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The schedule of prenatal visit in the RHU unit is

A. Once from 1st up to 8th month, weekly on the 9th month
B. Twice in 1st and second trimester, weekly on third trimester
C. Once in each trimester, more frequent for those at risk
D. Frequent possible to determine the presence of FHT each week
Answer: C Once in each trimester, more frequent for those at risk
Scheduled visit to the RHU should once each trimester and more frequent for those who are high risk
pregnant. In health center, should be once for 1st to 6th months of pregnancy, TWICE for the 7th to 8th
month and weekly during the 9th month.
6. While scanning the internet, Aloha came across the different glands that affects the menstrual cycle.
She would find that one of the following is responsible for initiating the menstrual cycle, which is:
A. Ovaries
B. Anterior Pituitary Gland
C. Posterior pituitary gland
D. Hypothalamus
Answer: B Anterior Pituitary Gland
In menstrual phase, FSH from the anterior pituitary is mainly responsible for initiating the development
of the primary follicles and as many 25 begin to mature during each cycle.
A. Ovaries and uterus are consist of the periodic changes occurring in sexually mature, non pregnant
female that result in the production of a secondary oocyte and prepare for the uterus of implantation.
C. Posterior pituitary gland is not a glandular and not responsible for initiating menstrual cycle
D. Hypothalamus secretes many different hormones and one of them are follicle stimulating hormone that
stimulates the anterior pituitary gland to secrete FSH that will stimulate the ovary to release and initiate
the menstrual cycle.

7. Aloha found out that menstruation occurs because of which following mechanism?
A. Increase level of estrogen and progesterone level
B. Degeneration of the corpus luteum
C. Increase vascularity of the endothelium
D. Surge of hormone progesterone
Answer: B Degeneration of the corpus luteum
Degeneration of the corpus luteum is the cause of menstruation. Menstruation occurs because of the
decrease of both estrogen and progestrone. This is caused by the regression of the corpus luteum inside
the ovary 8 to 10 days in absence of fertilization after an ovum was released. With the absence of
progestrone, the endometrium degenerates and therefore, vascularity will decrease at approximately 25th
day of the cycle which causes the external manifestation of menstruation.
A. Incorrect, because in menstrual cycle decreasing of estrogen and progesterone levels occurs
B. Incorrect, vascularity of endothelium will decrease at 25 th day of the cycle
C. Incorrect, in menstrual cycle rapid increase in blood levels of LH is called LH surge and the
increase in FSH is called FSH surge
8. In learning about the menstrual cycle, Aloha read that menarche occurs during pubertal period. She
wondered which of the following occurs first in the development of female sex characteristics. Her
answer would be:
A. Menarche
B. Accelerated Linear Growth
C. Breast development
D. Growth of pubic hair
Answer: B Accelerated Linear Growth
Accelerated linear growth occurs first in the development of female sex characteristics while weight
increase in the first one to occur in men.
A. Menarche is onset of first menstruation that average occurs at around 12 to 13 years old.
Ovulation occurs at last

C.Thelarche is the beginning of the breast development which is influenced by increase in estrogen
level during puberty.
D. Adrenarche is the development of axillary and pubic hair due to androgen stimulation

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