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ANAT 100 TH#3 Review

Muscles of the Back

Muscle Fiber Direction Origin Insertion Action Location

BACK: Extrinsic Superficial
Trapezius Upper- External Occipital Lateral 1/3 of Elevation and Most Superficial
Superomedial Protuberance Clavicle, retraction of
Middle- Medial Side of Sup. Nuchal Acromion, Spine scapula;
Horizontal Line of Scapula Unilateral lateral
Lower- Nuchal Ligament & SPs of flexion of head;
Superolateral T6-T12 Bilateral extension
of head
Latissimus Superolateral SPs of T6-T12 Floor of bicipital GH extention, Covers 1/2 of
dorsi Thoracolumbar fascia intertubercular adduction, and back; upper
Iliac crest groove medial internal portion deep to
Ribs 9-12 rotation traps
Levator Superior TVPs of C1-C4 Superior part of Scapula elevation Deep to traps
scapulae medial border of and inferior
scapula rotation;
side flexion and
ipsi rotation of CS
Rhomboid Superomedial Nuchal ligament Medial border of Stabilizes scapula; Deep to traps
Minor SPs of C7 & T1 scapula from root Scapular
of spine to retraction and
superior angle inferior rotation
Rhomboid Superomedial SPs of T2-T5 Medial border of Stabilizes scapula; Deep to traps; 3-
Major scapula from root Scapular 4 times wider than
of spine to retraction and Rh. Minor
inferior angle inferior rotation
BACK: Intrinsic Superficial
Splenius cervicis Superolatera SPs of T3-T6 Posterior Extension of C/S; Posterior C/S
l tubercles of unilateral-lateral
ANAT 100 TH#3 Review

TVPs C1-C4 flexion of C/S and

ipsi rotation of CS
and AA joint

Splenius Superolateral Inferior nuchal ligament Mastoid process Bilateral Posterior C/S
capitis SPs of C7-T4 Lateral 1/3 of extension of
superior nuchal C/S and AO
line joint; unilateral
-lateral flexion
of CS and
Ispsi rotation of
C/S and AO

BACK: Extrinsic Intermediate

Serratus Inferolateral Nuchal ligament Superior border of Respiration; Deep to
posterior- SPs of C7-T3 ribs 2-4 elevate ribs rhomboids
Serratus Superolateral SPs of T11-L2 Inferior borders of Respiration; Junction of
posterior- ribs 8-12 depress ribs thorax and
inferior lumbar regions

BACK: Intrinsic Intermediate: Erector Spinae

Iliocostalis Vertical Post. Iliac crest and sacrum Ribs superiorly Bilaterally- Parallel to
Sacroiliac ligaments TVPs C4-C6 extension of vertebral
Lumbar spine spine and head; column
lateral flexion
of spine
Longissimus Vertical Post. Iliac crest and sacrum Ribs 1-12 Bilaterally- Parallel to
ANAT 100 TH#3 Review

Sacroiliac ligaments TVPs of T/S and extension of vertebral

Lumbar spine C/S spine and head; column
Mastoid process unilaterally-
lateral flexion
of spine
Spinalis Vertical Post. Iliac crest and sacrum SPs of T/S Bilaterally- Parallel to
Sacroiliac ligaments Occiput b/w sup. extension of vertebral
Lumbar spine & inf. nuchal lines spine and head; column
lateral flexion
of spine

BACK: Intrinsic Deep: Transversospinal

Semispinalis Superomedial Thoracis- TVPs of T6-T10 Thoracis- SPs of Bilaterally- Posterior C/S
Cervicis- TVPs of T1-T5 C7-T4 extension & Parallel to spine
Capitis- TVPs of C7-T6 Cervicis- SPs of contra rotation Deep to erector
C2-C5 of spine spine
Capitis- occiput
b/w sup & inf
nuchal lines
Multifidi Superomedial Sacrum and ilium SPs of -3 Bilaterally- Parallel to spine
TVPs of L5-C4 segments above Extension of Deep to erector
spine; spine
flexion and
contra rotation
Rotatores Superomedial TVPs SPs immediately Stabilize spine; Parallel to spine
above local extension; Deep to erector
contra rotation; spine
ANAT 100 TH#3 Review

Muscles of Mastication*** {CLOSERS: Temporalis, Masseter, Medial Pterygoid} {OPENERS: Lateral Pterygoid,
Hyoid, Gravity}***
Temporalis Multiple Temporal fossa Coronoid process Elevates Squamous
***not Ramus of mandible region
responsible for mandible Closes mandible Inferior aspect
facial of the parietal
expressions** bones
Masseter Superficial head: Zygomatic arch Sup: Mandible Sup: elevation Angle of
inferoposterior ramus & protrusion of mandible
Deep: Coronoid mandible
Deep head: process (chewing)
inferanterior Deep: elevation
& retraction of
Medial Inferoposterior Sup: Posterior maxilla Both: Mandible Elevate & Medial to
Pterygoid Deep: sphenoid & palatine ramus protrude jaw mandible
bones Side to side
Lateral Inferoposterior Sup-Greater wing of Sup: TMJ Depress & Deep to
Pterygoid sphenoid capsule/disc protrude jaw zygomatic arch
Inf: Lateral aspect of Inf: Mandible Side to side & coronoid
sphenoid ramus grinding process

Muscles of Facial Expression (***ATTACHES TO BONE, SKIN, CARTILAGE***)

Frontalis Vertical Aponeurosis (flat sheet of Skin of eyebrows Raises Covers
fascia) Roof of nose eyebrows forehead &
Wrinkles dome of skull
Orbicularis Round Frontal bone Eyelids Closes the Around the eye
oculi Maxilla eyelids
Ligs around the eye (squinting &
ANAT 100 TH#3 Review

blinking muscle)
Orbicularis oris Round (sphincter) Indirectly from maxilla & MM & skin at Closes & purses Around the
mandible corners of the lips 'kissing mouth
Blends w/fibers of other mouth muscle'
Buccinator Horizontal Maxilla and mandible Orbicularis oris Draws mouth Deep to
whistling&blo laterally masseter
Zygomaticus Slightly superlateral Zygomatic bone Skin and muscle Raises corners From corner of
at corner of of mouth- mouth to cheek
mouth ‘smiling muscle’ bone

Muscle Origin Insertion Action Fiber Direction

Suboccipital ***ALL DO EXTENSION***
Rectus capitis posterior Spine of Atlas (C1) Lat. portion of inferior Ipsi rotation Inferomedial
major nuchal line Ipsilateral flexion
Rectus capitis posterior Post tubercle of atlas (C1) Med portion of inf nuchal Ipsilateral flexion Inferior, slightly medial
minor line
Obliquus capitis superior TP of atlas (C1) Below inf nuchal line Ipsi rotation Inferior
(occipital bone) Ipsilateral flexion
Obliquus capitis inferior Spine of axis (C2) TP of atlas (C1) Ipsi rotation Inferomedial
Muscles of Neck
Sternocleidomastoid Manubrium of sternum Mastoid process of Unilateral: Superolateral
Medial 1/3 portion of temporal bone Contra rotation
clavicle Superior nuchal line Ipsi. lateral flexion
Bilateral: Head extension
C/S flexion

Suprahyoid Muscles: ***ALL ELEVATE HYOID; BRINGS MANDIBLE AND HYOID CLOSER***Mm of Anterior Cervical Triangle
Digastric Ant: mandible posterior Hyoid Opens the mouth Inferomedial
to mental symphysis Elevates hyoid
Post: Mastoid process
ANAT 100 TH#3 Review

Stylohyoid Temporal bone-styloid Hyoid Elevates & Retracts hyoid Inferomedial

Geniohyoid Mental symphysis Hyoid Pulls hyoid Superior
Mylohyoid Ramus of mandible Hyoid Elevates hyoid Superolateral
Infrahyoid Muscles: ***ALL DEPRESS HYOID *** Mm of Anterior Cervical Triangle
Sternohyoid Manubrium Inferior hyoid Depress Hyoid Superior slightly medial
(Most superficial) Medial clavicle
Sternothyroid Manubrium Thyroid cartilage Depresses hyoid and Superior
(deep to sternohyoid) larynx
Thyrohyoid Thyroid cartilage Inferior hyoid Depress hyoid Superior
(superior to sternothyroid) Elevates larynx
Omohyoid Sup: Inferior hyoid Clavicle Depresses and Retracts Inferoposterior
(lateral to sternothyroid) Inf: suprascapular notch hyoid
Scalene Muscles *****ALL FLEX AND IPSILATERALLY FLEX NECK******* {A - 36, 1, Ant/ M - 27, 1, Post/ P - 46, 2,
Anterior scalene TVPs of C3-C6 1st rib Elevates 1st rib Superomedial
Middle Scalene TVPs of C2-C7 1st rib Elevates 1st rib Superomedial
Posterior Scalene TVPs of C4-C6 2nd rib Elevates 2nd rib Superomedial
Prevertebral Muscles
Longus Capitis TVPs of C3-C6 Occipital bone Flexion of neck & Superomedial
Rectus capitis anterior TVPs and lat mass of C1 Base of skull, ant to Flexion of head Superomedial
occipital condyles
Rectus capitis lateralis TVPs of C1 Jugular process of Lateral flexion of head Superior
occipital bone
Longus Coli Muscles ****ALL FLEX AND LATERALLY FLEX NECK*****
Superior oblique TVPs C3-C5 Atlas (C1) Superomedial
Inferior oblique Vert bodies T1-T3 TVPs C5-C6 Superolateral
Vertical Vertebral bodies T1-T3 Vertebral bodies C2-C4 Vertical
& C5-C7
Muscles of Scapula/Rotator Cuff
ANAT 100 TH#3 Review

Supraspinatus Supraspinous fossa Superior facet of greater Abduction

tubercle of humerus
Infraspinatus Infraspinous fossa Medial facet of greater External rotation
tubercle of humerus
Teres Minor Superior portion of Inferior facet of greater
lateral border of scapula tubercle of humerus
Subscapularis Subscapular fossa Lesser tubercle of
Teres Major Inferior portion of lateral Lesser tubercle of
border of scapula humerus

Pectoralis Major

Pectoralis Minor Labrum of GH joint 3rd-5th ribs

Random muscles I forgot to include

Serratus Anterior

Levator costorum TVPs of C7-T11 Next to inferior rib, b/w Elevate ribs Inferolateral
tubercle and angle

***articular disc: acts as a shock absorber***

ANAT 100 TH#3 Review

***AC & SC joints contain fibrocartilaginous discs***

Acromioclavicular Joint: Plane synovial joint, allows for sliding/gliding, has an articular disc

 Acromioclavicular Ligament: links acromion to clavicle & strengthens joint superiorly

 Coracoclavicular Ligament: primary stabilizer, contains conoid and trap ligaments

Sternoclavicular Joint: Saddle synovial joint, Only bony articulation b/t upper limbs and axial skeleton, Has an articular disc
 Sternoclavicular Ligament: intrinsic, extends from manubrium to clavicle
 Interclavicular Ligament: intrinsic, extends across jugular notch b/t 2 clavicles
 Costoclavicular Ligament: extrinsic, extends from 1st rib to clavicle

Glenohumeral Joint: Multiaxial/ball & socket Joint, head of humerus art w/ glenoid cavity of scapula, unstable but high ROM
Intrinsic ligaments of GH Joint:
 Glenohumeral Ligament: anterior part of capsule
 Transverse humeral Ligament: attaches greater tubercle to lesser tub of humerus
 Coracohumeral Ligament: Strong, broad band, strengthens superior part of capsule
 Coracoacromial Ligament: Strong, triangular, lateral border of coracoid process to edge of acromion
 Coracoacromial Arch: stabilizing factor, formed by Coracoid process, Coracoacromial ligament, & Acromion

***Fibrocartilaginous disc separates mandibular condyle from temporal condyle*** Lateral pterygoid pulls this forward***

TMJ: bicondylar/modified hinge joint,

 Sphenomandibular Ligament: superior attachment: spine of sphenoid, inferior attachment: ramus of mandible; prevents
excessive movement; supports when mouth is open
 Lateral (or TMJ) Ligament: intrinsic, attaches to superior aspect of zygomatic process & inferior of neck of mandible; prevents
excessive movement & dislocation
 Stylomandibular Ligament: Superior: attaches at styloid process, inferior: attaches at ramus of mandible; prevents excessive
forward movement when mouth is open
ANAT 100 TH#3 Review

Borders of Anterior Cervical Triangle:

 Medial : Anterior midline of neck
 Lateral: Anterior edge of SCM
 Superior: Inferior aspect of mandible
 Roof: Superficial fascia
 Floor: Trachea, thyroid gland, larynx, pharynx
Borders of Posterior Cervical Triangle:
 Posterior: Anterior border of traps
 Anterior: Posterior border of SCM
 Inferior: Medial portion of clavicle
 Roof: Fascia
 Floor: Deeper muscles

 C3: Hyoid
 C4-C5: Thyroid cartilage
 C6: 1st cricoid ring/carotid artery
 T2: Superior angle of spine
 T3: Spine/Root of scapula
 T7: Inferior angle of spine
 Rib 2: angle of Louis, Sternal angle
 Iliac crest: L4/L5 IVDs
 PSIS: S2

Rule of 3: Thoracic Spine

 1,2,3 ------ TVP same as SP
ANAT 100 TH#3 Review

 4,5,6 ------ TVP ½ level above SP

 7,8,9 ------ TVP 1 ½ level above SP
 10 ------ same as 7,8,9
 11 ------ same as 4,5,6
 12 ------ same as 1,2,3

TVP of T5 will be b/t SPs of T4 and T5

TVP of T8 will be b/t SPs of T6 and T7

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