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All About Me

Lessons One through Three

Learning Styles Inventory

On your Learning Profile Response Sheet, circle the number of the statements that describe you at this time in your
1. I prefer reading a story rather than listening to someone tell it.
2. I would rather watch television than listen to the radio.
3. I remember faces better than names.
4. I like classrooms with lots of posters and pictures around the room.
5. The appearance of my handwriting is important to me.
6. I think more often in pictures.
7. Visual disorder or movement distracts me.
8. I have difficulty remembering directions that were told to me.
9. I would rather watch athletic events than participate in them.
10. I tend to organize my thoughts by writing them down.
11. I am very quiet and do not volunteer answers often.
12. I love to put together difficult puzzles.
13. Wearing color-coordinated clothing is important to me.
14. I notice details about the world.
15. I have a vivid imagination.
16. I can put together projects without looking at the directions.

I tend to remember names better than faces.

I would enjoy taking part in dramatic events like plays.
I tend to subvocalize and think in sounds.
I am easily distracted by sounds.
I easily forget what I read unless I talk about it.
I would rather listen to the radio than watch television.
My handwriting is not very good.
I would rather be in a group discussion than read about a topic.
I prefer talking on the phone rather than writing a letter to someone.
I love to talk a lot.
I remember jingles and television commercials.
I am distracted by background noises.
I can express my feelings.
I like to solve problems by talking out loud.
I sound out new words and I am a good speller.
When I hear directions orally, I can follow them easily.

I would rather participate in athletic events than watch them.

I prefer going to museums where I can touch the exhibits.
My handwriting deteriorates when space becomes smaller.
Movement usually accompanies my mental pictures.
I like being outdoors and doing things like biking, camping, swimming, or hiking.
I remember best what was done rather than what was seen or talked about.
When faced with a problem, I often select the solution involving the greatest activity.
I like to make models or other handcrafted items.
I would rather do experiments than read about them.
I have difficulty remembering verbal directions if I have not done the activity before.
I move my body more than I talk.
I move a lot rarely sitting still.
I usually touch things I see.
I do not always worry about being messy; my room is a mess.
I try to touch and feel things I am learning about.
I think I have a fairly long attention span.
All About Me
Lessons One through Three

Modality Learning Survey

On your Learning Profile Response Sheet, circle the number of the statement in each trio that best describes you at this time in your

1. My emotions can often be interpreted from my facial expressions.

2. My emotions can often be interpreted from my voice quality.
3. My emotions can often be interpreted from my general body tone.
4. I keep up with current events by reading the paper thoroughly when I have time.
5. I keep up with current events by listening to the radio or watching the news on television.
6. I keep up with current events by quickly reading the paper or spending a few minutes watching the news
on television.
7. If I have business to conduct with another person, I prefer face-to-face meetings or writing letters.
8. If I have business to conduct with another person, I prefer the telephone, since it saves time.
9. If I have business to conduct with another person, I prefer conversing while walking, jogging, or doing
something physical.
10. When I am angry, I usually clam up and give others the silent treatment.
11. When I am angry, I usually am quick to let others know why I am angry.
12. When I am angry, I usually clench my fist, grasp something tightly, or storm off.
13. When I am old enough to drive, I will frequently check the mirrors and watch the road carefully.
14. When I am old enough to drive, I will turn on the radio as soon as I enter the car.
15. When I am old enough to drive, I will continually shift the position of the seat because I cant get
16. I consider myself a neat dresser.
17. I consider myself a sensible dresser.
18. I consider myself a comfortable dresser.
19. At a meeting, I come prepared with notes and displays.
20. At a meeting, I enjoying discussing and hearing other points of view.
21. At a meeting, I would rather be somewhere else and spend my time doodling.
22. In my spare time, I would rather watch television, go to a movie, attend a play, or read a book.
23. In my spare time, I would rather listen to the radio or CDs, attend a concert, or play an instrument.
24. In my spare time, I would rather engage in a physical activity of some kind.
25. The best approach to discipline is to isolate me by separating me from the group.
26. The best approach to discipline is to reason with me and discuss the situation.
27. The best approach to discipline is to use acceptable forms of corporal punishment.
28. The most effective way of rewarding me is through positive comments written on their papers, stickers,
or posting good work for others to see.
29. The most effective way of rewarding me is through oral praise to the rest of the class and me.
30. The most effective way of rewarding me is through a pat on the back, a hug, or some other appropriate
physical action.
Adapted from Barbe, Walter B. and Michael N. Milone. Modality, Instructor, January, 1984.
All About Me

Lessons One through Three


The visual learner is tidy and organized, putting things away when finished with them. He does not like
clutter. He is appearance oriented, and neatness counts. He finds misprints and typographical errors because he
notices details. He also finds items others tend to lose. He has vivid imagery. He is deliberate. He copies the work
of others. He is quiet and easily distracted by noise. He likes books and pictures. He is a strong, fast reader, who is
also a good speller, but he needs graphic organizers to learn vocabulary. He is good at reading graphic aids and sight
reading music. He would rather read than be read to and likes to work puzzles. He uses the library well. He
remembers demonstrations and memorizes by picture. He has to have the whole picture that is very detailed. He has
difficulty remembering verbal instructions and will ask you to write directions.
As a teacher of the visual learner, use frequent demonstrations, audio-visual aids, and lined or graph paper.
Use games, objects, and puzzles to teach concepts and analytical skills. Use pictures to reinforce terms and labels.
Use symbols for matching visual to auditory. Draw arrows, charts, etc. Use metaphors.
If you as the teacher are a visual learner, you tend to talk fast and use visual aids. You cover a lot of content
and consider form important. You are date-oriented and believe in tests to evaluate students.
The auditory learner is a good storyteller and a good singer or at least enjoys music. He uses mature spoken
language easily and speaks in a rhythmic pattern. He is good at talking on the telephone. He tells jokes and likes to
get the teacher off the subject. He makes up rhymes and gives his friends nicknames. He is usually a good dancer
and drummer because of his sense of rhythm. He likes poems, riddles, and verbal bantering. He likes to be the boss
in charge. He may talk to himself when working alone and moves his mouth when reading silently. He dialogues
internally and externally, trying alternatives verbally first. He remembers what was discussed because he learns by
listening. He can repeat what was said. He loves discussion and is talkative, so much so he may monopolize the
discussion if allowed. He tends to talk better than he writes and likes to talk as he writes. He has a tendency for
tangents and telling the whole sequence of an event. He uses a phonetic approach to attack unknown words. He
enjoys reading orally and listening. He hears sounds and voices in his imagination. He gives verbal excuses for not
getting things accomplished. He asks questions about written directions. He memorizes by steps, procedure, and
sequences. He is easily distracted. Math and writing are more difficult for him.
As a teacher of the auditory learner, give verbal directions and help the learner through the task. Let him talk
while writing and encourage reading orally. Use a tape recording for reinforcement work. Have him write from
dictation and test him verbally.
If you as the teacher are an auditory learner, you tend to speak rhythmically and like class discussion. You or
the students read the text orally. You tend to acknowledge students comments by paraphrasing. You are easily
disoriented from the focus of the lesson. You rarely use visual aids. You often use words or noises. When
disciplining you rely on memorized sermons that begin with, How many times have I told you?
The kinesthetic learner touches everything and makes things out of his papers. He learns by manipulating
and doing. He points when he is reading. He likes plot oriented books. His handwriting is thick and pressured. He
enjoys sports and is well coordinated. He likes to take things apart and put them back together again. He may be
prone to fight instead of talking things out. He demonstrates an overt show of affection toward his friends. He talks
with his hands and likes to draw and doodle. He memorizes by walking and seeing. He remembers the overall
impression of what he experiences. He tends to act out imaginary images. He talks in action verbs. He responds to
physical rewards because he is physically oriented and moves a lot. He had early large muscle development.
As a teacher of the kinesthetic learner, give him individual attention. Allow time for movement so he doesnt
spend too much time in one position. Allow him to write on the board. Have him write as he listens. Help him
develop his note taking skills. Use movement and demonstration as well as concrete teaching aids such as models.
Role play situations. Use foldable advanced organizers.
If you as the teacher are a kinesthetic learner, you tend to talk more slowly using manipulatives and
demonstrations. You have your students involved in projects such as plays and simulations as well as board work or
group work. You consider concepts important and de-emphasize spelling and grammar. You use what students can
do to evaluate them.
All About Me

Lessons One through Three

Sternbergs Intelligences
Question When confronted with interesting information about something you do not know, circle the letter of
the question that best describes what you want to know on your Learning Profile Response Sheet.
A. Do you want to know all the little details that go into it?
C. Do you want only enough information to think of other things to do?
P. Do you want to know how it is being used?
On your Learning Profile Response Sheet, circle the number of the statements that are true for you at this time
in your life.
1. I like to analyze characters when I am reading or listening to a story.
2. I like comparing and contrasting points of view.
3. I like criticizing my own and others work.
4. I like solving logical problems.
5. I like evaluating my own and others points of view.
6. I like judging my own and others behavior.
7. I like explaining difficult ideas or problems to others.
8. I like making inferences and deriving conclusions.
9. I like sorting and classifying.
10. I like using graphic organizers or images to organize my thoughts.
11. I like designing new things.
12. I like coming up with ideas.
13. I like using my imagination.
14. I like thinking of alternative solutions.
15. I like noticing things others often ignore.
16. I like thinking in pictures and images.
17. I like supposing things were different.
18. I like inventing new words, games, and approaches.
19. I like composing.
20. I like drawing.
21. I like taking things apart and fixing them.
22. I like learning through hands-on, minds-on activities.
23. I like putting into practice things I have learned.
24. I like working with people in teams or groups.
25. I like resolving conflicts.
26. I like advising friends on their problems.
27. I like convincing someone to do something.
28. I like learning by interacting with others.
29. I like applying my knowledge.
30. I like adapting to new situations.
A. and statements 1-10 circled represent your analytical score.
C. and statements 11-20 circled represent your creative score.
P. and statements 21-30 circled represent your practical score.
Adapted from Kay Brimijoin (2004) and Sternberg, R. and E. Grigenko. (2000) Teaching Successful Intelligence.

All About Me

Lessons One through Three

Linear School House Smart Sequential
Analytical intelligence involves analyzing problems and choosing a strategy for solving the problems.
Therefore, these critical thinkers decide what to do and do it. This intelligence reflects how the learner relates
to his/her internal world. People with strengths in this intelligence do very well making meaning of text
material, organizing information, seeing cause and effect, taking notes, and memorizing information. These
learners enjoy problem solving, puzzles, and analogies. This intelligence is influential in being able to take
apart problems and being able to see solutions not often seen because these learners think abstractly and process
information effectively. Unfortunately, individuals with this type of intelligence are not as adept at creating
unique ideas of their own. Analytical thinking occurs when the components are applied to relatively familiar
types of problems. Words such as analyze, evaluate, judge, compare and contrast and critique describe this
level of thinking. This intelligence is the type that is tested most often. On a basic human level everyone
performs these functions on a daily basis.
Innovator - Outside the Box What If
Creative intelligence involves insights, synthesis, and the ability to react to novel situations and stimuli.
This intelligence reflects how the learner connects the internal world to external reality. Novel tasks are good
measures of intellectual ability because they assess an individuals ability to apply existing knowledge to new
situations. People that are adept at managing at novel situation can take the task and find new ways of solving it
that the majority of people would not notice. They formulate new ideas and may connect seemingly unrelated
bits of information. People with this intelligence are not often seen with the highest IQs because there are not
currently any tests that can sufficiently measure these attributes, but this intelligence is especially useful in
creating new ideas to create and solve new problems. Information processing is applied to relatively novel
types of problems. People who create, invent, discover, explore, suppose, and imagine use these skills. They
come at ideas and problems in fresh and surprising ways. They prefer to experiment with ideas rather than
work like everybody else.
Contextual Street Smart Focus on Use
Practical intelligence involves the ability to grasp, understand, and deal with everyday tasks. This
intelligence reflects how the learner relates to the external world. This intelligence is directed toward goals.
This intelligence is demonstrated by ones attempts to adapt to and shape ones environment to create an ideal
fit. The effectiveness with which an individual fits to his or her environment and contends with daily situations
reflects this intelligence, which involves the ability to apply synthetic and analytic skills to everyday situations.
These learners are superb in their ability to succeed in any setting. They can figure out what they need to do to
succeed. They maximize their strengths and compensate for their weaknesses. They operate in the real world.
Attitude and emotional factors also influence this intelligence. It involves people who apply, use, utilize, and
implement. They learn well when they see how things work in the world and how ideas and skills help solve
problems. They learn better by using ideas rather than just learning ideas. They need to solve problems in a
meaningful context.

All About Me

Lessons One through Three

Gardeners Multiple Intelligences

On your Learning Profile Response Sheet, circle the number of the statements that best describe you at this time in your life.


I like to browse through books because they are very important to me.
I can hear words in my head before I read, speak, or write them down.
I get more out of listening to the radio or a spoken word than I do from television of films.
I show an aptitude for word games and crossword puzzles.
I enjoy entertaining others or myself with tongue twisters, nonsense rhymes, or puns.
Others sometimes have to stop and ask me to explain the meaning of the words I use.
English and social studies are easier for me than math and science.
I pay more attention to the words written on the billboards than to the scenery when traveling.
I have written something recently that I was particularly proud of or that earned me recognition.
I like to tell jokes and stories.
I like reading and telling others about what I have read.
I like writing.
I enjoy listening to others talk.
It bothers me when others use improper English.
I like to learn and use big words.
When I give directions to others, they usually understand me the first time.
I often listen to the radio, television, or CDs.


I can easily compute numbers in my head.

Math and science are among my favorite subjects in school.
I enjoy playing games or solving brainteasers that require logical thinking.
I like to set up little what if experiments.
My mind searches for patterns, regularities, or logical sequences in things.
I am interested in new developments in science.
I believe that almost everything has a rational explanation.
I like finding logical flaws in things that people say and do at home and at work.
I feel more comfortable when something has been measured, analyzed, or quantified.
I like categorizing books, homework, and clothes.
I like figuring out the reasons for things.
I like collecting and organizing things.
I like to work with computers and calculators.
When given a long list of numbers to add, I like to invent unusual ways to add them.
I like strategy games.
I like to use data.
I wonder how things work.


I often see clear visual images when I close my eyes.

I am sensitive to color and like interesting designs.
I frequently use a camera or camcorder to record what I see.
I enjoy doing jigsaw puzzles, mazes, and other visual puzzles.
I have vivid dreams at night.
I like painting, drawing, doodling, or sketching.
Geometry is easier for me than algebra or regular math.
I can imagine how something might appear if it were looked down upon from directly above.
I like imagining things in my head in pictures.
I like finding my way using a map.
I would rather draw a picture than tell a story.
I find my way around easily when I am in a new place.
I like to take things apart and try to figure out how to put them back together.
I can look at an object and imagine how it would look if it were turned upside down.
I like to pick out shapes when I look at buildings and clouds.
I like books with maps, pictures, and charts.
I like videos, movies, and photographs.

All About Me

Lessons One through Three


I have a pleasant singing voice.

I can tell when a musical note is off-key.
I frequently listen to music.
I play a musical instrument.
I sometimes catch myself with a television jingle or other tune running through my mind.
I can easily keep time to a piece of music with a simple percussion instrument.
I know the tunes to many different songs or musical pieces.
If I hear a musical selection once or twice, I am usually able to sing it back fairly accurately.
I often make tapping sounds or hum a melody while working, studying, or learning something.
I like singing almost anywhere.
I like using music to change my mood or feelings.
I like making up songs.
When I am sad, I think of songs that will make me happy.
Listening to certain kinds of music can make me happy or sad.
I am sensitive to music and sounds.
I have a good sense of rhythm.
I listen to music while studying.


I engage in at least one sport or physical activity on a regular basis.

I find it difficult to sit still for long periods of time and get uncomfortable.
I like working with my hands at concrete activities such as crafts and hobbies.
My best ideas often come to me when I am engaged in some physical activity, such as a walk.
I often like to spend my free time outdoors.
I need to touch things and be touched.
I would describe myself as well coordinated.
I need to practice a new skill rather than simply reading about it or seeing a video about it.
I enjoy daredevil amusement rides or similar thrilling physical experiences.
I like competing in a sport.
I like acting, role playing, mimicking, fixing, assembling, and building.
I like exercising.
I like dancing or playing games that require movement.
Riding a bike, skating, and walking a balance beam are easy for me.
I use lots of hand gestures and body movement when I talk.
I can run, swim, or exercise for a long time without getting tired.
I learn to play new sports quickly and easily.

86. My room has lots of natural objects in it.

87. I like to collect things from nature.
88. I am very aware of my environment and changes in it.
89. I enjoy sorting, classifying, and categorizing objects.
90. I am good at caring for pets.
91. I like getting involved in wildlife protection projects.
92. I enjoy gardening.
93. I know the names of many plants, trees, birds, and animals in my state.
94. The zoo and/or botanical gardens are great places to visit.
95. I feel happy and relaxed when I am in the woods.
96. I enjoy wildlife.
97. I enjoy outdoor activities such as hiking, camping, fishing, or hunting.
98. I collect leaves.
99. I can hear animal and bird sounds clearly.
I enjoy spending time in nature.
I like tending to plants and animals.
I see details when I look at plants, flowers, birds, and animals.
All About Me

Lessons One through Three


I regularly spend time alone reflecting or thinking about important life questions.
I enjoy listening to lectures that teach me more about myself.
I have opinions that set me apart from the crowd.
I have a special hobby or interest that I keep pretty much to myself.
I have some important goals for my life that I think about regularly.
I have a realistic view of my feelings, strengths, and weaknesses.
I would prefer to spend a weekend alone rather than with lots of others around.
I consider myself to be strong willed or independent minded.
I keep a personal journal to record my emotions.
I like daydreaming or visualizing and see pictures in my mind, which I remember.
I like to deal with my own feelings.
I avoid conflicts and difficult situations.
Ideas or answers to questions seem to just pop into my head.
I need a quiet place to work or just be alone.
I like to make collections of things that have special meaning to me.
I have confidence in myself.
I think about things and plan what to do next.


People come to me for advice.

I prefer group sports rather than solo sports.
When I have a problem, I seek out another person for help.
I have many close friends.
I enjoy the challenge of teaching others what I know how to do.
I feel comfortable in the midst of a crowd.
I like to get involved in social activities connected with my school and community.
I would rather spend my time with many friends than by myself or with one friend.
I like working in groups to accomplish a task.
I like listening to others opinions and feelings.
I like learning about other cultures.
I like doing my part when I am part of a team project.
I like sharing with others.
I like giving encouragement and positive support to others.
I can understand how my friends are feeling by looking at their faces.
When my friends are in a bad mood, I usually understand why without asking.
I have empathy for others.

Statements 1-17 reflect ones verbal/linguistic score.

Statements 18-34 reflect ones logical/mathematical score.
Statements 35-51 reflect ones visual/spatial score.
Statements 52-68 reflect ones musical/rhythmic score.
Statements 69-85 reflect ones bodily/kinesthetic score.
Statements 86-102 reflect ones naturalist score.
Statements 103-119 reflect ones intrapersonal/introspective score.
Statements 120-136 reflect ones interpersonal/social score.
Adapted from Armstrong, Thomas. Seven Kinds of Smart, Armstrong, Bruce. The Naturalist Intelligence, and Johnson, Bob. The Differentiated Classroom.

All About Me

Lessons One through Three


Word Smart involves skills in reading, writing, sensitivity to sound, order, rhythm or words, verbal
explanations, and using language to express ideas or thoughts. These students are good at telling stories and
playing word games and puzzles. They remember language. They can hear a story and repeat it back. They
use words effectively and can manipulate language in terms of syntax, phonology, and semantics. They use
language to express what is on their minds. Reading Centers appeal to these students. They can use language
to describe events and sequence activities like a journalist, a technical writer, an administrator, and a contractor.
They can use language to build trust and rapport like a salesperson, a counselor, a clergyperson, and a therapist.
They can develop logical arguments and use rhetoric like an attorney, a professor, an orator, and a philosopher.
They can use metaphoric and expressive language like a playwright, a poet, an advertising copywriter, and a
novelist. Scholars, historians, comedians and actors depend on language smarts.
Logic and Math Smart involves skills in inductive and deductive reasoning, recognizing and using
abstract patterns and relationships. These students enjoy mathematics, problem solving, and reasoning. They
often ask logical questions. They enjoy ordering objects, categorizing, classifying, calculating, and
experimenting with hypotheses and consequences. They follow reasoning to understand ideas and to see
relationships. They use numbers effectively. Math Centers appeal to these students. They can use numbers to
compute, describe, and document like an accountant, a bookkeeper, and a statistician. They can apply
mathematics in their personal and daily lives like a tradesperson and a homemaker. They can use mathematical
concepts to make conjectures, establish proofs, and apply mathematics and data to construct arguments like a
logician, a computer programmer, a scientist, and a quantitative problem solver. They can be sensitive to the
patterns, symmetry, logic, and aesthetics of mathematics and solve problems in design and modeling like a
composer, an engineer, an inventor, a designer, and a qualitative problem solver. Mathematicians and doctors
also rely on math and logic smarts.
Space Smarts is the ability to create visual representations and understand information best with mental
pictures or creating a physical picture. Picture Smart students like to do mazes, design, draw, build, and create
things. They enjoy videos, photographs, pictures, and graphic aids as well as playing with machines. They can
find their way around remembering directions and locations. They see similarities in shapes and positions. Art
Centers appeal to these students. They can perceive and represent the visual-spatial world accurately like an
illustrator, an artist, a guide, and a photographer. They can arrange color, line, shape, form, and space to meet
the needs of others like an interior decorator, a painter, a clothing designer, a weaver, and a builder. They can
interpret and graphically represent visual or spatial ideas like an architect, an iconographer, a computer graphics
designer, and an art critic. They can transform visual or spatial ideas into imaginative and expressive creations
like an artist, an inventor, a model builder, and a cinematographer. Sailors, pilots, hunters, scouts, chess players,
surveyors and scientists rely on this intelligence.
Music Smarts involves sensitivity to pitch, timbre, timing, and rhythm of sounds. Students with these
smarts can remember melodies and are aware of surrounding sounds. They may like to produce music through
instruments or make sound effects, and learn through sound and music. They hear and remember musical
sounds. They sing, hum, compose, dance, listen to music, and play musical instruments. They think in music
by hearing patterns, recognizing them, remembering them, and manipulating them. Music is always present in
their minds. Music Centers appeal to these students. They can understand and develop musical technique like a
technician, a music teacher, and an instrument maker. They can respond emotionally to music and work
together to use music to meet the needs of others like a choral, band, or orchestral performer or conductor and a
public relations director in music.
They can interpret musical forms and ideas like a music critic, an
aficionado, and a music collector. They can create imaginative and expressive performances and compositions
like a composer, a conductor, and a soloist.
All About Me
Lessons One through Three 10

Body Smart involves using the body to communicate ideas and emotions, solve problems, and create
products. These students like physical activity and prefer active learning. They like to do different sports and
physical education activities. They participate in drama and use their bodies to communicate with others. They
are strong at activities that require coordination, dexterity, speed, flexibility, strength, timing, and balance. They
like to move around and touch things while learning. They gesture while communicating. They excel at sports,
dancing, acting, and crafts. They process information by interacting with space. They can learn new
movements of the body and perform them well. They can use their whole body to express ideas, perform, or
transform things. Building Centers appeal to these students. They can use the body and tools to take effective
action or to construct or repair like a mechanic, a trainer, a contractor, a craftsman, and a tool and dye worker.
They can use the body to build rapport, to console, to persuade, and to support others like a coach, a counselor,
a salesperson, and a trainer. They can plan strategically to critique the actions of the body like a physical
education teacher, a sports analyst, a professional athlete, and a dance critic. They can appreciate the aesthetics
of the body and use those values to create new forms of expression like a sculptor, a choreographer, an actor, a
dancer, a mime, and a puppeteer. Surgeons also depend on their bodily kinesthetic intelligence.
Nature Smart attends to the flora and fauna in his environment, reorganizing, discriminating, sorting,
classifying, and caring about plants and animals. These abilities help students learn to discriminate among
types of other items. They understand and enjoy everything in nature. They like to collect and categorize
plants. They enjoy animals, even the unusual ones. They excel in outdoor activities such as camping and
fishing. They learn best through outdoor activities and nature study. Nature Centers appeal to these students.
They are sensitive to natural phenomena. Hunters, farmers, botanists, chefs, and certain scientists use this
Self Smart involves the ability to be aware of and understand ones own feelings, thoughts, strengths,
weaknesses, and overall behavior. They can make much of their strengths and play down their weaknesses.
Self Smart students tend to be good at goal setting and enjoy activities which further their understanding of
themselves as individuals. They prefer to work alone and pursue their own interests. They have a strong sense
of self. They like to daydream. They create original work. They learn best with individualized projects and
self-paced instruction. They like having their own space. They usually do not mess up, but they do know
where to go if they need help. Independent Centers appeal to these students. They can assess their own
strengths, weaknesses, talents, and interests and use them to set goals like a planner and a small business owner.
They can use their understanding of self to be of service to others like a counselor and a social worker. They
can form and develop concepts and theories based on an examination of oneself like a psychologist. They can
reflect on ones inner moods, intuitions, and temperament and use them to create or express a personal vision
like an artist, a religious leader, and a writer.
People Smart refers to the ability to work effectively with others. These students understand others and
notice their goals, motivations, and intentions. They display strong leadership, organizational, and empathy
skills. They like to perform in front of others, and understand the behavior of others. They work well with
others because they are good at negotiating, mediating, and communicating. They learn best when sharing,
comparing, relating, interviewing, and cooperating with others. They notice moods and feelings in others
because they are sensitive to facial expressions, voice inflections, and gestures. Group Work Centers appeal to
these students. They can organize people and communicate clearly what needs to be accomplished like an
administrator, a manager, and a politician. They can use empathy to help others and to solve problems like a
social worker, a doctor, a nurse, a therapist, and a teacher. They can discriminate and interpret among different
kinds of interpersonal clues like a sociologist, a psychologist, a psychotherapist, a psychology professor, and a
sociology professor. They can influence and inspire others to work toward a common goal like a consultant, a
charismatic leader, a politician, and an evangelist. Clinicians, salespeople, and parents rely on this intelligence.

All About Me

Lessons One through Three


Jungian Topology
On your Learning Profile Response Sheet, circle the letter of the statement in each pair that best describes you at this time in your life.

1. Are you usually

a good mixer or
rather quiet and reserved?
2. In a large group, do you more often
introduce others or
get introduced?
3. Do you
talk easily to almost anyone for as long as you have to or
find a lot to say only to certain people or under certain conditions?
1. If you were a teacher, would you rather teach
fact courses or
courses involving theories?
2. Would you rather be considered
a practical person or
an ingenious person?
3. Thinking of what the words mean, which one appeals more to you?
1. Do you usually value
sentiment more than logic or
logic more than sentiment?
2. Is it a higher compliment to be called
a person of real feeling or
a consistently reasonable person?
3. Thinking of what the words mean, which one appeals more to you?
1. You are going to a certain city for the day. Would you rather
plan what you will do and when or
just go?
2. In general, does following a schedule
appeal to you or
cramp you?
3. Do you generally think that having a daily routine is
a comfortable way to get things accomplished or
a way of life and must be a part of life?
E refers to extrovert.
I refers to introvert.
S refers to sensing.
N refers to intuitive.
F refers to feeling.
T refers to thinking.
J refers to judging.
P refers to perceiving.
All About Me

Lessons One through Three


Serious and quiet, they earn success by concentration and thoroughness. They are practical, orderly, matter of
fact, logical, realistic, and dependable. They see to it that everything is well organized because they take
responsibility. They make up their own minds as to what should be accomplished and work toward it steadily,
regardless of protests and distractions.
Quiet, friendly, responsible, and conscientious, they work devotedly to meet their obligations. They lend
stability to any project and master technical subjects, as their interests are usually not technical. They are
patient with detail and routine. They are loyal, considerate, and concerned with how others feel.
They succeed by perseverance, originality, and desire to do whatever is needed or wanted. They put their best
efforts into their work. Quietly forceful, conscientious, and concerned for others, they are respected for their
firm principles. They are likely to be honored and followed for their clear convictions as to how best to serve
the common good.
Usually they have original minds and great drive for their own ideas and purposes in fields that appeal to them.
They have a fine power to organize a job and carry it through with or without help. Skeptical, critical,
independent, determined, and often stubborn, they must learn to yield less important points in order to win the
most important ones.
Cool onlookers, they are quiet, reserved, observant, and analytical of life with detached curiosity and
unexpected flashes of original humor. Usually they are interested in impersonal principles, cause and effect
relationships, and how and why mechanical things work. They exert themselves no more than they think
necessary because any waste of energy would be inefficient.
Retiring, quietly friendly, sensitive, kind, and modest, they shun disagreements and do not force their opinions
or values on others. They usually do not care to lead but are often loyal followers. They are often relaxed about
getting things accomplished because they enjoy the present and do not want to spoil it by undue hassle or
Full of enthusiasm and loyalties, they seldom talk of these until they know one well. They care about learning,
ideas, language, and independent projects of their own. They tend to undertake too much, but somehow get it
finished. They are friendly but often too absorbed in what they are doing to be sociable. They have little
concern about possessions or physical surroundings.
Quiet, reserved, impersonal, they enjoy theoretical or scientific subjects. They are logical to the point of
splitting hairs. They are usually interested in main ideas, with little liking for parties or small talk. They tend to
have sharply defined interests. They need careers where some strong interest can be used and useful.

All About Me

Lessons One through Three


Matter of fact, they do not worry or hurry. They enjoy whatever comes along. They tend to like mechanical
things and sports, with friends on the side. They may be a bit blunt or insensitive. They are adaptable, tolerant,
and generally conservative in values. They dislike long explanations. They are best with real things that can be
worked, handled, and taken apart or put together.
Outgoing, easygoing, accepting, and friendly, they enjoy everything and make things more fun for others by
their enjoyment. They like sports and making things. They know whats going on and join in eagerly. They
find remembering facts easier than mastering theories. They are best in situations that need sound common
sense and practical ability with people as well as with things.
Warmly enthusiastic, high-spirited, ingenious, and imaginative, they are able to do almost anything that interests
them. They are quick with a solution for any difficulty and ready to help anyone with a problem. They often
rely on their ability to improvise instead of preparing in advance. They can usually find compelling reasons for
whatever they want.
Quick, ingenious, and good at many things, they are stimulating company, alert, and outspoken. They may
argue for fun on either side of a question. They are resourceful in solving new and challenging problems, but
they may neglect routine assignments. They are apt to turn to one new interest after another. They are skillful
in finding logical reasons for what they want.
Practical, realistic, and matter of fact, they have a head for business or mechanics. They are not interested in
subjects they see no use for, but they can apply themselves when necessary to organize and run activities. They
make good administrators, especially if they remember to consider others feelings and points of view.
Warm-hearted, talkative, popular, and conscientious, they are born cooperators and active committee members.
They need harmony and may be good at creating it. They are always doing something nice for someone. They
work best with encouragement and praise. They have little interest in abstract thinking or technical subjects.
Their main interest is in things that directly and visibly affect others lives.
Responsive and responsible, they generally feel real concern for what others think or want and try to handle
things with due regard for others feelings. They can present a proposal or lead a group discussion with ease
and fact. They are sociable, popular, and sympathetic. They are responsive to praise and criticism.
Hearty, frank, and decisive, they are leaders in activities. They are usually good in anything that requires
reasoning and intelligent talk, such as public speaking. They are usually well informed and enjoy adding to
their kind of knowledge. They may sometimes be more positive and confident than their experience in an area

All About Me

Lessons One through Three


Left Brain/Right Brain

On your Learning Profile Response Sheet, circle the number of the statements that best describe you at this time in your life.

For numbers 1-50, I use

Frender, Gloria. Learning to Learn. Nashville, Tennessee: Incentive Publications. 2004.

All About Me

Lessons One through Three


All About Me


On your Learning Profile Response Sheet, circle the number of the statements that best describe you
at this time in your life.
1. I remember names best.
2. I remember faces best.
3. I prefer to have things explained to me with words.
4. I prefer to have things explained by showing them to me.
5. I prefer classes with one assignment at a time.
6. I prefer classes where I work on many things at once.
7. I prefer multiple choice tests.
8. I prefer essay tests.
9. I am not good at body language; I prefer to listen to what people say.
10. I am good at body language.
11. I am not good at thinking of funny things to say and do.
12. I am good at thinking of funny things to say and do.
13. I prefer classes where I listen to experts.
14. I prefer classes where I move around and try things.
15. I decide what I think about things by looking at the facts.
16. I decide what I think about things based on my experience.
17. I tend to solve problems with a serious, business-like approach.
18. I tend to solve problems with a playful approach.
19. I like to use proper materials to get jobs accomplished.
20. I like to use whatever is available to get jobs accomplished.
21. I like my classes to be planned so I know exactly what to do.
22. I like my classes to be open with opportunities for changes as I go along.
23. I am neither imaginative nor inventive.
24. I am very imaginative and inventive.
25. I prefer classes when I am expected to learn about things I can use in the future.
26. I prefer classes when I am expected to learn things I can use right away.
27. I would rather not guess or play hunches.
28. I like to play hunches and guess.
29. I like to express feelings and ideas in plain language.
30. I like to express feelings and ideas in poetry, song, dance, and/or art.
31. I rarely get insights from poetry or symbols.
32. I usually get insights from poetry or symbols.
33. I prefer solving one problem at a time.
34. I prefer solving more than one problem at a time.
35. I respond more to people when they appeal to my logical side or my intellect.
36. I respond more to people when they appeal to my emotional side or my feelings.
37. I prefer to learn the well-established parts of a subject.
38. I prefer to learn about the unclear parts of a subject.
39. I prefer analytical reading, taking ideas apart and thinking about them separately.
40. I prefer creative reading, putting a lot of ideas together.
41. I prefer to use logic in solving problems.
42. I prefer to use intuition in solving problems.
43. I prefer to analyze problems by reading and listening to experts.
44. I prefer to see and imagine things when I solve problems.
45. I am very good at explaining things with words.
46. I am very good at explaining things with hand movements and actions.
47. I learn best from teachers who explain with words.
48.I learn best from teachers who explain with movements and actions.
Lessons One through Three 16

49. When I remember or think about things, I do best with words.

50. When I remember or think about things, I do best with pictures and images.
51. I prefer to examine something that is finished and complete.
52. I prefer to organize and complete something that is unfinished.
53. I enjoy talking and writing.
54. I enjoy drawing and manipulating things.
55. I am easily lost in finding directions.
56. I am good at finding directions.
57. I am intellectual.
58. I am intuitive.
59. I prefer to learn details and specific facts.
60. I prefer to learn from a general overview and look at the whole picture.
61. I read for specific details and facts.
62. I read for main ideas.
63. I learn and remember only those things specifically studied.
64. I learn and remember details and facts in the environment, not specifically studied.
65. I like to read realistic stories.
66. I like to read fantasy stories.
67. It is more fun to plan realistically.
68. It is more fun to dream.
69. I prefer total quiet when reading and studying.
70. I prefer music while reading and studying.
71. I would like to write nonfiction books.
72. I would like to write fiction books.
73. I prefer individual counseling.
74. I prefer group counseling.
75. I enjoy copying and filling in details.
76. I enjoy drawing my own images and ideas.
77. It is exciting to improve things.
78. It is exciting to invent things.
79. I prefer to learn by examining.
80. I prefer to learn by exploring.
81. I am skilled in sequencing ideas.
82. I am skilled in showing relationships among ideas.
83. I prefer dogs.
84. I prefer cats.
85. I use time to organize my personal activities and myself.
86. I have difficulty in pacing my personal activities and myself.
87. I am strong in recalling names and dates.
88. I am strong in recalling spatial material.
89. I am skilled in the statistical, scientific prediction of outcomes.
90. I am skilled in the intuitive prediction of outcomes.
91. I prefer outlining to summarizing.
92. I prefer summarizing to outlining.
93. I prefer verbal instructions.
94. I prefer demonstrations.

All About Me

Lessons One through Three


Characteristics and Functions

Implications for Learning

Logical Thinking
Solves Problems by Breaking Them Apart
Thinks Concretely
Talks to Think and Learn
Serious Ideas/Logical Ideas
Critical Thinking
Objective Processing of Ideas
Prefers to Write and Talk
Auditory/Visual Learner
Follows Spoken Directions/Verbal Instructions
Remembers Names
Convergent Thinking
Takes Few Risks
Looks for Differences
Math (Algebra)
Evaluative Thinking
Thinks of One Thing at a Time
Focal Thinking
Verbal Memory
Controlled Experimenting
Abstract Math Computation
Interpreting Behavior
Duplication and Application
Improving Known
Controls Feelings
Prefers Objective Tests
Controls Right Side of the Body
Language Abilities
Dislikes Improvising
Little Use of Metaphors and Analogies

Encourage logical, step-by-step problem solving.

Break down concepts into smaller, sequential parts.
Use concrete examples to make abstract concepts
Discuss the role of organized concrete thinking.
Learn various strategies to analyze problems.
Understand solution steps in logical thinking.
Use games, toys, materials with specific purposes.
Break major concepts into parts and subgroups.
Use materials that help organize (binders, planners).
Use graphic organizers to illustrate parts of whole.
Use manipulatives that demonstrate a process.
Discuss or repeat orally while writing.
Use verbal and written directions.
Students repeat directions orally.
Talk aloud while studying when appropriate.
Discuss specific facts and details.
Organize brainstorming ideas into a conclusion.
Play games that minimize risk taking.
Play games that encourage finding differences.
Encourage involvement in math and science.
Encourage talking through problems.
Use or create humor.

All About Me

Lessons One through Three


Characteristics and Functions
Prefers to Draw and Handle Objects
More Likely to Act on Emotions
Solves Problems by Looking at the Whole
Spatially Oriented
Kinesthetic Learner
Visual Analysis
Pictures Things to Think and Learn
Playful/Loose Experimenting
Random Exploration
Follows Written or Demonstrated Directions
Visual/Kinesthetic Instructions
Creative Thinking/Synthesizing
Relational Concepts
Divergent Thinking
Takes Risks
Looks for Similar Qualities
Musical Abilities
Lets Feelings Go - Emotional
Intuitive Thinking
Evaluative Thinking
Tonal Memory
Humorous Ideas
Math (Geometry)
Subjective Processing of Ideas
Simple Math Computation
Diffuse Thinking
Sight Reading
Affective Interaction
Remembers Faces
Prefers Essay Tests
Controls Left Side of the Body
Likes Improvising
Use of Metaphors and Analogies
All About Me

Implications for Learning

Discuss, draw, write the concept before learning it.
Encourage use of imaginations through creativity.
Discuss the role of feelings in decision making.
Use role-playing activities.
Use creative craft materials for inventive projects.
Use graphic organizers to illustrate whole concept.
Use manipulatives to demonstrate spatial
Use touch and movement activities.
Use illustrations whenever possible.
When in doubt, draw it out.
Conduct experiments.
Apply brainstorming strategies.
Use written instructions.
Have students create their own instructions.
Demonstrate how to build or make something.
Make collage pictures.
Utilize open-ended discussions.
Play games that encourage risk taking.
Play games that encourage finding similarities.
Encourage involvement in musical activities.
Discuss acceptable outlets for emotions.
Encourage simultaneous thinking.
Observe completion of task before trying.
Encourage students to create own problem solving
Use abstract materials.
Encourage self-improvement.
Devise methods to help with organizational skills.
Use spelling aids and visual memory strategies.
Use or create humor.

Lessons One through Three



Concrete Sequential
Concrete Sequential permits one to be instinctive, methodical, and deliberate in ones
thinking. This down to earth, practical person does not like surprises. This channel encourages a
Doubting Thomas role regarding speculations, theories, and down the road promises. It urges
creativity but not originality through product, prototype, refinement, and duplication. It prompts
rituals and efficiency. It does not promote risk-taking, unconventional ideas, or atypical
behaviors. Reality is the concrete world of the physical senses with a sequential step-by-step
linear progression. They view time as discrete units of past, present, and future. They validate
things with personal proof via the senses and accredited experts. Their focus of attention is on
material reality and physical objects. They use literal meanings and labels that are succinct and
The Concrete Sequential Learner is ordered, structured, practical, accurate, detailed, and
exact. They learn with checklists, outlines, charts, summaries, data, labs, and practical reading.
In the classroom, they prefer a quiet, stable, predictable environment. They prefer a streamlined
curriculum. They prefer workbooks, lab manuals, demonstration teaching, programmed
instruction, computer assisted instruction, hands-on materials, and well-organized field trips.
Short lectures should be accompanied with overheads, drawings, or models. Expect them to
follow step-by-step directions exactly and use drill to practice what they have learned. They give
correct answers available from the text.
Abstract Sequential
Abstract Sequential permits one to enter into the abstract world of thoughts and mental
constructs. It enables one to grasp main ideas and to recall from memory past events. It
provides analytical faculties that permit one to mentally outline, correlate, and critique ideas and
trends. Probable is the key word. Reality is the abstract world of the intellect based upon the
concrete world with sequential, two-dimensional ordering ability. They view the present,
historical past, and projected future. They are intellectual and logical. They validate things with
personal intellectual formulae and conventionally accredited experts. Knowledge, facts,
documentation, concepts, and ideas are the focus of attentions. They have polysyllabic, precise,
rational, and highly verbal use of language. They are opinionated.
The Abstract Sequential Learner is academic, structured, and studious. They are
researchers, evaluative thinkers, and debaters. They learn by working alone doing research in the
library, taking notes, and writing research papers and essays about content and theories. In the
classroom, they prefer a mentally stimulating, ordered, quiet, non-authorative environment.
They prefer extensive reading assignments, lectures, audiotapes, slides, and analytical thinking
sessions. Expect them to be able and willing to read large amounts of material. They can also
conceptualize ideas and convey them either orally or in writing. They are able to concentrate on
an idea without being distracted by environmental activities or inner feelings.

Concrete Random
Concrete Random permits one to be an independent, instinctive, impulsive, adventurous
thinker whose mental processes often defy conventional logic systems. It demands that truth and
validity of a claim be tested through practical demonstration and personal truth. They rarely
accept outside authority. The keyword is possible. Their reality is a concrete world of activity
and an abstract world of intuition. Their ordering ability is random three-dimensional patterns.
In terms of time, they view now, total of the past, an interactive present, and seed for the future.
Their focus of attention is application, methods, processes, and ideals. They are original,
inventive, and futuristic in terms of their creativity. Their use of language is informative, lively,
colorful, and words do not always convey true meaning. They are deceitful and unscrupulous.
The Concrete Random Learner is a creative, unusual, and curious risk taker. They learn
by doing open-ended work, creating products, investigating practical ideas, and making choices.
In the classroom, they prefer a stimulus-rich and competitive environment free from restriction.
They like games and simulations, independent projects, problem-solving activities, optional
reading assignments, and mini-lectures. You can expect them to frame hypotheses, develop
alternative solutions, and test them. They are able to solve problems with limited information or
data. They experiment with ideas and material through application.
Abstract Random
Abstract Random enables one to experience imagination, and spirituality. They also
absorb whole ideas, major themes, and hidden motives. Potential is the keyword. Their reality is
an abstract world of feeling and emotion. Their ordering ability is random, web-like and multidimensional. Time is artificial. They live in the moment. Their thinking processes are
emotional, psychic, perceptive, and critical. They use an inner guidance system to validate
information. Their focus of attention is emotional attachments, relationships, and memories.
The arts and refinement are their frame of reference for creativity. Their use of language is
metaphoric and colorful with gestures and body language. They do not recall specific details.
They are spacey.
The Abstract Random Learner is a sensitive and flexible interpreter with deep feelings.
They learn with personalized work by role playing, using their imagination and fantasy, engaging
in the arts, and using humor. In the classroom, they prefer emotional and physical freedom with
a rich, active, and colorful environment. They enjoy movies, television, group discussions, short
lectures accompanied by question/answer discussions, and short reading assignments which act
as springboards for class activities. You can expect them to listen to, learn from, and respond to
fellow students. They are aware of color, sounds, and moods. They observe body language,
listen for intonation, and reflect upon these in connection with the message given.

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