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Insentif Riset bagi Peneliti dan Perekayasa Tahun 2009


Eko Soebowo, Adrin Tohari, Hendra Bakti, Riska Maria, and Arifan J Syahbana,
Research Center for Geotechnology - LIPI
Kompleks LIPI, Jl.Sangkuriang, Bandung
Tlp.022 2507771, 2503654, Fax 022 - 2504593
Earthquake may induce liquefaction hazard which could cause damage to the buildings and infrastructure,
particularly in the municipals of Indonesia. Subsurface geotechnical investigation was carried out in the Berbah
region, Sleman, Jogjakarta to obtain the soil stratification and its geotechnical properties in order to determine the
thickness and the depth of the potentially liquefied soil layers, and the associated settlement due to liquefaction.
The liquefaction potential analysis was conducted using CPT and N-SPT methods, with the peak ground
acceleration value of 0.25, earthquake magnitude of 6.2 SR and local water table condition.
The field investigation results revealed that the loose soil layer consists of silty sand and sandy silt at the
depth between 0.2- 10.5 m are potentially liquefied during the earthquake. Results of liquefaction analysis indicate
that the thickness of the liquefied soil layer varies between 0.2 m and 8.2 m. Meanwhile, the total settlement induced
by the liquefaction is varied between 0.27 cm and 16.15 cm, and is concentrated in most areas located at the middle
part of Opak Fault. The areas of high liquefaction potential are concentrated in Kembang, Kaliajir, Kepuh, Grogol,
Karangduren, Bulu and East Jlatren, which are located in the Opak fault zone
Keywords : earthquake, geotechnical investigation, liquefaction, Opak Fault, settlement
Gempabumi dapat menimbulkan bahaya likuifaksi yang dapat merusakkan pada bangunan dan sarana
infrastruktur khususnya di wilayah perkotaan di Indonesia. Investigasi geoteknik bawah permukaan telah dilakukan
di daerah Berbah, Sleman, Jogjakarta, untuk mendapatkan gambaran susunan lapisan tanah dan kekuatannya untuk
menentukan kedalaman dan ketebalan lapisan tanah yang berpotensi likuifaksi dan penurunan lapisan tanah akibat
Analisis potensi likuifaksi dilakukan menggunakan data CPT (cone penetration test) dan N-SPT (standard
penetration test), dengan mempertimbangkan nilai percepatan getaran tanah maksimum (p.g.a) sebesar 0,25 g, dan
magnitudo gempabumi sebesar 6,2 SR dan muka airtanah setempat.
Hasil penyelidikan menunjukkan bahwa lapisan tanah lepas selama gempabumi terdiri dari pasir lanauan dan
lanau pasiran pada kedalaman antara 0,2 - 10,8 m. Analisis potensi likuifaksi mengindikasikan bahwa ketebalan
lapisan tanah yang berpotensi terlikuifaksi bervariasi antara 0,2 m dan 8,2 m. Sedangkan penurunan total lapisan
tanah terutama terkonsentrasi di wilayah bagian tengah yang terletak di jalur Patahan Opak dengan besaran antara
0,27 cm hingga 16,15 cm. Konsentrasi potensi likuifaksi yang tinggi terutama di daerah Kembang, Kaliajir, Kepuh,
Grogol, Karangduren, Bulu dan Timur Jlatren, yang berada pada zona Patahan Opak.
Kata kunci : gempabumi, investigasi geoteknik, likuifaksi, penurunan, Patahan Opak

Geological hazards, like liquefaction, may occur in during a big earthquake. An occurrence of earthquakeinduced liquefaction can pose extensive damage on buildings and infrastructures in Sleman District, Jogjakarta
because the district is situated in highly active seismicity zone of Opak Fault (Newcomb and Mc Cann, 1987;
Wartono et al, 1997; Kirbani et al, 2006). Considering that the district is the centre of development, efforts to
mitigate the liquefaction hazard is necessary to reduce the earthquake-induced disaster in the district. Thus,
knowledge of sub-surface geological and hydrological conditions of Sleman District is required to assess the
liquefaction potential around the district. This paper present presents the results of a series of geotechnical
investigations carried out to delineate the liquefaction susceptible areas in Sleman District.

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Insentif Riset bagi Peneliti dan Perekayasa Tahun 2009

For the purpose of analysis of liquefaction potential, a series of field geotechnical investigations were
carried out to obtain soil stratification and strength. The investigations consisted of a surface geological mapping,
sub-surface geotechnical drilling including standard penetratin test (SPT) at 3 locations, Cone Penetration Tests
(CPT) at 46 locations, and groundwater table mapping to obtain the depth of water table, and laboratory tests to
determined the physical properties of soil layer.
The liquefaction potential analysis was then carried out using the CPT data (Robertson and Wride, 1989)
and SPT data (Blake, 1997). The analysis was used to determine the factor of safety of each soil layer to liquefaction,
which is defined as the ratio of cyclic resistance ratio (CRR) to cyclic stress ratio (CSR). The factor of safety to
liquefaction of less than 1.2 was chosen to indicate that a soil layer will liquify under earthquake loading. The
earthquake momen magnitude (Mw) of 6.2 and peak ground acceleration (PGA) of 0.25 g is used in the analysis. The
PGA was assumed being produced by an earthquake source at Opak Fault zone located about 20-30 km South of
Sleman District.
Result and Disscussion
Sub-surface geological condition of Berbah, Sleman, Jogjakarta
The Sleman district is located at the Bantul Graben, west of the NE-SW trending Opak fault zone (Tim
Geoteknologi-LIPI, 2006). Geologically, the region is characterized by quartenary sediments that consist of lahar
deposits, made up predimoninantly of fine to coarse sand with interfingering of layers of silt and clay unit. The
stratigraphy of the region indicates the repeated process of sedimentation in the Bantul Graben associated with
tectonic and sedimentation activities in the region (Figures 1 and 2).
Groundwater level condition
According to the geotechnical drilling data, the thickness of this qurtenary sediment may rech up to 150 m
(PAT, 2004, Soebowo et al, 2006). The depth of shallow groundwater is about 0.5 5.6 m. However, in some
locations, the depth of groundwater table may be more than 5.6 m. The groundwater seems to flow towards the Opak
River as the main river in the region (Figure 3b).
Soil consistency
Based on the SPT and CPT data, the soil consistency increases with depth. The sub-surface soil layers consist
of loosely-packed sand up to 5 m thick, followed by medium to densely-packed sand layers. The presence of loose
sand layer, thus, indicates that the area is prone to earthquake-induced liquefaction.

Liquefaction Potential Hazard

Based on the grain size distribution data, the sub-surface soil materials of Berbah area in Sleman tend to
consisting of easily liquified sand (Figure 3(a)). Results of liquefaction potential analysis based on the SPT and CPT
data (Figure 4) show that liquefaction will take place in sand-silt layers at depths of between 0.2 and 10.5 m. The
thickness of liquefied soil layers may reach up to 8.2 m, and the total settlement due to liquefaction is between 0.27
and 16.15 m. A of liqufaction potential zonation map (Figures 4(a) and (b)) show that the Kembang, Kaliajir, Kepuh,
Grogol, Karangduren, Bulu, and East Jlatren areas tends to have a high liquefaction potential with high settlement
during a big earthquake. This high liquefaction potential and settlement zone is associated with the upper part of
sedimentary sequence that filled the Bantul Graben in the Berbah region, which ia part of the Opak fault zone.
Thus, as far as the earthquake hazard mitigation is concerned, the knowledge liquefaction potential and the
associated settlement in Berbah area necessarily need to taken into account in regional planning and development in
the area. Soil improvement and deep foundation are necessary in construction of infrastructure and building to
mitigate the future liquefaction hazard.

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Insentif Riset bagi Peneliti dan Perekayasa Tahun 2009

Figure 1. Cross-section geological and result of liquefaction analysis based on SPT and CPT data in the study area

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Insentif Riset bagi Peneliti dan Perekayasa Tahun 2009

Opak Fault Zona

Opak river

Opak Fault Zona

Opak river

Figure 2. Resistivity cross section of profile NW - SE showing stratification layer and Opak Fault zona of the study

Figure 3. (a) Range of grain size distribution of 30 soil samples from SPT tube, (b) Groundwater level of study area.

Figure 4. (a) Liquefaction susceptibility map and (b) Liquefaction induced settlement map of Berbah, Sleman.

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Insentif Riset bagi Peneliti dan Perekayasa Tahun 2009

1. The Berbah area in Sleman District, Jogjakarta is made up of quarternary sediments, which consist of sand, silt
and clay layers deposited in fluviatile facies.
2. The liquefaction potential analysis indicates that the Berbah area is highly prone to liquefaction and settlement
during earthquake. The liquefied sand layers is located at depths of 0.2 - 10.5 m, with the thickness up to 8.2 m.
The liquefaction hazard may induced total settlement at the ground surface of 0.27 to 16.15 cm
3. The areas of high liquefaction potential are concentrated in Kembang, Kaliajir, Kepuh, Grogol, Karangduren,
Bulu and East Jlatren, which are located in the Opak fault zone.
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