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GE 2321






Certified that this is the bonafide record of work done by

Mr /Ms.. of .Department
in the ..Laboratory and submitted for
University Practical Examination Conducted on


Internal Examiner

Head of the Department

External Examiner


Listening Comprehension Exercise I
Listening Comprehension Exercise II
Reading Comprehension & Vocabulary Exercise I
Reading Comprehension & Vocabulary Exercise II
Error Detection
Cloze Test
Sequencing of Jumbled Sentences
Role Play I
Role Play II
Telephone Conversation I
Telephone Conversation II
Face to Face Conversation
Common Errors


Self Introduction
Thumbnail Portrait
Cover Letter
Presentation Skills I
Presentation Skills II
Soft skills- Assertiveness
Group Discussion I
Group Discussion II
Mock Interview 1
Mock Interview 2

Page No.



GE 2321



1. What was the compromise reached between the government of Canada and the
[ ] Louis Riel was executed.
[ ] Their land became a province.
[ ] The metis received their own schools.
[ ] The metis received guarantees protecting their land and culture.
2. What was the original name of Manitoba?

] The metis province

] The postage stamp province
] The middle province
] The prairie province

3. What is NOT mentioned by the speaker as a major industry in Manitoba?


] Farming
] Timber
] Mining
] Furnishing

4. What are the man and woman discussing?


] Summer plans
] Their jobs on the campus
] The mans future plans
] Getting ready for the school next semester

5. What would the woman like to be doing during the summer?


] Working at a better job.

] Hanging out and studying
] Having fun with their friends
] interning in an interested field




1. What is the discussion about?

[ ] Mapmaking today
[ ] How maps were made in the Renaissance
[ ] How maps have changed over time
[ ] The science of mapmaking
2. Why have Ptolemys maps survived?
[ ] They were written on parch meat
[ ] They were recopied many times
[ ] They were written on clay and tile
[ ] They were better than other maps
3. In which year Edward Wright used Mercators System, criss-crossing diagonal
lines and trigonometry to create accurate maps.
[ ] 1596
[ ] 1599
[ ] 1598
[ ] 1595
4. Match the time period with the mapping technology.
[ ] 17th century
[ ] 16th century
[ ] Medival



Almost all living things ultimately get their energy from the sun. In a process called
photosynthesis, plants, algae, and some other organisms capture their suns energy and
use it to make simple sugars like glucose. Most other organisms use these organic
molecules as a source of energy. Organic materials contain a tremendous amount of
energy. As food, they fuel our bodies and those of most other creatures. In such forms of
oil, gas, and coal, they heat our homes, run our factories and power our cars.
Photosynthesis begins when solar energy is absorbed by chemicals called
photosynthesis pigments that are contained within an organism .The most common
photosynthetic pigment is chlorophyll.the bright green color characteristic of plants is
caused by it. Most algae have additional pigments that may mask the green chlorophyll.
Because of these pigments, algae may be not only but brown, blue or even black.
In a series of enzyme-controlled reactions, the solar energy captured by chlorophyll
and other pigments is used to make simple sugars, with carbon dioxide and water as the
raw materials. Carbon dioxide is one of very few carbon-containing molecules not
considered to be organic compounds. Photosynthesis then converts carbon from an
inorganic to an organic form. This is called carbon fixation. In this process, the solar
energy that was absorbed by chlorophyll is stored as chemical energy in the form of
simple sugars like glucose. The glucose is then used to make other organic compounds.
In addition, photosynthesis produces oxygen gas. All the oxygen gas on earth, both in the
atmosphere we breathe and in the ocean, was produced by photosynthetic organisms.
Photosynthesis constantly replenishes the earth oxygen supply.
Organisms that are cap of photosynthesis can obtain all the energy the need from
sunlight and do not need to eat. They are called autotrophs. Plants are the most familiar
autotrops on land. In the ocean, algae and bacteria are the most important autotrophs.
Many organisms cannot produce their own food and must obtain energy organic matter.
These are called heterotrophs.
1. With what topic is the passage primarily concerned?
[ ] The process of absorbing solar energy
[ ] The process of converting solar energy into organic molecules
[ ] The process of carbon fixation
[ ] The difference between autotrophs and heterotrophs
2. The phrase is caused by in the passage is closest in meaning to
[ ] comes from
[ ] is triggered by

[ ] is spurred on
[ ] is created by
3. Earths main source of energy is
[ ] oxygen
[ ] glucose
[ ] the sun
[ ] carbon dioxide
4. All of the following are sources of energy EXCEPT
[ ] oil
[ ] glucose
[ ] sun
[ ] rocks
5. Look at the word THEY in the passage.
THEY refers to ____________________________.
6. All the following are the characteristics of chlorophyll EXCEPT
[ ] photosynthetic chemical pigments
[ ] most common pigment
[ ] common in animals
[ ] causes the green color in plants
7. Which is the word or phrase in the bold text that is closest meaning to the word
8. Which of the following is not true?
[ ] Glucose is produced by carbon fixation
[ ] Carbon dioxide and water are used to produce glucose
[ ] Solar energy, absorbed by chlorophyll, is stored as glucose
[ ] Chlorophyll is used as chemical energy in the form of glucose
9. Photosynthesis produces all the following EXCEPT
[ ] oxygen
[ ] glucose
[ ] chlorophyll
[ ] simple sugars
10. The word REPLENISHES in the passage is closest in meaning to
[ ] provides
[ ] restores
[ ] fulfills
[ ] creates
11. List the different colors of algae -



When a society undergoes rapid social change, its religion is likely to be affected.
At sometimes, people may feel disillusioned, or dissatisfied, their conservative,
established religion may be incapable of changing to accommodate their new needs.
Under these circumstances, which may be associated with revitalization, a prophet a
charismatic leader, usually male, who offers solution in times of extreme social unrest
may emerge. A prophet is typically a person who has undergone some intense spiritual
experience: perhaps a spirit has shown him new truths and new ways of behaving, or
urged him to return to traditional ways. As a result of this experience, the prophet usually
feels he has a mission to fulfill among his fellows, and if he is convincing he may
develop a following.
The charismatic prophets who emerged among the Native Americans of the Great
Plains during the last decades of the nineteenth century are illustrative. At the time, Plains
groups were undergoing cultural deprivation. White people had seized their land and
herded them onto reservations. Alcoholism, measles, and whooping cough, introduced by
whites, had killed thousands. The relentless westbound expansion of white pioneers had
left massacres and broken peace treaties in its wake, and Native Americans were growing
increasingly frustrated and desperate.
In this context, a series of charismatic Native Americans prophets emerged,
predicting that-if people would only follow them-the whites would be wiped out, the
bison would return, lands would be recovered, sickness and death would disappear, dead
kinsmen would be restored to life, and everlasting prosperity and happiness would reign.
All that was needed to bring about the millennium was that people have faith, pray, and
repeatedly perform a ritual called the Ghost dance. The ghost dancing was widely
practiced, but to no avail.
The Jesus of the Christian religion, a man who broke away from religious
orthodoxy during a time of social upheaval, is another example of a prophet. Jesus
persuaded people to give up their ways of life and become his lifelong disciples. After his
death, the church he founded continued under the leadership of one of his followers,
Peter, and eventually became an institution.
1 .What is the best title for the passage?
[ ] A history of religion
[ ] The origin of Religion
[ ] The birth of a Prophet
[ ] The need for Religion
2. All of the following may cause the need for prophet EXCEPT
[ ] famine

[ ] pollution
[ ] an economic crisis
[ ] natural disasters
3. Accommodate is closest in meaning to
[ ] understand
[ ] listen
[ ] satisfy
[ ] recognize
4. The passage suggests that prophets
[ ] often see ghosts
[ ] talk to the dead
[ ] undergo mystical experience
[ ] are radical revolutionaries
5. Look at the word him in the passage.
Here him refers to ___________________________.
6. Before the arrival of Whites, Indians
[ ] were self sufficient
[ ] were hardly intoxicated
[ ] were not dissatisfied
[ ] were hunter gatherers
7. The word herded in the passage is closest in meaning to
[ ] forced
[ ] drove
[ ] reared
[ ] supervised
8. The third paragraph suggest that the Indian prophets
[ ] hated white settlers
[ ] wanted to become absolute leaders
[ ] made unrealistic claims
[ ] wanted to create illusions
10. Which sentence describes the prophet?
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------11. The Ghost Dance is an example of all the following EXCEPT
[ ] desperation
[ ] blind faith
[ ] religious fervor
[ ] intuition


Tick the correctly spelled words that are given in brackets in the following

1) Each of the employees attended the meeting (accept, except) the line
supervisor, who was out of town for job-related travel.
2) The (advise, advice) he gave will help us all to do a better job.
3) Management must (affect, effect) a change in employees attitudes toward
4) Let me (site, cite, sight) this most recent case as an example.
5) (Its, Its) too early to tell if our personnel changes will help create a better
office environment.
6) If we (lose, loose) another good employee to our competitor, our production
capabilities will suffer.
7) Im not (quite, quiet) sure what she meant by that comment.
8) (Their, There, Theyre) budget has gotten too large to ensure a successful
profit margin.
9) We had wanted to attend the conference (to, too, two), but our tight schedule
prevented us from doing so.
10) (Youre, your) best chance for landing this contract is to manufacture a better

Rewrite using appropriate articles in the following sentences

1. A state of Virginia, in the United States, is called the Old Dominion.

2. An university education is one of the necessities for the poison these days.
3. The Wright Brothers made their famous flight in an early twentieth century.
4. A hour passed before we received his reply.
5. A tallest building in Manhattan is the Empire State Building.
6. Newfoundland is an large island in eastern Canada.
7. He spent many years in a unpleasant job.A egg is said to provide a complete diet.
8. A first lesson is about author Harold Wright.


Choose the correct form of the verb from the brackets

1. The company admitted (receiving/to receive) our letter.

2. The announcer agreed (repeating / to repeat) the massage.
3. Carl has decided (applying / to apply) to college in Canada.
4. The cat carefully avoided (making / to make) any noise.
5. I was considering (going / to go) to England until I fell ill.
6. The (boring / bored) audiences left before the speech was over.
7. Children (entering / entered) a new school may encounter problems.
8. Suggestions (making/made) earlier in the meeting were discussed.
9. The (losing/lost) ship was thought to have sunk near Hawaii.
10. The windows (overlooking / overlooked) the garden receive plenty of light.

Correct the mistakes in the following sentences.

1. An award was presented the player who scored the most points.
2. A skilled artist can produce many different kind effects with a brush.
3. The rate which a chemical reaction proceeds depends partly on temperature.
4. We are planning of a visit to France next month.
5. Four rocky planets, Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars, orbit relatively close the
6. There were faults than 50 of tigers in the whole country.
7. She has many faults, but were all very fond her.
8. His hard work accounts his success.
9. We are depended the sun for energy.
10. The town which the college is located is very pretty.

Fill in the blanks choosing appropriate word from the list given in brackets:
Mahathma Gandhi was -------------- in 1948.
(killed / murdered / assassinated)
The family was ---------------- in a road accident.


We ------------------ English.


She is sometimes --------------- and caused problems.

(childish/ childlike/ childless).
Please keep it -------------.
(safe/ safely/ safety)
Sheela was under the ------------- that Mohan loved her.
He was seriously -------------- in the accident.
(injured/ hurt/ wounded)
I am ------------------ a letter from my friend.
(awaiting/ waiting/ expecting)




1. Successful ------------- is about understanding people and setting them to share the
------------ of the organization. The manager must -------------- what is going on at
all times and the --------------- must know what is ------------- of them. There is no
-------------- for asking simple questions like what, why, when, how, how much.
Listening carefully is the ------------- link in communicating with staff and clients.
Of course managers need to delegate some ------------- of these tasks to team
leaders, but as a manager, you are ------------- for all these areas. However, there
are some things such as planning, team selection, and rewarding achievements
that should not be ------------ A desk is a dangerous place from which to view
your staff and clients.
1. Allocated
2. Responsible
3. Delegated
4. Management
5. Aspects
6. Expected
7. Reason

8. Vision
9. Vital
10. Know
11. Employees
12. Substitute
13. Crucial
14. Credible

2. Non-verbal communication is ------------- associated with the --------------- of

observation. According to -----------------, the non-verbal part of communication
has an overwhelming ------------------. It is said that less than 10% of the effect of
a ----------------- on an audience is accounted for by -----------------. Over 90% of
the ----------------- comes from the ----------------- part. Here again about 50% of
the effect is accounted for by the --------------------- factors: appearance, dress,
body language, facial expression, postures and gestures. Over 35% of the effect is
------------- for by the voice-tone, sincerity, modulation.
1. Non-verbal
2. Visual
3. Impact
4. Words
5. Tone
6. Rapport
7. Vaguely

8. Accounted
9. Closely
10. Speaker
11. Researchers
12. Impact
13. Power
14. audible

3. The average new born --------------------- is about fifty centimeters long. In twenty
years this little -------------------- more than triples -------------------- in length. The
----------------- height of a man is 1.7 meters ------------------ man does not stop
growing then, ------------------ continues to grow even after the ------------------ of
twenty five and reaches his maximum --------------------- at about the age of thirty
five. --------------------- happens after that? He does not stop growing but begins to
shrink -----------------------. An average person shrinks as much as ten millimeters
--------------------------- ten years after the age of forty.
1. What
2. He
3. However
4. Usual
5. Average
6. Itself
7. Body

8. Stature
9. Age
10. Height
11. Now onward
12. In
13. Just
14. Baby

4. Nations which have -------------------- upon programmes of economic development

often run into unsuspected barriers which threaten, and often --------------------the ----------------- needed growth of the economy. Industrialisation -----------------,
productivity fails to respond and the nations goals of raising standard of living
for its people are -----------------.

1. Falters
2. Deteriorated
3. Fluctuates
4. Dissolves
5. Frustrated
6. Suspended
7. Embarked


8. Alarmingly
9. Cut
10. Deviates
11. Fulfilled
12. Postponed
13. Halt
14. Desperately


Sequence the following jumbled sentences:

A. The main object is to maintain the interest of every member of the society and to
ensure that the members participate actively in the projects of society.
B. If the society is to be well run, it is necessary to prevent insincere officials being
elected to the committee which is responsible for the running of business.
C. They get this from experienced and professional workers who are not only
familiar with the cooperative system, but also with efficient method of doing
D. The capital necessary to start a business venture is obtained by the workers
E. The cooperative system of doing business is a good way of encouraging ordinary
workers to work hard.
F. The cooperative system of doing business is a good way of encouraging ordinary
workers to work hard.
Ans: ----------------------------------------------.
A. Since the sixties there has been an increasing interest in neurophysiology, which
deals with the neural bases of mental activity and behaviour.
B. It has format which is very similar to that of Brain and Language, a sister journal.
C. Since then, a number of journals devoted entirely to this area of research have
D. Before the 1960's when this field was the concern of a small number of
investigators, research articles were scattered in various neurological journals.
E. Brain and cognition is one such journal.
F. So far the journal has published the mixture of articles including reports and
Ans: -----------------------------------


A. Forecasting the weather has always been a difficult business.

B. During a period of drought, streams and rivers dried up, the cattle died from thirst
and were ruined.
C. Many different things affect the weather and we have to study them carefully to
make accurate forecast.
D. Ancient Egyptians had no need of weather in the Nile Valley hardly ever changes.
E. In early times, when there were no instruments, such as thermometer or the
barometer, man looked for tell-tale signs in the sky
F. He made his forecasts by watching flights of the birds or the way smoke rose
from fire.
Ans: ---------------------------

A. For decades, American society has been calling a melting pot
B. Differences remained - in appearence, mannerisms, customs, speech, religion and
C. The term has long been a cliche and half-truth.
D. But homogenisation was never acheived.
E. Yes, immigrants from diverse cultures and traditions did cast off vestiges of their
native lands and become almost imperceptibly woven in to the American fabric.
F. In recent years, such differences accentuated by the arrival of immigrants from
Asia and other parts of the world in the United States - have become something to
celebrate and to nurture.
Ans: --------------------------.

EX.NO . 8

Opening a Bank account

Mr. Kumar goes to meet the Manager of a bank for opening a bank account.
Bank Clerk : Yes, please. How can I help you?
Mr.Kumar : I want to open an account in your bank.
Bank Clerk : Mr.Madhavan is the manager of our bank. You can see him.
Mr.Kumar : Can you tell me where does he sit?
Bank Clerk : He sits in the second cabin on the right side.
Mr.Kumar : May I come in please?
Bank Manager : With great pleasure. Please come in Can I do anything for you?
Mr.Kumar : I am A.J.Kumar. I want to open an account in your bank.
Bank Manager : I am pleased to meet you, Mr. Kumar. May I know which type of
account do you wish to open?
Mr.Kumar : I want to open a savings account, Sir.
Bank Manager : Do you want to open a joint or a single account, please?
Mr.Kumar : I want to open a joint account with my wife.
Bank Manager : Is your wife also here?
Mr.Kumar : No, she isnt here at the moment. If you want, I can bring her with me
Bank Manager : Her presence is essential, but I can give you the form for opening the
joint account.
Mr.Kumar : Thank you, Sir.
Bank Manager : Here is the form. Please get this introduced by a person who already
has an account in this bank.
Mr.Kumar : With how much money can I open the account?
Bank Manager : You can open a Savings Bank Account with a minimum amount of
Rs.500 only.
Mr.Kumar : But I need a Cheque Book also.
Bank Manager : In that case, you are required to open it with at least Rs.1000 and you
should also keep a minimum balance of Rs.1000 in your account.
Mr.Kumar : Thank you so much. I shall bring this form tomorrow after getting the
necessary introduction and open an account with your bank.
Bank Manager : You are welcome at any time.
Mr.Kumar : Thank you for all this information.
Bank Manager : Its my pleasure. Thank You for your visit.


At the Airport.
Mrs. Crista goes to the airport and inquires about the flight.

Mrs. Crista : Hello Good Morning.

Receptionist : Yes, what can I do for you ?
Mrs. Crista : Has British Airlines landed ?
Receptionist : No Madam, it is not the time.
Mrs. Crista : When will it land here ?
Receptionist : Oh! There is a lot of time for that. You can stay in the waiting room. By
the by, Madam have you sent your luggage for weighting and checking?
Mrs. Crista : No, I do not have more than my dresses and a few books.
Receptionist : Yet you wil have to be checked. This is the formal thing done here.
Mrs. Crista : Where have I to go then ?
Receptionist ; Just to the opposite room. All right have you got the passport and visa
ready ?
Mrs. Crista : Yes, of course, I have them ready.
Receptionist :You can now go to the opposite room.
Mrs. Crista : Excuse me Sir, How long will the British Airlines stay here ?
Receptionist : It will stay here for more than an hour.
Mrs. Crista : When will it reach South York ?
Receptionist : It will reach South York by 11 a.m. tomorrow. By the by have you got the
Boarding Ticket ready ?
Mrs. Crista : I have had my immigrant checking , customs checking and boarding pass.
Receptionist : That is all, You can wait for the flight.
Mrs. Crista : Thank you, very kind of you.
Receptionist : See you Bon Voyage.


When you get a telephone call from an English speaker, you should be able to instantly
speak English. Take a telephone message from a native speaker. Speak as fast as a native
speaker. Control the conversation. Do not use eye contact or gestures. Check to make
sure you wrote the information correctly.
You will be able to take a message from a native speaker without getting nervous.
You will make a good impression on your co-workers and on the person you are
talking to on the phone.
A : Hello. Geisert Corporation. Mark Edwards speaking.
B : Hello. This Kevin James from North Horn Finance. May I speak to tom Baker,
(or) Could I speak to Tom baker?
A : Im sorry. Tom Baker is not at his desk. (or) Mr. Baker is on vacation today.
Would you
like to leave a message? (or) can I take a message? (or)
B : Can you take a message? (or) Can I leave a message?
A/B: Yes.
B : Could you ask him to call me back? My telephone number is
A : Im sorry, could I have your name again, please?
B : My name is Kevin James.
A : And who do you work for?
B : I work for North Horn Finance.
A : Let me make sure I understand. You want Mr. Baker to call you back. Your name
is Kevin James, you work for North horn Finance, and your phone number is
_____________________. Is that correct?
B : Yes, thats correct. / No, that isnt correct.
A : Ill give him the message. Is there anything else I can do for you?
B : No, thats everything. Thank you for your help.
A : Its my pleasure.
B : Good-bye.
A : Good-bye.



Michelle : Hello, you've reached the _________________ department. How can I help?

: Yes can I __________________ to Rosalind Wilson, please?

Michelle : May I know whos calling?


: _________________ Davies Sam here.

Michelle : Certainly. Please ____________________ and Ill put you through.


: Thank you.

Michelle: Just a second - Ill see if hes in. Hello, Roceline Wilson? Ive got Mike Andrews
_____________ the phone for you . OK - Ill put him through. Hang on a



Stand up. Introduce yourself to someone you have never met. Look the other person in
the eye when you talk to them. Appear confident. Shake hands firmly. Smile.

You must meet people in order to do business. By starting a conversation and appearing
interested, it will be more likely that the other person will buy your product or service.
A: Hello, my name is _________________. (shake hands)
B: My name is__________________.
A: Its nice to meet you.
B: Its nice to meet you too.
A: Who do you work for?
B: I work for______________________. (company name)
A: What do you do?
B: Im a ______________________. (engineer, teacher, manager, executive assistant)
A: Where do you live?
B: I live in __________________. (city name)
A: Do you have a family?
B: Yes, there are __________ people an my family: my wife, my daughter and I.
A: What do you like to do in your free time?
B: I like _________________. (playing tennis, reading, watching TV)
A: Well, it was nice meeting you. (shake hands)
B: It was nice meeting you too.
A: Good-bye.
B: Good-bye.

Tick the correct answer


1. She is one of the best mothers that have ever lived.

She is one of the best mothers that has ever lived.
2. Our school had won the match if only we would have concentrated.
Our school would have won the match if only we had concentrated.
3. He will not pay unless he is compelled.
He will not pay till he is compelled.
4. The boys have been playing cricket since morning.
The boys have been playing cricket from morning.
5. Three and three make six.
Three and three makes six.
6. Neither his sister nor his brothers are alive.
Neither his sister nor his brothers is alive.
7. The Committee has selected its chairman.
The Committee have selected its chairman.
8. There are many questions to be answered.
There is many questions to be answered.
9. No news are good news.
No news is good news.
10. The military were called out.
The military was called out.



GE 2321

EX.NO. 1


Stand up. Introduce yourself to a large
Group of people. Talk about your current

Job. Talk about your background. Talk a

Little more about your personal life.
Memorize your introduction. Make
Eye contact with everyone in the room.
Be energetic. Speak clearly. Speak loudly.
Speak without hesitation. Smile :)
People are more likely to speak with you
And work effectively with you if they have
A basic understanding of who you are and
What your abilities are. People become
Accustomed to your accent. You will probably
Feel more comfortable participating in-group
Discussions if you have already given a short
Introductory speech.


My name is_________________.
I study at___________________.
Im a student of _____________________.
I live in____________________.
There are______________ people in my family. My____________________ and I.
I like _____________________ in my free time.

EX.NO. 2


I am____________________.
I am currently pursuing my third year B.E. at Tagore Engineering College
with____________________________ as my major.
I have worked with XYZ designing systems and developed a
________________________ and spent time with SAP labs to understand how they
proceed further with the manufacture and working condition of the structure.
I am looking for an entry-level position with your company and feel that my skills in
CAD/CAM & other designing tools will be just what your company is in search of.
I come from a family of engineers and therefore, the foundation for my technical
knowledge has been laid since childhood. I have imbibed the virtues like honesty and
discipline from my family.
Thank You!

EX.NO. 3

Date: January 22th 2013

No.124,Arul Nagar

Place: Guduvancheri

The HR Manager
Techno Solutions Pvt. Ltd,
Dear Sir,
Sub: Applying for the post of Software Engineer in your concern-regd.
Ref: Your advertisement in THE HINDU dated on January 18th 2013.
I did my degree in BE- Computer Science & Engineering at the year of 2012.At
present I am in search for jobs and as I saw the advt in THE HINDU for vacancy to the
post of Software Engineer, I am interested to apply for this job.
I have completed my BE- Computer Science Engineering at Tagore Engineering
College. During my college days I have attended many classes regarding programming
languages and scripting languages. I am expecting for the call letter soon and seeking for
the time to the personal interview. I have attached my resume along with this letter. I
promise that I would produce my best in my performance.
Thanking you.

EX.NO. 4


Application for the post of Software Engineer

No.124,Arul Nagar
Kanchipuram District
Pin: 603202.

To work in an organization & achieve higher goals with dedication and
commitment. To strive continuously to add glory to my profession, organization and the

1. Serving as in ABC ltd. from Dec 31,2012.

Graduated B.E Computer Science & Engineering from the Tagore Engineering
college Affiliated by Anna University on 2010

I have made Paper presentation regarding Nano Technology at Hindustan
Conducted Seminar regarding Social Development at SSN College of


Placed first position in Kabadi Tournament in Punjab on March 2009
Awarded first prize in the fine Art work at Bangalore on June 2008


Office Automation in ALTC in January 30th 2007 with A+ Grade.

Diploma in Computer Application in May 25th 2009 with A+ Grade

C,C++,JAVA at Apollo Computer Education in September 4th 2008 with A+




29 years

Date of Birth

May 18 1982



Marital Status






Languages known

Tamil, Hindi, Marathi,Telugu.

Mr.R.Chandra Pal


Chief executive Officer


Ranbaxy Pvt. Ltd.


No.45, Ragan street, New Road,









Tagore Engineering College


No.4, New Street, Vandalur





I hereby declare that the information provided by me is true to the best of my


Place: Guduvancheri.
Date: January 22th 2013.


My favorite Book


Today I am here to do a short presentation on my favourite book

God of Small things written by Arundhati Roy.
First Ill talk about the author of the book, her background and so on.
Next Ill provide a brief synopsis of the story.
Finally, Ill bring out the finer points in the book, which has made it a world-class novel
and worthy of the Booker prize.
The author and the book
Firstly, talking about the author, Arundhati Roy hails from Kerala and is the daughter of
Mary Roy, who is well known as the educator who was responsible for a landmark
judgement in a case for daughters rights to ancestral property.
God of Small things is the first and only novel written by Arundhati Roy.
Secondly, coming to the story- the story of God of Small things revolves around a pair
of twins, Rahel and Estha ,the children of the divorced Ammu and their experiences in
their native state which is at that point of time strife-ridden communist fervour holding
sway over the working class which turns antagonistic towards the aristocratic class to
which the twins and their mother belong. The twins and their mother find themselves
embroiled in all kinds of difficult situations where they manage to ld on together until
Ammu is discovered lifeless in a hotel room.
The struggle has ended for the poor woman and the twins rediscover their closeness for
each other.
Thirdly, the book has won hands down in the competition for the Booker, beating even
the native writers and the reason could probably lie in the fact that the story probes

relationships and politics in a relatively unknown, sleepy, small town of Kottayam. The
manner in which the writer uses English language with her quaint usages and phrases
reveals herr innovative skills and ability to bring out the Indian ambience in a powerful

It is one of the finest novels written by an Indian. It is a must read book as it combines
all elements of plot, characterization and wonderful use of language into a complete and
wholesome piece of literature.



Identity Theft is one of the fastest growing crimes in almost every country. Identity
theft occurs when someone obtains your personal information, such as your credit card
data or Social Security number, to commit fraud or other crimes. The Federal Trade

Commission estimates that 9 million Americans suffer identity theft annually. It sounds
like a big number, but it isnt.
The credit-card fraud occurs when a thief uses your credit card to make purchases.
More serious is when someone uses your information to open accounts or take loans in
your name. Thats when youll have to fight to get your credit restored and your name
cleared, an arduous process that can take months or years to complete.
In response to concerns over identity theft, numerous companies and financial
institutions have stepped in with products that monitor your credit, reimburse you for lost
wages or funds and guard your identity. Some employers also now offer ID theft
insurance to help you reduce the amount of time and money spent resolving the crime, so
check with your companys benefits specialist about your eligibility.

Try these common-sense, no-cost measures to protect against identity theft and fraud:
Guard your information online:
These days, many of us do most of our shopping and banking on the web. With all
those account numbers and passwords floating around, its easy for someone to nab
your information and go on a spree.
Clear your logins and passwords. This is especially important if youve been working
on a public computer. Change logins and passwords monthly.
Pay for online purchases with your credit card, which has better guarantees under
federal law than your online payment services or your debit card.
Be alert for phishing, a trick in which spam or pop-ups mimic legitimate banks or
businesses to obtain your personal information, which they use to access your accounts.
Always verify that youre on a familiar Web site with security controls before entering
personal data.
Monitor your bank and credit card statements:
Check your accounts regularly so you know when somethings awry. Purchases you
didnt make should be obviouslike a gas fill-up halfway across the country.
Identity bandits may fill out change of address forms so that delinquent credit notices
remain off your paper billing radar.

Monitor your credit report:

By law, youre entitled to a free report every year from each of the three bureaus
(Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion). Request one every four months, changing
bureaus each time. You can order the report directly through each agency, or
at Use this URLthere are hordes of knockoff sites that will
try to charge you for your report and other needless services. Scan it for abnormal
activity, such as accounts or credit cards you didnt open. (And dont fall prey to faux
free credit report advertisements.)
Shred sensitive documents:
Buy a shredder and regularly shred outdated bank statements, credit card applications,
bills, and anything with your personal information before tossing it into the trash or
recycling. Junk mail often includes some of your personal details.
Picking the Right Service:
First, decide whether youd like to purchase the services of a dedicated identity theft
protection firm or one of the products offered by your bank or insurer. Many banks now
offer customers daily credit checks that alert them to fishy activity in their accounts.
Some will also provide insurance to repay lost wages or legal fees incurred as a result
of identity theft or fraud. Other plans assign you a caseworker to help restore your
credit. LifeLock and TrustedID are the two most prominent companies that market
themselves as identity theft protection experts. These companies offer a mix of
preventive and reactive tools to maintain your identity and credit, the most common
being fraud alerts and credit freezes.

Fraud alerts:
Some identity-theft protectors will immediately place fraud alerts on your files with the
three main credit bureaus, whether youve been victimized or not. In essence, it forces
any bank or credit agency to balk before approving credit requests in your name. Its

not foolproof, though. This may only be a speed bump for a practiced thief, so dont
consider it a guarantee that your identity wont be swiped.
Credit freezes:
Freezes are far more effective than alerts. Icing your files prevents any company from
accessing your credit unless you already do business with them, effectively sealing your
records against any new creditor. Freezes can be a pain if youre seeking a mortgage or
student loanor any form of credit. Youll have to contact the bureaus to unfreeze your
records, which can take up to three days. Plus, the credit bureaus normally charge a
small fee whenever you freeze and unfreeze your files. Credit freeze rules vary by state.
Alerts and freezes are two measures you can take yourself, so consider whether you
want to pay a company to do it for you.
If youve detected fraudulent activity, notify the financial institution where the
fraudulent activity occurred first so they can freeze your account. Depending on the
situation, youll need to file a complaint with the FTC and your local police department
as well as investigate all of your other accounts. And keep a vigilant eye on that credit
Thus there are many ways to protect ourselves from identity theft. Be cautious and gain
the benefits from the offers provided by the government safely.


Soft Skills

Soft skills refer to the cluster of personality traits, social graces, and facility with
language, personal habits, friendliness and optimism that mark people to varying degrees.
Soft skills complement hard skills, which are the technical requirements of a job.

Personality Qualities:

Serves as a client /customers
Exercises leadership
Works with cultural diversity

Teaches others
Participates as a member of the tem
Self esteem
Self management
Interpersonal skills:

Soft skills can also be an important part of the success of an organization.

Organizations, particularly those frequently dealing with customers face-to-face, are
generally more prosperous if they train their staff to use these skills. For this reason,
employers in addition to standard qualifications increasingly seek soft skills out.
Assertiveness is a trait taught by many personal development experts and
psychotherapists and the subject of many popular self-help books .It is linked to selfesteem and considered an important communication skill.
As a communication style and strategy, assertiveness is distinguished from aggression
and passivity. How people deal with personal boundaries; their own and those of
other people, helps to distinguish between these three concepts. Passive
communicators do not defend their own personal boundaries and thus allow
aggressive people to harm or otherwise unduly influence them. They are also
typically not likely to risk trying to influence anyone else. Aggressive people do not
respect the personal boundaries of others and thus liable to harm others while trying
to influence them. A person communicates assertively by not being afraid to speak his
or her mind or trying to influence others, but doing so in a way that respects the
personal boundaries of others. They are willing to defend themselves against
aggressive incursions.
Assertive people have the following characteristics:
1) They feel free to express their feelings, thoughts and desires
2) They know their lights
3)they have control over their anger .it does not mean that they repress this feeling .it
means that they control it for a moment and then talk about it later in a logical way
4) They have a good understanding of feelings of the person they are communicating


Topic: Multinationals : Boon or Bane?

Participants - Renuka Das

Seema Kothari
Ravi Kiran
Vignesh. S
Hisham Mohd.
Anitha. C.
JUDGE: Good morning. You can choose any topic you like or take a slip from that box.
You are given one minute to think to start with the discussion. The observers will not
interfere in your discussion. If no conclusion is reached, we may ask each of you to speak
for a minute on the topic at the end of the discussion. The topic on the slip is
"Multinationals: Bane or Boon". I suggest you should start the discussion.

Renuka Das: This is a good topic. I am against multinationals. We have Coke and
Pepsi. Do we need them? We can manufacture our own soft drinks. Multinationals
destroy the local industry and sell non-essential products.

Seema Kothari: I agree with you. What is the fun of having Coke and Pepsi? We have
our own Campa Cola.

Ravi Kiran: I think water is good enough.

Vignesh. S: We are not here to discuss soft drinks. The topic given to us is a much
larger one. First, let us define multinational companies. They are merely large companies
which operate in a number of countries. There could be some Indian multinationals also.
So there is nothing wrong with them. The point is whether they have a good or bad
impact on the host countries. We have to discuss their business practices and find out
whether they are desirable or not.

Hisham Mohd.: That is a very good introduction to the topic. Multinational companies
do serve an important function that they bring new products and technologies in countries
which do not have them. And it is not just Coke and Pepsi. They set up power plants and
build roads and bridges, which really help in the development of host countries.

Anitha. C: But are they all that good? We have seen that they destroy local industry. In
India they just took over existing companies. They came in areas of low technology.

Moreover, we have to see why they come at all. They come for earning profits and often
remit more money abroad than they bring in.

Renuka Das: I agree with you. I am against multinationals. We can produce everything
ourselves. We should be swadeshi in our approach. Why do we need multinational

Hisham Mohd.: We may not need multinational companies but then it also means that
our companies should not do business abroad. Can we live in an isolated world? The fact
is that we are moving towards becoming a global village. The world is interconnected.
Then we have also seen that foreign companies bring in business practices that we are
impressed with. Look at foreign banks. They are so efficient and friendly that the
nationalized banks look pathetic in comparison. I think we can learn a lot from
multinationals if we keep our eyes and mind open.

Seema Kothari: Take a look at McDonald's. They are providing quality meals at
affordable prices. One does not have to wait at their restaurants.

Ravi Kiran: How do you account for the fact that they take out more than they put in
and thus lead to impoverishing the country?

Vignesh. S: The fact is that every poor country needs foreign investment. Poor
countries often lack resources of their own. That is why they have to invite foreign
companies in. There is nothing wrong in this because then products like cars, air
conditioners and so on can be made in poor countries. Often multinationals source
products from different countries which helps boost their export earnings.

Hisham Mohd. : We have been talking about Coke and Pepsi. It is well known that
Pepsi is in the foods business also and has helped farmers in Punjab by setting up modern

farms to grow potatoes and tomatoes. Modern practices have helped the people in that

Renuka Das: I still feel that multinationals are harmful for the country.

Vignesh. S : Well, there could be negative things associated with such companies. They
may not be very good in their practices. But can we do without them? I think the best
way is to invite them but also impose some controls so that they follow the laws of the
country and do not indulge in unfair practices.

Hisham Mohd. : I think laws are applicable to everyone. Very often officials in poor
countries take bribes. The fault lies not with the company which gives a bribe but the
person who actually demands one. Why blame the companies for our own ills?

Renuka Das : What about the money they take out?

Vignesh. S : We have had a good discussion and I think it is time to sum up.
Multinationals may have good points and some bad ones too, but competition is never
harmful for anyone. We cannot live in a protected economy any longer. We have been
protected for many years and the results are there for everyone to see. Rather than be
close about multinationals, let us invite them in selected areas so that we get foreign
investment in areas which we are lacking. Laws can be strictly enforced that companies
operate within limits and do not start meddling in political affairs.


Topic: Do youngsters use or misuse their freedom?

Participants - Theepika
Vidhya Lakshmi
Devi Priya
Tamil Selvan
JUDGE: Good morning. You can choose any topic you like or take a slip from that box.
You are given one minute to think to start with the discussion. The observers will not
interfere in your discussion. If no conclusion is reached, we may ask each of you to speak
for a minute on the topic at the end of the discussion. I suggest you should start the
Vidhya Good Morning. We are going to discuss the topic Do youngsters use or misuse
their freedom?.
Theepika Freedom is a right given to the person, to do or decide things on their own.
Freedom has to be given in various sectors like education, career,business,home, etc.,
Vidhya Lakshmi Youngsters must realize that freedom comes with responsibilities.
But when they do not have self-control, they tend to misuse their freedom and fail to
fulfill their responsibilities.
Vinoth Now-a-days youngsters gain self-confidence, experience by working and
earning money and can lead their life in a better way. Freedom must be given at this age
because in this age is sensitive but sensual developing age.
Tamil Selvan Youngsters misuse their freedom, as a result they lose and destroy their
life. We never notice the value of freedom until we lose it.

Vinodhini I do not agree with you. Many youngsters use their freedom in a right way
and have become successful in their field and have learned to earn money at the earliest.
Thirunavukkarasu In olden days, girls were not given freedom to go out late in the
evening but the freedom is now given to make them bold and be confident in their career
but most of them misuse it.they also spoil our culture.
Devi Priya No, I do not agree that girls spoil our culture. Because, by using the
freedom they have come to know the world and reality. Now they can face the problems
boldly and be successful.
Vidhya Youngsters are not true to their parents. They spoil their life by cheating their
parents. They also break the belief and spoil the dreams of their parents.
Theepika Education is very important in this competitive world. But, in olden days, it
was not the prime importance for the girls to study. Now, shine in the field of education.
Vidhya Lakshmi In educational institutions, they are given freedom to choose their
environment. After entering the college they must choose their friends carefully.Because
even if they thinks to be responsible, there are many people who misguide them and
make them adapt to bad habits like smoking, alcohol,etc.,
Vinoth In those days, parents decide the career of their children. But, now-a-days they
are given freedom to select their own method of education. So, todays youngsters life is
well settled by their own dreams.
Tamil Selvan But some do not realize the importance of education and its value, hence
they join in some field and later realize that they cannot shine in that field.
Vinodhini I do not agree with him. There are many youngsters who really utilize their
freedom and achieve their goal. Like for example, the great cricket player Sachin
Tendulkar, who has given freedom to decide his future in the field of cricket.
Thirunavukkarasu - Everybody cannot be a Sachin Tendulkar . Not everybody realize
their own capabilities and strengths of deciding their own future.

Devi Priya Parents has the responsibility of guiding their children in a right way. But
most of the parents fail to do it. This is also one of the reason by which youngsters spoil
their future.
Vidhya - We have had a good discussion and I think it is time to sum up. Freedom must
be given to youngsters but only to a certain limit. There must be a limit for every thing.
One should know his/her own responsibilities and use their freedom in a right way to be
successful in their life.



Interviewer: Good Morning! Please take your seat.


: Good Morning Sir!


: What is your Name?


: I am Lathika Sharma


: Tell me something about yourself.


: Well, Sir, I have completed by under graduation in Computer Science

and Engineering from Tagore Engineering College. I have done my
internship at GE, Hyderabad. I have also undergone courses on java and
C++ from NIIT, Chennai.


: Seems to me that your qualifications are prefect for the job here; the first
posting may be at Kolkata, however, so are you willing to relocate?


: Relocating would not be a problem. Sir.


: What are the strategies you will employ to ensure teamwork for projects?


: Sir, I am having experience in coordination events and projects during

my college days. I will take the trouble of establishing good interpersonal
relationships with every individual in the team. I will see that each one is
part of the decisions that are taken and I believe that once a person is made
to feel important and responsible for the end product of the team, he will
definitely put in his best.


: Thank you that will be all!


: Thank You, Sir!



The conversation is between the interviewer and a candidate who appears for the post of
a software engineer in a software company.

Interviewer: Good morning! Please take your seat.

Candidate : Good morning sir!
Interviewer: Tell me something about yourself
Candidate : First, I would like to thank you for giving me this opportunity and its my
pleasure to introduce myself. Im vinodh from chennai, completed BE (CSE) with an
aggregate of 80% from anna university.
Interviewer: ok, why should we hire you?
Candidate : I have read your job profile deeply. I believe, most of the skills you require
match my area of interest and knowledge
.Interviewer: what are your strength and weakness?
Candidate : my strengths are: sir, I am a person with good technical skills and I am a
good team leader and a motivator. My weakness is that I am a straight forward person so,
I dont have much friends.
Interviewer: can you work under pressure?
Candidate : I fall in love with my work even before it begins sir and thus extra pressure
doesnt strike me down.
Interviewer: will you be comfortable with relocation?

: yes sir, I am a bachelor and I have no problem in relocating myself to a

new place.
Interviewer: ok, thank you! Wait for a few minutes, you will be called later.
Candidate : thank you sir!

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