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English Language Test No.(4 C)

Name: Group: ( )

Date: / /200

( 60 Degrees)
Select the best answer and mark it ( a, b, c, or d ).
1. Lawrence is careless. He .
a. isnt happy about anything.
b. doesnt pay attention to anything.
c. shouldnt worry so much.
d. cant get along with people.
2. The student told his roommate, You can count on me.
a. count my money.
b. count for me.
c. tell my age.
d. depend on me.
3. A knife was the proper tool to do that.
a. most common.
b. most attractive.
c. suitable.
d. requested.
4. It was a decision of major importance.
a. great
b. small
c. military
d. some
5. The following are vegetables:
a. Bread, Biscuits, Cornflakes.
b. Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner.
c. Tomato, Potato, carrot.
d. Apple, Orange, Banana.
6. I my parents last night.
a. will visit
b. visits
c. didnt visit
d. visiting

7. The weather is too hot at Khartoum, .. ?

a. is it.
b. Does it.
c. Doesnt it.
d. isnt it.
8. Mr. Paul is in critical condition.
a. serious
b. criminal
c. selected
d. background
9. If Sam is 10 years, Susan is 15 years, Sara is 13 years, this means that
Susan is of all.
a. old
b. the older
c. older
d. the oldest
10. .. Mr. and Mrs. John born in London?
a. Was
b. Is
c. Were
d. Are
11. Susan has fast reaction, She has .
a. quick responses.
b. a new disease.
c. many friends.
d. two movements.
12. If the flight takes 1.5 hours from Nairobi to Juba , and for checking in,
you should be at the Airport 2 hours before, at what time the aircraft will
arrive Juba if it took off at 11 a.m.
a. 07:30 a.m.
b. 12:30 p.m.
c. 13:00 a.m.
d. 09:30 a.m.

13. All his money . by a thief last night.

a. had stolen
b. stole
c. was stolen
d. has stolen
14. The mechanic adjusted my cars brakes.
a. removed
b. lubricated
c. reset
d. cleaned
15. Cotton is the principal product of Egypt.
a. cheap
b. unpopular
c. main
d. secondary
16. The team site leader needed more data in order to finish the job.
a. time
b. blue helmet
c. money
d. facts
17. Do you have sufficient fuel in the tank ?
a. synthetic
b. enough
c. some
d. solid
18. The meeting took place at 10 oclock in this office.
a. went
b. happened
c. came
d. took charge
19. When will the sector commander wind up the meeting ?
a. join
b. motivate
c. start
d. finish
20. Ill take a vacation during July.
a. before
b. after
c. in
d. until


(15 Degrees)

Read the following text and answer the questions 1-5 below by selecting the
best answer and mark it ( a, b, c, or d ).
Peacekeeping is one of the UNs mechanisms for conflict resolution.
There are other important UN peace activities, which need to be stressed.
These activities are the most cost-effective ways of preventing disputes from
arising, stopping existing disputes from escalating into conflicts and
controlling and resolving existing conflicts. These activities are preventive
diplomacy, peace making, peace building, sanctions and disarmament.
The Secretary General continues to receive mandates from the
General Assembly and the Security Council to maintain existing efforts, and
to undertake new ones, in this field. The Secretary-General, through his
special representatives, special envoys and other emissaries on a resident or
visiting basis, is actively engaged in implementing these political mandates
in several countries.
Preventive Diplomacy is action to prevent disputes from developing
between parties, prevent existing disputes from escalating into conflicts and
to limit the spread of the latter when they occur.
Peace Making is diplomatic action to bring hostile parties to
negotiated agreements through such peaceful means as those foreseen under
Chapter VI of the UN Charter.
Peace building is critical in the aftermath of conflict. Peace building
includes the identification and support of measures and structures, which
will promote peace and build trust and interaction among former enemies, in
order to avoid a relapse into conflict.
Sanctions are to apply measures not involving the use of force in order
to maintain or restore international peace and security. Such measures are
commonly referred to as sanctions. This legal basis is recalled in order to
underline that the purpose of sanctions is to modify the behaviour of a party
that is threatening international peace and security and not to punish or
otherwise exact retribution.
Disarmament is the assembly, control and disposal of weapons.
Micro-disarmament is the practical disarmament in the context of the
conflicts the United Nations is actually dealing with. Micro-disarmament is
relevant to post-conflict peace building. Disarmament can also follow
enforcement action. All sanction's regimes include an arms embargo.

1. Hostile parties in paragraph 4 means:

a. the parties are friends
b. the parties are in peace
c. the parties respect each other
d. the parties are enemies
2. The word implementing in paragraph 2 means:
a. just read it
b. application
c. dont respect it
d. avoid it
3. The disposal of weapons in paragraph 7 means:
a. buy a new weapon
b. maintain the weapon to be ready for fire
c. shot by the weapon
d. get rid of and destroy the weapons
4. Ways of preventing disputes (in paragraph 1) means:
a. the ways of escalating the disputes
b. the ways of avoiding the disputes
c. the ways of stopping the negotiation
d. the ways of arising the disputes
5. The word purpose in paragraph 6 means:
a. peace and security
b. punish
c. Sanctions
d. aim



(10 Degrees)

16. You are standing in front of the Travel Agency facing the Medical
Centre in the Station Road, Mr. Henry stopped his car in front of you and
asks how he would get to the garage.
Describe how he would get that.


(15 Degrees)

17. Write a short briefing (not less than 15 lines) about your country
including the following aspects (capital, neighboring countries, president,
currency, population, area, ..etc.)

.. .

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