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Im starting with this one: Double Sided Fabric Headband Pattern.

had so many ask about how I made the ones for my daughters
teachers that I digitized the pattern for all of you to use and wrote up

You can make simple ones

or more elaborate ones. I made these with leftover pieces from my

daughters quilt.
Are you ready to make one of your own?

What you need:

-Download adult size here: Free Double Sided Headband Pattern |
happy together {theres a 1 inch line on it to make sure its printed the
correct size for you}
-Download kid size here: Free Kid Size Double Sided Fabric Headband
Pattern | happy together
-Fabric for the headband and elastic cover
-Adult size: 5.5 to 6 inches of 1/2 or 3/4 elastic (this can be adjusted
if needed)
-Kid size: 5.5 to 6 inches of 1/2 or 3/4 elastic (I used 6 inches on the
ones I made for my girls, ages 3 and 7)

-Always back stitch at the beginning and end of sewing, unless
otherwise stated.

-Seam allowances are 1/4 unless otherwise stated.

-Kid size will be made the same way except the elastic casing is
so small that there is no need to do step 9.
1. Once you print out your pattern, cut the pattern pieces out. *Please
note that pattern has now been updated and will look a little different
when printed*

2. Cut out two pieces for the headband, making sure the pattern piece
is on the fabric fold.

3. Cut out two pieces for the elastic cover (if you make your elastic
piece longer, increase the length of these pieces as well). Again, make
sure the pattern piece is on the fabric fold.

4. Cut your piece of elastic to be 5.5 long.

5. Place the a headband fabric piece and elastic cover fabric piece
down, right sides facing up. Then place the second pieces on top of
them, right sides facing down. Make sure to match up the sides and
pin together.
6. Sew down the sides of the headband and the elastic cover.

7. Turn each piece right side out. I do this by attaching a long piece of
yarn to a safety pin.

Then I slide the safety pin through the what needs to be turned

and then pin one side of the end.

Tuck in the end that has the safety pin a little

and then pull the yarn on the other end and it will be right side out.

8. I use a long stick to push out the seams from the inside and then
iron, but you can just iron each piece if you like. I just dont like the
fabric overlapping on the sides too much.
9. Now take the elastic cover piece and sew down each long side. This
creates a middle casing for the elastic. *THIS step is NOT needed on
the kid size one.

10. Add a safety pin to the end of the elastic and start to slide the
elastic through the elastic cover. Make sure to stop before the end
without the safety pin is inside.

11. Once the side without the safety pin is at the opening, sew it in
place so it wont go anywhere.

12. Continue to push the safety pin through the casing until the other
end of the elastic is at the other edge. Sew that in place as well.

13. On each end of the headband piece,

turn in some so no raw edges are showing.

14. Slip in the elastic band until the place where you sewed is no
longer visible and sew in place.

15. Repeat #14 on the other side.

16. Top stitch the sides of the headband part if desired (I sew closer to
the edge than 1/4).

They are simple to make and if you plan it well you can whip up a
bunch at the same time assembly line style like. Then you have a
bunch for yourself or gifts for the ladies in your life

Most of these will

probably be Christmas presents. Great, huh? And its only July!!!!!

Dont forget to check out 6 ways to style your headband too.

If you make some, share by tagging me in social media and using

#happytogetherbyjess, in the flickr group or on the fb fanpage

En esta ocasin, les proponemos una receta sencilla y fcil de elaborar incluso con la
participacin de los ms pequeos de la casa. As que todos a la cocina!


250 gr. de lentejas

50 gr. de harina de trigo integral

1 cebolla

3 dientes de ajo

Sal y perejil

Aceite de oliva

Consejos: tambin se puede usar pan rallado para rebozar las hamburguesas antes de

Cmo preparar las hamburguesas de lentejas:

1- Poner las lentejas de remojo durante unas 4 o 5 horas.
2- Cocer las lentejas en agua caliente con sal y cuando estn tiernas, sacarlas del fuego y
colarlas para quitarles todo el lquido.
3- Cuando las lentejas estn secas, verterlas en un bol y con la ayuda de un tenedor,
batidora o un procesador de alimentos, batir las lentejas hasta conseguir una pasta.
Nosotros hemos preferido no batirlas tanto y dejar algunas lentejas enteras. Claro que
todo depende del gusto de cada persona.
4- En otro bol, mezclar la cebolla rallada, los ajos muy bien picados, la sal, el perejil y
la harina.
5- Verter esta mezcla a la pasta de lentejas y mezclar para que se forme una masa.
Reservar la masa por unos minutos.
6- Mientras tanto, poner aceite para calentar en una sartn.
7- Formar las hamburguesas con la mano. Si ves necesario, pasarlas por pan rallado o
8- Frer las hamburguesas por ambos lados hasta que tenga un color dorado, a fuego
medio para no quemarlas.
9- Y aqu tienes nuestras hamburguesas. Para acompaarlas, nada mejor que una buena
ensalada de lechugas y tomates. Qu hambre!!

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