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Provus (1971): the comparison Evaluation in curriculum

WEEK 3 of performance to some standards development
to determine whether discrepancies
Definition existed • Evaluation is part of the
curriculum development process
Making judgments about the Types of evaluation • Enables curriculum makers
desirability of certain changes in àreviewing and modifying – to
students and using that info to change Acccording to Scriven (1967), there are cater the current and future needs
teaching and the curriculum two types of evaluation in curriculum: • Curriculum should be
continuously reviewed & reviewed
Various definitions: 1) Formative evaluation • WHY??
1. Tyler (1950): the process of – an on-going program • To maintain and sustain
determining to what extend - it is a program improvement - quality
educational objectives are being – provide data about educational - relevancy
attained program - adequacy
2. Borg & Gall (1983): the à to assist developer in improving the
process of making judgment about program QUESTIONS SHOULD BE ASKED:
the merit, value or worth of 1) Are the program (curriculum)
educational programmes, projects, 2) Summative evaluation meeting existing or expected
materials and techniques – it is done at the completion of a needs?
3. Smith & Glass (1987): the program 2) Does the program contain
process of establishing value - it concerned with overall extraneous and outdated
judgments based on evidence abt a effectiveness of the program materials?
program / product - it provides data to determine the 3) Are the students able to perform
4. Stufflebeam et al. (1971): the worth of the program adequately once they finish
process of delineating, obtaining & their study?
providing useful info for judging
decision alternatives

Wentling (1980): EVALUATION CIPP model (Finch & Bjorquist,
MUST DO MORE THAN : 1977) 2) Input evaluation
• just analyse the extend to which
a program had adhered to an 1) Context evaluation • Deciding what resources and
original plan • Whether or not to offer a strategies that will be used to
• OR attained its primary goals curriculum achieve curriculum goals and
and objectives • If so, what its parameters will objectives
• Therefore, curriculum be – including goals and objectives • This includes – the quality of
evaluation needs to go beyond • It includes- environment, the curriculum and syllabus,
the assessment of student students’ b/ground, school climate, students, teachers, staff, facilities
behaviour goals and objective of the and infrastructure
• It should include the overall curriculum
effect on students, teachers and • It involves analysis of goals and 3) Process evaluation
society needs in a specific education setting
• Goals should be reviewed and • Focuses on decisions associated
• The task of evaluating the revised periodically in relation to: with curriculum effects on students
curriculum involves a 1) the reasons for offering the • Whether the content is learned
COMPLEX PROCESS program by students
• A comprehensive evaluation 2) the intended target group • Involves the data collection
framework or model is 3) the content • Data is collected over a period
necessary to achieve a of time to detect strengths and
systematic, effective and weaknesses of the program
efficient evaluation As curriculum developers: • Process evaluation includes:
• CIPP model • Establish conducive learning teachers’ methods of teaching,
environment to promote a positive students’ performance /
learning climate achievement, the facilities used
• Monitor current trends and • Conduct professional
issues in education development courses to upgrade
• Responsive to latest innovation (teaching) skills of teachers
and development in education • Review students assessment

4) Product evaluation

• To determine the extent to

which the goals of the programs
have been achieved
• It is also involves data
collection à through feedback
from former students or graduates,
employer and society
• Data collected - to make
decisions about the program
• Whether to retain or modify the
existence program
• It concerns on the number and
quality of students produced
• Can get from teachers and
• Info – valuable in determining
adequacy and appropriateness of
the curriculum

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