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Bring Me Weeds, No Flowers Please

"Bring me weeds, not flowers. They are also God's creation and whether you know it or not they
have a fragrance of their own, the same as a queen or a derelict. They are beautiful in the eye of
the Divine like all his children, whether you know it or not. They can be arranged in beautiful
settings, if you just give them a chance. They are the most ignored of all God's creations, much
like we choose who to associate with and who not to associate with. So bring me weeds, not
flowers. Let us nurse and embrace all of creation. You want to be loved, don't you? Bring me
weeds, not flowers and I will show you a showroom full of assorted colors, and lengths and
textures. But for the grace of God, I was not born a weed, therefore I do not know rejection.
Bring me weeds, not flowers."

This is a new signature for my email account. I have often thought of weeds as I passed them on
the street or in parks. I actually feel bad for them. Perhaps they do not know they are among the
rejected, but I do. They have the strength to grow up through cement. They are relentless. That
is one of their attributes. They don’t seem to give up. They’ve got the constitution many of us
would almost give our lives for. They withstand disease and death more often than the flower.
They return every year without human aid. They rebirth all by themselves. What marvelous
creations they are and yet we ignore them, tread on them, pull them out of their foundations,
spray them with poisons and dislike them immensely.

People are just like weeds. If they are not pleasant to the eye, one turns one’s head and continues
on their way. All over the world people are destroying people. Hospitals are fall of the sick and
cemeteries lie in wait for them like prey. People are rejected for so many reasons. One may not
have the intelligence you require for your own personal reasons or level of education. One may
dress contrary to your style. One may be needy. In most cases, that is immediate rejection.
People are beautiful weeds to some.

Children are also weeds. We always compliment the cute ones and just ignore the rest. We
compliment the good student and scold the disadvantaged who has struggled more than the
achiever. They get in the way and we trip over them like discarded toys. At our convenience,
we show our love for them. They are beautiful weeds to some.

Religions are weeds. They are probably the largest weeds the world over. They are built out of
cement, brick, wood, etc. Some are magnificent in their structure and artwork while others are
quite plain and uninviting. Religions are weeds to the multitudes of people who inhabit this
planet. My religion is a precious flower and your religion is nothing but an ugly weed. This is
the way we may as well treat them. We fight over them, destroy them, kill their worshipers,
whisper about them in secret, and even try to dismantle them by lies. Religions are beautiful
weeds to some.

Science is a weed. Some believers would like to pluck it from the planet and throw it out into
the cosmos. Ugly science weeds. They upset our egos and our beliefs. Science is a beautiful
weed to some.

One only has to see the resilience of the weed and they too would ask “no flowers please.”
So, when I’m ill or dying, send me weeds, no flowers please.

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