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Fellowship Breakfast at Doubletree
8:30 am

Breakfast 8 am

Deacons Meeting
7 pm

W.O.M. 10:00 am
Staff Meeting
9:30 am
Joyful Sounds
1:30 pm

Awana Pudding
Feast Night



Crows Tea 2-4 pm

Lords Supper 6 pm






Gospel Music
Celebration 6 pm
with FBC Hartselle


Joyful Sounds
9:00 am
Staff Mtg 9:30 am
39ers Luncheon
11:45 am

Awana Perfectly



Staff Meeting
9:30 am
Joyful Sounds
1:30 pm

Awana Bubble



Staff Meeting
9:30 am
Joyful Sounds
1:30 pm

Dr. Ben Hayes, Pastor

Wayne Baggett, Minister of Music/Seniors
Ben Tinley, Minister of Youth & Family Outreach
Tanya Spillman, Childrens Minister

Sunday Schedule
9:15 a.m. Sunday School
10:30 a.m. Morning Worship, Childrens Church
5:00 p.m. Discipleship Training , Student
Discipleship, Childrens BLAST
6:00 p.m. Evening Worship

Wednesday Service
5:15 p.m. Fellowship Supper
6:00 p.m. AWANA
6:30 p.m. Prayer Meeting, Youth Group
Sanctuary Choir Rehearsal
Office Hours: Monday-Friday, 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.
Closed for lunch

Awana 5-verse

709 Ninth Street SE

Decatur, AL 35601




Downtown Decatur
Third Friday begins

Church Council
6:30 pm
Spring Fling
6 pm at
Decatur FBC






Southside Baptist Church

(USPS 863-520)
Published Monthly
Periodical Postage
PAID at the
Post Office in Decatur, AL

April 2016

709 Ninth Street SE, Decatur, Alabama 35601

(256) 353-8814

From Your Pastor

I have had an amazing two weeks. In fact, the last several
weeks have been blessed. By the time you read this, many of
you will have heard bits and pieces of what I am going to share
in this article, so please forgive me for being repetitive. God
has been moving in our services. We have had new members to
join. There has been an excitement in the air that is unexplainable in human standards. But beyond that, God has touched my
heart in a powerful way through His Word and through His
people. To see the number of you who are so willing and ready
to volunteer to serve has been overwhelming. The truth is we
had way too many volunteers for our Missions and Ministry
Rally on March 13th, and I want to say thank you to all who
participated. While I couldnt be there, I understand we had a
great group of volunteers passing out doorknockers and helping
with the egg hunt, and again, I say, Thank you.
But I especially want to say thank you for the events of the last
two weeks. First, thank you for sending me to Monroe, Louisiana on a Disaster Relief callout. I use the word sending purposefully. Every time we go out, we go as a representative sent
by this church to do ministry in Jesus name. The work was
hard, but the blessings were great. To see peace replace fear
and sorrow in eyes that have seen treasured possessions in
pieces due to the floodwaters makes it all worthwhile. To know
that our ministry to these people made a difference in at least a
few lives brings joy that you can only know when you are going into the harvest as Jesus commanded.
Then to come home and celebrate the Resurrection of our Savior in such a powerful way was the icing on the cake, and you
know how I like icing. Thank you Bro. Wayne, choir, musicians, sound and video workers for making the worship spectacular. As I asked you Sunday, I hope you can feel the power
of the Spirit moving in our church. The question is, Are you
willing to allow Him to move through you? I hope so because
that is the only way we can be the church God intends us to be.
Love you all,

Bro. Ben

with the

Underwood Brothers

Rehearsals: April 5, 19, 26 at 1:30 pm ~ April 12 at 9 am followed by lunch

Homecoming rehearsals beginning nowcome join us!!!

Featuring Allison Speer

Decatur First Baptist Church ~ Thur., April 21st at 6:00 p.m.
Tickets $5.00 each Purchase in the church office
Delicious meal and evening of wonderful entertainment!

39ers Luncheon
Tuesday, April 1911:45 am
Guest Speaker: Servant Rider Ministry
Bring your favorite covered dishes
and invite a friend to join us.

Women on Mission
WOM will meet at 10 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall on April 5th. We will be assembling comfort gift
bags for cancer treatment patients here in Decatur. If you would like to donate, we need small bottles of hand sanitizer, hard candy, tissue, non-skid socks, journals and devotionals. Bring these
items to the meeting or to the church office before our meeting. Bring a sack lunch. Drinks and dessert will be provided. Hope to see you there!

1Richard Dunn, Bettie Sharp

4Paulette DeVine
7James McCulloch
8Sabrina Halbrooks, Carolyn Pistorius,
Chloe Harper
10Rebecca Steele, Herman
Myers, Brandon Hunter
11Myra Uptain
12Joyce Yount
13Martha Couch
14Howard Martin
16Linda Grisham
20Jack Spillman, Carie Hamlin
23Sandra Woods, Cathy Ryan
24Berry Terry, Greg Alexander
25Sherry Bauersachs, Lavonis Bryan,
Veda Dumas
26Chase Grisham
28Bettye Hill, Marvin Taylor
29Christine Maddox, Jim Thaxton

Adult Fellowship Breakfast returns!

We have a new location for our Adult fellowship breakfast! Please join us at Doubletree by Hilton
(next to the river) for breakfast on Saturday, April 2nd at 8:30 a.m. Invite a friend or Sunday School
prospect and enjoy fellowship with usDutch Treat

My Cup Overflows Coffee/Tea Room

Join us Sunday mornings between 8:40 and 9:10 a.m. in Room 106. We have coffee, tea, other
beverages, and refreshments. April refreshments provided by Linda McKees Sunday School class.

Praise Jesus - Love People Know the Word - Share the Gospel
Sunday: 9:15 a.m. - Sunday School
10:30 a.m. - Worship Service
5:00 p.m. - Discipleship Classes
Wednesday: 6:30 p.m. Youth Service

Join Awana Wed. at 6 p.m.

Come join the fun!

VBS Recruitment!!!
This years VBS will be June 6-10
(Mon.-Fri.), 9 am to 12 noon. If you
can help out in any way please contact Tanya Spillman, Joy Tucker
or Scott Williams. Or you can email
or call the church office! Please
make an effort to participate in VBS and lets make 2016 the best VBS yet!!

Guest Artist

Received to Date: $6,340.00

Kathy Holland and Paula Dixon and families on the loss

of their mother, Phyllis Reeder.
Margaret and Lamar Barkley on the loss of Bro. Brooks
Barkley, former pastor at Southside.

Wes Hampton
Gaither Vocal Band Member
Wes joined the Gaither Vocal Band in 2005 in the
tenor position. He has won numerous awards,
including the 2006 Singing News Horizon
Individual Fan Award for best new artist. He has
released two solo albums and is working on his
third studio album to be released this year. He
and his wife Andrea reside in Birmingham and
have 4 boys.

Everyone is
Invite your Friends
and Neighbors!!

Christian prayers & sympathy to

2016 Celebrate America

Brotherhood breakfast will be Sunday, April

3rd at 8:00 a.m. Judge Charles Langham will
be our speaker. Judge Langham is the District
Court Judge for Morgan County. He is active
in community service and civic organizations
and has received many awards for his
achievements. Judge Langham has just returned from Haiti and will share some of his
experiences while there. He is also a member
of Central United Methodist Church.
The Brotherhood Team

Our desire at Southside Baptist Church is to see teenagers

radically changed through the good news of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I truly believe todays teenagers are a generation
crazy enough to impact their homes, their teams, their schools,
and their communities in Jesus name. Through Discipleship,
Fellowship, & Worship My prayer is to see students have a
PASSION for God that drives them to live out HIS incredible
purpose for them!!!
Ben Tinley


Southside Baptist Church

is excited to announce

Missions in Action at Southside...

Thank you to everyone who donated food to the March CCC Food Drive!
We are still collecting shoes and over the counter medications for the Lakota Nation Indians on
the Rosebud Reservation in Mission, S.D. Deadline is April 15th and items may be given to Linda
McKee or brought to the church office.

Spring has definitely sprung! The children are

finally able to get outside more after months of
being cooped up indoors! They have been utilizing the playground ever chance they get!
I want to say a very special thank you to those
who came out to help with the Easter Egg
Hunt. We had a wonderful crowd, most of
whom were visitors! There were 53 registered children (5th grade
and under) plus quite a few youth and adults. It would not have
been possible without those who jumped in to offer assistance. It
was very much appreciated!
April is our last full month of Awana! We are looking forward to
some special events including a pudding eating contest...with an
interesting twist. :-) Our children have worked very hard this year
and I expect they will finish strong over the final weeks. It's amazing to watch them over the course of the year as they learn and
grow in their knowledge of God's word!
We have registered 10 children to go to CentriKid in July! This is
the first time they will have the opportunity to attend a large children's camp with kids from all over the country. I'm excited to see
how God uses this experience in the lives of these precious children! You will be hearing more about this in the weeks to come.
As always, we would love to have you join us for any of our
events! Feel free to drop in, meet the kids, and see what we're
learning! I promise you will be

Wes Hampton

Sunday, July 3, 2016 at 10:30 a.m.

Howard and Beverly Martin, by letter

Ben and Abby Tinley, by letter
Sidney and Gloria Stevens, by statement

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