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Anita Zhang

AP Psychology
Ms. Talamo
Perspectives Assignment
Neuroscience explains Thaddeus by diagnosing him with psychological
diseases associated with his symptoms. He may have AttentionDeficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), which is usually caused by the thinner
frontal cortex of the brain. ADHD disables patients from paying attention,
following instruction, and participating in social interactions with appropriate
manners. These signs of ADHD match Thaddeuss poor performance in
school. Other than potentially having ADHD, he may also have Oppositional
Defiant Disorder (ODD), a disorder often occurring together with ADHD. ODD
can help justify his aggression and lack of control over his emotions. He may
seek necessary help from a psychiatrist and take prescribed medicines to
suppress his symptoms.
However, not every case of ADHD or ODD is as severe as that of
Thaddeus. Therefore, new perspectives need to be introduced. From a
behavioral standpoint, the environment Thaddeus lives in causes his
problems. He could have grown up in an abusive and disturbing household
where he constantly observes rebellious actions. Unconsciously he sees
impatience, bad temper, and distractions as the norms of his life. Another
possibility is that he lives in a family that spoils him. If he has always gotten
away from punishments, he may tend to keep repeating his wrongdoings.
Either way, gradually Thaddeus has lost the sense of right and wrong. This
loss is not instinctual on any level; it is shaped by the environment.
The cognitive perspective offers a different reasoning behind
Thaddeus behavior. It believes that a persons thought process is paramount
compared to outside influences. Thaddeus fails his classes because of an
overload of surrounding information inside his brain. His mind cannot process
which information is important. His fights with parents, siblings, students, and
teachers may be a result of his abnormal way to deal with his dissatisfaction.
In another word, his does not see methods other than direct conflicts as
potential solutions to his anger. The irrelevant pattern of Thaddeus thoughts
becomes problematic. To correct his problems cognitively requires teachers
and family members to change his already-established perceptions and to
guide him to think differently when facing familiar situations.
Different from behaviorists and cognitivists, humanists hold a more
loving and accepting attitude towards Thaddeus. Adolescents like Thaddeus
have strong desires to complete self-actualization and search for their own

identities. During this transformation, they may be vulnerable to outside

stimuli such as pressure from school and family. It is tough for them to deal
with those stimuli properly, so sometimes they may react with extreme or
negative behaviors. Thaddeuss community should encourage him when he
tries to perform better in school or to be polite. When he does something
wrong, his parents or teachers have to point out his problem kindly so that he
feels accepted by people around him.
The evolutionary theory stresses the natural selections and
adaptations of psychological functions. It suggests that Thaddeuss
disobedience and poor academic performance as merely two products of
human nature. Because early humans found screaming and violence to be
effective in scaring their threats away, modern humans have gotten used to
doing similar things to protect themselves from opposition. Moreover, people
of early civilizations also learned that they would often be better off if they
did not listen to authority. Therefore, people nowadays, especially the stilldeveloping teenagers, tend to challenge the authority figures, which are
usually their parents or teachers. These two instincts of humans reflect on
Thaddeus, so he is prone to fights, arguments, and bad grades.
Science provides another possible explanation. Genetic compositions
can affect behavioral traits, and people inherit those traits from their
biological parents or other relatives. In the debate of nature versus nurture,
geneticists state that gene is more crucial to the formation of Thaddeuss
personalities than environmental factors. Behavior genetics hypothesizes that
Thaddeuss family has a history of unruly behaviors. Genetics may also
predict that there is a family history of psychological diseases like ADHD and
ODD. It is likely for his siblings to possess similar traits or diseases. Maybe
they are not severe to the extent that demands medical attention, but they
flow in the family. By inheritance, Thaddeus happen to manifest the
symptoms the most.

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