oss ki hawa mein sharab ka lotf-o-saroor thha;

sayah oss ki khak per parr kay ain noor ho jaata thha.]
The air was filled with the joy and gaiety of wine,
the shadows, kissing its dust, were lights own essence.

Ney zaminash ra sepeher-e-lajaward;

ney kinarash az shafaq-ha sorkh-o-zard.

[Nah oss ki zamin kay oopar lajwardi asman thha;


nah oss kay kinarey shafaq sey sorkh-o-zard thhey.]

No cerulean sky spanned its earth,
no twilight painted its margin crimson and gold;

Noor dar bund-e-zalaam aan-ja nabood;
dood gird-e-sobh-o-shaam aan-ja nabood.

[Wahan noor zolmat mein griftar nah thha;

wahan sobh-o-shaam ka jhatpata thha.]
There light was not in the chains of darkness,
there no mists enveloped dawn and eventide.

Zir-e-nakhaley arif-e-Hindi nizzaad;

deidah-ha az sormah-ush roshan swaad.

[Drakht kay neichay eik Hindi Rishi baithha thha;

oss ki aankhhein sormah sey roshan thhein.]
Under a palm-tree an Indian sage,
the pupils of his eyes bright with collyrium,

Mooey ber sarbastah-o-oriyaan badan;
gird-e-oo maarey safaidey halqah zun.

[Oss ney apney baal sar per baandh rakhhey thhey,
oss ka badan oriyan thha;

aur oss kay gird eik safaid saanp halqah daaley thha.]
His hair knotted on his head, his body naked,
coiled about him a white snake writhing,

Adamey az aab-o-gill bala-teray;

az deir-e-khayalash paikeray.

[Woh aab-o-gill sey bala insan thha

aur oss kay takhiyyal kay bottkadah

ney eik jahan ko paikar ki surat di thhi.]
A man superior to water and clay,
the world a mere image in the cloister of his fantasy,

Waqt-e-oo ra gardash-e-ayyam ney;

kaar-e-oo ba charkh-e-neili-faam ney.

[Oss kay waqt mein gardish-e-ayyam ka gozar nah thha;

charkh-e-neili-faam sey oss ka koeyi sarokaar nah thha.]
His time subject to no revolution of days,
he had no traffick with the azure-tinted skies.

Goft ba Rumi keh humrah-e-tou keist?


Dar nigahash aarzooey zindagist.


[Oss ney Rumi sey poochha: Teyrey saathh yeh kon hai;
mojhey iss ki nigah mein zindagi ki aarzoo nazar aati hai.]
He said to Rumi, Who is your fellow-traveller?
In his glance there is a desire for life!
Rumi :

Marday andar jostjoo aawaraheyi;
saabatey ba fitrat


) (

[Yeh aisa shakhs hai

jo jostjoo mein awarah pher raha hai;

yeh goya eik sitarah (Saabat) hai
jiss ki fitrat siyyarey ki sei hai.]
A man who is a wanderer on the quest,
a fixed star with the constitution of a planet.

Pokhtah-ter kaarash z-khami-haey oo;

mun shaheed-e-natamaami-haey oo.

[Iss ki khamiyuon he ney

iss kay kaam ko pokhtah-ter banaya hai;

mien iss ki natamami per jan deyta hon.]
His enterprise is more mature than his immaturities;


I am a martyr to his imperfections.

Shishah-e-khud ra beh gardoon bastah taaq;

fikrash az Jibril mi-khwahad saddaq.

[Iss ney apni sorahi kay leay asman ko taaq banaya hai;
iss ka fikr Jibril sey tasdiq chahta hai.]
He has made of his glass the arch of heaven,
his thought seeks to be boon- companion of Gabriel!

Choon oqab aftad beh siad-e-mah-o-mehar;

garam-rau andar tawaf noh sepeher.

[Yeh mehar-o-mah kay shikar kay leay

oqab ki tarah jhaptta hai;

aur nou asmanon kay tawaf mein sargaram rehta hai.]

He swoops like an eagle on the moon and sun,
his prey, hot-foot he circumambulates the nine spheres.

Harf ba ehal-e-zamin rindanah goft;
ra bott-o-bottkhanah goft.

[Iss ney ehal-e-zamin sey rindanah goftgoo ki hai;

Hoor-o-Jannat ko bottkhanah kaha hai.]

A drunkards words he has spoken to the people of earth

calling the houris idols, Paradise an idol-house.

Shoalah-ha dar mouj-e-doodash deidah-um;

kibriya andar sajoodash deidah-um.

[Mien ney iss kay dhoonin ki mouj

mein shoalay deikhhay hein

aur iss kay sajdon mein azmat deikhhi hai.]

I have seen flames in the billow of his smoke,
I have seen majestic pride in his prostration.

Her zaman az shouq mi nalad cho naal;

mi-koshad oo ra fraaq-o-hum wisal.

[Yeh her lamah shouq sey baansari ki tarah nalan rehta hai;
issey nah fraaq raas hai nah wisal.]
Ever he laments yearningly like a flute;
separation and union alike slay him.

Mun na-danam cheist dar aab-o-gillash;

mun nadanam az moqam-o-manzilash.

[Mien naheen jaanta keh iss ki sarisht mein kaya hai;


nah mojhey iss kay moqam-o-manzil ka patah chalta hai.]

I do not know what is in his water and clay;
I do not know what his rank and station may be.
Jahan-Dost :

Alam az rungst-o-bey rungi ast Haq;


cheist alam, cheist Adam, cheist Haq?

[Alam rung sey hai, aur Haq Taala bey rung hein;
alam kaya hai? Haq Taala kaya (shan rakhhtey) hein?]
The world is a thing of colour, and God is without colour.
What is the world? What is man? What is God?
Rumi :

Adami shamshir-o-Haq shamshir-zun;
alam ein
shamshir ra sung fasan,

[Adami shamshir hai aur Haq Taala shamshir-zun;

dunya iss shamshir kay leay pathhar ka saan hai.]
Man is a sword, and God is the swordsman;
the world is the whetstone for this sword.


Sharq Haq ra deid-o-alam ra nadeid;

az Haq rameid.
Gharb dar alam khazid

[Mashriq ney Allah Taala ki maarfat hasil ki
magar dunya ki taraf tawajoh nah di;
Maghrib dunya mein reengta raha,
aur Haq Taala sey kut gaya.]
The East saw God and did not see the world,
the West crept along the world and fled away from God.

Chashm ber Haq baz kardan bandagi ast;

khwaish ra bey pardah deidan zindagi ast.

[Bandagi yeh hai keh nigah Allah Taala per markooz hai;
zindagi yeh hai keh insan apney aap ko bey pardah deikhhay.]
True servanthood is to open the eyes to God;
true life is to see oneself without a veil.

Bandah choon az zindagi geerad baraat;



hum Khoda aan bandah ra geerad salaat.

[Jabb bandah zindagi sey hissah hasil karta hai

(apney aap ko bey pardah deikhhta hai);

tuo aisey banday per Allah Taala bhi salaat-o-salam bhaijtey hein.]

When a servant takes quittance of life

God Himself calls down blessings on that servant.

Her keh az taqdir-e-khwaish aagah neist;
khak-e-oo ba soz-e-jan humrah neist.

) (

[Jo shakhs apni taqdir (khwabidah qowwaton) sey aagah naheen;

oss ka badan oss ki jan kay soz ka saathh naheen deyta
(woh apni salahiyyaton ko barooay kaar naheen laa sakta hai).]
Whatever man is unconscious of his destiny,
his dust travels not with the fire of the soul.
Jahan-Dost :

Ber wujood-o-ber adum paichidah ast;

Mashriq ein asrar ra kum deidah ast.

[Mashriq wujood-o-adum ki baaton mein monhemak raha hai;

magar woh onn raazon ko paa naheen saka.]
Tied up in the knot of being and not-being
the East has seen little into these secrets.

Kaar-e-ma aflaakiyan joz deid neist;
jaanam az fardaey oo noumeid neist.

[Hum aflaakiyuon ka kaam sirf deikhhna hai;

mien Mashriq kay mostaqbil sey na-ummeid naheen.]
The task of us celestials is only to see,
and my soul does not despair of the Easts tomorrow.

Dosh deidam ber fraaz Qashmarud;
z-asman afrishtaheyi amad farood.

) (

[Kall mien ney Qashmarud Paharr ki
bolandi per (khharrey) deikhha
keh asman sey eik farishtah neichay otra.]
Yesterday I saw on the summit of Qashmarud
an angel that had descended out of heaven;

Az nigahash zouq-e-deedaray chakeid;

joz basooey khaakdan-e-ma nadeid.

[Oss ki nigah sey zouq-e-deedar tapakta thha;

woh hamari dunya kay alawah
aur kissi taraf deikhhta he naheen thha.]
Out of his glance the joy of sight distilled

as he gazed solely towards our mound of dust.


Goftamash az mehraman raazey maposh;

tou chih beini andar khak-e-khamosh?

[Mien ney oss sey kaha apnon sey raaz nah chhopa;
tojhey iss khamosh khak mein kaya nazar aata hai.]
I said to him, Hide not a secret from your confidants;
what is it that you see in this silent dust?

Az jamal-e-Zohraeyi bagodaakhti?
Dil beh chah-e-Babalay

[Kaya tou zohrah ki khoobsurati sey motaser hai?

Ya tou ney chah-e-Babal mein dil lagaya hai.]
Do you melt for the beauty of some Venus?
Have you flung your heart into the well of Babylon?

Goft hungaam-e-taloo-e-Khawar ast;
aftab-e-tazah oo ra dar ber ast.

' :

[Kehney laga: Mashriq kay pehloo sey

eik niay aftab kay taloo ka waqt aa gaya hai.]

He said, It is the hour of the Easts arising;
the East has a new sun shining in its breast.


Laal-ha az sung-e-reh ayad baroon;

z-chih ayad baroon.


[Ehal-e-Mashriq (kay) raastey kay pathharon
sey laal nikalein gay;
oss kay Yousuf konein sey bahar aain gay.]
Rubies come forth from the stones of the road,
its Josephs are issuing out of the well.

Rustkhaizey dar kinarash deidah-um;
larzah andar kohsarash deidah-um.

[Mien ney oss kay pehloo sey hungamay othhtey

aur oss kay paharron mein zalzaley deikhhay hein.]
I have seen a resurrection happening in its bloom,
I have seen its mountains trembling and quaking;

Rakht bundad az moqam-e-Azari;

taa shawud khoogar z-terk-e-bottgari.

[Oss ney moqam-e-Azari ko khair baad keh diya hai;

ta-keh woh bottgari chhorrney ka aadi ho jaaey.]
It is packing up to quit the station of Azar
at last to forswear forever idolatry.

Ay khosh aan quomay keh jan-e-oo tapeid;
az gill-e-khud khwaish ra baz aafrid.

[Mobarak hai woh quom jiss ki jan mein tarrap paida ho jaaey;
aur woh matti sey apney aap ko az sar-e-nau paida karey.]
Happy is the people whose soul has fluttered,
that has created itself anew out of its own clay.

Arshiyan ra sobh-e-Eid aan saatey;

choon shawud bidaar chashm-e-millatey.

[Farishton kay leay woh ghharri sobh-e-Eid hai

jabb kissi quom ki aankhh bidaar hoti hai.]
For the Throne angels that hour is the dawn of festival
when the eyes of a nation at last awake!

Pir-e-Hindi andakey dum dar kasheed;

baz dar mun deid-o-bey tabanah deid.

[Hindi Rishi kochh dir kay leay khamosh ho gaya;

pher oss ney meyri taraf deikhha aur bey taabanah deikhha.]
The Indian sage was silent for a little while;
then he looked at me again, somewhat impatiently.

Goft murg-e-aql? Goftam terk-e-fikr.

Goft murg-e-qalb? Goftam terk-e-zikr.

[Poochha, aql ki mout?

Mien ney kaha ghour-o-fikr chhorr deyna.

Poochha qalb ki mout? Mien ney kaha zikr terk kar deyna.]
He asked, Death of the reason?
I said, Giving tip thought.
He asked, Death of the heart?
I said, Giving up remembrance.

Goft tun? Goftam keh zaad az gard-e-rah.

Goft jan? Goftam keh rumz-e-la ilah.

[Poochha tun? Mien ney kaha gard-e-rah sey paida hoa hai.
Poochha rooh? Mien ney kaha la ilah ki eik rumz hai.]
He asked, The body? I said, Born of the dust of the road.
He asked, The Soul? I said The symbol of One God.

Goft Adam? Goftam az asrar-e-Oost.

Goft alam? Goftam Oo khud robaroost.

[Poochha Adam? Mien ney kaha


Allah Taala kay asrar mein sey eik sirr hai.

Poochha alam? Mien ney kaha woh khud saamney hai.]
He asked, And Man? I said, One of Gods secrets.
He asked, The world? I said, Itself stands face to face.

Goft ein ilm-o-honar? Goftam keh post.



Goft hujjat cheist? Goftam rooey dost.

[Poochha yeh ilm-o-honar? Mien ney kaha mehaz chhilka hai.

Poochha keh (Haq Taala kay) wujood per hujjat kaya hai?
Mien ney kaha dost ka chehrah.
(Quran-e-Pak mein irshaad hai pas jiss taraf bhi
tumm monh karo wahein Allah Taala ka chehrah hai(]
He asked, This science and art? I said, Mere husk.
He asked, What is the proof? I said, The face of the Beloved.

Goft deen-e-aamiyan? Goftam shoneid.

) (
Goft deen-e-arifaan? Goftam keh deid.

[Poochha aamiyuon ka deen? Shoneid (sonni sonaeyi baat).

Poochha arifon ka deen? Mien ney kaha ain-ul-yaqin.]
He asked, The commons religion? I said, Just hearsay.


He asked, The gnostics religion? I said, True seeing.

Az kalamum lazzat-e-janash fazood;
noktah-haey dil nashin ber mun kashood.

[Meyrey kalaam sey

iss ki lazzat-e-jan mein azafah hoa

aur oss ney mojh per
chund dil-nashin nokaat waazeh kiay.]
My words brought much pleasure to his soul,
and he disclosed to me delightful subtleties.



) (
Noh ta sakhon az Arif-e-Hindi

[Hindi Rishi ki nao baatein (Hindo falsafah)]


Zaat-e-Haq ra neist ein alam hijab;

ghotah ra hail nagardad naqsh-e-aab.

[Haq Taala ki Zaat kay didaar

kay leay yeh alam hijab naheen;

sitah-e-aab kay naqosh ghotah laganey
mein haeyal naheen hotay.]
This world is not a veil over the Essence of God;
the image in the water is no barrier to plunging in.


Zaadan andar alamey deigar khosh ast;
taa shabab-e-deigarey ayad badast.


[Doosarey jahan mein paida hona mobarak hai;
oss sey niya shabab haathh aata hai.]
It is delightful to be born into another world,
so that another youth may thereby be attained.


Haq waraey murg-o-ain zindagi ast;
bandah choon meerad namidanad keh cheist.
Garchih ma morghan-e-bey baal-o-peraim;

az Khoda dar ilm-e-murg afzoon-teraim.

[Allah Taala mout sey mawara aur ain-e-hayat hein;

bandah jabb murta hai,
tuo woh naheen jaantey keh mout kaya hai!

Agarchih hum bey baal-o-per parindon ki manind hein;

laikan mout kay ilm mein
Allah Taala sey barrhey hoay hein.]
God is beyond death, He is the very essence of life;
when His servant dies, He knows not what is happening.
Though we are birds without wings or feathers,
we know more of the science of death than God;



Waqt? Shirini beh zehar aamaikhtah;
rehmat-e-aamey beh qehar aamaikhtah.
Khali az qeharash nabeini shehar-o-dasht;

) (

rehmat-oo ein-keh goeyi dar gozasht.

[Waqt? Yeh aisi shirini hai jiss ki amaizash zehar sey hai;
yeh rehmat-e-aam hai, magar qabar sey mili hoeyi.
Tou shehar-o-dasht ko waqt qehar sey khali deikhhta hai;
yeh oss ki rehmat hai
jo tou kehta hai (moseebat ka) waqt gozar gaya.]
It is a sweet mingled with poison,
a general compassion mingled with vengeance;
you see neither city nor plain free of its vengeance
its compassion is that you may say, It has passed.



Kaafri murg ast ay roshan nehaad;
kay sazad ba mordah ghazi ra jehad.
Mard-e-momin zindah-o-ba khud beh jung;


ber khud aftad humcho ber aahoo palang.

[Ay roshan zamir! Kaafri mout hai;

Ghazi ko mordah sey jehad karna zaib naheen deyta!

(Yeh Hindu falsafah hai, Islam ka falsafah-e-jehad naheen.)
Momin zindah aur apney aap sey bersar-e-paikar hai;
woh apney aap per iss tarah jhapatta hai,
jaisey cheeta hiran per.]
Unbelief is death, my enlightened friend;
how beseems it a hero to wage holy war on the dead?
The believer is living, and at war with himself,
he falls upon himself like a panther on a deer.


Kaafir-e-bidaar dil paish-e-sanam;

) (

beh andar deendarey keh khoft andar Haram.


[Bott kay saamney (baithha hoa) bidaar dil kaafir;

oss Musliman sey behtar hai, jo Haram mein soya parra ho.]
The infidel with a wakeful heart praying to an idol
is better than a religious man asleep in the sanctuary.


Chashm-e-korst ein keh beinad na-swaab;
ra na-beinad aftab.

haich-geh shabb

[Woh aankhh jo boraeyi deikhhti hai, andhi hai;

aftab ko kissi jagah nazar naheen aati.]
Blind is the eye that sees sin and error;
never does the sun behold the night.


Sohbat-e-gill danah ra saazad drakht;
Adami az sohbat-e-gill teerah bakht.
Danah az gill mi-pazirad paich-o-taab;
ta konad siad shoa-e-aftab.


[Matti ki sohbat danah ko drakht bana deyti hai;

laikan Adami matti ki sohbat sey seiyah bakht ho jaata hai.
Danah matti kay andar paich-o-taab khhata hoa
(zamin sey bahar nikal aata) hai;
ta-keh aftab ki shoa ko shikar kar sakkey.]
Association with the mire makes the seed a tree;
man by association with the mire is brought to shame.
The seed receives from the mire twisting and turning
that it may make its prey the rays of the sun.


Mun bagul goftam bago ay seinah chaak;
choon bageeri rung-o-boo az baad-o-khak!
Goft gul ay hoshmand-e-raftah hosh;
choon payamey geeri az barq-e-khamosh!
Jan beh tun ma ra z-jazb-e-ein-o-aan;


jazb-e-tou paida-o-jazb-e-ma nehaal.


[Mien ney phhool sey kaha: Ay seinah chaak, mojhey bata;

keh tou baad-o-khak sey kaisey rung-o-boo paa leyta hai.
Phhool ney kaha: Ay hosh sey khali hoshmand;
tou barq-e-khamosh sey kaisey payam hasil karta hai?
Hamarey badan mein jo jan hai
woh idhar odhar kay jazb sey hai
(hum pani aur hawa sey khorak jazb kartey hein);
teyra jazb (khorak) zahar hai
aur hamara jazb penhan hai.]
I said to the rose, Tell me, you with your torn breast,
how do you take colour and scent from the wind and the dust?
The rose said, Intelligent man bereft of intelligence,
how do you take a message from the silent electric ray?
The soul is in our body through the attraction of this and that;
your attraction is manifest. whereas ours is hidden.



Mard-e-arif goftgoo ra dar beh bust;
must khud gardeid-o-az
alam gazust.

) (

[Mard-e-arif (Vishwa-mitter) ney

goftgoo ka darwazah bund kar diya;

woh apney aap mein must ho gaya


aur alam sey apna taaloq monqataa kar liya.]

Thereupon the wise man ceased his discourse;
self-intoxicated, he broke away from the world.

Zouq-o-shouq oo ra z-dast-e-oo rabood;

( )

dar wujood amad z-nairung-e-shahood.

[Oss kay zouq-o-shauq ney ossey bey khud kar diya

(yaani) zahar kay talism sey apney andar gom ho gaya.]
Ecstasy and yearning snatched him out of his own hands.
Then came into being, by the magic of divine vision.

Ba hazoorash zarrah-ha manind-e-Toor;
bey hazoor-e-oo
neh noor-o-ney zahoor.

[Oss ki tawajoh sey zarrey Toor ki manind nazar aatey thhey;

jabb oss ney tawajoh hata lee tuo wahan noor thha nah zahoor.]
When it is present the motes become like Mount Sinai,
without its presence there is nor light nor manifestation.

Naazneinay dar talism-e-aan shabbey;
bey kaukabey ra kaukabey.
aan shabbey


[Oss raat kay talism kay andar eik naaznin namodar hoeyi;
jo iss sitaron sey mehroom raat kay andar
sitarey ki tarah chamak rehi thhi.]
(Sarosh arrives): A delicate creature in the talisman of that night,
a star shining upon that starless night.

Sonbalistan duo zolfash taa kamar;
az talaatash
taab geer

[Oss ki duonon zolfon kay sonbalistan
kamar takk latkay hoay thhey;
oss kay chehray sey koh-o-kamar roshani hasil kartey thhey.]
The hyacinth-curls of his two tresses reached his waist,
mountains and foothills drew brilliance from his face.

Gharq andar jalwah-e-mustanaheyi;

khosh sarood
aan must bey paimanaheyi.

[Woh jalwah-e-mustanah mein gharq thhi;

oss must-e-bey paimanah ney dilpazir naghamh chhairra.]
Wholly drowned in a drunken epiphany,
drunken without wine, he chanted melodiously.

Paish-e-oo gardindah fanoos-e-khayal;
zofanoon misl-e-sepeher-e-dir saal.

[Oss kay saamney khayal iss tarah gardish karta thha

keh boorrhey asman ki gardish ki tarah
oss kay andar sey kaeyi fanoon paida hotay thhey.]
Before him the lantern of the imagination span around,
full of wiles as the ancient sphere of heaven;

Andar aan fanoos paikar rung rung;

shikrah ber kunjashk-o-ber aahoo palang.

[Oss rung-a-rung paikar-e-fanoos kay andar;

shikrah chirriya per aur cheetah aahoo per
jhapatta nazar aata thha.]
In that lantern appeared a form of many hues,
hawk pouncing on sparrow, panther seizing deer.

Mun beh Rumi goftam ay danaey raaz;

ber rafiq-e-kum nazar bakoshaey raaz.

[Mien ney Rumi sey kaha ay danaey raaz

apney kum nazar saathhi ko bata keh yeh kaya raaz hai.]
I said to Rumi, You who know the secret,
reveal the secret to your companion of little vision.


Goft ein paikar cho seim-e-taabnaak;
zaad dar andaishah-e-Yazdan-e-Pak.

[Rumi ney kaha oss chandi ki tarah chamaktey hoay paikar ney
Khodaey Pak ki mashiyat mein janam liya.]
He said, This form like unto flashing silver
was born in the thought of the holy God;

Baz bey taabanah az zouq-e-namood;
dar shabastan-e-wujood amad farood.

[Pher yeh paikar zouq-e-namood sey bitaab ho kar
shabastan-e-wujood mein otar aya.]
Impatiently, out of the joy of self- manifestation,
he came down into the dormitory of existence,

Hum-cho ma aawarah-o-ghorbat nasib;
tou gharibi,
mun ghribam, oo ghrib.

[Yeh bhi hamari tarah awarah aur safar nasib hai;
tou bhi mosafir hai mien bhi mosafir hon
aur yeh bhi mosafir hai.]
Like ourselves a wanderer, exile his portion
you are an exile, I am an exile, he is an exile.

Shan-e-oo Jibrili-o-naamash Sarosh;

mi-bord az hosh-o-mi aarad bihosh.

[Iss ki shan Jibrili hai aur naam Sarosh;

yeh bekhud kar kay hosh mein lata hai.]
His rank is that of Gabriel, his name is Sarosh,
he transports from sense, and restores to sense.

Ghonchah-e-ma ra kashood az shabnamash;
mordah aatish, zindah az soz-e-dumash

[Iss ki shabnam sey hamari kali khhilti hai;

iss kay sans kay soz sey bojhi hoeyi aag bharrak othhti hai.]
It was his dew that opened our bud,
the fire of his breath kindled the dead ember.

Zakhmah-e-shaer beh saaz-e-dil azost;

chaak-ha dar pardah-e-mehmal azost.

[Issi ki wajah sey shaer

apney saaz-e-dil ko mizraab sey chhairrta hai;

issi ki wajah sey mehmal ka pardah chaak chaak hota hai.]
The poets plectrum striking the chords of the heart is of him,

and it is he who rends the veil shrouding the Kaaba.

Deidah-um dar naghmah-e-oo alamay;
aatishay geer az nawaey oo dummay.

[Mien ney iss kay naghmah kay

andar eik niya alam deikhha hai;

tou bhi eik lehzah kay leay hararat hasil kar.]
Within his melody I have glimpsed an entire universe
now take fire for a moment from his song.




Tarsam keh tou may raani zooraq beh saraab andar;

zaadi beh hijab andar meiri beh hijab andar.

[Mojhey dar hai keh tou sorab he mein kashti khhaita rehey ga;
tou hijab he mein paida hoa aur hijab he mein mur jaaey ga.]
I fear that you are steering the barque into a mirage;
born within a veil, you will die within a veil.

Choon sormah-e-Razi ra az deidah froshastam;
taqdir ummam
deidam penhan bakitab andar.

) (

) (

[Jabb mien ney apni aankhhon sey

Razi (ki tafseer) ka sormah dho daala

tuo mojhey Quran-e-Pak kay andar
quomon ki taqdir (kay raaz) nazar aaey.]
When I washed the collyrium of Razi from my eyes
I saw the destinies of nations hidden in the Book

Ber kisht-o-khayaban paich ber koh-o-biyaban paich;
barqay keh bakhud paichad meerad beh sahaab andar.

[Kheiti aur bagh per gir, koh-o-biyaban per gir;


jo barq apney aap sey lipti rehti hai, woh badal he mein mur jati hai.]
Twist over field and avenue, twist over mountain and desert
the lightning that twists upon itself dies within the cloud.

Ba Maghribiyan boodam per justam-o-kum deidam;
marday keh moqamaatash nayad bahisab andar.

[Mien ehal-e-Maghrib mein raha, bohat jostjoo ki;

magar aisa mard nah deikhha jiss kay moqamaat bey hisab hon.]
I dwelt a while with the Westerners,
sought much and saw scarcely the man
whose musical modes turn not upon number.

Bey dard jahangeeri aan qorb mayassar neist;
kash ay boo bagulab andar.
gulshan bagariban

) (


[Dunya ki hakoomat kay leay tarrap kay baghair
woh qorb (-e-Elahi) mayassar naheen
(jo Momin ki shan hai);
Ay boo bagulab andar per iktifa karney waaley
gulshan ko apney andar samou ley.]
Without the anguish of battle that propinquity is not attainable;
you who speak of scent in rose-water, go, ravish the rose-bush!


Ay zahid-e-zaahir bein geeram keh khudi faani ast;
laikan tou nami
beini toofan beh hijab andar.

[Ay zaahir bein zahid! Maana keh khudi faani hai;

laikan woh toofan naheen deikhhta, jo iss bulbulah kay andar hai.]
Superficial ascetic, I concede that selfhood is transient,
but you do not see the whirlpool within the bubble.

Ein saut-e-dil aawaizey az zakhmah-e-matrab neist;

mehjoor-e-jinaan hooray nalad beh rabaab andar.

[Yeh dil-aawaiz awaz matrab kay zakhmah

sey paida naheen ho rehi;

yeh tuo jannat sey bichharri hoeyi eik hoor ha,

jo rabaab kay andar nalah-o-faryaad kar rehi hai.]
This delightful music comes not from the minstrels plucking,
a houri exiled from Paradise is weeping within the lute.




Harkat beh Wadi-e-Yarghamid keh malaikah oo ra
Wadi-e-Tawasin mi naamand.

[Wadi-e-Yarghamid ki taraf jana jissey malaikah
Wadi-e-Tawasin kehtey hein.]

Rumi aan ishq-o-mohabat ra daleel;

) (
tishnah kamaan ra kalaamash Salsabil.

[Rumi jo ishq-o-mohabat ka rehnuma hai;

jiss ka kalaam piyason kay leay Salsabil (Jannat ka chashmah) hai.]


Rumi, that guide to passion and love

whose words are as Salsabil to throats athirst,

Goft: Aan shearay keh aatish andarost;

asal-e-oo az garmi-e-Allah Hoost.

[Oss ney kaha jiss shear mein soz hai,

oss ka asal Allah-hoo ki hararat sey hai.]

Said, The poetry in which there is fire
originates from the heat of He is God!

Aan nawa gulshan konad khashaak ra;

aan nawa berhum zanad aflaak ra.

[Aisa shear khus-o-khashaak ko gulshan bana deyta;

aur aflaak ko darhum berhum kar deyta hai.]
That chant transforms rubbish into a rose-garden,
that chant throws into confusion the spheres;

Aan nawa ber Haq gawahi mi-dehud;

baa faqiraan padshahi mi-dehud.

[Aisa shear sadaqat per gawahi deyta hai,

aur faqiron ko padshahi ataa karta hai.]
That chant bears testimony to the Truth,

bestows on beggars the rank of kings.

Khoon azo andar badan sayyar-ter;
qalb az Rooh-ul-Amin

[Oss sey badan kay andar

khoon ki gardish taiz-ter ho jaati hai

aur qalb Rooh-ul-Amin sey ziyadah bidaar ho jaata hai.]
Through it the blood courses swifter in the body,
the heart grows more aware of the Trusty Spirit.

Ay basa shaer keh az sehar-e-honar;

rehzun-e-qalb ast-o-Iblis-e-nazar.

[Laikan bohat sey shaer sirf honar kay jaadoo sey

qalb kay rehzun aur nazar kay Iblis bun jaatey hein.]
Many a poet through the magic of his art
is a highwayman of hearts, a devil of the glance.

Shaer-e-Hindi Khodaish yarbaad;

jan-e-oo bey lazzat-e-goftar baad.

[Hindi shaer Allah Taala ossey hidayat dey;

oss ki rooh lazzat-e-goftar kay baghair hai.]

The poet of India-God help him,

and may his soul lack the joy of speech!

Ishq rakhaniya-gari aamokhtah;

baa Khalilaan Azari aamokhtah.

[Oss ney ishq ko raag rung

aur Khalilon ko Azari sikhha di hai.]

Has taught love to become a minstrel,
taught the friends of God the art of Azar.

Harf-e-oo chawidah-o-bey soz-o-dard;
mard khwanand ehal-e-dard oo ra nah mard.

[Oss kay alfaaz motrannam hein laikan soz-o-dard sey khali;

ehal-e-dil ossey mard naheen balkeh na-mard samajhtey hein.]
His words are a sparrows chirp, no ardour or anguish;
the people of passion call him a corpse, not a man.

Z-aan nawaey khosh keh nashinasand moqam;
khosh-ter harfey keh goeyi dar moqam.

[Iss pasandeedah awaz sey


jo raag kay zir-o-bum sey bey behrah hai,

neind mein borrbarrana behter hai.]
Sweeter than that sweet chant which knows no mode
are the words which you utter in a dream.

Fitrat-e-shaer sarapa jostjoost;

[Shaer ki fitrat sarapa jostjoo hai;

woh aarzoo ka khaliq bhi hai
aur oss ki perwarish karney wala bhi.]
The poets nature is all searching,
creator and nourisher of desire;

Shaer andar seinah-e-millat cho dil;

millatey bey shaerey anbaar-e-gill.

[Shaer quom kay seinay mein dil ki manind hai;

shaer kay baghair millat mehaz matti ka anbaar hai.]
The poet is like the heart in a peoples breast,
a people without a poet is a mere heap of clay.

Soz-o-musti naqshbund-e-alamey ast;
shaeri bey soz-o-musti matamey ast.

[Soz-o-musti niay alam kay naqosh marattab karti hai;
soz-o-musti kay baghair shaeri
sawaey roaney dhoney kay aur kochh naheen.]
Ardour and drunkenness embroider a world;
poetry without ardour and drunkenness is a dirge.

Shear ra maqsood agar Adam-gari ast;
shaeri hum waris-e-paighambari

[Agar shear ka maqsad shakhsiyat ki taamir hai;

tou shaeri paighambari ki waris hai.]
If the purpose of poetry is the fashioning of men,
poetry is likewise the heir of prophecy.

Goftam az paighambari hum baz goey;
sirr-e-oo mard-e-mehram baz goey.

[Mien ney kaha paighambari

kay baarey mein pher farmaiay;

oss mehram raaz sey oss ka raaz biyan kijiay.]
I said, Speak again also of prophecy,
speak again its secret to your confidant.

Goft: Aqwaam-o-millal ayaat-e-oost;

asr-haey ma z-makhlooqaat-e-oost.

' :

[Rumi ney kaha: Quomein aur millatin
paighambari ki ayaat mein sey hein;
hamarey zamaney paighambaron he ki takhliq hein.]
He said, Peoples and nations are his signs,
our centuries are things of his creation.

Az dum-e-oo naatiq amad sung-o-khisht;
ma hamah manind-e-hasil, oo cho kisht.

[Oss ki phhoonk sey kankariyan bolnay lagti hein;

paighambari khhait aur hum oss ka hasil hein.]
His breath makes stones and bricks to speak;
we all are as the harvest, he the sown field.

Pak saazad astakhwan-o-raishah ra;
baal-e-Jibrilay dehud andaisha ra.


[Woh huddiyuon aur aasab ko pakeezah bana deyta hai;

aur fikr ko perwaz-e-Jibril (A.S.) ataa kar deyta hai.]
He purifies the bones and fibres,
gives to the thoughts the wings of Gabriel;


Haaey-o-hooay andaroon-e-kainat;

az labb-e-oo najam-o-noor-o-naazat.

[Woh kainat kay andar hungamah paida karta hai,

oss ki zoban sey najam, noor, aur naazat
jaisi Suratin saadar hoti hein.]
The mutterings within the hearts of creatures
upon his lip become Star, Light, and Pluckers.

Aftabash ra zawaley neist neist;

monkar-e-oo ra kamaley neist neist.

) (

[Paighamber (ki taalim kay) aftab ko zawal hergiz naheen;

jo shakhs risalat ka monkar hai
woh kabhi apni takmil naheen kar sakta.]
To his sun there is no setting, none;
to his denier never shall come perfection.

Rehamat-e-Haq sohbat-e-ahrar-e-oo;


qehar-e-Yazdan zarbat-e-karrar-e-oo.


[Oss kay motbain ki sohbat

Allah Taala ki rehmat ka sabab bunti hai;
aur oss kay Karar (Hazrat Ali R.A) ki
zarb Allah Taala ka qehar laati hai.]
Gods compassion is the company of his freemen,
the wrath of God is his impetuous blow.

Garchih baashey aql-e-koll azoey ma-rum;
z-aan keh oo beinad
tun-o-jan ra behum.

) (

[Tou aql-e-koll bhi ho pher bhi

paighamber sey door nah bhaag

kiyuonkeh woh rooh-o-badan
(deen-o-dunya) ko akathha rakhhta hai.]
Be you Universal Reason itself, flee not from him,
for he beholds both body and soul together.

Taiz-ter neh paa bera Yarghamid;
taa beini aanchih mi baeist deid.

) (

[Yarghamid kay raastey mein taiz taiz chall

ta-keh tou qaabil-e-deid (nazarey) deikhh sakkey.]
Stride then more nimbly on the road to Yarghamid
that you may see that which must be seen.


Kandah ber diwaarey az sung-e-qamar;

char Taasin-e-nabawwat
ra niggar.

[Sung-e-qamar sey banaeyi hoeyi diwaar per

char Tawasin-e-Nabawwat kandah deikhh.]
Engraved upon a wall of moonstone
behold the four Tasins of prophecy.

Shouq rah-e-khwaish danad bey dalil;

shouq perwazey bebaal-e-Jibril.

[Shouq baghair rahber kay rastah deikhh leyta hai;

baal-e-Jibril kay leay shouq-e-perwaz bun jaata hai.]
Yearning knows its own way without a guide,
the yearning to fly with the wings of Gabriel;

Shouq ra rah-e-draaz aamad duo gaam;

ein mosafir khastah gardad az moqam.

[Shouq kay leay taweel safar

duo qadmon sey ziyadah naheen;

mosafir shouq-e-qayam sey tung aa jaata hai.]
For yearning the long road becomes two steps,
such a traveller wearies of standing still.


Paa zadam mustanah sooey Yarghamid;
taa bolandi-haey oo aamad padeid.

[Mien Yarghamid ki jaanib mustanah-war rawanah hoa;

yahan takk keh oss ki bolandiyan nazar aaney lagein.]
As if drunk I strode out towards Yarghamid
until at last its heights became visible.

Mun chih goeyam az shakoh-e-aan moqam;

haft kaukab dar tawaf-e-oo madam.

[Mien oss moqam ki shan-o-shaukat kaya biyan karon;

saat sitarey her waqt oss kay tawaf mein rehtey thhey.]
What shall I say of the splendour of that station?
Seven stars circle about it unceasingly;

Farshiyan az noor-e-oo roshan zamir;

arshiyan az sormah-e-khakash baseer.

[Oss kay noor sey ehal-e-zamin roshan zamir thhey

aur oss ki khak kay sormah sey
frishtay baseerat hasil kartey thhey.]
The Carpet-angels are inly lit by its light,


its dusts collyrium brightens

the eyes of the Throne-angels.

Haq mera chashm-o-dil-o-goftar daad;
jostjooey alam-e-asrar daad.

[Allah Taala ney mojhey aankhh, dil aur taqat-e-goftar

aur alam-e-asrar ki jostjoo ataa farmaeyi.]
God gave to me sight, heart and speech,
gave me the urge to search for the world of secrets;

Pardah ra ber geeram az asrar-e-koll;

ba tou goeyam az Tawasin-e-rosal.

[Mien asrar-e-koll sey pardey othhata hon

aur tojh sey rasoolon kay tawasin ki baat karta hon.]

Now I will unveil the mysteries of the universe,
I will tell you of the Tawasin of the Apostles.




Toubah aawordan zann-e-raqasah-e-oshwah faros.

[Eik raqasah-e-oshwah farosh ka toubah karna]
The Repentance of the coquettish Dancing-Girl
(This poetical composition is 52nd Ghazal of Part-II of Zabur-e-Ajam)
Gautam :

Maey deirinah-o-maashooq-e-jawan cheezay neist;
Hoor-e-Janaan cheezay neist.

[Porani sharab aur jawan maashooq ki koeyi ahmiyat naheen;

sahib-e-nazar hazraat kay saamney
jannat ki Hoor bhi koeyi cheez naheen.]
Ancient wine and youthful beloved are-nothing;
for men of true vision the houris of Paradise are-nothing.

Her chih az mohkam-o-paindah shinasi gozarad;

koh-o-sehra-o-ber-o-behar-o-karaan cheezay neist.

[Her woh shaey jissey tou paindah samajhta hai,

gozar jaaney waali hai;


koh-o-sehra hon ya behar-o-ber kissi ki koeyi haisiyyat naheen.]

Whatever you know as firm and enduring passes away,
mountain and desert, land, sea and shore are-nothing.

Daanish-e-Maghribiyan falsafah-e-Mashriqiyan;
hamah bottkhanah-o-dar touf-e-bottaan
cheezay neist.

[Ehal-e-Maghrib ki daanish ho ya ehal-e-Mashriq ka falsafah;

sabb bottkaday hein aur botton kay tawaf sey kochh hasil naheen.]
The science of the Westerners,
the philosophy of the Easterners are all idol-houses,
and the visiting of idols yields-nothing

Az khud andaish-o-azin baadiyah tarsaan magozar;

keh tou husti-o-wujood-e-duo jahan cheezay neist.

[Apni fikr kar aur iss veraney sey dartey hoay nah gozar;

sirf tou baqi rehney wala hai, yeh duonon jahan koeyi cheez naheen.]
Think upon Self, and pass not fearfully through this desert,
for you are, while the substance of both worlds is nothing

Dar tariqay keh banok-e-mozzah kawidam mun;

manzil-o-qaflah-o-raig-e-rawan cheezay neist.


[Woh raastah jissey mien ney apni palkon ki nok sey trasha hai;
iss mein manzil, qaflah ya raig-e-rawan koeyi cheez naheen.]
On the road which I hewed out with the point of my eyelash
station and caravan and shifting sands are-nothing.

Bagozar az ghaib keh ein vehum-o-gomaan cheezay neist.
boodan-o-rastan z-jahan cheezay hust.

dar jahan


[Ghaib ko chhorr keh (yeh vehum-o-gomaan hai aur)
vehum-o-gomaan koeyi shaey naheeh;
han, iss jahan mein bastay hoay iss sey azad rehna,
zaroor qaabil-e-qadar shaey hai.]
Transcend the unseen, for this doubt and surmise are nothing;
to be in the world and to escape from the world-that is. Something!

Aan bahishtay keh khudaey batou
bakhshad hamah haich;

ta jazaey amal-e-tust Janaan, cheezay neist.

[Woh bahisht jo Allah Taala ney mojhey ataa ki sabb haich hai;
han, agar jannat teyrey amal ki jaza hai,
tou woh zaroor koeyi cheez hai.]
The Paradise that some God grants unto you is nothing;
when Paradise is the reward of your labours - that is something.


Rahat-e-jan talabi, rahat-e-jan cheezay neist;

dar ghum-e-humnafasaan
ashk-e-rawan cheezay hust.

[Rahat-e-jan ka khwahan hai? Rahat-e-jan koeyi cheez naheen;

han, apney saathhiyuon kay ghum mein
aansoo bahana zaroor koeyi cheez hai.]
Do you seek repose for your soul? The souls repose is nothing;
the tear shed in sorrow for your companions - that is something.

Chashm-e-makhmoor-o-nigah-e-ghalat andaaz-o-sarood;
hamah khoobst
walley khosh-ter az aan cheezay hust.


[Must aankhh, nigah-e-ghulat andaaz aur (hosin) naghamah;

sabb khoob hein, magar inn sey khoob-ter cheez bhi hai.]
The wine-drenched eye,
the temptress glance and the song are all fair,
but sweeter than these - there is something.

Hosn-e-rokhsar dummay hust-o-dummay deigar neist;

( )

hosn-e-kirdar-o-khayalaat-e-khoshaan cheezay hust.

[Chehray ka hosn eik lamah hai, doosarey lamah naheen hai;

(albattah) hosn-e-kirdar aur boland afkaar
zaroor ahmiyyat rakhhtey hein.]


The cheeks beauty lives for a moment, in a moment is no more;

the beauty of action and fine ideals-that is something.
The Dancing-Girl :

Forsat-e-kashmakash madeh ein dil-e-biqarar ra;
yakk duo shikin ziyadah kon gaisooey
taabdar ra.

[Iss dil-e-biqarar ko kashmakash mein rehney ki forsat nah dey;

apney gaisoo-ey paichidah mein
eik duo shikin ka aur azafah kar dey.]
Give not occasion for conturbation to this restless heart;
add one or two curls more to my twisted tress.

Az tou daroon-e-seinah-um barq-e-tajalli-e-keh mun;
ba meh-o-mehar
daadah-um talkhi-e-intizar ra.

[Teyri wajah sey meyrey seinay kay andar woh barq-e-tajalli hai
keh mien ney meh-o-mehar ko bhi
talkhi-e-intizar sey duochar kar diya hai.]
In my breast is such a lightning-flash of revelation from you,
I have yielded the bitterness of expectation to the moon and the sun.

Zouq-e-hazoor dar jahan rasm-e-sanam gari nehaad;


ishq fraib mi dehud jan-e-ummeidwar ra.

[Zouq-e-deid ney rasm-e-bottgari ki boniyad rakhhi;

ishq iss tarah deid kay khwahishmand ko fraib deyta hai.]
The joy of Gods presence founded
in this world idolatrys wont;
love ever eludes the soul that is full of hope.

Ta bafragh-e-khatarey naghmah-e-tazaheyi zannam;

baz beh marghazar deh taer-e- marghazar ra.

[Marghazar kay iss parinday ko duobarah marghazar ataa farmaiay;

ta-keh woh dil jamai sey niya naghmah paish kar sakkey.]
So that with carefree heart I may play a new melody
give back again to the meadow the true bird of the meadow.

Tabaa-e-boland daadaheyi bund z-paaey mun koshaey;
Ta beh palaas-e-tou
dehum khilaat-e-sheharyar

[Aap ney mojhey tabaa-e-boland ataa farmaeyi hai,
meyrey paaon ko zinjir sey azad kar dijiay
ta-keh mien khilaat-e-sheharyar ko aap kay ataa kardah
bouriay per qorban kar sakon.]
You have granted me a lofty nature; release the shackle from my foot
that I may bestow a princes robe upon your sackcloth

Taishah agar basung zud ein chih moqam-e-goftgoost?
ein hamah kosar ra.

Ishq badosh mi kashad

) (

[Agar taishah ney pathhar per zarb lagaeyi;
tuo yeh koeyi (qaabil-e-zikr) baat naheen;
ishq tuo sara silsilah-e-koh
apney kandhon per othhaey jaata hai.]
If the axe struck against the stone,
what cause of talk is that?
Love can carry upon its back a whole mountain-range!
(The lines recited by the dancing girl
are of the 47th Ghazal of Zabur-e-Ajam.)



Tasin Zartasht

Zartasht ra
kardan Ahriman

) (
]Ahriman (Shaitan) ka Zartasht ki aazmaish karna[
Ahriman Tempts Zoroaster
Ahriman :

Az tou makhlooqaat-e-mun nalaan cho naey;

az tou ma ra fraudin manind-e-daey.

[Teyri wajah sey meyri makhlooqaat bansari ki tarah nalan hai;

teyri wajah sey bahaar khazan ki surat ikhtiyar kar choki hai.]


Because of you my creatures complain like a reed-pipe,

because of you our April has become like December;

Dar jahan khwar-o-zaboonam kardaheyi;

naqsh-e-khud rungin z-khoonam kardaheyi.

[Tou ney mojhey dunya mein zalil kar diya hai;

tou ney meyrey khoon sey apni taswir ko rungin banaya hai.]
You have made me humbled and dishonoured in the world,
you have stained your image with my blood.

Zindah Haq az jalwah-e-Sinaey tost;
murg-e-mun andar yadd-e-baizaey

[Haq Taala ka tasawwar teyrey

jalwah-e-Seina ki wajah sey zindah hai

teyrey yadd-e-baiza kay andar meyri mout penhan hai.]
Truth lives through the epiphany of your Sinai,
death for me dwells within your White Hand.

Takiyah ber misaaq-e-Yazdan ablehi ast;

ber moradash rah raftan gomrehi ast.

[Yazdan kay waaday per eitimaad karna hamaqat hai;


Oss ki raza kay motabiq zindaqi basar karna gomrahi hai.]

It is folly to rely on a covenant with God,
to travel the road to His desire is to lose the way;

Zehar-ha dar baadah-e-gulfaam-e-Oost;
arrah-o-kirm-o-saleeb inaam-e-Oost.

[Oss kay baadah-e-gulfaam kay andar zehar bharey hein;

Oss kay inaamaat aarah, keirray aur saleeb hein.]
Poisons lurk within His rose-tinted wine;
saw, worm and cross-these are His gifts.

Joz dua-ha Noah tadbiray nadaasht;
harf-e-aan bicharah
taseeray nadaasht.

) (

[Sawaey duaon kay Noah (A.S.)

aur koeyi tadbir nah rakhhta thha;

oss bicharey ki zoban mein koeyi taseer nah thhi.]
Noah had no other resource but prayer,
but the words of that hapless man were of no avail.

Shehar ra bagozarad dar ghaarey nashin;
hum beh khel-e-nooriyan sohbat gazein.


[Shehar ko chhorr aur kissi ghaar mein baithh kar

nooriyuon ki sohbat ikhtiyar kar.]
So abandon the city and hide yourself in a cave,
choose the company of the cavalcade of the creatures of light;

Az nigahey kimiya kon khak ra;
az monajaatey basoz aflaak ra.

[Apni nigah sey khak ko kimiya bana;

apni monajaat sey asmanon ko jala dey.]
Wth one glance make the dust a philosophers stone,
set fire to the heavens with a single prayer;

Dar kohistan choon Kalim (A.S.) awarah shau;
neim soz-e-aatish-e-nazarah shau.


[Kalim (A.S.) ki manind paharron mein awarah pher

aur nazarah-e-jamal ki aatish sey neim soz reh.]
Become a wanderer in the mountains like Moses,
be half-consumed in the fire of vision;

Laikan az paighambari bayad gozasht;
az chonein mulla-gari bayad

[Magar yeh paighambari aur iss qisam ki


mulla gari chhorr deyni chahiay.]

But you must certainly give up prophecy,
you must give up all such mullah-mongery.

Kas miyan-e-nakasaan nakas shawud;

fitratash gar shoalah baashad khas shawud.

[Nakason kay darmiyan reh kar insan bhi nakas ho jaata hai;
oss ki fitrat agar shoalah bhi ho tou khas-o-khashak ho jaata hai.]
By associating with nobodies, a somebody becomes a nobody,
though his nature be a flame, be becomes a chip of wood.

Ta nabawwat az walayat kum-ter ast;

ishq ra paighambari dard-e-sar ast.

[Choonkeh nabawwat walayat sey kun-ter hai

(yeh Shaitan ka falsafah hai)

iss leay paighambari ishq kay leay dard-e-sar hai.]

So long as prophethood is inferior to sainthood
prophecy is a veritable vexation to love.

Khaiz-o-dar kashanah-o-wahdat nashin;
terk-e-jalwat goay-e-dar khalwat nashin.


[Othh aur kashanah-e-wahadat mein ja baithh;

jalwat terk kar aur khalwat nashin ho jaa.]
Now rise, and nestle in the nest of Unity,
abandon manifestation and sit in retirement!
Zoroaster :

Noor daryaey ast zolmat sahilash;
humcho mun sialay nazaad
andar dillash.

[Noor darya hai aur zolmat oss ka sahil;
iss darya kay dil kay andar
mojh jaisa koeyi sailab paida naheen hoa.]
Light is the ocean, darkness is but its shore;
no torrent like me was ever born in its heart.

Andaroonam mouj-haey biqarar;

sial ra joz gharat-e-sahil chih kaar.

[Meyrey andar bey qarar moujein hein;

sailab ko sahil ki tabahi kay alawah aur kaya kaam.]

My breast is swarming with restless waves;
what should the torrent do but devastate the shore?

Naqsh-e-birungay keh oo ra kas nadeid;

joz bakhoon Ahriman natawan


[Woh bey rung naqsh hai kissi ney naheen deikhha;

Ahriman kay khoon he sey banaya ja sakta hai.]
The colourless picture, which no man has ever seen,
cannot be painted save with the blood of Ahriman.

Khwaishtan ra wa namoodan zindagi ast;

zarb-e-khud ra aazmoodan zindagist.

[Apni qowwaton ka azhar aur apni
zarb sey aazmana he zindagi hai.]
Self-display-that is the very secret of life,
life is to test out ones own striking-power.

Az bala-ha pokhtah-ter gardad khudi;
ta Khoda ra pardah dar gardad khudi.

[Khudi masaib he sey pakhtah-ter hoti hai;

yahan takk keh woh Allah Taala kay rokh sey

parday hata deyti hai.]
The Self becomes more mature through suffering
until the Self rends the veils that cover God.


Mard-e-Haq-bein joz ba-Haq khud ra nadeid;

la ilah mi goft-o-dar khoon mi tapeid.

[Mard-e-Haq bein apney aap ko ahkaam-e-Elahi he sey janchta ha;

la ilah kehta hai aur Allah Taala ki
rah mein khoon mein tarrapta hai.]
The God-seeing man sees himself only through God;
crying One God, he quivers in his own blood.

Ishq ra dar khoon tapeidan aabraast;

arrah-o-choub-o-rasan eidain-e-oost.

[Khoon mein tarrapney he sey ishq ki aabroo hai;

aarah aur daar-e-rasan oss ki Eidin hein.]
To quiver in blood is a great honour for love;
saw, stave and halter-these are loves festival

Dar reh-e-Haq her chih paish ayad nikost;

marhab na-meharbanihaey dost.

[Allah Taala ki rah mein jo bhi paish aaey khoob hai;

dost ki na-meharbaniyan bhi mobarak hein.]
Upon the road of love, whatever betides is good;
then welcome to the unloving kindnesses of the Beloved!


Jalwah-e-Haq chashm-e-mun tunha nakhwast;

hosnra bey anjaman deidan khatast.

[Meyri aankhh akaili jalwah-e-Haq

ko naheen deikhhna chahti;

hosn ko anjuman kay baghair deikhhna ghulti hai.]

Not my eye only desired the manifestation of God;
it is a sin to behold beauty without a company.

Cheist khalwat dard-o-soz-o-aarzoost;

) (

) (

anjaman deid ast-o-khalwat jodstjoo ast.

[Khalwat kaya hai? Dard-o-soz-o-aarzoo;

khalwat (Hosn-e-Motliq ki) jostjoo hai, aur jalwat (oss ka) didaar.]
What is solitude? Pain, burning and yearning;
company is vision, solitude is a search

Ishq dar khalwat Kalim-ullahi ast;

choon bajalwat mi kharamad shahi ast.

[Ishq khalwat mein ho tuo woh Kalimullah,

jabb woh jalwat mein aata hai tuo padshahat hai.]
Love in solitude is colloquy with God;

when love marches forth in display, that is to be a king!

Khalwat-o-jalwat kamal-e-soz-o-saaz;

) (
her duo halaat-o-moqamaat-e-niaz.

[Khalwat-o-jalwat duonon soz-o-saaz ka kamal hein;

duonon niaz kay ahwaal (kaifiyat-o-) moqamaat hein.]
Solitude and manifestation are the perfection of ardour,
both alike are states and stations of indigence.

Cheist aan? Bagozashtan az Deir-o-Kanisht.
Cheist ein? tunha naraftan
dar bahisht.

[Khalwat kaya hai? Deir-o-Kanisht sey gozar jana.

Jalwat kay hai? Bahisht mein akailay nah jana.]
What is the former? To desert cloister and church;
What is the latter? Not to walk alone in Paradise!

Garchih andar khalwat-o-jalwat Khodast;

khalwat aaghazst-o-jalwat intihast.

[Agarchih Allah Taala khalwat aur jalwat duonon mein hein;

magar khalwat aaghaz hai; aur jalwat intiha.]
Though God dwells in solitude and manifestation,

solitude is the beginning, manifestation the end.

Goftaheyi paighambari dard-e-sar ast;
ishq choon kaamil shawud
Adam-gar ast.

[Kaya kaha? Keh paighambari dard-e-sar hai;

ishq jabb kaamil hota hai, tuo shakhsiyat saaz bun jaata hai.]
You have said that prophecy is a vexation
when love becomes perfect, it fashions men.

Rah-e-Haq ba carvaan raftan khosh ast;

humcho andar jahan raftan khosh ast.

[Allah Taala ki rah mein carvaan kay saathh chalna

aur jahan kay andar jan-e-jahan bun kay rehna
kitna khosh aaind hai.]
It is delightful to go on Gods road by caravan,
it is delightful to go in the world free as the soul.



Rooyaey Hakim Tolstoy
Vision of the sage Tolstoy

Darmiyan-e-kohsar-e-haft murg;

wadi-e-bey taer-o-bey shakh-o-burg.

[Kohsar-e-haft murg kay andar eik aisi wadi hai

jahan nah koeyi parindah hai aur nah koeyi drakht.]
In the midst of the mountain-range of Seven Deaths
is a valley where no bird stirs, no branches, no leaf;

Taab-e-meh az dood gird-e-oo cho qeer;

aftab andar fazaish tishnah meer.

[Oss kay dhoonay sey chaand ki chamak

taarkol ki tarah ho gaeyi hai;
oss ki faza mein sooraj bhi
(roshni kay leay) piyasa mur jaata hai.]

The smoke encircling it turns the moons light to pitch,

the sun in its broad heavens seems dying of thirst.


Rud-e-seimaab, andar aan wadi rawaan;
kham beh kham manind-e-jooey kehkashaan.

[Oss wadi kay andar seimab ki nadi

kehkashan ki manind paich-o-kham khhati hoeyi rawan hai.]

A river of quicksilver flows through that valley
meandering like the stream of the Milky Way.

Paish-e-oo pust-o-boland-e-rah haich;
tund siar-o-mouj mouj-o-paich paich.

[Oss taiz rawan mouj dar mouj, aur paich dar paich nadi
kay saamney raastey kay pust-o-boland paich hein.]
Before it the hollows and heights of the road are nothing,
so swift its current, wave on wave, twist on twist.

Gharq dar seimab marday taa kamar;

ba hazaraan nalah-haey
bey asar.

[Oss nadi mein eik shakhs kamar takk seimaab mein gharq;
hazaaron bey asar nalah-o-shaiwan karta hoa khharra thha.]
A man stood, drowned up to his waist,
in that quicksilver uttering a thousand ineffectual laments,

Qismat-e-oo abr-o-baad-o-aab ney;
bajoz seimab neist.

[Oss ki qismat mein abr, hawa aur pani nah thhey;

woh piyasa thha, magar wahan sawaey
seimaab kay koeyi pani nah thha.]
Rain, wind and water were not his portion
athirst he, and no water save the quicksilver.

Ber karaan deidam zanney nazok tunnay;

chashm-e-oo sadd carvaan ra rehzunay.

[Mien ney kinarey per eik nazok badan aurat deikhhi;

jiss ki aankhh sainkarron
carvaanon ko loot leyney waali thhi.]
On the bank I espied a slim-bodied woman
whose eyes would have waylaid a hundred caravans,

Kaafiri aamoz-e-piraan-e-kanisht;

az nigahash
zasht khoob-o-khoob zasht.

[Jo Piraan-e-Kalisa ko kaafiri sikhhati thhi;
aur jiss ki nigah na-khoob ko khoob

aur khoob ko na-khoob bana deyti thhi.]

One that taught infidelity to the Church-elders,
her glance turned ugly to beautiful, beautiful to ugly.

Goftamash tou keisti, naam-e-tou cheist?

Ein sarapa nalah-e-faryaad keist?

[Mien ney poochha tou kon hai, teyra naam kaya hai
aur yeh kon hai jo sarapa nalah-o-faryaad bana hoa hai.]
I said to her, Who are you? What is your name?
What is this utter lamentation and weeping?

Goft dar chashmam fasoon-e-Samiri ast;

naamam Ifrangin-o-kaaram sahiri ast.

[Oss ney kaha meyri aankhh mein Samiri ka jaadoo hai;

meyra naam Ifrangin aur kaam sahiri hai.]
She said, In my eye is the spell of the Samiri;
my name is Ifrangin, my profession is wizardry.

Naghaan aan jooey seimin yakh beh babast;

istakhwaan-e-aan jawan dar tun shikast.

[Naaghan woh seimaab ki nadi yakh bastah ho-gaeyi;


aur oss jawan kay badan ki huddiyan toot gaein.]

All of a sudden that silvery stream froze,
the bones of that youth broke in his body.

Bang-e-zadd ay waaey ber taqdir-e-mun;

waaey ber faryaad-e-bey taseer-e-mun.

[Woh challaya haaey afsos meyri taqdir
aur meyri bey taseer faryaad per.]
He cried aloud, Alas, alas for my destiny!
Alas for my ineffectual lamentation!

Goft Ifrangin agar daari nazar,
andakay aamal-e-khud ra hum

[Ifrangin ney kaha, agar tou nazar rakhhta hai

tuo zara apney aamal ko bhi deikhh.]
Ifrangin said, If you have eyes to see,
look a little also at your own deeds.

Por-e-Maryam aan chiragh-e-kainat;

noor-e-oo andar jehaat-o-bey jehaat.

[Maryam ka baita jo chiragh-e-kainat thha;

aur jiss ka noor makan-o-lamakan mein hai.]
The Son of Mary, that Lamp of all creation

whose light lit up the world dimensioned and undimensioned.

Aan Falatoos aan Saleeb aan rooey zard;
oo chih kard.
tou chih kardi

[Oss ka zard chehrah, Saleeb aur Falatoos

ko paish-e-nazar rakhh pher mojhey bata keh

dunya mein oss ney kaya kiya, aur tou ney kaya kiya?]
That Pilate, and that cross, that pallid face what wrought you,
what wrought he beneath the skies!

Ay bajanat lazzat-e-aiman haraam;

ay prastar-e-bottaan-e-seim-e-khaam.

[Ay woh shakhs jiss ki jan per lazzat-e-aiman haraam hai;

ay woh shakhs jo bottaan-e-seim-e-khaam ka poojari hai.]
You, to whose soul the joy of faith is forbidden,
worshipper of idols fashioned of raw silver,

Qimat-e-Rooh-ul-Quds nashanakhti;
tun kharidi,

[Tou ney Rooh-ul-Quds ki qimat nah pehchani;

badan kharid liya aur rooh haar di.]

You did not know the worth of the Holy Spirit,

you bought the body, gambled away the soul!

Taanah-e-aan naaznin-e-jalwah must;

aan jawan ra nishtar andar dil shikast.

[Oss jalwah must naaznin ka taanah

oss jawan kay dil kay andar nishtar ki tarah toot gaya.]
The reproach of that fair woman, drunken with blandishment,
was a lancet that pierced the youths heart.

Goft ay gundam-numaey jao frosh;

az tou Shaikh-o-Brahmin millat frosh.

[Oss ney kaha ay gundam-numa jao frosh

teyri wajah sey Shaikh-o-Brahmin millat frosh bun chokay hein.]

He said, You who display wheat and sell barley,
because of you Shaikh and Brahmin sell their own country.

Aql-o-Deen az kaafiri-haey tou khwar;

ishq az saudagari-haey tou khwar.

[Aql-o-Deen teyri kaafiri sey

aur ishq teyrey tajiranah andaaz sey zalil-o-khwar hai.]


Your infidelities have debased reason and religion,

your profit-mongerings have cheapened love.

Mehar-e-tou azaar-o-azaar-e-nihaan;
kein-e-tou murg ast-o-murg-e-naghaan.

[Teyri mohabat bimaari hai aur pinhan bimaari;

teyri doshmani murg hai aur murg-e-naaghan.]
Your love is torment, and secret torment at that;
your hatred is death, and sudden death at that!

Sohbatey ba aab-o-gill werzidaheyi;

) (

bandah ra az paish-e-Haq dozdeidaheyi.

[Tou ney aab-o-gill (dunya) sey sohbat ikhtiyar kar rakhhi hai
aur tou banday ko Haq Taala kay hazoor sey chora laeyi hai.]
You have associated with water and clay,
you have stolen away Gods servant from Him.

Hikmatey ko oqdah-e-ashiya koshaad;
ba tou ghair az fikr-e-Changaizi nadaad.

) (

[Woh hikmat (science) jiss ney ashiya ki maahiyat ka oqdah waa kiya;
tojhey oss ney Changaizi soch kay alawah aur kochh naheen diya.]

Wisdom, which loosened the knots of things,

to you has given only thoughts of devastation.

Danad aan marday keh sahib-e-johar ast;
jorm-e-tou az jorm-e-mun
sungin-ter ast.

[Woh mard jo koeyi johar rakhhta hai,

samajhta hai keh teyra jorm meyrey jorm sey ziyadah sungin hai.]
That man whose substance is true
knows well your crime is heavier than my crime.

Az dum-e-oo raftah jan aamad batun;

az tou jan ra
mi-gardad badan.



[Isa (A.S.) ki phhoonk sey badan sey

nikali hoeyi jan waapas aa-jati thhi;

aur teyri wajah sey badan jan ka qabristan bun gaya hai.]
His breath restored the departed soul to the body;
you make the body a mausoleum for the soul.

Aan chih ma kardaim ba nasaut-e-oo;
millat-e-oo kard ba la-hoot-e-oo.

) (


[Jo kochh hum ney Isa (A.S.) kay badan kay saathh kaya;
Isaiyuon ney oss ki rooh kay saathh wohi kochh kiya.]
What we have done unto His humanity
His community has done unto His divinity.

Murg-e-tou ehal-e-jahan ra zindagi ast;
baash! Ta beini keh anjaam-e-tou cheist!

[Teyri mout ehal-e-jahan kay leay zindagi hai;

zara thhehar pher tojhey
apna anjaam maaloom ho jaaey ga.]
Your death is life for the people of the world:
wait now, and see what your end shall be!


Tasin-e-Muhammad (S.A.W.)


Nouha-e-rooh-e-Abu jahl dar Haram-e-Kaaba

[Haram-e-Kaaba mein Abu jahl ki rooh ka nouha]
The Spirit of Abu Jahl Laments in the Sanctuary of the Kaaba

Seinah-e-ma az Mohammad (S.A.W.) dagh dagh;
az dum-e-oo Kaabah ra gull shoud chiragh.

) (

) (
[Mohammad (S.A.W.) ki wajah sey
hamara seinah dagh dagh hai;
Onn (S.A.W.) ki phhoonk sey
Kaabah ka chiragh gull ho gaya hai.]
My breast is riven and anguished by this Mohammed;
his breath has put out the burning lamp of the Kaaba.

Az halaak-e-Qaisar-o-Kisra sarood;



( )

naujawanan ra z-dast-e-ma rabood.

[Aap (S.A.W) Qaisar-o-Kisra ki halakat ki baat kartey hein;

Aap (S.A.W) ney (hamarey) naujawanon ko hum sey chhin liya hai.]
He has sung of the destruction of Caesar and Chosroes,
he has stolen away from us our young men.

Sahir-o-andar kalaamash sahiri ast;
ein duo harf la ilah khud kaafiri ast.



[Aap (S.A.W) sahir aur Aap (S.A.W) ka kalaam sehar hai;

la ilah kay duo lafz kaafiri hein.]
He is a wizard, and wizardry is in his speech:
these two words One God are very unbelief.

Ta basaat-e-deen-e-abaa dar naward;


) (
ba khodawandan-e-ma kard aanchih kard.

[Aap (S.A.W) ney hamarey abaa kay deen

ki basaat lapait di hai;

Aap (S.A.W) ney hamarey maaboodon sey

woh kiya jo naqabil-e-biyan hai.]
So he has rolled up the carpet of our fathers faith
and has done with our Lord Gods what he has done.

Paash paash az zarbatash Lat-o-Manat;
intiqam azoey bageer ay kainat.


! ) (

[Aap (S.A.W) ki zarb sey Lat-o-Manat paash paash ho gaaey.

Ay kainat! Aap (S.A.W) sey intiqam ley.]
The blow of his fist has scattered Lat and Manat:
take vengeance upon him, you created beings!


Dil beh ghaib bust-e-az hazir gosast;

) (
naqsh-e-hazir ra fasoon-e-oo shikast.

[Aap (S.A.W) ney ghaib sey dil lagaya aur hazir sey dil hataya;
Aap (S.A.W) kay afson ney hazir ka naqsh torr diya.]
He bound his heart to the invisible, broke with the visible,
his incantation shattered the living, present image.

Deidah ber ghaib frau bustan khatast;

aanchih andar deidah

mi na-ayad kojast.

[Ghaib per nigah markooz karna ghulati hai;

koeyi aisi cheez naheen
jo aankhh sey nah deikhhi jaa sakkey.]
It is wrong to attach the eye to the invisible;
that which comes not into sight-wherever is it?

Paish-e-ghaib sajdah bordan kori ast;

deen-e-nau kor ast-o-kori doori ast.

[Ghaib kay saamney sajdah karna andha-pun hai;

yeh niya deen andha hai
aur andha-pun (haqiqat sey) door ley jaata hai.]
It is blindness to make prostration to the invisible;

the new religion is blindness, and blindness is remoteness.


Kham shodan paish-e-Khodaey bey jehaat;

bandah ra zouqey nabakhshad ein salaat.

[Khudaey la-makan kay saamney jhokna;

yeh namaz banday ko zouq ataa naheen karti.]
To bend double before an undimensioned God
such prayers bring no joy to the worshipper.

Mazhab-e-oo qaatea-e-molk-o-nasab;
az Quraish-o-monkar
az fazal-e-Arab.

) (

) (

[Aap (S.A.W) ka mazhab molk-o-nasab ki jarrein kaat deyta hai;

Aap (S.A.W) ehal-e-Arab aur Quraish ki fazeelat kay monkar hein.]
His creed cuts through the rulership
and lineage of Koraish, denies the supremacy of the Arabs;

Dar nigah-e-oo yakkey bala-o-pust;


) (
ba ghulam-e-khwaish ber yakk khwan nishast.

[Aap (S.A.W) ki nigah mein chhotay barrey eik jaisay hein;

Aap (S.A.W) apney ghulam kay saathh
eik dastarkhwan per baithh jaatey hein.]
In his eyes lofty and lowly are the same thing


he has sat down at the same table with his slave.

Qadar-e-ahrar-e-Arab nashinakhtah;
dar saakhtah.
ba kolfataan-e-Habash

) (

) (

[Aap (S.A.W) ney Ahrar-e-Arab ki qadar naheen pehchani;

Aap (S.A.W) ney kaaley Habshiyuon
kay saathh mowafiqat ikhtiyar kar li.]
He has not recognized the worth of the noble Arabs
but associated with uncouth Abyssinians;

Ahmaran ba Aswadaan aamaikhtund;


aabrooey doodmaney raikhtund.

[Aap (S.A.W) ney goron ko kaalon kay saath mila diya;

aur khandan ki woqaat khatam kar di.]
Redskins have been confounded with blackskins,
the honour of tribe and family has been destroyed.

Ein masawaat ein mawakhaat Ajami ast;
khoob mi daanam keh Salman
(R.A.) Mazadaki ast.

) (

) (

[Yeh masawaat mawakhaat (bhai charah) Ajami cheez hai;

mien achhi tarah jaanta hon keh


Salman (R.A.) Faarsi Mozdaki hai.]

This equality and fraternity are foreign things
I know very well that Salman is a Mazdakite;

Ibne Abdullah fraibash khordah ast;

) (

rastkhaizey ber Arab aawurdah ast.

[Ibne Abdullah (S.A.W.) ney oss kay fraib mein aa kar

Arab mein qayamat barpa kar di hai.]
The son of Abdullah has been duped by him
and he has brought disaster upon the Arab people.

Itrat-e-Hashim z-khud mehjoor gasht;

az duo rakaat chashm-e-shan bey noor gasht.

[Hashim ki aulaad apney khandan he sey door ho gaeyi hai;

duo rakaat namaz ney onn ki aankhhon ko bey noor kar diya hai.]
Hashims progeny have become estranged one from another,
a couple of prayers have utterly blinded them.

Ajami ra asal-e-Adnani kojast;
gung ra goftar-e-Sohbani

[Ajami ki asal kahan Adnani hai?


Gonga shakhs kaisey Sohban ki goftar paa sakta hai.]

What is alien stock, compared with the Adnani,
what betokens Sahbani speech to the barbarian?

Chashm khasaan-e-Arab gardeidah kor;

ber niyai ay Zuhair az khak-e-gor?

[Khasaan-e-Arab ki aankhh andhi ho gaeyi hai.

Ay Zohair! Tou qabar sey kiyuon naheen nikal aata?]
The eyes of the elect of the Arabs have been darkened;
will you not rise up, Zuhair, from the dust of the tomb?

Ay tou ma ra andarein sehra dalil;

bashikin afsoon-e-nawaey Jibril.

[Iss sehra mein tou hamarey leay rehbar hai;

othh aur nawaey Jibril ka jadoo torr dey.]
You who are for us a guide through this desert,
shatter the spell of the chant of Gabriel!

Baz go ay Sung-e-Aswad baz goay;
aanchih deidam az Mohammad (S.A.W.) baz goay.

) (

[Ay Hijr-e-Aswad jo kochh Mohammad (S.A.W.) kay haathhon


deikhha hai ossey bar bar biyan kar.]

Tell again, you Black Stone, now tell again,
tell again what we have suffered through Mohammed!

Ay Hubal, ay bandah ra pozash pazir;
ra z-bey kaishaan bageer.

[Ay Hubal, ay apney bandon kay ozar qabool karney waaley

bey deenon sey apna ghhar waapas ley ley.]
Hubal, thou who acceptest the excuses of thy servants,
seize back thy temple from the irreligious ones;

Gallah-e-shaan ra beh gorgaan kon sabil;
talakh kon khormaey
shaan ra ber nakhil.

[Onn kay gallah ko bhairriyuon ki nazar kar dey;

onn ki khhajooron ko drakhton per karrwa bana dey.]
Expose their flock unto the ravening wolves,
make their dates bitter upon the palm-tree!

Sarsarey deh ba hawaey baadiyah;

annahom aajazo nakhlin khawiyah.


[Inn per sehra ki hawa ko sarsar bana kar bhaij

ta-keh woh iss tarah gir jaain
jaisey khhajoor kay khhokhhaley tunay.]
Let loose a burning wind on the air of the desert
as if they were stumps of fallen-down palm-trees

Ay Manat! Ay Lat! Azein manzil maruo;
gar z-manzil mi-ravi az dil maruo.

[Ay Lat-o-Manat, Kaabah sey nah jaao

aur agar jaana he hai tuo hamarey dil sey nah niklo.]
O Manat, O Lat, go not forth from this abode,
or if you leave this abode, go not from our hearts!

Ay tera andar duo chashm ma wassaaq;
mohlatey, inn kontay az maat-al-fraaq.

[Tumm jo hamari duonon aankhhon kay andar bastay ho;

agar tumm ney jana he hai tuo thhorri dir thheher jaao.]
You who have forever a lodging in our eyes,
tarry a little, if you intend to depart from me.



Ziarat-e-arwah-e-Jamal-ud-Din Afghani-o-Saeed
Halim Pasha

[Arwah-e-Jamal-ud-Din Afghani-o-Saeed Halim Pasha ki ziarat]

Visitation to the spirits of Jamal al-Din Afghani and Said Halim Pasha

Mosht-e-khakay kaar-e-khud ra bordah paish;
dar tamashaey tajalli-haey khwaish.

) (

[Iss mosht-e-khak (Iqbal) ney apni tajalliyat ka nazarah

karney mein apney kaam ko aagey barrhaya.]
A handful of dust so carried forward its task
to the contemplation of its own manifestations:

Ya mun aftadam badaam-e-hust-o-bood;

ya badaam-e-mun aseer aamad wujood.

[Eik waqt thha keh mien hust-o-bood kay daam mein griftar thha;
abb yeh waqt hai keh hust-o-bood
meyrey daaman mein aseer hein.]
Either I fell into the net of being and existence
or existence became a prisoner in my net!

Andarein neili tataq chaak az mun ast?

Mun z-aflaakam keh aflaak az mun ast?

[Kaya mien ney iss neilay asman kay

parday ko chaak kar diya hai;

mien aflaak sey hon ya aflaak mojh sey hein?]

Have I made a chink in yon azure curtains?
Am I of the skies, or are the skies of me?


Ya zamiram ra falak dar ber grift;

ya zamir-e-mun falak ra dar grift.

[Ya falak ney meyrey zamir ko apney pehlo mein ley liya hai
ya meyrey zamir ney falak ko apney andar sama liya hai.]
Either heaven has taken my heart into its breast
or it is my heart that has seized heaven.

Andaroonst ein keh bairoon ast cheist?
Aanchih mi beinad nigah choon ast cheist?

[Andaroon sey ya bairoon yeh kaya hai?

Jo kochh nigah deikhhti hai, yeh kaya hai, aur kaisey hai?]
Is this external then internal? What is it?
What manner of thing is it the eye sees? What is it?

Per zannam ber asmaney deigarey;

paish-e-khud beinam jahaney deigarey.

[Mien ney eik aur asman ki taraf perwaz ki

aur apney saamney eik niya jahan deikhha.]
I beat my wings towards another heaven,
I see another world rising before me.


Alamey baa koh-o-dasht-o-behar-o-ber;

alamey az khak-e-ma

[Iss alam mein bhi paharr, jungle aur behar-o-ber moujood thhey;
magar woh hamari zamin sey qadim-ter thhey.]
A world of mountains and plains, seas and dry land,
a world far more ancient than our earth.

Alamey az abrakay balidaheyi;
dastbord-e-Adamay nadeidaheyi.

[Woh alam eik chhotay sey baadal sey paida hoa thha;
aur abhi takk Adam ki dastbord sey bacha hoa thha.]
A world grown out of a little cloud
that has never known the conquest of man.

Naqsh-ha na-bastah ber lauh-e-wujood;

geer-e-fitrat aanja
kas nabood.


[Oss ki lauh-e-wujood per naqsh abhi sabt naheen hoay thhey;

wahan koeyi shakhs fitrat per tunqid karney waala nah thha.]
Images as yet unlimned on the tablet of existence
where no critic of nature has yet been born.


Mun beh Rumi goftam ein sehra khosh ast;

dar kohistan shorish-e-darya khosh ast.

) (

[Mien ney Rumi (R.A.) sey kaha

yeh sehra bohat khosh manzir hai;

paharron mein darya ka shor khosh aaind hai.]
I said to Rumi, This wasteland is very fair,
very fair the tumult of the waters in the mountains.

Mun nayabam az hayat einja nishan;
az koja mi ayad awaz-e-azan.

[Mien yahan zindagi ka koeyi nishan naheen deikhhta;

yeh awaaz-e-azan kahan sey aa-rehi hai?]
I find no sign here of any living thing,
so whence comes the sound of the call to prayer?

Goft Rumi ein moqam-e-auliyast;

( )

aashna ein khakdan ba khak-e-mast.

[Rumi (R.A.) ney kaha keh yeh auliya ka moqam hai;

yeh sarzamin bhi hamari zamin sey ashna hai.]
Rumi said, This is the station of the saints,
this heap of earth is familiar with our dust.


Bu al-Bashar choon rakht az Firdous bust;

( )

yakk duo rozay andarein alam nishast.

[Adam (A.S.) ney jabb Firdous sey kooch kiya thha,

tuo woh eik duo dinn yahan bhi thheharey thhey.]
When the father of mankind departed out of Eden
he dwelt in this world for one or two days;

Ein faza-ha soz-e-aahash deidah ast;

nalah-haey sobh-gahash deidah ast.

[Iss faza ney onn ki aah ka soz deikhha hai

aur onn kay naalah-haey sobh-gahi sonnay hein.]
These expanses have felt the burning of his sighs,
heard his lamentations in the hour of dawn.

Zairaan-e-ein moqam arjumand;
pak mardaan az moqamat-e-boland.

[Iss mobarak moqam kay zaireen,
boland martabat pak mard hein.]
The visitors to this honourable station
are themselves pious men of lofty stations,


Pak mardaan choon Fazeel-o-Bu Saeed;
arifaan misl-e-Junaid-o-Ba Yazid.

) ( ( )

) (

[Eik taraf Fazeel (R.A.), Abu Saeed (R.A.) jaisay pakbaz hein;
aur doosari taraf Junaid-o-Ba Yazid (R.A.) jaisey arif.]
Pious men such as Fudail and Bu Said,
true gnostics like Junaid and Ba Yazid.

Khaiz ta ma ra namaz ayad badast;

yakk duo dum soz-o-godaz ayad badast.

[Jaldi kar ta-keh humein namaz mil jaaey;

aur hum eik duo lamhay kay
soz-o-godaaz sey beharah-wer ho jaein.]
Rise up now, and let us pray together,

devote a moment or two to burning and melting.

Raftam-o-deidam duo mard andar qayam;

moqtadi Tatar-o-Afghani imam.

[Mien aagey barrha

aur duo ashkhaas ko qayam mein deikhha;

Tatar moqtadi thhey aur Afghani imam.]

I went on, and saw two men engaged in prayer,

the acolyte a Turk, the leader an Afghan

Pir Rumi her zaman andar hazoor;

) (

talaatash ber taaft az zouq-o-saroor.

[Pir Rumi (R.A.) jo her lehzah hazoori mein rehtay hein;

zouq-o-saroor sey onn ka chehrah chamak othha.]
The Sage of Rum, in rapture continually,
his face radiant with an ecstasy of joy,

Goft Mashriq z-ein duo kas behtar nazaad;


nakhon-e-shan oqdah-haey ma kashood.

[Onnhon ney kaha, Mashriq ney oss dour mein

onn duo ashkhas sey behtar insan paida naheen kiya;

inn ki kaawish ney hamarey bohat sey masaeyl hul kar diay.]
Said, The East never gave birth to two better sons
the plucking of their nails unravelled our knots:

Sayed al-Sadaat Moulana Jamal;
az goftar-e-oo


[Sayed al-Sadaat Jamal-ud-Din Afghani

jinn ki goftgoo sey
pathhar aur matti (jaisey) loug zindah ho gaaey.]
Maulana Jamal, Sayyid of all Sayyids,
whose eloquence gave life to stone and sherd;

Turk salaar aan Halim dardmand;

fikr-e-oo misl-e-moqam-e-oo boland.

[Doosarey Turk salaar Halim Pasha jo sahib-e-dard thhey

jinn ka fikr onn kay moqam ki tarah boland thha.]
And passionate Halim, commander of the Turks
whose thoughts matched the loftiness of his station.

Ba chonein mardaan duo rakaat taat ast;

vernah aan kaarey keh mozdash Jannat ast.

[Aisey duo ashkhaas kay saathh duo rakaat namaz ada karna
sehih maanon mein abaadat hai;
vernah yeh woh kaam hai jiss ki mazdoori Jannat hai.]
To offer prayer with such men is true devotion,
a labour else whose hoped-for wage is Paradise.

Qiraat aan pir marday sakht kosh;
Surah wa-Najm-o-aan dasht-e-khamosh.

[Oss sakht-kosh pir mard ki qiraat,

Surah wa-Najm, aur woh khamosh dasht.]
The recitation of that vigorous elder,
the Chapter of the Star in that silent plain;

Qiraatey kzoay Khalil (A.S.) ayad bawajad;
rooh-e-pak-e-Jibril ayad

( ) ( )

[Woh aisi qiraat thhi jiss sey

Khalilullah (A.S.) aur Jibril-e-Amin (A.S.)

ki pak rooh bhi wajad mein aa-jaey.]
A recital that to move Abraham to ecstasy,
to enrapture the pure spirit of Gabriel;

Dil azo dar seinah gardad nasaboor;

shor-e-illallah khaizad az qaboor.

[Oss qiraat sey seinay kay andar dil bitaab ho gaya;

aur qabron sey illallah ka shor othh khharra hoa.]
The heedful heart becomes restless in the breast,
the cry No god but God rises from the tombs;

Iztiraab-e-shoalah bakhshad dood ra;

soz-o-musti mi dehud Daud ra.

[Oss ney dhoonin ko shoalay ka iztiraab ataa kiya

woh aisi qiraat thhi jo
Daud (A.S.) ko bhi soz-o-musti ataa kar dey.]
It imparts to smoke the quivering of the flame,
bestows on David ardour and intoxication;

Aashkara her ghayab az qiraatash;

bey hijaab Ummul Kitaab az qiraatash.

[Onn ki qiraat sey sabb poshidah raaz khholtay thhey

aur Umm-ul-Kitaab kay pooray maani zaahir ho jaatey thhey.]
At his recital every mystery was revealed,
the Heavenly Archetype appeared unveiled.

Mun z-jaa berkhaastam baad az namaz;

( )
dast-e-oo boseidam az rah-e-niaz.

[Namaz kay baad mien apni jagah sey othha

aur mien ney niazmandi sey
Afghani (R.A.) kay haathh per bosah diya.]
After prayer I rose up from my place
and kissed his hand in all humility.


Goft Rumi zarrah-e-gardoon naward;

( )

dar dil-e-oo yakk jahan-e-soz-o-dard.

[Rumi (R.A.) ney kaha yeh eik zarrah hai

jo asmanon kay safar mein hai;

iss kay dil mein soz-o-dard ka eik jahan abad hai.]

Rumi said, A mote that travels the skies,
in its heart a whole world of fire and passion!

Chashm joz ber khwaishtan nakoshadaheyi;
dil bakas na-daadaheyi azadaheyi.

[Iss ney apney sawaey kissi aur per nazar naheen daali;
yeh azad-manash hai, iss ney kissi ko apna dil naheen diya.]
Only upon himself he has opened his eyes,
yielded his heart to no man, is utterly free;

Tund siar andar fraakhaey wujood;
mun z-shokhi goeyam oo ra
Zinda Rud.

[Yeh kainat ki penhaeyi kay andar siar mein sargaram hai;

mien issey shokhi sey Zinda Rud kehta hon.]

Swiftly he paces through the expanse of Being

jestingly, I call him Zinda-Rud.
Afghani :

Zinda-Rud, az khakdaan-e-ma bagoay;
az zamin-o-asman-e-ma bagoay.

( )

[Zinda Rud hamarey khakdan (dunya)

aur oss kay zamin-o-asman kay motaaliq kochh bata.]

Zinda-Rud, tell us of our terrestrial world,
speak to us of our earth and sky.

Khaki-o-choon Qudsiyaan roshan zamir;

az Muslimanan badeh ma ra khabar.

[Agarchih tou khaki hai laikan nooriyuon ki tarah roshan basar;

humein Muslimanon kay baarey mein koeyi khabar bata.]
A thing of dust, you are clear-eyed as the Holy Ones
give us some tidings of the Mussulmans!
Zinda-Rud :

Dar zamir-e-millat-e-geeti shikin;


deidah-um aawizash-e-Deen-o-watan.

[Millat-e-Islamiyah jiss ka kaam

zamaney kay baatil asraat ko mitana hai;

oss kay zamir kay andar mien
Deen-o-watan ki kashmakash deikhhta hon.]
In the heart of a people that once shattered the world
I have seen a conflict between religion and country.

Rooh dar tun mordah az zoaf-e-yaqin;
na-ummeid az qowwat-e-Deen-e-Mobin.

[Aiman ki kumzori sey Musliman

kay badan mein rooh mur choki hai,

iss leay woh Deen-e-Mobin ki qowwat sey na-ummeid hai.]
The spirit is dead in the body through weakness of faith,
despairs of the strength of the manifest religion;

Turk-o-Iran-o-Arab must-e-Farang;
her kassey ra dar gullo shast-e-Farang.

[Turk ho ya Irani ya Arab

sabb Farangiyuon kay afkaar sey sarmust hein;

her eik kay gullay mein
Farangiyuon ka phhanda parra hoa hai.]

Turk, Persian, Arab intoxicated with Europe

and in the throat of each the fish-hook of Europe;

Mashriq az sultani-e-Maghrib khraab;
ishtiraak az Deen-o-millat bordah-taab.

[Mashriq ehal-e-Maghrib ki hakoomat sey barbaad ho choka hai

aur ishtrakiyat ney Deen-o-millat ki
taab-o-tawan khatam kar di hai.]
And East wasted by the Wests imperialism,
Communism taken the lustre from religion and community.


Afghani: Deen-o-Watan

Lord-e-Maghrib aan sarapa makar-o-fun;
ehal-e-Deen ra daad taalim-e-watan.

[Europe ka lord jo sarapa makar-o-fun hai;

oss ney ehal-e-Deen ko nationalism ki taalim di hai.]

The Lord of the West, cunning from head to toe,
taught the people of religion the concept of Country.

Oo bafikr-e-markaz-o-tou dar nafaaq;

bagozar az Shaam-o-Falastin-o-Iraq.

[Woh khud markaziyat ki soach mein hai

aur tou nafaaq mein parra hoa hai;

tou Shaam, Falastin , Iraq ki alehadgi ki baatin chhorr.]

He thinks of the centre, while you are at discord
give up this talk of Syria, Palestine, Iraq!

Tou agar daari tameez-e-khoob-o-zasht;

dil nabundi ba kalokh-o-sung-o-khisht.

[Agar tou achhay aur boray ki tameez rakhhta hai,

tuo apna dil matti, pathhar aur eint sey nah laga.]

If you can discriminate between good and evil

you will not bind your hearts to clods, stones, bricks.

Cheist Deen berkhwastan az rooey khak;

ta z-khud aagah gardad jan-e-pak.

[Deen kaya hai? Khak sey oopar othhna takeh

jan-e-pak apney aap sey aagahi hasil karey.]
What is religion? To rise up from the face of the dust
so that the pure soul may become aware of itself!

Mi nagunjad aan keh goft Allah Hoo;
dar hudood-e-ein nizaam-e-char soo.


[Allah Hoo kehney waala char jahaat (makan)

kay iss nizaam ki hudood mein naheen samata.]
He who has said God is He is not contained
within the confines of this dimensioned order.

Par-e-kah az khak-o-ber khaizad z-khak;

haif agar dar khak meerad jan-e-pak.

[Par-e-kah jo khak sey hai

woh bhi khak sey oopar othhta hai;


afsos hai agar jan-e-pak khak he mein mur jaaey.]

A grass-blade is of the earth, and yet rises from the earth;
alas, if the pure soul should die in the dust!

Agarchih Adam ber dameid az aab-o-gill;
rung-o-num gul kashid az aab-o-gill.

[Agarchih Adami aab-o-gill sey paida hoa hai;

aur oss ney phhool ki manind
aab-o-gill sey rung-o-num hasil kiya.]
Although man sprang out of water and clay,
from water and clay rose-like drew colour and sap,

Haif agar dar aab-o-gill ghultad madaam;

haif agar berter naparad z-ein moqam.

[Laikan jaaey afsos hai keh agar woh aab-o-gill he mein

lautta rehey aur iss moqam sey oopar nah othhay.]
Alas, if he wanders forever in water and clay,
alas, if he soars not higher than this station!

Goft tun dar shau bakhak-e-rehgozar;

goft jan pehnaey alam ra niggar.


[Badan kehta hai keh tou khak rehgozar mein mil jaa;
jan kehti hai keh tou kainat ki wosaat ki taraf deikhh.]
The body says, Go into the dust of the roadway;
the soul says, Look upon the expanse of the world!

Jan nagunjad dar jahaat ay hoshmand;
mard-e-Hur beganah az her qiad-o-bund.


[Ay sahib-e-hosh

jan iss dunya-e-jahaat (makan) mein naheen samaati

mard-e-Hur jahaat ki qiad-o-bund sey azad hai.]
Man of reason, the soul is not contained in dimensions;
the free man is a stranger to every fetter and chain,

Hur z-khak-e-teerah ayad dar kharosh;

z-aan keh az bazaan niayad kaar-e-moosh.

[Mard-e-Hur tareek khak kay khalaf ehtijaj karta hai

kiyuonkeh baz chohay ka kaam naheen kar sakta.]
The free man rails against the dark earth
for it beseems not the falcon to act like a mouse.

Aan kaff-e-khakay keh nameidi watan;

ein-keh goeyi misar-o-Iran-o-Yaman.

[Yeh mothhi bhar khak jissey tou watan ka naam deyta hai;
yeh alaqay jinnhin tou Misar-o-Iran-o-Yaman kehta hai.]
This handful of earth to which you give the name country,
this so-called Egypt, and Iran, and Yemen.

Baa watan ehal-e-watan ra nisbatay ast;

z-aan keh az khakash

taloo-e-millatey ast.

[Agarchih ehal-e-watan apney watan sey nisbat rakhhtey hein;

kiyuonkeh quom ossi ki khak sey taloo hoti hai.]
There is a relationship between a country and its people
in that it is out of its soil that a nation rises;

Andarin nisbat agar daari nazar;



[Laikan agar tou sahib-e-nazar hai tuo iss nisbat mein

baal sey bareek noktah deikhh sakta hai.]
But if you look carefully at this relationship
you will descry a subtlety finer than a hair.

Garchih az Mashriq ber ayad aaftab;

ba tajalli-haey
shokh-o-bey hijaab.

[Agarchih aaftab shokh-o-bey hijaab tajalliyat kay saathh

Mashriq sey taloo hota hai.]
Though it is out of the East that the sun rises
showing itself bold and bright, without a veil,

Dar tabb-o-taab ast az soz-e-daroon;
taa z-qiad-e-Sharq-o-Gharb
ayad baroon.

[Magar woh soz-e-daroon kay bais kashmakash mein rehta hai

ta-keh Sharq-o-Gharb ki qiad sey bahar nikal aaey.]
Only then it burns and blazes with inward fire
when it escapes from the shackles of East and West;

Ber damad az Mashriq khud jalwah must;

) (
taa hamah aafaq ra aarad badast.

[Woh apney Mashriq sey jalwah must nikalta hai

ta-keh saarey afaaq ko (apni roshani ki) lapait mein ley ley.]
Drunk with splendour it springs up out of its East
that it may subject all horizons to its mastery;

Fitratash az Mashriq-o-Maghrib beri ast;

garchih oo az rooey nisbat khawari


[Iss ki fitrat Mashriq-o-Maghrib sey azad hai;

agarchih nisbat ki roo sey woh Mashriqi hai.]
Its nature is innocent of both East and West,
though relationship-wise, true, it is an Easterner.




Sahib-e-sarmayah az nasal-e-Khalil (A.S.);

( )

) (

yaani aan paighambari bey Jibril.

[Kitab sarmayah ka mosannaf (Yahoodi Karl Marx)

Hazrat Ibrahim (A.S.) ki nasal sey hai;
yeh aisa bey Jabril (jhoota paighamber) hai.]
The author of Das Kapital came of the stock of Abraham,
that is to say, that prophet who knew not Gabriel;

Z-aan keh Haq dar baatil oo mozmer ast;


qalb-e-oo Momin damaghash kaafir ast.

[Kiyuonkeh iss kitaab mein

Haq-o-baatil ka amaizah hai

(iss leay kaha ja sakta hai)
keh oss ka qalb momin hai aur damagh kaafir hai.]
Since truth was implicit
even within his error his heart believed,
though his brain was an infidel.


Gharibaan gom kardah-und aflaak ra;

dar shikam joindah jan-e-pak ra.

[Ehal-e-Maghrib ney roohaniyat ko gom kar diya hai;

woh jan-e-pak (rooh) pait mein talash kartey hein.]
The Westerners have lost the vision of heaven,
they go hunting for the pure spirit in the belly.

Rung-o-boo az tun nageerad jan-e-pak;
joz beh tun kaarey nadaarad ishtiraak.

[Rooh badan sey rung-o-boo hasil naheen karti

aur ishtrakiyat ka taaloq sirf badan sey hai.]
The pure soul takes not colour and scent from the body,
and Communism has nothing to do save with the body.

Deen-e-aan paighambari Haq nashanas;
Ber mosawaat-e-shikam daarad asaas.

[Oss paighamber-e-Haq nashanas kay deen
ki boniyad mosawaat-e-shikam per hai.]
The religion of that prophet who knew not truth
is founded upon equality of the belly;


Ta akhowwat ra moqam andar dil ast;


baikh-e-oo dar dil nah dar aab-o-gill ast.

[Choonkeh akhowwat ka moqam dil kay andar hai;

oss ka beij dil mein hai nah keh aab-o-gill (shikam) mein.]
The abode of fraternity being in the heart,
its roots are in the heart, not in water and clay.

Hum malookiyat badan ra farbahi ast;
noor-e-oo az dil tehi ast.

[Sarmayah-daari bhi badan ko farbah karti hai;

oss ka seinah-e-bey noor bhi dil sey khali hai.]
Capitalism too is a fattening of the body,
its unenlightened bosom houses no heart;

Misl-e-zanbooray keh ber gul mi-charad;
ra bagozarad-o-shehadash bord.

[Shehad ki makhhi ki manind phhool sey rus hasil karti hai;

patton ko chhorr deyti hai aur shehad ley leyti hai.]
Like the bee that pastures upon the flower

it overpasses the petal, and carries off the honey,

Shakh-o-burg-o-rung-o-booay gul hamaan;

ber jamalash nalah-e-bulbul hamaan.

[Phhool ki shakh, pattey, rung aur khoshboo ossi tarah rehtay hein;
oss kay hosn kay leay bulbul bhi ossi tarah mehv-e-foghan rehti hai.]
Yet stalk and leaf, colour and scent all make up the rose
for whose selfsame beauty the nightingale laments.

Az talism-e-rung-o-booay oo gozar;
goay-o-dar maani niggar.

[Tou phhool kay rung-o-boo kay talism sey nikal;

oss ki surat ko chhorr aur maani per ghor kar.]
Surpass the talisman, the scent and colour,
bid farewell to the form, gaze only upon the meaning

Murg-e-baatin garchih deidan moshkil ast;

gul makhwan oo ra keh dar maani gul-e-ast.

[Agarchih poshidah mout ko deikhhna moshkil hai

magar oss phhool ko phhool naheen kaha ja sakta
woh haqiqat mein matti hai.]


Though it is difficult to descry the inward death,

call not that a rose which in truth is clay.

Her duo ra jan nasaboor-o-nashakaib;

her duo Yazdan nashanas Adam fraib.

[Ishtrakiyat aur sarmayahdari duonon mein

rooh ghair motmain aur bey chain rehti hai;
duonon Haq Taala sey nashanas hein
aur insanon ko fraib deytey hein.]
The soul of both is impatient and intolerant,
both of them know not God, and deceive mankind.

Zindagi ein ra kharooj aan ra khraaj;

dar miyan-e-ein duo sung Adam zojaaj.

[Ishtrakiyat kay leay zindagi baghawat ka naam hai;

aur sarmayahdari ka dar-o-madar taxon per hai;
aur chaki kay inn paaton kay darmiyan
Adam shishay ki tarah pis raha hai.]
One lives by production, the other by taxation
and man is a glass caught between these two stones.

Ein beh ilm-o-deen-o-fun aarad shikast;
bord jan ra z-tun naan ra z-dast.

[Yeh ilm-o-mazhab aur art kay zariay torr phhorr karti hai;
woh badan sey jan aur haathh sey naan chhin leyti hai.]
The one puts to rout science, religion, art,
the other robs body of soul, the hand of bread.

Gharq deidam her duo ra dar aab-o-gill;

her duo ra tun roshan-o-tareek dil.

[Mien ney inn duonon ko aab-o-gill

(maadiyat) mein gharq deikhha hai;

duonon badan chamkaati hein aur dil ko tareek karti hein.]
I have perceived both drowned in water and clay,
both bodily burnished, but utterly dark of heart.

Zindgani sokhtan ba saakhtan;
dar gillay tokham dillay andakhtan.



[Zindagi soz-o-saaz sey ibaarat hai;

yeh matti (badan) kay andar

dil (rooh) ka beij bona hai.]

Life means a passionate burning, an urge to make,
to cast in the dead clay of the seed of a heart!




Ghariban ra zeeraki saaz-e-hayat;
sharqiyan ra ishq

[Ehal-e-Maghrib kay leay daanish saaz-e-hayat hai;

ehal-e-Mashriq ishq ko kainat ka raaz samajhtey hein.]
For Westerners intelligence is the stuff of life,
for Easterners love is the mystery of all being;

Zeeraki az ishq gardad Haq shanas;

az zeeraki mohkam asaas.

[Daanish ishq sey Allah Taala ki

maarfat hasil karti hai

aur ishq kay kaam ki bonyaad

daanish sey mostahkam hoti hai.]
Only through love intelligence gets to know God,
loves labours find firm grounding in intelligence;

Ishq choon baa zeeraki humber shawud;

[Jabb ishq daanish sey hum-pehlo hota hai

tuo woh eik aur jahan ka surat-gar banta hai.]
When love is companioned by intelligence
it has the power to design another world.

Khaiz-o-naqsh-e-alam deigar baneh;
ishq ra ba zeeraki
aamaiz deh.

[Othh niay jahan ka naqsh sabt kar;

ishq ko zeeraki kay saathh mila.]
Then rise and draw the design of a new world,
mingle together love with intelligence.

Shoalah-e-Afrangiyan num-khordah eist;
chashm-e-shan sahib-e-nazar
dil mordah eist.


[Afrangiyuon ka shoalah bojhney wala hai;

onn ki aankhh sahib-e-nazar hai magar dil mordah.]
The flame of the Europeans is damped down,
their eyes are perceptive, but their hearts are dead;

Zakham-ha khordand az shamshir-e-khwaish;

bismal aftaadand choon nakhchir-e-khwaish.

[Woh apni talwar he sey zakham khha kar

apna he shikar ho kar bismal parray hein.]
They have been sore smitten by their own swords,
hunted down and slaughtered, themselves the hunters.

Soz-o-musti ra majoo az taak-e-shan;

asr-e-deigar neist dar aflaak shan.

[Farangiyuon kay angoor sey soz-o-musti nah dhoond;

onn kay aflaak mein koeyi aur zamanah naheen.]
Look not for fire and intoxication in their vine;
not into their heavens shall rise a new age.

Zindagi ra soz-o-saaz az naar-e-tost;

alam-e-nau aafridan kaar-e-tost.


[Abb tumhari aag sey zindagi soz-o-saaz paaey gi;

niya alam takhliq karna tumhara kaam hai.]
It is from your fire that the glow of life comes,
and it is your task to create the new world.

Mustafa ko az tajaddad mi sarood;

goft naqsh-e-kohnah ra bayad z-dood.

[Mustafa Kamal jo tajaddad ka raag alaapta hai;

oss ney kaha hai keh
qadim naqoosh ko saaf kar deyna chahiay.]
Mustafa Kemal, who sang of a great renewal,
said the old image must be cleansed and polished;

Nau nagardad Kaabah ra rakht-e-hayat;
gar z-Afrang ayadash

[Agar Afrang sey Lat-o-Manat (ghulat nazriyat kay bott) ley aain
tuo oss sey Kaabay ki mataa-e-hayat naeyi naheen ho jaati.]
Yet the vitality of the Kaaba cannot be made new
if a new Lat and Manat from Europe enter its shrine.

Turk ra ahung-e-nau dar chung neist;
tazah-ash joz kohnah-e-Afrang


) (

[Jadid Turki kay saaz mein koeyi niya ahung naheen;

oss ka jadid Afrang ki porani (cheezin) hein.]
No, the Turks have no new melody in their lute,
what they call new is only the old tune of Europe;

Seinah-e-oo ra dummay deigar nabood;
dar zamirash
alamay deigar nabood.

[Mustafa Kamal kay seinah mein niya saans nah thha;

nah oss kay zamir kay andar koeyi niya jahan thha.]
No fresh breath has entered into their breast,
no design of a new world is in their mind.

La jorm-ha alam moujood saakht;

misl-e-moum az soz-e-ein alam godakht.

[Chonanchih oss ney moujoodah alam

kay saathh mowafiqat ikhtiyar kar li;

aur oss kay soz sey moum ki tarah pighhal gaya.]

Turkey perforce goes along with the existing world,
melted like wax in the flame of the world we know.

Torfgi-ha dar nehaad-e-kainat;

neist az taqlid, taqwim-e-hayat.

[Kainat ki boniyad kay andar niya-pun hai;

taqlid sey hayat ka istehkaam naheen.]
Originality is at the roots of all creation,
never by imitation shall life be reformed;

Zindah dil khallaq aasar-o-dahoor;

janash az taqlid gardad bey hazoor.

[Qalb-e-zindah niay zamaney paida karta hai;

oss ki rooh taqlid sey mur jaati hai.]
The living heart, creator of ages and epochs,
that soul is little enamoured of imitation:

Choon Muslimanan agar daari jiggar;

dar zamir-e-khwaish-o-dar quran niggar.

[Agar tou Muslimanon ka saa houslah rakhhta hai

tuo apney zamir aur Quran-e-Pak per nigah daal.]
If you possess the spirit of a true Mussulman
examine your own conscience, and the Koran;


Sadd jahan-e-tazah dar ayaat-e-oost;

asr-ha paichidah dar anaay-e-oost.

[Oss ki ayaat mein kaeyi tazah jahan moujood hein;

oss kay zaman mein bohat sey adwaar mozmer hein.]
A hundred new worlds he within its verses,
whole centuries are involved in its moments;

Yakk jahanash asr-e-hazir ra bus ast;
rus ast.
geer agar dar seinah dil maani

[Asr-e-hazir kay leay Quran-e-Pak sey

liya gaya eik jahan kafi hai;
agar teyrey seinay mein maani rus dil hai
tuo woh jahan ley ley.]
One world of it suffices for the present age
seize it, if the heart in your breast grasps truth.

Bandah-e-Momin z-ayaat-e-Khodast;

ber jahan andar ber oo choon qabast.

[Bandah-e-Momin Allah Taala ki ayaat

mein sey eik ayat hai;

oss ki qamat per her jahan qaba ki tarah sajj jaata hai.]
A believing servant himself is a sign of God,

every world to his breast is as a garment;

Choon kohan gardad jahaney dar berash;
mi dehud

Quran jahaney deigarash.

[Jabb oss kay eik jahan ki qaba porani ho jati hai

tuo Quran-e-Pak ossey
niya jahan ataa kar deyta hai.]
And when one world grows old upon his bosom,
The Koran gives him another world!
Zinda-Rud :

Zooraq-e-ma khakiyan bey nakhodast;

kas nadanad alam-e-Quran kojast!

[Hum khakiyuon ki kashti baghair mallah kay hai;

koeyi naheen jaanta keh Quran-e-Pak ka jahan kahan hai.]
The barque of us terrestrials has no helmsman,
no one knows where the Korans world lies.

Afghani :

Alamay dar seinah-e-ma gom hanooz;


alamay dar intizar-e-qom hanooz.

[Woh jahan abhi hamarey seinmay mein gom hai;

aur lafz qom kay intizar mein hai.]
It is a world lost now in our breast,
a world awaiting yet the command Arise!

Alamay bey imtiaz-e-khoon-o-rung;

shaam-e-oo roshan-ter az sobh-e-Farang.

[Oss alam mein nasal-o-rung ka imtiaz naheen ho ga;

oss jahan ki shaam dour-e-Farang ki sobh
sey ziyadah roshan ho gi.]
A world without distinction of race and colour,
its evening is brighter than Europes dawn;

Alamay pak az salatin-o-ubeid;
choon dil-e-Momin kranash napadeid.

[Woh jahan badshahon aur ghulamon
ki tafriq sey pak ho ga;
Momin kay qalb ki tarah woh bhi bey karan ho ga.]
A world cleansed of monarchs and of slaves,
a world unbounded, like the believers heart,


Alamay raanaey keh faiz-e-yakk nazar;
tokham-e-oo afgand dar

) (

) (
[Woh iss qisam ka alam-e-raana ho ga

jiss ka beij Janab Rasool-e-Pak (S.A.W.) ki eik nazar

kay faiz ney Sayedna Omar Farooq (R.A.) ki jan mein daal diya.]
A world so fair, that the effluence of one glance
planted the seed of it in Omars soul.

Layazaal-o-wardaatish nau beh nau;

burg-o-bar mohkamatish nau beh nau.

[Woh jahan zawaal napazir ho ga

aur oss kay ahwaal aur oss ki mohkamaat

kay burg-o-bar her lehzah tazah batazah hon gay.]
Eternal it is, the impact of it ever new,
ever new the leaf and fruit of its sure foundations;

Baatin-e-oo az taghiyyar bey ghummay;

zaahir-e-oo inqilab her dummay.

[Oss ka baatin (bonyaadi asool) taghiyyar napazir ho ga;


laikan oss kay zaahir mein her dum naeyi tabdili ho gi.]
Inwardly it is anxious not of change,
outwardly, every moment is revolution.

Andaroon-e-tost aan alam niggar;
mi dehum az mohkamaat-e-oo khabar.

[Woh jahan teyrey apney andar hai ossey deikhh;

mein tumhein oss kay mohkamaat
kay motaaliq batata hon.]
Behold, that world lies within your own heart;
now I will tell you of its firm foundations.





Dar duo alam her koja aasar-e-ishq;

ein Adam sirrey az asrar-e-ishq.

[Duonon jahanon mein her jagah ishq he kay aasar hein;

Adam ka baita ishq kay asrar mein sey eik raaz hai.]
In both worlds, everywhere are the marks of love;
man himself is a mystery of love.

Sirr-e-ishq az alam-e-arhaam neist;

oo az Saam-o-Haam-o-Rum-o-Shaam

[Sirr-e-ishq ka taaloq maaon kay reham sey naheen;

nah oss ki nisbat khandan ya molk sey hai.]
Loves secret belongs not to the world of wombs,
not to Shem or Ham, Greece or Syria:

Kaukab-e-bey Sharq-o-Gharb-o-bey gharoob;


dar madarash ney Shimal-o-ney


[Woh aisa sitarah hai jiss ka taaloq
nah Mashriq sey nah Maghrib sey
aur nah woh kabhi gharoob hota hai
aur nah oss kay madaar mein Shamaal-o-Janoob hai.]
A star without East and West, a star unsetting
in whose orbit is neither North nor South.

Harf-e-inni jailonn taqdir-e-oo;


az zamin ta asman tafseer-e-oo.

[Allah Taala ka arshad keh

mien Adam ko zamin mein apna naib banata hon

insan ki taqdir hai aur zamin sey asman takk
her shaey ki taskhir iss taqdir ki tafseer hai.]
The words I am setting tell his destiny,
their exegesis reaches from earth to heaven.

Murg-o-qabar-o-hashar-o-nashar ahwaal-e-oost;

noor-o-naar aan jahan aamaal-e-oost.


[Mout, qabar, hashar, nashar
sabb oss kay ahwaal hein;
ossi kay aamal jahan-e-aakhrat mein
noor aur naar buntay hein.]
Death, grave, uprising, judgment are his estates,
the light and fire of the other world are his works;

Oo imam-o-oo salaat-o-oo Haram;
oo madaad-o-oo Kitab-o-oo Qalam.

[Woh imam hai wohi salaat aur wohi Haram;

wohi siyahi hai,
wohi Lauh-e-mehfooz aur wohi Qalam.]
Himself is Imam, prayer and sanctuary,
himself the Ink, himself the Book and the Pen.

Khordah khordah ghaib oo gardad hazoor;

ney hudood oo ra nah molkash ra zaghoor.

[Ghaib aahistah aahistan oss kay leay

hazoor bunta jaata hai;

nah oss ki koeyi hudood hein, nah oss kay molk ki.]
Little by little what is hidden in him becomes visible;
it has no boundaries, its kingdom no frontiers.

Az wujoodash eitibar-e-momkinaat;

eitidaal-e-oo ayyar-e-momkinaat.

[Oss kay wujood sey imkanaat ka andazah hota hai;

oss ki raast-ravi momkinaat kay leay kasauti hai.]
His being gives value to contingent things,
his equilibrium is the touchstone of contingent things.

Mun chih goeyam az yum-e-bey sahilash;
gharq aasaar-o-dahoor andar dillash.

[Mien oss kay bey karan samandar ki kaya baat karon

oss kay dil kay andar niay adwaar poshidah hein.]
What shall I declare of his sea without a shore?
All ages and all times are drowned in his heart.

Aanchih dar Adam bagunjad alam ast;
aanchih dar alam nagunjad Adam ast.

[Alam insan mein sama jaata hai

laikan insan alam mein naheen samata.]

That which is contained within man is the world,
that which is not contained within the world is man.


Aashkara mehar-o-meh az jalwatash;
neist reh Jibril ra dar khalwatash.

[Adam ki jalwat sey mehar-o-mah aashkar hein;

aur oss ki khalwat takk Jibril (A.S.) ki bhi rasaeyi naheen.]

Sun and moon are manifest through his self-display;
even Gabriel cannot penetrate his privacy.

Berter az gardoon moqam-e-Adam ast;
asal-e-tehzeeb, ehtraam-e-Adam ast.

[Adam ka moqam asman sey bhi boland-ter hai;

ehtraam-e-Adam he tehzeeb ki boniyad hai.]
Loftier than the heavens is the station of man,
and the beginning of education is respect for man.

Zindagi ay zindah dil daani keh cheist?

Ishq-e-yakk bein dar tamashaey duoeyi ast.

[Ay zindah dil, kaya tou jaanta hai keh zindagi kaya hai?
Ishq-e-yakk bein kasrat mein wahdat ka tamasha karta hai.]
Man alive in heart, do you know what thing life is?
One-seeing love that is contemplating duality:

Mard-o-zann wabastah yakk deigarand;
kainat-e-shouq ra surat-gardand.

[Mard-o-zann eik doosarey sey wabastah hein;

kainat-e-shouq ki naqshbundi kartey hein.]
Man and woman are bound one to the other,
they are the fashioners of the creatures of desire.

Zann nigahdarindah-e-naar-e-hayat;

fitrat-e-oo lauh-e-asrar-e-hayat.

[Aurat naar-e-hayat ki mohafizah hai,

oss ki fitrat aisi lauh hai
jiss per asrar-e-hayat raqam hotay hein.]
Woman is the guardian of the fire of life,
her nature is the tablet of lifes mysteries;

Aatish-e-ma ra bajan-e-khud zanad;
khak ra Adam konad.


[Woh hamari aatish (-e-shouq) ko apni jan mein samoti hai,


chonanchih oss ka jauhar khak ko Adam bana deyta hai.]

She strikes our fire against her own soul
and it is her substance that makes of the dust a man.

Dar zamirash momkinaat-e-zindagi;

az tabb-o-taabash sabaat-e-zindagi.

[Oss kay zamir kay andar zindagi kay imkanaat poshidah hein;
oss ki tabb-o-taab sey zindagi sabaat paati hai.]
In her heart lurk lifes potentialities,
from her glow and flame life derives stability;

Shoalaheyi kazoay sharar-ha dar gasast;

jan-o-tun bey soz-e-oo surat na-bast.

[Woh aisa shoalah hai jiss sey kaeyi sharar toottey hein;
oss kay soz kay baghair rooh-o-badan
surat pazir naheen hotay.]
She is a fire from which the sparks break forth,
body and soul, lacking her glow, cannot take shape.

Arj-e-ma az arjumandi-haey oo;

ma hamah az naqshbundi-haey oo.


[Hamari touqir oss kay waqar sey hai;

hum sabb ossi ki naqshbundi sey
wujood mein aaey hein.]
What worth we possess derives from her values
for we are all images of her fashioning;

Haq tera daad ast agar taab-e-nazar;

shau qudsiyat-e-oo ra

[Agar Allah Taala ney tojhey

deikhhney ki salahiyat ataa farmaeyi hai

tuo pakeezah nigah sey oss ki qudsiyat deikhh.]
If God has bestowed on you a glance
aflame cleanse yourself, and behold her sanctity.

Ay z-deenat asr-e-hazir bordah taab;
faash goeyam
ba tou asrar-e-hijab.

[Dour-e-nau ney teyrey Deen ki aab-o-taab zaeyal kar di hai;

mien tojh per parday kay asrar waazih karta hon.]
You from whose faith the present age has taken all fire,
now I will tell you openly the secrets of the veil.

Zouq-e-takhliq aatishay andar badan;
az frogh-e-oo frogh-e-anjuman.

[Zouq-e-takhliq badan kay andar aag ki manind hai;

ossi ki roshni sey anujman roshan hai.]
The joy of creation is a fire in the body
and society is lightened by that light;

Her keh berdarad azin aatish nasib;
soz-o-saaz khwaish
ra gardad raqib.

[Jo bhi iss aag sey koeyi hissah rakhhta hai;

woh apney soz-o-saaz ko mehfooz kar leyta hai.]
And whosoever takes any portion of that fire
watches jealously over his private passion;

Her zaman ber naqsh-e-khud bundad nazar;
ta nageerad lauh-e-oo naqsh-e-diggar.

[Woh her lamah apney naqsh per nigah markooz rakhhta hai
mobaada oss ki lauh kissi aur ka naqsh ikhtiyar kar ley.]
All the time he fixes his gaze on his own image
lest his tablet should receive any other image.

Mustafa (S.A.W.) andar Hira khalwat gazein;


moddatey joz khwaishtan kas ra nadeid.

[Janab Rasool-e-Pak (S.A.W.) ney

Ghaar-e-Hira mein khalwat ikhtiyar farmaeyi

aur moddat takk apney sawa kissi aur ko nah deikhha.]
Mohammed chose solitude upon Mount Hira
and for a space saw no other beside himself;

Naqsh-e-ma ra dar dil-e-oo raikhtand;
az khalwatash angaikhtand.


) (
[Aap (S.A.W.) kay qalb-e-mobarak mein
hamara naqsh daala gaya;
Aap (S.A.W.) ki khalwat kay andar sey
eik naeyi millat obhri.]
Our image was then poured into his heart
and out of his solitude a nation arose.

Mi-tawani monkar-e-Yazdan shodan;

) (

monkar az shan-e-Nabi (S.A.W.) natawan shodan.

[Allah Taala sey inkaar kiya jaa sakta hai;

magar Hazoor (S.A.W.) ki azmat-e-shaan
sey inkaar momkin naheen.]


Though you may be an unbeliever in God,

yet you cannot gainsay the Prophets glory.

Garchih daari jan-e-roshan choon Kalim (A.S.);

) (

hust afkaar-e-tou bey khalwat aqim.

[Khwah teyra qalb Musa (A.S.) ki tarah

roshan kiyuon nah ho;

khalwat kay baghair teyrey afkaar banjh rehin gay.]

Though you possess a soul illumined as Moses,
yet without solitude your thoughts remain barren;

Az kum amaizi takhiyyal zindah-ter;
zindah-ter joindah-ter

[Kum amaizi sey qalb kay andar zindagi,

jostjoo aur yaaft barrhti hai.]
By isolation the imagination becomes more vivid,
more vivid, more questing, more finding.

Ilm-o-hum shouq az moqamaat-e-hayat;


her duo mi geerad nasib az wardaat.

[Ilm aur shouq (ishq) duonon

zindagi kay moqamaat mein sey hein;


her duo ka taaloq moshahidaat aur tajarbaat sey hai.]

Science and passion are both stations of life
both take a share of the impact of events.

Ilm az tehqiq lazzat mi-bord;

az takhliq lazzat mi-bord.

[Ilm tehqiq sey lazzat paata hai aur ishq takhliq sey.]
Science derives pleasure from verification,
love derives pleasure from creativeness.

Sahib-e-tehqiq ra jalwat aziz;

ra khalwat aziz

[Sahib-e-tehqiq ko jalwat pasand hai
aur sahib-e-takhliq ko khalwat.]
Display is very precious to the verifier,
to the creator solitude is very precious.

Chashm-e-Musa khwast didaar-e-wujood;
az lazzat-e-tehqiq bood.
ein hamah


[Musa (A.S.) ki aankhh

Zaat kay didaar ki khwahan hoeyi,

yeh sabb lazzat-e-tehqiq ka (karishmah) thha.]
The eye of Moses desired to behold Being

that was all part of the pleasure of verification;

Lan traani noktah-ha daarad raqeeq;


andakay gom shau darein behar-e-ameeq.

[Lan traani (tou mojhey hergiz naheen deikhh sakta)

gehray maani rakhhta hai;
zara iss behar-e-ameeq mein ghotah laga kay deikhh.]
Thou shalt not see Me contains many subtleties
lose yourself a little while in this sea profound.

Her koja bey pardah asaar-e-hayat;
chashmah zaarash
dar zamir-e-kainat.

[Jahan kaheen asaar-e-hayat bey pardah nazar aatey hein;

onn ka sarchashmah zamir-e-kainat kay andar hai.]
On all sides lifes traces appear unveiled,
its fountain wells up in the heart of creation.

Dar niggar hungamah-e-afaaq ra;

zehmat-e-jalwat madeh khallaq ra.

[Pas tou hungamah-e-afaaq deikhh


oss kay khallaq ko jalwat ki zehmat nah dey.]

Consider the tumult that rages through all horizons;
inflict not on the Creator the trouble of display;

Hifz-e-her naqsh aafrin az khalwat ast;
khaatam-e-oo ra nagin az khalwat ast.

[Her naqsh-e-aafrin ki hefazat khalwat sey hai;

khalwat he iss ki angoothhi ka naginah hai.]
Solitude is the protection of every artist,
solitude is the bezel in the artists ring.




Banda-e-Haq bey niaz az her moqam;
ney ghulam oo ra nah oo kas ra ghulam.

[Bandah-e-Haq her moqam sey bey niaz hai;

nah woh kissi ka ghulam hai nah koeyi oss ka ghulam.]
The servant of God has no need of any station,
no man is his slave, and he is the slave of none;

Bandah-e-Haq mard-e-azad ast-o-bus;
molk-o-aeinash Khodadaad ast-o-bus.

[Bandah-e-Haq bus mard-e-azad hai,

oss ki hakoomat aur aein Allah Taala ka ataa kardah hai.]


The servant of God is a free man, that is all,

his kingdom and laws are given by God alone;

Rasm-o-rah-o-deen-o-aeinash z-Haq;

zasht-o-khoob-o-talkh-o-naushinash z-Haq.

[Oss ki rasm-o-rah aur deen-o-aein

sabb Allah Taala ki taraf sey hein;

oss ka khoob-o-nakhoob-o-talkh-o-shirin bhi

Allah Taala kay ehkaam kay motabiq hai.]
His customs, his way, his faith, his laws are of God,
of God his foul and fair, his bitter and sweet.

Aql-e-khud bein ghafil az behbood-e-ghair;

sood-e-khud beinad nah beinad sood-e-ghair.

[Aql-e-khud bein doosarey ki

khair khwahi sey bey khabar hai;

woh sirf apna faidah deikhhti hai
kissi aur ka faidah naheen deikhhti.]
The self-seeking mind heeds not anothers welfare,
sees only its own benefit, not anothers;


Wahi-e-Haq beinandah-e-sood-e-hamah;
dar nigahash
sood-o-behbood hamah.

[Haq Taala ki wehi sabb ka faidah
paish-e-nazar rakhhti hai;
oss ki nigah mein her eik ki behbood aur mafaad hai.]
Gods revelation sees the benefit of all,
its regard is for the welfare and profit of all.

Aadil andar solah-o-hum andar masaaf;

wasl-o-fasalash la-yarai la-yakhaf.

[Ehkaam-e-wehi solah-o-jung duonon adal per mabni hein;

woh dosti-o-doshmani mein nah kissi ki riayat kartey hein
nah kissi ka kouf rakhhtey hein.]
Just alike in peace and in the ranks of war,
His joining and parting are without fear and favour;

Ghair-e-Haq choon nahi-o-aamer shawud;
zor-wer ber natawan qaaher shawud.

[Jabb Allah Taala kay alawah koeyi

aur kissi kaam karney ya nah karney ka hokam deyta hai;


tuo oss sey taqat-wer kumzor per mosallat ho jaata hai.]

When other than God determines the aye and nay
then the strong man tyrannises over the weak;

Zir-e-gardoon aameri az qaaheri ast;
az ma-sawa Allah kaafiri ast.

[Rooey zamin per hakoomatein jabr sey qaim hoti hein

iss leay ma-sawa Allah ki hakoomat kaafiri hai.]
In this world command is rooted in naked power;
mastery drawn from other than God is pure unbelief.

Qaaher aamer keh baashad pokhtah-kaar;

az qawanin gard khud bundad hissar.

[Pokhtah-kaar zabardast aamer,

qawanein kay zariay

apney ird-gird qilah bana leyta hai.]

The tyrannical ruler who is well-versed in power
builds about himself a fortress made up of edicts;

Jurrah-e-shaheen taiz chung-o-zood geer;
saowah ra dar kaar-ha geerad mashir.


[Taiz chung aur zood geer shaheen mamolon ko

apney amoor-e-hakoomat mein masheer banata hai.]
White falcon, sharp of claw and swift to seize,
he takes for his counsellor the silly sparrow

Qaaheri ra sharaa-o-dastooray dehud;
bey baseerat sormah ba koray dehud.

[Jabr-o-tasallat ko qanoon aur aein ki surat deyta hai;

goya andha andhey ko sormah ataa karta hai.]
Giving to tyranny its constitution and laws,
a sightless man giving collyrium to the blind.

deh khodaiyaan
farbah-o-dehqaan cho dook.

[Padshahon kay aein-o-dastoor ka nateejah

yeh hota hai keh jagirdar motay ho jaatey hein;
aur dehqan takklay ki manind naheef-o-nazaar.]
What results from the laws and constitutions of kings?
Fat lords of the manor, peasants lean as spindles!

Waaey ber dastoor-e-jamhoor-e-Farang;
mordah-ter shoud az soor-e-Farang.

[Farangi jamhooriyat kay dastoor per afsos,

Farang ki bang-e-Soor sey mordah zindah honay
ki bajaey aur ziyadah mordah ho jaata hai.]
Woe to the constitution of the democracy of Europe!
The sound of that trumpet renders the dead still deader;

Haqah bazaan choon sepeher gird gird;

az ummam ber takhtah-e-khud cheidah nird.

[Farangi shoabdah-baz gardish karney waaley asman ki basaat per

quomon ko bataur mohray rakhhey hoay Hai.]
Those tricksters, treacherous as the revolving spheres,
have played the nations by their own rules, and swept the board!

Shatraan ein gunj-wer aan runj-ber;
her zaman andar
kameen yakk-diggar.

[Khhailney waaley doulat akathhi kartey hein
aur meyrey dokhh aur yeh lamah
eik doosarey ki ghhaat mein hein.]
Robbers they, this one wealthy, that one a toiler,
all the time lurking in ambush one for another;


Faash bayad goft sirr-e-dilbaran;
ma mataa-o-ein hamah saudagaran.

[Sirr-e-dilbaraan kehna chahiay,

hum maal-o-mataa hein aur yeh sabb saudagar.]

Now is the hour to disclose the secret of those charmers
we are the merchandise, and they take all the profits.

Deidah-ha bey num z-hobb-e-seim-o-zar;

madaraan ra bar-e-dosh amad pisar.

[Sonay chandi ki mohabat ney onn ki

aankhhon sey humdardi chhin lee hai

yahan takk keh maain apney baiton ko bojh samajhney lagi hein
(mumta jaisi cheez bhi khatam ho gaeyi hai).]
Their eyes are hard out of the love of silver and gold,
their sons are a burden upon their mothers backs.

Waaey ber quomay keh az beim-e-samar;

mi-bord num ra z-andaam-e-shajar.


[Afsos oss quom per jo phhal kay khouf sey

shajar kay andar ki numi ko zaaya kar deyti hai.]
Woe to a people who, out of fear for the fruit,
carries off the very sap from the trees trunk.

Ta niyaarad zakhmah az taarash sarood;
nazaadah ra andar wujood.

[Iss khouf sey keh iss ka mizraab

taaron sey naghmah paida nah karey;

woh nazaadah bachon ko rheum
kay andar khatam kar deytey hein.]
And, that the plectrum wins no melody from its strings,
slays the infant yet unborn in its mothers womb.

Garchih daarad shaiwah-haey rung rung;

mun bajoz ibrat nageeram az Farang.

[Agarchih Farang runga rung andaaz rakhhta hai

magar mein onnhein deikhh kar ibrat hasil karta hon.]
For all its repertory of varied charms
I will take nothing from Europe except-a warning!

Ay beh taqlidash aseer azad shau;
daaman-e-Quran bageer azad shau.

[Ay woh shakhs jo onn ki taqlid

ka ghulam bana hoa hai azad ho;

Quran-e-Pak ka daaman thhaam
aur sahih maanon mein mard-e-hur bun.]
You enchained to the imitation of Europe,
be free, clutch the skirt of the Koran, and be free!



[Zamin Allah ki milkiyat hai]

Sargozasht-e-Adam andar Sharq-o-Gharb;
beher khakay fitnah-haey harb-o-zarb

[Mashriq-o-Maghrib mein Adam ki taarikh yeh batati hai

keh larraeyi jhagrray kay saarey fitnay
zamin kay leay paida hoay.]
(This poetical composition has been translated randomly
as authentic traslation by Arthur J Arberry
was not available on the website.)
The history of the East and West tells
that all wars and bloodshed has been for the land.


Yakk aroos-o-shauhar-e-oo ma hamah;

aan fasoon-gar bey hamah hum ba hamah.

[Yeh eik dulhan hai aur hum sabb oss kay shouhar;
aur yeh sahera hum sabb kay saathh bhi hai
aur hamarey baghair bhi.]

Land (Earth) is the bride and we are her husbands;

this witch is with all of us
and at the same time with none of us.

Oshwah-haey oo hamah makar-o-fun ast;
ney az aan
tou nah az aan mun ast.

[Iss kay saarey naaz-o-ada makar-o-fun hein;

nah yeh teyri hai aur nah meyri.]
All of its actions are mere pretentions;
otherwise she is neither yours nor mine.

Dar nasaazad ba tou ein sung-o-hijr;
ein z-asbaab-e-hazr tou
dar safar.

[Yeh pathhar aur rorray tojh sey

mowafiqat naheen rakhhtey;
yeh abadi kay asbab hein aur tou safar mein hai.]
These rocks and stones do not suite you;

you are a wayfarer and these are stationary.

Ikhtilaat-e-khoftah-o-bidaar cheist?
Saabatey ra kaar
ba sayyar cheist?.

[Khoftah aur bidaar mein ikhtilaat kaisa?
Moqim ka mosafir sey kaya kaam?]
Who is awake and who is asleep?
What has a wayfarer to do with static!

Haq zamin ra joz mataa-e-ma nagoft;

ein mataa-e-bey baha moft ast moft.

[Allah Taala ney zamin ko sirf hamari mataa farmaya hai;

aur yeh bey baha mataa moft hai moft.]
God has termed the land only as our asset
and that asset has been given free of cost.

Deh Khodaya noktaheyi az mun pazir;
rizq-o-gor azoy bageer oo ra mageer.

[Jagirdar mojh sey yeh noktah samajh,

zamin sey rizq aur qabar hasil kar, zamin per qabzah nah kar.]
Listen and understand this point O landlord:
Seek livelihood and space for grave; do not grab the land.

Sohbatash taa kay tou bood-o-oo nabood;

tou wujood-o-oo namood-e-bey wujood.

[Teyri iss ki sohbat kabb takk,

tou oss waqt bhi thha jabb woh nah thhi;

tou wujood rakhhta hai aur woh mehaz namood hai
oss ka koeyi wujood naheeh.
(Jadid nazariay kay motabiq maadah
sirf tawanaeyi ya noor reh gaya hai.)]
How long is its co-existence with you!
You were there when it did not exist;
you exist today whereas it is perceived to be existing.

Tou oqaabi taif-e-aflaak shau;

baal-o-per bakosha-o-pak az khak shau.

[Tou oqaab hai aflaak ki siar kar;

apney baal-o-per khhol aur aflaak sey azad ho.]

You are an eagle rise to the sky;
and even fly beyond the limits of the skies.


Baatin al-arz-allah zaahir ast;

her keh ein zaahir nabeinad kaafir ast.

[Zamin Allah Taala ki hai iss kay maani zahar hein;

jo iss zahar ko naheen deikhhta woh kaafir hai.]
The meanings of the earth is the Lords are obvious;
one who does not understand this clear message is a kaafir.

Mun nagoeyam dargozar az kaakh-o-kooey;

) (
doulat-e-tost ein jahan-e-rung-o-booay.

[Mien naheen kehta keh makan-o-abadi ko chhorr dey,

yeh jahan-e-rung-o-boo (dunya) tumhari doulat hai.]
I do not urge you to give up this world,
because it is your precious asset.

Danah danah gauhar az khakash bageer;

siad choon shaheen z-aflaakash bageer.

[Zamin ki khak sey daanon ko motiyuon ki tarah chonn

laikan shaheen ki manind oss kay aflaak sey shikar kar.]
Pick the grains from dust like the pearls
but also prey from the sky like a hawk.


Taishah-e-khud ra bekohsarash bazun;

nooray az khud geer-o-ber naarash bazun.

[Apna taishah iss kay kohsar per chala,

apney andar sey noor hasil kar

aur oss sey iss ki naar (maadiyat) per hamlah-awar ho.]

Use your pick (and shovel) at its mountains;
your spiritual power to invade its material being.

Az treeq-e-Azari beganah baash;
ber murad-e-khud jahan-e-nau traash.

[Azari ka tariqah chhorr

aur apney tasawwar kay motabiq

niya jahan takhliq kar.]
Give up the habit of carving new idols
and instead create a new world commensurating your ideas.

Dil beh rung-o-booay-o-kaakh-o-koo ma-deh;

dil harim-e-oost joz ba oo ma-deh.

[Iss jahan kay rung-o-boo mahal-o-saraey sey dil nah laga;

dil Allah Taala ka harim hai
issey Oss kay alawah kissi aur kay hawalay nah kar.]

Do not tie-up your heart with material world;

heart is Gods abode, let no one enter that.

Mordan-e-bey burg-o-bey gor-o-kafan;
gom shoudan

dar noqrah-o-farzand-o-zann.

[Bey sar-o-samaani ki halat mein

aur baghair gor-o-kafan kay murna kaya hai?

Sonay chandi aur farzand-o-zann mein mehav ho jana.]
What dying broke having nothing for grave or coffin?
It is to get engrossed in accumulating wealth
and lost in the company of wife and the son.

Her keh harfay la ilah az ber konad;

alamay ra gom ba-khwaish andar konad.

[Jiss kissi ney la ilah azber kar liya, oss ney goya
saarey jahan ko apney andar samo liya.]
One who memorized (practiced) la ilah
he virtually possessed the entire world.

Faqr joa-o-raqs-o-oriyani kojast?
Faqr sultani
ast rehbani kojast?


[Bhooka, nunga rehna aur raqs karna,

yeh faqr naheen,
faqr sultani hai, rehbani naheen.]
Faqr is not to starve and dance (half) naked;
but it is to rule the world, not to stay away from it.


Hikmat khair-e-kaseer ast

[Hikmat khair-e-kaseer hai.]

Goft hikmat ra Khoda khair-e-kaseer;

her koja ein khair ra beini bageer.

[Allah Taala ney hikmat ko khair kaseer farmaya hai;

jahan kaheen tou iss khair ko deikhhay apna ley.]
God has declared, Wisdom is a great good;
wherever you may see this good, seize it.


Ilm harf-o-saut ra shehper dehud;
paki gauhar beh na-gauhar

[Ilm mosannaf aur khatib ko shehper ataa karta hai,
oss sey maamooli shakhsiyat ko bhi
androoni pakeezgi hasil ho jaati hai.]
Science gives pinions to words and sounds,
bestows purest substance on things without substance;

Ilm ra ber auj-e-aflaak ast reh;

ta z-chashm-e-mehar ber kandad nigah.

[Ilm ka raastah aflaak ki bolundiyuon takk pohnchta hai;

yahan-takk keh woh sooraj ki aankhh sey
bhi nigah chhin leyta hai.]
Science finds a way even to heavens zenith
to pluck the sight out of the suns own eye.

Noskhah-e-oo noskhah-e-tafseer-e-koll;

oo taqdir-e-koll.

[Ilm saari moujoodat ki tafseer hasil karney ka noskhah hai

sabb ki taqdir ossi ki tadbir kay saathh wabastah hai.]

Its transcript is the commentary of the cosmos,

the fate of the cosmos hangs upon its determining;

Dasht ra goeyad habaabay deh, dehud;

behar ra goeyad saraabey deh, dehud.

[Agar ilm sehra sey kehay keh habaab dey

tuo woh dey deyta hai;

agar woh behar sey kehay keh saraab dikhha

tuo woh dikhha deyta hai.]
It says to the desert, Bubble up! and it bubbles,
to the sea, Produce a mirage! and it produces it.

Chashm-e-oo ber wardaat-e-kainat;
ta babeinad mohkamaat-e-kainat.

[Ilm ki nazar kainat kay baarey mein tajarbaat per hai;

ta-keh woh kainat kay boniyadi asool deikhhay.]
Its eye beholds all the events in creation
that it may see the sure foundations of creation;

Dil agar bundad beh Haq paighambari ast;
wer z-Haq
beganah gardad kaafiri ast.


[Dil ko agar Allah Taala sey lagaya jaaey

tuo yeh paighambari hai;
aur yeh agar Allah Taala sey beganah rehey
tuo yehi kaafiri hai.]
If it attaches its heart to God, it is prophecy,
but if it is a stranger to God, it is unbelief.

Ilm ra bey soz dil khwani shar ast;

noor-e-oo tareeki-e-behar-o-ber ast.

[Agar tou ilm ko soz-e-ishq kay baghair parrhey

tuo yeh shar hai;
aisey ilm ka noor behar-o-ber ki tareeki hai.]
Science without the hearts glow is pure evil,
for then its light is darkness over sea and land,

Alamay az ghaaz-e-oo kor-o-kabood;
raiz hust-o-bood.
fraudinash burg

[Iss ilm kay ghaazey sey dunya andhair nagri bun jati hai;
oss ki bahaar shajar-e-zindagi kay pattay gira deyti hai.]
Its rouge renders the whole world black and blind,
its springtide scatters the leaves of all being,


az hum tiyarah-e-oo dagh dagh.

[Behar, sehra, kohsar, bagh-o-ragh sabb

oss kay tiyyaron kay bumon sey dagh dagh ho jaatey hein.]
Sea, plain and mountain, quiet garden
and villa are ravaged by the bombs of its aeroplanes.

Seinah-e-Afrang ra naarey azost;

[Issi ilm ney Farangiyuon kay seinay mein aag bharrkaeyi hai
aur ossi sey onnhein shabkhoon aur yalghar ki lazzat hasil hoti hai.]
It is its fire that burns the heart of Europe,
from it springs the joy of raiding and robbing;

Siar-e-wazzonay dehud ayyam ra;

mi-bord sarmayah-e-aqwaam ra.

[Yeh ilm zamaney ko peichhay ley jaata hai;

aur aqwaam sey onn ka sarmayah chhin leyta hai.]
It turns topsy-turvy the course of the days,
despoils the peoples of their capital.


Qowwatash Iblis ra yaarey shawud;

naar az sohbat naarey shawud.

[Iss ilm sey hasil shoudah qowwat Iblis ki madadgar bunti hai
aur pher naar yaani Iblis ki sohbat sey
iss ilm ka noor bhi naar bun jaata hai.]
Its power becomes the faithful ally of Satan;
light becomes fire by association with fire.

Koshtan-e-Iblis kaarey moshkil ast;

z-aankeh oo gom andar aamaaq-e-dil ast.

[Iblis ko maarna moshkil kaam hai kiyuonkeh

woh nafas ki gehraiyuon mein gom hai.]
To slay Satan is indeed a difficult task,
since he is hidden within the depths of the heart;

Khosh-ter aan baashad Muslimanash koni;

koshtah-e-shamshir Quranash koni.

[Behtar yehi hai keh tou ossey Musliman kar ley;

aur ossey Quran ki talwar sey qatal karey.]
Better is it to make him a true Mussulman,
better to smite him dead with the sword of the Koran.

Az jalal-e-bey jamaley al-amaan;
az fraaq-e-bey wisaley al-amaan.

[Aisay ilm kay jalal-e-bey jamal sey Khoda ki panah;

oss kay bey wisal fraaq sey Khoda ki panah.]
God save us from majesty that is without beauty,
God save us from separation without union!

Ilm bey ishq ast az taghootiyaan;
ilm ba ishq ast az

[Baghair ishq kay ilm ka taaloq shiyaatin sey hai

aur ba-ishq ilm ka taaloq arifaan-e-Elahi sey hai.]
Science without love is a demonic thing,
science together with love is a thing divine;

Bey mohabat ilm-o-hikmat mordaheyi;

aql teeray ber haddaf na-khordaheyi.

[Ishq-e-Elahi kay baghair ilm-o-hikmat mordah hai

aur aql aisa teer hai jo nishaney sey door hai.]
Science and wisdom without love are a corpse,
reason is an arrow that never pierced the target.

Kor ra beinindah az didaar kon;
Bu Lahab ra Haidar-e-Karrar kon.


) (

[Andhey (ilm) ko didaar-e-Elahi sey baseer bana dey

aur iss tarah Bu Lahab ko
Haidar-e-Karar (R.A.) mein badal dey.]
With the vision of God make the blind to see,
convert Abu Lahab into an impetuous Haidar!
Zinda-Rud :

Mohkamatash wa-namoodi az Kitab;

) (

( )
) (
hust aan alam hanooz andar hijab.

]Aap (S.A.W.) ney Quran-e-Pak kay mohkamaat zahar kar diay;

(laikan) woh jahan (jiss ki aap baat kartey hein) abhi hijab mein hai.]
You have displayed the foundations of the Book of God,
yet is yonder world still veiled in a shroud.

Pardah ra az chehrah nakashaid chira;

az zamir-e-ma baroon nayad chira.


[Woh apney chehray sey pardah kiyuon naheen hatata

aur hamarey zamir sey baahar kiyuon naheen aata.]
Why does it not strip off the veil from its face,
why does it not issue yet out of our hearts?

Paish-e-ma yakk alam-e-farsoodah eist;

millat andar khak-e-oo aasoodah eist.

[Hamarey saamney eik farsoodah jahan hai;

aur millat ossi ki khak mein asoodah hai.]
Before us lies a whole world wasting away,
a nation quietly reposing in its own dust;

Raft soz-e-seinah-e-Tatar-o-Kurd;
ya Musliman
mord ya Quran bamord.

[Tatariyuon aur Kurdon kay seinay ka soz khatam hoa;

kaya Musliman mur choka hai
ya Quran-e-Pak sey asar jaata raha.]
The hearts ardour of Tartar and Kurd is vanished
either the Mussulmans are dead, or the Koran is dead.
Said Halim Pasha :


Deen-e-Haq az kaafiri roswa-ter ast;

z-aankeh mulla momin-e-kaafir gar ast.

[Deen-e-Haq kaafiri ki wajah sey roswa-ter hai;

kiyuonkleh hamara mulla kaafir-gar momin hai.]
The religion of God is more shameful than unbelief,
because the mullah is a believer trading in unfaith;

Shabnam-e-ma dar nigah-e-ma yum ast;
az nigah-e-oo yum-e-ma
shabnam ast.

[Hamari nigah mein hamari shabnam samandar hai;

oss ki nigah mein hamara samandar shabnam.]
In our eyes this dew-drop of ours is an ocean,
to his eyes our ocean is a dew-drop.

Az shagrafi-haey aan Quran frosh;

ra dar frosh.
deidah-um Rooh-ul-Amin

- )(

[Iss Quran frosh ki torfah baaton kay sabab mien ney

Jibril-e-Amin (A.S.) ko khashmagin paya hai.]
At the elegant graces of that Koran-vendor
I have seen the Trusty Spirit himself cry out!


Z-aansooay gardoon dillash beganaheyi;

( )

nizd-e-oo Umm-ul-Kitab afsanaheyi.

[Mulla ka dil asman kay oss taraf sey

(Allah Taala) sey na-ashna hai;

oss kay nazdik Quran-e-Pak mehaz afsanah hai.]

His heart is a stranger to what lies beyond the sky,
for him the Archetype of the Book is but a fable;

Bey nasib az hikmat-e-Deen-e-Nabi (S.A.W.);
asmanash teerah az bey kaukabi.

) (

[Woh Janaab Rasool-e-Pak (S.A.W.) kay
Deen ki hikmat sey mehroom hai;
oss ka asman sitaron kay nah honay ki wajah sey tareek hai.]
Having no share of the wisdom of the Prophets religion,
his heaven is dark, being without any star.

Kum nigah-o-kor zouq-o-herzeh gard;
millat az qaal-o-aqwalash
fard fard.

[Woh kum nigah, kor zouq aur fazool go hai

oss ki baaton sey millat tokrray tokrray ho gaeyi hai.]

Short of vision, blind of taste, an idle gossip,

his hairsplitting arguments have fragmented the Community.



kor maadar-zaad-o-noor-e-aftab.

[Maktab-o-Mulla aur Quran-e-Pak kay asrar

(ki misal yuon hai)
jaisey maadar-zaad andha aur aftab ki roshni.]
Seminary and mullah, before the secrets of the Book,
are as one blind from birth before the light of the sun.

Deen-e-kaafir fikr-o-tadbir jihad;

deen-e-mulla fi-sbilillah fasaad.

[Kaafir ka deen jihad ki fikr-o-tadbir

aur mulla ka deen fi sabilillah fasaad.]
The infidels religion is the plotting and planning of Holy War;
the mullahs religion is corruption in the Way of God.

Mard-e-Haq jan-e-jahan-e-char sooay;
aan bakhalwat raftah ra az mun bagoay.

) (


[Mard-e-Haq jo iss jahan-e-char-soo (dunya) ki jan hai

aur aaj kall khalwat nashin hai ossey meyri taraf sey kaho.]
The man of God is the soul of this dimensionate world;
say from me to him, who has gone into solitude;

Ay z-afkaar-e-tou Momin ra hayat;
az nafas-haey tou millat ra sabaat.

[Teyrey afkaar sey Momin ki zindagi wabastah hai

aur teyri goftar sey millat sabaat paati hai.]
You whose thoughts are life itself to the believer,
whose breaths are confirmation to the Community;

Hifz-e-Quran-e-Azim aein-e-tost;

harf-e-Haq ra faash goftan Deen-e-tost.

[Quran-e-Hakim ki hifazat teyra aein hai,

Allah Taala kay kalaam ko

waazeh tuor per biyan karna teyra deen hai.]

Having the sublime Koran by heart is your rite,
your religion the publishing of the Word of God.

Tou Kalimi chund baashi sar-nigoon;

dast-e-khwaish az aastin aawar baroon.


) (

[Tou Kalim hai kabb takk sar-nigon baithha rehey ga;

apna haathh (Yad-e-Baiza) aastin sey baahar nikaal.]
You with whom God speaks, how long will you hang your head?
Come, bring forth your hand out of your sleeve!

Sar gozasht-e-Millat-e-Baiza bagoay;
ba ghazaal az wosaat-e-sehra bagoay.

[Millat-e-Islamiyah ki sargozasht biyan kar;

aahoo ko wosaat-e-sehra sey aagah kar.]
Speak of the history of the white people,
speak to the gazelle of the vastness of the desert.

Fitrat-e-tou mostanir az Mustafa (S.A.W.) ast;
baz go aakhar moqam-e-ma kojast.

) (

[Teyri fitfart noor-e-Mustafa (S.A.W.) sey munawwar hai;

pher sey biyan kar keh aakhar
hum Muslimanon ka moqam kahan hai?]
Your nature is illumined by the Chosen One,
so declare now, where is our station?

Mard-e-Haq az kas nageerad rung-o-boo;

Mard-e-Haq az Haq pazirad rung-o-boo.

[Allah Taala ka bandah kissi aur sey rung-o-boo naheen leyta

woh sirf Allah Taala he ka rung ikhtiyar karta hai.]
The man of God takes not Colour and scent from anyone,
the man of God receives colour and scent from God;

Her zaman andar tunash janay diggar;

her zaman oo ra cho Haq shanay diggar.

[Tapash ki wajah sey her lamah oss ki jan ka andaaz niya hota hai;
woh Allah Taala he ki tarah her zamaney mein
naeyi shan sey jalwah-gar hota hai.]
Every moment there is in his body a fresh soul,
every moment he has, like God, a new labour.

Raaz-ha ba mard-e-momin baz goay;
sharah rumz-e-kolla youminn baz goay.


[Mard-e-Momin ko inn raazon sey pher aagah kar,
iss kay saamney ayah sharifah keh
Allah Taala her ghharri eik naeyi shaan
sey jalwah-gar hotay hein
kay maani pher biyan kar.]

Declare the secrets to the believer,

declare the exposition of the mystery of Every day.

Joz Haram manzil nadaarad carvaan;
ghair Haq dar dil nadaarad carvaan.

[Yeh carvaan Haram Sharif kay alawah
aur koeyi manzil naheen rakhhta;
nah ehal-e-carvaan kay dil mein Allah Taala
kay sawaey koeyi aur basta hai.]
The carvaan has no halting-place but the Sanctuary,
the caravan has naught but God in its heart;

Mun nami goeyam keh rahash deigar ast;
deigar, nigahash deigar ast.

[Mien yeh naheen kehta keh iss carvaan ki rah koeyi aur hai;
mien kehta hon keh carvaan aur hai
aur iss ki nigah badal choki hai.]
I do not say that its road is different
it is the caravan that is different, different its regard.


Az hadis-e-Mustafa (S.A.W.) daari nasib;

Deen-e-Haq andar jahan aamad gharib.


[Kaya tojhey Hazoor-e-Akram (S.A.W.)
ki hadis maaloom hai keh
Islam dunya mein gharib (ajnabi) aya thha.]
Have you any acquaintance with
the Traditions of the Chosen One?
Gods religion came a stranger into the world.

Ba tou goeyam maani-e-ein harf-e-Bakr;
ghorbat-e-Deen neist faqr ehal-e-zikr.

[Mien teyrey saamney iss achhootay lafz
kay maani biyan karta hon;
Deen ki ghorbat sey ehal-e-zikr ki moflisi murad naheen.]
I will tell you the meaning of this virgin saying.
The strangerhood of religion is not
the poverty of Gods remembrancers;

Beher aan marday keh sahib-e-jostjoo ast;

ghorbat-e-Deen nodrat-e-ayat-e-oost.

[Woh shakhs jo sahib-e-jostjoo hai oss kay leay deen ki ghorbat

Quran-e-Pak ki ayaat ki nodrat hai.]

For the man who is truly a researcher

strangerhood of religion refers to the scarceness of its verses.

Ghorbat-e-Deen her zaman noa-e-diggar;

noktah ra daryaab agar daari nazar.

[Her zamaney mein Deen ki ghorbat ka niya andaaz hai;

agar tou aql rakhhta hai tuo iss noktah ko samajh.]
The strangerhood of religion every time is of a different kind;
ponder well this subtelty, if you have eyes to see.

Dil ba ayaat-e-mobin deigar beh bund;

ta bageeri asr-e-nau dar kamand.

[Quran-e-Pak ki ayaat-e-mobin per duobarah ghor kar;

ta-keh tou asr-e-nau ko apni kamand mein griftar kar sakkey.]
Fasten your heart again to the perspicuous Verses
that you may seize a new age in your lasso.

Kas nami daanad z-asrar-e-Kitab;
Sharqiyan hum gharibaan
dar paich-o-taab.

[Quran-e-Pak kay asrar ko koeyi naheen samjhta;

ehal-e-Mashriq hon ya ehal-e-Maghrib sabb paich-o-taab mein hein.]

No man knows the inner secrets of the Book;

Easterners and Westerners alike twist and turn this way and that.

Roosiyan naqsh-e-nauvi andakhtund;

aab-o-naan bordand-o-deen dar baakhtund.

[Ehal-e-Roos niya inqilab laaey hein;

onnhon ney aab-o-naan paa liya aur deen haar diya.]
The Russians have laid down a new design;
they have taken bread and water, and jettisoned religion.

Haq babein, Haq goay-o-ghair az Haq majooay;
duo harf az mun beh aan millat bagoay.

[Tou Haq deikhh, Haq kaeh aur sawaey Haq kay
aur kissi cheez ki jostjoo nah kar;
meyri taraf sey Millat-e-Roosiyah ko
eik duo baatin pohncha dey.]
Behold truth, speak truth, seek only truth;
speak one or two words from me to the people.



Paigham-e-Afghani ba Millat-e-Roosiah

[Jamaluddin Afghani ka paigham Roosiyuon kay naam]

Manzil-o-maqsood-e-Quran deigar ast;
deigar ast.

( )

[Quran-e-Pak ki manzil-o-maqsood aur hai;

(magar aaj kall kay) Musliman ka tariqah aur aein mokhtalif hai.]
One thing is the goal and aim of the Koran,
other the rite and ritual of the Moslem;

Dar dil-e-oo aatish-e-sozindah neist;

) (

) (

Mustafa (S.A.W.) dar seinah-e-oo zindah neist.

[Oss kay dil mein woh aag naheen rehi jo (baatil ko) bhassam kar dey;
oss kay seinay mein Janaab Rasool-e-Pak


(S.A.W.) ki mohabat moujood naheen.]

In his heart there is no burning fire,
the Chosen One is not living in his breast.

Bandah-e-Momin z-Quran ber nakhord;

dar ayyagh-e-oo nah maey deidam, neh dord.

[Yeh Musliman Quran sey faidah naheen othhata;

oss kay jaam mein nah sharab hai nah tilchhit.]
The believer has not eaten the fruit of the Koran,
in his cup I have seen neither wine nor beer.

Khud talism-e-Qaisar-o-Kissra shikast;

khud sirr-e-takht-e-malookiyat nishast.

[Oss ney khud he Qaisar-o-Kissra ka talism torra

aur abb khud he padshahat kay takht per baithh gaya.]
He broke the magic spell of Caesar and Chosroes
and himself sat on the throne of empire;

Ta nehaal-e-sultanat qowwat grift;

Deen-e-oo naqsh az malookiyat grift.

[Jon jon sultanat kay drakht ney


qowwat pakrri Musliman kay Deen ney

bhi padshahat ka naqsh apna liya.]
When the young shoot of power gathered strength,
his religion took on the shape of empire,

Az malookiyat nigah gardad diggar;
aql-o-hosh-o-rasm-o-reh gardad diggar.

[Padshahat sey nah sirf andaaz-e-nigah
balkeh aql-o-hosh aur rasm-o-rah
sabb badal jaatey hein.]
But empire changes the gaze entirely,
reason, understanding, usage and way alike.

Tou keh tarah-e-deigarey andaakhti;

dil z-dastoor-e-kohan pardaakhti.

[Ay Quom-e-Roos tou ney eik niya andaaz paish kiya hai;
aur poraney aein sey apna dil faarigh kar liya hai.]
You who have laid down a new plan,
and disengaged your heart from the ancient system,

Humcho ma Islamiyaan andar jahan;

Qaisariyat ra shikasti istakhwan.


[Tou ney bhi hum Muslimanon ki tarah

Qaisariyat ki huddiyan torr di hein.]
Like us Moslems you have broken the bone
of imperial rule in this world.

Ta ber afrozi chiraghay dar zamir;

ibratay az sargozasht-e-ma bageer.

[Apney zamir mein chiragh roshan karney kay leay

hamari daastan sey ibrat hasil kar.]
So that you may light a lamp in your heart
take a warning from our past history;

Paaey khud mohkam gozaar andar nabard;
gird-e-ein Lat-o-Hubal deigar magard.

[Iss jung mein apney paaon achhi tarah jama ley;

duobarah inn Lat-o-Hubal ka tawaf nah kar.]
Set your foot firm in the battle,
circle no more about this Lat and Hubal.

Millatey mi-khwahad ein dunya-e-pir;

aankeh baashad hum bashir-o-hum nazir.
[Yeh jahan-e-kohnah aisi quom chahta hai


jo bashir bhi ho aur nazir bhi.]

This aged world requires a nation
that shall be both bearer of good tidings and warner.

Baz mi-aeyi sooey aqwaam-e-Sharq;
bastah ayyam-e-tou ba ayyam-e-Sharq.

[Tou duobarah Mashriqi aqwaam ki jaanib waapas aa;

teyri taarikh Mashriq ki taarikh sey wabastah hai.]
Return again to the peoples of the East;
your days are bound up with the days of the East.

Tou bajan afgandaheyi sozay diggar;

dar zamir-e-tou shabb-o-rozay diggar.

[Abb tou ney jan mein niya soz paida kiya hai;
teyrey zamir kay andar niay shabb-o-roz hein.]
You have kindled a new flame in the soul,
your heart houses a new night and day.

Kohnah shoud Afrang ra aein-o-deen;

sooay aan deir-e-kohan deigar mabein.

[Afrang ka aein-o-deen porana ho choka hai;


iss kohnah bottkadey ki jaanib duobarah nah deikhh.]

The rite and religion of the Franks have grown old;
look no more towards that ancient cloister.

Kardaheyi kaar-e-khodawandaan tamaam;

bagozar az la jaanib-e-illa kharam.

[Tou ney (poraney) aaqaon ka kaam tamaam kar diya hai

abb la sey illa ki jaanib chal.]
You have finished now with lords;
pass on from no, march onwards to but;

Dar gozar az la agar joindaheyi;
ta reh-e-asbaat geeri zindaheyi.

[Agar tojhey istehkaam ki talaash hai

tuo la sey aagey nikal jaa aur hamaishah ki zindagi paa ley.]
Pass on from no, if you are a true seeker,
that you may take the road of living affirmation.

Ay keh mi khwahi nizaam-e-alamey;
justaheyi oo ra asaas-e-mohkamey?


[Tumm jo niya nizam-e-alam chahtey ho,

kaya tumm ney oss kay leay koeyi
mohkam boniyad talaash ki hai?]
You who desire a new world-order,
have you sought for it a firm foundation?

Daastan-e-kohnah shasti baab baab;
fikr ra roshan kon az Umm-ul-Kitab.

[Tumm ney porani taarikh ka eik eik baab dho daala hai;
abb apney fikr ko Quran-e-Pak sey roshan karo.]
You have expunged the ancient tale chapter by chapter;
illumine your thoughts from the Archetype of the Book.

Ba seih-famaan Yad-e-Baiza keh daad?

Mozzdah-e-la Qaisar-o-Kissra keh daad?

[Seiyah-faamon ko kis ney Yad-e-Baiza diya?

Kis ney la Qaisar-o-Kissra ki khoshkhabri sonaeyi.]
Who gave the black man the White Hand?
Who gave the good news of no Caesar, no Chosroes?

Dar gozar az jalwah-haey rung rung;


khwaish ra daryaab az terk-e-Farang.

[Farangiyuon kay rung barung jalway

chhorr kar apney aap ko paa ley.]

Transcend the many-coloured splendours,

find yourself by abandoning Europe!

Gar z-makar-e-gharibaan baashi khabir;

roobehi bagozar-o-sheri paishah geer.

[Agar tou ehal-e-Maghrib kay makar sey ba-khabar hai tuo

loomarri ka andaaz chhorr aur sheri ka paishah ikhtiyar kar.]
If you are apprised by the Westerners cunning
give up the wolf, take on the lions trade.

Cheist roobahi talash-e-saaz-o-burg;
Sher-e-Moula joeyad azadi-o-murg.

[Roobahi kaya hai? Mataa-e-dunya ki talaash;

Allah Taala kay sher kay saamney azadi hai ya mout.]
What is wolfishness? The search for food and means;
the Lion of the Lord seeks freedom and death

Joz beh Quran zaighami roobahi ast;
faqr-e-Quran asal-e-shahehshahi ast.

[Quran-e-Pak kay baghair sheri roobahi hai;

Quran-e-Pak ka faqr he asal shahenshahi hai.]
Without the Koran, the lion is a wolf;
the poverty of the Koran is the root of empire.

Faqr-e-Quran ikhtilaat-e-zikr-o-fikr;

fikr ra kamil nadeedam joz beh zikr.

[Quran-e-Pak ka faqr zikr-o-fikr ka ikhtilaat hai;

mien ney fikr ko zikr kay baghair kaamil naheen deikhha.]
The poverty of the Koran is the mingling of meditation and reason
I have never seen reason perfect without meditation

Zikr? Zouq-o-shouq ra daadan adab;

kaar-e-jan ast ein, kaar-e-kaam-o-labb.

[Zikr?Zouq-o-shouq ko adab sikhhana hai;

yeh jan ka kaam hai nah keh zoban-o-labb ka.]
Meditation? To school pleasure and passion;
this is the affair of the soul, not the affair of lip and palate.

Khaizad azoay shoalah-haey seinah soz;

ba mizaaj-e-tou nami saazad hanooz.

[Zikr sey seinay ko jala deyney waaley shoalay paida hotay hein
jo abhi teyrey mizaaj kay saathh mowafiqat naheen rakhhtey.]
From it arise the flames that burn the breast,
it does not accord with your temperament yet.

Ay shaheed-e-shahid-e-raanaey fikr;

ba tou goeyam az tajalli-haey fikr.

[Fikr kay mehboob raana per mur mitnay waaley hein;

tojhey tajalliyat-e-fikr sey aagah karta hon.]
Martyr of the delicate beauty of reason,
I will tell you of the revelations of reason!

Cheist Quran? Khwajah ra paigham-e-murg;

dastgeer bandah-e-bey saaz-o-burg.

[Quran-e-Pak kaya hai? Aaqa kay leay mout ka paigham hai

aur bey sar-o-samaan banday ka dastgeer.]
What is the Koran? Sentence of death for the master-man,
succour for the slave without food and destitute.

Haich khaiz az mardak-e-zarkash majoo;

lun tanaloo al-berra hattaa tunfeqoo.

[Doulat kay pojaari sey kissi bhalaeyi ki ummid nah rakhh;

Quran-e-Pak ka arshaad hai keh tumm naiki naheen paa saktay

jabb takk tumm apni mehboob tarin cheez
Allah Taala ki rah mein kharch nah karo.]
Look not for good from the money-grubbing manikin
You will not attain piety, until you expend

Az ribaa akhar chih mi zayad fatun;
kas nadaanad lazzat-e-qarz-e-hasan.

[Sood sey sawaey fitnay kay aur kaya barrhata hai;

qarz-e-hasnah ki lazzat koeyi naheen jaanta.]
What pray is born of usury? Tumults!
No one knows the pleasure of a good loan.

Az ribaa jan teerah dil choon khisht-o-sung;
adami darindah bey dandaan-o-chung.

[Sood sey jan seiyah ho jaati hai aur dil pathhar ki tarah;
sood khor aisa drindah hai jiss kay daant aur punjay nah hon.]
Usury darkens the soul, hardens the heart like a stone,
makes man a ravening beast, without fangs and claws.

Rizq-e-khud ra az zamin bordan rawast;

ein mataa-e-bandah-o-molk-e-Khodast.

[Rizq ko zamin sey hasil karna jaiz hai;

zamin banday kay leay faidah othhaney ki cheez hai

laikan malkiyat Allah Taala ki hai.]
It is lawful to draw ones sustenance from the soil
this is mans enjoyment, the property of God.

Bandah-e-Momin amin, Haq maalik ast;

( )

ghair Haq ber shaey keh beini haalak ast.

[Bandah-e-Momin amanat-dar hai

maalik Haq Taala hai (kiyuonkeh)

Allah Taala kay sawaey
her shaey halaak ho jaaney waali hai.]
The believer is the trustee, God is the possessor;
whatever you see other than God is perishing.

Raayat-e-Haq az malook aamad nigoon;

qariyah-ha az dakhal-e-shan khwar-o-zaboon.


[Padshahon ney Allah Taala ki hakoomat nah rehney di;

onnhon ney bastiyuon mein daakhil ho kar
onnhin tabah-o-barbaad kar diya.]
Gods banner has been beaten down by kings,
their entry has reduced townships to misery.

Aab-o-naan-e-mast az yakk maandah;
doodah-e-Adam kanafas-in

[Hamari roti aur pani eik dastarkhwan sey hai;

Adam ka khandan nafs-e-wahidah ki manind hai.]
Our bread and water are of one table;
the progeny of Adam are as a single soul.

Naqsh-e-Quran taa darein alam nishast;
kaahin-o-paaya shikast.

[Jabb iss jahan mein Quran-e-Pak ka naqsh sabt hoa

tuo kaahinon-o-papaon kay naqosh toot gaey.]
When the Korans design descended into this world
it shattered the images of priest and pope;

Faash goeyam aanchih dar dil mozmer ast;
ein Kitabey neist cheezay deigar ast.

[Mien apney dil ki baat bermila kehta hon;

yeh kitab naheen kochh aur cheez hai.]
I speak openly what is hidden in my heart
this is not a book, it is something other!

Choon bajan dar raft jan deigar shawud;

jan choon deigar shoud jahan deigar shawud.

[Jabb oss ka asar jan kay andar daakhil hota hai

tuo woh aur ho jaati hai;
jan badal jaaey tuo jahan badal jaata hai.]
When it has entered the soul, the soul is transformed;
when the soul has been transformed, the world is changed.

Misl-e-Haq pinhaan-o-hum paidast ein;

zindah-o-paindah-o-goyast ein.

[Quran-e-Pak Allah Taala ki tarah

zaahir bhi hai aur baatin bhi;

yeh zindah-o-paindah bhi hai aur goya bhi.]

Like God, it is at once hidden and manifest,
living and enduring, yes, and speaking.


Andaro taqdir-haey Gharb-o-Sharq;

soraat-e-andaishah paida kon choo barq.

[Iss kay andar Maghrib-o-Mashriq ki taqdirin pinhan hein;

onnhin samajhney kay leay barq ki manind taiz soch paida kar.]
In it are the destinies of East and West
realise then the lightning-like swiftness of thought!

Ba Musliman goft jan ber kaff baneh;

her chih az
haajat fazoon daari badeh.

[Yeh Musliman sey kehta hai keh jan hathhaili per rakhh;
teyri zaroorat sey zaaid jo kochh hai ossey kharach kar dey.]
It told the Moslem, Put Your life in your hands;
give whatever you possess beyond your needs.

Aafridi sharaa-o-aeinay diggar;

andakay banoor-e-Quranash niggar.

[Tou ney aur tarah ki sharaa-o-aein bana liya hai;

zara iss per Quran-e-Pak ki roshni mein ghor kar.]
You have created a new law and order;
consider it a little in the light of the Koran.

Az bum-o-zir-e-hayat aageh shavi;

hum z-taqdir-e-hayat aageh shavi.

[Ta-keh tou zindagi kay bum-o-zir

aur taqdir-e-hayat sey aagah ho jaaey.]
And you will understand lifes heights and depths,
you will comprehend the destiny of life.

Mehfil-e-ma bey maey-o-bey saqi ast;
ra nawa-ha baqi ast.

[Hamari mehfil mein nah sharab hai nah saqi;

magar Quran-e-Pak ki awazin baqi hein.]
Our assembly is without wine and cupbearer,
yet the melodies of the Korans instrument are immortal;

Zakhmah-e-ma bey asar aftad agar;

asman daarad hazaraan zakhmah-wer.

[Agar hamari mizraab nakaarah ho choki hai,

tuo asman kay paas
hazaron niay zakhmah-wer moujood hein.]
If our plectrum now strikes without effect,

Heaven houses thousands of excellent strummers.

Zikr-e-Haq az ummataan aamad ghani;

az zaman-o-az makan aamad ghani.

[Allah Taala ka zikr quomon sey bey niaz hai;

woh zaman-o-makan sey mawara hai.]
Gods remembrance requires not nations,
it transcends the bounds of time and space.

Zikr-e-Haq az zikr-e-her zakir jodast;


) (
eihtiaj-e-Rum-o-Shaam oo ra jodast.

[Allah Taala ka zikr her zaakir sey alahidah hai

(oss ki apni alag haisiyat hai)

ay Rum-o-Shaam (kissi khas molk) ki haajit naheen.]

Gods remembrance is apart from
the remembrance of every remembrancer
what need has it of Greek or Syrian?

Haq agar paish-e-ma berdaardash;

paish-e-quomay deigarey bagozaardash.


[Agar Haq Taala Quran-e-Pak ko hamarey saamney sey

othha lein tuo ossey kissi aur quom kay sapord kar dein gay.]
If God should remove it from us He can
if He will transfer it to another people.

Az Musliman deidah-um taqlid-o-zun;
her zaman janam
balarzad dar badan.

[Mien ney Muslimanon mein sirf taqlid-o-zun deikhha hai;

iss sey her lamah meyri jan badan kay andar kaanp rehi hai.]
I have seen the blind conformity and opinionatedness of Moslems
and every moment my soul trembles in my body;

Tarsam az rozay keh mehroomash konand;

aatish-e-khud ber dil-e-deigar zanad.

[Mien oss dinn sey darta hon keh

Musliman ko Quran sey mehroom nah kar diya jaaey

aur Allah Taala apni aatish-e-ishq
kissi aur dil per nah daal dey.]
I fear for the day when it shall be denied to them
and its fire shall be kindled in quite other hearts.

The Sage of Rum bids Zinda-Rud intone a song


Pir Rumi beh Zinda-Rud

mi-goeyad keh shearey beyaar

[Pir Rumi Zinda-Rud sey kehtey hein keh koeyi shear sonaa]

Pir Rumi aan sarapa jazb-o-dard;
ein sakhon daanam keh ba janash chih kard.

[Pir Rumi jo sarapa jazb-o-dard hein,

mien he jaanta hon keh Afghani ki iss baat ney

onn ki jan per kaya asar kiya.
The Sage of Rum,
that man filled wholly with ecstasy and passion,
I know what effect these words had on his soul;

Az daroon aahey jiggar dozay kasheid;
ashk-e-oo rungin-ter az khoon-e-shaheed.

[Onn kay andar sey eik aah-e-jiggar-doz nikali;
onn ki aankhh sey aisay aansoo tapkay
jo khoon-e-shaheed sey ziyadah rungin thhey.]
He drew from his breast a heart-rending sigh,
his tears ran redder than the blood of martyrs.


Aankeh teerash joz dil-e-mardan nah softt;

sooay Afghani nigahey kard-o-goft.

[Rumi jiss ki nigah kay teer ney sirf

jawanmardon kay dillon ko chhida hai;

onnhon ney Afghani ki taraf nigah ki aur kaha.]
He, whose arrows pierced only the hearts of heroes,
turned his gaze upon Afghani, and spoke:

Dil bakhoon misl-e-shafaq bayad zaddan;
dast dar fitraak-e-Haq bayad zaddan.

[Dil ko shafaq ki manind khoon mein rungin karna chahiay;

apna haathh Allah Taala kay fitraak mein deyna chahiay.]
The heart must throb with blood like the twilight,
the hand must be thrust into the saddle-straps of God;

Jan z-ummeid ast choon jooay rawaan;

terk-e-ummeid ast murg-e-javidaan.

[Jan ummeid he sey jooay rawan ki manind hai;

na-ummeidi murg-e-javidaan hai.]
Hope moves the soul to flow like a running river,
the abandonment of hope is eternal death.


Baz dar mun deid-o-goft ay Zinda-Rud

ba duo baitay aatish afgan dar wujood.

[Pher Rumi ney meyri taraf deikhha aur kaha;

duo shear sona kar meyrey wujood mein aag taiz kar dey.]
He looked at me again, and said:
Zinda-Rud, with a couplet set all being afire.

Naqah-e-ma khastah-o-mehmal garaan;

talkh-ter bayad nawaey saarban.

[Hamari naqah bimaar hai aur mehmal gran hai;

saarban ki nawa talakh-ter honi chahiay.]
Our camel is weary and the load is heavy;
more bitter must be the song of the caravaneer.

Imtihan-e-pak mardan az blast;


tishangaan ra tishnah-ter kardan rawast.

[Masaib he sey pak mardon ka imtihan hai

(iss leay) piyasa karna jaaiz hai.]
The proving of holy men is through adversity,

it is right to make the thirsty yet more athirst.

Dar gozar misl-e-Kalim az Rud-e-Neil;


sooay aatish gaam-zun misl-e-Khalil.

[Kalim (A.S.) ki manind Darya-e-Neil sey gozar ja;

Khalil (A.S.) ki manind aag ki taraf qadam barrha.]
Like Moses depart from the the River Nile,
stride out like Abraham towards the fire.

Naghmah-e-marday keh daarad booay dost;
Millatey ra mi-bord ta kooay dost.

[Aisa mardanah naghmah sona

jiss sey dost ki khoshboo aaey;

ta-keh woh Millat-e-Islamiyah ko
dost ki gulli ki taraf ley jaaey.]
A melody of one who catches the scent of the Beloved
bears a people onwards even to the Beloveds street.



Ein gul-o-lalah tou goeyi keh moqim-und hamah;
paima sift-e-mouj nasim-und

[Yeh gul-o-lalah jinn kay motaaliq

tou kehta hai keh woh sabb moqim hein;

woh saarey kay saarey mouj-e-nasim
ki manind sargarm-e-safar hein.]
You say that these roses and tulips are permanent here;
no, they are travellers all, like the waves of the breeze.


Maani-e-tazah keh joeyam-o-nayaabam kojast?

Masjid-o-maktab-o-maeykhanah aqim-und hamah.

[Niay maani jo hum dhoondtey hein

aur naheen paatey; kahan hein?

Masjid ho ya maktab ya maeykhanah

sabb baanjh parrey hein.]
Where is the new truth which we seek,
and do not find?
Mosque, school and tavern, all alike are barren.

Harfay az khwaistan aamoz-o-dar aan harf basoz;
keh darein khanqah bey soz-e-kalim-und hamah.

) (

[Apney aap sey eik harf (Allah) seikhh
aur pher oss mein jal jaa;
kiyuonkeh iss khanqah mein Kalimi kay saarey
daawidar soz-e-daroon kay baghair hein.]
Learn a word from your own self, and in that word burn,
for in this convent all lack Moses fire.

Az safa koshi ein takiyah nashinaan kum goay;

mooay zzolidah-o-nashistah galim-und



[Inn takkiyah nashinon ki safa koshi ki baat nah kar;

inn kay baal uljhay hoay aur godarri na-saaf hai.]
Speak not of the striving for purity of these monastery
- dwellers, they are all dishevelled of hair,
blankets unwashed.

Chih haram-ha keh daroon Harmay saakhtah-und;
ehal-e-Towhid yakk andaish-o-duo
neim-und hamah.

[Onnhon ney Haram kay andar

kitnay aur haram bana rakhhey hein;

ehal-e-Towhid ki soch eik hai,
magar woh khud tokrron mein battey hoay hein.]
What temples they have fashioned within the Sanctuary,
these unitarians of one thought, but all split in two!

Moshkil ein neist keh bazm az sar-e-hungamah gozasht;
moshkil ein ast keh bey noqal-o-nadeem-und hamah.

( )
[Moshkil yeh naheen keh bazm

hungamah aaraeyi ka khayal chhorr choki hai;

moshkil yeh hai keh asal bazm noqal
(khhaney ki omdah cheez) aur hum-nashin kay baghair hein.]


The problem is not that the hour of feasting has passed,

the problem is that they are all without
sweetmeats and boon-companion!




az fazaey tou batou chandein hijab.

[Chaand aur noor-e-aftab kay darmiyan

teh dar teh faza kay kaeyi hijab hein.]
Between us and the light of the sun
there hang how many veils of space fold upon fold!

Paish-e-ma sadd pardah ra aawaikhtund;
jalwah-haey aatishin ra baikhtund.

[Hamarey saamney sainkarron parday


latka diay gaaey hein

aur iss tarah apney aatishin jalwon
ko paich dar paich bana diya gaya.]
A hundred curtains have been suspended before us,
intertwisted firework displays,

Taa z-kum sozi shawud dil soz-ter;


saazgar ayad bashakh-o-burg-o-ber.

[Ta-keh kum sozi sey dil mein aur ziyadah soz paida ho;
aur yeh soz (shajar-e-hayat) ki shakhon, patton
aur phhal kay leay mofid saabat ho.]
That the unardent heart may increase in ardour
and become agreeable to branch, leaf and fruit.

Az tabb-e-oo dar arooq-e-lalah khoon;

aab-joo az raqs-e-oo seimab-goon.

[Issi ki tapash sey gul-e-lalah ki rugon mein khoon hai;

issi kay raqs sey nadi seimaab ki manind bey qarar rehti hai.]
Through its glow blood leaps in the tulips veins,
its dance transmutes the stream to quicksilver.

Hum chonaan az khak khaizad jan-e-pak;

bey soeyi graizad jan-e-pak.

[Issi tarah khaki badan mein jan-e-pak namodaar hoti hai

aur char-soo sey bey jehatt ki jaanib harkat karti hai.]
Even so the pure spirit rises from the dust,
the pure spirit flees towards whither towards is not;

Dar reh-e-oo murg-o-hashar-o-nashar-o-murg;

joz tabb-o-taabey nadaarad saaz-o-burg.

[Jan-e-pak ki rah mein mout,

duobarah zindah hona aur hashar-o-mout

tabb-o-taab kay sawaey
aur koeyi samaan naheen rakhhtey.]
On that road are but death and resurrection,
resurrection and death,
no other provision save fever and glowing.

Dar fazaey sadd sepeher-e-neilgoon;
ghotah paihum khordah baz ayad baroon.

[Yeh jan-e-pak sainkarron

neilgon asmanon ki faza mein

paihum ghotay lagati aur baahar aati rehti hai.]

Into that expanse of a hundred azure heavens

plunging continually, it surges out anew;

Khud harim-e-khwaish-o-Ibrahim (A.S.) khwaish;
choon Zabihullah dar taslim-e-khwaish.

( )

[Yeh jan-e-pak aap he apna Haram hai

aur aap apna Ibrahim (maamar-e-Haram)
aap he Zabihullah ki tarah apney saamney
sar-e-taslim khum karney waali hai.]
Itself its own sanctuary, its own Abraham,
self-offering, like him who was sacrificed to God.

Paish-e-oo noh asman noh Khaibar ast;

zarbat-e-oo az moqam-e-Haidar (R.A.) ast.

[Nou asman oss kay saamney nou Khaibar hein;

apni zarb-e-Haidri sey woh onnhein fatah karti jaati hai.]
Before it the nine heavens are nine Khaibars,
its smiling is of the stature of Haidar.

Ein staiz dumbadum pakash konad;
mohkam-o-sayyar-o-chalakash konad.

[Her lamah ki yeh kashmakash ossey pakeezah,

mohkam, sargaram-e-safar aur hoshiyar banati hai.]
It is this incessant conflict that purifies the spirit,
makes it firm, speedy, nimble,

Mi-konad perwaz dar pehnaey noor;
makhalbash geerandah-e-Jibril-o-hoor.

[Woh noor ki faza mein perwaaz karti hai;

oss ka punjah Jibril-o-hoor ka shikar karta hai.]
It spreads its wings in the broadness of light,
its talons seize Gabriel and the houris,

Taz ma zaagh-al-basr geerad nasib;

) ) (
ber moqam-e-abdoho gardad raqib.

[Yahan takk keh ma zaagh-al-basr sey nasib paati hai

aur moqam-e-abdoho ki humsar bannti hai
(Janaab Rasool-e-Pak (S.A.W.) ki
miraj ki taraf asharah hai).]
That it may take its share in the eye swerved out
and stand guardian in the ranks of Gods servants.


Az moqam-e-khud namidaanam kojast;

ein qadar daanam az yaraan jodast.

[Mien naheen jaanta meyra moqam kahan hai;

itna jaanta hon keh woh doston sey alag hai.]
I do not know where my own station is,
I only know that it is apart from all friends.

Andaroonam jung bey khail-o-sepah;

beinad aan ko humchoo mun daarad nigah.

[Meyrey andar lashkar-o-fouj kay baghair

jung jaari rehti hai;
ossey wohi deikhh sakta hai
jo meyri tarah sahib-e-nigah ho.]
Deep within me rages
a war without horsemen and armies;

he well descries it who has vision like me.

Bey khabar mardaan z-razm-e-kofr-o-deen;

( )

jan-e-mun tunha choo Zain al-Abidin.


[Loug kofr-o-deen ki iss jung sey bey khabar hein;

meyri jan Hazrat Zain al-Abidin (R.A.)
ki manind tunha (ossey deikhh rehi) hai.]
Men are ignorant of the conflict
between unbelief and faith,
my soul is lonely, like Zain al-Abidin;

Az moqam-o-rah kas aagah neist;

joz nawaey mun chiragh-e-rah neist.

( )

[(Iss dour mein) koeyi shakhs raastey
aur manzil sey agah naheen;
sawaey meyri awaz kay
aur koeyi raastey ka chiragh naheen.]
None is apprised of the station and the way,
but for my song there is no lamp to light the path.

Gharq-e-darya tiflak-o-berna-o-pir;

) (

) (

jan basahil bordah yakk mard-e-faqir.

[Bachay, jawan aur boorrhay sabb

daryaey (ghuflat) mein gharq hein;

sirf eik mard-e-faqir (Iqbal)
jan bacha kar sahil takk pohnch saka hai.]
Infant, youth, old man-all are drowned in the sea,


only one poor soul has won his way to the shore.

Ber kashidam pardah-haey ein wasaaq;
tarsam az wasl-o-banaalam az fraaq.

) (

[Mien ney iss harim (kainat) kay parday hata diay hein;
wasl sey darta hon aur fraaq mein aah-o-zaari karta hon.]
I have drawn aside the curtains of this tent;
I am fearful of union, and lament for separation

Wasl az payaan-e-shouq ast al-hazr;
ay khonak aah-o-foghan-e-bey

[Agar wasl sey shouq khatam ho jaaey tou oss sey

Khoda sey bey asar aah-o-foghan kaheen behtar hai.]
If union be the end of yearning, beware;
how blessed the sighs and vain lamentations!

Rahrau az jaadah kum geerad soragh;

gar bajanash saazgar ayad fraagh.

[Agar rahrau ko fraaghat raas aa-jaey;

tuo pher woh raastah maaloom karney
ki koshish naheen karta.]


The wayfarer searches little for the high-road

if to be carefree is congenial to his soul.

Aan dillay daaram keh az zouq-e-nazar;
her zaman khwahad
jahaney tazah-ter.

[Mien woh dil rakhhta hon jo zouq-e-nazar kay sabab

her lamah jahan-e-tazah ka talabgaar rehta hai.]
My soul is such that, for the joy of gazing,
it every moment desires a new world.

Rumi, az ahwaal-e-jan-e-mun khabir;

goft mi-khwahi diggar alam bageer!

[Rumi ney jo meyri jan ki kaifiyat sey bakhabar hai;

kaha: Aur jahan chahiay? Yeh ley.]
Rumi, well aware of the states of my soul,
said Do you desire another world? Take it!

Ishq shaater ma badastash mohrahaim;

paish baniggar dar sawad-e-Zohrah-aim.

[Ishq shatar hai,

hum oss kay haathh mein mohray hein;


saamney deikhh hum

Zohrah kay maahoul mein hein.]
Love is cunning, and we are counters in his hand;
look ahead-we are in the land of Venus.

Alamay az aab-o-khak oo ra qawaam;

) (

choon Haram andar ghalaaf-e-moshk-faam.

[Yeh aisa jahan hai jiss ka qawaam aab-o-khak sey hai;

yeh Haram ki tarah moshk-faam (seiyah) ghalaaf mein hai.]
This world too subsists on water and clay,
a sanctuary enveloped in purest musk;

Ba nigah-e-pardah soz-o-pardah dar;
az droon-e-maigh-o-maagh oo gozar.

[Pardah soz aur pardah phharr deyney waali nigah kay saathh
oss kay baadalon aur dhond mein sey gozar jaa.]
With a glance that burns and rends all veils
pass within its clouds and mists

Andaro beini khodayan-e-kohan;

mi shinasam mun hamah ra tun batun.


[Wahan tou poraney khodayan-e-baatil paaey ga;

onn mein sey eik eik ko khoob pehchaanta hon.]
And you will see therein the ancient gods;
I know them all, one by one;



[Baal, Mardookh, Yaooq, Nasr, Fasr;
Ramkhun, Lat, Manat, Asr, Ghasr.]
Baal, Marduk, Yauq, Nasr, Fasr,
Ramkhan, Lat, Manat, Asr, Ghasr;

Ber qayam-e-khwaish mi aarad dalil;

az mizaaj-e-ein zaman-e-bey Khalil (A.S.).

[Yeh dour-e-hazir kay Towhid sey khaali mizaaj ko

apney duobarah waapas aaney ki dalil samajhtey hein.]
Every one of them offers proof of its immortality
in the temper of this age that knows no Abraham.




[Gozashtah aqwaam kay botton ki majlis]

Aan hawaey tund-o-aan shabb-goon sahaab;

barq andar zolmatash gom kardah taab.

[Woh tund-o-taiz hawa aur seiyah tareek baadal;

jiss ki seiyahi mein barq bhi
apni chamak gom kar choki thhi.]
That tempestuous wind, those night black clouds
in their darkness the lightning itself had lost its lustre;

Qulzamay andar hawa aawaikhtah;

chaak damaan-o-gohar kum raikhtah.

[Goya hawa mein eik aisa samandar aawaizan thha;

jiss ka daaman chaak chaak thha,
magar oss mein sey moti naheen girtay thhey.]
An ocean suspended in their air,
its skirt rent, few pearls pouring;

Sahilash napaid-o-moujash garam khaiz;

khaiz-o-ba hawa-ha kum sataiz.

[Oss ka sahil napaid thha aur mouj garam khaiz thhi;

magar woh hawaon sey bohat kum takraati thhi.]
Its shore invisible, its waves high-surging,
high-surging, powerless to battle with the winds.

Rumi-o-mun andar aan darya-e-queer;

choon khayal andar shabastan-e-zamir.

[Rumi aur mien oss daryaey seiyah kay andar iss tarah
dakhal ho gaaey jaisay shabbastan-e-zamir mein khayal.]
Rumi and I in that sea of pitch were
as phantoms in the bedchamber of the mind.

Oo safar-ha deidah-o-mun nau safar;

dar duo chashmam nasaboor aamad nazar.

[Rumi ney safar deikhhey hoay thhey aur mein nau safar thha;
meyri duonon aankhhon ki nazar bey sabar ho rehi thhi.]
He much-travelled, I new to travel,
my eyes impatient to gaze abroad.

Her zaman goftam nigahum narasast;

aan diggar alam nami beinam kojast.

[Mien baar baar kehta, meyri nigah

wahah takk naheen pohnch rehi;

woh niya jahan kahan hai, mojhey nazar naheen aata.]

Continually I cried: My sight is inadequate,
I do not see where the other world may be!

Taa nishan-e-kohsar aamad padeid;
jooibaar-o-marghzar aamad padeid.

[Yahan takk keh silsilah-e-koh aur nadiyuon

aur marghazaron kay nishanaat zahar hoay.]
Presently a mountain-range appeared,
a river, a broad meadow appeared,

Koh-o-sehra sadd bahaar andar kinar;

moshkbar aamad
nasim az kohsar.

[Koh-o-sehra sainkarron bahaarin
apney aaghosh mein leay thhey;
paharron sey aaney waali nasim
mein khoshboo rachi bassi thhi.]
Mountain and plain embracing a hundred springtides

fragrant with musk came the breeze from the hills.

Naghmah-haey taeraan hum nafas;
chashmah zaar-o-sabzah-haey
neim rus.

[Eik taraf prindon kay jhond naghmah-zun thhey;

doosari taraf chashmey thhey aur niya oga hoa sabzah.]
Songs of birds conspiring together,
fountains, and verdant herbs half-grown.

Tun z-faiz-e-aan hawa paindah-ter;
jan-e-pak andar badan beinindah-ter.

[Iss hawa kay faiz sey tun aur mazboot-ter hota thha
aur jan-e-pak ko nazar milti thhi.]
The body was fortified by the emanation of that air,
the pure spirit in the flesh keener of vision.

Az sirr-e-keh paraheyi kardam nazar;
khorram aan koh-o-kamar aan dasht-o-dar.

[Mien ney eik paharri per sey nazar daali;
oss koh-o-kamar aur dasht-o-dar
ka nazarah bohat piyara thha.]


I fixed my gaze on the top of a mountain;

a joyful the mountain, the slope, the stretching plain;

Wadi-e-khosh bey nashaib-o-bey fraaz;

aarad bakhak-e-oo

[Saamney eik khoobsurat wadi thhi

jiss mein koeyi nashaib-o-fraaz nah thha;

oss wadi ka pani iss qadar omdah thha
keh Khizr (A.S.) ka aab-e-hayat bhi
oss kay saamney sar-e-niaz kham karta thha.]
A lovely valley, even, not sinking nor rising
the water of Kbizr would have need of such a land.

Andarein wadi khodayan-e-kohan;

aan khodaey Misar-o-ein rabb-al-Yaman.

[Oss wadi kay andar poraney baatil khoda thhey;

koeyi Misar ka khoda thha koeyi Yaman ka.]
In this valley were the ancient gods,
there the God of Egypt, here the Lord of Yemen;

Aan z-arbaab-e-Arab, ein az Iraq;
ein elah-al-wasl, aan rabb-al-fraaq.

[Koeyi Arab kay khodaon mein sey thha koeyi Iraq ka

koeyi wasl ka devta thha aur koeyi fraaq ka.]
There a Lord of the Arabs, here of Iraq,
this one the god of union, that the god of separation;

Ein z-nasal-e-mehar-o-damaad-e-qamar;

aan beh zookh-e-Moshtari daarad nazar.

[Yeh sooraj ki nasal sey thha

aur woh chaand ki devi ka shauhar thha;

woh Moshtari sey shadi ka khwahan hai.]
Here an offspring of the sun, and the moons son-in-law,
another looking to the consort of Jupiter;

Aan yakkey dar dast-e-oo taigh-e-duo rou;

wan diggar paichidah maarey dar gullo.

[Iss devta kay haathh mein duo dhaari talwar hai;

iss devta ney saanp ko apney gullay mein daala hoa hai.]
One holding a two-edged sword in his hand,
another with a serpent wreathed about his throat.

Her yakkey tarsindah az zikr-e-jamil;


her yakkey aazordah az zarb-e-Khalil (A.S.).

[Magar yeh sabb Allah Pak kay zikr-e-jamil sey khouf-zadah

aur zarb-e-Khalil (A.S.) sey aazordah khaater hein.]
Each one was trembling at the Beautiful Name,
each wounded by the smiting of Abraham.

Goft Mardookh Adam az Yazdan graikht;

az Kalisa-o-Haram nalaan graikht.

[Mardookh ney kaha, ibne Adam Kalisa-o-Haram sey

nalah-o-faryaad karta hoa nikal aaya hai
aur Allah Taala sey door ho gaya hai.]
Mardukh said: Man has fled from God,
fled from church and sanctuary, lamenting;

Taa bifazaid beh idraak-o-nazar;
sooay ehad-e-raftah
baz ayad niggar.

[Aur deikhho keh abb woh apni samajh-o-nazar mein

azafah karney kay leay poraney dour
ki taraf waapas aa raha hai.]
And to augment his vision and perception
turns his gaze backwards to the past age.


Mi bord lazzat z-aasar-e-kohan;

az tajalli-haey ma daarad sakhon.

[Yeh asaar-e-qadimah sey lazzat hasil karta hai

aur baatil khodaon ki tajalliyat ki baatin karta hai.]
He takes delight in ancient relics,
makes speeches about our theophanies.

Rozgar afsanah-e-deigar koshaad;

) (
mi-wazad z-aan khakdaan baad-e-murad.

[Iss zamaney ney eik aur afsanay ka baab khhola hai

aur khakdan (dunya) sey hamarey mowafiq hawa aa rehi hai.]
Time has revealed a new legend;
a favourable wind is wafting from younder earth.

Baal az fart-e-tarb khosh mi-sarood;

( )

ber khodayan raaz-haey ma kashood.

[(Yeh sonn kar) Baal ney khoshi ka eik geet gaya

aur khodayaan-e-baatil per apney raaz khholay.]
Baal in excess of joy chanted sweetly
Unveiling our secrets to the gods.




Adam ein neili tataq ra ber dareid;

) (

aan-sooay gardoon Khodaey ra nadeid.

[Insan ney iss neilay sarapardah (asman) ko phharr daala;

magar ossey asman ki perli taraf Khoda nazar nah aaya.]
Man has rent younder azure veil and,
beyond the sky, has seen no God.

Dar dil-e-Adam bajoz afkaar cheist;

humcho mouj ein sar kashid-o-aan rameid.

[Adam kay dil mein sawaey khayalat kay aur kaya hai;
eik khayal mouj ki manind sar othhata hai, doosra bhhag jaata hai.]
What is there in mans heart but thoughts,
like waves this upsurging and that fleeing?

Janash az mehsoos mi geerad qarar;

) (



boo keh ehad-e-raftah baz ayad padeid.

[Adam ki rooh ko ossi cheez sey qarar hasil hota hai

jo (hawaas-e-khamsah) sey mehsoos kar sakta hai;

(choonkeh science ka daar-o-madaar issi per hai iss leay)

humein khodayaan-e-baatil ka dour waapas aa-jaey.]
His soul takes repose in the sensible;
would that the past age might return!

Zindahbad Afrangi-e-Mashriq shanas;
aan keh ma ra az lehud bairoon kasheid

Ay khodayan-e-kohan waqt ast waqt.

[Afrang jiss ney Mashriq ko samjha hai,

yehi humein hamari qabaron sey baahar nikaal laya hai

Ay khodayaan-e-kohan iss waqt sey faidah othhaao.]
Long live the European orientalist
who has drawn us forth from the tomb!
Ancient gods, our time has come!

Dar niggar aan halqah-e-wahdat shikast;

aal-e-Ibrahim (A.S.) bey zouq-e-Alast.

[Deikhho woh Towhid ka halqah toot choka hai;

aal-e-Ibrahim (A.S.) ishq-e-Elahi ka zouq khho choki hai.]
Behold, the ring of unity is broken,
Abrahams people have lost the joy of Alast;


Sohbatash paashidah jaamash raiz raiz;


aan keh bood az baadah-e-Jibril must.

[Woh Musliman jo baadah-e-Jibril sey must thha

oss ki mehfil pragandah ho choki hai
aur oss ka jaam raizah raizah ho choka hai.]
Its company is scattered, its cup in fragments,
the cup which was drunken with the wine of Gabriel.

Mard-e-Hur aftaadah dar bund-e-jehaat;

ba watan paiwast-o-az Yazdan gazust.

[Woh azad mard atraaf ki

bundashon mein griftar ho choka hai;

oss ney wataniyat ko apna liya hai
aur Allah Taala ko chorr diya hai.]
Free man has fallen into the bonds of directions,
joined up with fatherland and parted from God;

Khoon-e-oo sard az shakoh-e-deiriyaan;
la-jorm pir-e-Haram zonnar bust

Ay khodayan-e-kohan waqt ast waqt.

[Bottkadah-e-Maghrib ney ossey maroob kar diya hai;

oss mein koeyi shakk naheen keh
pir-e-Haram ney zonnar baandh liya hai
Ay khodayaan-e-kohan iss waqt sey faidah othhaao.]
His blood is cold of the glory of the ancients,
the Elder of the Sanctuary has tied the Magian girdle.
Ancient gods, our time has come!

Dar jahan baz aamad ayyam-e-tarab;



deen hazimat khordah az molk-o-nasab.

[Dunya mein pher (hamari) khoshi ka dour waapas aaya;

Deen (Islam) molk-o-nasab sey shikast khha gaya.]
The days of joy have returned to the world,
religion has been routed by sovereignty and lineage.

Az chiragh-e-Mustafa (S.A.W.) andaishah cheist?

) (

Z-aankeh oo ra paff zanad sadd Bu Lahab.

[Abb chiragh-e-Mustafa (S.A.W.) sey kaya andaishah?

Kiyuonkeh sainkarron Bu Lahab ossey bojhaney
kay leay phhoonkin maar rehey hein.]


What thought is there now of the lamp of the Chosen One,

seeing that a hundred Bu Lahabs blow it out?

Gar chih mi ayad sadaey la ilah;
aan chih az dil raft kay maanad beh labb.

[Agarchih la ilah ki awaz aa-rehi hai,
jabb Towhid dil sey nikal gaeyi
tuo zoban per kabb takk rehey gi.]
Though the cry There is no god rises up still
how should that remain on the lips
which has gone from the heart?

Ahriman ra zindah kard afsoon-e-Gharb;
roz-e-Yazdan zard-roo az beim-e-shabb

Ay khodayan-e-kohan waqt ast waqt.

[Maghribiyuon kay jaadoo ney

sultan ko zindah kar diya hai;

Allah Taala ka dinn raat kay khouf sey zardi maeyal hai
Ay khodayaan-e-kohan iss waqt sey faidah othhaao.]
The Wests enchantment has revived Ahriman;
the day of God is pale-cheeked, fearful of the night.


Ancient gods, our time has come!

Bund-e-Deen az gardanash bayad kashood;

bandah-e-ma bandah-e-azad bood.

[Hamara bandah azad bandah thha,

oss ki gardan ko deen kay phhanday sey

rahaeyi dalani chahiay.]
Religions chain must be loosed from his neck,
our slave was ever a free slave;

Taa salaat-e-oo ra graan ayad hummay;
rakaatey khwahaim-o-aan hum bey sajood.

[Choonkeh namaz oss kay leay boujh bun choki hai

iss leay hum khodayaan-e-baatil
oss sey eik rakaat chahtey hein
aur woh bhi sajday kay baghair.]
Since the ritual prayers are heavy for him,

we seek only one prayer, and that without prostration.

Jazbah-ha az naghmah mi gardad boland;

pas chih lazzat dar namaz-e-bey sarood.


[Jazbaat tuo raag he sey boland hotay hein;

jiss namaz kay saathh raag naheen oss mein kaya lotf.]
Passions are elevated by songs,
so what pleasure is there in prayers without hymns?

Az Khodawandey keh ghaib oo ra sazd;
khosh-ter aan devay keh ayad dar shahood

Ay khodayan-e-kohan waqt ast waqt.

[Woh Khoda jissey ghaib mein rehna pasand hai;

Oss sey aisa Shaitan behtar hai jo saamney nazar aaey
Ay khodayaan-e-kohan iss waqt sey faidah othhaao.]
Better the demon
that makes itself visible than a God
to whom the Unseen is meet.
Ancient gods, our time has come!



Frau raftan badaryaey Zohrah-o-deidan


[Daryaey Zohrah kay andar jana aur

Faroan-o-Kitchener ki arwah deikhhna]

Pir-e-Rum aan sahib-e-zikr-e-jamil;

zarb-e-oo ra sitwat-e-zarb-e-Khalil (A.S.).

[Pir-e-Rum jo sahib-e-zikr-e-jamil hein;

jinn ki zarb ko zarb-e-Khalil (A.S.) ki sitwat hasil hai.]

The Sage of Rum, that master of fair Report
whose blow has the power of Abrahams fist,

Ein ghazal ra dar alam-e-musti sarood;

ber khodaey konah aamad dar sajood.

[Onnhon ney alam-e-musti mein yeh ghazal parrhi

aur her khodaey baatil sajdey mein gir gaya.]
Chanted this song in the world of intoxication
and all the ancient gods prostrate fell.
Ghazal :


Baz ber raftah-o-aindah nazar bayad kard;
hallah ber khaiz keh andaishah
diggar bayad kard.

[Gozashtah aur aindah per dubarah
nazar daalney ki zaroorat hai;

hallah othh keh duobarah sochney ki zaroorat hai.]

Again one must gaze on the past and the future;
ho, rise up, for one must think anew.

Ishq ber naqah-e-ayyam kashad mehmal-e-khwaish.

Ashiqi? Rahalah az shaam-o-sehar bayad kard.

[Ishq ney naqah-e-ayyam per apna mehmal baandh liya hai

agar tou ashiq hai tuo tojhey sirf shaam-o-sehar
he ko samaan-e-safar banana chahiay.]
Love carries its load on the she-camel of Time;
are you a lover?
You must make your mount of evening and morn.

Pir-e-ma goft jahan ber rawashey mohkam neist;

az khosh-o-nakhosh-e-oo
qataa-e-nazar bayad kard.

[Hamarey pir ney kaha jahan kissi eik


rawash per mostahkam naheen rehta

iss leay iss ki pasand-o-napsand ki perva naheen karni chahiay.]
Our elder said, The world follows not a constant way,
one must close ones eyes to its joys and griefs.

Tou agar terk-e-jahan kardah sar-e-oo daari;

pas nakhastin z-sar-e-khwaish gozar bayad kard.

[Tuo agar jahan sey la-perva ho kar bhi

oss ka khayal rakhhta hai;

tuo pher tojhey pehlay apney sar ki khair manana chahiay.]

If, having abandoned the world, you intend Him,
first you must pass away from your self.

Goftamash dar dil-e-mun Lat-o-Manat ast bassey;

goft ein bottkadah ra zir-o-zabar bayad kard.

[Mien ney kaha, meyrey dil mein

bohat Lat-o-Manat bassey hoay hein;

meyrey pir ney kaha iss bottkadey ko
teh-o-bala kar deyna chahiay.]
I said to him, In my heart are many Lats and Manats.
He said, You must destroy this idol-house utterly.
(The above five couplets comprise the 21st Ghazal
of Part-Two of Zabur-e-Ajam.)

Baz ba mun goft ber khaiz ay pisar;

( )
' :

joz badamanam mi-awaiz ay pisar.

[Oss kay baad Rumi ney mojh sey kaha:

Ay baitay othh (aagay chalin)

sirf meyrey daaman ko mazbooti sey pakarrey rakhhna.]

Again he said to me: Rise up, boy,
cling only to my skirt, boy.

Aan kohistan aan jabaal-e-bey Kalim;

keh az barf ast


' '

[Oss kohistan aur jahan sey

koeyi arni awaaz naheen othhti;

woh paharr ko barf sey chaandi kay
anbaar ki manind bana hoa hai;]
Yonder mountains, yonder heights without a Moses,
so covered with snow as to seem a heap of silver;

Dar pas-e-oo qulzam-e-almaas goon;

aashkara ter droonash az baroon.

[Oss paharr kay peichhay almaas kay rung ka samandar hai


jiss ka andaroon oss kay bairoon sey ziyadah zaahir hai.]

Beyond them stretches a diamond-shining ocean,
its depths even more translucent than its surface;

Ney bemouj-o-ney beh sial-e-oo ra khalal;
dar mizaj-e-oo sakoon-e-lum

[Nah oss kay andar mouj othhti hai, nah sailab;

oss kay mizaaj mein mostaqil sakoon hai.]
Undisturbed by wave or torrent,
in its nature an eternal quiet.

Ein moqam-e-sarkashaan zor must;
monkaran-e-ghaib-o-hazir prast.

[Yeh zor must sarkashon ka moqam hai,

woh jo ghaib kay monkar thhey aur sirf hazir kay prastar thhey.]
This is the place of power-drunk arrogants
denying the Unseen, worshipping the seen;

Aan yakkey az Sharq-o-aan deigar z-Gharb;
her duo mardaan-e-Haq
dar harb-o-zarb.

[Inn mein sey eik Mashriq sey


taaloq rakhhta hai doosra Maghrib sey;

yeh duonon mardaan-e-Haq sey bersar-e-paikaar rehey.]
That one from the East, the other from the West,
both at war and blows with the men of God.

Aan yakkey ber gardanash choub-e-Kalim (A.S.);
wan diggar az taigh-e-dervaishey duo neim.

) (

) (
[Inn mein sey eik ki gardan per

Aasaey Musa (A.S.) ney zarb lagaeyi

aur doosra dervaish (Mehdi Sudani)
ki talwar sey duo lakht hoa.]
One has had on his neck the staff of Moses,
the other struck asunder by a dervishs sword,

Her duo Faroan, ein saghir-o-aan kabir;

her duo der aaghosh-e-darya tishnah mir.

[Duonon Faroan thhey eik barra, eik chhota;

duonon samandar mein piyasey muray.]
Both Pharaohs, one little, the other great,
both dying of thirst in the embrace of the sea;

Her kassey ba talkhi murg aashnast

murg-e-jabaraan z-ayaat-e-Khodast.

[Her kissi ko mout ki talkhi sey aashna hona parrta hai;

magar jaabaron ki mout Allah Taala ki ayaat mein sey hai.]
Each is familiar with the bitterness of death
the death of tyrants is one of Gods signs.

Dar pey mun paa baneh az kas ma-tars;

dast dar dastam badeh az kas ma-tars.
[Meyrey haathh mein haathh dey

aur peichhay chalta aa, kissi sey na dar.]

Follow me closely and fear no one;
place your hand in mine and fear no one.

Seinah-e-darya cho Musa (A.S.) ber daram;
mun tera andar zamir-e-oo beram.


[Mien Musa (A.S.) ki tarah

iss samandar ka seinah cheer don-ga;

aur tojhey iss gehraeyi kay andar ley jaon ga.]
I will rend apart the sea like Moses;
I will guide you into its very breast.

Behar ber ma seinah-e-khud ra kashood;

ya hawa bood-o-cho aabey wa-namood.

[Samandar ney hamarey leay apna seinah khhol diya,

shaid woh pani thha he naheen,
hawa thhi jo pani nazar aati thhi.]
The sea opened to us its breast
or was it air, that appeared as a water?

Qaar-e-oo yakk wadi-e-bey rung-o-boo;
tou batou.

[Oss ki teh eik bey rung-o-boo wadi thhi;

jiss kay andar tareeki kay parday parrey hoay thhey.]

Its depths were a valley without colour and scent,
a valley whose darkness was fold on fold.

Pir Rumi Sura-e-Taha sarood;

zir-e-darya mahtaab aamad farood.

[Pir Rumi ney Surah Taha ki talawat shoroa kar di;

jiss sey sooraj kay andar chandni phhail gaeyi.]
Taha The Sage of Rum chanted the Sura of Taha;
under the sea streamed down moonshine.


Koh-haey shostah-o-oriyan-o-sard;
duo mard.
andar aan sar gashta-o-hairan

[Wahan kay paharr dholay hoay
bey aab-o-giyah aur sard thhey;
aur wahan duo mard sargashtah-o-hairan pher rehey thhey.]
Mountains washed, naked and cold,
and amid them two bewildered men.

Sooey Rumi yakk nazar nigareistand;
baz sooey yakk-diggar nigareistand.

[Pehlay onnhon ney Rumi ko eik nazar dekhha;

pher aapas mein eik doosarey per nazar daali.]
Who first cast a glance on Rumi,
then gazed one upon the other.

Goft Faroan ein sehar ein jooay noor;

az koja ein sobh-o-ein noor-o-zahoor.

[Faroan ney kaha, yeh sobh, yeh noor ki nadi,

yeh sehra, yeh noor-o-zahoor kahan sey aaya!]
Pharaoh cried, What wizardry!
What a river of light!


whence comes this dawn, this light, this apparition?

Rumi :

Her chih penhan ast azo paidastey;

asal-e-ein noor az Yadd-e-Baizastey.

[Jo bhi penhan hai

woh iss noor sey zaahar ho jaata hai;

aur iss noor ki asal Yadd-e-Baiza sey hai.]
All that is hidden through Him is manifest;
the origin of this Light is from the White Hand.
Pharaoh :

Aah naqad-e-aql-o-deen dar baakhtam;

deidam-o-ein noor ra nashinakhtam.

[Afsos mien ney aql-o-deen ki naqdi haar di;

mien ney iss noor ko deikhha bhi
magar issey pehchaan nah saka.]

Ah, I have gambled away the coin of reason and religion;

I saw, but did not recognize this light.

Ay jahandaran sooay mun banigreid;

ay ziyankaran sooay mun banigreid.

[Ay salaatin! Jo apna noqsaan kar rehey
ho meyri taraf deikhho.]
World-rulers, gaze all upon me;
world-destroyers, gaze all upon me!

Waaey quomay az hawus gardeidah kor;

mi bord laal-o-gauhar az khak-e-gor.

[Afsos oss quom per hawus-e-zar ney

jiss ki aankhhin andhi kar di hein;
jo hamari qabaron sey ibrat hasil karney
ki bajaey laal-o-gauhar samaitti hai.]
Woe to a people blinded by avarice
who have robbed the tomb of rubies and pearls!

Paikarey ko dar ajaib-khanah eist;

ber labb-e-khamosh-e-oo afsanah eist.

[Hamarey majassmay jo ajaib khaney mein parrey hein

onn kay labb-e-khamosh per eik afsanah hai.]
A human shape dwells in a museum

with a legend upon its silent lips

Az malookiyat khabar-ha mi dehud;

kor chashmaan ra nazar-ha mi dehud.

[Woh badshahat kay anjaam ki khabar deytey hein,

woh andhon ko nazar ataa kartey hein.]
Telling the history of imperialism
and giving visions to the blind.

Cheist taqdir-e-malookiyat? Shafaaq;

mohkami justan z-tadbir-e-nafaaq.

[Padshahat ki taqdir kaya hai? Phhoot daalna;

aur phhoot kay leay apney aap ko mostahkam karna.]
What is the grand design of imperialism?
To seek security by contriving division.

Az bud aamozi zaboon taqdir-e-malak;
baatil-o-aashoftah-ter tadbir-e-malak.

[Iss budniyati ki wajah sey molk ki taqdir zaar-o-zabon

aur nizaam abter aur na-mohkam ho jaata hai.]
From such evil doctrine the fate of rulership declines,

the contrivances of rulership become void and confused.

Baz agar beinam Kalimullah (A.S.) ra;


khwaham azoay yakk dil-e-aagah ra.

[Agar mien Kalimullah (A.S.) ko

pher deikhh lon tuo oss sey

eik dil-e-aagah ki farmaish karon.]

If I could only see Gods interlocutor again
I would beg from him a heart aware.
Rumi :

Hakimi bey noor-e-jan khaam ast khaam;

bey Yadd-e-Baiza malookiyat haraam.

[Noor-e-jan kay baghair hakoomat khaam hai,

Yadd-e-Baiza kay baghair padshahat haraam hai.]
Government without spiritual light is raw,
raw, imperial power without the White Hand is a sin.

Hakimi az zoaf-e-mehkoomaan qawist;
az harmaan-e-mehroomaan qawist.


[Hokamrani mehkoomon ki kumzori sey

qowwat hasil karti hai;
oss ki jarr mehroomon ki mehroomi sey qawi hoti hai.]
Rulership is strong through the weakness of the subjects,
its roots are firm through the deprivation of the deprived.

Taj az baaj ast-o-az taslim-e-baaj;

mard agar sung ast mi-gardad zojaaj.

[Taj ka daar-o-madaar kharaj aur oss ki adaigi per hai;

iss sey pathhar jaisa qawi insan bhi
shishay ki manind nazok ho jaata hai.]

The crown derives from tribute and the yielding of tribute;

if a man be a rock, he soon becomes glass.

Fouj-o-zindaan-o-salasal rehzanni ast;
oost haakam
kaz chonin
samaan ghani ast.

[Fouj, qiad-khaney aur zinjeerin sabb rehzanni hai;

haqiqi haakam wohi hai jo iss samaan sey bey niaz hai.]
Armies, prisons, chains are banditry;
he is the true ruler who needs not such apparatus.
Kitchener of Khartoum :


Maqsad-e-quom-e-Farang aamad boland;

) (
az pey laal-o-gauhar goray nakonad.

[Angraizon ka maqsad boland hai,

woh (Faroanon ki) qabarin

laal-o-gauhar kay leay naheen khhodtay.]

The goal of the people of Europe is lofty,
they excavate not any grave for rubies and pearls;

Sar gozasht-e-Misar-o-Faroan-o-Kalim;

mi-tawaan deidan z-asaar-e-qadim.

[Onn ka maqsad yeh hai keh aasar-e-qadimah sey

Misar, Faroan aur Musa (A.S.) ki sargozasht deikhhi jaa sakay.]

The history of Egypt, Pharaoh and Moses
can be seen from ancient monuments.

Ilm-o-hikmat kashf-e-asrar ast-o-bus;
hikmat-e-bey jostjoo khwar ast-o-bus.

[Poshidah cheez ka inkeshaaf he ilm-o-hikmat hai;

baghair jostjoo kay ilm bey woqaat hai.]
Science and wisdom is simply the unveiling of secrets;

wisdom without research is utterly worthless.

Pharaoh :

Qabar-e-ma ra ilm-o-hikmat ber kashood;

laikan andar turbat-e-Mehdi chih bood?

[Hamari qabar ko tuo ilm-o-hikmat ney khhola

laikan Mehdi ki qabar kay andar kaya thha.]
Science and wisdom uncovered my tomb;
but what was there to find in the Mahdis grave?



Namoodar shodan dervaish

[Mehdi Sudani ka zahir hona]

Berq bey taabanah rakhshid andar aab;
mouj-ha baalid-o-ghultid andar

[Pani kay andar barq bey taabanah chamki;

moujin othhin aur aapas mein takra gain.]
A restless lightning flashed in the water,
waves surged and rolled in the water;

Booay khwaish az gulshan-e-Jannat raseid;
rooh-e-aan Dervaish sar aamad padeid.

[Gulshan-e-Jannat sey khoshboo aeyi aur oss kay saathh he

oss Dervaish-e-Misar ki rooh zaahir hoeyi.]
A sweet scent wafted
from the rose-garden of Paradise,

the spirit of that dervish of Egypt appeared.

Dar sadaf az soz-e-oo gauhar godaakht;

sung andar seinah-e-Kishner godaakht.

[Oss kay soz sey Kitchner kay seinay

kay andar jo pathhar ka dil thha;
woh bhi yuon pighhal gaya

jaisey sadaf kay andar gauhar pighhal jaey.]

His fire melted the pearl in the oyster-shell,
melted the stone in the breast of Kitchener.

Goft ay Kishner agar daari nazar;

' :

[Mehdi ney kaha:

Ay Kitchner agar nazar rakhhta hai;

tuo khak-e-Dervaish ka intiqam deikhh.]
He cried, Kitchener, if you have eyes to see,
behold the avenging of a dervishs dust!

Asman khak-e-tera goray nadaad;

marqadey joz dar yum-e-shoray nadaad.


[Asman ney teyri laash ko qabar bhi nah di

tou samandar kay aab-e-shor mein gharq hoa.]
Heaven granted no grave for your dust,
gave no resting-place but the salty ocean.

Baz harf andar gulloay oo shikast;
az labbash aahey jiggar taabey gisast.

[Pher oss kay gullay mein awaz attak gaeyi

aur iss kay labb sey aah-e-jiggar-taab nikali.]
Then the words broke in his throat;
from his lips a heart-rending sigh was loosed.

Goft ay rooh-e-Arab bidaar shau;

choon niyagaan khaliq-e-aasaar shau.

[Oss ney kaha, ay rooh-e-Arab

bidaar ho aur apney bazorgon
ki tarah niay zamaney takhliq kar.]
Spirit of the Arabs, he cried, arise;
like your forebears, be the creator of new ages!

Ay Fawad! Ay Faisal! Ay ibne Saoud!
Ta koja ber khwaish paichidan cho dood.

! )( ! )( !

[Ay Fawad (Misar)! Ay Faisal (Iraq)! Ay ibne Saoud!

Kabb takk dhoonin ki manind
apney ird-gird he paich khhatey raho gay.]
Fouad, Feisal, Ibn Saoud,
how long will you twist like smoke on yourselves?

Zindah kon dar seinah aan sozay keh raft;
dar jahan baz aawar aan rozay keh raft.

[Woh soz jo seinon sey jaa choka hai
ossey duobarah zindah karo
aur gaya hoa zamanah dunya mein
pher sey waapas laao.]
Revive in the breast that fire which has departed,
bring back to the world the day that has gone.

Khak-e-Batha Khalidey deigar bazaey;
naghmah-e-Towhid ra deigar saraey.

[Ay sar-zamin-e-Makkah eik aur Khalid paida kar,

eik bar pher Towhid ka geet ga.]
Soil of Batha, give birth to another Khalid,
chant once more the song of Gods Unity.

Ay nakhil-e-dasht tou baalindah-ter;

ber nakhaizad az tou Farooqey diggar.

[Teyrey sehra ki khhajoorin aur boland hon,

kaya teyrey andar sey koeyi
aur Farooq paida naheen ho sakta.]
In your plains taller grow the palm-trees;
shall not a new Farouk arise from you?

Ay jahan-e-mominaan-e-moshk faam;

( )

az tou mi ayad mera booay dawaam.

[Ay moshk faam Mominon ki dunya (Africa)

mojhey teyri taraf sey khoshbooey madaam aati hai.]
World of musky-hued believers,
from you the scent of eternal life is coming to me.

Zindgani taa koja bey zouq-e-siar;
taa koja taqdir-e-tou dar dast-e-ghair.

[Kabb takk aagey barrhney kay zouq

kay baghair zindagi basar karo gay;

kabb takk apni taqdir ghairon kay

haathh mein diay raho gay.]

How long will you live without the joy of journeying,
how long with your destiny in alien hands?

Ber moqam-e-khud niayai taa beh kay;
istakhwanam dar yummay nalad cho naey.

[Kabb takk apna moqam hasil nah karo gay;
meyri huddiyan samandar kay andar
baansari ki tarah nalan hein.]
How long will you desert your true station?
My bones lament in the deep like a reed-pipe;

Az bala tarsi hadis-e-Mustafa (S.A.W.) ast;

) (


mard ra roz-e-bala roz-e-safast.

[Mosibat sey dartey ho?

Rassol-e-Pak (S.A.W.) ki yeh hadis naheen sonni

keh mard kay leay roz-e-blaa roz-e-safa hai.]
Are you afraid to suffer? The Chosen One declared,
"For man the day of suffering is the day of purification."

Saarban yaraan beh Yasrib ma beh Nejd;

aan hudi ko naqah ra aarad wajd.

[Saarban dost Madinah Munawwarah pohnchey hoay hein

aur hum iss shehar sey door Najd mein hein;
woh hudi khwan kahan hai
jo hamarey naqay ko wajd mein laa kar
(jald wahan pohncha dey).]
Cameleer, our friends are in Yathrib, we in Nejd;
sing that song which will stir the camel to ecstasy.

Abr bareid az zamin-ha sabzah rust;
mi shawud shaid keh paaey naqah sust.

[Baarish ho choki hai zamin sey sabzah ogg aya hai;

ho sakta hai keh oontni ki raftar sost ho jaaey.]
The cloud has rained, grasses have sprouted from the earth,
it may be that the camels pace grows languid.

Janam az dard jodaeyi dar nafeer;
aan rehay ko sabzah kum daarad bageer.

[Meyri jan dard-e-jodaeyi sey nalan hai;

tou woh raastah ikhtiyar kar jahan sabzah kum ho.]

My soul wails of the pain of separation;

take the road where fewer grasses grow.

Naqah must-e-sabzah-o-mun must-e-dost;



) (

) (
oo badast-e-tost-o-mun dar dast dost.

[Naqah sabzah (khhaney mein) must hai

aur mien Dost (S.A.W.) kay khayal mein must hon.

Ay saarban naqah ki mohaar teyrey haathh mein hai
aur meyri mohaar Mehboob (S.A.W.) kay haathh mein hai.]
My camel is drunk with the grass, I for the Beloved;
the camel is in your hands, I in the hands of the Beloved.

Aab ra kardand ber sehra sabil;

( )

ber jabal-ha shostah auraaq-e-nakhil.

[(Baarish kay) pani ney sehra mein raastay bana leay hein;
khhajoor kay drakhton kay pattay dholl chokkay hein.]
They have made a way for waters into the desert,
upon the mountains the palm fronds are washed.

Aan duo aahoo dar foghaney yakk-diggar;
az fraaz-e-tal frood ayad niggar.

[Deikhh woh duo aahoo eik doosarey kay peichhay

teilay ki chouti sey neichay aa-rehey hein.]
Yonder two gazelles one after the other
see how they are descending from the hill,

Yakk dum aab az chashmah-e-sehra khord;

baz sooay rah paima beniggrad.

[Eik lamhay kay leay onnhon ney
chashmah-e-sehra sey pani piya,
pher mosafir ki jaanib deikkha.]
For a moment drink from the desert spring
and then glance upon the traveller.

Raig-e-dasht az num misal-e-perniyaan;
jaadah ber ashtar nami ayad graan.

[Numi ki wajah sey sehra ki rait
raisham ki manind hai,
oontni per safar gran naheen.]
The dew has softened the sands of the plain like silk,
the highway is not hard for the camel:


Halqah halqah choon per tehaiv ghomaam;

tarsam az yaraan keh dooraim az moqam.

[Asman per teetar kay per ki manind badliyuon kay halqay hein;
mien baarish sey darta hon; kiyuonkeh meyri manzil door hai.]
The clouds ring on ring like the wings of the partridge
I fear the rain, for we are far from the goal.

Sarbaan yaraan beh Yasrib ma beh Nejd;

) (

aan hudi ko naqah ra aarad bawajd.

[Saarban dost Madinah Munawwarah pohnchay hoay hein

aur hum shehar sey door Najd mein hein;
woh hudi kahan hai jo hamarey naqah
ko wajd mein laa kar (jald wahan pohncha dey).]
Cameleer, our friends are in Yathrib, we in Nejd;
sing that song which will stir the camel to ecstasy.
Javidnamah continues read Volume XVI
26th May, 2014


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