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Geeta Chapter XV

The Supreme Self

H I p]rmtm]n n]m
H I p]rmtm]n n]m

aT] p]dx%Dyy
aT] p]dx%Dyy


{$Dv]*ml]m]D]K]m/ av]tT]\ phurv y]y]m/ |

Cnd]\is} y]sy] p]$N*in} y]st]\ vd s] vdiv}t/ || 1 ||
{$Dv]*ml]m]D]K]m/ av]tT]\ phurvy]y]m/ |
Cnd]\is} y]sy] p]$N*in} y]st]\ vd s] vdiv}t/ || 1 ||
They (wise people) speak of the indestructible Peepul tree as having roots above and branches
below, whose leaves are the Vedas; he who knows it is alone the Veda-knower.

aD]o$Dv]\ pstst]sy] xK
gN]pv iv}S]y]pvl: |
aD] mlny]ns]\t]tin}
$m*nb]nDin} m]nSy]l || 2 ||
aD]o$Dv]\ pstst]sy] xK
gN]pv iv}S]y]pvl: |
aD] mlny]ns]\t]tin}
$m*nb]nDin} m]nSy]l || 2 ||
Below and above are spread its branches, nourished by the Gunas; sense-objects are its buds; and
below is the world of men stretch forth the roots, originating in action.

n] p]m]syh t]Tp]l]By]t
nnt n] cid}$n]* c] s]\pit}SQ |
av]tT]mn]\ siv}Zml]m/
as]x]sN] d&Zne ] iC}tv || 3 ||
n] p]m]syh t]Tp]l]By]t
nnt n] cid}$n]* c] s]\pit}SQ |
av]tT]mn]\ siv}Zml]m/
as]x]sN] d&Zen] iC}tv || 3 ||

Its form is not perceived here as such, neither its end, not its origin, nor its foundation, nor its
resting place; having cut asunder this firm rooted Peepul-tree with the strong axe of nonattachment...

t]t p]d\ t]tp]ir}m$ig}t* ]vy]\

y]ism}ng]t]] n] in}v]$t]*int} By |
t]mv] c\ pS]\ pp]e
y]t pvi}: pst prN || 4 ||
t]t p]d\ t]tp]ir}m$ig}*t]vy]\
y]ism}ng]t]] n] in}v]$t]*int} By |
t]mv] c\ pS]\ pp]e
y]t pvi}: pst prN || 4 ||
Then that Goal should be sought after, where having gone, none returns again. I seek refuge in
that primeval Purusha from which streamed forth the ancient activity (or energy).

in}$m*n]mh ij}t]s]doS
aDytm]in}ty iv}in}v]m: |
nE$iv}m* : sK]du:K]s]\:E
g]cCnty]mZ: p]dm]vy]y]\ t]t/ || 5 ||
in}$m*n]mh ij}t]s]doS
aDytm]in}ty iv}in}v]m: |
nE$iv}*m: sK]du:K]s]\E:
g]cCnty]mZ: p]dm]vy]y]\ t]t/ || 5 ||
Free from pride and delusion, victorious over the evil of attachment, dwelling constantly in the
Self, their desires having completely retired, freed from the pairs of opposites, such as - pleasure
and pain, the undeluded reach that Goal Eternal.

n] t]s]y]t s$y* n] x]xo n] pv] |

y]d/g]tv n] in}v]$t]*nt t]m] p]rm]\ m]m] || 6 ||
n] t]s]y]t s$y* n] x]xo n] pv] |
y]d/g]tv n] in}v]$t]*nt t]m] p]rm]\ m]m] || 6 ||
Nor does the sun shine there, nor the moon, nor fire; to which having gone they return not; that is
My Supreme Abode.

m]mUv\x jv]l jv]Bt s]nt]n

m]n]: S]SQnin}yiN} pi t}sTin} $S]*it} || 7 ||
m]mUv\x jv]l jv]Bt s]nt]n
m]n]: S]SQnin}yiN} pit}sTin} $S]*it} || 7 ||
An eternal portion of Myself having become a living soul in the world of life, and abiding in
Prakriti draws (to itself) the (five) senses with mind for the sixth.

x]rIr\ y]dvpnit} y]ccpyt]m]tv]r |

ghItvUtin} s]\yit} vy$g]*nDin}vx]yt/ || 8 ||
x]rIr\ y]dvpnit} y]ccpyt]m]tv]r |
ghItvUtin} s]\yit} vy$g]nDin}vx]yt/ || 8 ||
When the Lord obtains a body, and when He leaves it, He takes these and goes (with them) as the
wind takes the scents from their seats (the flower).

o]\ c]: sp]$x]*n]\ c] rs]n]\ GN]mv] c] |

aiD}SQy] m]n]y]\ iv}x]ynp]sv]t || 9 ||
o]\ c]: sp]$x]*n]\ c] rs]n]\ GN]mv] c] |
aiD}SQy] m]n]y]\ iv}x]ynp]sv]t || 9 ||
Presiding over the ear, the eye, the touch, the taste and the smell, so also the mind, He enjoys the
sense objects.

[tm]nt]\ isT}t]\ vip] Bn]\ v gNinv}t]m/ |

iv}mZ nnp]xy]int} p]xy]int} n]c]S || 10 ||
[tm]nt]\ isT}t]\ vip] Bn]\ v gNinv}t]m/ |
iv}mZ nnp]xy]int} p]xy]int} n]c]S || 10 ||
Him who departs, stays and enjoys, who is united with the Gunas, the deluded do not see; but they
behold who possess the Eye-of-Knowledge.

y]t]nt yig}n]En]\ p]xy]ntytm]ny]v]isT}t]m/ |

y]t]nt%py]ttmn nUn]\ p]xy]nty]ct]s || 11 ||
y]t]nt yig}n]En]\ p]xy]ntytm]ny]v]isT}t]m/ |
y]t]nt%py]ttmn nUn]\ px]y]nty]ct]s || 11 ||
The seekers striving (for perfection) be hold Him dwelling in the Self; but, the unrefined and
unintelligent, even though striving, see Him not.

y]did}ty]g]t]\ tj j]g]s]y]t%iK}l]m/ |
y]cc]nm]is} y]ccg t]j iv}i} mm]m/ || 12 ||
y]did}ty]g]t]\ tj j]g]s]y]t%iK}l]m/ |
y]cc]nm]is} y]ccg t]j iv}i} mm]m/ || 12 ||
That light which is residing in the sun and which illumines the whole world, and that which is in
the moon and in the fire - know that Light to be Mine.

gm]]iv}xy] c] Btin} Drymy]hmj]s |

pSNim} cS]D: s]$v*: sm Btv rstm] || 13 ||

gm]]iv}xy] c] Btin} Drymy]hmj]s |

pSNim} cS]D: s]$v*: sm Btv rstm] || 13 ||
Permeating the earth I support all beings by (My) energy; and having become the liquid moon I
nourish all herbs.

ah\ vUvn]ro Btv p]iN}n\ dehm i}t |

pNpn]s]my p]cmy]]\ c]t$iv}D* ]m/ || 14 ||
ah\ vUvn]ro Btv piN}n\ dehmi}t |
pNpn]s]my p]cmy]]\ c]t$iv}*D]m/ || 14 ||
I, having become (the fire) Vaisvanara, abide in the body of beings, and associated with Prana
and Apana digest the four-fold food.

s]$v]*sy] ch\ id} s]\in}iv}SQo

m] smit}$*n]m]phn]\ c] |
vdE s]$vU*rh m v] vo
vdnt]de i v}dve ] chm/ || 15 ||
s]$v]*sy] ch\ id} s]\in}iv}SQo
m] smit}$*n]m]phn]\ c] |
vdE s]$vU*rhmv] vo
vdnt]ediv}dev] chm/ || 15 ||
And I am seated in the hearts of all; from Me are memory, knowledge, as well as their absence. I
am verily that which has to be known in all the Vedas; I am indeed the author of the Vedanta, and
the knower of the Vedas am I.

iv}m pS l ]r]r Av] c] |

]r s]$v*iN} Btin} qs T%]r [cy]t || 16 ||
iv}m pS l ]r]r Av] c] |
]r s]$v*iN} Btin} qsT%]r [cy]t || 16 ||
Two Purushas are there in this world, the Perishable and the Imperishable. All beings are the
Perishable and the Kutasthah is called the the Imperishable.

[]m pS]stv]ny p]rmtmtydt |

y l]y]miv}xy] ib}B]$ty]*vy]y] Wv]r || 17 ||
[]m pS]stv]ny p]rmtmtydt |
y l]y]miv}xy] ib}B]$ty]*vy]y] Wv]r || 17 ||
But distinct is the Supreme Purusha called the Highest Self, the indestructible Lord, who
pervading the three worlds (waking, dream, and deep-sleep), sustains them.

y]smt]rm]tt%hm/ a]rdip} c]m |

at%ism} l vde c] piT}t pS]m || 18 ||
y]smt]rm]tt%hm/ a]rdip} c]m |
at%ism} l vde c] piT}t pS]m || 18 ||
As I transcend the perishable and am even higher than the Imperishable; therefore, I am declared
as the Purushottama (the Highest Purusha) in the world and in the Vedas.

y mmv]m]s]\mZo jnit} pS]m]m/ |

s] s]$v]*iv}j ]it} m\ s]$v]*Bvn] Brt ] || 19 ||
y mmv]m]s]\mZo jnit} pS]m]m/ |
s] s]$v]*iv}j]it} m\ s]$v]*Bvn] Brt] || 19 ||
He who, undeluded, thus knows Me, the Supreme Purusha, he, all-knowing, worships Me with his
whole being, O Bharata.

wit} gt]m]\ xs]m/ wdm \ m]yn]G] |

At]d/bd/Dv bimnsyt/ t]ty] Brt] || 20 ||
wit} gt]m]\ xs]m/ wdm\ m]yn]G] |
At]d/bd/Dv bimnsyt/ t]ty] Brt] || 20 ||
Thus, this most secret science (teaching) has been taught by Me, O sinless one; knowing this, a
man becomes wise, and all his duties are accomplished, O Bharata.

H t]ts]id}it} Im]g]v]d/gtsp]in}S]ts biv}y\ yg]xs

ISN$j*n]s]\vde pS]m]yg nm] p]dx%Dyy || 15 ||
H t]ts]id}it} Im]g]v]d/gtsp]in}S]ts biv}y\yg]xs
ISN$j*n]s]\vde pS]m]yg nm] p]dx%Dyy || 15 ||

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