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ISI Journal Communication List

Breakdown by Areas of the Field

Sept. 14, 2009
Based on modification of the 13 NRC Subcategories of the Field
1. Broadcast/Video Studies1 journal
a. Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media
2. Communication Technology and New Media7 journals
a. Cyberpsychology & Behavior
b. IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication
c. Journal of Computer-Mediated Commuication
d. New Media and Society
e. Interaction Studies: Social Behaviour and Communication in Biological and
Artifical Systems
f. Technical Communication
g. Telecommunication Policy
3. Critical and Cultural Studies4 journals
a. Critical Studies in Media Communication
b. Media International Australia Incorporating Culture and Policy
c. Media Culture & Society
d. Public Culture
4. Gender, Race, Sexuality and Ethnicity in Communication0 journals
5. Health Communication2 journals
a. Health Communication
b. Journal of Health Communication
6. International and Intercultural Communication3 journals
a. Comunicar (Spain, in Spanish)
b. The Translator: Studies in Intercultural Communication (founded in 1995;
England: St. Jerome Publishers)
c. MultilinguaJournal of Cross Cultural and Intralanguage & Communication
7. Interpersonal Communication2 journals
a. International Journal of Conflict Management (also organizational
b. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships
8. Language and Social Interaction6 journals
a. Discourse & Society
b. Discourse Studies
c. Research on Language and Social Interaction

d. Language & Communication

e. Narrative Inquiry
f. Text & Talk
9. Journalism Studies3 journals
a. International Journal of Press-Politics
b. Javnost-The Public
c. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly (also Mass Communication)
10. Mass Communication6 journals
a. Asian Journal of Communication
b. Journal of Media Economics
c. Mass Communication & Society
d. Media Psychology
e. Tijdschrift Voor Communicatiewetenschap (The Netherlands)
f. Visual Communication
11. Organizational Communication/Group Communication3 journals
a. Journal of Applied Communication Research
b. Journal of Business and Technical Communication
c. Management Communication Quarterly
12. Public Relations/Advertising5 journals
a. International Journal of Advertising
b. Journal of Advertising
c. Journal of Advertising Research
d. Journal of Public Relations Research
e. Public Relations Review
13. Social Influence/Political Communication5 journals
a. International Journal of Public Opinion Research
b. Political Communication
c. Public Opinion Quarterly
d. Public Understanding of Science
e. Science Communication
14. Speech, Rhetorical, and Performance Studies2 journals
a. Quarterly Journal of Speech
b. Text and Performance Quarterly (in the Arts and Humanities list)
15. General Communication Journals8 journals
a. Communication Monographs
b. Communication Research
c. Communication Theory
d. European Journal of Communication
e. Human Communication Research

f. Journal of Communication
g. Visual Communication
h. Written Communication
Regional Journals in CommunicationCommunication studies focus on a country or
regional of the world-- 5 journals (overlaps with other categories listed above)
1. Asian Journal of Communication
2. Comunicar
3. European Journal of Communication
4. Media International Australia Incorporating Culture and Policy
5. Tijdschrift Voor Communicatiewetenschap

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