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State University

Department of Physics and Astronomy

PHY 2181 General Physics

Experiment # 7


1. Synopsis
You will observe the effects of the interaction between wires, extended surfaces (that are at rest or
in motion) and electrical currents when they are situated in :ixed and varying magnetic :ields.

2. Objectives

To observe motional and induced EMFs

To observe self inductance
To observe eddy currents
3. Preparation
Read sections 4.1--4.3 of this write-up and pertinent sections of the textbook.

4. Introductory Remarks
4.1. Experiments in Motional EMF's
Magnets, electromagnets, currents, and magnetic and electric :ields are involved in many everyday
things that you use. But they are in sealed boxes, bolted together, or made in such a way as to
preclude your being able to manipulate them in an exploratory way to understand the basic
principle of their operation.
The intimate relationship between magnetism and electricity is very evident in these experiments.
Indeed, it was these two phenomena that were shown by James Clerk Maxwell in the mid-1800's to
be manifestations of a single force, the electromagnetic force. On the other hand, for example, the
intimate connection between this electromagnetic force with gravity, the nuclear force, and the
"weak" force responsible for radioactive decay, is not easy to see, but we have faith that the unity of
all these four forces will eventually be demonstrated. 1

These experiments should be discussed using the appropriate laws accompanied by a
diagram. The directions of the forces and currents should clearly be labeled.

"I have had my solutions for a long time, but I do not yet know how I am to arrive at them"-Karl Friedrich Gauss (1777-1855).
PHY 2181 EXP #7

The pertinent laws are:

F = idL B = iLBsin

force on a current,

= B = Bsin = NiABsin

torque on a current loop,





E = L

= L

Faraday's law,

definition of inductance,

self-induced EMF.

An induced current has a direction such that the magnetic :ield due to the current opposes the
change in the magnetic :ield that induces the current (Lenzs Law.)

4.2. Experiments in Self Inductance

When :lux lines cut a wire, a current is induced in the wire; also when current :lows in a wire, :lux
lines are generated around the wire. What happens when the geometry of the wire is such that
these lines cut across that selfsame wire? Answer: One gets self-induction. Coils offer the ideal
con:iguration for this type of self-induced current.
One demonstration below directs your attention to the size of the voltage and current induced in
this process. The other clues you in on the direction of the resulting current :low.

4.3. Eddy Currents

Electric currents can be generated also by moving a plate or solid block of metal in a magnetic :ield
or by changing the :ield around them. The currents generated here form a closed-loop path not
through some outside meter or device but inside the con:ines of the plate or metal blockhence
the designation "eddy" and the need to discuss such currents in a separate category.
The manner in which such currents are generated can be understood from the simple experiments
that you will perform as described below.

5. Part I: Single Wire In A Magnetic Field

5.1. Equipment Required
1. Magnet
PHY 2181 EXP #7

2. Stiff Wires
3. Reversing Switch
4. Battery

Stiff Wire


Reversing Switch

1-1/2 Volt

Fig. 1

5.2. Method and Results

The reversing switch is wired under the base. You may inspect the connection by turning it
over. The magnet is very powerful and will magnetize old-style wind-up watches. Keep
these articles away from the magnets.
Leave this switch (and all others in these experiments) in the "open" position when
1. Noting the direction of the magnetic Nield and the current, close the switch. Did the
wire move up or down?
2. Now throw the switch in the opposite direction thus reversing the current through
the wire. Note the direction of the current and the direction in which the wire
3. Now reverse the direction of the magnetic Nield and repeat (1) and (2).
4. Explain your observations.
This illustrates the "motor" principal. From here it is a short step to increasing the effect by
putting in a few more turns of wire between the poles of the magnet and changing the
geometry of the
get a continuously moving segment of wire. Other possibilities are
suggested by F = idL B = iLBsin .

PHY 2181 EXP #7

6. Part II: Detecting the current in Single Wire In Motion in A Magnetic


6.1. Equipment Required

1. Magnet
2. Stiff Wires
3. Galvanometer


Fig. 3

6.2. Method and Results

1. With the setup illustrated in Fig. 3 hold the wire in the indicated position between the
poles of the magnet. Does the galvanometer indicate any current Nlow?
2. Move the wire downwards and note any deNlection in the galvanometer. Bring the wire
back through the poles of the magnet (moving upwards) and again note any deNlection
in the galvanometer. Try doing this at different speeds. Explain your observations.

7. Part III: Wire Loop In A Magnetic Field

7.1. Equipment Required
1. Magnet
2. Stiff Wires
3. Galvanometer

PHY 2181 EXP #7

Fig. 4


7.2. Method and Results

1. Loop the wire to get two strands to pass between the poles as in Fig. 4. Repeat your
observations as above.
2. Try a larger number of turns, as many as you can practicably get. Explain in terms of
pertinent formulas and concepts.

8. Part IV: The Magnetoelectric Generator

8.1. Equipment Required
1. Light Bulb
2. Hand cranked Generator

Fig. 5

8.2. Method and Results

1. Turn the crank of the generator at different speeds. What happens?
2. There is no battery in this circuit and the apparatus is not plugged into the wall.
Examine the construction and the means (i.e., the "commutator") whereby the
continuously moving coil maintains contact with the bulb. (If an oscilloscope is
available, examine the pattern generated by the output.)

PHY 2181 EXP #7

9. Part V: Five Ways to Change The Magnetic Flux (DC)

9.1. Equipment Required
Iron Core


Primary Coil

Copper Bar



Fig. 6

1 1/2-Volt

9.2. Method and Results

1. Coil and Permanent Magnet

Plunge the permanent magnet, north end Nirst, into the secondary coil and
observe the galvanometer.

ii. Withdraw the magnet. What does the galvanometer indicate?

iii. Repeat the above two steps now with the south end entering the secondary coil
iv. Explain your observations. Sketch the relevant lines of magnet Nlux that cut
across the wires.

2. Coil and Electromagnet

With the switch closed, raise and lower the primary (with and without the iron
core) in the secondary coil and observe the galvanometer. Compare with 1 above.
3. Primary and Secondary Coil: Make-Break Contact in Primary
PHY 2181 EXP #7


With the iron core and the primary coil in the secondary coil and the rheostat at
the low-end setting, close the switch sending current through the primary.
What does the galvanometer do?

ii. After the switch has been closed for a brief period of time, what does the
galvanometer read?
ii. Now open the switch. What happens at the galvanometer end?
iv. Summarize your conclusion from these observations. What "change" in Nlux
takes place here?
4. Primary and Secondary Coil: Changing Current in Primary

With the iron core and the primary coil in the secondary coil and the switch
held closed, change the current in the primary by moving the contact of the
rheostat back and forth over a short range near its low-end setting. Observe the
galvanometer during this action.

ii. Explain and compare with 3 above.

5. Primary and Secondary Coil: Changing Permeability of Core
With conditions as above and the switch held closed, raise and lower the iron core in the
primary and note the galvanometer indications. Repeat with a copper core. Explain how
this changes the Nlux in one case and not the other.

10.Part VI: Flux Changes Due to Alternating Currents (ac): The

10.1. Equipment Required

Open Ring

Aluminum Ring


Fig. 7. Schematic Diagram of Transformer

PHY 2181 EXP #7

10.1. Method and Results

1. Place the aluminum ring over the primary so that it rests on the platform. Depress the
switch and be prepared to catch the ring as it takes off. (Keep the bulb of the secondary
coil and other fragile objects out of the way.)
2. Repeat with the open ring. Explain the reason for the different result.
3. Hold the closed aluminum ring in your hands not more than half way down to the
platform of the primary for 15-20 seconds as the switch is held depressed and note any
sensation, i.e., heat. Explain what is taking place.
4. With the switch held depressed hold the secondary coil over the primary and lower it to
the platform. Unlike in the previous experiments you do not have to make and break
contact at a switch or use a rheostat to get these effects. Why?

11.Part VII: Voltage and Current

11.1. Equipment Required

Inductor, L


1-1/2 Volt



Fig. 8

11.2. Method and Results

1. Close the switch and note the low brightness of the 6-volt bulb with the 1 1/2-volt
cell. Nothing unusual; that's par for the course.

PHY 2181 EXP #7

2. Open the switch slowly and note the brightness as the contact is broken. Repeat this
action, this time letting the spring action snap the switch open. What does the
resulting brightness tell you about the voltage impressed across the bulb? Explain
in terms o E = L = L
3. Examine the circuit diagram. When the switch is opened, the collapsing magnetic
Nield of the inductor (an iron-core coil) cuts across wires in the coil inducing current.
What path(s) are available to that current?
4. Why is it impractical to use an ordinary 1-1/2-volt bulb with the 1-1/2-volt battery
in a circuit of this design?

12.Part VIII: Direction of Current

12.1. Equipment Required

0-350 Volt


Neon Glow

0-70 Volts

Fig. 9

In this bulb there are two semicircular electrodes in gaseous neon. The negative
electrode glows, providing a clue to the polarity and direction of the current Nlow.
(the gas is neon; it "Nires" at about 80 volts.)

12.2. Method and Results

1. With the voltage control set at zero, turn on the power supply. Holding the switch
closed, raise the voltage gradually until the electrode just glows; this is in the
neighborhood of 80 volts.

PHY 2181 EXP #7

2. While noting which electrode is glowing, observe the bulb as you open the switch.
What happens?
3. Set the voltage slightly below the point where the bulb glows and repeat Step 2.
Explain again with reference to the same equation.
Just as in mechanics a small 5-pound mass on impact ( p = Ft ) may represent an average
force of many tons over the small time interval involved, so may a 12-volt battery deliver a
damaging "karate chop" pulse of hundreds of volts in a circuit that contains inductive
elements. Zener diodes are placed across those parts. The ampliNier in a transistorized
ignition is sure to have a Zener diode placed across one or more transistors in the circuit.
The coil in an automobile involves both self-induction and mutual induction. The make-
break contact at the rotor results in high-voltage pulses in the primary coil; the secondary
coil of many more turns results in an output of 50,000-volt pulses from the 12-volt battery
in the primary circuit.

13.Part IX: Eddy Currents

13.1. Equipment Required






Fig. 10

PHY 2181 EXP #7


13.2. Method and Results

1. Insert the brass strip (a) in the notch at the end of the pendulum (see Fig. 10) and let
it swing between the poles of the magnet. Note its period of oscillation by simple
observation. This strip represents a length of "wire" with no return path that would
form a closed-loop circuit.
2. Insert a similar strip (b) that has two wire loops attached fore and aft. Again, let the
pendulum swing as before and note the period of oscillation. These loops represent
discrete closed-circuit paths for the current generated in the strip. From the
direction of the magnetic Nield and the motion of strip, determine (at the mid point
of swing):

(a) the direction of the current generated in the strip

(b) the direction that this current takes in the leading and lagging edges of

the loop 180 away (at x and y)

Does the magnetic Nield generated around the strip support or impede the motion of
the pendulum? Consider the same question for the Nield around the wire at the
leading and lagging edges. The force in connection with which current Nield (i.e. at
center strip or at wires at periphery) is predominant in determining the behavior of
the pendulum and why?

3. Insert the aluminum and/or brass plate and compare the damping effect on the
oscillation with the cases above. This plate offers continuous close-circuit paths (or
"eddies") in front of and behind the region that is moving through the magnetic
4. Insert the slotted aluminum plate (d) and note the period of oscillation. Explain.

5. With the brass plate (c) in your hand, move it back and forth between the poles of
the magnet to experience the damping sensation. Next, drop it between the poles of
the magnet. Finally, suspend it in the pendulum and move the magnet past the
stationary plate. Describe the effects.

PHY 2181 EXP #7


Wayne State University

Department of Physics and Astronomy
PHY 2181 General Physics
Experiment # 9
Magnetic Forces and Induced EMF





Discuss the experiments using the appropriate laws accompanied by a diagram. The
directions of the forces and currents should clearly be labeled.

PHY 2181 EXP #7


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