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po-ru no ^-gami

Newsletter of the pauI S. Pratt family in Kyushu, Japan

tearch, 1962

Forewaraing Address
Mrs. Polly Wilklhs'on
2^769 west dison Road

Voli-une VT, No. 1

Japan Address
222 (jearata cho,

7 ^



Kagoshima City, Japan

South Bend, Indiana.

We thank God who has abundantly provided (thru you

His servants), guarded our health, and guided our foot-

Sendai cl
B||k sendai




steps in these days. "Great is the Lord, and greatly

to be praised? and His greatness is unsearchable." (Psa
lms 145:3) And we truly thank each of you who have yielded to His promp
ting to Help supply our necessities.
Just after our last "Epistle" went to press we experienced a "season

of refreshing" through five jreaponses to the invitation jii^he Lord.

You imagine the great joy"tilat ruled omt hearts on, Betj. 10llh when our
"own daugnters, Lydia (10) and Mary (8) were baptized along with Ritsuko
Nagaii (meaning-long well), of Kathleen's Bible class. When we arrived
home from church on Dec. 24th a special delivery card from Takuo Adachi,
a former Bible class student of mine in Osaka, awaited us.

It read, "I

am happy to tell you that I will be baptized on Christmas Day. You are
the one who planted the seed of God in my heart." Then on December 27th
the sun shown brightly on the chilly waters of a beautiful but small in
let of Kagoshima Bay where Yoshizo Okamoto of our Kajiki Bible Class was
immersed into Christ. Though only ten persons witnessed his obedience,
many since have seen it and through it have learned the true meaning of
Christian baptism through our 8 MM movie account of the event. Yoshizo
is a student of varied talents, one of which is doing oil paintings. Re
>ie pictured here with "The visit of The Vise Men" which he presented to
the Kajiki church, pray these will be faithful and fruitful servants.
You've heard of C-E Christiana, I'm sure. Well, Easter is not so well
known in Japan, but you can be sure that Christmas does call out a number
of intei-ested folk. Thank God, this year so far, we have been able to
encourage a goodly number of these to continue this interest and attend


At present, we are directly reaching an average of 100 persons by

means of servicea and Bible Classes each week. This number woxild be in
creased considerably if we add personal contacts and our many radio con

Read the details of our radio influence on the opposite page.


;j lydia

Takuo Adachi

The fifty boys and girls at Shinomiya orphanage received warm sox for
this cold winter because of yoiir gifts through Mrs. isabell Dittemore and
thru us. This year, also, as a token of thanks for their work in behalf
of the children, we provided each of the nine lady teachers with a shawl
and the two men with warm gloves. Though Misa Kikunaga (meaning- long
chrysanthemum), our contact lady there, will be leaving soon, we are con
fident of being able to continue our visits.

Every boy has read about how bears and grounahogs hibernate,
in a laud where students alsp.-'hi-be-rnate'-.

we live

With competition so keen,

college entrance examinations difficult and sometimes very costly, many

spend most if not all their time in preparation. Often high school and
even junior high school entrance tests are very rigerous. in order to

enter a higher class school, one of our friends rides the train for three
haurs one way to attend high school, each day. One college prep, student
came to ask many questions about the Bible. After he returned to his
home, 20 minutes from here, he wrote me a letter of appreciation. In it

he declared, "If I had met you while I was still in high school, my life
woiild be happier, today.

But, now, since I must do nothing but study, I

cannot attend your church." pive months later he returned for further
help, just before time for his entrance exams (They are in peb. and Mar.)
He is just one of thousands who lixerally suffer to attain success.

yc^:hizc Ckamoto

in-d painting

Those "Life of Christ" filmatri^is which

you provided for us have been truly


able. Many of them have been used with nar

ration here and there. At present, with the
assistance of a 'Drama club' we have formed,

the spoken message is being put in dramatic

form onto tape for future use.

By so doing,

we realize a manifold blessing,

one very

important one is the vivid realization of the

events in the life of our lord by the club
members themselves who are not Christians.

I^ADIO has long been known as an indirect

means of evangelism.

feS 1

And yet, when we con-

sider it, through this means, in the secret

and quiet of the home God can speak very directly to the hearts of troubled listeners.

I '^'^ow shall they hear without a preacher^"

\\ _yk

"Calvary Calls" is your program which goes

out over JOCF, Kagoshlma for 13 minutes every

^tmday morning at 8:43. It is produced by

Nippon Christian Broadcasting Ass'n. in Osaka

(Mrs. Szie ?ultz and staff), and your gifts

pay for the radio time here.


The program con-




^ I.
Mrs. Ezie
l?7erywhere we go we find^ folk
hear our Ladies:producer;
program. To date we have had 50 responses by ^j^gg
yoshida, soloist
Miss Yoshida,


At least five persons, to our knowledge,

have come to church as a direct result of hav"ing heard the program. Fifteen persons have entered tht correspondence course and two of these are zealously continuing. Since

the programs have included directions as to how to find the local

Men: Top,
Top, Mr.
Mr. Tanabe,
anno\uicerj Mr.
Mr. Taniyama,
preacher; Noah's
Noah's Ark


church, more and more folk are aware of their opportunity to attend.

These broadcasts cost $112 a month. Thus far, your wonderful assistance has made it possiblV^

i for these to continue. However, we found it necessary to temporarily postpone plans for building
\ our house because of the radio program, with your help, we are confident of being able to continue the radio program and build the house as well._. The latter we will begin upon our return
from furlough in *64

- o^vgryy/here in our house are reminders of the kindness of Japanese friends. They express
their appreciation for favors received by giving delicious cakes, fruits, dolls, pictures, dish
es, vases, etc. our neighbor was hospitalized for four months. Now that he has recovered, he
and his wife will visit everyone who came to see him during nis illness, express their appre
ciation for their concern over his illness and give them a gift. Ji^seems as if they



want to be found guilty of ingr^itude. No doubt, this is not merely custom or habit, but a
sincere" expression of thankfulhess.' Our hearts' prayer is that they will turn to the true and
Living God and express their gratitude to Him by giving their lives in obedience, and loving



the way,
you know andBylove?

how do you express your gratitude to your Lord, whom

we firmly believed (and still do) that the "Epistle" is a personal typg-^N,

Report-Letter and best sent out individually. However, (1) an increase in Y\

mailing costs (lO to 15 each) plus (2) so many address changes force us


to have them sent in bundles and delivered by representatives of churches



seems to be the best way to bring

^^"oxir message to you. we will appreciat^

the cooperation of you our represents-/
tives and suggestions from any of yov^ ^
Surely no missionary family is so
blessed by friends with such personal
concern as we are.

Christmas cards,

gifts, and boxes of food-stuffs truly

lifted our spirits at the joyous season.

Thanks to you and to living-link groups

for constantly providi^ our needs.


know o\ir Eternal God will reward you.


Sa yo na ra.

New JOCF Bmlding



and church groups, sorry, but this, to /

Background Muaic

po - ru





HewslettftT. of the pa\il s. pratt family in lyuahu, Japan

June, 1962


Volume VI, Ho. 2

porewarding Address

Japan Address

ii^Yoy we^ BQison Road

"222 TJearata Cho,

south Bend, Indiana.

Dear friends,

Kagoahipa City, Japan.

^^^8^855 *

By this time

most of you


Mftther paase'^

aware of

the faot


that reason, Kathleen made

h huK^ie'd flight to indfanap^is and during her month's stay was able
to visit with many of you.


Kathleen's arrival

"And Jesus said unto her, lam the resurrection and the life: he that
believeth in ne, thou^ he were dead, yet shall he live:

And whosoever

liveth and believeth in me shall never die." (John 11:25,26) "..blessed

are the dead which die in the lord ftun henceforth: Tea, salxh the Spirit

that they may

rest from their labours: and their works do follow then."

(Revelation 1+:13)

fhen our loved ones pass on, these promises become more real to us.
The sadness was easier to bear because I was able to be with my family
and to see some


our brothers

and sisters in Christ again.

It was

truly wonderful to see you again and you can never know how much we ap
preciated your kind expressions of sympathy by letters, deeds, and gifts
of money, ^e following is a list of gifts received directly while I
was in the states: INBIAHA; ?ay Cranor $25.00; Elizabeth crickmore $10.00
Wyatt s.Sch. $10,00; Mars Hill church, Indianapolis $150.00; Angola Ch.
$55.43; Mrs. Ray Bergland $10.00; Bvalyn parsons $10.00; (prancss Howell,

Kathleen's mother 4 dad

He rededicated his life on

Easter Sunday

Mrs. Ed. Michael, Mrs. Ruth Weaver, Mrs. John Button, Mrs. pallie sloane^
Mrs. Vera Hunsberger $15.00) Milbuin Blvd. Church $77.00; Hora W.S-C.S.
union Chapel $10.00; Mr. & Mrs. pred Bauer $5.00 ; Mr.A Mrs. Oliver Dawson 4 Mr.4 Mrs. Franklin Kerr $10.00; Attica Church $27.31; Bast Chicago

Church $12.50; North liberty Church, Indianapolis $25.00.


4 Mrs. Elwood Leach $10.00; Ladd Lewie $40.00; Vandalia youth $10:00 (for

Paul D.); Dolly Kendall $6.00; PEHNSTIVAHIA: Mrs. Boyer $5.00;


Tomari Ban's baptism

bilt Church $20.00 Christian Endeavour $5.00. These gifts were used for
travel and miscellaneous expenses while in the States, Paul David's tra

vel expense and for some much needed clothing for the entire family, uy

fatherj,.Jioweyer, p^d.jny.-fuH roundtrlp fare which was

" ""
Many decisions are hard to make. This was doubly true in regudsto
the decision to allow Ta^^i
tt.b. for school until
we return for furlougEone year hence. The followlhg factors helped us to

decide: (1) He will be a companion for grandpa' who was left alone. (2)
Even if Paul were in japan, he would attend school in Tokyo, 800 or more
miles from his mom and dad. (3) He is able to attend an Ind'pls. school
at mimimum expense while the Tokyo school is quite expensive.
Another of our Biglish Bible class students,

university student was bantlzed,,pn March 31et.



you who read

my article 'Tnt a song "in Their Hearts" in tlie par East Christian maga
zine will be happy to know that he is one of those students, drawn to a
great extent, thru music, just three weeks before his baptism, he invit
ed me to hear and correct the pronunciation of hie school Men's Glee (3.ub
on several Negro spirituals. What a joy it was to translate the mean

I NOW, 'Sisters' in Christ ]

'roda, Lydla, Mary 4 Morlnaga

ing and especially that of the "Twenty-third psalm" to the 60 men. Pollowing rehearsal, at his suggestion, he and I gave our 'testimony' as we
sang "I'm so Happy" and "He Lives" both in English and in Japanese.

Lydia and Mary also are making their witness.

Thou^, of course,

they cannot take credit for leading these two friends to Christ, in the
course of their play together both Mo^inaga-i-S**"!
ynria san were helped

by simple disoussions with our girls. They are now 'eiaVeSi'' in Christ.
Since five of^our regulars at sehdai moved away, our evangelistic
meeting there was poorly attended. However, the following signs encour
age us. (1) The group speaks about "Kami sendai Church of Christ" rath
er than just a Bible Class. (2) They unanimously decided (thou^ only
one is an active Christian) to have regular offerings. (3) Many of them
have helped in passing out literature on the streets in the name of the
church. (4) They study and continxially ask questions about the Bible.
Susumu Kojima, who lived with us for a period before going asan ex
change student to America, gave our youth a boost with his talk, slides,
and Christian testimony. He spoke 10 times to probably a total of
persons. He is now attending Konan university in Kobe.

in March, we were

Kojlma and R.S. Students


of what was called 'the very first

gift sent from a philipp&e~con^egatlon -for foreign evangelism^ "Tt was

.4sent by" the' Olas Church of Christ in Davao City. And, believe it or not
/Kathleen was privileged to meet its minister, Elpidio Batalla, traveling
/ in the U.S. with Missionary Miss Ruth Smith.
Kathleen also was, privileged to ride on.-the same .plane with '^prince_

Akihito an'^'Wino^h^p vtlehlko between Osaka and Miyazaki. Needless to say,

"the family were"'self-appointed' members of the 'welcoming party as they
toured in our city.

Kathleen's Companions
In travel

po - ru



irewslet-ter of "the Paul s. pratt family
Missionaries to Kyushu, japan

September, 1962

Volume TI, ITo.

Furlough Address
470 South Holt Rd.

Eorewarding Address

2>Yby W. Edison Road

south Bend, Indiana.

Indianapolis, ind.

pear friends,

if plans work out as we expect, we should be in

the Site's by the time ^u~receive this~letter, "rhxs
means that' our~ruriough~Has been moved up by ei^t mon
ths. The reason is Kathleen's father's recurrent heart

spells' and pa\il David's presence with him there.


most serious one occurred on June 23rd. We are happy to

report that he is much improved at this time.
We will be happy to visit with you and to help in

whateverlSnd of pro^am your church may pfafT!

Vh?ite to

us at 470 south Holt Road, Indianapolis, Indiana.

on Sunday, July 22nd, Mr. Kanehara pujisaki, a 25

year oTd salesman was immersed into Christ in the wa^rs

of Kago^iin'a "Bay. TTe has attended two and at times three

English Bible Classes a week for some time. He becomes
the second wage-eamer (many are students, or housewives)
of the zagoshima Church as well as one of few'available'
Christian bachelors of the churches of zagoshima Ken. We
have a number of good Christian young ladies.
Puiinkai, is the Japanese word for a ladies meeting.

We are q.ulte proud"~oT the seven or eT^fTadies who have

been meeting, by Kathleen's leading, to study and to do

missionary work much as you ladies in America do.

phanage has presented a challenge to them.

The or

Mr. Pujisaka, Baptized

July 22nd


they prepared used clothing but this summer they have been
readying one new article of clothing for each of the fifty
children there.

speaking of the orphanage,

about two years ago Ijiri

San, a big ooy'ToFTils twelve years was sent to the orphan

age because his elder brother could not manage him. Thru

the past year and one-half he has been learning Bible songs
and stories from Miss zikunaga and the pratts.

He, along

with other orphanage boys and girls, attended Christian

Camp last year,

upon his being returned to his brother's

care this spring he requested a Bible and a song book and

immediately made arrangements to attend church.
The city of zajiki has two high schools.


San, our preacKer there,~Iai3~the groundwork for the presen

tation of 800 English-Japanese Testaments (without notes)
by the Gideon International on June 30th. Besides each of
these persons requesting and promising to read the Bible,
about 300 declared their interest in a Bible study class,

pray that the interval of summer vacation will not dimin

ish their zeal and that the preacher cein begin classes for
them in the fall.

August was camp time and D.B.S. time again.

I had the



camp manager's task along with two classes ^d sermons for


Both Sendai and Zagoshima held Vacation Schools.

Our plans are to return to Japan in a year. During cur

absence the following adjustments mustTe mde. (l)Mr. TaniJiri, Ktishikino, will preach at Sendai and Miss Ito, who has
recently worked as our Sunday School teacher will continue
with that important work, there. (2) we are sorry that lack
of funds made it necessary to stop the radio program as of
July 29th. we plan to continue with the correspondance co\irse by making more contacts in the sanitariums and thru news
paper advertisements. (3) Mr. Imure will make periodic

trips to the orphanage. H) The E^lish Bible Classes and

work among students in zagoshima virill simply be suspended

until our ret\im or till such a time that a missionary can

be here on the field.

pray with tos that our work remain.





Co-Worker Mrs. Dittemore

also on furloio^

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