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Judul Penelitian

Nama Peneliti

: Pengetahuan dan Sikap Pasien TB paru tentang

Pencegahan TB di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Langsa Lama
Muhammad nasir
: 121121024
: Sarjana Keperawatan (S.Kep)
: 2014

Tingginya angka penyakit TB paru didaerah Kota langsa terutama di Wilayah

Kerja Puskesmas langsa lama dari tahun 2012-2013 bertambah dari jumlah 22
pasien bertambah menjadi 33 pasien, hai ini diakibatkan rendahnya sikap serta
pengetahuan masyarakat terhadap pengobatan dan pencegahan TB Paru.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengetahuan dan sikap pasien TB paru
tentang pencegahan TB paru di wilayah kerja puskesmas langsa lama tahun 2014.
Penelitian ini bersifat Deskriptif, Populasi pada penelitian ini adalah seluruh
pasien di Puskesmas langsa lama Tahun 2013, sebanyak 33 pesien. Pengumpulan
data menggunakan kuesioner yang sudah divalidkan dan reabilitas menggunakan
uji K-R 21 dan uji cronbach alpha. Hasil penelitian dari 33 responden yang
terdapat di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Langsa Lama menunjukan mayoritas
mempunyai pengetahuan cukup sebanyak18 responden (54,5%), dan variabel
sikap menunjukan mayoritas mempunyai sikap yang positif sebanyak 20
responden (60,6). Disarankan pada petugas kesehatan agar dapat memberikan
pelayanan kesehatan yang efektif dan efesien, dengan informasi pentingnya
pencegahan penularan Tuberkulosis terhadap keluarga dan masyarakat, agar
tingkat pengetahuan dan sikap semakin meningkat dengan itu penyakit menular
TB paru dapat dihentikan penularannya sehingga dapat tercapai Indonesia sehat
Kata Kunci

: Pengetahuan, Sikap, Tindakan Pencegahan TB paru

Universitas Sumatera Utara


Name of student
Student number


Knowledge and Atittude of Pulmonary Tuberculosis

Patients about Tuberculosis Prevention in Public Health
Center of Langsa Lama
Muhammad Nasir
Bachelor of Nursing

The high rate of pulmonary tuberculosis patients in Langsa especially in working

area of Public Health Center of Langsa Lama since 2012-2013 increased from 22
patients to 33. It is due to lack of attitude and knowledge about the treatment and
the prevention of pulmonary tuberculosis. The research is aimed at finding out the
knowledge and the attitude of pulmonary tuberculosis patients about the
prevention of pulmonary tuberculosis in the working area of public health centre
of Langsa Lama in 2014. This is a descriptive research. The population for this
research is all patients in Public Health Centre of Langsa Lama in 2013, as many
as 33 patients. The data is collected by using a valid and reliable questionnaire by
using K-R 21 test and cronbach alpha test. The results of the research which was
done in working area of Public Health Center of Langsa Lama showed that
majority of the people have enough knowledge as many as 18 respondents
(54.5%) and variable of attitude showed that majority of the people have positive
attitudes as many as 20 respondents (60.6). It is recommended to the health
workers to be able to provide an effective and efficient health service, give
information that the prevention of tuberculosis is very important towards families
and society, So the level of their knowledge and attitude will increase. So the
transmission of pulmonary tuberculosis can be stopped and Indonesian dreams to
achieve Healthy Indonesia 2015 can be reached.

: Knowledge, Attitude, Preventive Action of Pulmonary


Universitas Sumatera Utara

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