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How to clear your mind and think?

by Bhavin Gandhi

In today's day and age, when we are surrounded by so many

things from mission critical problems to materialistic things, it is
difficult to clear your mind. When your job is to put out fires every
day, it is very challenging to clear your mind. After all, how do you
find time to think, when you are so occupied already? But at the
same time, ignoring the need for thinking allows seemingly healthy,
active businesses to fail because of the change they never saw
coming, until it was too late. Thus, as a leader, we need to develop a habit of stepping
away from our day-to-day activities, and clear our mind. Hence, I am writing this blog to
provide you with some pointers through which you can manage to clear your mind, while
managing your busy schedule at the same time.
Block your calendars: As a leader/manager, we are used to organize our day through
Outlook or Gmail calendar. Then why don't we use the same mechanism to remind
ourselves about clearing our mind for a while? This is the least we can do for ourselves,
right? So before another week goes by, clean your schedule for hour or so, and make
sure that you keep this meeting with yourself. During these thirty minutes, think. Dont
write, read magazines, or clean your desk. Just think. It would be great if you could do it
with your office door close and your computer shut down. Avoid normal distractions, which
would otherwise lead you to a different path.
Change your environment: I am sometimes tired of sitting in my office, and I often look
for a change to clear my mind. There is no easier way to do that than just taking a walk. A
short walk of half an hour provides a great thinking environment for me, and I encourage
you guys to try it as well. And yes, during your thinking time, try not to question your mind
with a day-to-day problem, although this works well for that, too, but try to think about
general stuff or changing environment. For example: Whats changing in my environment
that I havent thought about? What new skills will my team need in the next year? What
barriers exist to my teams success this quarter? Etc.
Try new things: As a leader, we are often occupied with a routine, where all of our
activities are predefined and we follow a same schedule. From playing golf to hanging out
with our friends, we become used to a same routine. As a leader, we shouldn't just
challenge our work, but we should also challenge ourselves to get out of our comfort zone.
Thus, we should try to go to a museum, an art gallery, or a library. Or just visit a mall
without any intension of shopping or fly a kite. At the end of your excursion ask yourself,
What did I see or experience today that taught me something about my work or my life?

Author: Bhavin Gandhi

Contact information:

Dont push for the answer, but dont give up too quickly. Theres always something there;
you just need to think till you find it.
I hope, my blog can help you not only clear your mind but develop a practice in your life to
think outside the box. If you have any other recommendations, then please feel free to
share it here. Thanks - Bhavin Gandhi
Bhavin Gandhi | March 7, 2016 at 7:00 AM | Tags: 21st Century Management, Challenge
yourself, Clear your mind, Leadership, Mind yoga, Self leadership, Self learning | Categories: 21st
Century, Leadership, Management | URL:

Author: Bhavin Gandhi

Contact information:

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