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1explain the unitary and pluralistic frames of reference in the context of

business organizations you need to define and explain the meaning of
unitarist and pluralist and how this can affect the relationships within the
what is industrial relations ?
the field of study that covers employment relationships and their entirety is
called industrial relations. in general is believed to be the study of relations
between the employees and employers, there are many factors which effect
the relationship between employees, employers and the company. The field
of industrial relations came into existence with the advent of the industrial
revolution as an important tool to understand the complex relations between
employers and employees. there are many different ways to look at IR as
there are the perspectives of workers, employers, company, and the
perspective of the society, if you are a worker, you would want better wages,
safety at workplace job security and training at workplace, on the other hand,
IR for an employer are all about productivity, conflict resolution and
employment laws, and they sees IR as industrial peace.

What is Employee Relations?

Employee relations mean the efforts taken by the company to manage
relationships with its employees. An organization with a good employee
relations program provides fair and consistent treatment to all employees so
they will be committed to their jobs and loyal to the company. It is important
that employees share a healthy relation with each other at the work place.
Let us find out why employee relations are important in an organization. Good
ER practices;
Creates and maintain employee motivation.
Obtains commitment from the workforce.

Establishes a mutual channel of communication in the organization.

The organization becomes a happy place to work if the employees work
together as a family.
Helps to achieve high levels of efficiency.
Grievances will be reduced as grievances can be voiced out.
Strong ER also gives lot of benefits for the business
1. Productivity- Since employees are highly motivated and has a improved
employee morale so They perform their level best resulting a higher
production rate and reduction of Wasted resources.
2. Employee Loyalty- when employers come and talk to the employees and
discuss their Problems with them, they feel good they feel as .They therefore
treat the Company like their own company. This directly reduces the
employee Turnover and it also improves employee retention, in doing so the
cost of Recruitment, hiring and training is cut drastically. And it also reduces
the Amount of resources wasted due to unawareness and crude attitude.
3. Conflict Reduction- Conflicts occur when grievances go unheard. With a
good ER practices The employer interacts with the employee. Therefore the
grievances Could be voiced out easily Less conflict results In the employees
being Able to concentrate on the tasks at hand and they Are therefore more
prod Productive. Employee organization is an organization which has a history
of good working relationships between employees and employers.
1.2 Assess how changes in trade unionism have affected employee relations
What is a Trade union?
In order to remain relevant the Trade Unions must continue to reinvent
themselves to attract, grow and retain membership from the new workforce
and should therefore recognize that the world and by extension the
workplace has changed for both employers and workers. Their demands are
vastly different from 20 years ago. For example, there has been significant
growth of knowledge workers who have different needs. Trade Unions are
therefore required to focus on the following imperatives: education/training,
research and communication. Education and training should be used by Trade
Unions: For the modification of expectations, attitudes and behaviors through
learning experiences to build loyalty and commitment to the organization To
provide particular cohorts such as staff, organizers and researchers with the
relevant skills to function effectively and efficiently To create an aware, alert
and active membership; To provide members with a broad knowledge of
labor-management issues; To prepare shop floor employees to be more
accountable for performance. To provide training and re-training opportunities
for members. Trade Unions will continue to contribute as a valuable partner in
the tripartite by influencing social policy which can strike a balance between

efficiency of the markets and equity for the people. This means that they are
seen as spokespersons of the broader concerns of society. They will also need
to build the necessary organizational base for influencing outcomes both at
the national and international levels
Social Cohesion
Perhaps the most important concern is the traditional mandate of Unions to
maintain social cohesion. It is a lesson from history that social cohesion can
be sustained only in an environment which guarantees secured income for all
concerned under conditions of freedom and dignity. Unions have strived for
that mandate through the development of an agenda based on workers
rights, employment creation and social protection. Employee Relation 13 The
Union initiatives for ensuring income security, safe working conditions, and
skill mobility for workers will remain important for many years to come.
Strategies for realizing those goals must continue to figure prominently in the
agenda of Unions.
Partnership in Development
Trade Unions also need to reestablish their credentials as partners in
development. Trade Unions, as the largest organized group in civil society can
bring a unique contribution to the development community. They are directly
involved with economic systems of production and distribution; they can
influence the course and content of employment, social and economic
policies; they are representative and accountable; they have considerable
experience in organizing the more vulnerable sections of society; and, they
have the experience and standing required to access national legal systems
and public facilities. They can contribute through their long-standing
relationships with such development institutions as consumer cooperatives,
housing societies, health funds and social security organizations. There is
much scope for collaboration in this field with national and international
development agencies, including global financial institutions.

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