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Journal of Business Administration Research

Vol. 1, No. 1; 2012

Accounting as a Choice of Academic Program

Maheran Zakaria (Corresponding author), Wan Noor Asmuni Wan Fauzi & Siti Jeslyn Hasan
Universiti Teknologi MARA, Machang 18500, Kelantan, Malaysia
Tel: 60-19-939-9919


Received: May 27, 2012

Accepted: June 18, 2012

Online Published: June 28, 2012



The research is financed by Universiti Teknologi MARA Kelantan.

The objective of this study is to examine the factors that influence students to choose accounting as their academic
program. Utilising the Theory of Reasoned Action, the study predicted that students intention to choose accounting
as their academic program is influenced by their attitude towards accounting subject and subjective norm. Data were
collected via survey of which approximately 400 sets questionnaire were sent to accounting students of Universiti
Teknologi MARA Kelantan. From this amount, 340 students responded with the response rate of 85.0 percent. The
results were analyzed using SPSS 17 and from the findings, it can be concluded that both attitude towards accounting
program and subjective norms are positively related in influencing students decision to choose accounting as an
academic program. The findings provide useful insights for policy makers, accounting professional bodies and
higher learning institutions in formulating strategies to promote the accounting program to tertiary students.
Keywords: Accounting program, Theory of Reasoned Action, Intention, Attitudes, Subjective norms
1. Introduction
Globalisation and internalisation have broadened economic landscape into impropriety, complexity and volatility. To
keep abreast with the current development, the world seriously needs more experts for the resolution, knowledge and
innovation. Thus, accountants who are integral to business and economies are seen to be the best profession able to
face these new challenges. This scenario therefore raises tremendous demand for accountants. However, the existing
number of qualified accountants is far behind the required number. For example, China requires in excess of 500,000
professional accountants and this will take decades for the world to have this number appropriately trained
(Accountants Today, November 2008). The situation might be exacerbated for Malaysia as the country is a target for
industries and companies desperate for accountants, specifically those who possess the required talent (Accountants
Today, May 2011).
In the late 1990s the accounting program experienced drastic decline in the number of students enrolment
(Albrecht & Sack, 2007). The shortage was attributed to many reasons such as nature of accounting subjects,
perilous future of the profession and corporate scandals. Generally, the accounting subject was viewed as difficult,
dull and boring apart from the perception that the profession did not guarantee lucrative income. In addition, the
successive corporate scandals and malfeasance to great extent had tarnished the accounting profession and thus lead
to accusations that accountants were lacking of integrity. This accusation damaged the accountants reputation in the
eyes of the public and thus discouraged students from pursuing studies in this discipline. Nevertheless, accountants
are needed to fuel the growing economy. They possess a broad array of skills and knowledge and without them, the
nation is unable to face stiff economic pressure. In pursuit of this, more accountants should be produced. This issue
is becoming a great concern world-widely and Malaysia is not spared either. Additionally, the current phenomenon
triggers scholars and researchers to identify factors that influence students to choose accounting as their academic
In predicting peoples decision and behaviour, many studies have utilised Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA) (Cohen
& Hanno, 1993; Zhang, 2010). The TRA model provides a social psychological framework which has been proven
useful in explaining many types of behaviour (Ajzen & Fishbein, 1980; Sheppard, Hartwick & Warshaw, 1988). The
model has been suggested as a useful framework for examining the variables affecting the choice of academic
program (Strader & Katz, 1990; Cohen & Hanno, 1993). According to TRA, human behavior is directly motivated
Published by Sciedu Press


ISSN 1927-9507

E-ISSN 1927-9515

Journal of Business Administration Research

Vol. 1, No. 1; 2012

by the intention to perform the behavior (Ajzen & Fishbein, 1980). The stronger the intention, the more likely the
behavior will be performed. Additionally, the theory holds that the intention is determined by their attitude and
subjective norms. Attitudes are made up of a persons salient beliefs that the behavior leads to certain outcomes,
either positive or negative. These beliefs are acquired from experience, outside information and inner feeling. The
beliefs are then rated for the probability that engaging in the behavior will produce the believed outcome (belief
strength). On the other hand, subjective norms are the product of normative belief. The normative belief is the belief
that others such as family, peers and teachers want ones to perform and they are motivated to comply with these
referent groups.
Despite the fact that accountants shortage is a worldwide concern, majority of studies were conducted in the western
countries, while local studies remain scarce. Therefore, this situation motivates the study to explore this issue within
the context of Malaysia as there may not be one size fits all solutions. In light of the above issue and following
previous studies, this study aimed to adopt the TRA model and examine two objectives. The first objective was to
examine the influence of attitude towards accounting program and students intention to choose accounting as the
academic program. Meanwhile, the second objective was to examine the influence of subjective norms on students
intention to choose accounting as the academic program.
2. Methodology
2.1 Sampling and Data Collection
The data were collected through a questionnaire distributed to Diploma in Accountancy students of Universiti
Teknologi MARA Kelantan. There were 704 students from this program as of 31st May 2010. Approximately 400
sets of survey instrument were randomly distributed and 340 students responded, represented by 85.0 % response
rate. The survey instrument is a seven-page questionnaire with two parts. Part A elicited demographic profile of the
respondent which included gender, the semester they were in, parents occupation, parents income and level of
education. Part B consisted of 36 questions representing measures of intention (2 questions); outcome evaluations
(12 questions); behavioural beliefs (12 questions); motivation to comply (5 questions) and normative beliefs (5
questions). Each question was evaluated using seven-point Likert scale. The outcomes evaluations were based on
respondents perception of accountants career outcomes. Meanwhile, important referents referred to those who
could motivate the students to comply with their choice, which included parents, teachers, counsellors, peers,
colleagues and etc. The measurements were elicited from previous studies (Cohen & Hanno, 1993; Dimnik &
Northey, 1995; Zhang, 2010).
2.2 Operationalization of Variables
2.2.1 Intention to choose accounting program
The respondents in the study were accounting students and therefore they had already performed the action of
choosing accounting as the academic programme. Following the suggestion of Cohen and Hanno (1993), surrogate
measures of intention were used to evaluate their intentions related to their decision to choose accounting program.
The two surrogate measures of intention used in the current study are How likely is it that you will graduate with
accounting program? and How likely is it that you will be working in accounting in five years? Even though these
two questions do not represent a direct measure of the intention to choose accounting as an academic program, they
do indeed provide an assessment on the intentions towards behaviours that are consistent with choosing the
accounting program (Cohen & Hanno, 1993). However, the results using these two measures of intention are similar.
Therefore, for the purpose of this study, only the results using the first measure will be reported.
2.2.2 Attitudes towards Outcomes
The attitudes towards outcomes were measured by 12 outcomes. The following were the outcomes with the decision
to choose an academic program listed in the questionnaire: 1) good long term earnings; 2) advancement opportunities;
3) variety in the work; 4) chance to make a contribution; 5) flexibility of career options; 6) high job security; 7)
social prestige; 8) structured career path; 9) exciting profession; 10) chance to work with numbers; 11) large amount
of class work; and 12) difficult and intensive program. Each outcome was assessed on a 7-point Likert scale
anchored by the endpoints extremely bad and extremely good. In the succeeding section, respondents were
required to rate their beliefs regarding the likelihood of those outcomes to materialize in the event that they choose
accounting as their academic program from extremely unlikely (1) to extremely likely (7). Each outcome score was
then multiplied with the likelihood of the outcome to occur before all the twelve products were summed up to form
the measure of attitude towards the choice of accounting as an academic program. The score was in the range
between 12 (1 x 12 x 1) and 588 (7 x 12 x 7).
Published by Sciedu Press


ISSN 1927-9507

E-ISSN 1927-9515

Journal of Business Administration Research

Vol. 1, No. 1; 2012

2.2.3 Subjective Norms

Subjective norms are the product of normative belief and motivation to comply. The normative belief is
conceptualised as the respondents perceive that other people or referents such as family, peers and teachers want
them to choose accounting program. On a likert scale of 1 to 7 (1= extremely unlikely, 7= extremely likely),
respondents were asked to indicate the referents, who encouraged them to choose accounting programme.
Meanwhile, the motivation to comply was conceptualised as the extent to which the respondents follow the referents
expectation. Also, by using a likert scale of 1 to 7 (1= extremely unlikely, 7= extremely likely), the respondents were
required to state the extent they had followed the referents. Similar to the attitude, the score of normative belief and
motivation to comply were categorized into 3 levels namely low (less than 33.33 %), average (33.33 % 66.67 %)
and high (more than 66.68 %). Next, the score of normative belief was multiplied by the score of motivation to
comply for each referent and summed to form the score for subjective norm. On the other hand, to obtain the
measure for subjective norm, each score on the motivation to comply with important referents was multiplied with
the corresponding score on normative belief. Five important referents highlighted in previous studies were used in
the study namely family, friends, other students, advisor/ counsellor and teachers. First, respondents were required to
indicate how much they care whether each referent approved or disapproved their choice of academic program on a
7-point Likert scale (1 = not at all and 7 = very much). Later, they were asked to assess the likelihood that each
referent thought that they should choose accounting as their academic program (1 = extremely unlikely and 7 =
extremely likely). The score was in the range between 5 (5 x 1 x 1) and 245 (5 x 7 x 7).
2.2.4 Development of Hypotheses
The theoretical framework developed for the current study was based on TRA (Ajzen & Fishbein, 1980). The
behaviour of interest here was students decision to choose accounting as their academic program. The TRA
predicted that both attitude and subjective norm will influence the intention to perform a particular behaviour. In
addition, the theory states that human beings normally behave in a sensible manner, after taking into consideration all
the implications of their action (Ajzen & Fishbein, 1975).
Based on the model of TRA and following previous studies (Cohen & Hanno, 1993; Felton et al., 1995; Jackling &
Keneley, 2009) this study predicted that the students attitudes towards accounting program would influence their
intention in choosing accounting program. As such, the following hypothesis was proposed.
H1: Attitudes towards the accounting program are positively related to intention to choose accounting program.
Likewise, following the model of TRA and previous studies that subjective norms are significantly related to
intention to choose academic program (Cohen & Hanno, 1993; Jackling & Keneley, 2009; Zhang, 2010), this study
formulated the following hypothesis.
H2: Subjective norms are positively related to students intention to choose accounting program.
Figure 1 presents the TRA framework used in this study.
3. Results and Discussions
3.1 Demographic Profile of Respondents
A total of 400 accounting students of Universiti Teknologi MARA Kelantan were asked to complete the
questionnaire. From this amount, 340 students responded, representing 85 percent response rate. Of the 340
respondents, 242 or 71.2% were female and 98 or 28.8% were male. Meanwhile, the highest group of respondents
that participated in this survey was from semester 3 with a total of 105 or 69.3 %, followed by semester 1 with a total
of 99 or 29.2%, part 5 with a total of 52 or 15.3%, part 2 with a total of 31 or 9.1%, semester 4 with a total of 22 or
6.5%, semester 6 with a total of 20 or 5.9%, and lastly part 7 with a total of 11 or 3.0%. The results indicated that
59.2 % or 200 respondents had accounting background before joining UiTM while 40.5 % or 137 respondents did
not have any knowledge and background of accounting.
3.2 Reliability Test
The study performed reliability tests on 4 variables namely outcome behavior, behavioral beliefs, motivation to
comply and normative belief. The results indicated that the Cronbachs alpha coefficients for the outcome behavior,
behavioral beliefs, motivation to comply and normative belief were .93, .91, .87 and .91 respectively. The reliability
test indicated that the responses were very good and excellent (Hair et al., 2006). Hence, no removal of items was

Published by Sciedu Press


ISSN 1927-9507

E-ISSN 1927-9515

Journal of Business Administration Research

Vol. 1, No. 1; 2012

3.3 Descriptive Statistics

3.3.1 Attitudes
The results were categorized into 3 levels of scores namely low (less than 33.33 %), average (33.33 % 66.67 %)
and high (more than 66.68 %). The behavioural belief indicated that the students obtained high score with regard to
good long term earnings (5.74). Others were advancement opportunities (5.47), variety in the work (5.46), chance to
make a contribution (5.32), flexibility of career options (5.44), high job security (5.40), social prestige (5.24),
structured career path (5.35), exciting profession (5.49), chance to work with numbers (5.33), large amount of class
work (5.11) and difficult and intensive program (4.87).
Meanwhile, the outcome evaluation indicated that the students obtained high score with regard to good long term
earnings (5.61), followed by advancement opportunities (5.53), variety in the work (5.66), chance to make a
contribution (5.40), flexibility of career options (5.44), high job security (5.51), social prestige (5.12), structured
career path (5.38), exciting profession (5.62), chance to work with numbers (5.45), large amount of class work (5.02)
and difficult and intensive program (4.67). The results also indicated that the mean score of attitudes (i.e. behavioural
belief multiplied by outcome evaluation) were 32.20 with regard to good long term earnings, advancement
opportunities (30.25), variety in the work (30.90), chance to make a contribution (28.73), flexibility of career options
(29.59), high job security (29.75), social prestige (26.83), structured career path (28.78), exciting profession (30.85),
chance to work with numbers (29.05), large amount of class work (25.65) and difficult and intensive program (22.74).
The total score for attitudes was 355.91 or 60.53 % (355.91/588 x 100), representing an average score. The results
are depicted in Table 1.
3.3.2 Subjective Norms
The results showed that all scores of the normative belief were high with the highest referent group was the family
(5.37), followed by teachers (5.19), friends (5.11), advisor/ counsellor (5.07) and peers (4.90). Likewise, the level of
all scores for motivation to comply was also high. Additionally, the results indicated that the respondents were more
likely motivated to comply with the referent groups, with the highest group was the family (5.40), followed by
advisor/counsellor (5.06), teachers (5.01), friends (4.63) and peers (4.37). Meanwhile, the highest score for
subjective norms (i.e. normative belief multiplied by motivation to comply) was the family (29.00), followed by
teachers (26.00), advisor/ counsellor (25.65), friends (23.66) and peers (21.41). Hence, the results indicated that
family followed by teachers, advisor/ counsellor, friends and peers were the referent groups who influenced the
respondents decisions to choose accounting program. Similarly, the respondents were more likely to comply with
the expectation of their family, followed by the advisor/ counsellor, teachers, friends and peers. Consequently, the
score for subjective norms was 129.91 or 53.02 % (129.91/245 x 100) representing an average score. The results are
depicted in Table 2.
3.3.3 Intention
The TRA model outlines that intention is the immediate determinant of actual behaviour. It is a function of two basic
determinants that are personal in nature (i.e. attitudes) and the other reflecting social influence (i.e. subjective norms)
(Fishbein & Ajzen, 1975). In the present study, as all the respondents already chose accounting as their academic
program, two surrogates measures as suggested by Cohen and Hanno (1993) were used to represent the intention.
The first intention measure was the likelihood that the respondents graduate with accounting program. Meanwhile,
the second intention measure was the likelihood that the respondents work in accounting profession for five years.
Both intention scores were categorized into three levels namely weak, moderate and good. The study set 3 as the
cut-off point to represent weak intention. The moderate score was set at 4, while the score of 5 to 7 was considered
The results indicated that for the first intention measure; 12 respondents (0 + 6 + 6 = 12) had the score of 3 and
below, representing 3.5% of the population (12 /340 x 100), 50 respondents or 14.7% had a moderate score, while
278 respondents (63 + 84 + 131) or 81.8 %, (278/340 x 100) obtained a good score. Whilst, for the second intention
measure; 25 respondents (4 + 7 + 14 = 25) obtained the score of 3 and below; representing 7.4% (25/340 x 100) of
the population. In addition, 68 respondents or 20% had a moderate score, while the remaining 247 respondents or
72.6 % obtained a good score.
The results showed that, even though all respondents in the present study had chosen accounting as their academic
choice there were a number of students who were uncertain whether they will graduate with accounting program.
Even if they were confident that they would be able to complete the program, there was no assurance that they would
pursue in accounting profession. These findings may partially explain why there is still a shortage of accountants in
Published by Sciedu Press


ISSN 1927-9507

E-ISSN 1927-9515

Journal of Business Administration Research

Vol. 1, No. 1; 2012

Malaysia despite the fact that the students enrolment is increasing in the accounting program, widely offered by
public and private institutions of higher learning.
3.4 Correlations Analysis
The Pearson correlation test was carried out to analyze the correlation between intention, attitude and subjective
norm. The results indicated that attitude was significantly and positively correlated with intention (p < 0.01, r = .62).
Likewise, the results also showed that subjective norm was significantly and positively correlated with intention (p <
0.01, r = 0.40). Meanwhile, the correlation between the independent variables namely attitude and subjective norms
was also significant (p < 0.01, r = .53). Thus, the results indicated that the attitude and subjective norm were highly
predictive of the intention to choose accounting as an academic program. In addition, both of the relationships were
positive, showing that the higher the attitude and subjective norm, the more likely the intention to choose accounting
as the academic program. All the correlation scores was less than 0.8, showing that the problem of multicolinearity
did not exist (Cooper & Schindler, 2008).
3.5 Regression Analysis
The results of regression analysis indicated that the model was significant with an adjusted R2 = 0.38 (p < 0.01) and
thus indicating that 38.3% of the dependent variable (intention) could be explained by the independent variables
(attitude and subjective norm). The model tested two hypotheses namely H1 and H2 by regressing attitude towards
accounting program and subjective norm with intention to choose accounting as academic program. The results are
depicted in Table 4.
3.6 Hypotheses Testing
3.6.1 The Relationship between Attitude towards Accounting Program and Intention to Choose Accounting Program
Hypothesis 1 examined the relationship between attitude towards accounting program and intention to choose
accounting program. The regression analysis revealed a significant and positive relationship between attitude toward
accounting program and intention to choose accounting program ( = 0.56, p < 0.001). The findings were consistent
with prior studies that examined the relationship of these variables namely attitudes and intention to choose
accounting program (Felton et al. 2005; Zhang, 2007; Jackling & Keneley, 2009). Therefore, based on the results of
the study, in tandem with prior studies (Felton et al. 2005; Zhang, 2007; Jackling & Keneley, 2009) and consistent
with TRA, this study concludes that attitude towards accounting program is significantly and positively related to
intention to choose accounting program.
3.6.2 The Relationship between Subjective Norms and Intention to Choose Accounting Program
Hypothesis 2 examined the relationship between subjective norms and intention to choose accounting program. The
regression analysis indicated that subjective norms was significantly and positively related to the intention to choose
accounting program ( = 0.11, p < 0.05). The findings concurred with prior studies that examined the relationship
between these two variables namely subjective norms and intention to choose accounting program (Felton et al. 2005;
Zhang, 2010; Jackling & Keneley, 2009). Therefore, based on the results of the study, in tandem with prior studies
(Felton et al. 2005; 2004; Jackling & Keneley, 2009; Zhang, 2010) and consistent with TRA, this study concludes
that subjective norms are significantly and positively related to intention to choose accounting program.
4.1 Implications of the Findings
The study found that attitude towards accounting program and subjective norms influence intention to choose
accounting program. However, the results indicated that both variables namely attitude and subjective norms were at
the average level. As such, this provides a serious implication to accounting professional bodies and institutions of
higher learning to enhance the students positive attitude towards accounting program. The students therefore, should
be exposed and educated on the positive outcomes from the accounting profession, including good long term
earnings, advancement opportunities, variety in the work, a chance to make a contribution and flexibility of career
Meanwhile, the results also indicated that subjective norm or the referent groups are important people that can
influence students to choose accounting program. Hence, this provides another implication to the accounting
professional bodies and institutions of higher learning to promote accounting program such as talks and seminars on
accountancy career. The purpose is to disseminate relevant information on the role and function and a better
understanding of accountancy profession, not only to students but also to parents, counsellors, teachers and the
public. This can be achieved by aggressive participation in job career opportunities, which could be conducted via
seminars, road tour within Malaysia and information disclosed in the web site. The program served as a platform, not
Published by Sciedu Press


ISSN 1927-9507

E-ISSN 1927-9515

Journal of Business Administration Research

Vol. 1, No. 1; 2012

only for students but parents and teachers as well, to obtain first hand information on accounting career paths. Today,
as Institutions of Higher Education strive for higher students enrolment, they should play a proactive role by
promoting the accounting program to the secondary and primary schools students too.
4.2 Limitations and Suggestions for Future Research
Even though this study supports several theoretical works, there are several limitations that need to be acknowledged.
The first limitation noted is that the low score of R2 (0.38) indicating that only 38 % of intention to choose
accounting as a choice of academic program is explained by attitudes and subjective norms. Therefore, future
researches are suggested to include more variables that would better explained the students intention to choose
accounting as their academic program. .
The second limitation relates to the findings of this research, which might be limited by the fact that they were based
on the data from only one campus of Universiti Teknologi MARA. Like many other studies, generalisability of the
outcomes of this research may be limited. As such, to enhance the generalisability of the findings, future research is
recommended to replicate the study in other Universiti Teknologi MARA campuses or perhaps to other universities
in Malaysia or elsewhere.
5. Conclusion
The study concludes that attitudes towards accounting subject and subjective norms influence students to choose
accounting as their academic programs. Additionally, in making a decision on which program to choose, the results
indicated that the students are concerned with the outcomes of their decisions. The factors which they are concerned
most are the good long term earnings, variety in the job, excitement and career advancement. The more positive the
outcomes, the stronger are the intention to choose accounting program. Apart from the outcomes, the roles and
influences from key individuals around the students or subjective norms are also undeniable. The results revealed
that family, teachers, advisor or counsellor had been named as important referents in choosing accounting as the
choice of academic program. Therefore, in an effort to attract students to join accounting profession, it is equally
imperative to educate students on the positive outcomes of the profession as well as to attract the important referents
by all means. It is hoped that the results could provide better insights for relevant authorities to carry out effective
promotional strategies in order to attract calibre students to choose accounting program and thus producing more
talented accountants.
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Published by Sciedu Press


ISSN 1927-9507

E-ISSN 1927-9515

Journal of Business Administration Research

Vol. 1, No. 1; 2012

Table 1. Behavioural Belief, Outcome Evaluation and Attitude

Behavioural Belief
(BB) (Mean)

Evaluation (OE)

(Mean BB x Mean

Good long term earnings




Advancement opportunities




Variety in the work




Chance to make a contribution




Flexibility of career options




High job security




Social prestige




Structured career path




Exciting profession




Chance to work with numbers




Large amount of class work




Difficult and intensive program




Total score for attitudes toward accounting program


Table 2. Normative Belief, Motivation to Comply and Subjective Norm

Referent Group

Normative Belief
(NB) (Mean)

Motivation to Comply(MC)

Subjective Norm


(Mean NB x
Mean MC)













Advisor/ counsellor








Total score for subjective norms


Table 3. Respondents Intention Score

Measures for Intention


The likelihood of graduating with accounting






The likelihood of working in accounting

profession in five years







Published by Sciedu Press


ISSN 1927-9507

E-ISSN 1927-9515

Journal of Business Administration Research

Vol. 1, No. 1; 2012

Table 4. Results of regression analysis

Std. Beta





Subjective norm



Independent Variables

F value



Adjusted R


Note: *p < 0.1, **p < 0.05, *** p < 0.01 \

Figure 1. Theoretical Framework

Published by Sciedu Press


ISSN 1927-9507

E-ISSN 1927-9515

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