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9/11: Inside Job

I. INTRODUCTION - (Brief comment leading into subject matter -

Thesis statement on 9/11)
II. BODY – WTC Building
A. structure
1. reasons of collapse
2. thermite

B. Pentagon
1. No evidence of plane crash
a. out of 86 videos none show plane
b. Hole was too small to fit a plane

C. P56
i(The most secure airspace in the world wghich
surrounds DC. How did terrorist manage to infiltrate area.
ii. why didn’t the military use the antiaircraft

D. Hojackers named after 3 Days..How?

1. some of the named hijackers were never on ht eplane
2. They were not Islamic Fubndamentalists.
i. Epitaph on his tombstone
A. Analytical summary
B. Thesis reworded
C. Concluding statement

I got all my information hurrrr
WTC Building Structure.

The World Trade Center was designed to be able to take impact. The building structure
is similar to a tree. The fibers in a tree allow some flexibility. Especially after the building was
bombed in 1993, the structure was reinforced to be able to take more damage such as a plane
crash. “We designed the buildings to resist the impact of one or more jetliners” Frank De
Martini(WTC construction manager). After the planes hit each building the impact shook the
buildings but they then return back to normal 90 degree structure. “The building probably
could sustain multiple impacts of jetliners” Frank De Martini.

When asked about the cause of why the building collapsed, the NIST( National Institute
of Standards of Technology) concluded that the impact of the planes affected the building
structure, and the heat of the fires began weakening the steel causing the bowing theory.( If the
heat was so strong, how did people from the floors above manage to pass the fires at its hottest
point to safety then? Steel frame buildings don’t fall because of fire, the temperatures of the
fires were too low to soften the steal.

When the wreckage was analyzed the chemical thermite was found. Thermite is in
weapons and bombs. Using it causes a “thermite reaction” which when exposed to heat it
creates hotter burst of fire that can melt right through steel. When dust from the WTC was
collecting from nearby buildings it contained metal droplets which was caused by thermite.
There was large quantities of thermite found throughout the wreckage which implies that it
was placed throughout the building. The way the building collapse show that it was a controlled

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