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Experimentors names

Important words/processes

Chapter 1: Introduction
- What are the four perspectives on Organisational Effectiveness?
- What are the four anchors of Organisational Behavioural Knowledge?

Chapter 2: Individual behavior, personality, and values

- Explain the MARS-Model.
- Name the five parts of the Five Factor Model of Personality.
- What is Power Distance?

Chapter 3: Perceiving ourselves and others in organisations

- Self evaluation consists of three parts, namely: self-esteem, self-efficacy, and locus
of control. Talk about each part.
- Explain the Social Identity Theory.
- Categorical thinking makes use of mental models. How is this potentially
- How does one measure two types of stereotypes?
- What is the false consensus effect?
- What is the Johari Window a diagram for?

Chapter 4: Workplace emotions, attitudes, and stress

- Explain both the Circumflex Model of Emotions and Schwartzs Model of Value.
- Whats the difference between cognitive dissonance and emotional dissonance?
- What is the Service-Profit Chain Model?
- How does Selyes General Adaptation Syndrome of stress progress?
- What do Employee Assistance Programmes (EAPs) do?

Chapter 5: Foundations of employee motivation

- Name (both) the model and the theory pertaining to the needs that stand at the
foundation of employee motivation. (Tip: they're by Maslow and Mc Clelland.)
- Name the four components of the 4-drive theory.
- Name the three components of the Expectancy Theory of Motivation.
- Explain Banduras Social Cognitive Theory.
- Whats the word. : Information that lets us know whether we have achieved the goal
or are correctly directing our effort towards it.
- Organisational justice comes in two forms: distributive justice and procedural justice.
Whats the difference between these two?
- Talk about the Equity Theory. How does it relate to an outcome/input ratio?

Chapter 6: Applied performance practices

- Financial rewards can be organised into four objectives: membership- and seniority
based, job status-based, competency-based and task-performance based. Discuss.
- Name an example of a reward for the individual, team and the organisation.
- Herzbergs motivator-hygiene theory (on job design and motivation) was rejected, but
it lead to the job characteristics model. Name the six core job characteristics.
- What is self-leadership?

Chapter 7: Decision making and creativity

- What are the six steps of the Rational-Choice Decision-Making Process?
- There are sometimes difficulties in identifying a problem. Some of these are
stakeholder framing, decisive leadership, solution-focused problems, bounded
rationality, implicit favourite. Go through them. Know them.
- There are three biased decision-making heuristics. They are?
- What is satisficing?
- An escalation of commitment is a tendency to repeat an apparently bad decision or
allocate more resources to a failing course of action. One of the possible explanations
for this is the Prospect Theory Effect. What is it?

- What are the four steps of the Creative Process Model?

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