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Multiple Choice Question(MCQ) Paper

Duration 1 1/2 hours

01. True or False

a. Total body water can be measured by using dilution measured
b. Obstruction of the lymph vessels cause the generalized oedema
c. Low freezing point compares to plasma indicates high osmolality compares to plasma
d. Albumin is the major determinant of the plasma osmolality
e. Rise of ECF volume inhibits the secretion of vassopressin
02. True or False
a. Synaptic delay in monosynaptic pathways is higher than that in the polysynaptic
b. Neurotrophins are produced by astrocytes
c. Nerve impulse transmission is orthodormic in axons
d. Contractile mechanism does not have a refractory period in skeletal muscles
e. Excitation-contraction coupling is very slow in cardiac muscles compares to smooth
03. True or False
a. Erythropoietin promotes transferrin receptor synthesis
b. Excretion of the urobilin is increased in the haemolytic anaemia
c. Neutrophils increase in number in parasitic infections
d. Alpha granules contain ADP
e. Heparin facilitates the action of the antithrombin III
04. True or False
a. Cranial nerves III, V and VII have parasympathetic components
b. Preganglionic endings of the sympathetic nerve secrete adrenaline
c. Autonomic ganglia contain nicotinic receptors
d. Adrenaline has more affinity for the beta receptors
e. Stimulation of the beta receptors of the arteriole causes the arterial constriction
05. True or False
a. Inspiratory reserve volume is 2.2 L in healthy adult
b. Sulfur dioxide produces reflex bronchodilatation
c. Compliance of the lung depend on the lung volume
d. Glucocorticoid decreases the surfactant production
e. Ventilation per unit lung volume is greater at apex of the lung than at the base in supine
06. True or False
a. Alveolar ventilation is less than the respiratory minute volume
b. Physiological dead space is higher than anatomical dead space in healthy adult

Dr. Sudheera Fernando

c. Partial pressure of the oxygen in expired air is less than that in alveolar air
d. Oxygen uptake to the pulmonary capillaries is perfusion limited in rest
e. Diffusion capacity is reduced during exercise
07. True or False
a. 2,3-BPG reduces the affinity of haemoglobin for the oxygen
b. Opioids stimulates respiration
c. Depth of inspiration is reduced after vagotomy
d. Receptors of the carotid body are stimulated in CO poisoning
e. Increased [H+] in CSF stimulates the respiration
08. True or False
a. Heart rate reduces during inspiration
b. Cardiac output is not changed, when a person becomes supine from upright position
c. End systolic volume reduces when individual sitting from the supine position
d. Norephinephrine produces coronary vasodilatation in individual who is having betaadrenergic blocking drug
e. The v wave of the jugular venous pressure indicates the rise in atrial pressure during
initial part of the diastole
09. True or False
a. Physiological splitting of the 2nd heart sound is due to expiration
b. Hypoxia increases the myocardial contractility
c. Aortic valve insufficiency produces murmur during diastole
d. Arterioles in the skeletal muscles are innervated by parasympathetic nerves
e. Blood pressure of the venules is higher than that of the IVC
10. True or False
a. Vasomotor area receives inhibitory inputs from lungs
b. Hypercapnia of the medulla causes the increased blood pressure
c. Respiration is inhibited in hypovolaemic shock
d. Systolic blood pressure rises sharply during isotonic exercise
e. S wave of the ECG is caused by depolarization of the ventricular muscles away from the
apex of the heart
11. True or False
a. Dihydrotestosterone induces the development of male external genitalia
b. MIS is secreted by Leydig cells
c. 5-reductase deficiency causes penis at twelve syndrome
d. True hermaphroditism is due to mosaicism
e. Genetic males may have XX karyotype
12. True or False
a. Leydig cells are quiescent before puberty
b. Precocious puberty is more common in boys than girls
c. Hot flushes are common after menopause
d. FSH and LH are steroids
e. Prolactin secretion is increased by exercise

Dr. Sudheera Fernando

13. Oestrogen
a. Makes the cervical mucus thinner and alkaline
b. Decreases the oxytocin receptors in the uterine myometrium
c. Increases the excitability of the myometrium
d. Decreases the number of gap junctions between myometrial cells
e. Causes production of more prostaglandins
14. True or False
a. Gastrin secretion is inhibited by somatostatin
b. Peptide YY increases the gastric motility
c. Prostaglandins increases the cAMP level of parietal cells
d. Helicobacter pylori interrupts the gastric mucosal barrier
e. ECL cells secrete histamine
15. True or False
a. Intrinsic factor is necessary for the absorption of cyancobalamine
b. pancreatic juice is neutral
c. Enterokinase converts trypsinogen into trypsin
d. Secretin acts on acinar cells to cause the release of pancreatic juice rich in enzymes
e. Acetylcholine acts on pancreatic ducts to release copious secretion of alkaline juice
16. True or False
a. CCK increases bile secretion
b. Secretin causes the contraction of gallbladder
c. Gallbladder acidifies the bile
d. Bilirubin conjugation is impaired in hepatocellular disease
e. Bile is necessary for the absorption of vitamin D
17. Following substances are completely absorbed by proximal tubule in healthy adult
a. Urea
b. Creatinine
c. Glucose
d. Water
e. Chloride
18. True or False
a. Filtration of anionic substances is greater than that of neutral substances through the
glomerular capillary wall
b. Contraction of mesangial cells reduces the permeability of glomerular capillary
c. Angiotensin II increases the aldosterone secretion
d. Hypertension increases the renin secretion
e. Aldosterone increases the H+ secretion from proximal tubule
19. True or False
a. Decrease in ECF volume reduces the H+ secretion in nephron
b. K+ excretion is increased when the H+ secretion is increased

Dr. Sudheera Fernando

c. Furosemide inhibits Na+-K+- 2Cl- co-transporter

d. External urethral sphincter is innervated by hypogastric nerves
e. During micturition the detrusor muscle contracts
20. True or False
a. Normal pH of arterial blood is 7.4
b. Carbonic anhydrase present in abundance in lungs
c. Metabolic acidaemia is only due to kidney failure
d. Respiratory acidaemia is due to hyperventilation
e. Metabolic acidaemia may be due to increased loss of HCO 321. True or False
a. Glucocorticoids bind to the intracellular receptors
b. Glucogan activates the adenylate cylclase system
c. Oxytocin reduces the intracellular Ca2+ level
d. Increased hormone concentration usually causes a decrease in respective receptors
e. V2 receptor mutation leads to diabetes insipidus
22. True or False
a. Light adaptation is fast compare to dark adaptation
b. Initial rapid small drop of visual threshold is due to dark adaptation of the rods
c. Change in visual threshold between light adapted and the fully dark adapted aye is very
d. Nyctalopia is due to vitamin A deficiency
e. Macular vision is needed for light reflex
23. True or False
a. Cell bodies of the cochlear nerve lie I the modiolus
b. Each auditory cortex receives afferent from both ears
c. Descending pathway from the auditory cortex runs parallel to the ascending pathway and
modulates processing at all levels
d. Impaired audiomotor reflexes cause hypoacusis
e. Stimulation of vestibular receptor evokes eye movements of equal magnitude to keep
the retina focused on the same visual field
24. True or False
a. Strychnine has sour taste
b. Insular cortex perceives taste and discriminates taste
c. Taste bud contains three types of cells
d. Strong odours are less lipid soluble and more water soluble
e. Olfactory mucosa is pseudostratified columnar epithelium
25. True or False
a. Pain impulses transmit via A fibres
b. Pain can perceive without post central gyrus
c. Generator potential is a nonpropogated depolarizing potential and it is proportionate to
the strength of the stimulus

Dr. Sudheera Fernando

d. Afferent impulses from viscera reach the CNS via sympathetic pathway
e. First order neurons of the peripheral and visceral pain fibres converge on same 2 nd order
26. True or False
a. Some descending fibres of the reticular formation inhibit sensory pathways
b. During slow wave sleep mid-thalamic neurons are partially depolarized
c. EEG pattern during deep sleep has high frequency and low amplitude
d. Delta rhythm is occurring when an individual is not in deep sleep it is abnormal
e. Dreams which are seen during REM sleep are not stored in memory
27. True or False
a. CSF is absorbed to the cerebral venous sinuses via arachnoid villi
b. Formation of CSF proportionate to the interventricular pressure
c. CSF may contain polymorphs in healthy adult
d. Choroid plexus papilloma leads to the hydrocephalus
e. Norephinephrine can penetrate the blood brain barrier
28. True or False
a. Shivering is an autonomic reflex to cold
b. Anterior hypothalamus contains cold sensitive neurons
c. Oxytocin increases the food intake
d. Osmoreceptors in the anterior hypothalamus detect the osmolality of the plasma and
mediate the thirst
e. Decreases in ECF volume decrease the water intake
29. Regarding monosynaptic reflexes
a. Afferent runs via A sensory fibres
b. Neurotransmitter at the spinal cord is glutamate
c. Jendrassik's maneuver facilitates the gamma efferent discharge
d. In knee jerk protagonist is quadriceps femoris and antagonist is hamstring muscles
e. Receptor for the inverse stretch reflex is golgi tendon organ
30. True or False
a. Basal ganglia are involved in monitoring of the progress of the movement
b. Parkinson disease is an autosomal dominant disorder
c. Vestibulo-cerebellum is involved in equilibrium
d. Adiadokokinesia is due to damage to the cerebral cortex
e. Babiniski sign is present in infants because of the non myelinated pyramidal tracts







Dr. Sudheera Fernando

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