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Journal of Science Education and Technology, Vol. 13, No. 4, December 2004 (!

C 2004)

Integrating Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment

in Project-Based Instruction: A Case Study
of an Experienced Teacher

Anthony J. Petrosino1

This case study of a teacher who engaged his students in inquiry within a technologically rich
classroom was conducted over 5 weeks, including 15 regularly scheduled classes. Data include
extensive teacher interviews, e-mail, and artifacts such as class notes, curriculum guides, and
handouts. A retrospective analysis methodology was utilized to address what Barron et al.
(1998), called the “major hurdles” in implementing project-based curricula: the simultaneous
changes in curriculum, instruction, and assessment practices. In addition, a framework de-
veloped by the National Research Council’s “How People Learn” was employed to provide
detail on the nature of knowledge, learner, assessment, and community centeredness of the
project-based unit. Finally, the classroom environment created during a unit of astronomy
was analyzed and five principles emerged: the sense of a project, the development of inde-
pendent individuals, creation of a global community of learners, a cyclic nature of instruc-
tion emphasizing conceptual and procedural understanding, and the utilization of distributed
KEY WORDS: project-based science; astronomy; inquiry; retrospective analysis.

It should seem rather self-evident that performing of these organizations increasingly espouse inquiry-
laboratory experiments in cookbook fashion, with- based or “hands-on” science, this objective is rarely
out understanding the underlying substantive and
pursued successfully in traditional school settings
methodological principles involved, confers precious
little meaningful understanding, and that many stu- (Bredderman, 1983; Klopfer, 1990; Polman, 2000;
dents studying mathematics and science find it rela- Stohr-Hunt, 1996). Instead of extended and sys-
tively simple to discover correct answers to problems temic work to explore a personally meaningful phe-
without really understanding what they are doing. nomenon or question (Krajcik et al., 2002), students
(Ausubel, 1963, p. 91) in hands-on programs often engage in a string of un-
Renewed interest in what kind of instructional related activities that only emphasize the use of sci-
approaches emphasizes the connection of student un- ence materials and equipment (Brown et al., 1989;
derstanding within the context of its use in class- Schauble et al., 1995). Furthermore, although certain
rooms (Barron et al., 1998). Publications and rec- hands-on activities may take place in a laboratory
ommendations by national educational organizations setting, the activities may seem more like exercises
clearly reflect this excitement (American Associa- than experiments if the emphasis is on drill and mas-
tion for the Advancement of Science, 1989; Na- tery, the practice of disembodied skills, and perform-
tional Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 1989; ing procedures whose meanings are unclear to the
National Research Council, 1996). Although many students (Lave, 1988; Schauble et al., 1995).
One way of encouraging student engagement
and addressing the contextualization of student
1 The University of Texas, Austin, Texas; e-mail: ajpetrosino@ inquiry is through project-based instruction (Blumenfeld et al., 1991). In recent years, a number

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C 2004 Plenum Publishing Corporation
448 Petrosino

of exemplary programs have been developed that ious data representations and interpretations, and
stress inquiry via project-based instruction. Exam- physical principles such as force and motion, en-
ples include Computers as Learning Partners (Linn ergy transformations, and properties of light. The
and Hsi, 1999), Kids as Global Scientists (Songer classroom computer, image-processing software, and
et al., 2002), and Schools for Thought (Lamon et al., telecommunications equipment are regarded as re-
1996). One attribute that bridges these programs is a search tools that enable students to pursue their
sophisticated use of technological resources within investigations.
the classroom setting. Krajick et al. (1998) pointed This paper addresses details that Barron et al.
out that much of the research showing students can (1998) called the “major hurdles” in implementing
learn the needed strategies for worthwhile scientific project-based curricula: the simultaneous changes
inquiry has been conducted in resource-rich demon- in curriculum, instruction, and assessment practices.
stration sites or in classes taught by researchers (see To best structure these changes I utilized a frame-
Bruer, 1993, 1994; Roth and Bowen, 1995; Roth work proposed by Bransford et al. (1999) known as
and Roychoudhury, 1993). Krajick et al. continued, the How People Learn framework. Therefore, the
“Although these studies have been useful for estab- goal of this paper is to describe realistically how
lishing the benefits of inquiry learning, they need to a high school teacher attempts to incorporate ad-
be supplemented with examinations of the potential vanced technologies into existing classroom practices
of inquiry in the rough and tumble realities of centered on scientific inquiry.
regular classrooms” (p. 315). Research has provided
convincing evidence that inquiry-based approaches
assist students in acquiring a sophisticated under- THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK
standing of science (Brown and Campione, 1996),
but has offered few descriptions of how this process Programs such as Computers as Learning Part-
occurs in typical classrooms. A noticeable exception ners (Linn and Hsi, 1999), Kids as Global Scientists
to this is the work of Joe Polman (Pollman, 2000), (Songer et al., 2002), and Schools for Thought
who conducted an extensive longitudinal study of (Lamon et al., 1996) all leverage conceptions of stu-
a classroom teacher implementing project-based dent learning and cognition from the past 30 years
instruction. (Bruer, 1994). Views of how effective learning pro-
This paper is a case study of a teacher who en- ceeds have shifted from the affordances of drill and
gaged his students in inquiry within a technologically practice and decontextualized lesson units to a focus
rich classroom, during a project spanning several on students’ understanding and application of knowl-
months. This case study is of a classroom that is part edge in contextualized settings, such as project-based
of a project-based, inquiry-rich curriculum project instruction (Krajcik et al., 1998). Moreover, concur-
called Hands on Universe (HOU).2 HOU is a collab- rent and complementary research from developmen-
orative effort between the Lawrence Berkeley Lab- tal psychology, cognition, educational technology,
oratories at the University of California at Berkeley sociology, anthropology, cognitive neuroscience, and
and 500 high schools around the country. This collab- the design of educational environments had been re-
orative provides professional astronomy tools to high ported, but not synthesized.
school students and their teachers. The HOU cur- Fortunately, the recent National Research
riculum integrates mathematics, science, and tech- Council publication, How People Learn: Brain,
nology in the context of authentic astronomical ex- Mind, Experience (Bransford et al., 1994), has at-
plorations. HOU addresses many of the goals for tempted to synthesize the research and far-reaching
mathematics and science education standards set by implications for broad-based educational reform,
the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics including changes in Curriculum, Instruction, and
and the National Research Council. Through astro- Assessment practices. One of the most salient fea-
nomical investigations, students develop problem- tures of How People Learn is the utilization of a four-
solving techniques and critical thinking skills similar part framework for analysis of current research and
to working scientists in the field. Along the way, stu- practice: (a) knowledge centered, (b) learner cen-
dents discover the need for algebra, geometry, var- tered, (c) assessment centered, and (d) community
centered. The parts are not mutually exclusive; the
2 For more detailed information please see http://www. best visual description of the framework is a Venn diagram with knowledge centered, learner centered,
Integrating Curriculum 449

and assessment centered intersecting and enclosed separated by distance and accessibility. Connections
within community centered. These four categories are to experts outside of school can have a positive influ-
potentially very useful in discussing the classroom en- ence on in-school learning because experts provide
vironment (Brown et al., 1989) but to date, little re- opportunities for students to interact with people
search has been reported employing this conceptual interested in and engaged in the subject matter.
framework. Following the publication of How People Learn
What follows is a brief description of the four (Bransford et al., 1999), a second NRC committee
aspects or frames suggested by How People Learn expanded the program to explore the issues of how
(Bransford et al., 1999). to better link the findings of research on the science
of learning to the actual practice of the classroom.
The resulting report, How People Learn: Bridging
Knowledge Centered
Research and Practice (Donovan et al., 2000), pre-
sented a series of recommendations to shrink the gap
Knowledge-centered analysis focuses on the
between research and practice. One of the main over-
kinds of information and activities that help students
arching themes of Donovan et al.’s Bridging Research
develop understanding of disciplines. This focus is
and Practice is to use the principles of How People
on existing curricula, especially those that emphasize
Learn as a lens through which to evaluate existing
“doing science” (Duschl, 1990, p. 40) over the mem-
education practices and policies. Furthermore, one
orization of facts. Knowledge-centered teachers use
of the key findings of both reports is that deep under-
projects (see Krajcik et al., 1998) as well as meaning-
standing requires that the subject matter being taught
ful engagement in discipline-specific practices.
be tied to key concepts of principles that the disci-
pline uses to understand the subject. This case-study
Learner Centered analysis therefore utilized the framework presented
by Bransford et al. (1999) as well as the sugges-
Learner-centered teachers pay careful attention tions of Donovan et al. (2000) to make this research
to the knowledge, skills, attitudes, and beliefs that relevant to bridging the gap between research and
learners bring to the classroom environment. In gen- practice.
eral, teachers who are learner centered recognize the
vital nature of building on the conceptual knowledge
that students bring with them to the classroom. METHODS

Case-Study Methodology
Assessment Centered
Because case studies do not result in the de-
One key principle of assessment-centered envi-
termination of causal variables, experimental re-
ronments is to provide opportunities for feedback
searchers often consider them to be less rigorous, less
and revision. In addition, assessment is consistent
reliable, and less useful. However, case studies pro-
with teaching (and learning) goals. Assessment is of-
vide rich descriptions, deep or insider details, and
ten differentiated between formative (administered
highly focused data contextualized by situating it in
within the context of the classroom environment)
the actual setting of the phenomenon being investi-
and summative (what students have learned at the
gated (Bailey, 1998; Johnson and Christensen, 2000;
end of an instructional activity or unit). Appropri-
Willig, 2001). Merriam (1988) pointed out that the
ately designed assessments, whether external or in-
case study is especially well suited to addressing crit-
ternally designed, can inform teachers of any neces-
ical problems of practice (e.g., implementing project-
sary modifications in their practice.
based science in secondary schools) and to extending
the knowledge base of various aspects of education.
Community Centered Since the purpose of this research was to describe
and explore project-based instruction in a classroom
Community-centered learning environments setting from a teaching perspective, case-study meth-
provide connections between the school and the ods are appropriate in order to provide a comprehen-
broader community that includes the home, after- sive picture of how the teacher implemented project-
school programs, and experts in the discipline based instruction.
450 Petrosino

Data Collection Students calculated stellar magnitudes using

advanced mathematics (logarithms).
Seven sets of data were collected for this study: 7. Classroom artifacts. Classroom artifacts in-
teacher, student, and colleague interviews; e-mail cluded the teacher’s lecture and teaching
correspondence with the teacher; field notes of class- notes, handouts, computer programs, and
room observations; HOU curriculum; and classroom class projects.

1. Teacher interviews. The teacher was inter- Data Analysis

viewed before, during, and after the study.
Interviews occurred following each observa- Data analysis for this case study involved a mod-
tion. These interviews covered pedagogical, ified version of a method described by Cobb and
content, and epistemo logical issues centered Whitenack (1996) for analyzing large sets of class-
around the implementation of the HOU unit room data (see also Glaser and Strauss, 1967). This
on Photometry. method is known as retrospective analysis. In the first
2. Student interviews. Five students were inter- phase of the analysis, each classroom episode was
viewed immediately after the project was structured by themes related to photometry. These
completed. included instances where the teacher and students re-
3. Colleague interviews. The headmaster was in- ferred to photometry or used the HOU software. I
terviewed once concerning the efforts and noted which words were used to refer to photometry
ability of the teacher. Two of the teacher’s and how these words were used. These themes lim-
colleagues were interviewed as well. ited my analysis of the data. For example, I did not
4. E-mail correspondence. E-mails between the examine how students learned mathematical ideas
teacher and his colleagues at other universi- that they encountered within the photometry unit.
ties as well as Lawrence Livermore Labora- Direct quotes (and actions) related to photometry
tories were utilized in the analysis. were accounted for separately in tables. The quotes
5. Field notes of classroom observations. A crit- were considered to be a set of analytic items and part
ical aspect of understanding what teachers of the context of the particular classroom in which
know about teaching and learning, in general they were noted.
and for specific subjects, and the role of tech- To improve the explanatory power of the analy-
nology in this process is to evaluate the na- sis, I undertook an episode-by-episode analysis. Then
ture of the learning environments. Such an I performed a meta-analysis of the chains of infer-
evaluation must be framed in terms of the ences and conjectures identified during the initial
multiple features of powerful learning envi- phase of the analysis. These categories were refined
ronments defined by the How People Learn by re-examining the field notes, artifacts, and inter-
framework. The class was observed 15 times view transcripts via triangulation.
over the last 5 weeks of the academic school
year. Field notes documented teacher actions, The Teacher
student actions, classroom dialogue, and in-
formal and formal assessments. The teacher who initiated the astronomy course,
6. HOU curriculum. The HOU high school cur- Mr Bill San Jancito (a pseudonym), has taught at the
riculum allows teachers and students at all present school for the past 20 years. Mr San Jancito
ability levels to use high-quality astronom- received a BS in Math/Science Education as well
ical images to explore science, math, and as an MEd in the Natural Sciences. In addition, he
technology concepts. By analyzing genuine has presented at conferences and workshops on such
astronomical images, students become more topics as particle physics, World Wide Web usage,
excited about math and science. Tools pro- and the HOU project. He is an accomplished pro-
vided include workbooks and a Teachers’ grammer and belongs to the National Science Teach-
Guide, used in tandem with the HOU Image- ers Association, the American Association of Physics
Processing Software CD. The specific unit for Teachers, the Barnard-Seyfert Astronomical Society,
this case study centered on photometry—the and the International Amateur-Professional Photo-
measurement of light from a celestial object. electric Photometry Society.
Integrating Curriculum 451

The Students to visualize and analyze their data. For example, Mr

San Jancito’s students could submit coordinates to
The students involved in the case-study astron- the Berkeley robotics telescope, take images, and
omy class ranged from Grades 9 to 12 at a southern process data to make sense of the information con-
independent school (formally a lab school for the lo- tained in the images. Through Tennessee State Uni-
cal university). Astronomy is an elective course at the versity, the class could acquire photometric data (star
school and does not satisfy the school’s science re- brightness) from the 10"" and 16"" robotics telescopes
quirement for graduation. The two astronomy classes on Mt. Hopkins in Arizona.
contained 31 high school students (5 girls). All the
students had plans to attend college, and most were
planning to pursue interests in computers, science, Curriculum Implementation: The Photometry Unit
and the arts.
As a collaborator in the HOU project, TERC,
through funding by Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory,
The Course has developed curriculum units that support an inter-
disciplinary approach to student investigations in as-
The astronomy course originated after Mr San tronomy. Telecommunications link high school class-
Jancito returned from a summer workshop in Macon, rooms to remote telescopes and an image database.
Georgia. At the conference, Mr San Jancito ob- By using an image-processing program, students can
tained the HOU image-processing software used by modify and analyze the images they access. Project
astronomers and, with interest from six students, ini- staff prepare teacher-training materials to support
tiated the class. The software allowed for analysis of dissemination of the curriculum and develop activi-
variable stars using digital “counting” of pixels. In ad- ties and materials for use in science classrooms. With
dition, the software also provided brightness vs. time HOU Photometry, teachers and students at all abil-
of observation representation. The initial idea of the ity levels use high-quality astronomical images to ex-
course was to focus on using authentic scientific tools, plore science, math, and technology concepts. In ad-
instruments, and procedures to answer questions re- dition, by analyzing genuine astronomical images and
lated to astronomy, computers, and physics educa- sharing results with a boarder community, students
tion via a project-based pedagogy. engage in mathematics and science as a means of par-
The school had access to a 30"" telescope at ticipating in the activities of practicing professionals
Leuschner Observatory equipped with a 512 × and amateur astronomers. HOU Photometry is one
512 pixel Charged-Coupling Device (CCD)3 of four “measuring” modules which support national
camera and Berkeley-developed HOU image- standards for high school science and mathematics as
processing software. The school had three 8"" outlined in the AAAS Benchmarks and the National
Schmidt-Cassegrain telescopes, one 8"" Newtonian Research Council National Science Education Stan-
reflector, two 60 mm refractors, one 4.5"" rich field dards. Figure 1 presents a typical activity in the HOU
reflector, and the CCD camera. In terms of com- Photometry unit.
putational power, the class used three 486DX CPU
computers with 1024 × 768 resolution color moni- FINDINGS
tors. Direct ISDN connection to the Internet was
provided through the Tennessee Board of Regents. The purpose of this work was to observe the
HOU enables students to request specific ob- connection between knowledge, learner, assessment,
servations from professional observatories. Students and community frames of reference and to illustrate
download telescope images to their classroom com- the interconnection between these frames and the
puters and use the HOU image-processing software classroom-learning environment into existing class-
room practices centered on scientific inquiry and
how this impacts curriculum, instruction, and assess-
3A CCD acts like an electronic retina. It transforms focused im- ment practices. As delineated in the introduction,
ages into a digital array of information that a computer can read
the desired effect of this type of pedagogy is to give
and store electronically. The CCD records light with a semicon-
ductor chip divided into a checkerboard array of tiny indepen- students opportunities for developing connected un-
dent light-sensitive picture elements, or pixels. These CCD chips derstandings as they engage in authentic tasks with
are commonly found in video cameras and digital cameras. sophisticated equipment in collaboration with other
452 Petrosino

Fig. 1. A typical activity in the HOU Photometry unit, in this case, observing the changing brightness of a star. This fluctuating
brightness of a variable star (classified as a Myra of the M6 type) in this series of photographs shows the changes in magnitude over
a period of days. Day 0 was June 22, 1995.

students and practicing scientists. These findings de- dard stars. In other words, Mr San Jancito provided
scribe the classroom norms for curriculum, instruc- explanatory or conceptual frameworks for the con-
tion, and assessment that led to the successful execu- tent of the HOU curriculum. Another example came
tion of project-based instruction. in his unit introduction to photometry. He first de-
scribed the nature of light’s travel through space and
then asked the class to consider what happens when it
Classroom Norms: Curriculum travels to earth-bound observers. The students were
easily able to describe phenomena that would alter
All students worked on the HOU curriculum en- the travel of light through the atmosphere to the sur-
titled “Introduction to Photometry.” Mr San Jancito face of the earth, such as weather, smog, carbon diox-
supported this curriculum package by adding con- ide, oxygen, and clouds. With this “big picture” as the
tent based on students’ “need to know,” which pro- tether, Mr San Jancito began on the specific unit top-
vided explanatory and/or conceptual frameworks of ics of “counts” and the CCD. The unit centered on
the photometry unit, had wide applicability within ways of mathematizing the size of the variable stars
the course curriculum, and was World Wide Web (see Fig. 1) using software that counted how many
situated. In other words, although HOU provided a pixels were brightened on the computer screen (the
curriculum package, Mr San Jancito was the final cur- more counts, the brighter the star).
riculum designer as he negotiated the hurdles com- Mr San Jancito arranged the course so his
mon to project-based instruction. In one of the HOU students undertook a series of individual projects
teacher meetings, he warned the creators of the pro- throughout the academic year. In this way, Mr San
gram, “We will kill the [HOU] program if we make Jancito’s class had many of the characteristics consis-
it cookbook; a cookbook approach will not work.” tent with case-based (Kolodner, 1993) and project-
San Jancito further characterized his practice, “I ba- based (Krajcik et al., 2002) instruction. According to
sically dissect the units and then drop them into the Mr San Jancito’s own words,
course as the experiment or project needs to occur.
The reason why I choose individual projects is that
So these students have actually done three quarters I hate “busy” work; I don’t want to grade it, I don’t
of the HOU units in pieces, but they would probably want them (the students) to do it. So instead of hav-
not recognize the title if you asked them.” ing them do hundreds of little questions . . . let’s see
Mr San Jancito delivered content to meet the if they can’t come up with a topic that can relate
needs of his students. For example, he identified the to all of this in which they will work through . . . .
I’m topically orientated when I teach astronomy and
problem inherent in measuring the amount of light physics.
received by telescopes from celestial objects: nightly
or hourly fluctuations or instrumentation differences. Perhaps the most innovative aspect of Mr San
Following these preparatory comments, the students, Jancito’s astronomy curriculum was his active use of
“primed” to understand the need for brightness stan- the World Wide Web for astronomical investigation.
dards, were ready to hear his explanation of stan- The class used the Web as an instructional tool, with
Integrating Curriculum 453

Web pages written by the teacher and the students. mon ground on which the classroom discourse was
Writing their own text allowed the students to build raised to a higher level (Schwartz and Bransford,
a personalized text based on the topics they had cho- 1998). Throughout the time of the case study, stu-
sen to study in creating their independent projects. dent use of the terminology of the HOU curriculum
They wrote these sections as they acquired new and (“hits,” CCD, Autoaverager, variable star) became
useful information. Links were then created to the commonplace. The impetus of such vocabulary could
student-generated, project-specific passages, so that be traced to these initial benchmark lessons.
a person browsing on the Internet could see not only The aforementioned conceptual lesson–activi-
the general topics discussed in class, but also the spe- ties–contextualization cycle was only one of the in-
cific topics studied by the students. structional strategies Mr San Jancito used to im-
Students not only used the Web to post cur- plement project-based instruction. He also used
riculum but also to create their own curriculum for explanation, discussion, and collaboration, punctu-
learning. For example, they used a connection to ated throughout with humor. In the unit introduc-
Lawrence Berkeley Laboratories to find the missing tion to photometry, Mr San Jancito explained that
details in their research of the universe. Addition- light travels vast distances across the universe, essen-
ally, the students corresponded electronically with tially unaffected by anything in space until it passes
the Berkeley scientists as well as others nationwide through the earth’s atmosphere and suddenly be-
via the “Ask A Scientist”4 electronic bulletin board. comes distorted “just when someone finally wants
Thus, an important consideration when choosing top- to see it!” After the laughter, Mr San Jancito fo-
ics for projects was the ability to span the course cused student attention on new ground by talking
content. about the equipment and methods astronomers use
In summary, one of the criticisms of project- for photometric measurements of this light from dis-
based instruction is the amount of time it takes to tant objects.
complete a single project (Polman, 2000). However, Mr San Jancito also employed collaborative
when mapped across the curriculum for an entire learning. However, he expanded on traditional
year, project-based science instruction incorporates notions of collaborative learning implementation:
multiple learning objectives, even during a single through HOU, he nurtured student participation in
project. By having multiple concurrent projects, Mr a community of scientists, teachers, and students
San Jancito satisfied course content coverage as well that communicated via e-mail (Barab et al., 2001).
as student engagement for his astronomy class. This electronic community exchanged ideas and data,
working collaboratively on significant research top-
ics with scientists at the University of California
Classroom Norms: Instruction at Berkeley. Evidence of this electronic community
abounded in Mr San Jancito’s class. For example, at
Class often began with an introduction of the one point Mr San Jancito turned to Ravi, a student
topic. After presenting the conceptual lesson, Mr San with above-average computer skills who recently im-
Jancito introduced a fundamental computational ac- migrated to the United States, and said, “Make sure
tivity with complex word problems. The class was you get that e-mail off to Greg [a university profes-
then ready to plunge into the intended HOU cur- sor] and let him know we found the period to that
ricular activities to relate the lesson to the initial variable star. He’ll want to know as soon as we figure
class topic introduction. However, this routine did it out.” Students were working with university pro-
not become hackneyed over time but was rather a fessors in a collaboratory manner not for these pro-
suitable way to present necessary content. These lec- fessors in some patronizing manner or simply going
tures or “benchmarks” (deSessa and Minstrell, 1998) through the motions of inquiry. Greg, the professor
were designed to give the proper context for the at the university, was not only interested in the re-
students’ activities throughout the remainder of the sults of the students data on the variable star but was
unit and the course. These benchmarks became com- including it in a database that he was creating. It also
was not uncommon to hear the students discuss post-
4 Ask A Scientist is a project funded by the National Science Foun-
ing their papers on the Web to share with other in-
dation to bring experts into classroom settings, either in person
terested people. In addition, a student named Isaac
or via electronic hookups between schools and universities (see spoke of sending out the coordinates to the scientists at Berkeley telescope and downloading the data by
454 Petrosino

the end of the week. This awareness of belonging to a class helped these professionals find problems in
broader research community and the resources they their system and, in return, received first-hand data
provide had an impact on the instructional process. for their investigations.
As Mr San Jancito explained, We have seen how the curricula and instruc-
tional norms of San Jancito’s class were shaped by
[The students] realize they are not alone and that
his ideas of project-based instruction and student in-
there are other people out there. They know they
have resources they didn’t have before and they re- quiry. We will now discuss that assessment norms
alize that there are people out there that they are di- were utilized in his class.
rectly associated with, wider variety of sources, and
from whom they can learn. The students also feel
like they are part of a bigger plot. Noah felt like he
Classroom Norms: Assessment
was part of the supernova search . . . . It gave him a
handle on things that you usually don’t get in other One of the most difficult aspects of project-
classes . . . . I don’t know if students can do that in based instruction is assessment (Black and Wiliam,
other classes. We might be very lucky . . . in astron- 2000; Polman, 2000). Mr Rodriguez acknowledged
omy, amateurs can actually contribute to fundamen-
tal research.
his own difficulty in this area and attempted to use
various evaluation methods but admitted that they
Throughout the time of the case study, a host need more work and development. This is not an un-
of interconnected projects and collaborations took common occurrence within technology rich inquiry
place between the astronomy class and the outside environments (Pellegrino et al., 2001; Polman, 2001).
world. Promoting awareness of the larger commu- At the time of the study, he had not used any forma-
nity was an important instructional philosophy for tive assessment (Black and Wiliam, 1998), although
Mr San Jancito. He explained, “If you can’t col- he had planned to develop something during the
laborate, you can’t survive, and the one thing this following summer. He felt that he needed to de-
program has done is force these kids to look be- velop a more cohesive structure to his goals before
yond the classroom and ask, ‘What can we do and he could work on evaluation methods. Because the
how can we learn beside just in this classroom?”’ course content changed over the years, he felt as if
The astronomy students helped test the language he were constantly trying to keep up with both con-
used to guide robotics telescopes. Automated Tele- tent changes and assessment modifications.
scope Instruction Set (ATIS) is a language used to Consequently, he used seemingly more tradi-
guide robotics telescopes and was developed by the tional types of assessments, such as working through
NASA Ames Research Center and astronomer Greg problems, but situated them within the context of
Henry at Tennessee State University. Dr Henry was the unit. For example, during one lesson targeted
so impressed and involved with the students that toward mathematical understanding, students calcu-
he often rearranged his schedule to attend Mr San lated the angle subtended by the star Alpha Cen-
Jancito’s star parties and to interact personally with tauri from a photo image (see Fig. 2). In a re-
the young scientists. The students in San Jancito’s lated activity during the same class period, students

Fig. 2. Aperture photometry on each image and the differential magnitude of VI432 Aql vs. a comparison star (C) as well as a check
star (K) in the same field was performed. In each case the sky background intensity around each aperture was subtracted from the
aperture intensity. Referring to Image-A, VI432 Aql as well as the Comparison star (C) and the Check star (K) are marked. These
images were obtained on the night of June 8/9, 2002. Notice how the brightness of VI432 Aql peaks in image B, diminishes in Image
C, and is faintest in Image D. This corresponds to the graph in Figure 3 (V-C). Line K-C represents a typical, stable star.
Integrating Curriculum 455

Fig. 3. The graph of the Differential magnitudes vs. Julian Date. The point in the light
curve corresponding to Image-A can be seen. Images B, C, D locations are also marked.

analyzed a down-loaded image using the HOU malize the image, 3) are they requesting the proper
image-processing software. The students were able images, 4) how well can they download images, and
5) how well do they incorporate these skills into their
to estimate the number of counts displayed for each
projects? They check them all. In terms of how their
pixel and, using plots and histograms, could visualize projects are graded, the students determine the con-
the distribution of sky-subtracted brightness for spe- tent and the grading criteria. I sign off on it or we
cific sets of pixels that together recorded an image may negotiate, my one absolute is that I do not al-
of Alpha Centauri (Fig. 3). A similar process, used low effort as a grade, it’s simply too subjective.
to plot intensity vs. time for another variable star
(V1432 Aql), is illustrated in Figs. 2 and 3. Figure 2
shows the digital images of the star on a series of dif- SUMMARY
ferent days. The sky-subtracted brightness for the re-
gion of pixels containing the star is plotted vs. time In summarizing the key components of Mr San
(Julian Day) in Fig. 3. The position of each of the Jancito’s project-based instruction, through the ret-
four images is indicated on the graph. rospective analysis, I identified five practices that
Although Mr San Jancito was required to as- consistently repeated themselves throughout the
sign grades and the students cared about the grade term of the case.
they received, there was little evidence of an empha- Practice 1. Mr San Jancito visibly tried to bring into
sis on grading or assessment throughout the term of the class the sense of “project.” According to Mr
this case. Mr Rodriguez explained his view on grad- San Jancito, through this process students develop
ing and how grade anxiety interferes with learning: deeper understanding of the material:
I spent three months running that [grade anxiety]
Hands on is really minds on . . . That’s what you
out of them. I contend that they will be better off
want. The fact is, the activity should be designed
in my class if they do not worry about grades; other
to stimulate thought, not just to say, “We did
classes [at the school] are not like that. Teachers can
35 experiments this year.” There needs to be
make it [anxiety] worse.
an underlying point, a conceptual foundation, a
There was a pass–fail sense in the class. Al- project.
though Mr San Jancito was quick to point out the Practice 2. Mr San Jancito embodies the dedication
need for rigor, the class almost seemed unencum- to the advancement of the independent individual.
bered by the usual anxiety surrounding the whole He establishes an individual relationship with ev-
process of assessment. As he explained, ery student in his class. One student, Soojin, came
The students’ grades are based on skills, specifically, to class with the idea of doing an astrology project.
1) can they run the HOU software, 2) can they nor- Rather than dismiss this request out of hand as
456 Petrosino

being inconsistent with an astronomy course, to ity as in the case of Josh, or there interest in art
say nothing of the surface level nonscientific na- like Soojin, San Jancito worked within the existing
ture of the topic, San Jancito worked with Soojin expertise and interests of his class to formulate a
to develop a project that looked at some of the “lab group” perspective to tackle investigations in
historical beginning of astrology which drew par- his class. What makes this especially noteworthy is
allels with existing astronomy knowledge of the that not all the students were from the same class
time. In another case, Josh, a student with great ap- and sometimes students would only have contact
titude with computer programming but little inter- with each other via e-mails or notes left in mail-
est at the time in astronomy was convinced by San boxes. The distributed nature of this expertise ex-
Jancito that automating some of the “counting” tended to the scientists and professors from HOU
of pixels in the HOU photometry unit via a pro- and the local university as well.
gram would be a worthwhile exercise. Josh was
convinced and after a few weeks of working on The students in the astronomy class acted much
the problem, Josh created a tool to assist students like graduate students in a doctoral program, with
in analyzing large sets of variable star data. These Mr San Jancito in the role of the professor. The stu-
encounters with students emphasize that under- dents were conducting real research on data not pre-
standing happens between people and that the no- viously analyzed by any other scientists. They collab-
tion of understanding and cognitive growth is in- orated with other professionals in the field, including
herently relational. According to Goldstein (1999) local professors of astronomy, and made numerous
these meaningful interpersonal interactions could requests for data from the CCD-equipped telescope
imply that affective factors play a central role in at Berkeley. The students worked at their own pace
intellectual growth and development. While of- on individual projects that Mr San Jancito deemed
ten overlooked or disregarded, one cannot simply worthy of inclusion as extensions of the HOU cur-
turn a blind eye to the numerous “caring encoun- riculum. The class resembled an open lab period,
ters” (Noddings, 1984) San Jancito employed in with students working on their individual projects at
his classroom. The literature has focused on the any number of locations around the school, includ-
more strictly cognitive aspects of the learning pro- ing Mr San Jancito’s office, the classroom, the library,
cess, leaving affect and the examples of teaching– or the computer lab. Students would check in with
learning interactions unexplored. him, discuss projects, and go about their research. Mr
Practice 3. His emphasis on collaboration through San Jancito gave perhaps the best summary of what
e-mail, the Web, and outside experts expanded was observed, “The strength of HOU and Project
the walls of his classroom into a true global com- Based Instruction is that the students can come up
munity. In addition to the regular e-mails with with original questions and they have the tools to an-
Dr Greg Henry, and other professors at the univer- swer such questions. They don’t have to rehash what
sity, the students were in regular contact with other others have done and I think that’s a big difference.”
high schools using the HOU curriculum as well as
scientists and researchers at the observatory.
Practice 4. The cyclic nature of his instruction allows ANALYSIS
for conceptual understanding and procedural use
of mathematics, all placed within a motivating con- I utilized the How People Learn framework
text. San Jancito would start class with an engag- (Bransford et al., 1999) to analyze this case study. The
ing driving question and then pick and choose units purpose was to show the connection between knowl-
from the HOU curriculum as well as provide math- edge, learner, assessment, and community frames of
ematical tools and analysis to help facilitate the reference and to illustrate the interconnection be-
students inquiry. Each cycle led to further investi- tween these frames and the classroom-learning en-
gations, further articulations of what the problems vironment developed by Mr San Jancito.
were to solve and more mathematical tools to ap- The framework provides four different lenses
ply and use in order to engage in the inquiry. for interpretation of a learning environment: knowl-
Practice 5. His notion of distributed expertise al- edge, the learner, assessment, and the commu-
lows each student to contribute meaningfully to nity. A knowledge-based environment helps students
the overall efforts of his class. Whether it was a learn key concepts in the subject area. The learner
particular student’s computer programming abil- perspective observes how class activities take into
Integrating Curriculum 457

account the knowledge, skills, and learning styles of One student, Isaac, said, “This class is more impor-
each student. Assessment provides opportunities for tant than any other because it teaches you how to go
students to demonstrate their learning, so instruction about learning anything . . . for now, it’s astronomy,
can be refined as needed. Finally, community fosters but it works in my other classes as well.”
norms that encourage students to learn from one an- Another theme that emerged from the conversa-
other, their teacher, and the outside community. tions with the students was that being an independent
learner increased their ability to enjoy the class. In-
dependent does not mean working alone, of course—
Knowledge Centered
the astronomy class required collaboration between
students. However, the students viewed HOU as a
During the photometry unit, a form of dis-
way of working on their own interests. The class of-
tributed expertise evolved (Brown et al., 1993; Pea,
fered something for the computer hackers, for the
1993) in which the entire class shared the knowl-
astronomy buffs, for the math whizzes, and for the
edge base of its participants. Looking over a student-
more artistically inclined.
written program to estimate the brightness variation
period of a star, Mr San Jancito suggested, “Let’s
talk to Isaac about this, I bet he could mock some- Assessment Centered
thing up in C [a computer programming language]
in no time.” The students nodded in agreement and Although Mr San Jancito had a dislike of test-
left a note for Isaac in the lab area. Mr San Jancito ing (noting the anxiety it provoked as well as the fo-
acknowledged with delight the expertise of his stu- cus it took from class), he nonetheless utilized assess-
dents, some of whose programming skills exceeded ment continuously throughout the unit. The class was
his own. This expertise supported the environment about continual assessment—“scientific evidence is
of actual research. As a student explained, “We don’t the ultimate assessment of conceptual, procedural,
act like scientists, we are scientists.” factual, and transfer understanding and knowledge”
said San Jancito. In part, San Jancito did not have
Learner Centered the high accountability structure that is increasingly
common in schools around the country. His students
One of the key aspects of this case study was to were taking this course as an elective and the course
gain a sense of how the students felt about the HOU was not a required course for college placement.
unit. The students were expected to enjoy the class— Furthermore, the students from the school are pri-
it was offered as an elective rather than a require- marily college bound and have had fairly successful
ment. Mr San Jancito showed his learner-centered school experiences. Nonetheless, even with this pop-
sensitivity as he described the students’ reaction to ulation, San Jancito found anxiety over grades to be
his astronomy class in some detail: both annoying and disruptive to the learning that he
wanted to occur in his classroom. He differentiated
I think the kids fall into two groups . . . one, the “testing” from “assessment” and while his class did
kids who have not learned to deal with abstract not have a single traditional test during the entire
reasoning yet, hate it. Because they want it black time of the case study, he made notes in his book
and white . . . ok, that should change [with HOU]
we hope. The other kids at first think it’s very
about each students progress on almost a daily ba-
scary. Like when they find out that medical re- sis. Thus, he provided students with detailed expla-
search is probabilistic in nature, but they come to nations of their progress and students were able to
appreciate things like data collection. That’s where use this information in a much more productive man-
the photometry unit comes in. How good is your ner. This unorthodox approach to assessment is not
photometric data, subtract the sky, we do all the
normalization things . . . those kinds of things are
intended to be prescriptive but rather to simply high-
really important for kids to see. Because it makes light how San Jancito incorporated this into his class-
them better readers when they read Newsweek and room practice.
Time . . . to get their science.

One consistent construct emerged from the stu- Community Centered

dent interviews and discussions. The students viewed
Mr San Jancito’s class as a way of learning any sub- Instructional methods of group work or collabo-
ject matter rather than simply learning astronomy. rative learning went beyond what is typically seen in
458 Petrosino

classrooms to include the larger community of prac- as the brightness scale, variable stars, astronomical
ticing scientists. Students became part of the larger units, and measuring techniques but also master the
community rather than peripheral observers. One skills of experts using image-processing software to
can visualize Mr San Jancito’s classroom as a se- determine uniformly the brightness of a particular
ries of concentric circles. The immediate members star.
of the class were the inner core. This core was sur- Overlying this core of knowledge centeredness
rounded immediately by members of other classes is an attention to the learner. Rather than assuming
that Mr San Jancito taught that academic year. Third, what students already know and are interested in
local university professors from the area were in- and creating a lock-step curriculum, Mr San Jancinto
volved with the research projects, communicating via creates an open workspace in which students are free
e-mail, phone calls, and occasional visits. The fourth to develop their own area of interest and determine a
circle was the HOU community, hundreds of stu- way to learn what they want to know. In keeping with
dents at dozens of high schools around the county. Brown and Campione’s (1994) description of suc-
The fifth and outermost circle was the broader com- cessful teaching, he structures the learning situation
munity of astronomers and physicists who some stu- through his benchmark lessons and the equipment
dents aspired to be (as one student said, “We don’t and techniques he presents to his students. However,
act like scientists, we are scientists”). within the course content framework he establishes,
students are free to acquire the knowledge in the
order and manner which makes the most sense to
them. They work at their own pace and sometimes
in isolation and sometime in small groups. San
Polman (2000) explains the teacher must play
Jancito periodically brings the class together for
a unique role of guiding and participating in stu-
“debriefmgs” where groups or individuals will ex-
dent classroom activities without taking away the stu-
plain their progress, discuss what problems they are
dents’ active role in the learning process. This mid-
having, and either offer or solicit assistance from the
dle ground between teacher-guided and unguided
student-directed instruction has been referred to by
In keeping with the principles of How People
researchers as guided discovery (Hawkins, 1974). As
Learn, Mr San Jancinto’s practice is assessment cen-
Ann Brown (Brown, 1992) explained,
tered. Although he acknowledges that he needs to
Guided learning is easier to talk about than to do. It improve making formal assessments, his students ex-
takes clinical judgment to know when to intervene. hibit their knowledge through the actions they take,
Successful teachers must engage continually in on- the conversations and discussions they have, and the
line diagnosis of student understanding. They must
be sensitive to overlapping zones of proximal devel-
questions they ask. According to Bransford et al.
opment, where students are ripe for new learning. (1999), “ongoing assessments [are] designed to make
Guided discovery places a great deal of responsibil- students’ thinking visible to both teachers and stu-
ity in the hands of teachers, who must model, foster, dents [ . . . and] provide students with opportunities
and guide the “discovery” process into forms of dis- to revise and improve their thinking” (p. 24). This
ciplined inquiry that would be reached without ex-
pert guidance, (p. 169)
was seen as Josh presented multiple attempts at
solving his computer programming problem to San
The four aspects of learning environments identified Jancito, constantly refining the program and working
in How People Learn (Bransford et al., 1999) provide off of feedback from both San Jancito and the stu-
a foundation for understanding how Mr San Jancinto dents. San Jancito also utilizes assessments through-
was able to successfully implement project-based in- out the class and not just at the end of the unit. Thus,
struction as authentic guided discovery, overcoming he employs formative as well as summative assess-
the usual hurdles (Barron et al., 1998). ment (Black and Wiliam, 1998). This was evident as
At the core of Mr San Jancinto’s pedagogy he would give students various variable star pictures
lies an attention to knowledge centeredness. On to analyze and measure before working up to the
the path to discovering new astronomical knowl- “big” stuff . . . variable star data not previously ana-
edge by acting as practicing astronomers, students lyzed for sharing with professors at the university. In
also learn the key facts, concepts, and practices this way, assessment was used and feedback given be-
of the discipline. Students not only develop basic fore students got a chance to “test their mettle” with
understandings about the field of astronomy, such practicing scientists.
Integrating Curriculum 459

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