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Name: Mohamad Dhuha Azwa Bin Abdul Razak

Class: 4A
Matrix no.; 14488
Teachers Name: Mdm Suriati Binti Sugiman

Air Pollution
1. Air pollution is caused by the presence of pollutants
in the air which are harmful to life and the
A. Source of Pollution:
a) Rubbish
c) Solid wastes
B. Factories and Industries
a) Burning of fossil fuels such as petroleum,
diesel and gas in factories and the power
C. Motor Vehicles
Releases harmful gases in car exhaust fumes

Water Pollution
1. Water pollution is caused by domestic wastes,
industrial wastes, and agriculture wastes that are
discharges directly into rivers. Soil erosion can also
lead to water pollution
2. Sources of water pollution
a) Discharge of untreated sewage and
domestic wastes into river
b)Discharge of industrial wastes
c) Discharges of agriculture wastes

d)Oil Spilage

Thermal Pollution
1. Thermal pollution is the release of excessive heat
into environment.
2. The Source of thermal pollution
a. Discharge of hot water from factories, nuclear
reactors and electric power stations
b. Glass building

Noise Pollution
1. occurence of excessive noise the environment that
disturb the tranquility of life
2. The loudest of sound is measured using the
decibed(db) unit
3. Human ears can only receive sounds less than 80 dB
4. Source of pollution
a. Aircrafts
b. Trains
c. Construction sites
d. Machines and equipment in factories
e. Traffic

Ozone Depletion
1. The main causes of ozone depletion is the use of
Clorofluorocarbons (CFC)
2. Clorofluorocarbons are widely used as a cooling
agent in refrigerators and air conditioner, in aerosol
sprays, polysterine food container and rubber foams
for making cushions, pillows and mattresses

Green House
1. these greenhouse gases, especially carbon dioxide,
trap and absorb heat in the atmosphere causing a
rise in the temperature of the atmosphere.
2. The layer of gas acts as an insulator to prevent the
heat energy from being transmitted to space
3. The following human activities can increase the
concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere to
cause a greenhouse effect.
a. Burning of fuels in factories
b. Forest fires
c. Deforestration
d. Open burning of rubbish
e. Coal-fuel power stations
f. Motor vechicles
g. Use of CFC

Global Warming

1. There are human fingerprints on carbon overload.

When humans burn coal, oil and gas to generate
electricity or drive our cars, carbon dioxide is
released into the atmosphere, where it traps heat. A
carbon molecule that comes from fossil fuels and
deforestation is lighter than the combined signal of
those from other sources. As scientists measure the
weight of carbon in the atmosphere over time they
see a clear increase in the lighter molecules from
fossil fuel and deforestation sources that correspond
closely to the known trend in emissions.
2. Natural changes alone cant explain the temperature
changes weve seen. For a computer model to
accurately project the future climate, scientists must
first ensure that it accurately reproduces observed
temperature changes. When the models include only
recorded natural climate driverssuch as the suns
intensitythe models cannot accurately reproduce
the observed warming of the past half century
3. Lower-level atmospherewhich contains the carbon
loadis expanding. The boundary between the lower
atmosphere (troposphere) and the higher
atmosphere (stratosphere) has shifted upward in
recent decades.

Air Pollution
1. Cement factories, quarries, sawmills:
a. Respiratory diseases
b. Cough and allergy
c. Dirty buildings
2. Factories and industries,burning of rubbish,motor
a. Haze
b. Reduce visibility
c. Cause lung cancer
3. Nuclear power Stations:
a. Cause mutation
b. Cause cancer and genetic diseases

Water Pollution
1. Discharge of domestic wastes into rivers:
a. Encourage growth of bacteria causing diseases
such as cholerea, typhoid and dynesentery
b. Nuber of bacteria increase due to increased
concentrationof nitrates and phosphates in
untreated sewage
c. Cause bad odour and unsightly view

2. Oil Spilage :
a. Causes death to all life forms in the sea
b. Causes death of seabirds and sealions
c. Pollutes the beaches
3. Discharge of industrial wastes:
a. Contaniminate the water physically
b. Decomposition of organic waste, reduce the
concentration of oxygen in the water

Thermal Pollution
1. The temperature of water increased
2. The aquatic organism die
3. The hot water also reduces the solubility of oxygen in
the water . hence the concentration of oxygen in the
water is further reduced

Noise Pollution
1. Hearing problems (deafness)
2. Ear injury
3. Headaches
4. Emotional and mental disturbances
5. High blood pressure
6. Psygcological problems

Ozone Depletion
1. On environments:

a. Increase the temperature of the environment

b. Changes in the climate and weather patterns
c. Changes in wind direction
2. On plant:
a. The rate of photosynthesis decrease due to the
destruction of the stomata and chlorophyll in the
b. Disturbs the ecological balance by destroying
aquatic organisms such as planktons
3. On human:
a. Cause skin cancer
b. Damages eyesights and cause cataract
c. Weakens the human immune systems

1. More drought and more flooding
a. Extra water vapour in the atmosphere falls again as
extra rain, which can cause flooding other places in
the world. Extra water vapour in the atmosphere
falls again as extra rain, which can cause flooding in
other places in the world.
2. Less ice and snow
a. Towns and villages that are dependent on
meltwater from mountain areas may suffer drought
and lack of domestic water supply. Towns and
villages that are dependent on meltwater from
mountain areas may suffer drought and lack of
domestic water supply.

3. More extreme weather incidents

a. The warmer climate will probably cause more

heatwaves, more violent rainfall and also an
increase in the number and/or severity of storms.

Global warming
1. Ice is melting worldwide, especially at the Earths
poles. This includes mountain glaciers, ice sheets
covering West Antarctica and Greenland, and Arctic
sea ice.
2. Researcher Bill Fraser has tracked the decline of the
Adlie penguins on Antarctica, where heir numbers
have fallen from 32,000 breeding pairs to 11,000 in
30 years.
3. Sea level rise became faster over the last century.
4. Some butterflies, foxes, and alpine plants have
moved farther north or to higher, cooler areas.
5. Precipitation (rain and snowfall) has increased across
the globe, on average.
6. Spruce bark beetles have boomed in Alaska thanks
to 20 years of warm summers. The insects have
chewed up 4 million acres of spruce trees.

Air Pollution
1. road charging
2. parking restrictions
3. increased restrictions on waiting and loading times
4. taxes to encourage moving goods by rail
5. the review of planning applications by a pollution
control team

Water Pollution
1. Never throw rubbish away anyhow. Always look for
the correct waste bin. If there is none around, please
take it home and put it in your trash can. This
includes places like the beach, riverside and water
2. Use water wisely. Do not keep the tap running when
not in use. Also, you can reduce the amount of water
you use in washing and bathing. If we all do this, we
can significantly prevent water shortages and reduce
the amount of dirty water that needs treatment.
3. Do not throw chemicals, oils, paints and medicines
down the sink drain, or the toilet. In many cities, your
local environment office can help with the disposal of
medicines and chemicals. Check with your local
authorities if there is a chemical disposal plan for
local residents.

Thermal Pollution
1. make laws that factories must dump their waste and
water away from bodies of water
2. raise awarneness to the people so they can talk to
companies and allow the public to know and get
more involved.
3. Store and Reuse Heated Water
Noise Pollution
1. Use of horns with jarring sounds, motorbikes with
damaged exhaust pipes, noisy trucks to be banned.
2. noise and nuisanceNoise producing industries,
airports, bus and transport terminals and railway
stations to sighted far from where living places.
3. noise and nuisanceCommunity law enforcers should
check the misuse of loudspeakers, worshipers,
outdoor parties and discos, as well as public
announcements systems.

Ozone Depletion
eco-friendly household cleaning products
a. Usage of eco-friendly and natural cleaning
products for household chores is a great way to
prevent ozone depletion. This is because many of
these cleaning agents contain toxic chemicals that
interfere with the ozone layer. A lot of
supermarkets and health stores sell cleaning

products that are toxic-free and made out of

natural ingredients

Avoid using pesticides

b. Pesticides may be an easy solution for getting rid
of weed, but are harmful for the ozone layer. The
best solution for this would be to try using natural
remedies, rather than heading out for pesticides.
You can perhaps try to weed manually or mow your
garden consistently so as to avoid weed-growth.

1. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
a. Buying products with minimal packaging will help
to reduce waste. By recycling half of your
household waste, you can save 2,400 pounds of
carbon dioxide annually.
2.Use Less Heat and Air Conditioning
a. Adding insulation to your walls and installing
weather stripping or caulking around doors and
windows can lower your heating costs more than
25 percent, by reducing the amount of energy you
need to heat and cool your home. Turn down the
heat while youre sleeping at night or away during
the day, and keep temperatures moderate at all
times. Install a programmable thermostat because
setting it just 2 degrees lower in winter and higher
in summer could save about 2,000 pounds of
carbon dioxide each year.

3. Drive Less and Drive Smart

a. Less driving means fewer emissions. Besides
saving gasoline, walking and biking are great forms
of exercise. Explore the York Region Transit system
and check out options for carpooling to work or

Global Warming
1. Change a light :
a. Replace regular bulbs with compact fluorescent
light (CFL) bulbs. They consume less power then
ordinary bulbs and have longer lifetime. Some
countries have completely banned the usage of
ordinary bulbs and force the common public to use
CFL bulbs.
2. Drive less :
a. By driving less you are not only saving fuel but
also helping in reducing global warming. Also, look
out for other possibilities, for eg: car pooling. If you
have colleagues who live in the same area then
you can combine trips. If you need to go to a local
market then either walk or go by cycle. Both of
them are great form of exercise.
3. Recycle more :
a. Try to use the disposable products into some
other form. Just dont throw them away. You can
recycle almost anything for e.g.: paper,
aluminium foils, cans, newspapers. By recycling
you can help in reducing landfills .

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