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Question 1

Question 2

1 out of 1 points
_____ is a term used to describe the advantages that males automatically have in a patriarchal society
Selected Answer:

Male privilege

Correct Answer:

Male privilege

1 out of 1 points
This type of feminism emphasizes that women of color are oppressed not only because of their gender but also
because of their race and class.
Selected Answer:

Multicultural feminism

Correct Answer:

Multicultural feminism

Question 3

1 out of 1 points
_____ and false beliefs underlie gender inequality.
Selected Answer:


Correct Answer:


Question 4

1 out of 1 points
_____ were formerly known as hermaphrodites, meaning they have genitalia of both sexes.

Question 5

Question 6

Question 7

Selected Answer:

Intersexed individuals

Correct Answer:

Intersexed individuals

1 out of 1 points
The United Nations Development Programme ranks nations on a "gender empowerment measure" of women's
involvement in their nation's economy and political life. Of the 93 nations included in the measure, which of the
following ranks first?
Selected Answer:


Correct Answer:


1 out of 1 points
There are three cultural beliefs of explanations of rape: that _____, that they ask or deserve to be raped, and
that men should be sexually assertive or even aggressive
Selected Answer:

women enjoy being forced to have sex

Correct Answer:

women enjoy being forced to have sex

1 out of 1 points
By focusing their attention on women of color in the United States and other nations, _____ feminists remind us
that the lives of these women differ in many ways from those of the middle-class women who historically have
led U.S. feminist movements.
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Correct Answer:


Question 8

1 out of 1 points
Which of the following is true about feminism?

Question 9


It believes that women and men should have equal opportunities in economic, political, and
social life.


It believes that women and men should have equal opportunities in economic, political, and
social life.

1 out of 1 points
The term _____ refers to the invisible barrier facing women as they try to advance in the workplace.
Selected Answer:

glass ceiling

Correct Answer:

glass ceiling

Question 10

1 out of 1 points
Socialist feminism _____.
Selected Answer:

blames capitalism for women's inequality

Correct Answer:

blames capitalism for women's inequality

Question 11

1 out of 1 points
Liberal feminism _____.

Question 12

Question 13


believes that the equality of women can be achieved within our existing society by passing laws
and reforming social, economic, and political institutions


believes that the equality of women can be achieved within our existing society by passing laws
and reforming social, economic, and political institutions

1 out of 1 points
The fact remains that in a(n) _____ society, men automatically have advantages just because they are men,
even if race, social class, and sexual orientation affect the degree to which they are able to enjoy these
Selected Answer:


Correct Answer:


1 out of 1 points
This type of feminism says that patriarchy lies at the root of women's oppression and that women are
oppressed even in noncapitalist societies.
Selected Answer:

Radical feminism

Correct Answer:

Radical feminism

Question 14

1 out of 1 points
_____ refer to those who dress in the clothing of the opposite sex.

Question 15

Selected Answer:


Correct Answer:


1 out of 1 points
A berdache combines aspects of both femininity and masculinity of the society in which it is found and is thus
considered a(n) _____.
Selected Answer:

androgynous gender

Correct Answer:

androgynous gender

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