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Milorad Tomi, Regina Fuchs Godec*
University of East Sarajevo, Faculty of Technology, Zvornik, Republic of Srpska, B&H,
*University of Maribor, Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Slovenia
Do jue se vodilo rauna da stepen zatite metala bude to vei, a vrlo malo kako te
uglavnom jako toksine supstance deluju na okolinu i zdravlje ljudi. Poto se inhibitori dodaju u
vrlo malim koliinama (od 0,01 5%), to se zanemarivalo. Meutim, sa razvojem industrije i
poveanjem industrijske proizvodnje na svetskom nivou to je postao veoma ozbiljn ekoloki i
zdravstveni problem. U zadnjih desetak godina kao i danas mnogi istraivai u svetu rade na
pronalasku i korienju novih supstanci koje imaju dobra zatitna svojstva, ne zagauju ivotnu
sredinu i nisu tetni po zdravlje ljudi tzv. zeleni inhibitori. U skladu sa tim i mi smo u naim
istraivanjima ispitivali mogunost primene vitamina B, C i ekstrakta alfije kao moguih
inhibitora korozije elika i bakra u 3% rastvorima NaCl i 4% rastvorima HCl. Korieni su
uzorci tehnikog bakra i elika nepoznatog sastava i stepena istoe, dimenzija (50x50x1)mm.
Ispitivano je inhibitorsko dejstvo vitamina i ekstrakta alfije na korozioni proces uzoraka
tehnikog bakra i elika gravimetrijskom metodom u vremenu od 2, 4 i 6 asova. Koroziona
merenja vrena su pomou potenciostata/galvanostata ZRA Gamry Series GTM 750. Snimani su
Tafelovi polarizacioni dijagrami i softverski raunata koroziona struja, kao i Nyquist-ovi
dijagrami spektroskopijom elektrohemijske impedanse (SEI). Svi uzorci su podvrgnuti hemijskoj
pripremi, a potom je izvreno ispitivanje brzine korozije u neinhibiranim i inhibiranim
Pri zatiti bakra u rastvoru 4% HCl vitamin C za radne uslove pokazuje bolje rezultate
nego u rastvoru NaCl. Takoe, utvreno je da se stepen zatite vitamina C u 4% rastvoru HCl
menja sa promenom koncentracije inhibitora i sa vremenom. U prilog tome govori podatak da se
najvei stepen zatite u 4% rastvoru HCl postie pri koncentraciji vitamina C od 1,5g/dm 3 u
vremenskom intervalu od 4h gde je z =71,62%. Dobijeni rezultati ne preporuuju vitamin B kao
mogui inhibitor u rastvorima HCl. U rastvoru 3% NaCl vitamin B kao inhibitor pokazuje neto
bolja zatitna svojstva nego u 4% HCl. Zatitni faktor se kree u intervalu od 47,77 64,60%.
Pri zatiti elika vitamin C ne pokazuje dobra zatitna svojstva ni u jednom od korienih
rastvora, dok vitamin B u rastvoru 4% HCl pokazuje najbolja zatitna svojstva pri svim
korienim koncentracijama za vremenski period od 6h (z =77,27-86,03%). U rastvoru 3% NaCl
vitamin B kao inhibitor pokazuje loija zatitna svojstva i stepen zatite se kree do 61,28%. Ovi
rezultati preporuuju vitamin B kao mogui inhibitor u rastvorima HCl, pa i u rastvorima NaCl.
Najvei stepen zatite elika u 4% HCl postie se pri koncentraciji alfije od 1.5 g/dm3 u
vremenskom intervalu od 6h i iznosi z=64.5%. Dok najvei stepen zatite u 3% NaCl je pri
koncentraciji 1.5 g/dm3 alfije u vremenskom intervalu od 6h i iznosi z=97.5%. Ovi rezultati
preporuuju alfiju kao mogui inhibitor u rastvorima 4% HCl i 3%NaCl.
Dosadanja istraivanja primene razliitih vitamina i ekstrakata razliitih biljaka kao
inhibitora korozije su pokazala da pri odrenim uslovima mogu adekvatno zameniti klasine
inhibitore i sutra u budunosti za oekivati je da e se koristiti samo zeleni inhibitori koji ne
zagauju ivotnu sredinu i nisu tetni po zdravlje ivih bia.
Kljune rei: bakar, elik, inhibitor, zeleni inhibitori, korozija, pokazatelji korozije,
zatitni faktor z.

Until not that long time ago it was taken into account that the level of protection of metal
should be as high as possible, and very little about how these, usually very toxic, substances act
on the environment and human health. Since the inhibitors are added in very small quantities
(0.01 - 5%), it was neglected. However, with the development of industry and increase in
industrial production at the global level it has become a very serious environmental and health
problem. In the last ten years, as well as in nowdays, many researchers in the world are working
on finding and using new substances which have good protective properties, that they do not
pollute the environment and that are not harmful to human health, i.e. so called "green
inhibitors". According to needs we have, in our research, explored the possibility of use of
vitamins B, C and sage extracts as possible inhibitors of corrosion of steel and copper in 3%
solution of NaCl and 4% solution of hydrochloric acid. The samples of technical copper and steel
of unknown composition and degree of purity, with dimensions (50x50x1) mm were used. The
inhibitory effect of vitamins and sage extract on the corrosion process of technical copper and
steel samples was studied by gravimetric method for a period of 2, 4 and 6 hours. Corrosion
measurements were conducted using a potentiostat / galvanostat ZRA Gamry Series G TM 750.
Tafel polarization diagrams were recorded and corrosion current was calculated by software, as
well as Nyquist diagrams by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS). All samples were
subjected to chemical preparation, and then tests of corrosion rate in uninhibited and inhibited
solutions were conducted.
For copper protection in a 4% HCl vitamin C, for working conditions, demonstrates
better results than in NaCl solution. Also, it was found that the level of protection of vitamin C in
4% HCl solution changes both with the inhibitor concentration and time. This is corroborated by
the fact that the highest level of protection in 4% HCl solution was achieved at concentration of
vitamin C of 1.5 g/dm3 in the time interval of 4h where z = 71.62%. The results do not
recommend vitamin B as a potential inhibitor in HCl solutions. In 3% NaCl solution vitamin B,
as an inhibitor, shows somewhat better protective properties than in 4% HCl solution. The
For steel protection, vitamin C does not show good protective properties in any of the used
solutions, while vitamin B showed the best protective properties in 4% HCl solution for all used
concentrations for a period of 6h (z = 77.27 to 86.03%). 3% NaCl solution with vitamin B as an
inhibitor shows worse protective properties and the degree of protection does not exceed
61.28%. These results are recommended vitamin B as a potential inhibitor in HCl solutions, as
well somewhat in NaCl solutions.
The highest level of steel protection in 4% HCl solution was achieved at sage
concentration of 1.5 g/dm3 in the time interval of 6h, where z = 64.5%. The highest level of
protection in 3% NaCl solution at sage extract concentration of 1.5 g/dm 3 over a period of 6h
was z = 97.5%. These results recommend sage as possible corrosion inhibitor in 4% HCl and 3%
NaCl solutions.
Previous studies of the application of various vitamins and extracts of different plants as
corrosion inhibitors have shown that, under proper conditions, these substances can adequately
replace the classical inhibitors and in the future it is expected that "green inhibitors" will be used,
without pollution of the environment and without any harmful effects on health of living beings.
Key words: copper, steel, inhibitor, green inhibitors, corrosion, corrosion indicators, protection factor z

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