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Environmental Factors Influencing Certain Behaviors of Isopods

Through the observation and manipulation of Isopods and the
environmental factors that affect Isopod behavior, I aim to investigate which
type of environment Isopods prefer, whether Isopods will deliberately seek
out preferred environments, and the factors that influence Isopod behavior
with regard to environment selection.
Approaching the problem at hand, I researched the known behaviors of
Isopods, and found that Isopods prefer dark, damp environments. In order to
confirm this, at least the aspect of Isopods preferring damp environments, I
conducted a controlled experiment, manipulating only the dampness of the
environment, and striving to control all other variables. After obtaining
necessary data, I conducted a chi-squared statistical test to calculate
whether the Isopods actually showed preference towards a specific
environment, or if any sign of preference could be entirely attributed to
random and varying behavior.
Through this study, I concluded with 95% confidence that Isopods do in
fact prefer damp environments. The Isopods showed a statistically significant
inclination towards the damp environment. After referencing various
resources, I theorized that such preference may be due to the presence of
modified gills as the main means by which Isopods breathe. Such a theory
must be confirmed through another controlled experiment.
Isopods are small, millipede-like creatures that live in the soil. Despite
their appearance, they are not insects, and instead belong to the Crustacean
subphylum. Isopods are terrestrial organisms, but they have modified gills,
and must live in damp areas in order to respire. Isopods are nocturnal, and
are sensitive to light. Isopods therefore prefer cool, damp, and dark areas,
namely in soil or under leaves and logs. Isopods detect their surroundings
through chemoreception, responding to different smells and stimuli using
their olfactory senses. They also detect stimuli using a pair of antennae.
The main problem that is to be solved here is whether or not
manipulating different environmental factors will influence the Isopods
choice of habitat; specifically, if Isopods prefer wet environments to dry
environments. This problem is being investigated in order for me to gain
insight on the preferred environments of the Isopod, and how the Isopod will
react when faced with a choice between a wet and dry environment. The null
hypothesis is that if the Isopods are placed in the controlled choice chamber
with a choice between a wet and dry environment, they will show no

significant preference to either environment, and any variation in the data

can be wholly attributed to the random movements of the Isopods. I predict
that if the Isopods are placed in the choice chamber, then the Isopods will
show preference to and congregate in the wet environment because Isopods
need the water in the wet environment the breathe through their modified
Methods and Materials
In the experiment, the Isopods were placed in a plastic choice chamber
with 2 large dishes separated by a smaller dish in the middle. Each of the
larger circular dishes was lined with white filter paper. The filter paper in one
of the chambers was dampened uniformly.
10 Isopods were obtained from a large population of Isopods that
included a mixture of different species, namely Armadillidium vulgare
(Pillbug) and Porcellio scaber (Sowbug). 5 Isopods were placed in the dry
chamber, and 5 in the wet chamber. The lids of the choice chamber were
placed onto the choice chamber to prevent the Isopods from escaping, and a
stopwatch was started immediately thereafter. The number of Isopods in
each of the 3 chambers was recorded at the very beginning of the
experiment, and every minute thereafter until the 10 minute mark.
The data obtained was combined with the class data to form a larger
sample. Using the class data, the total number, the mean, standard
deviation, and standard error of the Isopods in each chamber was calculated.
A chi-squared test was conducted using a significance level of .05. The
critical value was obtained through a chi-squared table using a degree of
freedom of 2. The resulting chi-squared value from the chi-squared test was
compared with the critical value to see whether I should reject or fail to
reject the null hypothesis.
Important drawbacks to note in the initiation of the experiment
include: I failed control variables including light, sound, and vibrations which
may influence the Isopods behavior. I also used my fingers to handle the
Isopods instead of gloves or tweezers, which may disrupt the
chemoreceptors of the Isopods.
At the end of 10 minutes, the majority of the Isopods had moved to the
wet chamber.
Figure 1: Mean number of Isopods in each chamber as calculated by class

Mean number of

Wet Chamber

Middle Chamber

Dry chamber

Mean number of Isopods in each Chamber

Mean Number of Isopods







Type of Chamber

Figure 2: Mean
number of Isopods in each chamber with error bars

Looking at the data, it is apparent that much more Isopods ended up in

the wet chamber than in the dry chamber. A chi-squared test will be
conducted to see if this difference is significant.
Figure 3: Chi-square test with respect to the numbers of Isopods
Chi-square value
Degrees of
Critical value





The Chi-square value is 43, which is much larger that the critical value at a
95% confidence level.
Based on the calculated chi-square value of 43, which is much larger
than the critical value of 5.99 at a .05 significance level with 2 degrees of
freedom, I reject the null hypothesis with 95% confidence and conclude that
the Isopods do indeed show a preference towards the wet environment.
Manipulating environmental factors does indeed draw a response from the
Isopods, at least when manipulating the wetness of the environment. These
results fit quite nicely with my original prediction. In this experiment, the
goal was met in terms of observing the responses of the Isopods to the wet
and dry environments.
These results serve to strengthen the assumption that Isopods need
water to breathe through their modified gills. This explanation can be tested
by isolating Isopods in only wet or dry environments, and observing the
survival rate of the Isopods. If a significant number die in the dry
environment, then one can assume that water might be an essential factor
to isopod breathing and survival.
This experiment was relatively hastily performed, and had several
drawbacks. One such drawback is the failure to control for important
variables such as light, sound, smell, and vibrations. These variables may
contribute to unexpected responses by the Isopods, and may cause the
results to be skewed. To improve this, the experiment could be conducted in
a dark, cool, isolated environment much like the natural environment the
isopods are found in, and any variables can be controlled for to the
maximum extent. Another drawback is the number of species used. At least
two species of Isopods were used, which may play a factor in skewing the
results, as members of the same species might be more attracted to each
other. This can be fixed by simply making sure that the Isopods used are all
of the same species.
A new question that arises from this experiment is what is the degree
to which females of the same species can attract males? In other words, how
significantly do females attract males so as to account for a difference in the
data in the wet and dry environment experiment? Such a question could be
investigated by putting 10 males in a wet and dry choice chamber, 10

females in a different set of wet and dry choice chambers, and 5 males and
5 females in yet another set of wet and dry choice chambers.
Department of Invertebrate Zoology. (n.d.). Retrieved October 5, 2015.
King, R. (2004). Isopods. Retrieved October 5, 2015.
Painter, T. (Ed.). (n.d.). Isopod. Retrieved October 5, 2015.
Resource Cards. (n.d.). Retrieved October 5, 2015.

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