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Typical stick-slip events in nature and earthquakes

The authors academic research started in 1954 as a Research Associate in the laboratory of physical volcanology of the Earthquake Research Institute, University of
Tokyo. In the beginning in 1957, I published a paper titled On the relation between
the eruption of Sakurajima Volcano and the crustal movements in its neighborhood
(Mogi, 1957, in Japanese), in which I proposed a model to explain the crustal deformation caused by a volcanic eruption. However, there was no response to the paper
in Japan. In the next year, I wrote a similar, but more extended paper (Mogi, 1958) in
English. Immediately a number of volcanologists in the world had interest and they
applied this model to similar problems at many volcanoes, which is continuing to
the present. Ryan et al (1983) wrote Mechanical models of the internal structure of
active volcanic systems dates from the work of Mogi (1958) at the beginning of the
historical review in their paper. This model is quite simple and applicable to many
volcanoes, and it is often called the Mogi model.
Below, I will discuss in some detail about this model and its background.
As shown in Fig. 9.1, Sakurajima Volcano which is an andesitic volcano, is located
in Kagoshima Bay, southern Kyushu, Japan. The 1914 Sakurajima Volcanic eruption
was the largest eruption in the past 100 years in Japan. Two branches of lava flowed
to the eastern and the western coasts of the Sakurajima island and covered an area
of 24 km2 , and the total volume of the ejected materials amounted to 2 km3 . On the
morning of 11 January 1914, a number of earthquakes, including a M 7.0, began to
occur and then the great eruption occurred.
After the eruption, the marked crustal deformation around the volcano was found
by leveling and triangulation surveys by the Geographical Survey Institute. These
results of the crustal deformation related to the volcanic eruption were reported in

detail by Omori
(19141922). According to the report, a very wide area of southern
Kyushu subsided. Particularly, it was noted that the contours of equal depression
were circular and its center located in Kagoshima Bay, which corresponds to the Aira
caldera, 10 km north of the crater of Sakurajima Volcano (Fig. 9.2). When I read

paper in 1956, I perceived immediately that the magma reservoir may be
located below the center of the depression, and it may be caused by the decrease of
pressure of the magma chamber due to the outflow of an enormous volume of lava
from Sakurajima Volcano on the rim of Aira caldera. I thought that this idea is quite
simple and so my idea may not be a new one. However, this kind of the explanation
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Figure 9.1. Locations of Sakurajima Volcano and the four regions (Usu Volcano, Unzen Volcano, Sanriku-oki region and Tokai-Nankai region) in Japan, mentioned in this chapter. In the
four regions, typical characteristic earthquakes occurred repeatedly by stick-slip mechanism.

Figure 9.2. Topographical map around the Sakurajima Volcano and leveling route in the
area. Black area: lava flow in the 1914 great eruption of Sakurajima Volcano. A: center of

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Figure 9.3. The vertical displacements of bench marks along the leveling route in the
Kagoshima Bay area. Solid circle: 18951914; open circle: 19141915 (from Tsuboi, 1929).
Tsuboi tried to explain the depression in this region by Block movement hypothesis.

about the great depression related to the 1914 eruption and the quantitative analysis
of the depression from a volcanological standpoint had not been presented before.
Since the crustal movement related to the 1914 Sakurajima eruption was a very
important event, experts on deformation problems published many research papers
about the observed results. In particular, Tsuboi (1929) and Miyabe (1934) discussed
this event from the viewpoint of the block movement hypothesis. Figure 9.3 represents
the typical result reported by Tsuboi (1929). The vertical displacements of bench
marks are plotted along the leveling route in the Kagoshima Bay area. He thought
that the discontinuous points in the vertical movement along the leveling route might
be the boundary of each block, and he argued that the effect of loading by a mass of
lava might also yield the general depression by tilting of blocks. After that, a number
of researchers followed Tsubois idea, and this explanation continued until 1956.
Thus, I proposed the above-mentioned model (inflationdeflation model) using
the elastic calculation by Yamakawa (1955), developed in relation to the earthquake
source mechanism. According to elasticity theory, the calculated deformation of the
surface of a semi-infinite elastic body, caused by the change of hydrostatic pressure
in a small sphere at depth (f ) is as follows, (see Fig. 9.4)

d =

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3a3 p
4 (f + d 2 )3/2



Experimental rock mechanics

Figure 9.4. Calculated deformation of the semi-infinite elastic body which is caused by
the change of the hydrostatic pressure in a small sphere in the semi-infinite elastic solid
(Yamakawa, 1955).

Figure 9.5. Relation between the observed vertical displacements (h ) of bench marks and
the distances (d) from the center of depression (A) to bench marks. The curve is calculated
from the best-fit model with a spherical pressure source at a depth of 10 km.

h =
in which

3a3 p
4 (f + d 2 )3/2


d: radial distance on the surface from the point A.

f: depth of the center of the sphere.
P: change of the hydrostatic pressure of the sphere.
(=): Lames constant
 d: displacement in the direction of the R-axis on the surface.
 h: vertical displacement on the surface.
Thus, if the radius (a) of a pressure source is relatively small, the form of deformation curves is a function of depth and values of displacements depend on P, a
and .
Figure 9.5 shows the relation between the vertical displacements of bench marks
and the distances (d) from the center of depression (A) to the bench marks. The
observed data (solid circles) and the best-fit calculated curve with a pressure source

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Figure 9.6. Relation between the vertical displacement (h) and the radial distance (d).
(I): radial distance (d) of bench mark from the center of depression. (II): calculated vertical displacement (hcal ) at the station of the radial distance (d). (III): observed vertical
displacement of bench mark along the leveling route.

at a depth of 10 km are shown. Figure 9.6 also shows a good agreement of the observed
data and the calculated values by this model. The horizontal axis is the number of
the bench mark along the leveling route in Kagoshima Bay region shown in Fig. 9.2.
d is the radial distance of the bench mark from the center of depression. h is the
observed vertical displacement and hcal is the vertical displacement calculated using
the elastic model with a pressure source at a depth of 10 km. We cannot find any large
difference between h and hcal . This result shows that the great depression can be
explained by an elastic model with a pressure source at depth of 10 km and that the
Block Movement proposed by Tsuboi and others was not necessary. The apparent
boundaries between blocks in Fig. 9.3 correspond only to the points at which the
directions of the leveling routes abruptly change.
From the ground deformation mentioned above, I proposed the following process
of the 1914 great eruption of Sakurajima Volcano. The profile of the Sakurajima
district is shown in Fig. 9.7. As mentioned above, Sakurajima Volcano is situated on
the rim of Aira Caldera and the magma reservoir (its center) is at a depth of 10 km
under Kagoshima Bay. In the period preceding the 1914 eruption, the pressure in the
magma reservoir continued to increase and the inflation of the ground continued. In
1914, an enormous volume of magma extruded along the weak wall related to the
caldera fractures (earthquakes) and lava flowed out from Sakurajima Volcano. As a
result of out-flow of lava, the pressure in the magma reservoir decreased and a wide
area significantly subsided (deflation of the ground).
Figure 9.8 shows the relation between the volcanic activity of Sakurajima Volcano
and the volume (V) of inflation or deflation of the ground which is dependent on the

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Figure 9.7. Magma reservoir of Sakurajima Volcano and the mechanism of the eruption of
the volcano deduced from the ground deformation.

Figure 9.8. Relation between the volcanic activities of the Sakurajima Volcano and the
inflation /deflation in the Kagoshima Bay region. V is volume of the inflation (or deflation) in
this region estimated by the leveling survey.

pressure of the magma reservoir, estimated from the data of leveling surveys. In this
figure, it can be recognized that the surface volcanic activity is clearly affected by the
increase of pressure in the magma reservoir. This result suggests that crustal deformations may provide clues for the prediction of volcanic eruptions. This model has been
applied successfully to a number of volcanoes in the world. Figure 9.9 shows a recent
result obtained by radar interferometry (Amelung, Jonsson, Zebker and Segall, 2000).
When I began this work in volcanology, I looked at a great number of characteristic
seismogram in our laboratory, and I was strongly impressed by the high regularity
in these seismograms. These were obtained by Prof. Minakami and his collaborators. They conducted seismic observations during the 1944 eruption of Usu Volcano,

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Figure 9.9. Deformation at Darwin, Galapagos Islands, during 19921998. (a) Observation
by radar interferometry. (b) Predicted interferogram from the best-fit Mogi model with source
location in the center of the caldera (star) and depth of 3 km (Amelung et al., 2000). This is
reproduced from the original color figure, Fig. 3 in Nature (vol 407, p. 995, 2000).

Hokkaido, Japan. I think that these seismograms may be the first records of characteristic earthquakes due to stick-slip events in the natural environment. I will further
explain this in the following section.


Usu Volcano is located in southwestern Hokkaido, as shown in Fig. 9.1. The volcano
is one of the most active volcanoes in Japan, and seven major eruptions have been
recorded since 1663. At the end of 1943, felt earthquakes began to occur and this
activity was followed by uplift of a wheatfield at the eastern foot of the volcano,
to form a cryptdome, Roof Mountain. After a long period of violent explosions,
the extrusion of highly viscous dacite lava continued until September 1945. As a
result, this gave birth to a new mountain, Showa-Shinzan, with a height of 407 m.
During the volcanic activity, seismic observations, leveling surveys and geologicalpetrological investigations were carried out by Minakami, Ishikawa and Yagi (1951)
and other researchers.
Figure 9.10 shows the above-mentioned seismogram recorded by the low sensitive
seismometers, at the foot of the new mountain (Minakami et al., 1951). In this seismogram, the following features are noticed: (1) The amplitudes and the waveforms
of these earthquakes are nearly similar. (2) Usually a number of smaller earthquakes
are recorded together, but no smaller earthquakes are recorded in this case. The
magnitudefrequency relation in such earthquake groups is not expressed by the
Ishimoto-Iida equation (Chapter 6). Such characteristics of these earthquakes can be
explained by a slick-slip mechanism.

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Figure 9.10. The earliest seismograms of typical characteristic earthquakes, caused by

stick-slips during the new dacite lava dome formation in the 19441945 eruption of Usu
Volcano, Hokkaido, Japan (Minakami, Ishikawa and Yagi, 1951).

Figure 9.11. Morphological development of the newly formed mountain Showa-Shinzan

recorded by Mimatsu from May 1944 to September 1945. This figure is called the MIMATSU
DIAGRAM. (Mimatsu, 1962).

During the extrusion of highly viscous magma, frictional sliding along existing cracks within the dome probably occurred, and so stick-slip events occurred
successively. Masao, Mimatsu the postmaster of the Post Office near the new mountain, recorded visually the process of the uplift of the new mountain by careful
sketches. Figure 9.11 shows his figure which is called the Mimatsu Diagram. Figure 9.12 shows Usu Volcano before and after the growth of the new mountain (after
Mimatsu, 1962).
In the 19771978 eruptions of Usu Volcano, a number of similar characteristic
earthquakes also occurred during the magma extrusion process (Okada et al., 1981),

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Figure 9.12. Usu Volcano before and after the growth of the new mountain (after
M. Mimatsu).

and Okada (1983) discussed that these earthquakes might occur by the stick-slip
As shown in Fig. 9.1, Unzen Volcano is located on Kyushu island, south-western
Japan. During the 19901995 eruption of Unzen Volcano, the seismic activity
increased in association with the growth of a dacite lava dome, and a number of
the characteristic earthquake sequences, in which the earthquakes in each group have
a similar waveform and a nearly constant magnitude, successively occurred (Shimizu
et al., 2002; JMA, 1996). As a typical example, the seismogram on 12 March, 1993
obtained by JMA is reproduced in Fig. 9.13. This is essentially similar to that in
Fig. 9.10. In this figure, it is interesting in particular that seismic events frequently
occurred with a nearly constant time interval, although this regularity did not continue
for a long time. These features strongly support the idea that these small earthquakes
occurred by the stick-slip mechanism.
It should be noted that the above-mentioned characteristic earthquakes occurred
during the extrusion process of highly viscous magma, such as in Usu Volcano and
Unzen Volcano mentioned above. In other many volcanoes, such as andesitic volcanoes (for example, Asama Volcano and Sakurajima Volcano), many earthquakes
related to volcanic eruptions occur frequently and the magnitudefrequency relations
of these volcanic earthquakes can be generally expressed by the IshimotoIida relation (also the Gutenberg-Richter formula). These volcanic earthquakes are mainly
caused by fracture.


The location of the Sanriku-oki region mentioned here is shown in Fig. 9.1.
Matsuzawa et al. (2002) found the characteristic small-earthquake sequence off Sanriku, northeastern Honshu, Japan. According to their careful research about the
occurrence of earthquakes in this region, eight similar earthquakes continued to occur

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Figure 9.13. Seismograms of small earthquakes with similar waveforms and amplitudes
which occurred by stick-slip association with growth of a dacite lava dome during the
19901995 eruption of Unzen Volcano, southwestern Japan (after Japan Meteorological
Agency, 1996).

very regularly: the magnitude is almost the same (M 4.8), the waveform is quite similar, and their epicenters locate within a very limited region. Figure 9.14 shows the
MT graph from 1956 to 1999. The mean recurrence interval of these main earthquakes (M 4.8) was 5.35 years and its standard deviation was 0.53 yr. These events
show the same low-angle thrust fault focal mechanism and their source sizes are estimated to be around 1 km. They pointed out that the slip of each event is comparable to
the cumulative amount of relative plate motion in the inter-seismic period. Therefore,
it may be reasonably accepted that the occurrence of this very regular earthquake
sequence can be explained by a stick-slip mechanism along the upper boundary plane
of the Pacific Plate subducting at the Japan deep sea trench. In California, such characteristic small earthquake repeaters were also found in Stone Canyon (Ellsworth,
1995) and Parkfield (Nadeau and McEvilly, 1997).
In the above-mentioned examples, small characteristic earthquake sequences are
discussed. Below, an example of a characteristic earthquake sequence on a large
scale is explained. In Fig. 9.15, locations of rupture zones along the Nankai-Suruga
trough in western Japan, which is the northern boundary of the Philippine Sea Plate,
during the last three hundred years are shown (Mogi, 1985). In 1707, the whole region
ruptured simultaneously. In 1854 and 1944, first the eastern part ruptured, and then

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Figure 9.14. Similar earthquakes of M 4.8 which occurred regularly from 1957 to 1995 in
the small region on the plate boundary off Sanriku, northeastern Japan (Matsuzawa, Igarashi
and Hasegawa, 2002). Such regular occurrence of earthquakes is attributed to stick-slip of a
small asperity.

Figure 9.15. Focal regions of the three large earthquake groups (1707, 1854, 1944 and 1946)
that occurred along the Nankai Trough successively, showing that Tokai region forms a seismic
gap at present (Mogi, 1985).

the western part ruptured. Now, the Tokai region along the Suruga trough remains as a
seismic gap. Figure 9.16 shows the MT graph of large earthquakes along the Nankai
trough in western Japan over six hundreds years (Mogi, 1974). This figure indicates
that great earthquakes of M 8 class occurred repeatedly and with a high regularity.
The mechanism of the earthquake sequence may be attributed to stick-slip of the
large-scale asperities on the upper boundary of the subducting Philippine Sea Plate.

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Figure 9.16. Great earthquakes of M 8 class occurred repeatedly in the Nankai-Tokai region
along the Nankai Trough with a high regularity (Mogi, 1974).


As mentioned in Chapter 4, I pointed out the high similarity between the fracture phenomena of heterogeneous brittle materials and natural earthquake phenomena and so
I proposed the idea that earthquakes occur by fractures in the earth which is heterogeneous in structure (e.g. Mogi, 1962, 1967). On the other hand, Brace and Byerlee
(1966) proposed stick-slip in frictional sliding as the mechanism of earthquakes.
In the preceding sections, typical examples of characteristic earthquake sequences
which occurred by stick-slip mechanisms are shown. One of the most distinctive
features of this kind of earthquake is that their magnitudefrequency relation is
not expressed by the Gutenberg-Richter formula (or Ishimoto-Iida relation) which
is essentially a very important characteristic of general earthquakes. In the abovementioned examples, earthquakes with nearly a constant magnitude continued to
occur. The events in stick-slip experiments show a similar feature.
In Fig. 9.17, the magnitudefrequency relation of aftershocks of the 1959 Teshikaga
earthquake of M 6.3, which occurred in eastern Hokkaido, is shown after Matsumoto
(1959). This graph shows that the relation is quite linear and so it is well expressed by
the IshimotoIida equation. In and near the focal region of the Teshikaga earthquake,
geologists did not find any significant fault structures at that time. Generally it is
unquestionable that most of aftershocks occurred by new fractures caused by stress
redistribution due to the occurrence of the main shock. This is a typical case in which
the occurrence of earthquakes cannot be explained by a simple stick-slip mechanism
along pre-existing faults.
Figure 9.18 shows schematically the relation between the mechanical structures
in the earths crust and different failure mechanisms (Mogi, 1978). In cases (a) and
(b), the active faults slide by slow slip or stick-slip mechanisms. In cases (c) and (d),
pre-existing faults are not clear and the mechanical structure of the earths crust is
complex. In such cases, earthquakes occur mainly by fracture. Roughly, the active
plate boundaries may be similar to the type on the left and the inter-plate region may be

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Figure 9.17. Magnitudefrequency relation of aftershocks (Ishimoto-Iida expression) of the

1959 Teshikaga earthquake (M 6.3). m value: 1.91 (Matsumoto, 1959).





Figure 9.18. Schematic diagram illustrating different mechanical structures in the earths
crust in which sliding, stick-slips and fractures occur.

similar to the type on the right. When the time interval between earthquakes is long, the
fault surface may heal with time, and so earthquakes may occur by fracture in this case.
In conclusion, there are various mechanisms of earthquake occurrence. Types of
failure of the earths crust, such as slow slip, stick-slip and fracture, may depend
on various factors, such as mechanical structures, and deformation rates and various
physical properties of pre-existing fault planes.
Amelung, F., S. Jnsson, H. Zebker and P. Segall. (2000). Widespread uplifting on Galpagos
Volcanoes observed with radar interferometry. Nature, Vol. 407, 993996.

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Experimental rock mechanics

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