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Inferiority Complex

They said, We scouted out the land from one end to the otherits a land
that swallows people whole. Everybody we saw was huge. Why, we even saw
the Nephilim giants (the Anak giants come from the Nephilim). Alongside
them we felt like grasshoppers. And they looked down on us as if we were
grasshoppers. Numbers 13:32-33 the Message (MSG)
Inferiority complex is an acute sense of personal inferiority often resulting
either in timidity or through over compensation in exaggerated
aggressiveness. Looking at the above scriptures, one will appreciate the
extent God has taken the people of Israel. God wanted them to see the
reality of the promise. They went to locate and witness the faithfulness of
God to His people. Their fathers only believed what they saw and nobody
had the capacity to stop them no matter how big or giant-looking. This
should be a day of joy and thanksgiving. It should have been a day marked
out for celebrations and jubilations. A day we saw the land we celebrated.
But this was not to be. When the spies came back they attested to the
beauty and goodness of the land. They admitted it was a land flowing with
milk and honey but they spoilt the whole thing by allowing inferiority
complex get into them. They said they saw giants and everybody was huge
but they forgot none of them could stop them from spying the land. Complex
did not allow them to see the good that is going on well for them. It blinded
their eyes from the greatness of God and His ability at their disposal. They
saw themselves as grasshoppers, mediocre, people of little or no importance,
value and merit. They completely looked down on themselves and their
abilities. The grace and favour of God available to them paralyzed.
Many times when we allow inferiority complex to step into our lives, boldness
and confidence is removed from us. We will begin to operate below power
and ability. The people of Israel suffered a major defeat occasioned by that
incident. It was not a defeat from the battlefield it was a defeat from the
mindfield. Any battle lost from the mind will manifest. Their punishment
was to roam the land for forty years until all those who saw the wonders of
God in Egypt died. Every word spoken are words of fear of what might
happen to them if they go to possess the land became a negative prophecy
to them. God said He will bring it to pass.

Our God is the same yesterday, today and forever. What he did in the past
He will do it again. Cast off any complex because he dwells in you and with
him you are more than a conqueror. For with God nothing shall be

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