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During all my participation on Rainbow Data Conversion Projects (Brazil & Mexico

) I was in charge of schedule, coordinate and lead the Data Mapping Sessions/Mee
tings of the modules that were under my scope.
This sessions were sometimes in person (included intercity travels) or over phon
e and sharing sessions. This Mapping meetings had the purpose to collect all the
data, requirements and information needed from the Business (Client) in order t
o translate this into a way understandable for the Development Team, that would
extract, transform and load (ETL) this data to the Target System (Rainbow G2C In
terim Files).
All this information, notes, rules and comments were documented in the appropiat
e Data Mapping Template Document, validated by all stakeholders, SME's, BIZ, Cus
tomer and Wipro staff.
Along with the metting/sessions set-up, the leading during the same, sharing and
instruction the Dev Team, and giving propper follow-up to any question related,
I was also in charge to obtain the corresponding Sing-off, approval from the Cl
ient (BIZ and Technichal SME's).
I completed all previous mentioned milestones within the quality required, durin
g the target time provided, always informing and updating on time all the parts
involved (customer, Global Teams, Wipro Managers) and assuring the best customer
satisfaction and expectation.

All the tasks on the project were successfully delivered on time and following a
ll the standards, and proper documentation guidelines provided, trying to achiev
e always the quality required and that the task and the project demand.
During all the projects, since the obtaining of the requirements with the custom
er, the translation to the BIZ Rules to Development requirements (giving and exp
lained to the Development Team), and the final delivery tasks we were asked, we
allways delivered following customer and Wipro requirements with highest quality
and never recieveing a complain from BIZ about the quality of work, on the cont
rary allways recieving good feedbakc from very Senior SME's, PM's, Arquitects an
d Delivery Managers.
I was included in the Project Meetings with the PM's, Subject Matter Experts and
the Global Technical Leads and Arquitects (All the Stakeholders) were I was req
uested to provide updates, and solutions regarding the mechanisms to be implemen
ted in the project, mechanisms that were crucial to move forward on the Project
Goals. There were no missed requirements or even deliver late, for the assigment
s to my team. Any issue that was raised, we proposed several possible solutions
always trying to help the customer, or the team that was required to perform the
task, and we always tried to use our resources on the best way to achieve the b
est solution, using the best way possible our resources . We followed the docuem
ents provided, for technical process, trainings, standards of developement and o

During my ramp-up process of induction to the Projects, I recived several course

s and trainings from the Senior teammates that had more time on the project, whi
ch I allways recieved open to learn new tenchologies, methodologies and allywas
with the objective of getting a quick learning of the proccess, needs and requir
ements in order to start as soon as possible to provide help and support.

Along to this, all the Wipro and Citi Mandatory Trainings were sucesfully comple
I also conducted Teradata Trainings for the New Employees recently hired on Wipr
o Guadalajara, Mexico. This 'Freshsers' were trained by me, using the Wipro Docu
mentation into the Basics for using Teradata Database Software.
Assesments contained on TrendNext tool were completed on time, obtaining the amo
unt of points needed in order to get eligible for promotion from Band B2 to B3 (
200pts). Actually I obtained more pts (216) that the ones were needed for my Ban
d. I took Assesments related with my day-to day tasks and functions on the proje
ct, and also some extra abilities mapped on my own. This are the TrendNext Asses
ment that I completed sucesfully:
Business Analyisis L1
Business Analyisis L2
Business Analyisis L3
Ab-Initio L1
Ab-Initio L2
Teradata L1
Teradata L2
Teradata L3
JavaScript L1
Unix Shell Scripting L1
Every communication from the client/customer was responded with the priority, sp
eed and appropriate care. Giving the attention to reply with the answer, or to c
larify any kind of question or doubt, plus we tried always to fully understand t
he objective or task required in the email. We also used to give an update on th
e progress of each activity through emails.
During remote and presential meetings, the relationship with the Customer was al
lways polite, nice, effective and enriching for both sides, there was allways re
spect and initiative to cooperate and work for the common goal.
Specially for F2F Meetings held across cities, gave us the opportunity, led to a
major improvement in the trust, and comfortable way to interact and work inside
the project.
This trust gave us a very comfortable interaction that is reflected on the fact
that we never had any complain about the deliverables or the way to interact.
Despite entering both projects (Rainbow Data Conversion Mexico & Brazil Rainbow
Data Conversion) that were already on-going, I was able (with the help and suppo
rt of Manager, Senior and Older Teammates) to ramp-up, understand my role, respo
nsabilities and to quickly get the process, flow, contacts and to provide value,
help, support and to contribute to the project.

This was done in such a sucessfull way, that was not necessary to have 2 Busines
s Analyst on the project, as it was orignally planned by Managers.
Despite entering both projects (Rainbow Data Conversion Mexico & Brazil Rainbow
Data Conversion) that were already on-going, I was able (with the help and suppo
rt of Manager, Senior and Older Teammates) to ramp-up, understand my role, respo
nsabilities and to quickly get the process, flow, contacts and to provide value,
help, support and to contribute to the project.
This was done in such a sucessfull way, that was not necessary to have 2 Busines
s Analyst on the project, as it was orignally planned by Managers.
Along to this, all the tasks, objectives and milestones were achieved sucesfully
in an outsating way (in my oppinion) we never recived a complain from the custo
mer or any of the Global and Across-Geographies teams. We deliver with the highe
st quality, achieving the Business Requirements and allways obtaining great feed
back from Customer SME's, Senior Arquitects and BIZ App Owners.
I believe that this work and perfomance was better than expected and provides pr
oof of the consistency, quality, commitment that (as previous year) I'm developi
ng and it's worth a promotion.

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