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Precepts of Rationality

Just as it is stated in the bible that love covers a multitude of sin, each
trait of rationality covers a multitude of incorrect thinking and violations
of rational thought
1. Truth Seeking : Assess for the Truth or Reality
(Meaning) This is searching for what is actual or real when looking at
situations, information and problems, as opposed to searching for believability,
confirmation or consistency with prior belief, whats in your interest or your
own preference.
2. Accurate Perception: Believe According to Proper Evidence
(Meaning) This means forming and updating beliefs to reflect real
probabilities or evidence that is reflective or predicative of truth and has been
tested. Instead of believing in line with your own interests, your own
preference, what others believe or evidence irrelevant to truth.
3. Appropriate Goal Selection : Seek to maximise utility
(Meaning) This is the art of choosing goals and intentions that are suited to
the circumstance and that accurately reflect the underlying result you want, as
opposed to choosing goals that are, based on intense emotion, the goals of
others, the expectations of others, a desire to reciprocate, or that are
unpractical given the situation.
4. Coherent thinking: Use logical Connections
(Meaning) This is thinking and reasoning using factors and information that
are consistently and validly connected (relevant) to the situation or problem.
Instead of using reasons, factors, measurements, information, that has no
logical relationship to the action, decision, question or subject being reasoned
5. Rational choice: Choose option with most expected utility
(Meaning) This means selecting the choice from a range of possibilities, that
you expect to yield the highest benefit in relation to your goals adjusted for the
associated risks and costs. Instead of the choice that justifies sunk costs,
maintains the status quo, is easily available, offers instant reward or that is
consistent with previous choices.
6. Productive approach: Approach problems productively
(Meaning) This means zeroing on the key issues of a problem and seeking
solutions that require the least amount time and cost. Instead of wasting time
on irrelevant and superficial factors, accepting ambiguity addressing
symptoms and not cause and using suitable means due to bias or emotion.
7. Optimising: Apply highest and best use
(Meaning) Find and employ the methods and uses that maximise the result
while minimising the risk and cost of an activity or a resource. As opposed to
employing methods and uses that are less than optimum due to, conflicting
motives, personal preferences, intense emotions and prior commitments.

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