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1 Assumptions
To derive an appropriate model, the following assumptions are made:
(1) The whole surface on the designed route are
smooth with no rock or reef on it;
(2) During the very short interaction time, the change
of properties of soil is ignored;
(3) The nozzle is a simple standard conical one,
water coming out of it with velocity in the same
direction with the center line of the nozzle;
(4) The currents have impact on soil mass destruction, and the model ignores the help for the sake
of briefness;
(5) There is no relatively weakness plane;
(6) When jetting water strike the soil, the thrust face
is small enough that the force can be treated as
point load;
(7) The time is short enough and the jetting is very
concentrate that the model can ignore the impact
of seepage force.
2.2 The velocity decay
As show in previous experiments (Machin and Allan
2010), the process commences with water rushing out
of the nozzle. There is a small distance between the
nozzle and the seabed with currents all around. Therefore the water would lose some energy to conquer the
currents resistance. In this study, it is assumed that the
impact is limited to attenuation of velocity. Blevins
Blevins (1984) has done some research into the law of
velocity decay. Later, Machin Machin (2001) got the
similar result with Blevins. Based on this model, the
velocity of water jetting (v) in a distance of x from
the central point of the nozzle can be determined by,

where v0 is the ejecting velocity, d represents for the

diameter and C is a dimensionless hydrodynamic drag
coefficient (C = 6.2).
2.3 The water strikes the seabed
The phenomenon of water striking the seabed occurs
in a very short longitudinal space within a very short
time. Thus, it is reasonable to consider the jetting
water to be no viscosity loss and no change in height.
According to Bernoulli equation, the following formula, describing the force put on the seabed (Kondo
et al. 1974), can be reached:

Figure 1. Model schemes.

water and water depth above the excavation plane, the

jetting water in a certain direction and so on, as shown
in Figure1. If there are more than one nozzle, the stress
can be obtained by superposition.
In the figure, XY axis is where all the nozzle centers
lies; AF is one of the nozzles center line; EF denotes
the distance between two nozzles; and is defined to
be the jetting angle, which is the angle between the AB
line and the XY plane.
The situ stress can be measured in this way:

where w and dw stand separately for unit weight and

depth of water above the excavation surface; and i
and di stand separately for effective unit weight and
depth of soil above the calculated point.
Then jetting force (F) can be further determined by
p and can be decomposed into two directions (F cos
in the X direction and F sin in the Z direction). As
the soil is still remain in solid state in the original site,
to simplify the problem, we consider the seabed as a
homogeneous isotropic elastic semi-infinite material.
Under the force of F sin in the Z direction, the
stress field in seabed will come into being. This subject
has been solved by Boussinesq, so in this model, F
should be placed by F sin .
In addition, z1 can be integrated, with cross section
of the nozzle to be the domain of integration:

where w is the density of seawater.


Soil stress analysis

In this model of soil stress analysis, the following factors are considered: the force coming from the jetting


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