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Survey of 5-year-olds
2011 / 2012

Guidance for handling

and transferring data
for PCT teams


Introduction and overview of stages

Page No

Phase 1

Information for PCT fieldwork teams

Stage 1

Entering data into DSP2

1 Copying the format
2 Opening an existing survey
3 Starting a file for a new survey
4 Inputting survey data
5 Creating a record and saving it
6 Navigating records, undoing changes
7 Finding a record
8 Deleting and undeleting a record
9 Printing records


Preparing files
10 Checking data for errors
11 Correcting errors in records


Stage 2

Stage 3

Sorting, selecting and analysing files

12 Analysis of the whole file for consent status and
examination types
13 Managing additional or other non-BASCD standard
samples including census samples


Stage 4

Completing questionnaire


Stage 5

Sending data to Regional Co-ordinators


Phase 2
Appendix 1

Information for Regional Co-ordinators

14 Merging files
Proforma table for recording errors identified in Excel


Appendix 2

Age range guide


Appendix 3

Word summary sheet

Electronic version available from
Form to describe non-BASCD standard sampling census 22
surveys, augmented or additional samples
What to do if results dont appear in Excel

Appendix 4
Appendix 5

This guide aims to help dental epidemiology fieldwork teams go through the necessary
steps to enter, check, clean and summarise the data collected on 5-year-old children in the
2011/12 survey. It is important to make sure that the correct information is supplied in the
correct format with maximum efficiency.
If, after following the step by step instructions, you need further help please contact:
If you decide to calculate the estimates for your own Primary Care Trust (PCT) or
Local Authority (LA) please note these will be provisional only and should not be
used until further analysis has been completed at The Dental Observatory
(TDO)/North West Public Health Observatory (NWPHO).
All the data from PCTs is collated during national analysis and then home
postcodes are used to define PCT and LA populations. The estimates for each of
these populations may, therefore, be slightly different from those calculated by PCT
teams which will use schools as their definitions of populations.
Varying estimates can lead to confusion and undermine the value of the data so
please, hold back on sharing your results until estimates have been confirmed.
The stages are:
1. download the national format and enter data using this format
2. prepare files
-check data for errors and make corrections, sort and select files
3. sort and select files, save with correct labelling
4. completing summary sheet
5. send securely to your Regional Co-ordinator two files:
1 checked data file(s) whole all children approached
2 summary sheet(s)
6. Regional Co-ordinator re-checks files and uploads them

Stage 1 Entering data

Enter data into Dental Survey Plus 2 (DSP2) programme using the format that was
previously distributed make sure it is the file called 5YR2011.FMT
This format has been produced using DSP2 version 2.1, if you are still using version 1.1
you will need to upgrade your software, please go to this website:
You can download the software from this site for less than 100, and it arrives as a

1. To Copy the Format File

a) Go to the website
b) Select the NEW national protocol and supporting documentation
c) Scroll down to the bottom of the list of supporting documentation and click on
Dental SurveyPlus 2 Format for 5 year olds 2011/12
d) When the small window opens select Save do not try to open the file at this
e) When you are offered a place to Save in select the site where you have DSP2.
This might be on the C drive of your laptop or PC or it might be on a local
f) Look for this DSP2
g) Double click on DSP2
h) Double click on FORMATS
i) Click on Save
The format file will now be saved into ??:\DSP2\FORMATS
j) From the menu bar, click File, Close
You can also use the Windows Explorer or File Manager to copy and paste the format file
5YR2011.FMT from a disk or email attachment the C:\DSP2\Formats directory or your
network DSP2 directory.
NB: DSP2 formats can only be opened from within DSP2. This is why you should use the
system described above to copy into the DSP2 format directory first. When you open the
DSP2 programme and then look in the formats file you should find 5YR2011.FMT where
you saved it and it will be available to open.

2. To Open an Existing Survey

a) Open Dental Survey Plus 2
b) From the menu bar, select File, Open
c) Select the survey file
d) Click OK

3. Starting a file for a New Survey

a) Open Dental Survey Plus 2

b) From the menu bar select File, New

The program then asks you to select the format file to be used for the survey.
c) In the folders window, select C:\DSP2\Formats (or other site where you have
saved DSP2)
d) In the file name box, select 5YR2011.FMT
e) Click OK
The program then asks you to specify the survey file name to be used.
f) In the folders window, select C:\DSP2\Surveys, (or other site where you have
saved DSP2)
g) In the file name box, type in your choice of file name, so you can identify what the
file contains (the file will be saved as type *.srv)
Be aware that there is a space and an asterisk on the left of the filename box make
sure you delete these so that your filename starts as far left as possible.
h) Click OK
The format is then displayed on the screen.
To maximise the format, click on the middle square

4. To Input Survey Data

The format has been designed to allow the input of the school and childs details prior to
the survey taking place, but this is not essential as most choose to collect data onto paper
charts then enter data electronically back at base.
Entering school details
a) Put CAPS LOCK on
b) Click in the first field and input the LA Code of the school (see protocol p 29 for
these), then either using the TAB key, RETURN key or the mouse move to the
next field
c) Input the PCT Code for that particular school (see protocol for codes)
d) Input the Examiner name
e) Input the School name (if you have schools with the same name please
differentiate between them)
f) Input the School Post Code in upper case, split into Inward and Outward code
with a single space (take care when entering the letter O and number 0, and
the letter I and number 1)
g) The Date of Examination should be entered as an 8 digit figure e.g : 26032011
The examination and school details automatically carry forward to the next record.
Childs Details
a) The Child Identity Number is a unique identifier to the child and consists of a
prefix from the school code and a suffix which numbers individual participants

b) The Date of Birth should be entered as an 8 digit figure with the day ALWAYS
entered as 15. Eg : 15032007 to create anonymity. See Appendix 2 to help with
c) Input the childs Home Post Code in upper case, split into Inward and Outward
code with a single space (take care when entering the letter O and number 0,
and the letter I and number 1)
Consent and Examination
a) The Sample Sub-Group is multiple choice; using either the mouse or cursor
keys select the required option
b) The Parental Consent Status is multiple choice; using either the mouse or
cursor keys select the required option
c) The Examination Status field is multiple choice; using either the mouse or
cursor keys select the required option
New for 2011/12 - For children whose parent refused consent /did not return the consent
form and were therefore not examined, option No parental consent provided must be
selected in Examination Status. This will help with sorting and selecting later on.
For non-consented children and those who were absent on the day of examination
or who refused to be examined, do not enter any further information after question
/variable 12 just go on to the next record.
Oral Cleanliness
a) The Plaque Assessment field is multiple choice; using either the mouse
or cursor keys select the required option.
Caries Chart
a) To move around the dental chart use the cursor keys.
b) When a code is entered it overwrites the sound value.
Other Details
a) The Abscess/Sepsis field is multiple choice; using either the mouse or
cursor keys select the required option.
Optional Details
Ethnicity Details
a) The Ethnic Code field is multiple choice; using either the mouse or cursor
keys select the required option. Make sure you use the codes given in the
protocol and the format by matching with your local codes if they differ.
Spare Details
a) There are three Spare fields in this section which can be used for extra
data to be recorded where PCTs have decided to do this.

5. To Create a New Record / Save a Record

To create a new record:
a) click the
button at the top of the screen.
This automatically saves the record that you have just input.
The Examination and School details are carried forward from the previous record
make sure you enter the correct details when you start with another school.

To save a record without creating a new record either:

a) click the Save icon or
b) from the menu bar, select File, Save or
c) click the
button to move to the next record (this automatically saves
changes made)

6. To Navigate the Records / Undo Changes

To navigate the records:
a) to move forward a record, click the
b) to move back a record, click the


c) to move to the first record, click the


d) to move to the last record, click the


To undo changes either:

a) click the Undo icon or
b) from the menu bar, select Edit, Undo

7. To Find a Record
If you know the record number then:
a) from the menu bar, select Edit, Goto, Record,
b) input the record number required,
c) click OK.
If you dont know the record number then:
a) from the menu bar, select Edit, Find,
b) select the field you wish to search on e.g. Child Identity Number,
c) select the value to search for e.g. 1407,
d) select the match type e.g. Whole String,
e) click OK.

8. To Delete a Record / Undelete a Record

To delete a record:
a) select the record you wish to delete.
b) from the menu bar, select Edit, Delete Current Record, Yes to continue.
To undelete a record either:
a) click the Undo icon or
b) from the menu bar, select Edit, Undo Delete Record

9. To Print Records
To print all records either:
a) click the Print icon,
b) select Print Range All,
c) click OK

a) from the menu bar, select File, Print,

b) select Print Range All,
c) click OK
To print a single record or a selection of records either:
a) click the Print icon,
b) select Pages From To, (From is the first record number you want to print,
To is the last record you want to print),
c) click OK
a) from the menu bar, select File, Print,
b) select Pages From To, (From is the first record number you want to print,
To is the last record you want to print),
c) click OK
For example: From 3 to 3 prints record number 3
From 2 to 15 prints record numbers 2 to15 inclusive

Stage 2 Preparing files

It is far easier to check for errors in hundreds of records if the data is sent from DSP2 to
Excel. This allows you to see all the data in one table and select just the fields you want to
check. By using Excels find tool, and autofilter, and by sorting the data into different
orders you can rapidly spot errors and note which records these are in.
Dont panic these instructions talk you through the process.
If you find errors these need to be corrected back in DSP2 correction in Excel does not
automatically make changes in the original DSP2 file. It therefore makes sense to make a
list of errors, with record numbers, found in Excel, and then make the corrections in a
batch in DSP2 this symbol reminds you of this . Appendix 1 with this guidance
provides you with an error recording sheet into which you can add record numbers with
any errors they contain.


Checking Data for Errors


Open DSP2
Open the survey file you want to check
From the menu bar at the top select File, Export, click Tab Delimited (.txt)
Input a file name, e.g. check1.txt, (beware the space and asterisk on the left of the
filename box)
e) click OK
f) Double click on the fields you want to check:
o Child Ident No
o Child Postcode1, Child Postcode2
o School Name, School Postcode1, School Postcode2
o Date of Exam1
o Date of Birth, Age

dmft value and caries experience see (g) below
Note: these are not always listed in a sensible order for you to select from.

g) To select the tooth surfaces and dmft values double click Caries Experience
h) Double click on: dmft, UL8-UL1, UR1-UR8, LR8-LR1, LL1-LL8 (these will give you
codes for primary teeth)
i) Click OK
j) Click OK again
k) Click No you dont want to view now
l) Minimise DSP2
m) Open your Excel programme
n) Click File, Open
o) Change the list files of type to text files *.txt
p) Look for your DSP2 program file, scroll to look in DSP2 under surveys
q) Double click to open the file *.txt that you named in step 10d) above.
This now leads you into a short routine to convert the DSP2 data into something sensible
in Excel. Keep calm!
r) Tick the Delimited box, click Next
s) Tick the Tab box, click Next
You need to tell Excel which columns to see as dates and which as text the options are
given in the box up to the right use the blue slider and arrows to scroll sideways through
the large number of columns.
t) Click on the box containing the word general above the Date of Exam1 column,
change the column data format to Date by clicking the Date button from the list
u) Click on the box containing the word general above the Date of Birth column,
change the column data format to Date by clicking the Date button from the list
v) Highlight all the tooth surface code columns, change the column data format to Text
by clicking the Text button from the list above. Hold down the function key and
click blocks of columns as you scroll through them.
w) Click Finish
x) The data will now be displayed in an Excel table. If some columns have just got ###
in them they are too narrow. Put the cursor at the very top of the column and drag
the right side line to the right to widen the column and the figures should be
10.1 To check for children out of age range (child should be 5.00 to 5.99 years old
on day of exam)

From the menu bar at the top select Data, Filter, Auto Filter
Down pointing arrows will appear next to each field name
Click the down arrow next to the Age field and select any that are not equal to 5
Only the children that were the age selected are now displayed
Check the reason (incorrect data input in DOB or DOE) for the error and if input
correctly Appendix 2 will help you to spot children who were too old or too young on
the day of examination

f) Note down the record number and Child ID of the child in Appendix 1 and check the
childs details . (NB take care to note record number from the first data
column, not the line number that Excel uses in its frame)
g) Repeat stages c) to f) for all ages out of age range
h) Click the down arrow next to the Age field and select All
i) All records will be displayed again

Check child and school postcodes

a) Click the down arrow next to the School Postcode1 field and select any that do not
look correct
b) Only the children that have incorrect postcodes are now displayed
c) Note down the record numbers/child ID numbers
d) Repeat stages a)-c) for all incorrect postcodes
e) Click the down arrow next to the School Postcode1 field and select All
f) All records will be displayed again
g) Repeat stages a-f using School Postcode2
h) Highlight the Child and School Postcode columns
i) From the menu bar at the top select Edit, Find [for Excel 2007:under Home tab
look to far right of toolbar Find & Select]
j) Input letter O as search criteria and click Find Next
k) Note down the record numbers where a letter O is used incorrectly instead of
number zero . Look into the cases which are highlighted and keep clicking Find
Next until all cases containing letter O are found identify those where it is used
l) Repeat stages i)-k) searching for letter I , number 1 and number 0 and note
cases where they have been used incorrectly
m) Close the Find box
It is easier to see other errors if the data are sorted by postcode order:
n) Highlight all the data, from the menu bar select Data, Sort, make sure the header
row, and ascending are selected, Sort by Child PostCode1 and then by Child
Postcode2 [for Excel 2007:under Data tab Sort sort by child postcode values A to Z]
o) Check down the list to look for any incorrect postcodes ie: lowercase, missing or
duplicated letters or numbers or spaces. If any are found note down the record
number/Child ID
p) Click back onto the spreadsheet
q) Highlight the record column
r) From the menu bar select Data, Sort, make sure the header row, and ascending
are selected, sort by Record, this restores the list to the original order
10.3 Check site names various permutations of spellings and punctuation
a) Click the down arrow next to the School Name field
b) Check down the list for any duplicate schools where the names have been spelt
differently or full stops or apostrophes have been used

c) Select an incorrect school name

d) Only the children at that school are now displayed, note down the record
numbers/Child IDs of these
e) Repeat stages a) to d) until you have viewed all the records with incorrect school
f) Click the down arrow next to the School Name field and select All
g) All records will be displayed again

10.4 Check non-consenters, absentees and refusals (these children should not
have a dmft greater than 0 as this is indicative that a chart has been
completed, when this could not be true for a non-consented, absent or
refusing child)
a) Click the down arrow next to the Consent field and select Form not returned and
Consent refused
b) Only the children that did not have consent are now displayed
c) Click the down arrow next to the Examination field to check they are all No
parental consent provided if not select the option, note down the record
number/child details and check the error, select All
d) Click the down arrow next to the dmft field and select any value greater than 0
e) Note down the record number/Child ID of any records showing
f) Click the down arrow next to the dmft field and select All
g) Click the down arrow next to the Consent field and select All
h) All records will be displayed again


Click the down arrow next to the Examination field and select Absent
Only the children that were absent are now displayed
Click the down arrow next to the dmft field and select any value greater than 0
Note down the record number/Child ID of any records showing
Repeat stages i) to l) until you have viewed all the absent records with a dmft > 0
Click the down arrow next to the dmft field and select All
All Absent records will be displayed again
Click the down arrow next to the Examination field and select All
All records will be displayed again

r) Repeat stages j) to q) checking all the Child Refusal records with a dmft > 0

10.5 Check upper and lower incisors are correctly coded in the main chart
(missing incisors should all be coded 8)
a) Click the down arrow next to the UL2-D field and select 6 (if displayed)
b) Only the children that have their upper left lateral incisor coded as 6 are now
c) Note down the record number/Child ID of these children if there are any
d) Click the down arrow next to the UL2-D field and select 7 (if displayed)
e) Only the children that their upper left lateral incisors coded as 7 are now displayed
f) Note down the record number/Child ID of any children listed
g) Click the down arrow next to the UL2-D field and select All
h) All records will be displayed again

i) Repeat stages 10.5 a) to h) using the UL1-D, UR1-D, UR2-D, LR2-D, LR1-D, LL1D, LL2-D columns
You should now have a list of ID numbers/record numbers that need to be investigated
because of errors unless all data was inputted perfectly. Some records will need
checking and correcting, others may need deleting; for example, if the child was truly
the wrong age, and not just appearing to be so because of a recording error.


WORK BACKWARDS record numbers will change when you delete a record,
so this would leave you to search on Child ID alone, which takes a bit longer. For
example, if you need to delete record numbers 17, 123 and 288 you should delete 288
first, then 123, and finally 17.


Correcting records
a) Close down Excel
b) Open the DSP2 file you wish to correct the safest one is the original, source file
before any sorting or selecting and renaming had been done. It is better to correct
at this level then re-sort and select the cleaned records.


Find a Record using record number

From the menu bar at the top select Edit, Goto, Record
Input the record number to amend, click OK
The record to amend will be displayed, check it is the correct one
Amend the record using the Backspace key to delete data
From the menu bar at the top select File, Save to save the changes made
To Find a Record using Child ID
From the menu bar at the top select Edit, Find
Select the field you wish to search on e.g. Child Identity Number
Select the value to search for e.g. 1209
Select the match type e.g. Whole String
Click OK
The record to amend will be displayed, check it is the correct one
Amend the record using the Backspace key to delete data
From the menu bar at the top select File, Save to save the changes made

11.3 To Delete a Record (to be used to remove genuinely out of age range
a) Find the record you wish to delete
b) From the menu bar, select Edit, Delete Current Record, Yes to continue
c) From the menu bar at the top select File, Save to save the file
d) Close down DSP2


Stage 3 - sorting, selecting and analysing records

When the data have been checked and cleaned the next stage is to use the population
summary tool on sorted and selected sub-files to complete the Word summary sheet and
questionnaire Protocol Appendix O.doc (Appendix 3).


Analysis of the whole file for consent status and examination


Start with the whole cleaned file the first step is to create a new file which excludes
cases of repeat examinations which were carried out to check intra- examiner reliability
and excludes training examinations.

Selecting the correct Records

a) In DSP2 open the whole cleaned file

b) from the menu bar, select Edit, Select, Or
c) select the field to select from: Examination by scrolling through the list in the box
that has opened
d) select the first value you need to include: 0 - Main by clicking on this option in the
list offered
e) click Or
The selection Examination 0 Main is displayed in the box
f) select the second value you need to include: 3- Absent by clicking on this option
in the list offered
g) click Or
The selection Examination 3 Absent is displayed in the box
h) select the third value you need to include: 4 Child refused by clicking on this
option in the list offered
i) click Or
The selection Examination 4 Child refused is displayed in the box
j) select the fourth value you need to include: 5 No parental consent provided by
clicking on this option in the list offered
k) click Or
The selection Examination 5 No parental consent provided is displayed in the
l) click OK
[to clear a criteria if you make a mistake: click on the criteria to be deleted, click Clear]
The number of records found is displayed this file now excludes any children
examined as a repeat or for training purposes.
m) click OK
n) input a new file name that explains what it contains (remember the space in the
filename box) e.g. noreps.srv


Finding some answers to complete the summary reporting form

The reporting form is printed in Appendix 3 of this guidance and is available in electronic
format from in the section for this years survey Appendix N.
Some PCTs need to think about their reporting if their samples were not representative of
population of 5-year-olds within their PCT boundaries. Help is available for sites where
non-standard samples were taken

Procedure for all PCTs with simple/standard samples

The new file that you made in 12.1 should now be used to provide information about
consent status
a) from the menu bar, select File, Open
b) select the survey file that you just made and named in 12 n) (e.g. noreps.srv)
c) click OK
This should be correct if you have previously detected and corrected any errors whereby
children who were coded as failing to return a form or parental refusal of consent
appeared to have clinical charts completed (see 10.4).
From the menu bar, select Analysis, Population Summary
d) Input the file name RESULTS.CSV
e) Click OK
f) Click Yes to view results now
The results file should then open in Excel (see ***below if not, or Appendix 5 for more
details). The summary looks a bit untidy but much of the data you need will be there,
calculated ready for you to enter into the reporting form for each PCT.
g) On the reporting form enter the consent figures (CONSENT) (about lines 50-53 in
the Excel population summary analysis).
Note: Parental Consent supplied is calculated by adding the numbers of children
with codes 2 and 3
Use the same file to tell you how many children were examined, absent or child refusals
on the day.
This should be correct if you have detected and corrected any errors whereby children
who were coded as absent or refusals appeared to have clinical charts completed. (see
h) On the reporting form record the examination figures (EXAMINATION) (about
lines 17 - 23 in the Excel population summary analysis).
Examined is the number of children with code 0
Absents are coded 3
Child refusals are code 4
***If the results dont open in Excel then


In DSP2, from the menu bar, select Options, Results,

Save results as, click on the comma separated value (csv) file,
Click Browse,
Locate the Excel.Exe file,
Click OK

Save the Word summary file and label it as yourPCTcode_5yr.** (e.g. 5NT_5yr.doc)

Save the cleaned, corrected DSP2 file (?noreps.srv) with the label yourPCTcode_5yr.srv

(e.g. 5NT_5yr.srv)


Managing additional samples not for every PCT

In some cases there will be a need to manage any additional samples taken as these may
not be sensible to include in the main sample.
If you have taken additional or augmented samples then these need to be analysed
separately and the numbers of consented and examined children of each sub group

Where PCTs have taken augmented or additional samples, including census surveys,
discussion is required with The Dental Observatory before these data are uploaded so that
there is clear understanding about the method of sampling used and the labelling of
additional samples. This will allow a decision to be made about whether the additional or
augmented samples can be included in the national data set analysis without bringing in
Please use Appendix 4 of this guidance to describe any non-BASCD standard sampling

Preparing the file for selection

Sub-groups should be selected from the whole cleaned file, from which a file has
been created, which excludes repeats and training examination children (see
12.1). Numbers approached, consenting, refusing and not returning forms should
be reported from this file.
With DSP2 open and the new file open:
To Select Records:

Selecting out sub-groups

a) from the menu bar, select Edit, Select, And

b) select the field SUBGROUP
c) select the value A Additional sample
d) click And
The selection criteria is displayed in the box

e) click OK
The number of records from children in this sub-group is displayed
f) click OK
g) input the file name e.g. AddA.SRV
h) click OK
Repeat 13.2 a) to h) for each sub-group you will then have a string of separate subgroups, each of which needs analysis so that answers can go into the Word summary

Analysis of each sub-group

Open a specified sub-group file from the 13.2 a) to h) process e.g. AddA.srv
From the menu bar, select Analysis, Population Summary
a) Input the file name RESULTA.CSV
b) Click OK
c) Click Yes to view results now
The results file should then open into Excel. Report the same information as in 12.2 g)
and h)
REPEAT all the analysis stages for each of your additional samples.
If the results dont open in Excel then
a) In DSP2, from the menu bar, select Options, Results
b) Save results as, click on the comma separated value (csv) file
c) Click Browse
d) Locate the Excel.Exe file
e) Click OK

Stage 4 completing questionnaire

Please complete the questionnaire about the running of your survey. This can be
downloaded from

Stage 5 sending information to your Regional Co-ordinator

You are now ready to send two files for each LA/PCT to your Regional Co-ordinator.
These must be sent by e-mail as attachments, from an address, to your Regional
Co-ordinators address.
The required files are:

Your whole, cleaned DSP2 file, correctly labelled for each PCT, containing information
about all children approached for consent see 12.1(n),
Your completed Word summary sheet and questionnaire see 12.2


Phase 2 Regional Co-ordinators check, sort and select files from

Data files and questionnaires will come to each Regional Co-ordinators address
from their PCTs as attachments from e-mail addresses. Please would Regional
Co-ordinators check files from PCTs as described in 10 and 11 above? Where necessary
Regional Co-ordinators should contact PCTs about clarification of errors.
TDO/NWPHO will send back files containing errors which need local correction (from address to address). This process of referral back will be minimised if
PCTs and RCs have done their parts correctly.
Please upload via the web portal as soon as PCT files come in dont wait until all of your
regions surveys are sent to you as this can cause a bottleneck at TDO and can
significantly delay production of results.
In a few instances Regional Co-ordinators will be responsible for merging together
incomplete PCT or LA files. The process for doing this is described below.


Merging Files

As files forming parts of a PCT or LA come to you, go through the checking process and
save the cleaned files ready in your DSP2 SURVEY folder. You will find it easier if you
identify the relevant parts in the file names as you save them e.g. PCTAf1.srv for PCT A
file one, PCTAf2.srv for PCT A file 2
When you have received the data files from all sites contributing to one PCT survey,
checked, clarified and cleaned correctly, and saved them in the DSP2 SURVEYS folder
you are ready to start merging them together. It is easy to make a mistake at this stage so
set quiet time aside to allow concentration on this relatively quick process.
To avoid duplication or omission when merging you may find it helpful to list the files that
need to be merged then cross them off as each is merged.
Open the first survey
a) Open Dental Survey Plus 2
b) From the menu bar, select File, Open
c) Select the first survey file e.g. PCTAf1.SRV
d) Click OK
e) From the menu bar, select File, Save As
f) Select Drive c:\DSP2\SURVEYS
g) type in the name of the file which will gradually be filled with all the parts
e.g. PCTCode_1.SRV
h) Click OK
With this new and incomplete file open:
i) From the menu bar, select File, Merge Data
j) Select the next file e.g. PCTAf2.srv
k) Click OK

The records from PCTAf2.SRV will be added onto the end of those already in
Repeat stages 14 i) to k) until all the parts of the PCT file have been added together to
create a single whole file for the PCT in question, ticking off your list of component parts
as you go. The total file should be labelled using the convention suggested,
PCTcode_1.SRV (e.g. 5NT_1.SRV)
The steps in sections 12 and 13 will now need to be followed to allow completion of the
summary form for the complete PCT data.

Phase 2 Regional Co-ordinators prepare files for uploading

A set of files for each PCT will need to be saved and labelled ready for uploading via the
web portal.
Each file should be named to indicate which PCT it refers to. The PCT codes listed in the
Protocol (Appendix F, page 28) should be used, for example for Bedfordshire PCT each of
the files should begin with 5P2 then an underscore followed by the number of the file, as
listed below:
PCTCode_1.srv = Whole, cleaned DSP2 data file, containing information about all
children sampled and approached for consent, (one per PCT)
PCTCode_2.doc = completed Word summary PCT result report file and questionnaire
PCTCode_3.xls = Excel document summarising sampling methods of PCTs in SHA

Phase 2 Regional Co-ordinators uploading files

The correctly labelled files for each PCT will need to be uploaded via the portal which
should be reached via
Guidance on the use of this uploading site will be sent as a separate attachment to
Regional Co-ordinators.


Appendix 1 Table for recording errors found from Excel

(from column
A in Excel)

Child ID





dmft score but

not consented or
absent or refused

Other correction
e.g. incorrect
incisor coding


Appendix 2 Age Range Guide

For this month of


Children born within these ranges will definitely

be 5 years old

There may also be a few more

who were born in these months

Earliest birth month and


Latest birth month and


Birth Month / Year

Check Day of Birth * and **


November 2005

September 2006

Oct 2005 or Oct 2006*


December 2005

October 2006

Nov 2005 or Nov2006*


January 2006

November 2006

Dec 2005 or Dec 2006*


February 2006

December 2006

Jan 2006 or Jan 2007**


March 2006

January 2007

Feb 2006 or Feb 2007**


April 2006

February 2007

March 2006 or March 2007**


May 2006

March 2007

April 2006 or April 2007**


June 2006

April 2007

May 2006 or May 2007**


July 2006

May 2007

June 2006 or June 2007**

* If born 2005 birth day should be later than day of exam, if born 2006 birth day should be same day or
before day of exam.
** If born 2006 birth day should be later than day of exam, if born 2007 birth day should be same day or
before day of exam.


Appendix 3 - Summary information sheet and questionnaire. Available electronically, to

be coded as PCTCode_5yr.doc
National Dental Epidemiology Programme Survey
5-year-old children 2011/12
Local Authority
Primary Care Trust
Name of examiner(s)
Start - finish date of examinations
(dd/mm/yyyy dd/mm/yyyy)

Total number of state mainstream primary schools

Number of schools visited

Total number of 5-year-old children attending state mainstream primary schools

Number of children sampled
Number of children with : parental consent
Number of children with
parental consent :

parental consent

consent form
not returned

child absent

child refused


In your local authority area is there an existing procedure in place for securing consent for health activities ?
Yes (there is a clear plan) / No (each school is left to make its own judgement)
If Yes, what is the system ?

Do all schools comply ?

Yes / No

What target figure for a minimum sample were you aiming for
In the school with the lowest response rate what proportion of children had parental consent

In the school with the highest response rate what proportion of children had parental consent

What do you think are the key factors of success of gaining high levels of consent ?

What do you think are the key factors that can lead to low levels of consent ?


Appendix 4 Reporting of non-BASCD standard sampling methods additional,

augmented or census samples.
Name of PCT(s) __________________________________________________________
Name of LA(s) __________________________________________________________

Was consent sought according to the National Protocol?


If no please explain alternative procedure used:

Discussion with The Dental Observatory may be required about this

Were additional samples taken for local purposes or additional codes used?

If yes - explanation of additional samples:



Appendix 5 What to do if the results dont open in Excel

If the results dont open in Excel then:
I. In DSP2, from the menu bar, select Options, Results

II. Click on the comma separated value (.csv) file

III. Click Browse
IV. You now need to find the Excel.Exe file, to do this:


In the white Drives box click the down arrow and click on C:
In the white Folders box, at the top, double click on C:\
This will then display all the files and directories under C:
Scroll down this box, double click on PROGRA~1
Scroll down again, double click on MICROS~2
Double click on Office
In the left large box, double click on EXCEL.EXE
Click OK

If you cannot find the Office directory under MICROS~2 then try looking in the other
MICROS~ directories.
When you now re-run the Analysis, Population Summary results, if for some reason the
computer has reset itself back to save file as type Text [tab delimited] when it asks you to

save the results to file, then save the results as results.txt (making sure the folder is set to
DSP2\Surveys ) and click No to view results now.

Then open the text file in Excel (see instructions below).

In Excel

From the menu bar select File, Open

Change files of type to Text Files
Look in DSP2\Surveys
Click to Highlight Results.txt
Click Open
Click Delimited, Next
Make sure there is a tick in the Tab box, if not click in the tab box
Click Next
Click Finish
The results will now have opened in Excel
From the menu bar select File, Save as
Change save as type to Microsoft Excel Workbook
Click Save


Authors: Gill Davies and Janet Neville

The Dental Observatory
c/o NHS Central Lancashire
Preston Business Centre
Watling Street Road
t: +44(0)1772 777 037
f: +44(0)1772 220 278
North West Public Health Observatory
Centre for Public Health
Research Directorate
Faculty of Health and Applied Social Sciences
Liverpool John Moores University
2nd Floor, Henry Cotton Campus
15-21 Webster Street
L3 2ET
t: +44(0)151 231 4535
f: +44(0)151 231 4552
Published January 2012


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