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The Cenomanian-Coniacian of the

Sergipe Basin, Brazil

Peter Bengtson


Number 12 Oslo, 25th February 1983

Universitetsforlaget Oslo


Anders Martinsson,

Department of Palaeobiology,

Box 564, S-75122 Uppsala, Sweden.

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gen), Anders Martinsson (Uppsala), Valdemar Poul
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The Cenomanian-Coniacian of the

Sergipe Basin, Brazil

Bengtson, P. 1983 02 25: The Cenomanian-Coniacian of the Sergipe Basin, Brazil. Fossils and
Strata, No. 12, pp. 1-78, onc fold-out map. Oslo. ISSN 0300-9491. ISBN 82-00-09484-7.


A geological outline and a biostratigraphical framework are prcsented for the Ccnomanian
Coniacian of Sergipe, as the basis for taxonomic work and development of a detailed
biostratigraphy. A rich macrofauna of ammonites, bivalves, gastropods and echinoids was
collected from 604 localities, which are named and described. The sequence is subdivided into
eight units, using ammonite assemblages easily recognizablc in the licld, and plotted on a
1:100 000 locality map. Where ammonites are laeking, microfacies analysis, inoceramids or
other bivalves complement the framework . The Cenomanian-Coniacian sedimentation in the
Sergipe Basin, albeit inlluenced by eustatic sea-leve! changes, was largcly tectonically control
led and irregular, as is evident from numerous facies variations and discontinuities. The
Estancia area in southern Sergipe was more stable and apparently became transgressed only
by the global, late Cenomanian eustatic rise. The boundary between the Cenomanian
Coniacian Cotinguiba Formation and the underlying Riachuelo Formation occurs at varying
stratigraphical leve1s and appears cverywhere to be unconformable . An annotated bibliogra
phy is provided. O A mmonoidea, Inoceramidae, Bivalvia, Gastropoda, Echinoidea, A rthropoda, Foramini

fera; b iostratigraphy, lithostratigraphy, areal geology, microfacies, geological map, locality descriptions,
bibliography, Gotinguiba Formation, A racaju Member, Sapucari Member, Laranjeiras facies, Pindoba
facies, Riachuelo Formation, Maruim Member, Aguilhada Member, new name, limestone, dolomite,
discontinuities, Genomanian, Turonian, Goniacian, Upper Gretaceous, Sergipe Basin, State of Sergipe,
Nordeste, northeastern Brail, South A tlantic Ocean, S1122 S1035 W3654 W3727.
Peter Bengtson, Paleontologiska museet, Box 558, S-751 22 Uppsala, Swedel1; 2nd June 1982.

I ntroduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Acknowledgements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Geological synthesis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Historical review . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
The period of the foreign travelIers ( 1 820- 1 8 7 5 )
T h e initiation a n d consolidation o f national
research ( 1 8 7 5- 1 940) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
The basic prospecting for oil ( 1 940- 1 956)
Modem detailed and diversified research (post1 956)
Fossils reported in the literature . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Field-work and methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Topographical and geological maps . . . . . . . . . . .
Exposures and accessibility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Locality descriptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Lithostratigraphy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
The Riachuelo Formation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
The Cotinguiba Formation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Pindoba and Laranjeiras facies . . . . . . . . . . . . .

The Riachuelo-Cotinguiba boundary . . . . . . . .
Discontinuities in the Turonian and Coniacian
Biostratigraphy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Palaeontological notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Stage boundaries and subdivisions . . . . . . . . . . . .
Cenomanian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Cenomanian 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
C enomanian 2
C enomanian 3
C enomanian 4
Turonian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Turonian l ............................. .
Turonian 2
Turonian 3
Coniacian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Coniacian l ............................. .
Practical application of the subdivision . . . . . . . .
The Estancia area


Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
S ubdivision of the sequence
The biostratigraphical map
Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

















. .



Bibliography and referenees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Appendix l : Loeality data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Deseriptions of localities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
I ndex of localities in the literature . . . . . . . . . . .
Appendix 2 : Biostratigraphieal loeality index
Appendix 3: Biostratigraphieal map . . . faeing page


In 1 969- 1 970, Richard A. Reyment ( Paleontologiska institu
tionen, Uppsala universitet) and Eric A. Tait ( University of
Aberdeen) carried out three months of field studies in north
eastern Brazil as part of a research proj ect aimed at investi
gating the development of the South Atlantic Ocean during
the Cretaceous . The results were published in 1 9 7 1 and 1 9 7 2
( e . g . , Reyment & Tait 1 9 7 2a) . As an extension of this pro
j ect and with the main obj ect of refining the biostratigraphy
of the marine middle C retaceous of the South Atlantic, I
spent ten months (October 1 9 7 1 -May 1 97 2 and January
February 1 9 7 7 ) in the Sergipe Basin in northeastern Brazil
studying in detail the exposed C enomanian-Coniacian se
quence .
The material collected in Sergipe comprises nearly 1 3 000
macrofossils and lithological samples from 604 localities .
There are approximately 6 000 ammonites (from 330 Iocal
ities ) , 3 500 bivalves, 1 500 gastropods, 500 echinoids and
500 other fossils which include fish remains, crustaceans,
nautiloids and a single brachiopod.
I present here a stratigraphical framework with gross
subdivision of the C enomanian-Coniacian sequence of Ser
gipe. The subdivision is based on easily recognizable associ
ations of ammonites , the key fossils of the original Creta
ceous biostratigraphy. The material is intended as the basis
for subsequent taxonomic and biostratigraphical work. Syn
opses from the study were given by Reyment et al. ( 1 9 76)
and Bengtson ( 1 979, 1 980a, 1 980b) . This paper, in addition
to the stratigraphical data, contains a review of previous
work on the Cenomanian-Coniacian of Sergipe, including
an annotated bibliography . Appendices contain descriptions
of localities and a biostratigraphical locality index and map.
Detailed study of the marine C retaceous of Sergipe is of
great significance for the work being carried out internation
ally, under the auspices of the IUGS Subcommission on
C retaceous Stratigraphy, aimed at producing well-defined
chronostratigraphical zonation. The Sergipe sequences are
of particular importance for defining the C enomanian-Tur
onian boundary; the succession across this interval appears
suitable for establishing detailed biozonation.
It is also apparent that there is increasing demand for
detailed bios tratigraphical data from the western South At
lantic. These data are critical for testing hypotheses on the
development of the South Atlantic, based on geophysics,
deep-sea drilling and scattered palaeontological evidence
from the marginal basins .
Systematic description of ammonites collected in Sergipe
is in progress , and it is intended to publish this in "stratigra-

phical order " . A stratigraphical and environmental study

based on microfacies analyses (with Pierre-Yves Berthou ,
Universite Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris) is near completion.
The inoceramid fauna is being described by Erle G . Kauff
man ( University of Colorado, Boulder) and the middle
C enomanian-Iower Coniacian non-inoceramid bivalves and
gastropods by Jean Philippe Lefranc ( U niversite des Sci
ences et Techniques du Languedoc, Montpellier) . The stud
ies of other groups are at various stages, and results will
appear in due course.
A cknowledgements. - Richard A . Reyment ( Paleontologiska institu

tionen, Uppsala universitet) gave the impetus for this project in

1969 and has since then supported my work in every way possible.
My wife, Suzana Bengtson, participated in the main field-work of
197 1-1972 . Petroleo Brasileiro S. A. ( Petrobras) generously allowed
access to internal reports, maps and fossil collections. During the
complementary field-work in 197 7 , Petrobras placed a vehicie and a
field assistant at my disposal, and their geologist Francisco Celso
Ponte gave his time for two weeks. Diogenes de Almeida Campos
( Departamento Nacional da Produao Mineral, Rio de Janeiro) and
Maria Helena Ribeiro Hessel ( Universidade de Brasilia) partici
pated in most of the field-work in 197 7. Many geologists at Petro
bras in Rio de Janeiro and Aracaju have given valuable advice on
the work; special mention goes to Gerhard Beurlen, Renato Senna
de Carvalho, Luiz Carlos da Silva Freitas, Zen6bio Vieira Matos,
Francisco Celso Ponte, Hannfried Schaller, Ivan A. Sim6es, and
lvaro A. Teixeira. Permisson was granted by Petrobras to publish
selected data from the unpublished topographical maps and internal
reports. During the 197 1-197 2 field season I received generous help
on practical matters from Walter Baptista, Augusto Barreto, and
Elder T. Ferreira ( Aracaju) . E. T. Ferreira also eontributed a
collection of fossils from I taporanga.
The following helped in locating specimens for study and photog
raphy in Brazilian scientific institutions: Dea Regina Bouret Cam
pos, Di6genes de Almeida Campos and Friedrich Sommer (Depar
tamento Nacional da Produao Mineral, Rio de Janeiro) , Calidido
Sim6es Ferreira ( Museu Nacional, Rio de Janeiro) , Ignacio Ma
chado Brito ( Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro) , and Geraldo
da Costa Barros Muniz and Ivan de Medeiros Tinoco ( Universi
dade Federal de Pernambuco, Recife) . D. A. Campos and I. M.
Brito contributed useful information and advice, and provided lit
erature dillicult to obtain; D. A. Campos was also helpful in track
ing down actual dates of publication and straightening out the
orthography of geographical names. Dirce Campos de Morais ( Bib
lioteca Central, Petrobras-SERARJ, Rio de Janeiro) devoted much
time to my literature requests.
The following gave useful suggestions concerning the ammonites
collected: Gordon R. Chancellor ( University Museum, Oxford,
England) , the late Maurice Collignon ( Moirans, France) , Michael
R. Cooper ( National Museum, Bulawayo, Zimbabwe) , John Mi
chael Hancock ( K ing' s College, London, England) , William James
Kennedy ( University Museum, Oxford, England) , Tatsuro Matsu
moto ( Kyushu University, Fukuok a, Japan) . Ikuwo Obata ( Nation
al Science Museum, Tokyo, Japan) , Richard A. Reyment ( Uppsala

Peter Bengtson: Cenomanian- Coniacian of Sergipe

universitet, Sweden) , Jost Wiedmann (Universitat Tiibingen, Fed

eral Republic of Germany) , C. William Wright (Seaborough, Dor
set, England) , and Keith Young (University of Texas at Austin,
USA) . Pierre-Yves Berthou (Universite Pierre et Marie Curie, Par
is, France) contributed substantially to the biostratigraphical map
through microfacies analyses of the localities. Erle G. Kauffman
(University of Colorado, Boulder, USA) contributed data on the
inoceramids and Jean Philippe Lefranc (Universite des Sciences et
Techniques du Languedoc, Montpellier, France) provided informa
tion on the Cenomanian and Turonian bivalve and gastropod fau
nas. Notes of stratigraphical importance about the echinoids were
given by Alain Bidar (Museum d' Histoire Naturell e, Nice, Francc) .
Among the many Swedish colleagues who have given their time to
discuss matters of relevanee to this work, special mention goes to
Stefan Bengtson and Anders Martinsson (Enheten feir paleobiologi,
Uppsala universitet) .
At Paleontologiska institutionen (Uppsala) , cleaning and devel
oping of the fossil material was done mainly by Suzana Bengtson,
and from 1981 also by Josef Aranki. Dagmar Engstrom drafted the
figures and Gustav Andersson and Tommy Westberg provided
photographic prints. Continuous help from the rest of the staff of
Paleontologiska institutionen is acknowledged, notably from the late
Eva Eklind, Birgit Jansson, Karin Landgren, the late Barry Liden,
Jiirgen Schobel and Eric Sthl.
Maria Helena Ribeiro Hessel (Brasilia) drew the ammonites in
Fig. 40 and Birgit Bengtson (Rockneby, Sweden) provided extraor
dinary secretarial assistance on many occasions.
Drafts of the manuscript were read by Dieigenes de Almeida
Campos, Gordon R. Chancellor, Lesley Cherns (Sveriges geologiska
undersokning, Uppsala) , William James Kennedy, Francisco Celso
Ponte, and Richard A. Reyment. G. R. Chancellor and Lesley
Cherns improved the English. The French and Russian summaries
were provided by Diana Berthou (Paris, France) and Igor N.
Krylov (Geologicheskij institut AN SSSR, Moscow) .
The lield-work in 1971-1972 was planned and prepared for dur
ing a Rotary International Graduate Fellowship (1970) at the Insti
tuto de Geociencias, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul,
Porto Alegre, Brazil. The lield investigations were linanced through
grants from the Swedish N aturai Science Research Council (NFR;
G2320-035 , G2320-069, and R3475-004) , travel grants from Seder
holms utrikes resestipendiefond (1970) , C. F. Liljewalchs resestipendiefond
(1972 and 1976) , and Hkanssons resestipendiefond (1976) , together
with funds for graduate research (l 971) from the University of
Uppsala. The cost of shipping to Uppsala the material collected in
1972 was defrayed by the reservfonden of the University of Uppsala,
and in 1977 by N FR (G3475-007) . The employment of a part-time
technician for developing the fossil material was made possible in
1973 and 1974 through grants from Th. Nordstroms testamentsfond and
Hierta-Retzius forskningsfond of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sci
ences, Lennanders fond of the University of Uppsala, and NFR
(G2 320-05 1 and G2 320-056) . Since July 1975, the employment of
the technician and my own research position have been funded
entirely by N FR (G2 320-064, -069, - 074, and - 100; G3475-101, - 102 ,
and - 103) . Since 1971, material and travel expenses in connection
with the project have been covered through the above mentioned
grants and also specilically by Byrchefen Stenholms stipendiestiftelse
(1973) of the University of Uppsala, Magn. Bergvalls stiftelse (1975 ) ,
and NFR (G3475- 100) .
A major part of the material presented here was included in my
Ph. D. thesis, defended in June 1977 at the University of Uppsala.

Geological synthesis
The Sergipe Basin is the southern half of the Sergipe
Alagoas Basin in northeastern Brazil ( the Nordeste Region, Fig.
I). The onshore part of this basin, which lies entirely within
the two small s tates of Sergipe ( south of the Sao Francisco
River) and Alagoas ( north of the river) , occupies a coastal
belt some 380 km long and 20 to 50 km wide. It is one of
severai late Mesozoic tensional rift basins (sensu Wilson &


Williams 1 979) o f so-called Atlantic type situated along the

western margin of the South Atlantic Ocean ( Fig. I). These
basins were initially form ed as rift valleys by the rupture of
the former African -South American continent. Ponte &
Asmus ( 1 978) and Asmus ( 1 98 1 ) give the most recent,
comprehensive accounts of the geological evolution of the
Brazilian marginal basins. A detailed review with emphasis
on surface geology and palaeontology was given by Brito
( 1 979) . Only the most important features relevant to the
Cenomanian-Coniacian development of Sergipe will be out
lined here, including some new observations.
The C retaceous marginal basins of Brazil fall structurally
and stratigraphically into two groups : (I) the Central Atlan
tic basins, from the Amapa to Potiguar basins, and ( 2 ) the
South Atlantic basins , from the Sergipe-Alagoas to Pelotas
basins ( Fig. I ) . The former group corresponds largely to the
shear zone where the African and South American plates
slid along "equatorial" transform faults during the early
C retaceous . These basins display both tensional and
compressional tectonic structures and contain great thick
nesses of sediments, locally more than 1 0 000 m ( Ponte &
Asmus 1 978) . The stratigraphical sequence is bi parti te, con
sisting of a lower non-marine part of early C retaceous age
and an upper marine part of post-Aptian age. The South
Atlantic marginal basins are characterized by exclusively
tensional faulting and by somewhat lesser sediment thick
nes ses ( maximum thickness of 8 000 m , according to Ponte &
Asmus 1 9 78) . The stratigraphical sequence is tripartite, the
lower non-marine and the upper marine beds being separat
ed by Aptian evaporites .
Between these two regions lies the Pernambuco-Paraiba
Basin ( Fig. I), which lacks most of the non-marine sequence
and the Aptian evaporites . The true marine sequence on
shore is dated as starting in the Santonian, with Albian de
posits present in the deeper parts of the basin (Asmus &
C arvalho 1 9 78: 1 7 , Fig. 3 ) . This suggests that the Per
nambuco- Paraiba Basin was in the area where connexion
between South Ameriea and Africa persisted longes t (aside
from the Rio Grande Rise-Walvis Ridge connexions; see, for
example, Reyment 1 980), and where the Atlantic remained
as a narrow strait long into the late C retaceous .
Meister & Aurich ( 1 97 2 ) summarized the geological evo
lution of the Sergipe Basin, which is the part of the Sergipe
Alagoas Basin where the C enomanian-Coniacian is most
fully developed ( Fig. 2 ) . Comprehensive accounts of the
entire Sergipe-Alagoas Basin were published by Asmus &
Ponte ( 1 97 3 ) and Oj eda & Fugita ( 1 9 76) . Structurally the
Sergipe-Alagoas Basin, including the adj acent continental
margin, forms a half-graben , the counterpart of which is
presurnably in Gabon (e.g. , Wilson & Williams 1 9 79, Fig. I).
The main depositional basin is bounded to the southwest by
the I taporanga Fault ( Fig. 2 ) . South of this fault there is the
" Estancia platform " , which displays a thin cover of marine
C retaceous sediments on Proterozoi c ( ? ) basement. The re
gional dip averages 1 0 - 1 50 to the southeast, so that progres
sively younger rocks crop out towards the coast. The iloor of
the basin is intensely block-faulted ( Oj eda & Fugita 1 9 76,
Fig. 6) . I n Sergipe, normal depth to basement ranges be
tween I and 3 km onshore, while offshore basin depths locally
reach over lO km ( Ponte el al. 1 980:880) .
The stratigraphical sequence (Fig. 3 ) is one of the most


Geological synthesis




















__ --J

Fig. l. Map of eastern Brazil, with

shaded areas indicating marginal basins
(named). Abbreviations of state names:
AL Alagoas, AP Amapa, BA Bahia,
CE Ceani, DF Distrito Federal, ES
Esp/rito Santo, GO Goias, MA
Maranho, MG Minas Gerais, MS
Mato Grosso do Sul, MT Mato Grosso,
PA Para, PB Para/ba, PE Pernam
buco, PI Piau/, PR Parana, RJ
Rio de Janeiro, RN Rio Grande do
Norte, RS Rio Grande do Sul, SC
Santa Catarina, SE Sergipe. (Adapted
from numerous sources.)

... ': :





...'" SANTOS



500 km

complete among the South Atlantic basins . In latest Jurassic

and early C retaceous times, non-marine sediments ( the
Baixo So Francisco Group) were deposited in a subsiding
rift-valley basin . After the general structural development of
the basin, the first marine incursion to ok place in the Aptian
and is represented by thick evaporitic sequences, which,
together with dominantly non-marine and lagoonal clastic
deposits, make up the Muribeca Formation. As the early
oceanic rift widened, influx of terrigenous material decreased
in relation to carbonate production. The Aptian ( ? ) -Ceno
manian Riachuelo Formation is composed of clastic sedi
ments, limes tones and dolomites; the overlying Ceno-

manian-Santonian Cotinguiba Formation essentially com

prises pure carbonates .
Marine sedimentation during the middle C retaceous was
almost entirely confined to the southern part of the basin
( Oj eda & Fugita 1 9 76, Figs . 1 5- 1 8) . Thus, the Aptian eva
porites occur mainly in Sergipe, and Albian deposits ( Ria
chuelo Formation) are widely distributed in the Sergipe
Basin . An Aptian, or Albian, transgression may have.
breached the margins of the basin and left traces in the
interior of the Brazilian craton, e . g . , in the Araripe "B,i'1"
( K . Beurlen 1 97 1 b: 1 0 ) . Near the Bahia-Sergipe state bound
ary, in the vicinity of Paripiranga ( BA) and Simo Dias ( S E) ,


Peter Bengtson: Cenomanian- Coniacian of Sergipe

3 7





Post - Santonian
(Pia9abu9u Formation)
(Cotinguiba Formation)

(Riachuelo Formation)
(Muribeca Formation)



50 km

Fig. 2. Geology of onshore portion of the Sergipe-Alagoas Basin,

including the Estancia area; continental Cenozoic cover removed.
I.F. Itaporanga Fault, E Estancia, 1= Itaporanga, j = japara
tuba. The arrow indicatcs the main outcrop area of the Cenoman-

ian-Coniacian, ,hown in Fig. 8 and in detail in Appendix 3. (Adapt

ed from numerous sourees, mainly Asmus & Ponte 1973, Fig. 6;
data on Cenomanian in Alagoas from Bengtson in Asmus & Carva
Iho 1978: 20. )

erosional remnants of marine sediments ( Richter 1 96 7 : 1 7 3 ,

1 75) may belong either t o this transgressive episode o r t o the
Cotinguiba ["Sapucari-Laranj eiras "] depositional cyde.
The base of the Riachuelo Formation is dominantly terri
genous (Angico Member) , with the carbonate proportion
increasing upward (Taquari Member) and with oolites and/
or oncolites forming in areas of shallower water ( Maruim

Member) . T h e s e a retreated at the end o f the Albian or

early C enomanian, leaving some areas exposed or semi
exposed. Part of the Maruim Member was then dolomi tized
as a res ult of supratidal exposure (Aguilhada Member) , and
some sediments were reworked .
T h e C enomanian was a period o f low depositional rate
coupled with tectonic readj ustments in the block-faulted

Geological synthesis





















Igreja Nova

Baixo Sao


Fig. 3. Stratigraphy of the sedimentary sequenees of the Sergipe

Alagaas Basin, onshore part. (Based mainly upan Sehaller 1970,

Asmus & Ponte 1973, Ojeda & Fugita 1976, and Asmus 1981; loeal
Lower Cretaeeous stage names from Brita & Campos 1981. )

floor of the basin. As a result there was patchy deposition of

comparatively thin, calcareous sediments, which in some
places contain reworked material and detrital quartz . Local
ly the sediments are dolomitized .
Towards the end of the C enomanian there was a wide
spread transgression which also covered the tectonically
more stable Estancia area in the south . Oj eda & Fugita
( 1 976, Fig. 1 7) suggest there are Albian sediments ( Ria
chuelo Formation) as well in this area, but there is no
palaeontological support for this assumption .
The Turonian in most areas was marked by accelerated
subsidence, giving thick sequences of limes tone (Sapucari
Member) in areas of low terrigenous influx, and calcareous
mudstones (Aracaj u Member) in areas with proportionally
lower carbonate production. Continuing reciprocal move
ments of the block-faulted basin floor contributed to con
spicuous facies changes across short distances, and there are
also numerous discontinuities and intraformational breccia
beds in the sequence. Towards the southeast, i . e . towards

t h e centre o f t h e basin, t h e Cotinguiba Formation grad e s

into t h e terrigenous clastic Piac;:abuc;:u Formation (Asmus
1 98 1 , Fig. 5 ) . On the continental shelf, Cotinguiba sedi
ments (Aracaj u Member) have been found on ly in a restrict
ed area in north-eastern Sergipe ( Oj eda & Fugita 1 9 76, Fig.
1 8 ) . Onshore near the coast, the formation is locally very
thin or absent, e.g., in boreholes I -WSC - I - SE and I -AB- I A
SE ( Richter & Sim6es 1 975, sheet S C . 24-Z-D-I-2 Sao Cris
t6vao; cf. Bandeira 1 97 8, Fig. 1 7) . The limited sequences,
combined with scarcity or absence of typical Turonian fos
sils in boreholes on the continental shelf, led earlier work.ers
to postulate a break in sequence in this part of the basin (see,
for example, Aurich et al. 1 9 72, Fig. 2; Quadros & Gomide
1 97 3 : 34 1 ) . However, offshore there is an unfossiliferous
interval in the basal Piac;:abuc;:u Formation between the
Albian-Cenomanian and Santonian Oose Gomide, Rio de
Janeiro, personal communication, 1 98 2 ) , which probably
corresponds in time to the C otinguiba Formation onshore,
i . e . the Cenomanian-Coniacian is developed as Piac;:abuc;:u


Peter Bengtson : Cenomanian- Coniacian of Sergipe


Present offshore

Present onshore

SE ..








Fig. 4. Schematic NW-SE stratigraphical section of the middle Cretaceous of the Sergipe Basin, showing presumed relationships
between formations.

facies in the deeper parts of the basin (cf. Figueiredo &

Morales 1 975:2 1 2 ; Fig. 4 herein) . An alternative or corollary
explanation could be the existence of a ridge parallel to the
coast during the C enomanian-Coniacian ( Reyment et al.
1 9 76:259-260, Fig. 5D) , formed as a result of slower subsi
dence than in more marginal areas. Magnetic-anomaly pat
terns apparently support this hypothesis ( S ummerhayes et
al. 1 976) .

In the C oniacian the sea withdrew, leaving the margins of

the basin exposed until the Santonian-C ampanian. This
regress ion was probably due to seaward tilting of the basin
(Oj eda & Fugita 1 976: 1 53 ) , leading to uplift of the present
onshore parts . Many secondary structures which disturb the
sequences result from these til ting movements in combina
tion with some halokinesis (Oj eda & Fugita 1 9 76: 1 46- 1 47 ) .
The uplifted areas were subjected to erosion , which pro
duced material for the clastic Piar;: a bur;: u Formation. On the
continental shelf, sedimentation was essentially continuous
through the late C retaceous.
After the close of the carbonate-dominated cyde, the
chiefly terrigenous Santonian-C ampanian transgression
also covered the Alagoan part of the basin. This, the Piar;:a
bur;:u depositional cycle, continued until the end of the Mio
cene or even Pliocene (Asmus 1 98 1 , Fig. 5 ) . The presumed
relationships of the middle Cretaceous formations in Sergipe
are shown schematically in Fig. 4. The depositional history of
the Riachuelo and Cotinguiba formations was illustrated by
Bandeira ( 1 978, Fig. 1 9) as a series of figures of depositional
events .
The extensive literature and in part very detailed current
knowledge of the geology of Sergipe reflect the importance of
this area for petroleum production. The Sergipe Basin is the
third most important petroleum province, after the Reconca
vo-Tucano (Bahia) and C ampos basins, and has an esti
mated I I % of the recoverable petroleum reserves of BraziL
Approximately 80 % of the Sergipean oil is trapped in the
Aptian Muribeca Formation ( Ponte et al. 1 980) .

Historical reVleW
The biostratigraphically mos t important, pu blished original
research on the C enomanian-Coniacian of Sergipe is sum
marized here. Emphasis is placed on surface geology and
stratigraphically useful macrofaunas . Nomenclatorial updat
ing and other significant taxonomic or s tratigraphical re
marks are placed in square brackets . These remarks concern
particularly ammonites, from examination of the collections
of the Museu Nacional, Rio de Janeiro ( colleetions described
or commented upon by White and G . Beurlen) , Departa
mento Nacional da Produr;: a o Mineral, Rio de Janeiro ( colL
Maury, Duarte, Wanderley and Bender) , Universidade F ede
rai do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro ( colL Magalhaes,
Brito and Oliveira & Brito) , Universidade Federal de Per
nambuco, Recife ( colL K. Beurlen) , and University ofUpp
sala ( colL Reyment & Tait) .
A complete, annotated listing of the fossils reported in the
literature from the Cenomanian-Coniacian of Sergipe is
given in Tables 1 - 1 0, which are placed at the end of the
An annotated bibliography is given on pp. 55-62 .
The history of geological research in the Sergipe Basin can
be divided as follows (in part after Leinz 1 955) : ( I ) the
period of the foreign travelIers ( 1 820- 1 87 5 ) , ( 2 ) the initi
ation and consolidation of national research ( 1 8 75- 1 940) ,
( 3 ) the basic prospeeting for oil ( 1 940- 1 956) , and (4) mod
ern detailed and diversified research ( post- 1 956) .

The period of the foreign travellers

James Henderson ( 1 82 1 ) , in his A History of the Bra:;,il, devot
ed a chapter to the " Province of Seregipe d ' E I Rey " . Under
the heading " Mineralogy" he mentioned the occurrence of
lime. This is probably the first pu blished reference to the

Historical review


C retaceous rocks of the Sergipe Basin, although the age of

the beds was unknown at that time . Subsequent foreign
travelIers paid little or no attention to the Cretaceous geolo
gy of this area.
The first geological description of Sergipe was not until
fifty years later, when the C anadian scientist Charles Fred
erick Hartt ( 1 870a) published his now classical GeolOg) and
Physical Geography of (following an earlier summary
account of the subj ect (Hartt 1 868) , including the first men
tion of ammonites from Brazil) . Hartt travelled along the
coast between Rio de Janeiro and Pernambuco in 1 867,
s tudying the geology and geography and collecting fossils. A
few ammonites and a gastropod from the town of Maruim
were described by H yatt ( 1 870) , including the new speeies
" Ceratites Harttii" [ Paravascoceras hartti]. U nfortunately,
none of the speeimens were figured. [From Hyatt's descrip
tions it appears that, besides Paravascoceras hartti, the collec
ti on probably included a Hoplitoides or Coilopoceras ( " Cera
tites (Ammonites) Pierdenalis Von Buch " ; cf. von Buch 1 849) ,
some Pu:;,osia ( "Ammonites Hallii Meek and Hayden?"; cf.
Meek & Hayden 1 85 7 ) , and some Oxytropidoceras ( "Am
monites Peruvianus Von Buch, or A mmonites acutocarinatus Shu
mard" and "Ammonites Gibbonianus Lea " ; cf. de Buch 1 839,
Shumard 1 854, and Lea 1 84 1 , respectively) . This is clearly a
mixture of Albian and Turonian forms, which is understand
abie considering that the fossils were collected from the
s treet pavement in Maruim (Branner 1 890 :396) or donated
to Hartt by residents of the town.] It later appeared that the
speeimen of " Ceratites Harttii" came from the locality Bom
Jesus, near the town of Laranj eiras (Branner 1 890:397 ) .
Hartt also visited the Sapucari quarry on the Sergipe River,
where he collected a small ammonite and some inoceramids.
The ammonite was unfortunately not described and "may
have been lost" ( Maury 1 93 0 : 2 7 5 ) . [ I n the collections of the
Museu Nacional in Rio de Janeiro, there is a badly pre
served Subprionocyclus?, labelled "Sergipe, Maruim, Sapu
cari " , collected by the "Commissao Geologica" (see below) .
This may well be the speeimen in question .] Due to the
paucity of diagnostic fossils, the age of the Sapucari beds
was for long the subj ect of much confusion and dispute .
Hartt ( 1 870a:555-556) tentatively subdivided the Creta
ceous of Sergipe into a lower group ( middle C retaceous?) and
an upper group ( Senonian?) . Figure 5 summarizes the his
torical development of the middle C retaceous stratigraphy of
the Sergipe Basin.

The initiation and consolidation of national

research (1875-1940)
This period saw the creation and extinction of the first
geological survey of Brazil, the "Commissao Geologiea do
I mperio do Brazil" ( 1 875- 1 8 7 7 ) , directed by Hartt. Orville
A. Derby, one of Hartt's students, worked for the "Commis
saG Geologica" ; later he became Director of the Geological
Department of the Museu Nacional in Rio de Janeiro and
also the first Director of the " Servi<;:o Geologico e Mineralo
gico do Brasil" , founded in 1 90 7 . Through Derby' s initia
tive, a large part of the palaeontological material collected in
Sergipe by Brazilian and foreign geologists was sent abroad
for s tudy by specialists . This resulted in severai important

The first monograph on C retaceous foss ils from Sergipe

was by Charles A. White ( 1 887 ) , who described collections
made by the "Commissao Geologica" . Hyatt's " Ceratites
Harttii" from Bom Jesus was redescribed and figured, to
gether with the new speeies A mmonites pedroanus from the
same locality. The latter was named after the last emperor of
Brazil, Dom Pedro I l , who in 1 865 had collected C retaceous
fish fossils at Sapucari and Laranj eiras (Oliveira & Leonar
dos 1 940: 3 60) . A rich ostreid fauna, some other bivalves, a
gastropod and echinoids were described from localities in
the Estancia area [now known to be, at least in part, of
Cenomanian age]. Bivalves from the Sapucari quarry were
identified as Posidonomya, later described by Maury ( 1 925) as
the new inoceramid subgenus Sergipia. Derby ( 1 887a, 1 88 7 b ,
1 88 7 c) contributed d a t a on t h e localities a n d diseussed the
age relationships . He pointed out that parts of the Bom
Jesus fauna had "a Jurassic aspect " , an opinion expressed
also by Hyatt (Hartt 1 8 70a:385) and later diseussed by
severai authors . The localities sampled were centred around
the towns of Riaehuelo, Maruim and Laranj eiras in the
north and Estancia and Santa Luzia in the south.
John Casper Branner ( 1 890) , another of Hartt's geologists
of the "Commissao Geologica" , published an account of the
Sergipe-Alagoas Basin with important information on Iocal
ities from which White's material derived .
White's monograph was much cited and commented
upon, for example, by Franz Kossmat ( 1 895, 1 89 7 , 1 898)
who diseussed the ammonites and noted the "striking resem
blance" between Ammonites pedroanus White and Acanthoceras
footeanum Stoliczka from India. [The latter is now assigned to
Pseudaspidoceras and taken to be a senior synonym of A .
pedroanus White.] KQssmat ( 1 895 :467) concluded that the
entire sequence exposed around Maruim (including Lastro
and Bom Jesus) was of C enomanian age (see also Kossmat
1 898: 1 46) . A C enomanian age had been suggested earlier by
Gustav Steinmann ( 1 88 1 : 1 43 ) on the basis of Hyatt's ( 1 870)
description of " Ceratites Harttii" (Fig. 5A) , and was further
supported by Hyatt ( 1 90 3 : 1 03 ) in his description of an
additional speeimen of Vascoceras hartti (Hyatt) . Henri Dou
ville (in Lapparent 1 900: 1 3 1 1 ) , however, placed the whole
sequence in the upper Albian ( Fig. 5A) . E mile Haug
( 1 9 1 0? : 1 295- 1 296) re-evaluated the C retaceous s tratigraphy
of Sergipe, using White's ( 1 88 7 ) ammonites, and proposed a
(lower) Cenomanian lower part and a Turonian upper part
( Fig. 5A) .
Ralph H. Sopper ( 1 9 1 4: 3 8 ) completed an outline of the
outerop area of the middle C retaceous by adding the occur
rences at I taporanga and Japaratuba. I n the accompanying
geologi ca I map of Sergipe and northern Bahia, the Creta
ceous and Tertiary were lumped together and the map is
therefore of limited value in the present con text.
I n 1 924, " Servi<;:o Geologico e Mineralogico do Brasil"
published a geological map of the S tate of Sergipe, compiled
by Luiz Flores de Moraes Rego, showing C retaceous rocks
("Sergipe Series " ) in the above mentioned areas .
Alberto Betim Paes Leme in 1 924 produced the first
textbook on the geology of Brazil, intended mainly as a
guide for visitors to the Museu Nacional . He noted the great
number of poorly s tudied ammonites collected from Sergipe
( Paes Leme 1 924: 206) .
C arlotta Joaquina Maury ( 1 925: 596-599) , a North
American palaeontologis t of Brazilian descent, described the



Peter Bengtson: Cenomanian- Coniacian of Sergipe

Hartt 1870

Steinmann 1881

Kossmat 1895

Douvilh in

Haug 1910?

Lapparent 1900

E.P. de Oliveira

Morais Rego1929


Cotinguiban group



-------Sahnara limestanes
Bom Jesus beds


Bom Jesus beds



- - - - --- -

whole seQuence

Lastro beds

Cedro limestones
and sandslenes

Umbu oolitic

Lastro beds

whole seQuence

limestones and





Solgerites et al.

Lithastrinus grilli



FC-20: Hedbergella

NC-20: Lithastrinus

Benueites et al.


Wrightoceras et al.


PC-46: Gnetaceae
POlienites diversus

Sharpeieeras et al.


Nannoconus truitti



Elobiceras et al.

Fig. 5. Historical development of age assignments and biostrati

graphy of the middle Cretaceous sequences of Sergipe, focusing the

FC- 10: Hedbergella


NC-10: Nannoconus

PC-42: Elaterospo
rites protensus

Cenomanian-Coniacian Cotinguiba Formation (excluding minor,

purely nomenclatorial changes) . DA. Earlier age assignments, in-

Historical review


Maury 1930

Morais Rego 1933

Maury 1937

P.E. de Oliveira

MagalMes 1952

Bender 1959

K. Beurlen 1961


Sapucahy limestone

Sapucahy li"nestone





---- - -- -

Sa Gonc;:alo and

Sta. luzia beds

1--------Laranjeiras Limestone
Bom Jesus Urnestone

Sauara-Cema Group

Sapucari and

Cedro and Bom

Jesus Limestone

Sapucan and
Laranjeiras limes tones

Laranjeiras beds


Urubu Group

Gara u Beds
Arael ra Limestone
Lastro imestone




Maruim Formation

Riachuelo Group


Riachuek> FOfTTlabon




Viana 1969

K, Beurlen 1970

G. Beurlen 1970


Schaller 1970

- - - - -- - -

Schaller 1970

309: Protexanites


"'ammonite-free zone

Schaller 1970


C P - sp-1
3 6

Schaller 1970
(benthic microf.J


"ammonite-free zone-

Vascoceras et al.

Coilopoceras aH.

307: Coilopoceras
aff. colleti

Metoicoceras sp.

Metoicoceras sp.

Tiburcio Beds


304: Mortoniceras


Sampaio &
North!leet 1975

Sampaio &
North!leet 1975

Sampaio &
North!leet 1975

Reyment et al.
1976 (ammonites)


Bengtson 1979




et al.

Solgerites et al.



Benueites et al.




Lima &
Boltenhagen 1981

this paper

1 -------


Coniacian 1


Benueites et al.

Turonian 3


Turonian 2

Neoptychites et al.
Turonian 1

toceras et a .
Pseudocalycoc. et al


Acanthoceras et al.

Stollczkaia el al.

Graysonites et al .

Mortoniceras et al.

304: Mortoniceras


cluding the Aptian(?) -Albian Riachuelo Formation, up to and in

cluding the first biozonation presented for this formation, in 1961.






I} [2_

Cenomanian 4

Cenomanian 3
Cenomanian 2




D B, Biostratigraphical subdivisions or zonations of the Cenoman

ian-Coniacian, after 1961, Original spcllings of toponyms retained,


Peter Bengtson : Cenomanian- Coniacian of Sergipe

inoceramid collected by Hartt from the Sapucari quarry as

Inoceramus (Sergipia) posidonomyaformis.
In 1 92 7 there appeared A Geological Comparison of South
America with South Africa by Alex. L. Du Toit, one of the
classical works in the history of the theory of continental
drift. Du Toit, who was an ardent supporter of Alfred We
gener's controversial theory, had travelled extensively in
South Ameriea in 1 92 3 . He compared the C retaceous coastal
basins on both sides of the South Atlantic and concluded
that they had a common origin (Du Toit 1 92 7 : 1 1 4) .
E . P . de Oliveira ( 1 929) , in a s tratigraphical chart for the
whole of Brazil, res tricted the Bom Jesus beds to the lower
Turonian; the Lastro beds were given as C enomanian ( Fig.
5A) .
Moraes Rego ( 1 929) subdivided the middle Cretaceous of
Sergipe into Albian, Cenomanian and Turonia'n (Fig. 5A) .
A year later, Maury ( 1 930:42-49) published an entirely
different subdivision : middle-upper Albian, lower Turonian
and Maastrichtian (Fig. 5A) , based on a summary revision
of White's fossil descriptions ( M aury 1 93 0 : 2 7 2-299) .
From field studies briefly reported on in 1 929 (see above) ,
Morais Rego [sic] ( 1 93 3 : 39, 48, 56) concluded that the
Sapucari beds , suggested by Maury ( 1 930) to be
Maastrichtian ["Maertritquiano" of Morais Rego], are a
lateral facies of the Turonian. He maintained his subdivision
of the middle C retaceous into Albian, Cenomanian and
Turonian ( although with revised unit names ; cf. Fig. 1 4) and
suggested a late Turonian age for the beds around Estancia
(and Aracaj u ! ; Fig. 5A) .
Maury ( 1 93 7 ) redescribed the collections studied by
White ( 1 88 7 ) and included the fossils collected by Morais
Rego. A new Turonian locality, C edro, was established on
the basis of finds of lnoceramus labiatus (von Schlotheim) .
Ammonites from nearby [Sanhara] were assigned to Euho
plites, Anahoplites and Turrilites, and a middle Albian age was
suggested ( M aury 1 93 7 : 2 2 8 - 2 3 1 , 242-245) . These determi
nations were contested by Bengtson ( in Reyment 1 98 1 : 1 88 ) .
[Study of the original speeimens shows that the hoplitids are
lower Turonian Mitonia and Watinoceras? ] Maury placed the
Estancia and I taporanga beds provisionally in the Albian
and persisted with a Maastrichtian age for the Sapucari beds
( "Sapucahy Limestone" ; Fig. 5A) .
Aristomenes G. Duarte reported on field-work carried out
in 1 935 in two publications ( 1 936, 1 938) , the latter contain
ing useful data on localities and fossils collected . His reports
of Anahoplites spp. and Turrilites sp. from C edro must be
considered in the light of Maury's misidentifications (see
above) , although Roxo ( 1 938: 1 85- 1 86) correctly placed
these speeimens in the lower Turonian . Alberto Wanderley
( 1 938) gave an account of locaJities visited during field-work
in 1 93 5 . [Thanks to his detail ed report, many of the unde
scribed speeimens in the collections of the Departamento
Nacional da Produ\=ao Mineral, DNPM (which succeeded
the "Servi\=o Geologico e Mineralogico do Brasil" in 1 93 3 ) ,
can now be properly localized .]
Some of the speeimens collected by Duarte and Wander
ley were listed by Roxo ( 1 938: 1 80- 1 87 ) ; among them are the
ammonites "Puzosia brasiliana Maury" and "Scaphites s p . "
from the lower Turonian o f Laranj eiras . [Study o f the two
speeimens in the collections of the Divisao de Geologia e
Mineralogia of DNPM shows that the former can be referred
to Watinoceras? cf. guentherti Reyment and the latter to Watino-


ceras amudariense (Arkhangel 'skij ) .

The map of Sergipe in Rocha's ( 1 939) A tlas geol6gico do
Brasil is a simpJified vers ion of Moraes Rego's ( 1 924) map,
showing the entire C retaceous and the Estancia Group [ Pro
terozoic(?)] under one heading.
I n 1 940, Ol ivei ra & Leonardos produced a comprehensive
textbook on the geology of Brazil, Geologia do Brasil, which as
far as Sergipe is concerned is mainly a synthesis of pubJished
data. The accompanying geological map of Brazil by A . I . de
Oliveira greatly exaggerates the extent of the C retaceous
rocks in Sergipe. Also in 1 940, E. P . de Oliveira gave an
account of field-work carried out as early as 1 92 1 . He was
the first to introduee formation names (see Fig. 1 4) , and
disagreed with Morais Rego ( 1 9 3 3 ) about the age of the
Sapucari beds ( "Sapucari Formation" ) , arguing that
Maury's ( 1 93 7 ) Maastrichtian age was correct.

The basic prospecting for oil (1940-1956)

The Conselho Nacional do Petr61eo (CNP) was created in
1 938. In January 1 939 oil was discovered in the Reconcavo
Basin (Bahia) , and the prospeeting was extended to the
Sergipe Basin in 1 940 . Unti1 1 948, only reconnaissance work
was carried out ( Marques 1 965 ) . The fossils collected were
generally sent to the Divisao de Geologia e Mineralogia of
the Departamento Nacional da Prodw;:ao Mineral .
From the numerous published and unpublished reports
on the extensive field investigations in Sergipe, data relevant
to the C enomanian-Coniacian were included in annual re
ports of the Conselho N acional do Petr61eo ( l 948a, 1 948b,
1 949, 1 95 1 ) and in articles by Cordeiro ( 1 94 1 ) and Leonar
dos ( 1 949) . Important fossil collections were brought togeth
er by A . I. de Oliveira, P . de Moura and A. L. Wanderley of
CNP. Some field observations were published by A. I . de
Oliveira ( 1 943) together with a geological map of Sergipe.
I n 1 943, a second, revised and much extended edition of
Geologia do Brasil (Oliveira & Leonardos 1 943) appeared .
The chapter on the Cretaceous of Sergipe is notably expand
ed and also more comprehensive than A. I. de Oliveira's
contemporary paper ( 1 943) . The book contains a more de
tailed map of the outerop area of the middle C retaceou s .
Magalhaes ( 1 95 2 , 1 95 3 ) described t h e first coilopoceratids
from Sergipe, collected from [south of] Japaratuba by C N P
geologists. T h e presenee o f Hoplitoides suggested t o Maga
Ihaes ( 1 95 2 ) that the Laranj eiras Limestone (sensu Campbell
1 948; cf. Fig. 14 herein) embraced the whole Turonian,
possibly even extending into the " Emscherian" ( Fig. 5A) .

Modem detailed and diversified research

The " modern " period of research on the C retaceous of
Sergipe can be said to begin in 1 956 when Petrobnis created in 1 95 3 to take over oil exploration in Brazil from
CNP - contracted the Germari geologis t Fritz Bender for
detailed mapping of the basin. This was followed by intensi
fied surface and subsurface investigations, described in nu
merous unpublished Petrobras reports and ; for example, in
Riiefli ( 1 966) . I n 1 963, the first oil field was discovered , the
C arm6polis field (Petrobras 1 964) , and production started


in 1 964. In 1 968, exp10ration was extended to the continen

tal shelf, where rich reserves are being exploited today.
One of the most important stratigraphical results of Bend
er's work ( carried out in 1 95 7 ) was mentioned by P . E . de
Oliveira ( 1 958) and K . Beurlen ( 1 958) , namely that the
thin-bedded Sapucari limes tones and the massive Laran
j eiras limes tones are contemporaneous facies, and not of
widely disparate ages as was suggested, for example, by
Maury ( 1 93 7 ; Fig. 5A herein) . A lateral facies relationship
had been proposed as early as 1 93 3 , by Morais Rego, but
became generally accepted only after Bender' s work.
From Bender' s fossil collections, P. E. de Oliveira ( 1 958)
reported for the first time the lower Turonian ammonite
Mammites ( and upper Albian was confirmed through a find a
Elobiceras; Fig. 5A) . A full report on the Sergipe Basin was
published a year later (Bender 1 959) with a detailed geologi
cal map and lists of fossils collected . An ammonite collection
from a quarry on the I tabaiana road [= locality Silo Pedro I
hereinJ was figured ( Pl . 3 : 3 ) and said to eontain Mammites,
Pseudaspidoceras [almost certainly KamerunocerasJ , Vascoceras
[probably Fagesiaj , and Coilopoceras.
Santos & Cunha ( 1 958, 1 959) revised the echinoid Hemias
terjacksoni Maury, which had previously been studied also by
Cooke ( 1 95 3 ) .
From 1 96 1 onwards, severai papers by K. Beurlen ap
peared on the geology and palaeontology of the C retaeeous
of northeastern Brazil. In two papers ( K . Beurlen 1 96 1 a,
1 96 I b) , he diseussed the palaeogeography and reported on
new collections of Turonian fossils, citing, for example, the
ammonites Kamerunoceras and Pseudotissotia . K. Beurlen
( 1 96 1 c) introduced the theory of a land barrier between the
Potiguar and Sergipe-Alagoas basins separating the Central
and South Atlantic oceans. K. Beurlen ( 1 96 I a) was also the
first to attempt an ammonite zonation of the Aptian-Albian
sequence ( Fig. 5A) .
Petri ( 1 962) described 1 9 speeies of foraminifers (of which
1 3 were new) and mentioned the ostracode Brachycythere afr.
sphenoides Reuss as one of the best markers of the " Sapucari
Formation" . Among his localities, the one designated C8,
southeast of Japaratuba, was characterized by abundant
Exogyra [from current knowledge ( see p. 49) a good indica
tion of the middle-upper C enomanian]. Petri presented a
foraminiferal zonation for the Turonian (Fig. 5B) based on
two abundant speeies of Heterohelix [although his samples
were actually derived from Cenomanian and Coniaeian 10calities too]. He attempted to correlate his foraminiferal
zones with the macrofossil succession of Sergipe, using a
loosely defined framework of "assemblage zones " ( Petri
1 962:6, 38; Fig. 5B herein) .
M . E . C . M . Santos ( 1 963 ) described two new speeies of
Inoceramus from near the town Nossa Senhora do Socorro
[from what are now known to be Coniacian beds].
The ostracode predominant in the Cotinguiba Formation
was described by Krammel bein ( 1 964) as Brachycythere (B.)
sapucariensis and was given an early Turonian age [although
the locality data suggest early Coniacian].
Reyment ( 1 965) remarked on the faunal similarities be
tween West Africa and South Ameriea, eiting for the first
time from Brazil [SergipeJ the ammonite speeies Benueites
benueensis Reyment.
Palynomorphs had been us ed in biostratigraphy by Petro
bras since 1 95 7 . However, it was not until 1 966 that the first

Historical review


palynological zonation for the C retaceous of northeastern

Brazil was published ( M uller 1 966) , showing one zone for
the Turonian-Coniacian of S ergipe ( Fig. 5B ) .
I n a standard micropalaeontological chart for the C reta
ceous-Tertiary of northeastern Brazil, Braun ( 1 966) desig
nated a foraminiferal zone "Z-5" comprising the "Sapucari/
Laranj eiras Formation" of late C enomanian -early Coniac
ian age (Fig. 5B) .
Fernandes ( 1 967) published a detailed stratigraphical
chart with Petrobras ' zonations based on ostracodes ( pre
C enomanian only) , foraminifers and pollen ( Fig. 5B) .
Brito ( 1 967) described a badly preserved ammonite col
lected by Bender in the Estancia area in southern Sergipe .
He named it Metengonoceras oliveirai and dated it as Albian
[now known to be C enomanianJ . Oliveira & Brito ( 1 969)
redescribed the coilopoceratids studied by Magalhiles ( 1 95 2 ,
1 95 3 ) together with additional material including t h e lower
Turonian genus Spathites? and a Pseudaspidoceras pedroanum
(White) from south ofJaparatuba. [The latter speeimen is in
fact a middle C enomanian Dunveganoceras and the first pub
lished record of a C enomanian ammonite from Sergipe . J
Viana ( 1 969) published Petrobras' foraminiferal zonation
and compared the palynological zonation with West Africa
( Fig. 5B) .
Reyment ( 1 969a) , working mainly from published data,
reviewed the palaeobiogeography of the South Atlantic. He
concluded from faunal evidence that the Central and South
Atlantic oceans became permanently connected late in the
early Turonian, with possibly an ephemeral contact in the
late Albian.
K . Beurlen ( 1 970) synthesized earlier work in his Geologie
von Brasilien and adde.d the ammonites Paramammites [= Mi
toniaJ and Neoptychites to the lower Turonian fauna of
Sergipe ( 1 9 7 0 : 254) . Upper Cenomanian was indieated
through the ammonite Metoicoceras ( 1 970: 254) . K. Beurlen
named the beds exposed in the Estancia area "Tibiircio
Beds" (after the most important fossil locality) and placed
them tentatively in the C enomanian on the basis of the
abundance of Exogyra ( 1 9 7 0 : 2 5 3 ; Fig. 5B herein) .
G. Beurlen ( 1 970) , describing some of the ammonites
collected by Petrobras geologis ts, proposed a zonation for the
post-Albian sequence (Fig. 5B) to complement the existing
Aptian-Albian zonation (Fig. 5A) . He added the new genera
Pachydesmoceras (upper [= 10werJ C enomanian) , Parapuzosia
( upper Turonian?) and Damesites, Forresteria and Prionocyclo
ceras (lower Coniacian) . [Other genera new for Sergipe were
also described or figured, e . g . , Graysonites and Fagesia, al
though under different names .J
Work on a much needed stratigraphical revision of the
Sergipe Basin was taken up in 1 963 by the Comissiio da
Revisiio Estratigrdfica da Bacia de SergipelA lagoas of Petrobras .
The resulting publication ( S challer 1 970) is a basic reference
work for geological work in the basin. Four different biostra
tigraphical zonations for the marine sequences were present
ed, based on ammonites, plank tie foraminifers, benthic mi
crofossils, and sporomorphs ( Fig. 5B) . A lithostratigraphy of
the Sergipe Basin was established, including the now gener.
ally accepted names Riachuelo Formation for the lower part
and Cotinguiba Formation for the upper part of the middle
Cretaceous sequence ( cf. Fig. 1 4) .
K . Beurlen ( 1 9 7 I a:94) commented further on the strati
graphical position of the "Tibiircio Formation" . Besides two


Peter Bengtson : Cenomanian- Coniacian of Sergipe

species of Exogyra, he reported a small Liostrea and a species

of Plicatula. I n one of severaI other papers on the middle
Cretaceous stratigraphy and sedimentation, K . Beurlen
( 1 9 7 1 b: 1 8) discussed the lower Turonian arnmonite faunas,
using Petrobras' (Schaller 1 9 70) ammonite zonation (but
the designation " Vascoceras- Coilopoceras" for the Coilopoceras
aff. colleti Zone) . He further discussed ( K . Beurlen
1 9 7 1 b: 20- 2 3 ) the facies relationships of the " Sapucari
Laranj eiras Formation" and reverted in part to the original
concept of the Sapucari and Laranj eiras limes tones as succes
sive deposits. The absence of ammonites [sic] from the mid
dle-upper Turonian " ammonitenfreie Zwischenzone", said
to be chiefly developed as thin-bedded Sapu cari limes tones,
was explained through unfavourable currents in a deeper
water regime than the Laranj eiras limes tones . [The explana
ti on was actually much simpler: inadequate collecting. J
Brito ( 1 9 7 1 ) described a [doubtfulJ nau tiloid and three
ammonites from the Turonian. [O ne described as Fagesia
was collected by Bender northwest of Rosario do C atete and
so cannot be Turonian as stated . J
Results of field-work in Sergipe in 1 969 b y R. A . Reyment
and E . A. Tait appeared in severaI publications ( Reyment
1 9 7 1 a, 1 97 1 b, 1 9 7 2 ; Reyment & Tait 1 972a, 1 9 72b) . I n the
principal report ( Reyment & Tait 1 9 7 2a) , the lower Turon
ian was subdivided on the basis of ammonites (adding
Wrightoceras to the fauna; Fig. 5B) , and the age of the l tapo
ranga beds, previously referred to the late Cenomanian, was
shown to be early Cenomanian through finds of Sharpeiceras
and Stoliczkaia . From the Coniacian the authors reported, for
example, Peroniceras?, Solgerites, Hauericeras, Nowakites and
Prionocycloceras (" Prionocyclus" ) .
TroeIsen & Quadros ( 1 9 7 1 ) and Quadros & Gomide
( 1 97 3 ) reported the biostratigraphical results obtained by
Petrobras from nannofossils . Two zones are recognized in
the Cenomanian-Coniacian ( Fig. 5B) , although offshore
only the lower zone has been identified . The current foramin
iferal zonation used by Petro bras was given by Aurich et al.
( 1 972, Fig. 2; Fig. 5B herein) and subsequently elaborated by
Noguti & Santos ( 1 9 7 3 ) . These latter authors noted the low
diversity of the Aptian-C enomanian faunas by comparison
with adjacent tropical areas (Trinidad ) . This was explained
by an ecological barrier in the narrow strait that separated
Africa from South America, a barrier consisting of lower
salinity and high er turbulence than are normal for oceanic
waters . Such conditions could develop as a result of excessive
equatorial precipi tation producing heavy influx of fresh wa
ter bearing suspended material.
Neufville ( 1 9 7 3 :9 1 -93, 1 979: 1 52) described ostracodes
from two Petro bras borehoies . A lower Turonian Brachy
cythere sapucariensis Krommelbein was reported from one of
the cores (2-IA- I -SE) , taken 20 km southeast of I taporanga
(and 1 . 5 km northeas t of the I taporanga Fault; see Richter
& Simoes 1 975, sheet S C . 24-Z-D-I -2/4 Sao C rist6vao) . [In
the 1973 paper, the two bore hoIes were inadvertently mixed
and the lower Turonian material was said to derive from a
core taken east of]aparatuba ( Neufville 1 97 3 : 1 8) . J
K . Beurlen ( 1 974) reviewed the history o f the South At
lantic and concluded, mainly on the basis of ammonite
evidence, that it became connected with the Central Atlantic
between the early Turonian and the Coniacian.
A refined palynological zonation was presented by Regali

FOSSILS AND STRATA 12 ( 1 98 3 )

e t a l . ( 1 974) a n d compared with l : , e current foraminifer and

nannofossil zonations . Some substages were further divided,
although in Sergipe only one pollen zone was recognized in
the Cenomanian-Coniacian ( Fig. 5B) . The pollen flora of the
Brazilian continental margin was subsequently described by
Regali et al. ( 1 97 5 ) . Contemporary biostratigraphical work
on palynomorphs was carried out by Herngreen ( 1 9 75) , who
established one zone comprising the whole Cenomanian
Coniacian ( ? ) interval ( Fig. 5B) .
Romein ( in Herngreen 1 9 7 5 : 7 3 ) and Krommelbein ( 1 97 5 )
reported o n Turonian-Coniacian ostracodes . Besides abun
dant and generally dominant Brachycythere (B .) sapucariensis
Krommelbein, Bairdia, Paracypris and Cythereis are presen t.
Bengtson ( in Herngreen 1 9 7 5 : 5 5 ) added the lower Ceno
manian Graysonites to the ammonite fauna.
I n 1 9 75, a geological map of the Sergipe-Alagoas Basin
was published ( Richter & Si moes 1 9 7 5 ) comprising 33
sheets of 1 : 50 000 scale. The map is based on Petro bras '
unpublished geological maps of I : 25 000 scale and is basical
ly lithostratigraphical, although with some biostratigraphi
cal notes .
A correlation chart for the Brazilian sedimentary basins
was presented by Sampaio & Northfleet ( 1 9 7 5 ) , comprising
revised zonations based on pollen, foraminifers and ostra
codes (Fig. 5B) . The entire C enomanian sequence is referred
to the Riachuelo Formation, by contrast to, for example,
Oj eda & Fugita ( 1 976) who refer the C enomanian to the
Cotinguiba Formation, or with Lange ( 1 9 7 5 ) who refers the
lower Cenomanian to the Riachuelo Formation and the
upper C enomanian to the Cotinguiba Formation . ( For dis
cussion of the Riachuelo-Cotinguiba boundary, see pp. 3841 .)
Kennedy & Cooper ( 1 9 75) and Kennedy & Cobban
( 1 976) , from study of the ammonite distributions around the
Atlantic, sugges ted that "open marine conditions, if not
actual rifting" between the C entral and South Atlantic de
veloped during the late Albian. This contrasts with, for
example, K . Beurlen ' s ( 1 974) recons tructions .
Reyment et al. ( 1 9 76) compared the transgression-regres
sion pattern of Nigeria and Sergipe-Alagoas and reported
the following new ammonite genera from P . Bengtson' s field
work in Sergipe: Hypoturrilites (lower C enomanian ) , Acantho
ceras ( middle C enomanian) , Pseudocalycoceras and Kanabiceras
[now a subgenus of Euomphaloceras (Cooper 1 978) J ( upper
Cenomanian) , Watinoceras ( middle Turonian ) , Subprionocyclus
and Reesidites (upper Turonian ) , and Barroisiceras (lower
Coniacian) ( Fig. 5B) . They noted permanent marine con
nexion between the C entral and South Atlantic from the
late Cenomanian -early Turonian transgression; occasional
"slop-overs" with faunal exchange occurred in the late Alb
ian and possibly also the middle Albian . [A midd le or late
Albian date for joining the two limbs of the Atlantic has since
been supported by Wiedmann & Neugebauer ( 1 9 78) and
Forster & Scholz ( 1 979) . J
I n 1 976, sheet SC . 24 Aracaj u o f the I : I mill . geological
map of Brazil appeared ( Bruni et al. 1 9 76) . At this scale the
map contains little information on the C enomanian-Coniac
ian, but the accompanying explanation has an appendix
(Campos & C ampos 1 976) containing some previously un
published information on fossil localities and speeimens in
the collections of DNPM [although the map ( Fig. 1 8) gives


Historieal review

severai locality positions incorrectly]. A lower C enomanian

A canthoceras [= Sharpeiceras] and a Coniacian Gauthiericeras
were reported from Bender's collection .
Lefranc ( 1 9 7 7 ) , in comparing the gastropod faunas of
northeastern Brazil and the Aigerian Sahara, listed two
upper C enomanian and nine lower Turonian gastropods
from P. Bengtson ' s Sergipe collections.
I n a discussion of the Turonian ammonite associations of
the Tethyan Realm, Reyment ( 1 978) remarked that "in
Morocco (Tarfaya) and Brazil (Sergipe) , Watinoceras and
Benueites occur in the same associations, although the former
tends to pre-date the occurrence of the latter and the latter
appears to persist after the disappearance of the last repre
sentatives of the former" .
Bengtson ( 1 979) presented a provisional zonation of the
C enomanian-Coniacian based on ammonite genera and
compared this with current zonations bas ed on planktic
foraminifers, nannofossils and sporomorphs . The ammonite
scheme (Fig. 5B) comprised ten provisional zones and in
cludes the first reports of Dunveganoeeras (cf. p. 1 3 ) and
A eompsoeeras from the middle C enomanian, and Thomelites
from the upper C enomanian.
K . Beurlen 's supposition ( 1 9 7 0 : 2 5 3 , 1 9 7 I a:94) of C eno
manian age for the Tiburcio beds in the Estancia area was
confirmed by Bengtson ( I 980a ) through the occurrence of
the late Cenomanian ammonite Thomelites.
Viana ( 1 980) summarized the micropalaeontological suc
cessions of the marginal basins; however, no s pecific men
tion was made of the Sergipe Basin.
I n two papers , Brito ( 1 980, 1 98 1 ) described (in part
redescribed) an echinoderm collection, consisting of Phymo
soma bra::,iliensis ( White) from Santa Luzia near Estancia
[probably Cenomanian, in view of the Thomelites mentioned
above], two lower Turonian Hemiaster, a lower Coniacian
Hemiaster sp. and a Stereo eidaris s p . , collected by Wanderley in
1 934.
I n studies of the microfloral relationships between Africa


and South America, Herngreen ( 1 98 1 : 4 1 2 ) reported the

dinoflagellate Dinogymnium from " . . . the Sergipe Cotin
guiba Formation ( Upper Turonian or Coniacian) . . . " [now
dated as early Coniacian], and Lima & Boitenhagen ( 1 98 1 )
subdivided the Cenomanian-Coniacian into four palyno
morph units ( Fig. 5B) .
Apart from the papers reviewed above, a number of pa
pers have been published over the past decade by geologists
of Petrobras on the general geology, structural geology,
palaeogeography, etc. of the Sergipe Basin and/or the entire
east Brazilian continental margin . These include Oj eda &
Bisol ( 1 97 2 ) , Asmus & Porto ( 1 9 74, 1 980) , Meister & Aurich
( 1 97 2 ) , Asmus & Ponte ( 1 9 7 3 ) , C . W . M . C ampos et al.
( 1 974) , Asmus ( 1 975, 1 98 1 ) , Ponte & Asmus ( 1 976, 1 9 78) ,
Oj eda & Fugita ( 1 976) , Asmus & C arvalho ( 1 978) , and
Ponte et al. ( 1 980) .

Fossils reported in the literature

Tables 1 - 1 0 list all fossils reported in the literature from the
Cenomanian-Coniacian of Sergipe, with relevant remarks .
Most of the microfossils are derived from offshore sequences ,
in which the Santonian is normally included in the Cotin
guiba depositional cycle; therefore, the tables for microfossils
(Tables 5-8) cover also this s tage.
The purpose of the lists is to provide convenient compari
son with faunas and floras of other areas . Entries consist of
the first mention and description of each taxon . Where
possible, fossil names are brought up to date (in the remarks) .
Generic reassignments are noted where applicable, where
as reidentifications at species leve! are given on ly when
original specimens have been studied.
For macrofossils (Tables 1 -4 and 9- 1 0 ) , ages are given
within the framework of ammonite units used herein (see pp.
44-47) . For microtossils, this has generally not been possible,
due to lack of diagnostic macrofossils in subsurface samples .

Table l. Ammonites reported from the Cenomanian-Coniacian of Sergipe, giving original names and first authors; distinction is made between
mention (M) , noting if there are fi gures ( f) , and full taxonomic treatment ( T) . Gcncric rcassignments and reidentifications from study of original
speeimens, nomenclatorial updating, stratigraphical comments, notes on subsequent redescriptions, etc. are given in the remarks. Where
possible, age assignments are brought up to date from current knowledge, to conform with the ammonite subdivisions (italics) of this paper.
Taxa are listed in chronological order of publication. Repository of specimens designated by codes as follows: DGM Divisao de G eologia e
Mineralogia, Departamento Nacional da Produao Mineral, Rio de Janeiro; MN Departamento de Paleontologia, Museu N acional, Rio de
Janerio; LPM Laboratorio de Paleontologia de Maceio, Petrobras [part of collection subsequently transferred to Museu Nacional and
renumbered accordinglyJ ; UFPe Instituto de Geociencias, U niversidade Federal de Pernambuco, Recife; PM Paleontologiska museet,
U ppsala universitet, U ppsala.






"a little Ammonite"

Hartt 1870a

Ceratites hartti n.sp.

Turonian 3
( or Coniacian l)
Turonian 1

Ceratites (Ammonites) pierdenalis

von Buch


Possibly specimen MN 4273- 1 , a poorly pre

served Subprionocyclus? sp.
Redescribed by White ( 1887) as A mmonites (Bu
chiceras hartti, by Hyatt (1903) and Maury
(1937) as Vascoceras hartti, and by Oliveira &
Brito (1969) as Pachyuascoceras hartti. Speeimen
DGM 4959- 1 of these authors is a Fagesia, and
probably so is LPM- 2 06 (now MN 5 2 84-1 ) of '
G. Beurlen (1970) and Reyment & Tait
( 1972a) . Current name: Parauascoceras hartti.
Probably a coilopoceratid.

Hyatt 1870



Peter Bengtson: Cenomanian- Coniacian of Sergipe

Table I (contillued)





Ammonites pedroanus n. sp.

Turonian 1

White 1887

Euhoplites reesidei n. sp.

Turonian 2

M aury 1937

A nahoplites williamsi n.sp.

Turonian 2

Turrilites sp.

Turonian 2

Puzosia brasiliana Maury

Scaphites sp.


Turonian 2
Turonian 2

Ammonoidea indet.
A nahoplites sp.
Coilopoceras japaratubensis n. sp.

Turonian 2
Turonian 2
Turonian 2

Hoplitoides hasselmanni n. sp.

Hoplitoides thomazi n. sp.
Scaphites reesidei Wade


Turonian 2
Turonian 2
Turonian 2

Pachyvascoceras sp.

Turonian 2?

Mammites sp.


Turonian 2

Pseudaspidoceras sp.
Vascoceras sp.
Kamerunoceras sp.
Pseudotissotia gabonensis Lombard


Turonian 2
Turonian 2
Turonian 2

Redescribed by M aury (1937) and Oliveira &

Brito (1969) as Pseudaspidoceras pedroanum. Speei
men DGM 4060-I of Oliveira & Brito (1969) is
a middle Cenomanian Dunveganoceras. G. Beur
Ien' s speeimen LPM-254 (now MN 5280-1 ) is a
late Cenomanian ( Cenomanian 4) P. a ff. pedro
anum . Figured by Reyment & Tait ( 1972a) from
Cenomanian 4. P. pedroanum is a junior synonym
of P. footeanum (Stoliczka) .
Erroneously attributed to middle Albian. Cur
rent name: Mitonia reesidei.
Erroneously attributed to middle Alb ian. Possi
bly a Watinoceras. Figures marred by " artist' s im
pressions" .
Erroneously attributed t o middle Albian. Not
Turrilites; PI . 26: 5 probably a new genus. The
Turrilites sp. of Roxo (1938) refers to three speei
mens of different taxa (not Turrilites) , one of
which may be Paralenticeras sp.
= Watinoceras? cf. guentherti Reyment.
= Watinoceras amudariense ( Arkhangel'skij) ; s peei
men labe! reads "Scaphites cf. reesidei Wade" , a
Maastrichtian speeies from North Ameriea
(Wade 1926) .
= Watinoceras amudariense (Arkhangel'skij) .
Indeterminablc, but not A nahoplites.
Better referred to Hoplitoides. Redescribed by
Oliveira & Brito (1969) .
Redescribed by Oliveira & Brito (1969) .
Redescribed by Oliveira & Brito (1969) .
Probably refers to Roxo' s (1938) Scaphites sp. (see
above) .
Probably refers to the Vascoceras (= Fagesia) figu
red by Bender (1959) .
Figured by Bender (1959) and described by
Oliveira & Brito (1969) , although from a diffe
rent speeimen, as Mammites sergipensis n. sp.
(= Mammites nodosoides (Schlliter) ) .
Better referred to Kamerunoceras.
Better referred to Fagesia .
Probably refers to UFPe 1826 from Laranjeiras.
Probably refers to UFPe 1432 from U sina Sergipe.

Hoplitoides cf. gibbosulus

von Koenen
Benueites benueensis Reyment

Turollian 2?

Turonian 1-2

Reyment 1965

Metengonoceras oliveirai n. sp.

Spathites sp.

Brito 1967


Cenomanian 3
Turoniall j ?

Refers to speeimen identified by K. Beurlen

(Reyment 197 1b:6) ; hOWe\Tr, n o t fo un d in the
UFPe collections (March 1982) .
Speeimen too poorly preserved for idcntification.

O li\"C ira & Brito

Sec bel o\\" : O l i \"(i ,a & B r i t o 1 96 9 .

Mammites sergipensis n. sp.

Turonian 2

Spathites? simplex n. sp.

Hoplitoides? benderi n. sp.
Coilopoceras brasiliensis n.sp.
Coilopoceras sergipensis n. sp.
Coilopoceras duartei n.1ip.
Coilopoceras mauryae n.sp.
Paramammites sp.



Neoptychites sp.
Metoicoceras sp.


Turonian 2

Damesites petrobrasia n. sp.

Mammites beurleni n. sp.
Kamerunoceras tenuistriata n. sp.
Coilopoceras benderi n. sp.
Prionocycloceras cf. lenti (Gerhard t)


Coniacian 1
Turonian 2
Turonian 2
Turonian 2
Coniacian 1

Roxo 1938

Magalhaes 1952

Magalhaes 1953
Magalhaes &
Mezzalira 1953
P. E. de Oliveira

Bender 1959
K. Beurlen 1961a
K. Beurlen 1961b

Ol ivei ra & Brito



= Mammites nodosoides (Schlli ter) . Redescribed by

Brito ( 197 1) .
Better referred to Pseudotissotia .
Better referred to Pseudotissotia .
Probably Hoplitoides.

Better referred to Hoplitoides.

K. Beurlen 1970

UFPe speeimens 1435 and 1997 labelled Para

mammites reesidei (Maury) belong in Mitonia .
Possibly refers to UFPe 1433, a b adly preserved,
probably indeterminable speeimen. The Metoi
coceras sp. figured by G. Beurlen (1970) [LPM236, not LPM-235 as statedj is a Graysonites.

G. Beurlen 1970
= Mammites nodosoides (SchIU ter) .

Better referred to Hoplitoides.

Historical review



Table I (continuedj



Prionocycloceras cf. haz;:ardi Young

Protexanites troelseni n. sp.
Forresteria? tabuaense n.sp.
Pachydesmoceras sp.


Nigericeras? sp.
Gombeoceras? sp.
Gombeoceras gongilense cf. gongilense
compressum Barber
Vaseoceras alT. globosum globusum


Cenomanian 1 and
Turonian 2
Turonian 1-2
Cenomanian 4
Turonian 1-2


Turonian 2

Vaseoceras alT. globosum compressum

Pseudotissotia cf. (Bauchioeeras) nigeriensis nigeriensis (W oods)
Pseudotissotia (Bauehioceras) gabonensis Lombard
Coilopoceras alT. eolleti H yatt
Parapuzosia? sp.
Tissotiinae? gen. et sp. indet.


Turonian 1-2






Turonian 2
Turonian 3?
Coniacian 1

Pseudotissotia cf. gabonensis

Fagesia multiplex n. sp.

Turonian I

Mammites ehouberti Collignon

Kamerunoeerasjaeobsoni Reyment
Hoplitoides ingens (von Koenen)
Neoptyehites telingaeformis Solger
Glebosoceras glebosum Reyment



Bauehioceras planum (Barber)

Wrightoceras wallsi Reyment


Turonian I?

Gombeoceras gongilense (Woods)


Sharpeiceras sp.


Metoieoceras alT. ornatum Moreman


Benueites spinosus Reyment

Turonian 2

Reyment 197 1b

Coilopoeeras discoidum Barber

Turonian 2

Reyment & Tait

197 2 a

Solgerites braneoi (Solger)

Peroniceras? sp.
Nowakites sp.


Coniacian I
Coniacian I
COl1iacian I

Hauericeras sp.

Turonian 3

Eulophoeeras natalense Hyatt

Prionocyclus alT. guayabanus
Solgerites armata (Solger)
Kamerunoceras alT. esehi (Solger)
Prionocyclus sp.


Turonian 2 or 3
Coniacian l


Coniacian l
Cenomanian 4

Prionocyclus pedroanum Steinmann

Mammites dixeyi Reyment
Collignonieeras sp.


Cenomanian 4
Cenomanian 4
Cenomanian 4

Stoliczkaia alT. afrieana

Acanthoceras cf. quadratum Crick
Mantelliceras sp.




Turonian 2

p, Bengtson



Better referred to Prionocycloceras.

Additional age data in Schaller ( 1970).
Probably Paravascoceras (then from Turonian 1 ) .
Vascoceras gamai CholTat.
Probably Spathites.

Better referred to Fagesia . Specimen LPM-260

figured also by Reyment & Tait (197 2 a) as Vas
coceras cf. globosum.
Specimen LPM-261 fi gured also by Reyment &
Tait (197 2 a) as Vaseoeeras cf. compressum .

Specimen LPM-2 10 labelled " Ti;sotiinae" IS a

Brito 197 1
From Albian beds, not lower Turonian as stated.
Probably a large Douvilleiceras.


Reyment 197 1a
Figured by Reyment & Tait ( 197 2 a) .
Neoptychites cephalotus (Courtiller).
Refers to specimen PM C 1404, an indetermina
ble coilopoceratid.

Figured by Reyment & Tait (197 2 a) as Pseudotis

solia (Wrightoeeras) wallsi.
Refers to specimens PM C I 383 (indeterminable)
and PM C 1384, the latter a Vascoceras gama i
Figured by Reyment & Tait ( 1972a), and is bet
ter referred to Graysonites.
Refers to specimen PM C1460, probably a juve
nile Graysonites.
Probably refers to specimen LPM-316, a Watino
ceras amudariense (Arkhangel' skij).

Refers to specimen PM C 1456, probably a Para

puzosia sp.
Refers to specimen PM C 1540, probably a puzo
Refers to specimen PM C 1454, a Hoplitoides sp.
Better referred to Prionocycloceras.

Better referred to Euomphaloceras (Kanabieeras) .

Probably in error since listed from an uppermost
Cenomanian locality. Specimen not found I n
P M collections.
Error for Pseudaspidoeeras pedroanum (White ) .
Refers t o specimen P M C 144 1, a Pseudaspidoceras.
Refers to specimens PM C 1390 and PM C 1426,
which belong in Euomphaloceras (Kanabiceras) .
Stoliczkaia (Shumarinaia) africana.

Romaniceras sp.
Based on ArkelI et al. (195 7 : L4 1 1) and reidenlifi
cation of White' s (1887) A mmonites oJfarcinatus
(T. Matsumoto, in litt., 9th Nov. 1973); how
ever, this is high ly speculative.

Matsumoto 197 3


Peter Bengtson : Cenomanian Coniacian of Sergipe


Table I (eontinued)





Calyeoceras sp.


Graysonites sp.


Hypoturrilites sp.
Aeanthoceras sp.


Cenomanian 1
Cenomanian 3

Doubtful; no source given.

N oguti & Santos
Bengtson in Hern
green 1975
Reyment et al. 1976
The Aeanthoeeras sp. of Campos & Campos (1976)
is a Sharpeieerasfloreneae (Spath) from Cenomanian

Pseudocalyeoceras sp.
Kanabiceras sp.
Watinoeeras sp.
Subprionocyclus sp.
R eesidiles sp.
Barroisieeras sp.
Gaulhiericeras sp.


Cenomanian 3
Cenomanian 4
Turonian 2
Turonian 3
Turonian 3
Coniaeian 1

Kanabieeras septemserialum (Cragin)

Cenomanian 4

Dunveganoeeras sp.
Aeompsoeeras sp.
Thomelites sp.


Cenomanian 2
Cenomanian 2
Cenomanian 3

Euomphaloceras (Kanabiceras) sp.

Campos & Campos

Reyment 1977
Current name: Euomphaloeeras (Kanabieeras) sep
temseriatum .
Bengtson 1979

Note: Comparison with Fig. 3 9 herein indicates that, o f the genera reported i n the literature, Euhoplites, A nahopliles, Scaphites, Paramammites,
Eulophoceras, Prionocyclus and Collignoniceras do not occur (i. e. have not been found) in the CenomanianConiacian of Sergipe, and reports of
Metengonoceras, Protexanites, Nowakites, Nigericeras, and GLebo.roceras are doubtful .

TabLe 2. Bivalves reported from the CenomanianConiacian of Sergipe. Arrangement and symbol s as for Table l .






Jnoeeramus sp.


Turonian 3
(or Coniacian 1)

Hartt 1868

Ostrea wegmanniana d' Orbigny?

Cenomanian 34?

White 1887

Exogyra conica Sowerby?

Cenomanian 34?

Neithea sergipensis n. sp.

Lima interlineata n. sp.



Plieatula tenuirostrata n. sp.

Pteria linguiJormis Evans &
Axinaea bineminis n. sp.


Cenomanian 34?
Cenomanian 34?

Age inferred from Hartt (1870: 383-384) . Tenta

tively rcferred to Posidonomya by White (1887)
and described as Jnoceramus (Sergipia) posidono
myaJormis n. sp. by Maury ( 192 5 ) . Current name:
Sergipia posidonomyaJormis.
Redescribed as Ostrea casteLlobrancoi n. sp. by Mau
ry (1937) . Betler referred(?) to Curvoslrea. a
Redescribed by Maury (1937) . Current name:
A mphidonte conica.a
Redescribed by Maury ( 1 937) .
Renamed Lima (ManteLlum) sergipica n. nom. by
Maury (1937) , a1though not listed from the Tu
ronian. Betler referred to Pseudolimea.a
Redescribed by Maury (1937) .

Cenomanian 34?

Isocardia supermensa n. sp.

Cenomanian 3 4 ?

CorbuLa sp.
Isocardia branneri White
CorbuLa ganguararica n. sp.


Turonian 12?
Cenomanian J?
Cenomanian 34?

Jnoceramus Labiatus (von Schlotheim) ?

J. Labialus cedroensis n. ssp.

Turonian 2

Turonian 2

l. Labiatus sergipensis n.ssp.

Turonian 2

Neithea quadricoslata Lastroensis

n. ssp.
PLicatuLa cedroensis n. sp.
Lopha syphax (Coquand) ?

Turonian 2


Turonian 2

Duarte 1935
Maury 1937

Locality doubtful: age questionablc. Current

name: Glycymeris bineminis . "
Locality doubtful: i abel i s lost. Rcferred t o PsiLo
mya by K. Bcurlen (1971b: 2 0) and said to dcrivc
from Coniacian. Redescribed by Maury (1937) .
Current name: Liopistha (PsiLomya) supermensa. "
Age uncertal n because o f imprecise locality data.
Current name: Rostrocardia branneri."
Referred to A nthonya by K. Beurlen (1964d) . Bet
ter referred to CrassateLla (SubLandinia) . a
AfTinity uncertain b
Probably MyliLoides of the M. mytiloides (Mantell)
group. b
Probably MytiLoides of the M. subhercynicus (Seitz)
group b
Referred to Neilhea shawi Pervinquiere by K.
Beurlen (1964e) .


Historical review


Table 2 (continued)



Exogyra haliotoidea (Sowerby)

Turonian 1-2?

Modiola sanharica n . s p .

Turonian 2

Cardium sp.
Halobia sp.
Myoconcha sp.
Myophoria sp.
Mytilus sp.
Pecten (Chlamys) sp.
Neithea quadricostata ( Sowerby)



Pinna sp.
Phelopteria sp.


Lucina sp.

Crassatella sp.

Tapes? sp.

Pholadomya sp.

Inoceramus sergipensis

Trigonarca afr. furoni Dartevelle

T. afr. thevestensis (Coquand)

Fragum perobliquum (von Koenen)

Liopistha afr. incurvata ( Riedel)

A nthonya? sp.

Psilomya sp.

Ostrea sp.

Coniacian l
Turon i anConiacian

Inoceramus wanderleyi n.sp.


Inoceramus remoratus n . sp .


Liostrea sp.
Astarte brunetti Hartt


Cenomanian 3?
Cenomanian 3-4?



Roxo 1 938


Age uncertain because of imprecise locality dala.

C u rrent name: Amphidonte coniea haliotoidea. "
Attributed to VolselIa (invalid n a m e ) by Maga
Ihiies & Mezzalira ( 1 953) ; current name: Modio
lus sanharicus.
Age uncertain because of imprecise locality data.
Ditto. Referred to N. shawi Pervinquiere by K .
Beurlen ( 1 964e) .

K . Beurlen 1 96 1 a

K. Beurlen 1 9 6 1 b

Probably refers to I. labiatus sergipensis Maury.

Probably rders to Granocardium . "

Probably refers t o Crassatella (Landinia) . "

K . Beurlen 1 964c
M . E . C . M . Santos
1 962
M . E . C . M . Santos
1 963

Additional a g e d a t a in G . Bcurlen ( 1 9 70) .

Probably Cremnoceramus? waltersdorfensis (An

dert) .c
Probably Inoceramus perplexus Whitfield or Cremno
ceramus ) rotundatus ( Fiege) .c

K. Beurlen 1 97 1 a
Campos & Campos Author of species doubtful.
1 9 76

a J . P . Lefranc, Montpellier, personal communication 1 98 2 .

b M . H . Ribeiro Hessel, Brasilia, personal communication 1 98 2 .
c E . G . Kaufrman, Boulder, Colorado, personal communication 1 9 79.

Tahle 3. Gastropods reported from the Cenomanian-Coniacian of Sergipe . Arrangement and symbols as for Table I .





Mesalia hebe n.sp.

Paraglauconia sp.


Cenomanian 3-4?
Turonian 1-2?

White 1 88 7
Duarte 1 935

Redescribed by Maury ( 1 93 7 ) .
Age uncertain because of imprecise locality data.
Genus currently placed in Glauconia. "

Nerinella itaporangica n.sp.

Epitonium pyrene Whi le


Cenomanian l?
Turonian 1-2?

Maury 1 93 7
Roxo 1 938

Lunatia subhumerosa Whi te

Tylostoma minimum White
A mpullospira whitei Cossmann


Turonian 1-2?
Turonian 1-2?
Turonian 1-2?

A g e uncertain because of imprecise locality data.

Previously reported from the Albian by White
( 1 88 7 ) and Maury ( 1 9 3 7 ) .
Age u ncertain because of imprecise locality data.
Previously reported from the Albian by Maury
( 1 93 7 ) .



Peter Bengtson : Cenomanian- Coniacian of Sergipe

Table 3 (eontinued)



Cerithium riaehuelanum Maury

Euspira sergipensis Maury
Natica engenholyrae Maury
Paraglauconia lyriea M aury
Monodonta sp.
Nerinea sp.
Turbo sp.
Turritella sp.


Cf. Piestoehilus bleicheri (Thomas &

Tylostoma whitei von Ihering

Turonian 1-2?
Turollian 1-2?
Turonian 1-2?
Turonian 1-2?
Turonian 1-2?
Turonian 1-2?
Coniacian l?
C enomanianConiacian
C enomanianC oniacian
Coniacian I

Turritella (Haustator) earregozica

Avellana (Ringinella) pinguiseula
Troehus (Eucyclus) cf. lapeyrousei
Pteroeera cf. decussata Zekeli

Cenomanian 3-4

Cenomanian 3-4

Cenomanian 3-4

Chenopus (Helieaulax) subgibbosus

Ampullina (Pseudamaura) bulbiformis
( Sowerby)
Piestoehilus (Cryptorhytis) cf. thevestensis (Coquand)
Mesorhytis cf. gasparini (d'Orbigny)

Cenomanian 3Turonian 2
Turonian 1-2

Turonian 2


Turonian l or 2

Voluta (Auliea?) arr. eretacea

Voluta (Rostellites) cf. elongata
Acera browni White

Turonian 2

Cenomanian 3

Turonian 2




K. Beurlen 1 96 1 a

Ditto. Genus currently treated as Glaueonia . "
Age uncertain because of imprecise locality data.
Age within range given.

K . Beurlen 1 9 6 1 b

Age within range given.

Reyment & Tait

1 972a
Lefranc 1 9 7 7

Previously reported
( 1 93 7 ) .
Previously reported
( 1 88 7 ) and Maury
Previously reported
( 1 88 7 ) and Maury

from the Albian by Maury

from the Albian b y White
( 1 93 7 ) .
from the Albian b y White
( 1 93 7 1

Better referred to A mpullospira (Amauropsis) . "

Probably closer t o Mesorhytis renauxianus (d'Or

bigny ) . "

Betler referred t o Volutomorpha. Erroneously given

as early Turonian ."
Frequently spelled A kera . " Previously reported
from the Albian by White ( 1 88 7 ) and Maury
( 1 937) .

a J . P. Lefranc, Montpellier, personal communication 1 982.

Table 4. Echinoids reported from the C enomanian-Coniacian of Sergipe. Arrangement and symbols as for Table I .





Phymosoma braziliensis n.sp.

Cenomanian 3-4?

White I i:Hl 7

Redescribed by Maury ( 1 93 7 ) as belonging to

Cyphosoma, and by Brito ( 1 980) . Referred to
Raehiosoma by K. Beurlen ( 1 964f) .

Phymosoma? sp.
Hemiaster erislalus Stoliczka?


Cenomanian 3-4?
Turonian I

Eehinobrissusfreitasi White

( Turonian l )

Derby 1 88 7 b

Hemiaster cedroensis Maury

Turonian 2?

Duarte 1 93 5

Cyphosoma sanetaeluciae n.sp.

Cenomanian 3-1'

Maury 1 9 3 7

Hemiasterjaeksoni Maury

Hemiaster eedroensis n.sp.

Cidaris sp.
Hemiaster sp.


Salenia sp.
Stereoeidaris sp.
Hemiaster sp.


Turonian 1Coniaeian l
Turonian 2
Turonian I or 2
Cenomanian l and
Coniaeian l
Cenomanian l
Coniacian l

Roxo 1 938
Schaller 1 970

Brito 1 980
Brito 1 98 1

Erroneously (?) not indicated from Bom Jesus in

table of D erby ( 1 88 7 b ) . Redescribed from Rio
Grande do Norte by R.T. Jackson and named
H. jaeksoni by Maury ( 1 92 5 : 5 1 8-52 1 ) .
Erroneously ( ? ) marked from Bom Jesus . White
( 1 88 7 ) and Maury ( 1 93 7 : 2 76-2 7 7 ) indicate the
speeies only from the Albian .
Nomen nudum until the publication of Maury
( 1 93 7 ) .
Redescribed by Brito ( 1 980) as Phymosoma sanetae
Redescribed by Cooke ( 1 95 3 ) , Santos & C unha
( 1 959) and B rito' ( 1 98 1 ) .
Redescribed by Brito ( 1 98 1 ) .
Additional age data i n Brito ( 1 980) .

Historical review



Table 5. Foraminifers report ed from the C enomanian-Santonian of Sergipe. Arrangement and symbols as for Table l .





Discocyclzna? sp. indet.

Turonian n

Maury 1 9 3 7

A mmobaculites hartti n . sp.

Petri 1 962

Bigenerina euzebioi n . sp.

Bolivina plaila Carsey

Cibicides mendesi n . s p .
Dentalina borgesi n . s p .
Globotruncanafomicata Plummer
var. ackermanni Gandolfi
Guembelitria kegeli n . sp .


Cenomanian 2Turonian 2
Cenomanian 2Turonian 2

Doubtfully a foraminifer. Loeality erroneously ( ? )

given as Lastro (Albian?) in English text.
Age within range given.

Heterohelix moremani (Cushman)

Heterohelix ultimatum ida (White)

Lenticulina benderi n . s p .

NonionelIa leonardosi n.sp.

Nodosaria mourai n . s p .
Planularia sp. b
Planulina cotinguibensis n . s p .
PLeurostomella watersi C ushman


PraegLobotruncana gautierensis
SpiropLectammina regoi n.sp.
Cibicidina sp.

Textularia? sp.

VaginuLina duartei n . s p .
Vaginulina s p .
GLobigerina s p .
Guembelina s p .
Globotruncanafomicata Plummer


Rugoglobigerina rugosa ( Plummer)

Hedbergella delrioensis ( Carsey)

GLobotruncana wilsoni Bolli

Heterohelix reussi ( C u shman)

Hedbergella pLanispira (Tappan)

Hedbergella washitensis (Carsey)

GLobotruncana inomata Bolli

Hedbergella deLrioensis (Carsey ) ,

randomly coiled
Hedbergella delrioensis (Carsey ) ,
dextrally eoiled
Rotalipora evoluta ( Sigal)
PraegLobotruncana delrioensis ( Plum
Hedbergella amabiLis Loeblieh &
Gubkinella graysonensis (Tappan)
GLobigerinelloides eaglejordensis
( Moreman)
CLavihedbergella n.sp. I



Cenomanian 2Turonian 2
late Cenomanian?
Turonian 2 to
Coniacian l
Turonian 3 to
Coniaeian. San tonian '
Cenomanian l to
Coniacian 1
Coniacian l
Turonian 2Coniacian l
Cenomanian 2Turonian 2
Coniacian l?
Coniacian l?
early C enoinanian
Cenomanianmiddle Turonian?
early Cenomanian
early C enomanian

Age within range given .

Age within range given.

Additional age data 111 Braun ( 1 966) , Viana
( 1 969) and S ehaller ( 1 9 70) .
Ranges throughout interval given.
Additional age data in Sehaller ( 1 970) .

Referred by Sehaller ( 1 970) to Hast{er}igerinoides,

with additional age data.
Ranges throughout interval given .

Age within range given.

Age within range given.

Krommelbein 1 964 Probably HedbergeLLa or FavuselLa.

Probably Heterohelix.
Braun 1 966

Additional age data in Viana ( 1 969) and Sehaller

( 1 9 70) .
Additional age data in Viana ( 1 969) and Sehallcr
( 1 9 70) .
Additional age data in Viana ( 1 969) , Sehaller
( 1 9 70) and Noguti & Santos ( 1 9 7 3 ) .
Speeies eurren tly referred to FavuseLLa (Han et al.

1 98 1 ) .

Viana 1 969

Sehaller 1 970

Additional age data i n Sehaller ( 1 970) and No

guti & Santos ( 1 9 7 3 ) .
Additional age data in Sehaller ( 1 970) and No
guti & Santos ( 1 9 7 3 ) .
Additional age data in Schaller ( 1 9 70) .
Reported only from Riachuelo Formation.
Reported only from Riachuelo Formation .
Additional age data in Noguti & Santos ( 1 9 7 3 ) .


early Cenomanian
early Cenomanian

late C enomanian

GLobotruncana renzi Gandolfi

GLobigerineLLoides sp. 2


Occurrence doubtful (Schaller 1 9 70:63 contra- '

dicts Fig. 2 5 ) .
Speeies currently referred to Marginotnmcana
( Hart et al. 1 98 1 ) .

Reported on ly from Riachuelo Formation.


FOSSILS A N D STRAfA 1 2 ( 1 983)

Peter Bengtson : Cenomanian- Coniacian o] Sergipe

Table 5 (continued)





Clavihedbergella simplex ( Morrow)


Hastigerinoides alexanderi (C ushman)

Planoglobulina glabrata (Cushman)
Globigerinelloides messinae (Bronnimann)
Rugoglobigerina macrocephala BronnI mann
Rugoglobigerina rugosa ( Plummer)
Epistomina spinulifera ( Reuss)
Clavulinoides sp. 3
Planulina sp. 5
Trocholina silvai Petri
Globorotalites sp. 3
Tristix sp. l
Siphogenerinoides dentata Chenuard,
de Klasz & Meijer
Planulina sp. l

Species currently referred to Hedbergella ( H art

et al. 1 98 1 ) .
Additional age data i n Noguti & Santos ( 1 9 7 3 ) .

late TuronianSantonian




Riachuelo Formation only?

Thomasinella sp.

C enomanian?
C enomanian?
middle? TuronianSantonian
C enomanian

Rotalipora cushmani ( Morrow)

Heterohe/ix striata (Ehrenberg)



middle Cenomanian

Piaabuu Formation on ly?


Noguti & Santos

1 97 3

Presence in Sergipe not specified.

Presence in Sergipe not specified.

Romein i n Herngreen 1 9 7 5

Table 6. Ostracodes reported from the Cenomanian-Santonian of Sergipe. Arrangement and sym bols as for Table l .




Brachycythere alT. sphenoides Russ


Petri 1 962

Brachycythere (B.) sapucariensis n . sp.

Brachycythere non sapucariensis


Protocythere spp.
Cythereis? spp.




Paracypris? sp.

Bairdia sp.


Paracypris sp.

Cythereis cf. longaeva longaeva




Probably refers to B. (B.) sapucariensis KrommeIbein.

Krommelbein 1 964 Redescribed by Neufville ( 1 9 7 3 , 1 979) . Addition
al age data in Schaller ( 1 9 70) .
Schaller 1 9 70
Reported only from Riachuelo Formation .
Krommelbein 1 9 75

Romein in Hern
green 1 9 75

Said to dilTer slightly from this species.

Table 7. Nannofossils reported from the Cenomanian-Santonian of Sergipe. Arrangement and symbols as for Table l .




Petrobrasiella venata n .sp.

TroeIsen & Quadros


Lithastrinus grilli Stradner

Lithastrinus floralis Stradner

Watznaueria barnesae ( Black)



Occurrence in Sergipe not specified.


Historical review

FOSSILS AND STRATA 1 2 ( 1 98 3 )


Table 7 (continued)



Micula sp.

Microrhabdulus sp.

Nannaeanus truitti Briinnimann

Nannaeanus spp.





Riehuelo F ormation (Quadros & Gomide 1 9 7 3 ) .
Riehuelo Formation ( Quadros & Gomide 1 9 7 3 ) .

TabLe 8. Palynomorphs reportcd from the Ccnomanian-Santonian of Sergipe. Arrangement and symbols as for Table I .




Cicatricosisporites sp.

Miiller 1 966

"other trilete spores"

A raucariacites (and similar forms)

"smooth monocolpates (predominantly Ginkgocycadophytus"

Classopollis sp.

Polyplicatae (predominantly
Ephedripites sp.)
Cf. Eucommiidites sp.


Echinate trieolpodiorate grains

P tyehotriporines



Classopollis major Groot & Groot

Classopollis espinado
Galeacornea acuminata [Stover l



Gnetales sp.

Hexaporotricolpites sp.


H ystrichospherids

Gnetaceaepollenites diuersus S tover

late Cenomanian

Triorites africaensis Jardine &

Klukisporites uariegatus Couper


late Cenomanian

Lycopadiumsporites nouomexicanum
D rugg
Trililes sp.
A raucariaciles australis Cookson
Classopollis classoides Pocoek &
Hexaporotricalpites emelianaui
Galeacornea causea S tover
Elaterosporites klas;:'; Jardine


Refers to Hexaporotricolpites eme/ianoui Boltcnha

gen . a

Schaller 1 9 70

Figured by Regali et al. ( 1 9 7 5 ) .

Probably nomen nudum."
Presumed to be Elaterosporites acuminatus ( S tover)
by H erngreen ( 1 97 5 : 5 3 ) .

Regali el al. 1 9 74

late C enomanian

I ndex fossil of Zone PC-46, although saicl not to

oceur in Sergipe by Regali et al. ( 1 9 7 5 ) .
Figurecl by Regali et al. ( 1 9 7 5 ) . Adclitional age
data given by Lima & Boltenhagen ( 1 98 1 ) .
Presence i n late C enomanian o f Sergipe not spe
cified. Dating of this and following speeies as
late Cenomanian is bas cd on the oecurrcncc
only of Zone PC-46 in Sergipe. Figurecl by Rc
gali et al. ( 1 9 7 5 ) .


late Cenomanian
late Cenomanian
late Cenomanian


late Cenomanian



late Cenomanian
late C enomanian



Peter Bengtson : Cenomanian- Coniacian of Sergipe


Table 8 (continued)





Elaterocolpites castelaini Jardine &

Elateroplicites africaensis Herngreen
Peromonolites peroreticulatus Brenner
Pediastrum paleogeneites Wilson &
Multiporopollenites alT. maculosus
Thomson & POug
Multiporopollenites polygonalis Jardine & Magloire
Multiporopollenites sp. S . C . I . 1 05 in
Jardine & Magloire ( 1 965)
Schizea certa Bolkhovitina

late Cenomanian



late Cenomanian
late C enomanian
late Cenomanian


late C enomanian

Ditto. Better referred to Cretacaeiporites. "

late C enomanian


late Cenomanian


late C enomanian

Ephedripites undula us n.sp.

Sofrepites legouxae Jardine


Reticulatasporites jardinus Brenner

late C enomanian
late C enomanianTuronian
l ate C enoma n ian?

Presence in late Cenomanian of Sergipe not spe

cified. D escribed by Regali et al. ( 1 97 5 ) .
Ditto. [Nomen nudum until 1 9 7 5 . J
Ditto. Additional a g e d a t a in L i m a & Bolten
hagen ( 1 98 1 ) .
Said not to occur i n Zone PC-46 by Regali et al.
( 1 9 74) .

Ephedripites barghoorniilstaplinii
( Pocock)
Steevesipollenites cf. binodosus Stover


Striatricolpites sp.



Psilatricolporites sp.

Cretacaeiporites muellerii H erngreen

Ephedripites subtilis Regali, U esugui & Santos

Ephedripites pentacostatus Regali,
Uesugui & Santos
Steeuesipollenites multilineatus Stover
Psilatricolpites papilioniformis
Regali, Uesugui & Santos
Classopollis brasiliensis Herngreen
Ephedripites elsikii Herngreen
Gnetaceaepollenites crassipoli Regali,
Uesugui & Santos
Gnetaceaepollenites simiLis Regali,
U esugui & Santos
Steeuesipollenites nativensis Regali,
Uesugui & Santos
Gabonisporis vigorouxii Bol tenhagen
Cupanieidites reticuLaris Cookson &
Bahiasporites reticularis Regali,
U esugui & Santos
Bulbopollis sp.
Dinogymnium acuminatum Evitt,
C larke & Verdier
Dinogymnium euclaensis Cookson &

C enomanianConiacian
C enomanianConiacian
CenomanianC oniacian
C enomanianC oniacian
early Cenoma nl an

early Cenomanian



early Cenomanian
early Cenomanian



C enomanian
late Cenomanian

Ephedripites elsikii Herngrecn." Presence in Ser
gipe not specified .


Presence in Sergipe not specified .









Coniacian l
Coniacian l

Coniacian l

Regali et al. ( 1 97 5 )
Herngreen 1 9 75

Lima & Bolten

hagen 1 9 8 1

Presence in Sergipe n o t specified.

H erngreen 1 9 8 1

a G . F . W . Herngreen, Haarlem, personal communication 1 98 2 .

Table 9. Vertebrates reported from the Cenomanian-Coniacian of Sergipe. Arrangement and symbols as for Table l .





Hartt 1 8 70a

Teleostean fish scales

Turonian 3
(or Coniacian 1)


Additional age data in Roxo ( 1 938) and Petri

( 1 96 2 ) .

Field-work and methods



Table 9 (continued)





Pycnodusjlabellatus n .sp.

or Coniacian?

Cope 1 885

Lastroichthys longipeetoralis n.sp.

Turonian? or

SchaefTer 1 947

In flaggy limestone (suggesting Cotinguiba For

mation) ; locality unknown. Redescribed by
Woodward ( 1 895, 1 90 7 ) and Maury ( 1 93 7 ) as
Palaeobalistum jlabellatum and figured (photo
graph) also by Martins ( 1 959) .
In flaggy limestone ( suggesting Cotinguiba For
mation) , although label states " Lastro oolitic
limestone" . Redescribed by Santos & Salgado
( 1 969) as Enchodus longipeetoralis.

Fish teeth
Amphicoelous vertebrae


Cenomanian J?
Cenomanian l and
Turonian 2

R . S . Santos 1 958
Petri 1 962

Reported from variou s leveIs .

Table 10. Fossils other than those listed in Tables 1-9, reporte d from t h e Cenomanian-Coniacian of Sergipe. Arrangement a n d symbols a s for
Table I .





Uraster? sp.

Turonian 3
(or Coniaeian 1 )

White 1 88 7

Named Uraster janettae by Maury ( 1 93 7 ) , with

copy of White's "description" and figure.
Uraster is now placed in synonym y with Asterias.

Callianassa aquilae Rathbun

Callianassa aquilae var. elongata
Callianassa sergipensis n.sp.
Callianassa sp. inder.
Sponge spicules
B ryozoa


late C retaceous?

K. Beurlcn 1 955

H ercoglossidae gen. et sp. indet.

Cymatoceras sp.


Turonian l or 2
Cenomanian l

Brito 1 9 7 1
Reyment & Tait
1 972a

Field-work and methods

Most research on the midd le Cretaceous of Sergipe has been
directed towards the Riachuelo Formation. For the overly
ing Cotinguiba Formation, in spite of the extensive literature
(see pp. 55-62 ) , the rich faunas have been toa poorly known
to allow detailed correlation with other areas.
According to the literature, only about 30 localities in the
Cotinguiba Formation had previously been sampled for fos
sils and their faunas then described . Thus, a basic systemat
ic inventory of the faunas of the entire sequence was re
quired . Approximately 600 sections were selected to provide
a uniform geographical and s tratigraphical grid within the
areas exposed . Particular emphasis was placed on less well
known and geographically more poorly represented parts of
the sequence, that is, the C enomanian, the uppermost Tur
onian and the Coniacian. A few localities investigated in the
Riachuelo-Cotinguiba boundary beds (occurring within the
Cotinguiba belt on the geological map of Richter & Sim6es
1 975) may be of Albian age. However, since the possibility
of a C enomanian age cannot be ruled out, these localities are
included in the investigation .

Topographical and geological maps

As the basis for field-work I used Petrobras' unpublished
1 :2 5 000 topographical maps with contour intervals of 10 m

Nomen nudum?
Nomen nudum.
Petri 1 962
Richter 1 967

Reported from various leveIs.

From outlier west of the Sergipe Basin sensu
Poorly preserved; perhaps an ammonite.

( Servi<;os Aerofotogrametricos C ruzeiro do Sul S.A. : Bacia de

Sergipe-Alagoas: Mapa topogrdfico . Sheets 635-3 - 1 ( 1 966 and
1 97 2 ) , 635-3-4 ( 1 964) , 63 5-4-3 ( 1 966 and 1 97 2 ) , 7 2 1 -3-3
( 1 966) , 722- 1 - 1 ( 1 966) , 722- 1 -2 ( 1 966) , 722- 1 -3 ( 1 966) , 7224- 1 ( 1 966) , and 722-4-4 ( 1 966) . Petrobras S.A., Rio de
Janeiro) . I benefitted greatly from information in the com
prehensive, internal geological reports of Petrobras with
accompanying 1 :2 5 000 geologi caI map sheets (O H . A . F .
Chaves 1 964: Geologia do leste de Sergipe. [Relevant map
sheets: 635-3-4, 635-4- 3 , 7 2 2- 1 - 1 , 722- 1 -2 , 722- 1 - 3 . ] Relalorio
No. 300. O F. C . Ponte, W. S. de Abreu & G. G. Nery 1 964:
Geologia da parte sul da bacia sedimentar de Sergipe. [Rel
evant map sheets : 7 2 1 -3-3, 722-4- 1 , 722-4-4 . ] Rel;16rio No.
331 . O F. C . Ponte, A. B. Nunes, 1 . A. Sim6es, W. S. de
Abreu & G . G . Nery 1 96 7 : Geologia da faixa sedimentar do
baixo So Francisco. [Relevant map sheet: 635-3- 1 . ] Rela
lorio No. 458. O 1. A. Sim6es & F. P. Laier 1 968: Geologia d a
area de Pirambu, C arm6polis e Riachuelo. [Relevant map
sheets: 635-3-4, 635-4-3 . ] RelatOrio No . 631 . All are internal
reports of Petr61eo Brasileiro S.A. - Petrobras , Rio de Jan
eiro) .
The only topographical maps published of Sergipe are
1 : 1 00 000 with 40 m contour intervals (SUDENE 1 974) .
Sheets SC .24-Z-B-IV Aracaj u , SC . 24-Z-B-V Japaratuba
and S C . 24-Z-D-I Estancia cover the area investigated .
The entire Sergipe-Alagoas Basin is covered by 1 : 50 000
geological maps ( Richter & Sim6es 1 975) , with topographi-


Peter Benglson: Cenomanian- Coniacian of Sergipe

FOSSILS AND STRATA 1 2 ( 1 98 3 )

Fig. 6. View of t h e Mucuri area, SW o f

Saearra taken to t h e s o u t hw e s t from
highway BR- 2 3 5 .

cal contours at 50 m intervals . Unfortunately, few roads are

indicated (not always the main roads ) and only an occasion
al place name. These factors, and the widely spaced contour
intervals, make the published geological maps difficult to use
for stratigraphical field-work . The publication of detailed
topographical maps of 1 : 25 000 or 1 : 50 000 would be of great
value for fu ture field-work in the basin.
The geological map sheets ( Richter & Si moes 1 9 75) listed
below (from south to north ) contain data on the Cotinguiba
Formation. Parentheses indicate subsurface occurrences
shown by borehole data.
SC . 24-Z-D- I-3 Estancia
SC .24-Z-D-I- I Salgado
( S C . 24-Z-D-I- 2/4 So Cristovo)
S C . 24-Z-B-IV-3 Itaporanga d'Aj uda
SC . 24-Z-B-IV-4 Aracaj u
( SC . 24-Z-B-V-3 Rio Pomonga)
SC . 24-Z-B-IV-2 Riachuelo
SC . 24-Z-B-V- I C armopolis
( S C . 24-Z-B-V-2 Ponta dos Mangues)
( S C . 24-Z-B-I I-4 Penedo)
The base data on the map accompanying this pa per (Appen
dix 3) are taken mainly from the geological maps of Richter
& Si moes ( 1 9 7 5 ) with the road network updated, where
necessary. Minor roads and tracks were transferred from
Petrobrs' unpublished topographical maps ( for references,
see above) or written in directly in the field . Apart from
main roads, only roads leading to localities investigated are
shown on the map. The Estancia area in the southern part of
the basin is shown on a separate map ( Fig. 4 1 , p. 48) .
The investigation is based on field-work, published data
and the unpublished Petro bras material listed above. O ther
unpublished reports and primary material from previous
investigations (field nates, sketch maps, etc. ) , kept in ar
chives of DNPM, Petrobras , geology departments, etc . , were
not consulted .

Exposures and accessibility

The Sergipe Basin lies within the tropical belt, between
latitudes 1 00S and 1 1 . 5S ( cf. Fig. 2 ) . C retaceous marine rocks
crop out within the coastal vegetational zone, mala ( " for
est" ) , which is nowadays sparsely forested and extensively
cultivated , mostly for sugar cane. The climate is classified as
As using the Koppen system, i . e . tropical rain climate with
dry summers . The landscape is undulating (Fig. 6) , with
hi Ils locally reaching 50 m or more above the surrounding
terrain . The major rivers are tidal estuaries, bordered by
mangrove swamps ( Fig. 7) which are of wide extent in some
areas .
The C enozoic continental Barreiras Group forms the s ur
ficial deposits of extensive areas along the coast of northeast
ern Brazil . I n the Sergipe Basin, there are numerous win
dows in this cover which provide intermittent exposure of
the Mesozoic bedrock. The C enomanian-Coniacian is fairly
weU exposed in the eastern onshore part of the basin ( Fig.
8) , from I taporanga in southern Sergipe to Japaratuba in the
northeastern part of the state. The localities selected for
investigation lie in this, the s tudy area ( the Estancia area in
southernmost Sergipe is discussed separately, pp. 47-48) .
I n many places in the study area, rock occurs as loose
debris but no in situ bedrock is evident (Fig. 9) . This is
usually a good indication of a very thin soil cover ( Fig. 1 0 ) ,
and since s trong transporting agents are lacking I assume
such loose material to be very locally deri ved .
The main artificial exposures are: road and railway sec
tions, quarries, surface exposures along tracks and minor
roads , and excavations for cons tructions. The primitive
quarrying technique, that is, manual work with crowbars
and sledge-hammers ( Fig. I l ) , us ed in all but two quarries
(Oiteiro 1 9 and Retiro 1 5 ) , facilitates the discovery of ma
crofossils ( cf. p . 29) .
The tropical climate ca us es rapid changes in geomorpho
logy and vegetation. Thus, within short periods, s mall out
crops can easily disappear and new outcrops are constantly
appearing. For example, the fossil-rich locality at Santa

FOSSILS AND STRATA 1 2 ( 1 98 3 )

Field-work and methods


Fig. 7 . Mangroves along t h e Cotinguiba

River north of Socorro.

Luzia, south of Estancia, cited by White ( 1 88 7 ) , apparently

no longer exis ts. Many localities are accessible only during
part of the year, because of the vegetation or seasonal plan
tation. The latter affects particularly ou tcrops in sugar cane
The principal coastal highway BR- I O I runs through the
C retaceous belt. Towns and villages are connected by good
tarred or untarred roads and the network of minor roads is
well developed ( cf. Appendix 3 ) . During the wet season
(usually May-July) , some of the smaller roads are negotia
ble only by four-wheel-drive vehicles . These small roads or
tracks lead to plantations and farms or serve limestone
quarries and oil wells . A considerable number of seetions are
loeated along or near the roads ; few require extensive walk-

Since the macrofossil suecessJOn of the Cenomanian

Coniacian of Sergipe was largely unknown, my lield-work
aimed at obtaining determinable and biostratigraphically
useful macrofossils from as many stratigraphical leveIs and
as large a geographical area as possible . The relative abun
danee, mode of occurrenee, preservation, etc . , of the macro
fossils were reeorded together with eonventional lield notes

Fig. 8. Outerop areas ( shaded) for the Cenomanian-Coniacian

Cotinguiba Formation in Sergipe exclusive of the Estancia area
( cf. Fig. 4 1 ) . For location, see Fig. 2. A = Aracaj u , C = C armo
polis, DP = Divina Pastora, GM = General Maynard, 1 = I tapo
ranga [d'Aj uda] , J = Japaratuba, L = Laranj eiras, M = Maruim,
R = Riachuelo, RC = Rosario [do Catete] , S = [Nossa Senhora do]

Socorro, SA = Santo Amaro [das Brotas ] , SC = Silo C ristovilo .

Only major roads (from Appendix 3) are shown . Grid indicates
geological map sheets of Richter & Sim6es ( 1 9 75 ) ; for code num
bers, additional topographical details, names and localities studied,
see Appendix 3. (Outerop areas from Richter & Sim6es 1 9 75 and
lield observations 1 9 7 1 - 1 9 72 and 1 9 7 7 . )

ing. Some o f t h e more isolated sections can be reached more

easily by boat, for example the "classieal" S apucari quarry
( Sapucari I ) on the Sergipe River.



Peter Bengtson: Cenomanian- Coniacian of Sergipe


Fig. 9 . Rock debris on hillside ( fore

ground) ; Boa Sorte 7 ( Turonian 1) . View
to the north west over the sugar-mill Boa
Sorte with I tabaiana mountain beyond.

on the localities . Data which identify the localities for subse

quent workers are included in the locality descriptions (Ap
pendix l ) . Lithological samples were taken from each 10cal
ity for microfossil, microfacies, petrographical, and geo
chemical analyses .
Biostratigraphical work in the Sergipe Basin is hampered
by the limited lateral and vertical ex tent of most exposures,
the latter usually less than a metre. Stratigraphically over
lapping sections are extremely rare, so that it is difficult to
establish composite sections . C onsiderable local variation in
s trike and dip, and small-scale folds and faults ( see pp. 3 1 - 3 3 )
result in patchy exposure o f t h e different stratigraphical
leveIs, with some levels cropping out in only a single area.
U nfortunately, bedding planes are not always available for
reliable s trike and dip measurements, so there are many
sections which are impossible to relate in s tratigraphical

The thickness of the Cotinguiba Formation averages 200

m but locally reaches well over 1 000 m ( Bandeira 1 97 8 : 2 3 ) .
The higher figure refers to onshore parts of the basin and is
evident from field relationships in the main outerop area
( provided there is no significant repetition of strata; see pp.
3 1 - 3 2 ) . Allowing a maximum of 200 m for the C enomanian
sequence, that leaves at least 600 m of Turonian-C oniacian .
With 600 m of sediments and 1 0 ammonite zones for the
Turonian-Coniacian (Hancock & Kennedy 1 98 1 :544) , the
average thickness per zone will be in the range of 60 m . It is
therefore unlikely that an individual section will contain
significant faunal changes, and even in the thickest sections
investigated - quarries of up to some 20 m - the same
ammonites generally continue throughout. Despite the large
number of sections collected, many s tratigraphically impor
tant foss ils were found at on ly one or a few locali ties . This is
especially so for the C enomanian ( excluding the uppermost

Fig. 10. Section through uppermost metre

of bedrock and soil at C u m be 7 ( Cenoman
ian 4) , illustrating surficial weathering
into rock debris as a result of percolating
meteoric water.

FOSSILS AND STRATA 1 2 ( 1 98 3 )

Field-work and methods


Fig. 1 1 . Manual quarrying techniques of

fer ideal conditions for macrofossil col
leeting. Massive Laranj eiras limes tones
a t Tabocas 2 ( Coniacian 1 ) .

part of the stage) but applies also to the Turonian and

C oniacian, and is a serious obstacle to efficient intra-basinal
correlation . The problem requires continued and wider sys
tematie collecting.
By contrast to the Turonian-Coniacian, the C enomanian
is represented by a comparatively thin sequence with nu
merous gaps. The limited thicknesses make the biostrati
graphy of this part of the sequence more easy to investigate,
although there are other problems. One is the scarcity of
fossiliferous sections , another the effect of local tectonics.
This is well demonstrated in the main C enomanian area
south ofJaparatuba. In the entire C enomanian, there is only
one large, working quarry (localities I taporanga 1 - 3 in the
lower C enomanian; Fig. 1 2 ; see also Figs . 24 and 2 7 ) , and
the rocks are so poorly fossiliferous that macrofossil zonation
appears infeasible. The large numbers of fossils collected
from this and some other Turonian and Coniacian quarries

Fig. 12. Quarried hill of lower Cenoman

ian limestones at entranee of ! taporanga.
Vlew of I taporanga 1-3 ( arrowed; Ceno
manian 1) taken to the northeast from
highway BR- l O \ .

are the result of repeated visits spaced over long periods of

time to procure material collected by the quarry workers .
For these collections it was impossible to find out the exact
levels for individual fossils. Nevertheless, I believe that it is
possible to establish a detail ed macrofossil zonation for parts
of the Cenomanian of Sergipe, especially the uppermost
portion . There are a few potentially useful sections in the
Japaratuba area which should be measured and carefully
collected .
The Cotinguiba Formation is coarsely subdivided on the
basis of easily recognizable ammonites, as explained further
on pp. 43-47. Ammonites were collected from 330 locali ties ,
of which 242 are assigned to a subdivision to form the basic
biostratigraphical framework presen ted he rein (see Appen
dix 3 ) . For localities without diagnostic ammonites , dating is
primarily by inoceramids ( 3 6 10calities) and microfacies ana
lysis ( 2 3 2 localities) , in combination with geographical and


Peter Bengtson : Cenomanian- Coniacian of Sergipe

FOSSILS AND STRATA 12 ( 1 98 3 )

Fig. 13. C ream, weathered Laranj eiras

limestones with irregular area of grey,
less weathered rock in centre of picture;
C aj aiba 7 ( Coniacian 1) .

stratigraphical pOSltlOn relative to nearby ammonite-dated

localities (see also pp. 49-50) . In addition , 72 localities are
assigned on the basis only of their geographical and inferred
stratigraphical positions .
Preservation of the ammonites leaves much to be desired .
Many specimens are only fragments, deformation is com
mon, inner whorls are rarely preserved, no shell material
remains, and weathering reduces the morphological charac
ters of the moulds. Almost all the material collected has been
weathered to some extent (as shown by the abundance of
cream and light brown colours, by contrast to the original,
dominantly greyish colours; Fig. 1 3 ) . Fresh samples are
generally restricted to working quarries. For palynological
analysis, weathering presents great problems . Of all the
lithological samples collected , only a handful - all from
working quarries - yielded determinable palynological ma
terial (G. F. W . Herngreen , Haarlem, the Netherlands ,
personal communication 1 9 76) . F o r microfacies analysis, a
slightly weathered sample normally presents no problem.

Locality descriptions
Almost invariably, localities mentioned in the literature on
the Cretaceous of Sergipe are referred to simply by the name
of the nearest town, farm, sugar-mill, or the like, without
details of their precise geographical location. This greatly
reduces the s tratigraphical value of fossils described , since
the localities cannot be found for additional investigation,
nor be plotted on stratigraphical maps , and the s tratigraphi
cal seq uence of the foss ils remains in dou bt. I t is difficul t to
know which localities have previously been well studied , and
this may cause duplication of work.
The localities studied here are shown on a map (Appendix
3 ) and detailed descriptions of each locality are given (Ap
pendix I ) . The primary aim of the descriptions is to make it
possible for subsequent workers to identify these same local
ities in the field. The descriptions reflect the situation in
February 1 9 7 7 . As al ready pointed out, topographical and

vegetational changes can occur rapidly and alter the appear

anee of the sections . In particular, many artificial sections
become overgrown or eovered with soil within only a few
years after they have been abandoned . In this way , once
excellent sections can soon become almost useless. Some of
the sections studied in 1 9 7 1 - 1 9 7 2 were in 1 9 7 7 found to be
partially or even completely des troyed .
The localities investigated are marked with circles on the
biostratigraphical map (Appendix 3 ) . For the descriptions , I
use a system similar to that introduced by the " Baltic-Scan
ian Silurian Proj ect" ( now part of IGC P Proj ect "Ecostrati
graphy " ) for Gotland, Sweden (Laufeld 1 9 74) .
Each locality is named after a nearby town (eidade, vila) or
vill age (povoado) , or after a farm (ja::.enda, sitio) , sugar-mill
( usina, engenho ) , school (escola, coligio ) , etc . , whichever is most
practicable . The toponym chosen is followed by a num ber to
make the complete designation of the locality. The toponyms
are marked on the geological map. I have chosen names
well-known among the loeal people and us ed these for sur
rounding localities independent of pro perty boundaries
(since these may change with time) but with regard to
topographieal grouping. This somewhat arbitrary system
results in wide variation in the num ber of loealities attaehed
to eaeh toponym, as can be observed from the map. The
localities are always within 2 km, and in most eases not more
than I km, from the place marked on the map.
Since the toponyms are geographieal denominations,
speiling adheres to the official Brazilian Portuguese ortho
graphic rules (latest reform 1 8 Deeember 1 9 7 1 ) . This is, in a
few cases , eontrary to local usage. Alternative current forms
and older names ( then synonyms ) , are given in brackets in
the loeality list (excluding variations due to diacritical marks
only) .
In the locality descriptions the toponyms are given in
capitals followed by the locality number. After a colon co
ordinates are given, according to the international Universal
Transverse Mercator ( U T M ) grid system. The UTM grid is
printed in 4 km squares on the geologieal map sheets of the
basin ( Richter & Sim6es 1 9 7 5 ) , thereby allowing easy plot-

FOSSILS AND STRATA 1 2 ( 1 98 3 )

ting of the localities on these maps. All values have been

rounded to the nearest 50 m, i . e . to an accuracy of 25 m. For
extensive outcrops, the coordinates refer to a point in the
centre of the outcrop. The geological and topographical map
sheets for the locality are given ( for code numbers, see pp.
25-26) , followed by a short description of the locality. For
localities other than quarries, the term exposure is used to
designate sections less than about 0 . 5 m high ( N B : not
necessarily equal to stratigraphical thickness) and section for
those exceeding 0 . 5 m. Where possible, reference is made to
easily recognizable features in the vicinity . The altitude (m
above sea level) , from Petrobras' topographical map sheets
( see p . 2 5 ) , is stated . The lithological description begins with
a letter code for the lithostratigraphical units ( codes of
Schaller 1 9 70) , followed by a short description of the domi
nant lithology, the most conspicuous s tructures , and any
groups offossils that are abundant and therefore characterize
the locality. References to published information on the
locality area or to specific localities are given ( excluding plain
citations in historical reviews ) . Positioning of localities from
the literature against those described herein was done
through field checks and/or by transfer from published maps .
Where necessary, Petrobras' unpublished geologi ca I maps
(see p. 25) were consulted .
In order to provide quick identification of localities men
tioned in the literature, an index is given after the locality
The descriptions do not include datings and lists of fossils,
because these are subj e c t to change during the systematic
and biostratigraphical work. Su bdivision assignments are
given in a separate locality index (Appendix 2, pp. 74- 7 7 ) .

The middle Creta'c eous sequence of Sergipe is divided into
the Riachuelo Formation and the Cotinguiba Formation
(see Fig. 3 ) . It was not until the stratigraphical revision by
Petrobras ( S challer 1 970) that a uniform lithostratigraphical
nomenclature was es tablished . Fig. 14 summarizes the de
velopment of the nomenclature from Hartt ( 1 870a) onwards.

The Riachuelo Formation

This study includes only the uppermost parts of the Ria
chuelo Formation, as defined by Petrobras ( Schaller 1 9 70) .
The bulk of the formation is Albian, but at the top the
Maruim Member and its dolomitized equivalent , the Agui
Ihada Member, may locally extend into the Cenomanian .
The Maruim Member, according to the stratigraphical
report of Petrobras ( S challer 1 97 0 : 5 1 ) , is composed of oolitic
to pisolitic limestones, algal limestones ( reefs ) , and detrital
limes tones with intercalations of sands tones, siltstones and
shales . Algal reefs are common in ou tcrop, since they are
more resistant to erosion. The Aguilhada Member is de
s cribed as consisting mainly of cream to chestnut-brown,
saccharoidal dolomites with intercalations of fine-grained to
conglomeratic sands tones, green, grey or red s hales, and
occasional non-dolomitic limestones .



The uppermost parts of the Maruim and Aguilhada mem

bers , according to Schaller ( 1 9 7 0 : 5 1 ) , contain reworked sedi
ments and locally abundant detrital quartz. This is evidence
of very shallow conditions, which generally delimit a deposi
tional cycle. The quartziferous beds are taken to indicate
resumed sedimentation after a significant break. The litho
s tratigraphical implications of this interpretation are dis
cussed on pp. 39-4 1 .

The Cotinguiba Formation

Petrobras ' stratigraphical report on the Sergipe-Alagoas
Basin ( Sch aller 1 97 0 : 5 3 ) states that the Cotinguiba Forma
tion consists of carbonates with clastic intercalations, and
that its two members are defined on the proportion of car
bonates : (a) A racaju Member: C alcareous , fossiliferous, grey
to green claystones or siltstones with intercalations of chest
nut-brown, bituminous shales and yellowish, cryptocrystal
line limes tones . (b) Sapucari Member: Mainly grey to yellow
ish, cryptocrystalline or lithographic, massive or s tratified
limes tones, locally clayey and grading into maris . Local
breccias and coquina banks are not uncommon, and there is
some dolomitization and silicification . ( For a schematic sec
tion, see Fig. 40, p . 46 . )
Although some limes tones o f the Sapucari Member may
be classified as chalks, or chalky limes tones , the term chalk is
avoided here for the following reasons: (a) the chalky ap
pearance is mainly a result of deep weathering and not of
original depositional conditions ( cf. p. 30) ; ( b) these rocks
have a limited vertical and horizontal extent in comparison
with the classical chalks; and (c) coccolithic material, which
dominates "true" chalks, is absent or scarce .
The average thickness of the Cotinguiba Formation is
around 200 m; however, in some surface sections, over 1 000
m has been measured ( S challer 1 9 7 0 : 5 3 ; Bandeira 1 97 8 : 2 3 ) .
In well I -QM- I -S E , I km E of Qui<;:amii, 745 m of Cotin
guiba sediments were penetrated ( Richter & Simoes 1 9 7 5 ,
sheet SC . 24-Z-B-IV-4 Aracaj u; Bandeira 1 9 7 8 , Fig. 1 7 ) .
Figure 2 shows the geographical extent of the Cotinguiba
Formation, under the C enozoic deposits . In subsurface, the
formation extends into southernmost Alagoas ( Oj eda & Fu
gita 1 976, Fig. 1 8; Bandeira 1 978, Fig. 1 5 ) .
A characteristic of the Cotinguiba Formation i s the many
facies variations across small areas; for example, an outerop
of thin-bedded limestones may lie adj acent to one of massive
limes tones, or the two bedding types may even occur togeth
er. Other lithological properties, such as grain-size, hard
ness, colour, etc., may alternate correspondingly . I n some
cases, apparent lateral facies changes are artifacts produced
by weathering (see below) or are a result of post-deposi tional
tectonic processes . However, true lateral facies changes are
com mon as well, reflecting variable depositional conditions .
Some stratal repetition is likely as a result o f small-scale
faulting. However, there is little field support for large-scale
displacements such as the Laranj eiras and C otinguiba faults
of Campbell [Guedes & Silva] ( in Conselho Nacional do
Petr61eo 1 948a: 1 36 , 1 42 , Figs . 1 2- 1 3 ; see als o O 'Gara & '
Mota in Conselho Nacional do Petr61eo 1 949: 7 7-79 and
Bender 1 959, map ) , postulated as NE-SW faults with
downthrows of 800 and 300 m, respectively, in the area


F O S S I L S A N D STRATA 1 2 ( 1 983)

Peter Bengtson : Cenomanian- Coniacian of Sergipe

Cotinguiba Formation


R iachuelo Formation

H a rtt 1 8 7 0

Sergipian Group

Haug 1 9 1 0?

L a s t r o l im e s t o n e s

Bom Jesus l im e s t o n e s

M a ury 1 9 2 5

L a s t r o l im e s t o n e s

Bom Jesus l im e s t o n e s

Moraes Rego 1 92 9

R i a c h u e l o l im e s t o n e s

Umbu oolitic

C e d r o l im e s t o n e s

and sandstones


and sandstones

Maury 1 930

Lastro Oolitic
L im e s t o n e

L im e s t o n e

Morais Rego 1 933

R iachuelo G r o u p

Duarte 1 936

Ganhamaroba Group

Maury 1 937

Lastro OOlitic
L im e s t o n e

Cotinguiban Group


Urubu Group

Aroe i ra

B om J e s u s L im e s t o n e

S a p u c a h y l im e s t o n e s

S a h n a r a l im e s t o n e s

S a p u c a h y Limestone

S auara-Cedro Group

Cotinguiba Group

C e d r o and Bom
J e s u s L im e s t o n e

S a p u c a h y L im e s t o n e

C e d r o F o rm a t i o n

S a p u c a r f F o rm a t i o n

E . P . d e O l i v e i r a 1 9 40

M a r o im F o rm a t i o n

A.I. d e Oliveira 1 943

R i a c h u e l o limestones

C a m p b e l l 1 9 48

R i a c h u e l o F o rm a t i o n

C a rlton 1 948

R i a c h u e l o F o rm a t i o n

Bender 1 958

R i a c h u e l o F o rm a t i o n

M a r uim F o rm a t i o n

S a p u c a r i a n d L a r a n j e i r a s f o rm a t i o n s

Petri 1 96 2

R i a c h u e l o F o rm a t i o n

L a st r o F o rm a t i o n

S a p u c a r i F o rm a t i o n

Almeida 1 964

R i a c h u e l o F o rm a t i o n

Bom J e s u s F o rm a t i o n

K . B e u r l e n 1 9 64

R i a c h u e l o F o rm a t i o n

M a r u im F o rm a t i o n

S a p u c a r i F o rm a t i o n

Marques 1 965

R i a c h u e l o F o rm a t i o n

M a r u im F o rm a t i o n

S a p u c a r i - L a r a n j e i r a s F o rm a t i o n

K. Beurlen 1 970

R i a c h u e lo - M a r u im b e d s

Schaller 1 970

R i a c h u e lo F o rm at i o n

C o t i n g u i b a F o rm a t i o n

M e n d e s & Petri 1 9 7 1

R i a c h u e l o F o rm a t i o n

S a p u c a r i F o rm a t i o n

K. B e u r l e n 1 9 7 1

R i a c h u e l o - M a r u i m f o rm a t i o n s

F o rm .

U r u b u a n d Im b i r a
oolitic limestones

Pedra Branc
i lm e s t o n e s

and Suara
l im e s t o n e s


S a p u c a r(
l im e s t o n e s

S a p u c a r i F o rm a t i o n

L im e s t o n e
L a r a n j e i r a s F o rm a t i o n

Sapucari Formation

S a p u c a r i F o rm a t i o n



Sapucari -Laranjeiras
l im e s t o n e s

S a p u c a r i - L a r a n j e i r a s F o rm a t i o n

Fig. 1 4 . Lithostratigraphical synonym y chart ( to formation where

specified) for the Riachuelo and Cotinguiba formations . Original
spellings of toponyms are retained . Prior to 1 9 70, the use of forma
tion names was very unstable; however, whcrc the author's inten
tion is j udged to have been to in troduee a working unit name, the

unit term is capitalized, even though a formal designation may be

laeking. Referenees: Hartt 1 8 70 Hartt 1 8 70a, C ampbell 1 948
Campbell in Con sel ho Nacional do Petr61eo 1 948a, Carlton 1 948
CarIton in Conselho Nacional do Petr61eo 1 948b, Bender 1 958
Bender in K. Beurlen 1 958, K. Beurlen 1 9 7 1 K. Beurlen 1 9 7 1 a.

between the towns of Laranj eiras and Nossa Sen hora do

Socorro (commonly abbreviated Socorro ) . These faults are
omitted from more recent detailed maps and reports, evi
dently because of lack of field or subsurface evidence for
dislocation and because of the stratigraphical reinterpreta
tions made after Bender's ( 1 959) recognition of the laminat
ed and massive limes tones as contemporaneous facies . Rep
etition of strata reported from well I basa-2, near C aj aiba
( O ' Gara & Mota in Conselho Nacional do Petr61eo

1 949 : 7 7 ) , may well be a sequence of normal facies variations.

In order to determine if there is real and significant repeti
tion in the Laranj eiras-Socorro area, detailed biostratigra
phical work is required . Preliminary res ults from ammonites
do not exclude the possibility.
A variety of penecontemporaneous, post-deposi tional and
diagenetie s tructures occur in the Cotinguiba Formation.
These include slumps and s mall-scale faults (Figs . 1 5- 1 6;
see also Bender 1 959, Pl. 4: I ) , sink-hoies ( Fig. 1 7 ) , caves




Fig. 15. Contorted bedding, probably

caused by slumping; Pedra Branea 1 7
( Turonian 2) .

( Fig. 1 8 ) , chert beds and nodules ( Fig. 1 9) , flaser bedding

( Fig. 20) , vugs ( Fig. 2 1 ) and tensional cracks ( Fig. 22) .
C oquinoid accumulations occur locally, e.g. echinoids ( Fig.
2 3 ) . Of particular stratigraphical interest are the disconti
nuities observed in the sequence. These are diseussed below.
The type section ( holostratotype) of the Cotinguiba For
mation, designated by Petrobras ( Schaller 1 970, Fig. 2 1 ) ,
extends along highway BR- l O l between Socorro and Pedra
Branca. A more suitable s tratotype could be composed from
the numerous sections along highway BR-23 5 , where a
larger part of the formation is represented including the
Aracaj u Member. This section also has the advantage that it
is nearly perpendicular to strike. It is desirable that a refer
ence section ( hypostratotype) be established along BR-235
to complement the holostratotype. Additional reference sec
tions should be designated in the Japaratuba, I taporanga
and Estancia are as for lithological developments consider
ably different from the holostratotype.

Fig. 16. Distorted bedding and faul ting in

Pindoba limestones; Socorro 7 ( Coniacian 1 ) .

P. Benglson

Pindoba and Laranjeiras Jacies

Since Bender's ( 1 959) work, " S apucari limes tones" has been
used informally as a facies denomination for the laminated
and thin-bedded rocks which are characteristically devel
oped, for example, in the Sapucari quarry ( Sapucari l here
in) . The individual beds are generally separated by clayey or
marly layers, and the rocks commonly appear as flaggy
limes tones. For the thicker- bedded and massive lithologies,
which oceur abundantly, for example, in the Laranj eiras
area, the designation " Laranj eiras limes tones" has been
used . In the Turonian-Coniacian (particularly units Turon
ian 2- Coniacian I herein) , bedding is normally regular, and
facies names are then useful especially for field classification
of the rocks . However, since confusion may arise between
the names " Sapucari faeies " and "Sapucari Member" , I
substitute Pindoba for "Sapucari" with regard to facies . Pin
doba is the name of a farm northwest of the Sapucari quarry


Peter Bengtson : Cenomanian- Coniacian of Sergipe

Fig. 17. Karstie collapse in Laranj eiras limestones, producing sink

hole filled with shale fragments from former cover of Piaabuu
Formation (C alumbi Member) ; Oiteiro 7 ( Coniacian 1) .

(for exact location, see Appendix 3 ) , in one of the

areas where the typical laminated and thin-bedded facies is
well developed .
Since the facies names have never been formalized , their
usage varies among geologists . I lind it convenient in the
lieid to designate " Pindoba facies" for limestones which

rOSS ILS AND STRAT'A 1 2 ( 1 983)

have a bed thickness less than the length of an ordinary

geological hammer, i . e . about 30 cm, and where beds are
laterally consistent ( Figs . 24- 2 7 ) . " Laranj eiras facies" is
then used for limes tones with beds thicker than about 30 cm
( Fig. 28) . The latter facies may be strongly bioturbated and
includes nodular and flaser-bedded limestones ( cf. Fig. 20) .
The facies names apply only to the Sapucari Member and
are not applicable to all iithologies (for example, parts of the
upper C enomanian of the Japaratuba area) . The Aracaj u
Member i s very restricted in outcrop; i t occurs mainly i n the
Aroeirinha-Pati area ( Fig. 29) .
I t is not always possible to determine bedding at small
outcrops or for loose material. In general, flaggy limestones
can be referred to Pindoba facies and coquinoid limestones
to Laranj eiras facies . I rregular weathered surfaces ( Fig. 30)
are characteristic of Laranj eiras facies , especially of the
nodular limes tones . " Rubbly" limestones ( Fig. 3 1 ) are par
ticularly difficult to assign ; they may derive from either
facies and are sometimes intermediate in bed thickness, i . e .
about 30 cm. Weathering c a n change t h e bedding appear
ance radically. For example, Fig. 3 2 shows a fresh quarry
wall apparently in thick-bedded or massive limestones ( La
ranj eiras facies ) , but where exposed to percolating ground
water these break down into thinner layers ( Pindoba facies ) .
Therefore, where a facies name is given in the locality
descriptions (Appendix I ) it should be used only as a guide.
Where facies development is typical , the descriptions state
"flaggy Pindoba limes tones " or " massive Laranj eiras lime
stones" , respectively .
Figure 3 3 shows the facies distribution in the principal
Turonian-Coniacian outcrop belt . Laranj eiras limes tones
are the dominant facies , whereas Pindoba limes tones are
concentrated in two maj or, possibly continuous areas in the
lower Turonian, between Tabua de Baixo-Mundo Novo
and Madre de Deus and between Pindoba and C aieira
C anabrava, respectively (for names , see Appendix 3 ) . There
are smaller areas at Mucuri, Estiva-Santa C ruz, Socorro,
C aj aiba and Sapucari ( cf. C ampbell, Guedes & Silva in
Conselho Nacional do Petr61eo 1 948a, Fig. 1 2; Bender 1 959,

Fig. 1 8 . Solution caves in Laranj eiras

limes tones; Sa Roque 2 ( Turonian 2) .

FOSSILS AND STRATA 1 2 ( 1 98 3 )

Fig. 1 9 . C hert nodules in Laranj eiras

limestones; Oiteiro 13 ( Coniacian 1 ) . Scale
is given by hammer-head, which is 1 9 cm
long. All nodules occurring in the Laran
j eiras limes tones have a weathering ve
neer of yellowish or white " cotton rock " .
I n many cases, intense weathering h a s
transforme d t h e entire nodules into white
chert, as shown in this picture.

Fig. 20. Flaser-beddcd Laranj eiras lime

stones; So Rogue 2 ( Turonian 2) . Arrows
point to sections of ammonites: Neopty
chiles sp. left and coilopoceratid right.
Scale bar is O . l m .

Fig. 2 1 . Vuggy, dolomitic Laranj eiras

limestones; Japaratuba 4 ( Turonian 1) .




Peter Bengtson : Cenomanian- Coniacian of Sergipe

FOSSILS AND STRATA 1 2 ( 1 98 3 )

Fig. 22. Tensional eraeks on bedding

pl ane, subparallel to strike and probably
prod ueed by the sou theastward til ting of
the basin; Retiro 21 ( Turonian 2) . Seale
bar is O . l m.

Fig. 23. Aeeumulation of eehinoids (He

miasler s p . ) in Laranj eiras limestones; Oi
teiro 19 ( Turonian 3) . Seale bar is O . l m .

Fig. 24. Flaggy Pindoba limes tones at I ta

poranga I ( Cenomanian 1) .

FOSSILS AND STRATA 1 2 ( 1 98 3 )

Fig. 25. Laminated Pindoba limestones;

Sapucari I ( Turonian 3?) .

Fig. 26. Thin-bedded Pindoba limes tones;

Reti ro 16 ( Turonian 2) .

Fig. 27. Medium-bedded Pindoba lime

stanes with clay intercalatians; Itapa
ranga 3 ( Cenomanian 1 ) . C rowbar is 1 . 2 m




Peter Bengtson : Cenomanian- Coniacian of 5e1gipe

fOSSILS A"D STRATA 1 2 ( 1 98 3 )

The Riachuelo- Cotinguiba boundary

Fig. 28. Massive Laranj eiras limestones; Mucuri 7 ( Coniacian I) .

Height of section, approximately 20 m .

map) . Isolated occurrences of Pindoba limes tones not noted

on the map are relatively com mon in the upper Turonian
and Coniacian areas . In the lower Turonian, between Sao
Pedro and Bumburum, there is a wide belt composed entire
ly of Laranj eiras limes tones .

The boundary between the Riachuelo and Cotinguiba for

mations has for long been the subj ect of discussion and of
different interpretations . The most widely accepted con
cept is that a hiatus accounts for all or a maj or part of the
Cenomanian. The boundary has mostly been described as a
simple disconformity although some authors have suggested
an angular unconformity (Leonardos 1 949; Tibana 1 969) .
Campbell ( in Conselho Nacional do Petr61eo 1 948a: 1 43 )
favoured a gradational contact. None o f these arguments
have been backed by adequate des cription or photographs.
This lack of documentation is apparently because, in spite of
a large num ber of ou tcrops, there is no section exposing the
contact between the forrnations .
I n internal reports of Petrobras (see p . 25) , an angular
unconformity was reported by Chaves and by Simiies &
Laier, based upon two localities. Together with I . A. Simoes,
in 1 9 7 7 , I visited one of these, an exposure on a tidal flat
sou th of the farm Praia near Maruim ( 1 00 m sou theas t of
locality Praia 3 herein) , but unfortunately it had become
covered with mangroves and mud . At the time of Petrobras'
mapping ten years earlier, clear discordance of strike and
dip between the oolitic limestones ( Maruim Member of the
Riachuelo Formation) and the overlying Cotinguiba lime
s tones could be observed ( I . A. Simiies, Aracaj u , personal
communication 1 97 7 ) . However, s trike and dip along the
forrnational contact are highly variable, and there is little
support for a regional unconformity. The angular unconform
ity at Praia may be only a local fea ture produced through
slumping or other deformational mechanisms ( cf. Figs .
1 5- 1 6) in response to movements in the floor of the basin.
At the upper Turonian locality Pilar 9 , there is a marked
intraformational discordance ( Fig. 34) , without lithological
change or other evidence for a true angular unconformity. A
penecontemporaneous origin is the most likely explanation
also in this case. For the Riachuelo-Cotinguiba boundary,
until a convincing angular unconformity is documented
from a series of sections, a disconformable forrnational con-

Fig. 29. Shaly claystone of Aracaj u Mem

ber; Pati 1 ( Turonian 2) .


tact, albeit locally discordant, appears j ust as probable.

The Riachuelo-Cotinguiba hiatus in some areas appar
ently comprised the entire C enomanian, whereas in other
areas sedimentation was more or less continuous throughout
the C enomanian. Unfortunately, the region where the Ceno
manian is best developed, the Japaratuba area ( cf. Fig. 8) , is
also s tructurally complex. Where the limited thicknesses of
the Cenomanian are not due to hiatuses , they are explained
by a comparatively low sedimentation rate .
The published geological map of the Sergipe Basin ( Rich
ter & Si moes 1 9 75) is based mainly on air photo mapping.
The contact between the Riachuelo and Cotinguiba forma
tions is normally clearly visible on air photographs, and
differences in geomorphology and drainage patterns are suf
ficiently great to allow accurate mapping both of the forma
tions and their members (L A. Simoes, personal communi
cation 1 97 7 ) . However, on outerop scale it is often impossi
ble to refer the rocks wi th certain ty to one or the other
formation . For example, the limestones of the Taquari
Member are a com mon lithology also in the Cotinguiba
Formation, and , conversely, certain " typical" Cotinguiba
lithologies occur within the Taquari Member. In practice,
many field geologists use characteristic fossils to separate the
two formations. Although not strietly in line with the Interna
tional Stratigraphic Guide ( Hedberg 1 976) , recognition of fos
sils as part of lithostratigraphical units is common field
practice ( e . g . , Lawson 1 979) .
Most of the C enomanian rocks studied in outerop cannot
be ascribed directly to a particular formation as defined by
Schaller ( 1 970) . Besides "ordinary" limestones, common
C enomanian lithologies include dolomites, quartziferous
limes tones and dolomites, limes tone conglomerates and other
reworked sediments indicative of shallow-water environ
ments . Some oolites, pisolites and oncolitic limestones at the
formational boundary ( Fig. 3 5 ) may also extend into the
C enomanian; however, lack of diagnostic fossils in the mate
rial available hinders reliable dating of these rocks .
Where the typical shallow-water deposits overlie an un
conformity, they constitute the basal beds of a depositional

Fig. 31 . Rubbly in situ Laranj eiras lime

stones; Caraibas 4 ( Turonian 2) .



Fig. 30. I rregular weathered "honeycomb" surface in Laranj eiras

limes tones (section perpendicular to bedding) ; Pedra Furada 2
( Turonian 2) .

cycle. Therefore, in an internal Petrobras report on the

Estancia area, Ponte, Abreu & Nery (see p. 25) took the
quartziferous limes tones and dolomites which occur below
typical Cotinguiba limestones , and which res t on basement
( Proterozoi c ( ? ) Estancia Group) , as the base of the Cotin-


Peter Bengtson: Cenomanian- Coniacian of Sergipe

FOSSILS AND STRATA 12 ( 1 98 3 )

Fig. 32. Quarry w a l l at Bumburum I

( Turonian 2) , to illustrate difTiculties of
facies assignment. The quarried, massive
or thiek-bedded limes tones, when ex
posed to dissolution by meteorie waters,
beeome fl aggy limestones, e.g. upper
right. Arrow points to wall of formerly
soil-filled sink-hole where weathering is

guiba Formation . This agrees with the description of the

formation given by C ampbell ( in Conselho Nacional do
Petr61eo 1 948a: 1 44) and was followed by C haves in his map
report ( see p . 25) for similar beds in the C umbe and C arm6polis areas ( although here underlain by Albian rocks) . How
ever, in subsequent mapping of the latter area, Si moes &
Bandeira ( 1 969) regarded the shallow-water sediments as
the top of the Riachuelo regressive sequence. This reflects
the new lithostratigraphical system introduced by Petro
bras ( S challer 1 970) , when the full extent and litho
logical variation of the C enomanian exposed at surface
were apparently s till unknown. Unfortunately, Schaller' s
( 1 970:5 1 , 5 3 ) descriptions of the mem bers of the Riachuelo
and Cotinguiba formations lack enough detail to account for
the full range of C enomanian lithologies. Bandeira ( 1 9 7 8 : 3 6 ,
39, 4 5 ) now recognizes siliciclastic influx b o t h in t h e upper
Riachuelo Foramation ( Maruim and Aguilhada members)

and the basal Cotinguiba Formation ( S apucari Member) .

I t is likely that the shallow-water deposits, in particular
the reworked and quartziferous beds, represent the basal
beds of the Cotinguiba depositional cycle which in most
areas was initiated in the C enomanian. However, scarcity
of diagnostic foss ils in these lithologies makes dating dif
ficult. For example, the quartziferous beds in the Japaratuba
area are dated as C enomanian only through their close
association with rocks of undoubted Cenomanian age. To
unravel the lithostratigraphical relationships much more
work is needed, including a detailed integrated s tudy of
exposures and available core material spann ing the upper
most Albian to lowermost Turonian sequence. lf there is no
sharp lithological break between the Riachuelo and Cotin
guiba depositional cycles, the formational boundary will be
arbitrary . I n this case, Schaller' s ( 1 970) " boundary" ap
pears as good as any, i.e. quartziferous limestones, conglom-


Pindoba limestones
Laranjeiras limestones
Breccia or conglomerate
St r i k e a n d d i p of b e d s

S c ale

1 :200 000


Fig. 33. Map ofbedding types ( Pindoba and Laranj eiras faeies) for the
prineipal Turonian-Coniaeian outerop area in Sergipe, with intrafor
mational breceias and eonglomerates marked (cf. pp. 4 1 -42) . Larger

areas laeking outerops are Ieft blank. Strike and dip shown are
generalized from measurements within the respeetive areas. For
loeation of area and town symbols, see Fig. 8.

FOSSILS AND STRATA 1 2 ( 1 98 3 )



Fig. 34. Apparent angular unconformity

at Pilar 9 ( Turonian 3) .

erates, oolites, pisolites and oncolitic limes tones would be

long to the Maruim Member; if dolomitized, to the Agui
Ihada Member; and more or less pure limes tones would be
referred to the C otinguiba Formation ( Sapucari Member) .
There are local, minor variations, such as the dolomitic
lower Turonian in the japaratuba area (localities japara
tuba 1 -9) .
Because of the difficulty in ascribing the C enomanian
s hallow-water sediments to a particular formation, in the
locality descriptions some of these sediments are provisional
ly referred to as " Riachuelo-Cotinguiba formation" ( cf.
Hedberg 1 97 6 : 38 ) ; however, in the Estancia area the f'ntire
sequence is referred to the Cotinguiba Formation (see p. 47) .

Discontinuities in the Turonian and Coniacian

As discussed above, the C enomanian record IS far from
complete, although locally parts of the stage may be well

Fig. 35. Transition up from oncolite-poor

( right) into oncolite-rich (lcft) limestones;
Praia 9 (Cenomanian, undifferentiated ) .

represented . For the Turonian and Coniacian, a more com

plete sequence can be expected, in view of the much greater
thicknesses for these s tages. Since Maury ' s ( 1 930) concept of
a Turonian and a Maastrichtian sequence was discarded,
the modem concept of the C otinguiba Formation has gener
ally been of a continuous sedimentary sequence from the late
Cenomanian or early Turonian up to the (early) Coniacian .
However, despite the great thicknesses, there are a large
number of discontinuities .
Various stages in the formation of hardgrounds, as de
scribed by Kennedy & Garrison ( 1 975) from the English
C haIk, can be recognized in the Turonian and Coniacian of
Sergipe: omission surfaces ( Fig. 36) , nodular limes tones ( cf.
Figs . 20 and 30) , intraformational conglomerates (or breccias)
( Figs . 37-38) , and incipient hardgrounds . Such discontinu
ity surfaces are concentrated to certain portions of the se
quence. For example, in 20 m of lower Turonian exposed
in quarry Retiro 1 5, five discontinuity surfaces were


Peter Bengtson : Cenomanian- Coniacian oJ Sergipe

FOSSILS AND STRATA 12 ( 1 98 3 )

Fig. 36. Discontinuity surface (omission

surface) in Laranj eiras limestones; Retiro
15 ( Turonian 2) . Scale bar is O. l m.

observed , two of which are underlain by brecciated or co

quinoid limestone (Figs . 36-3 7 ) . The latter lithologies are
commonly easily noted in the lield since they tend to form
features in outcrop, due to their high er resistance to erosion
than the adj acent limes tones ( Fig. 38) . They occur through-

out the Turonian-Coniacian ( Fig. 3 3 ) but have not been

found in the upper Turonian (for details , see locality de
scriptions, Appendix I ) . Nearby occurrences along s trike
may represent the same bed, e.g. Pedra Furada 1 5- Pedra
Furada 1 9-Pedra Furada 1 3 , and possibly Ribeira 3Ribeira 1 7-Retiro 1 5 . However, the lateral extent, or per
haps even regional ( cf. Kennedy & Garrison 1 97 5 : 364-365 ) ,
i s a s yet unknown.
With the exception of Pedra Branca 1 7 , the conglomerate
and breccia beds were not found in association with slump
s tructures . The most probable mode of formation is through
submarine erosion of early lithilied, perhaps nodular, lime
stones ( cf. Kennedy & Garrison 1 9 7 5 : 3 30-3 34) . There is as
yet no proof of regression with emergence in Sergipe during
the Turonian-early Coniacian. The numerous breaks in
sedimentation, even where evidenced by thick conglomer
ates or breccias , appear to be of less biostratigraphical sig
nificance than the breaks noted in the C enomanian.

Palaeontological notes

Fig. 37. I ntraformational breccia below discontinuity surface ( ar

rowed) in massive Laranj eiras limes tones; Retiro 15 ( Turonian 2) .
Scale bar is O . l m.

The Riachuelo Formation has long been known for its rich
macrofaunas, although much remains to be studied. The
Cotinguiba Formation was generally considered less fossili
ferous, locally even barren, and therefore received com para
tively little attention. However, it is now evident that the
Cotinguiba Formation also contains an impressive macro
fauna. Despite the large number of localities collected in this
study, parts of the Cenomanian-Coniacian sequence are
still unknown . Some of the ammonites were found at only
one or two localities; this highlights the need for continued
biostratigraphical work in the basin.
Ammonites , bivalves, gastropods and echinoids occur
abundantly at many leveis, although not everywhere in
association. Larger invertebrate speeies are normally con-




fined to the Laranj eiras facies, whereas smaUer forms are

more abundant in, though not restricted to, the Pindoba
facies or intermediate bedding types. Other invertebrate
groups are scarce or rare . Nautiloids are com mon only in the
lower C enomanian, belemnites and rudists are lacking, and
a single brachiopod was found ( an upper Turonian lingu
Iid) . Corals and bryozoans are rare, claws of the crustacean
Callianassa are 10caUy abundant, but entire carapaces are
rare. A few stramentid cirripedes were found, attached to
ammonite mould s . Serpulids are common at certain leveis;
sponges were not found. Burrows of the Planolites type are
the dominant trace fossils.
Vertebrates are 10caUy common; fish vertebrae, teeth and
other remains, as weU as a few entire fish skeletons , were
found . Reptilian remains are rare.
The microfacies analysis carried out by Pierre-Yves
Berthou ( Paris, France) on material from almost aU localities
sampled demonstrates an abundant but rather monotonous
microfauna, including some biostratigraphicaUy important
forms identifiable in thin section (see pp. 49-50) . Extraction of
microfossils from lithified material - most of the material
available - is commonly very diilicult or impossible. There
fore, complementary sampling from marly and clayey inter
calations at localities weU dated by ammonites is needed to
obtain suilicient material for detailed micropalaeontological

Stage boundaries and subdivisions

Cretaceous chronostratigraphy is currently in a s tate of flux,
as a result of the recent boom in research on Cretaceous
biostratigraphy and accumulation of enormous amounts of
new information on both the classical areas and on previous
ly unexplored areas . Recent reviews of problems of midd le
C retaceous biostratigraphy are given for ammonites by
Hancock & Kennedy ( 1 98 1 ) and for inoceramids by Troger
( 1 98 1 ) .
Due to the lack of international agreement on stage
boundaries and subdivisions , conventional names of sub
s tages (e.g. Lower, Middle and Upper Turonian) and even
s tages cannot be used indiscriminate!y. Therefore, names of
substages are here consistently us ed in an in formal sen se, as
indicated by the lower-case initial letter of the modifier.
For a working subdivision of the Cenomanian-Coniacian
of Sergipe, the ammonite succession provides the best means
from the material available. The various ammonite units
recognized are designated simply by s tage and a qualifying
num ber instead of by names of taxa, thereby s tressing the
provisional character of the units. A formal and more de
tailed biostratigraphical system will follow when taxonomic
work on relevant faun as ( and floras) is completed. The
systematic names listed are in many cases tentative and
liable to be altered during the taxonomic work.
The stage boundaries are defined here as follows :
Albian-Cenomanian boundary: Base of assemblage with
Graysonites lo;:oi Y oung, Sharpeiceras laticlavium ( Sharpe) , Sto
lic;:kaia (Shumarinaia) aJricana ( Pervinquiere) , Hypoturrilites
gravesianus (d' Orbigny) , Mariella s p . , etc. ( Cenomanian 1
herein ) .

Fig. 38. Erosion-resistant breccia bank forming a raised feature on

the hillside; Muvuca 7 ( Turonian 2) .

Cenomanian-Turonian boundary: Base of assemblage with

Paravascoceras hartti ( Hyatt) , Pseudaspidoceras Jooteanum ( Sto
liczka) , Pseudotissotia spp . , Wrightoceras s p . , etc. ( Turonian 1
herein) .

Turonian-C oniacian boundary: Base of assemblage with

Prionocycloceras guayabanum ( Steinmann ) , Barroisiceras (B.) oni
lahyense Basse, Forresteria spp . , Solgerites armatus ( S olger) , Bos
trychoceras indicum ( S toliczka ) , etc. ( Coniacian 1 herein ) .

There is re!atively little disagreement over the Turonian

Coniacian boundary, whereas the Cenomanian-Turonian
boundary is currently in hot debate, as discussed at some
length by Hancock & Kennedy ( 1 98 1 ) and Wright & Ken
nedy ( 1 98 1 ) for the classical areas of southeastern England
and north western France . It may be appropriate to point out
that the Paravascoceras hartti assemblage of Sergipe, as used
here, contains scattered Euomphaloceras (Kanabiceras) aff. sep
temseriatum ( Cragin) . Some workers might prefer to date this
assemblage as latest Cenomanian and place the stage
boundary at the base of the assemblage with Watinoceras
spp . , etc. ( Turonian 2 herein) . In Sergipe the latter leve!
displays a much more pronounced faunal (and also lithologi
cal) shift than the base of the Paravascoceras hartti assemblage .
lf the base of the Watinoceras spp. assemblage were chosen as
the Cenomanian-Turonian boundary, the age of the classi
cal Bom Jesus locality with Paravascoceras hartti and "Pseud
aspidoceras pedroanum" ( P. Jooteanum) would change from


fOSSILS AND STRATA 12 ( 1 98 3 )

Peter Bengtson: Cenomanian- Coniaeian of Sergipe

Turonian back to the "original" ( S teinmann 1 88 1 ; Fig. SA

herein) Cenomanian age.
Selected ammonites, inoceramids and other bivalves, gas
tropods, and echinoids, which are characteristic of the var
ious ammonite subdivisions, are listed in the following chap
ters . I n addition, the vertical distribution of all ammonite
genera identified in the succession is given in Fig. 39. Deter
minations of fossils other than ammonites have been kindly
provid ed by Erle G . Kauffman (inoceramids ) , Jean Philippe
Lefranc ( middle C enomanian-Iower Turonian non-inocera
mid bivalves and gastropods ) , and by Alain Bidar ( echin
oids) . Microfossils and biostratigraphically " useless " macro
fossil groups are not listed, although taxonomic work on
these groups is also in progress.
The potential of the various fossil groups and methods in
biostratigraphy of the Sergipe Basin is discussed on pp.


Characterized by the ammonites Graysonites lo;:oi Young,

Sharpeiceras laticlavium ( Sharpe) , Stolic;:kaia (Shumarinaia) afri
eana ( Pervinquiere) , Hypoturrilites gravesianus (d' Orbigny) and
MarielIa sp. Also common are speeies of Pu;:osia, Desmoeeras,
Tetragonites, Eogaudryceras and Phylloceras. Sharpeiceras florencae
( Spath) and Forbesiceras brundretti (Young) occur sparsely .
The more abundant bivalves include Liopistha alta (Roemer) .
The echinoid fauna is diverse with common Cardiaster cuben
sis Jackson, Holeetypus cenomanensis Gueranger, Salenia rugosa
d' Archiac and Salenia petalifera Desmarest, and less common
Cottaldia benettiae ( Konig) , Holaster aff. bisehoffi ( Renevier) ,
Salenia scutigera (von Miinster) and Glyphocyphus radiatus
( Honinghaus) ? No inoceramids have been found. The unit
is of early Cenomanian age.

bivalves include Plicatula auressensis Coquand and Neithea

hispanica ( d ' Orbigny) . The gastropod fauna is dominated by
Ringinella pinguiseula White and TurritelIa (Haustatar) earrego
;:ica Maury; Pteroeera (Dicroloma?) aff. decussata (Zekeli) and
Chenopus (Drepanoehilus) aff. eostae ( C hoffat) also occur. Phy
mosoma riograndensis Maury dominates the echinoid fauna
with Cottaldia benettiae ( Konig) , Pseudodiadema cf. macropygus
Cotteau and Psammeehinus sp. as subordinate elemen ts. The
unit is of middle or late C enomanian age .


Characterized by Euomphaloceras (Kanabiceras) septemseriatum

(Cragin ) , E. (K.) aff. septemseriatum (Cragin) , Pseudaspidoceras
pseudonodosoides (Choffat) , Pseudaspidoeeras aff. footeanum ( S to
liczka) , Vaseoeeras gamai C hoffat and sparse Gombeoeeras gongi
lense (Woods) . lnoceramus (1.) pie/us Sowerby and I. (I.) /enui
striatus Nagao & Matsumoto are the dominant inoceramids .
Most other bivalves and gas tropods persist from Cenomanian
3, for example the bivalves Exogyra (Costagyra) olisiponensis
Sharpe, E. (Rhynehostreon) columba ( Lamarek) , E. africana
( Lamarck) , Plieatula auressensis Coquand and the gastropods
Ringinella pinguiscula White, TurntelIa (Haus/a/or) earrego;:ica
Maury and Pteroeera (Dicroloma?) aff. deeussata ( Zekeli ) . Phy
mosoma riograndense Maury, Holaster aff. bisehoffi ( Renevier)
and Salenia sp. characterize the echinoid fauna, and the first
Hemiaster jaeksoni Maury appear. The unit is of latest C eno
mani an age, taking the definition of the Cenomanian-Tur
onian boundary given on p . 43 .


Characterized by Paravaseoeeras hartti ( Hyatt) , typical Pseud

aspidoeeras footeanum ( Stoliczka) ( P. pedroanum ( White) ) and
abundant pseudotissotiines such as Pseudotissotia nigeriensis
plana Barber, P. gabonensis Lombard, Wrightoeeras sp. and
Thomasites sp. Vascoceras? globosum ( Reyment) and species of
Mitonia and Nannovaseoceras occur locally. I noceramids are
sparse and include Mytiloides sp. of the M. submytiloides
( Seitz) group, and M. mytiloides ( Mantell) . Other bivalves
recorded are Psilomya ligeriensis ( d ' Orbigny) , Astarte similis
Miinster, and Pseudolimea interplicasa ( Stoliczka) . Among the
gastropods , Chenopus (Helieaulax) subgibbosus Pervinquiere
and Piestochilus (Cryptorhytis) cf. thevestensis (Coquand) are
characteristic. The predominant echinoid is Hemiasterjacksoni
Maury. The unit is of earliest Turonian age taking the
definition of the C enomanian-Turonian boundary given on
p. 43.

Cenomanian 2
C haracterized by fairly large acanthoceratid ammonites,
notably Aeompsoeeras spathi Basse, A. aff. renevieri ( Sharpe) ,
Dunveganoeeras sp. and Euomphaloceras (E.) meridianale ( S to
liczka) . Species of Forbesiceras, Calycoeeras and Turrilites occur
locally . Bivalves include Exogyra (Costagyra) olisiponensis
Sharpe and Eriphyla (Do::yia) lenticularis ( Goldfuss) ; inocera
mids have not been found. A middle C enomanian age is
inferred for the unit.

Cenomanian 3
This assemblage contains the ammonites Aeanthoeeras aff.
jukesbrownei ( Spath) , Euealyeoeeras pentaganum O ukes-Browne) ,
Pseudocalyeoeeras harpax ( Sharpe) , Thomelites aff. sornayi (Tho
mel) , rare Metoicoceras geslinianum (d'Orbigny) , and puzo
siines. Inoceramids are rare; Inoceramus eapulus Moreman
appears to be restricted to the unit. Exogyra (Costagyra)
olisiponensis Sharpe, E. (Rhynehostreon) eolumba ( Lamarck) and
E. afrieana ( Lamarck) are common, locally abundant; other

Turonian 2
More diverse ammonite fauna than the previous assem
blage, with Watinoceras amudariense (Arkhangel 'skij ) , W. jaekeli
( Solger) , Neoptyehites cephalotus (Courtiller) , Kamerunoceras
seit;:i ( Riedel ) , and various species of Coilopoceras and Hopli
toides ( e . g . , H. ingens (von Koenen) and H. gibbosulus (von


FOSSILS AND STRATA 1 2 ( 1 98 3 )

Koenen) ) occurring abundantly throughout. Watinoceras co

loradoense (Henderson) , W. guentherti Reyment, other speeies
of Watinoceras, Benueites? s p . , Pachydesmoceras s p . , and hamitids
occur in lesser numbers . Scarce Romaniceras deverianum (d' Or
bigny) occur low in the unit, and Spathites (Spathites) sp. is
rare at the base. A distinctive fauna characterized by Mam
mites nodosoides ( S chlii ter) , Kamerunoceras turoniense (d ' Or
bigny) , Fagesia bomba Eck and F. involuta Barber occurs in the
midd le of the unit. Mammites nodosoides continues to the top of
the unit. Mitonia reesidei ( Maury ) , apparently different from
the Mitonia of Turonian 1, dominates the ammonite fauna
locally. Common inoceramids include Mytiloides labiatus (von
Schlotheim) , M. opalensis (Base ) , M. mytiloides ( Mantell) , M.
aff. hercynicus ( Petrascheck) and M. subhercynicus Seitz. Spe
eies of Sergipia are sparse throughout, whereas Inoceramus (l.)
cuvieri Sowerby and "Sphenoceramus " spp. appear restricted to
certain leveis. Besides inoceramids, the rich bivalve fauna of
this unit also includes Protocardia pauli (Coquand ) , Pholado
mya aff. esmarki Nilsson, Psilomya ligeriensis (d'Orbigny ) , Lio
p istha alta (Roemer) , Astarte similis Miinster and Pseudolimea
interplieosa ( S toliczka) . Gastropods include A mpullospira
(Amauropsis) bulbiformis (Sowerby) , Chenopus (Helicaulax) sub
gibbosus Pervinquiere, Voluta (Aulica) aff. cretacea Coquand ,
Mesorhytis cf. renauxianus (d'Orbigny) and Pterocera (Dicro
loma?) aff. decussata ( Zekeli) . Hemiaster jacksoni Maury is local
ly abundant and almost totally dominates the echinoid fau
na. The unit probably corresponds to a maj or part of the

0 0 0 0 -I

Ammonite genera

:l :l :l
o o o


Ol Ol Ol
:l :l :l


3 3 3 3

Pi '

Ol Ol
:l :l :l

Contains severai sub-assemblages characterized primarily

by medium-sized or large collignoniceratids . Abundant or
com mon forms are Barroisiceras (B.) onilahyense Basse, Solger
ites armatus (Solger) , Forresteria spp . , Prionocycloceras guaya
ba num (Steinmann) , Prionocycloceras lenti (Gerhardt) and Texa-



r\l W




G a u t h ieric e ra s ?
Ha rleites
H a u e ric e r a s
He t e r o t iss o t ia
H y p o p h y l l o ceras
O t o s c ap h i t e s
Pe r o n iceras
Prion o c yc l o ceras
Re g i n a ites ?
S o lg e rites
Te x a s ia
Tr a g o de s m o c e ra s ?

p a r a len t ic e r a s
R e e s id i t e s
S C ip o n o c e ra s ?
S u bprion o cyc lus
P a r apu z o s ia (Pa rap u z o s i a )
S t o m o h a m i tes
B e n u eites ?
C o ilop o c e r a s
F a g e sia

N e op t y c h i t e s
R o m a n iceras
S c a la r i t e s
Sp a th i t e s (Sp a th i te s )
Wa t i n o c e r a s
M i t o n ia
N a n n o v a s c o c e ra s
P a ra v a s c o ceras
Ps e u do t is s o t ia
Th o m a s i t e s
Wrigh t o c e r a s
Eu o mph a l o c e r a s (Kan a b ic e r a s )
P s e u da sp ido c e r a s
Va sc o c e r a s
G o m b e o ceras
Ps e u d o c a l y c o c e ra s
A c a n t h o ce ra s
E u c a l y c o c e ra s
M e to i c o c e r a s
P a r a p u z o s i a (A u s tin i c e ras)

A c o mp s o c e ra s
C a I y c o c e ra s
D u n v eg a n o c e r a s
E u o mp h a l o c eras ( Eu o m p h a loc eras)
Tu r r i l i t e s
Forb esiceras
P u z o s ia
D e s m o eeras
Eo g a u dr y c e r a s
G r a ys o n i t e s
H yp o t u r ri l i t e s
M a r ie ila
P h y ll o c e r a s

Fig. 39. Distribution of Cenomanian-Coniacian ammonite genera

in Sergipe for the eight subdivisions defined on pp. 44-47 . =
common, = sparse, O = rare.

Ol Ol
:l :l

D a m esites

Pa chydesm o ceras




B a rro isic e ra s (B a s s e o c e ra s )

Th o m e l i t e s



B a r r o isiceras (Barro isiceras)

Ma m m i t e s

Characterized by notably low diversity of ammonites with

small speeies of Subprionocyclus and, in lesser numbers , Reesi
dites. Large speeimens of Parapuzosia are locally common,
hamitids occur sparsely, and the only baculitids in Sergipe
are recorded from rocks of this unit. Locally, Subprionocyclus
and Reesidites gi ve way to other faunas of small-sized forms,
including Paralenticeras leonhardianum ( Karsten) . The inocera
mids are mainly Inoceramus (1.) apicalis Woods , l. perplexus
Whitfield, Mytiloides striatoconcentricus (Giimbel) and Sergipia
spp. Other bivalves and gastropods are so far little studied
but include Pseudolimea interplieosa ( Stoliczka) and large spe
eies of Fusus and Tylostoma. Hemiaster jacksoni Maury contin
ues to be the predominant echinoid; Cardiaster sp. has also
be en recorded . The unit is of latest Turonian age.

-1 -1
c:: c::

A n ag a udr yceras

Ka m e r u n o c e r a s



..... r\l W +>-

Hop litoide s


5j '


o o
:l :l


S h a rp e ie e ra s
S t o li c z k a i a (S h u m a rinaia)
Te t ra g o n i t e s



OO ?




., ., .,
., .,








Peter Bengtson: Cenomanian-Coniacian of Sergipe

Fig. 40. Generalized Cenomanian-Coniacian succession of the Sergipe Basin, with figures of selected, diagnostic ammonite genera (NB:
not necessarily the most abundant forms). The profile comprises the
Sapucari Member of the Cotinguiba Formation and is based primarily on sections from the Itaporanga (lower-middle Cenomanian),


Japaratuba (middle Cenomanian-lower Turonian) and Laranjeiras-Socorro (lower Turonian-lower Coniacian) areas. Vertical scale
is approximate. Figures of ammonites show actual specimens or are
composed of restored specimens. Predominant size ranges for adult
specimens (0) are given in cm.


sia sp. Thee are sparse Heterotissotia s p . , Hauericeras antiquum

C oUignon, Harleites s p . , Bostrychoceras indicum ( S toliczka) , Per
oniceras spp . , Anagaudryceras buddha (Forbes ) , Prionocycloceras
gaudryi (Boule, Lemoine & Thevenin) , Hypophylloceras s p . ,
Otoscaphites s p . , Barroisiceras (Basseoceras) sp., hamitids and
doubtful Reginaites and Gauthiericeras. A single Damesites is
reported in the literature. The inoceramid fauna is diverse,
characterized by Mytiloides striatoconcentricus (Gi.imbel) , M.
dresdensis ( Troger) , M. fiegei (Troger) , M. lusatiae (Andert) ,
Cremnoceramus? waltersdorfensis (Andert ) , C. ? rotundatus (Fiege)
and Inoceramus winkholdioides Andert. The genus Didymotis,
represented primarily by D. aff. variabilis (Gerhardt) , is an
easily recognizable marker for the Coniacian. Severai non
inoceramid bivalves and gastropods persist from the Turon
ian. Characteristic components of the unit are the bivalves
Pinna sp. and Liopistha (Psilomya) supermensa White. The most
com mon gastropods are Tylostoma spp . ; Aporrhais sp. and Fusus
sp. are also found. Hemiaster jacksoni Maury remains domi
nant among the echinoids . The unit is early Coniacian and
possibly even comprises a maj or part of the Coniacian.

Practical application of the subdivision

The subdivision presented here for the Cenomanian
C oniacian sequence of Sergipe is based primarily on am
mani te genera, as iJIustrated in Fig. 39. Many of these
genera are common, weU distributed within their respective
units and easily identifiable. Figure 40 shows a schematic
composite section for the basin , with figures of selected,
diagnostic genera. The ammonite subdivision, as presented
in this diagram, can be used as a convenient instrument for
bro ad dating in the field . By contras t, biozonation systems
based on successions of species , although normally provid
ing more detail ed stratigraphy, require the user to have
considerable taxonomic experience, and species determina
tions of unprocessed material are not always possible.
The biostratigraphical map (Appendix 3 ) shows the ap
proximate geographical distribution of the various ammonite
units .

The Estancia area

South of the Sergipe Basin sensu stricio, in the area of Estan
cia, there is a narrow belt of marine Cretaceous deposits
( Fig. 2 ) . This area constitutes a s tructural high, outside the
fault-bounded marginal basin. It is bordered to the north
east by the I taporanga Fault and to the northwest there is
probably an erosional boundary ( cf. Oj eda & Fugita 1 9 76,
Figs . 1 7- 1 8) . The area is commonly referred to in the litera
ture as the "Estancia platform " . Due to its separation from
the main outcrop area of C enomanian-Coniacian in Sergipe
( Fig. 2 ) , it is not induded in the principal map (Appendix 3)
but is discussed separately here.
The C retaceous of the Estancia area comprises some 500
m of sediments ( Henao Londono 1 958; Petrobras borehole
2-PE-IA-SE, 9 km SW of the I t aporanga Fault and I km
from the coast, contained 6 1 m of Piac;:abuc;:u and 1 55 m of
Cotinguiba sediments resting on Proterozoic(?) basement:

The Estfwcia area


Richter & Sim6es 1 9 7 5 , sheet SC-24-Z-D-l-2/4 So Crist6vo) . The sequence thins out southwards and is sparsely
exposed because of a thick cover of Barreiras deposits. How
ever, from some localities, fairly rich fossil coUections have
been described ( e . g . , Santa Luzia, So Gonc;:alo, Tiburcio) .
Petrobras geological maps ( F . C . Ponte, W . S . de Abreu & G.
G. Nery 1 964: Geologia da parte sul da bacia sedimentar de
Sergipe; map sheets 72 1 -3-3, 722-4- 1 and 7 22-4-4. Relatdrio
No . 331, Petrobrds) indicate 3 1 localities in the area. With the
exception of the old quarries of the sEtia Tiburcio near the
Riacho Biriba, almost all outcrops are of minor extent,
temporary and generally diilicult of access. There are no
working quarries . ane of the maj o r outcrop areas , the Tibur
cio area, became omitted from the published geological map
of the basin ( Richter & Sim6es 1 97 5 , sheet SC . 24-Z-D- I - 3
Esrancia) . Figure 4 1 shows p a r t o f t h e Estancia area with the
few localities located during a preliminary survey in 1 9 7 7 .
The exact age o f the C retaceous o f the Estancia area was
previously not definitely established . The ammonite collect
ed from the area and described as an Albian Metenganaceras
(Brito 1 96 7 ) is so poorly preserved that generic assignment
appears infeasible. The abundance of Exagyra at Sitio Tibur
cio led K . Beurlen ( 1 9 7 0 : 2 5 3 ) to postulate a C enomanian
age. This is now confirmed through a find there of the
ammonite Thomelites s p . , which gives a definite late Ceno
manian age ( unit Cenamanian 3 herein) to these beds .
For the rest of the Estancia area a thorough investigation
is needed , but Iithological similarity together with bivalve
and gastropod faunas suggest that the whole sequence may
be late C enomanian (and early Turonian?) . This would
correspond to the period of global eustatic rise which
reached its maximum in the earliest Turonian (Hancock &
Kauffman 1 9 79: 1 8 1 ) ; this transgression covered many areas
not previously inundated . There are lithological similarities
to C enomanian rocks of the Japaratuba area, for example
the dolomitic limestone of Biriba I , as discussed on pp.
K. Beurlen ( 1 9 7 0 : 2 5 3 , 1 9 7 I a:94) named the C retaceous
sequence of the Estancia area "Tiburcio Beds" and "Ti bur
cio Formation" . Sandstones , eonglomerates, oys ter beds
and other evidence of shallow-water environments are
common in these beds, which I consider as basal in a late
C enomanian-early Turonian depositional cyde and there
fore a local facies of the Cotinguiba Formation ( cf. p. 40) .
Similar shallow-water deposits oeeur at the base of the
Cotinguiba Formation in the main outerop area, and there is
no reason to maintain a loeal lithostratigraphical name in
the Esraneia area for this faeies development. The oeeur
rence of Riaehuelo sediments under the C otinguiba beds, as
suggested by Oj eda & Fugita ( 1 976, Fig. 1 7 ) , is not support
ed by available data.

The lithostratigraphieal results from this work are essential
ly of loeal importance. By contrast, the biostratigraphical
data on the Sergipe sequences have immediate bearing on
eurrent international work towards refined biozonation of


Peter Bengtson: Cenomanian Coniacian of Sergipe

FOSSILS A N D STRATA 1 2 ( 1 983)


. . .
. .





. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. ..

' .


P i a u i

Porto da e r u z

Sea l e 1 : 50 000

1 000


2000 m

. . .

0 1

. . '


B i r i ba


the Cretaceous . It would be premature to draw far-reaching

conclusions before detailed systematic s tudy of the biostrati
graphically important material, but a few observations can
nevertheless be made.

Subdivision of the seq uence

Eight ammonite "assemblages" are readily recognizable in
the Cenomanian to Coniacian of Sergipe. For a reasonably
complete C enomanian-Coniacian sequence, at least twice as
many biozones can be anticipated (Hancock & Kennedy
1 98 1 ) .
The subdivision of the Cenomanian i s based on fewer
sections and a smaller geographical area than that of the
Turonian-Coniacian . For the C enomanian, the I taporanga
( Cenomanian 1) and Japaratuba ( Cenomanian 2- Cenomanian 4)
areas are used. The order of the units Cenomanian 1 to
Cenomanian 3 is based more on comparison with ammonite
successions in other parts of the world than on observed field
relationships . It is likely that large parts of the Cenomanian
are not represented in the subdivision, either due to lack of
exposure or to non-sequences . In the course of systematic
work, detailed comparison with other Tethyan areas will be
required to place the ammonites of Sergipe in their correct
biostratigraphical position.
I n the Turonian, and to some extent in the Coniacian,
there are assemblages of ammonites which occur at on ly a
few localities or in a very restricted area. Some of these
faunas are nearly monospecific and therefore very difficult to
place in the s tratigraphical framework. A Mitonia fauna
found at Pindoba 2 , Pedra Branca 8, Pedra Furada 1 7 , and
Boa Luz I I and 1 2 appears younger than that at Laranj eiras
1 4, Boa Sorte 14 and Sergipe 5 , but the lack of associated
elements from the former group of localities prevents definite
correlation at this stage. Another distinct but more diverse
fauna of s mall ammonites is found in Turonian 2 at Pedra
Furada 1 3 , Ribeira 6, Santa C ruz 8, Pindoba 5, and Lom
bada 1 2 . Locality Ilhas 6, geographically in the middle of
unit Turonian 3, contains an ammonite fauna notably differ
ent from the Subprionocyclus association which characterizes
the unit. In the Coniacian, the Barroisiceras fauna is well
developed only at Mata 9 and 1 0. Similarly, the large pero n
iceratines recorded at the isolated Laj es I were not found
elsewhere in the area, so that their stratigraphical position
within the Coniacian remains uncertain.
The faunal boundaries between units are sharp, even at
generic level, with the exception of Cenomanian 4- Turonian 1 ,
where there is some overlapping of genera. However, the
appearance of abundant pseudotissotiines in combination
with Paravascoceras hartti and typical Pseudaspidoceras footeanum
clearly defines the base of Turonian 1. The Cenomanian 4- Tur
onian 1 ammonite boundary also coincides with a significant

Fig. 41. Northern part of the Est5.neia area showing localities investi
gated, with outcrop areas for the Cotinguiba Formation marked
( s haded) . Road symbols as for Appendix 3. For loeation of area, sec
Fig. 2 . Sourees : Riehter & Si moes ( 1 9 75, sheet SC . 24-Z-D-I-3 Es
taneia) and unpublished geological map of F. C. Ponte ( sheet 722-4I , in F. C. Ponte, W. S. dc Abreu & G. G. Nery 1 964 [for rull
reference, see p. 471 ) .

P . Bengtson



change in the bivalve and gastropod faunas . However,

where Cenomanian 4 and Turonian 1 are in contact, sedimenta
tion seems more or less continuous. The sharp faunal shifts
between subdivisions at other levels are probably due to
gaps in the sequence (except, possibly, the Turonian 3- Coniac
ian 1 boundary) .
In future refinement of the biozonation, subdivisions Ceno
manian 2 and Coniacian 1 will be further subdivided . In the
former, Acompsoceras and Dunveganoceras form distinctive as
semblages, although their exact relationship has yet to be
determined . I n Coniacian 1, Prionocycloceras, Barroisiceras and
Solgerites characterize separate assemblages, s tratigraphical
ly probably in that order. In the thick Turonian 2 subdivision,
biozones will probably be based on species of Watinoceras or
coilopoceratids; both groups occur in sufficient numbers and
diversity to be useful as biostratigraphical tools . The appear
ance of Mammites nodosoides may be a good basis for defini tion
of a biozone.
Although this study is centred on ammonite biostrati
graphy, it will probably be possible to establish an equally
refined biozonation based on inoceramids . Preliminary ino
ceramid determinations show very good agreement with the
ammonite s tratigraphy . Other macrofossil groups appear
controlled more by environment than time, although indi
vidual genera or species may be of biostratigraphical value.
For example, abundance of Exogyra indicates middle or up
per C enomanian, by analogy with other Tethyan areas.
Diversity of echinoids also indicates C enomanian age in
Sergipe, although the generally shallower environment dur
ing this age probably played an important role. The relative
abundance of each fossil group has been recorded at each
locality for studies of the depositional environments .
As mentioned on pp. 42-43, there is some correlation
between lithofacies and fossil con tent, mainly in size of the
macrofossils . This complicates biostratigraphical correlation
in areas of heterogeneous facies development and especially
with facies extremes . Very few levels are devoid of biostrati
graphically useful fossils, although diagnostic material can be
hard to obtain at some leveis .
The results of microfacies analysis carried out on the
Cotinguiba material will be published elsewhere ( by P.-Y.
Berthou & P . Bengtson) , although a few significant stratigra
phical implications are discussed here. In some cases, bio
stratigraphically useful microfossils can be identified in thin
section. I n addition , lithostratigraphical correlation over
short distances, especially if supported by faunal similarities,
often approximates to biostratigraphical correlation . Using
microfacies analysis within the framework of ammonite
units, four main groups of microfacies are recognized in the
C enomanian-Coniacian of Sergipe:
Cenomanian. - Relatively coarse-grained microfacies with 10cally abundant faunal debris ( echinoids , Saccocoma s p . , Hed
bergella s p . , Heterohelix s p . , Pithonella s p . , s ponge spicules,
etc. ) . Local extraclasts and oncoliths.
Lower Turonian. - Microfacies with less faunal debris than
the previous group. Pellets, Pithonella s p . , Heterohelix sp. and
rare sponge spicules . C alcispheres common .
Upper Turonian . - Peloidal microfacies with very rare macro
faunal debri s . Calcispheres abundant. Pithonella sp. and
sponge spicules common .


FOSS ILS AND STRATA 1 2 ( 1 98 3 )

Peter Bengtson: Cenomanian- Coniacian of Sergipe







r- - - - - - - - - -


- - - - - -


Coniacian 1

L ithas trin us grilli

Turonian 3


Hedberge/la delrio e n s is


Turonian 2
Turo n i a n 1



Cenomanian 3


Nan n oconus truitti

Cenomanian 2


Fa vuse /la washitensis


Fig. 42. Correlation of current microfossil zonations for Sergipe with

ammonitc subdivisions used herein . Boundaries of ammonite units
tentatively drawn to scale based on numcrical ages (means) of Odin
& Kennedy ( 1 982 ) . Sourccs: palynomorphs from Lima & Boltcnha-

gen ( 1 98 1 ) , nannofossils from Quadros & Gomide ( 1 9 7 3 ) , and

planktie foraminifers from Noguti & Santos ( 1 9 7 3 ) , with nomcncla
torial updating of "Hedbergella " washitensis from Han et al. ( 1 98 1 ) .

Coniacian. - Peloidal microfacies with abundant macrofaunal

debris. Pithonella sp. and Heterohelix sp. generally rare or
absent. Sponge spicules commonly abundant.

belt from ca. 3 k m to practically nothing. Field measure

ments show that strike and dip variations alone cannot
account for these considerable changes, nor is there any field
evidence for large-scale faults ( cf. pp. 3 1 - 3 2 ) . Strongly vari
able rates of sedimentation across small dis tances form the
most probable explanation; this accords with the postulated ,
continued movements of the basin floor, causing frequent
facies changes and pro babl y also breaks in sedimentation .
The Cenomanian subdivisions are exposed in limited
areas . Especially in the Japaratuba area, they are difficult to
represent on the map because of irregular outcrop pattern
produced by complex s tructural relationships . In the I tapo
ranga area (sensu lato) , only Cenomanian 1 and Cenomanian 2
seem to be present, in the C umbe area only Cenomanian 4 has
been proved, and in the Japaratuba area the lower Ceno
manian ( Cenomanian 1) is apparently missing or perhaps not
exposed .
In a few areas, subdivision assignment is equivocal due to
lack of diagnostic fossils ; these areas are designated only as
Cenomanian ( e . g . , Sergipe and Canabrava areas ) .
Among the biostratigraphically more important sections
in the Japaratuba area are jardim 1 9 and 2 2 and Japaratuba
1 1 - 1 2 , which span the Cenomanian 3- Cenomanian 4 and Ceno
manian 4- Turonian 2 intervals , respectively . These sections
are locally extremely fossiliferous and suitable for detailed
study of the controversial C enomanian-Turonian boundary.
It is possible that also section Magalhaes 8 straddles the
Cenomanian 4- Turonian 1 boundary, but confirmation of this
must await full taxonomic treatment of the faunas . Other
sections spann ing the Turonian 1- Turonian 2 transition should
be taken into account, i . e . C ruzes 1 7 and Rita C acete 4
( southeast of I taporanga) . C ruzes 1 7 , in particular, is very
fossiliferous and prornising for further s tudy . Apart from the
few localities mentioned, the only locality where more than
one subdivision is definitely present is Praia 9 , south of
Maruim; however, at this locality most of the Cenomanian
appears to be missing.

A small number of microfossils were iden tified to species

during microfacies analysis . The foraminifer Hemicyclammina
sigali Maync is of particular s tratigraphical interest as it is
generally considered not to pass the C enomanian-Turonian
boundary . The al ga Heteroporella lepina Praturlon is also bio
stratigraphically useful since it sugges ts an age not younger
than early Turonian.
Ostracodes and nannofossils are as yet little studied in the
Sergipe material, and palynomorphs are rarely well pre
served in outcrop samples . These microfossil groups, along
with foraminifers, have been employed extensively by Petro
bras in biostratigraphical zonation of subsurface material,
and palynomorphs especially have yielded good resolution
( Fig. 4 2 ; cf. Fig. 5B) . However, the microfossil resolution
appears far less detailed than the subdivision expected
from ammonites and inoceramids . The aim is to establish an
in tegrated biozonation in which all biostratigraphically use
ful groups are included .

The biostratigraphical map

Base data for the biostratigraphical map (Appendix 3) have
been compiled as explained on pp. 2 7-30. The geographical
distribution of the subdivisions bas ed on ammonites is
traced on the map. In areas of widely spaced outcrops,
boundaries between units are inferred . In areas with no or
very few outcrops, boundaries are omitted . I t will be noted
from the locality index (Appendix 2 ) that a few localities are
possibly of Albian age ( cf. p . 2 5 ) .
Across only 25 km, from Benj amim Constant-Pati to
Lombada, the width of the ou tcrop belt of the Cotinguiba
Formation changes from 1 2 km to less than 2 km. Particular
ly conspicuous is the red uction in the Turonian 3- Coniacian 1


Summa ry

Only in the Laranj eiras-Socorro area are all the Turon

ian-Coniacian s u bdivisions well represented in outcrop .
The basal Turonian l unit occupies a narrow belt and ap
pears locally to be missing. By contras t, Turonian 2 and
Turonian 3 occupy wide beIts across the area, although the
latter narrows considerably from Sapucari northeastwards.
The Turonian 2- Turonian 3 boundary is poorly documented
due to scarcity of outcrops in the boundary area; mos t of the
outcrops in the Santa C ruz and Pilar areas also lack diag
nostic fossils.
The Turonian 3- Coniacian l boundary deviates from region
al strike considerably in the Oiteiro-Caj aiba area, where
Coniacian l is bes t developed . This is apparently tectonic,
since there is great variation in strike (measured in the field ,
and shown on unpublished Petro bras maps and on maps by
Richter & Si moes 1 97 5 ) . Despite a fairly dense network of
localities, the precise dating of the Oiteiro area is somewhat
ambiguous . Some ammonites from Oiteiro 1 - 7 , although
dated here as Coniacian (dating supported by inoceramids ) ,
have a certain "late Turonian appearance" . Microfacies
analysis also indicates upper Turonian rather than Coniac
ian. The isolated Oiteiro 8 contains a unique, non-diagnostic
collignoniceratid fauna, albeit including a single, doubtful
Barroisiceras sp. There are no outcrops to the southwest to
provide additional avidence. However, Mata 9 and 1 0 are
definitely Coniacian, containing abundant Barroisiceras and
Forresteria followed by Solgerites, so the existence of the "Oi
teiro bulge" appears to be well established.
I n the Socorro area, the Coniacian l belt narrows consider
ably. The boundary here is well positioned through diagnos
tic ammonites . Further northeas twards the belt widens, pro
ducing a marked bulge in the Pilar- Ilhas area ( b u t probably
not including the Sapucari ou tcrops) . The upper boundary
of the Cotinguiba Formation is uncertain in this area, so the
bulge may actually be less prominent than it appears on the
I n the C aieira-Laj es portion of the outcrop area, northeast
of the Sergipe River, Turonian 2 dominates the exposures .
Turonian 3 has been proved at only a few localities . Near the
Cotinguiba-PiaabUl;:u boundary, some localities which
have been dated as Turonian 2 through microfacies analysis
may actually belong to Turonian 3, for example, Boticario 2
and Buenos Aires 3 . Coniacian seems to be missing from the
area, except at the isolated outcrop Laj es I , on the boundary
with the Piaabuu Formation.

C onclusions
( I ) The C enomanian-Coniacian of the Sergipe Basin con
tains a rich ammonite fauna of essentially Tethyan ( sensu
lata ) affinity and of low endemism .
( 2 ) T h e sequence can be coarsely subdivided into eight
faunal units on the basis of easily recognizable ammonite
associations . Each unit is characterized primarily by diag
nostic genera, which makes the subdivision very useful in the
(3) The ammonite subdivisions recognized correspond



time roughly to the early, middle, midd le-late, and late

Cenomanian, the early, early-middle, and late Turonian, and
the early and possibly also late Coniacian.
(4) Ammonites and inoceramids are particularly prornising
for detailed biostratigraphical zonation; other macroinverte
brates appear of more limited s tratigraphical value.
(5) In com bi nation with the established biostratigraphical
framework, microfacies analysis has proved valuable for
short-distance, intrabasinal correlation .
(6) The maj or part of the ou tcrop area IS occupied by
Turonian deposits, which are best developed in the Laran
j eiras-Socorro area. The C enomanian occurs patchily at the
base of the sequence, but is well developed in the Japaratuba
area. Lower C enomanian is definitely proved by ammonites
only in the I taporanga area. Coniacian occurs in a locally
narrow belt in the Quiamii- Ilhas area, and at an isolated
outcrop at Laj es .
( 7 ) The age o f the C retaceous sequence in the Esrancia area
in southern Sergipe is, at leas t in part, late C enomanian, as
established by the ammonite Thomelites.

The Sergipe Basin constitu tes the southern half of the
Sergipe-Alagoas Basin (Fig. 2 ) , which occupies the coastal
s trip and the adj acent continental margin of the two small
states ofSergipe and Alagoas in northeastern Brazil . It is one
of the many South American marginal basins ( Fig. l ) of
Atlantic type, whose counterparts are presumed to be the
West African marginal basins . In the Sergipean part of the
Sergipe-Alagoas Basin, the upper Mesozoic is fairly com
plete ( Fig. 3 ) , with only minor gaps in the marginal, onshore
areas . The middle C retaceous of Sergipe is in part well
exposed and forms an important key to understanding the
development of the South Atlantic Ocean . Although the
Sergipe sequence has been known for over a century, few
biostratigraphical s tudies have been carried out and detailed
chronostratigraphical correlation down to substage leve! in
the western South Atlantic has not so far been possible.
During the midd le Cretaceous, fol l ow ing an Aptian eva
poritic episode, marine deposition in the Sergipe Basin was
con troll ed large!y by local tectonic movements with occa
sional eustatic overprint. The sedimentary sequence in
cludes up to 1 700 m ( average 500 m) of cIastie sediments ,
limes tones (locally oolitic) and dolomites which comprise
the Riachue!o Formation, mainly of Albian age (late Ap
tian ( ? ) -Cenomanian) , and up to 1 400 m ( average 200 m) of
pure limestones and maris comprising the Cotinguiba For
mation of Cenomanian-Santonian age ( Figs . 3-4) .
A geological outline and biostratigraphical framework for
the C enomanian-Coniacian of Sergipe are given here, based
on the study of 604 surface sections in the main ou terop area
between the towns I taporanga and Japaratuba ( Fig. 8 ) , and
in the Esrancia area in the southern part of the state ( Fig.
4 1 ) . Ammonites were collected from 330 localities and pro
vide the basis for subdividing the sequence into eight "as-


FOSSILS AND STRATA 1 2 ( 1 98 3 )

Peter Bengtson : Cenomanian- Coniacian of Sergipe

semblages" . This subdivision is practical for field use since

the units are characterized by easily recognizable genera - a
more refined zonation of the sequence will be available after
full systematie treatment of the fossils collected . The subdi
visions are detailed on pp. 44-47, with provisional speeies
determinations for the s tratigraphically most useful macro
fossil groups.
The localities investigated are described (Appendix I ) to
enable subsequent workers to locate the sources of the mate
rial collected . Each locality is assigned to an ammonite
subdivision (Appendix 2 ) ; for localities where diagnostic
ammonites are laeking, inoceramids or other bivalves, mi
crofacies analysis, or simply geographical position of the
locality in relation to nearby, well-dated localities have been
As shown on the biostratigraphical map (Appendix
3 ) , the ammonite subdivisions, and entire C enomanian
Coniacian sequence, vary considerably in width over short
distances. This is a result of variable depositional conditions
and of synsedimentary and postsedimen tary movements
causing local variations in s trike and dip. The C enomanian
sequence in particular appears tectonically controlled. The
Riachuelo-Cotinguiba boundary is diachronous , and most of
the Cenomanian is apparently missing or reduced to a thin
sequence except in the Japaratuba area, where a middle
Cenomanian-Iower Turonian sequence is well developed .
Breccias , conglomerates and discontinuity surfaces in the
Turonian and Coniacian indicate numerous depositional
breaks, although the nature of these breaks requires further
The Sergipe sequence cannot yet be correlated with the
mid-Cretaceous of the classical areas in western Europe
except in very broad terms . This is mainly because of the
absence or scarcity of ammonites which are biostratigraphi
cal keys in the Boreal Realm. Another factor which hinders
efficient correlation even across short distances is the lack of
international agreement on stage boundaries, subdivision
and biozonation for the midd le C retaceous.
Ammonites and inoceramids are the most useful macro
fossils for detailed biostratigraphical work in Sergipe; other
bivalves, gas tropods and echinoids are of more limited use.
Microfacies analysis is of value for short-distance, intraba
sinai correlation. The microfauna of the material collected
has largely yet to be investigated .
The much debated C enomanian-Turonian boundary is
placed here at the base of the ammonite assemblage charac
terized by appearance of abundant pseudotissotiines togeth
er with the " cIassicai" Parauascoceras hartti (Byatt) and Pseud
aspidoceras footeanum ( S toliczka) ( P. pedroanum ( White) ) .
This boundary i s faunally the least sharp of the subdivision
boundaries, and there is also lithological continuity. Thus,
the Cenomanian-Turonian transition in Sergipe appears to
be fairly continuous and therefore interesting for detailed
s tudy of the ammonite succession in this part of the Tethyan
Realm (sensu lato ) .
As well as dating the ou terop area of the Cotinguiba
Formation, the work carried out so far indicates a definite
late Cenomanian age for the Tiburcio beds in the Estancia
area, based on the ammonite Thomelites. This confirms K.
Beurlen' s ( 1 970) hypothesis from the abundance of Exogyra
in the bed s .

A Bacia de Sergipe corresponde it metade meridional da
Bacia de Sergipe-Alagoas ( Fig. 2 ) que ocupa a faixa costeira
dos dois pequenos estados de Sergipe e Alagoas, no Nordeste
do Brasil, j unto com a margem continental adj acente. E uma
das muitas bacias marginais sul-americanas ( Fig. I ) de tipo
atUl.ntico, cuj as correspondentes presume-se serem as bacias
marginais da frica do Oeste. Na parte sergipana da Bacia
de Sergipe-Alagoas , o Mesoz6ico superior e quase com
pleto ( Fig. 3 ) , apresentando somente pequenas lacunas nas
areas marginais , no continente. O C retaceo medio de Ser
gipe e localmente bem representado em superficie e constitui
u ma seqiiencia importante para o estudo do desenvolvi
mento do Atlantico Sul. Apesar dessa seqiiencia ser con he
eida ha mais de cem anos, poucos estudos bioestratigraficos
foram realizados e ate hoj e nao foi possive! chegar a correla
r;:6es cronoestratigraficas de precisao, isto e, pelo menos em
nivel de subandar, no Atlantico sudoeste.
Durante o Cretaceo medio, ap6s um periodo evaporitico,
a sedimentar;:ao marin ha na Bacia de Sergipe foi governada
principalmente por movimentos tectonicos locais, mascara
dos por eustasia ocasional . A seqiiencia sedimentar com
preende ate I 700 m ( media de 500 m) de sedimentos cias ti
cos , calcarios e dolomitos, constituindo a Formar;:ao Ria
chuelo, cuj a idade e essencialmente albiana (neo-Aptiano ( ? )
a C enomaniano) , e a t e 1 400 m ( media de 2 0 0 m ) de calca
rios puros e margas, constituindo a Formar;:ao Cotinguiba,
de idade cenomaniana a santoniana ( Figs . 3-4) .
O trabalho em foco apresenta um resumo geol6gico e um
arcabour;:o bioestratigrafico do C enomaniano-Coniaciano
de Sergipe. Foram estudadas 604 localidades na principal
area de afloramento deste intervalo, situada entre as eidades
de I taporanga e Japaratuba ( Fig. 8) , e na Plataforma de
Estancia no sul do Estado ( Fig. 4 1 ) . De 330 localidades
foram coletados amon6ides, os quais forneceram uma base
para a subdivisao da seqiiencia em oito unidades bioestrati
grafieas ( associar;:6es ) . Sendo as unidades caracterizadas por
generos facilmente reconhedveis , es ta subdivisao torna-se
pratica para uso no campo. Um zoneamento mais detalhado
sera apresentado ap6s a devida descrir;:ao sistematiea do
material coletado. A seqiiencia esta explicada em detalhe
nas paginas 44-47, com determinar;:6es provis6rias de espe
eies dos grupos de macrof6sseis de maior interesse bio
As localidades es tudadas sao descritas (Anexo l ) com
dados que possibilitem, mesmo no futuro, a identificar;:ao da
origem do material coletado. Cada uma des tas localidades
esta tambem referida it devida unidade bioestratigrafica, ou
associar;:ao de amon6ides (Anexo 2 ) ; para a classificar;:ao das
localidades onde faltam os amon6ides diagn6sticos , foram
utilizados inoceramideos ou outros bivalvios, analise de mi
crofacies ou simplesmente a posir;:ao geografiea em relar;:ao a
localidades vizinhas bem datadas .
No mapa anexo (Anexo 3 ) ve-se que as unidades bioestra
tigraficas , bem como toda a seqiiencia cenomaniana-conia
ciana, variam consideravelmente de largura mesmo em
areas pequenas . Isso reflete condir;:6es variaveis de sedimen
tar;:ao e movimentos tanta sin-sedimentares quanto p6s-sedi
mentares, causando variar;:6es locais de atitude e mergulho
das camadas . Principalmente a seqiiencia cenomaniana pa-


rece ter sido controlada por movimentos tectonicos . O Iimite

entre as forma;:oes Riachuelo e Cotinguiba e diacronico,
faltando a maior parte do Cenomaniano ou sendo este andar
reduzido a urna seqiiencia pouco espessa. Na area de
Japaratuba, porem, ha urna seqiiencia bern desenvoivida,
abrangendo desde o C enomaniano medio ate o Turoniano
inferior. Descontinuidades e camadas de brecha (ou conglo
merado) intraformacional no Turoniano e Coniaciano indi
cam diasternas freqiientes , embora a sua natureza exij a
mel hor estudo.
A seqiiencia sergipana ainda no pode ser correlacionada
com o C retaceo medio das regioes cLissicas na Europa oci
dental, a no ser em termos muito gerais, principalmente
pela auseneia de varios amonoides que sa elementos-chave
na bioestratigrafia do Dominio Borea!. Outro fator que difi
culta a correla;:o com essa e outras regioes e a falta de um
acordo internacional sobre os limites de andares, subandares
e os zoneamentos bioestratigraficos do C retaceo medio.
Os amonoides e os inoceramideos sa os macrofosseis
mais uteis para trabalhos bioestratigraficos detalhados em
Sergipe; outros bivalvios, gasteropodos e equinoides tem uso
mais limitado, enquanto analise de microfacies tem demons
trado o seu valor para correla;:oes intrabaciais de curta
distancia. A microfauna do material coletado ainda es ta
pouco estudada.
O limite Cenomaniano-Turoniano, que atualmente es ta
sendo muito discutido, neste trabalho e definido como a base
da associa;:o caracterizada pelo aparecimento de abun
dantes pseudotissotiineos j unto com os "elassicos" Paravasco
ceras hartti (Hyatt) e Pseudaspidoceras footeanum ( Stoliczka)
( P. pedroanum ( White) ) . Este limite e, de fato, o menos
nitid o faunisticamente de todos os Iimites da subdiviso da
seqiiencia estudada. Isto, j unto com a aparente continui
dade Iitologica atraves do Iimite, sugere que a transi;:o
C enomaniano-Turoniano sej a bastante continua em Sergipe,
constituindo assim obj eto de interesse para um es tudo por
menorizado da s u cesso de amonoides nesta parte do Do
minio Tetiano (sensu Lato) .
Alem da "datao" da principal area de afloramento da
Forma;:o Cotinguiba, o trabalho realizado ate agora deu
idade definitiva as camadas de Tiburcio, na Plataforma de
Estancia. O amonoide ThomeLites indica idade neocenoma
niana, assim confirmando a hipotese de K. Beurlen ( 1 9 70) ,
que se baseou na abundancia de exogiras nas camadas.

Le bassin de Sergipe correspond a la moi tie sud du bassin de
Sergipe-Alagoas (fig. 2 ) qui occupe la fa;:ade cotiere des
deux petits etats de Sergipe et Alagoas dans le N. E . du
Bresil, et la marge continentale adj acente. C ' est I'un des
nombreux bassins marginaux de " type atlantique" de
I' Amerique du Sud dont les equivalents sont supposes etre
representes par les bassins de la cote occidentale de l'Afri
que. Le Mesozoique superieur y est relativement complet (fig.
3 ) , et I'on note seulement quelques lacunes dans les do
mai nes les plus marginaux. Le C retace moyen de Sergipe,
qui affieure bien, est important pour comprendre le develop
pement de l 'Atlantique sud. Pourtant, bien qu'il soit connu



depuis plus d'un sieele, peu d'etudes biostratigraphiques y

ont ete faites, et les correlations chronostratigraphiques de
taillees avec les autres regions de I' Atlantique sud n ' etaient,
j usqu'a present, pas possibles au niveau du sous-etage.
Apres un episode evaporitique a I' Aptien, les depots ma
rins du bassin de Sergipe sont controles principalement par
la tectonique locale a laquelle se surimposent parfois des
mouvements eustatiques . La serie sedimentaire marine de
bu te par la formation Riaehuelo, d'age essentiellement AI
bien (Aptien superieur ( ? ) - C enomanien) , formee de j usqu'a
I 700 m (500 m en moyenne) de depots detritiques, ooliti
ques, calcaires ou dolomitiques; a laquelle succede la forma
tion Cotinguiba (Cenomanien a Santonien) constituee de
j usqu'a l 400 m ( 200 m en moyenne) de calcaires et de
marnes (fig. 3 , 4) .
J ' ai etudie 604 localites situees dans la region principale
d' affieurement entre les villes d ' I taporanga et Japaratuba
(fig. 8) , et, pl us au Sud, dans la region d' Estancia (fig. 4 1 ) . A
partir des Ammonites provenant de 330 lieux de preleve
rnent, il m'a ete possible de definir, dans la sequence, 8
"assemblages " . Cette elassification est pratique pour le tra
vail sur le terrain, car les subdivisions sont caracterisees par
des genres facilement reconnaissables . Une zonation plus
precise sera u tilisable ulterieurement apres une etude syste
matique approfondie du materiel recolte. Les subdivisions
sont detaillees (pages 44-47 ) avec les determinations provi
soires des especes des groupes de macrofossiles ayant le plus
grand interet s tratigraphique.
Les localites sont decrites dans I' appendice l afin de
permettre aux futurs chercheurs de les retrouver. Je donne la
subdivision d'Ammonites dans laquelle je place chacune
d ' entre elles ( appendiee 2) . Pour les localites sans Ammo
nites, j ' ai utilise d' autres moyens de datation ( Inocerames,
autres bivalves, microfacies ) ou plus simplement, je me suis
refere aux positions geographiques relatives des affieure
ments les uns par rapport aux autres .
La carte biostratigraphique ( appendiee 3) montre que les
subdivisions de I' ensemble Cenomanien-Coniacien varient
considerablement en epaisseur sur de courtes distances .
Ce fait reflete des conditions de depots va ria bl es et
des mouvements a la fois syn- et post-sedimentaires qui ont
amene des variations locales de direction et de pendage. Le
controle tectonique sem ble etre particulierement important
au Cenomanien. La limite entre les formations Riachuelo et
Cotinguiba est diachronique, et, mise a part la region de
Japaratuba ou existe un ensemble Cenomanien moyen-Tur
onien inferieur bien developpe, le C enomanien est le plus
souvent absent ou peu epais. Des couches brechiques et des
surfaces dureies existent dans le Turonien et le Coniacien et
marquent les discontinuites frequentes de la sequence. Des
etudes supplementaires seront necessaires pour bien les de
La serie de Sergipe ne peut etre encore correlee que dans
ses grandes lignes avec les sequences du Cretace moyen des
regions elassiques de I ' E urope occidentale, principalement
par I ' absence de plusieurs Ammonites "eies" du domaine
borea!. Notons d'autre part que les correlations avec cette et
des autres regions sont rendues encore pl us difficiles par le
manque d' une entente internationale sur les limites d'etages,
des sous-etages, et de la biozonation du Cretace moyen.
Ammonites et Inocerames sont les faunes les plus utiles


FOSSILS AND STRAT"A 1 2 ( 1 983)

Peter Bengtson : Cenomanian- Coniacian oj Sergipe

pour etablir la biostratigraphie detaillee du bassin de Ser

gipe. Les Bivalves, les Gasteropodes et les E chinides sont
moins utiles . Quant aux microfaeies ils ne peuvent etre
utilises que pour des correlations a courte distanee dans le
bassin . La mierofaune, quant a elle, necessite des etudes
approfondies .
La limite du Cenomanien-Turonien, encore tres debat
tue, est placee ici a la base de l'assemblage d' Ammonites
earaeterise par l' abondance des Pseudotissotiines assoeies
aux faunes c!assiques Paravascoceras hartti ( Hyatt) et Pseud
aspidocerasjooteanum (Stoliczka) ( P pedroanum ( Whi te) ) . C ette
limite rend, au point de vue faune, la derniere mi se au point.
Si l'on aj oute a eela la eontinuite lithologique en passant du
Cenomanien au Turonien, il sem ble que le pass age Ceno
manien-Turonien a Sergipe soit relativement eontinu et
done interessant pour l' etude detaillee de la sueeession des
Ammonites dans cette partie du domaine tethysien (sensu
lato) .
Ce travail, qui a permis de dater les affieurements de la
formation Cotinguiba, a aussi permis de plaeer dans le
Cenomanien terminal les couehes de Tibureio de la region
d' Estaneia, d 'apres la presenee de Thomelites, confirmant
ai nsi l' hypothese de K . Beurlen ( 1 970) basee sur l' abon
danee des Exogyra .

B03paCT a ,




MepreJI5IMH (pHC . 3-4) .

B npeJ1JI araeMOH pa60Te npeJ1CTaBJIeH reOJIOrHLfeCKHH
KOHTYP H 6HocTpaTHrpacpH'-IeCKa51 OCHOBa ceHOMaH-KO Hb51KCKoro pa3pe3a Cep)!(l1nH . C06paHbl OKaMeHeJI OCTH H3
604 pa3pe30B B OCHOBHblX 06Ha)!(eHH5IX paHoHa Me)!(J1Y
ropOJ1aMH 11TanopaHra H )KanapaTy6a (pHC .
3CTaHCH5I (Pl1c.


H B paHoHe

41) IO)!(HOrO Cep)!(H n H . B 330 TO'-lKaX

c06paHbl aMMOHI1Tbl , 51BHBWHeC5I OCHOBOH J1JI5I paCLfJI eHe

HH5I pa3pe3a Ha

acCOI..\HaI..\ H H .



YJ106Hbl B nOJI e , nOCKOJI b KY OHI1 xapaKTepl1 3HpYIOTC5I npe

HOH CHCTeMaTH'-IeCKOH 06pa60TKH c06paHHoro MaTepH
aJI a . I10J1pa3J1eJIeHI151 J1eTaJI bHO Onl1CaHbl Ha CTpaHHl..\ aX
44-47 , c npeJ1Bapl1TeJI bHblMH onpeJ1eJIeHH5IMH npeJ1CTaBH
TeJIeH CTpaTl1rpacpl1'-1eCKH Ba)!(HbIX rpynn MaKpooKaMeHe
11.3YLfeHHble MeCTOHaXO)!(J1eHH5I onHcaHbl (npHJIO)!(eHHe
1) c J1eTaJI5IM H , J1 aIOIl\HMH B03MO)!(HOCTb nocJIeJ1YIOIl\I1M
pHaJI a . Ka)!(J1oe MeCTOHaXO)!(J1eHHe npHB5I3aHO K YCTaHoB

n0J1pa3J1eJI e HH5IM

( npHJI O)!(eHHe


BYIOT , I1CnOJIb30BaJII1Cb I1HOl..\ e paMbl HJI H J1pyrHe J1BYCTBOP
KI1 , aHaJIH3 MHKpocpal..\ H H HJIH npocTo reorpacpH'-IeCKOe no
JIO)!(eHl1 e .





MO)!(HO BHJ1eT b , '-I T O pa3JI H'-IHble aMMOHHTOBble n0J1pa3J1e


JIeHH5I , KaK 11 ceHOMaH-KOHb5lKCKl1e OTJI O )!(eHH5I B l..\ e JIOM ,

3Ha'-ll1TeJI bHO 113MeH5IIOTC5I no npOCTHpaHHIO Ha He60JIb

E aeeeHH Cep)!(l1n l1 npeJ1CTaBJI5IeT C060H IO)!(HYIO nOJIOBI1-

WI1X paCCT05lHH5IX .


HY 6acceHHa Cep)!(l1nl1-AJI aroac (Pl1 c . 2) , KOTOPblH 3aHI1-



MaeT npl16pe)!(HYIO nOJIocy J1BYX He60JI bWI1X WTaTOB Cep

TapHblX H


MeCTHble pa3JIH'-II151 npOCTHpaHH5I H naJ1eHH5I . B '-I aCTHOCTH ,


AJI aroac B

CeBepo-B ocTo<moH








MHOfl1X IO)!(HOaMepHKaHcKHx KpaeBblx 6 acceHHOB (pHc . l )

BaJIOCb TeKTOHH'-IeCKOH 06CTaHOBKoH . rpaHHl..\ a cpOpMal..\ H H



oKpaHHoH .



aTJI aHTH'leCKOro THn a , aHaJIOraMH KOTOPblX npeJ1nOJIO)!(H

PHawyeJIo-KoTHHfI16a J1 HaXpOHHa , H 3H a'-lHTeJI bHa51 LfaCTb

TeJIbHO 51BJI5IIOTC5I 3anaJ1HoacpPHKaHCKHe KpaeBble 6acceH


Hb! . q acTb Cep)!(HnH 6acceHHa Cep)!(Hnl1-AJI aroac HMeeT

ll\eHHOH B MaJIOMOIl\HblX pa3pe3ax , 3a HCKJIIO'-IeHHeM paH

J10BOJIbHO nOJIHblH BepXHeMe3030HCKHH pa3pe3 (pHC. 3 ) , c

OHa )KanapaTy6a , rJ1e XopOWO pa3BHTbi epeJ1HeCeHOMaHC

He60JIbWI1MH nepepblBaMH B KpaeBblx , 6eperoBblx paHo

Kl1e-HH)I(HeTypOHCKHe OTJI O )!(eHH5I . rOpH30HTbi 6peK'-IHH H

Hax . CpeJ1HeMeJIOBble OTJI O)!(eHH5I Cep)!(HnH MeCTaMH xo

HeCOrJIaCI1H B TypOHe H KOHb5lKe OTMe'-lalOT 06blLfHble ne

powo 06Ha)!(eHbl H J1alOT Ba)!(HblH KJIIO'-I K nOHI1MaHHIO

pepblBbl B OCaJ1KOHaKOnJIeHHH , XOT5I npHpOJ1a 3THX nepe


PblBOB Tpe6yeT J1aJIbHeHWero 113YLfeHH5I .

CpeJ1HHH MeJI Cep)!(HnH 113BeCTeH 60JI e e CTOJI eTH5I , 6HO

Pa3pe3 Cep)!(Hnl1 nOKa He MO)!(eT 6blTb CKOppeJIl1pOBaH



MaJIO , H J1eTaJIbHa51 XpoHOCTpaTl1rpacpH'-IeCKa51 KOppeJI5I

ponbI I1 Ha'le 'leM B caMblX 061l\HX '-IepTaX , rJIaBHblM 06-

I..\H5I J10 ypOBH5I nOJ1b5lpyca H a 3anaJ1e IO)!(HOH ATJI aHTHKH

pa30M nOTOMY '-ITO MHorHe aMMOHHTbl , 51BJI5IIOIl\HeC5I py




KOB0J151Il\HMH J1JI5I 60peaJIbHOH npOBI1HI..\I1 H , He BCTpeLfaIOT

ell\e J1aJIeKO H e B03MO)!(H a .

B o BpeM5! CpeJ1HerO MeJI a , nOCJIeJ10BaBWero 3a anTCKHM

C5I B Cep)!(l1nl1 . KoppeJI5II..\H5I c 3THM H J1pyrHMH paHOHaMH

3BanopHToBbiM 3nH30J10M , MopcKoe OCaJ1KOHaKOnJIeHHe B


6acceHHe Cep)!(HnH rJI aBHblM 06pa30M KOHTPOJIHpOBaJIaCb

J1YHapOJ1HbIX COrJIaWeHHH o 51PYCHbIX 11 nOJ1b5lpYCHbIX rpa


Hl1l..\ aX , 11 o 6110CTpaTl1rpacpH'IeCKOrO paC'-IJIeHeHH5I J1JI5I

Hl1eM 3nI130J1H'-IeCKHX 3BCTaTH'-IeCKI1X BJIH5IHH H . OcaJ1o'-l

CpeJ1HerO MeJI a .

Ha51 TOJIll\ a , MOIl\HOCTblO J10 1700 M (500 M B CpeJ1HeM)

AMMOHI1Tbl H HHOl..\ e paMbl 51BJI 5IIOTC5I HaH60JIee nOJIe3-






cpopMal..\l 11O

PHawyeJI O ,




Cep)!(HnH ;



ll\eCTBeHHO aJI b6cKOro B03paCTa (n03J1HHH anT?-ceHoMaH)

J1BYCTBOpKI1 , raCTpOnOJ1bl 11 HrJIOKO)!(He HMelOT 60JI e e or

CMeH5IeTC5I Bblwe 1000-MeTpoBoH (MaKCHMaJIbHO ; 200 M B

paHH'IeHHOe npHMeHeHl1e , TOrJ1a KaK aHaJIH3 MHKpocpal..\H H

CpeJ1HeM) cpopMal..\l1eH KOTHHfI16a ceHOMaH- caHTOHCKoro

nOJIe3eH J1JI5I BHYTpH6acceHHoBo H , 6JIH3KOH KOppeJI5II..\ H H .

FOSSILS AND STRATA 1 2 ( 1 9 83 )

Bibliography and references

MI1KpocpaYHa B c06paHHhlx MaTepl1aJlax e ll\e llaJIeKO He

Hal160Jlee Il I1CKYCCI10HHa51 ceHOMaH-TypOHCKa51 rpaHl1l..\ a
nOHI1MaeTC5I 31leCh KaK OCHOBaHl1e aCCOl..\l1al..\l1 l1 , xapaKTe

Paravascoceras hartti (Hyatt) H

Pseudaspidoceras footeanum (Stoliczka) ( = P. pedroanum

(White ) ) .

3Ta rpaHHl..\a 5IBJl5leTC5I cpaYHHCTH'IeCKI1 HaH

MeHee pe3KOH. CpellH Bcex rpaHHI..\ nOllpa3IleJleHHH. . 3TOT

cpaKT , B CO'IeTaHl111 c O'IeBHIlHhIM JlHTOJlOrH'IeCKI1M OIlHO06pa311eM nopoll B6JlH3H rpaHHl..\ h I , n03BOJl5leT 3 aKJlIO
'IHTh , 'ITO nepexoll OT ceHOMaHa K TypOHY B Cep)!(HnH 6hIJl
l..\ e CCHH. B 3TOH. 'I aCTH TeTHca (B llIl1POKOM CMhICJle) .
KpOMe ll aTHpOBaHH5I 06Ha)!(eHHOH. 'IaCTH cpOpMal..\I1 H Ko
THHrH 6 a , cYll\eCTBeHHhle pa60ThI npOBOIlHJlHCh TaK)!(e no
OnpelleJleHHIO n031lHeCeHOMaHcKoro B03pacTa CJlOeB TH6YPcI11O B paH.OHe 3CTaHCH5I , H a OCHOBe aMMOHI1Ta


TaK nOIlTBep)!(llaeTC5I flinOTe3a K. EOH.pJleHa

( 1970) ,

KOTOpa51 OCHOBhIBaJlaCh Ha MaCCOBOM npHCYTCTBHH 3K30flip B 3TOM pa3pe3 e .

Bibliography and references

The publications cited in the historical review (pp. 8-25)
constitute only a selection from the published literature on
the Cenomanian-Coniacian of Sergipe. Remaining titles are
included in the annotated bibliography given below. For
convenience, the list also includes the few references to other
works which are cited in the main body of the text. These
references , which thus are not part of the bibliography, are
marked with an asterisk and lack the con tent code (see
below) .
There are numerous review papers on the topic - and
even duplicate papers - containing no new results or inter
pretations . Most of the literature is in Portuguese, and some
publications are difficult to obtain outside Brazil, in a few
cases even through Brazilian libraries . The bibliography is
intended as a means of directing the reader rapidly to publi
cations relevant to his or her own interests, and to keep
down "bibliographical noise" .
The bibliography aims to be complete up to the end of
1 98 1 (as regards the actual publication date) . Book reviews
are not included . Mention of Sergipean species in discussion
or description of fossils from other areas does not in itself
qualify for inclusion, unless accompanied by new interpreta
tions of the specimens or sequences . Published, informative
"pre-publication" abstracts and summaries of talks are in
cluded if they contain clear reference to the C enomanian
Coniacian. Papers dealing primarily with oil prospecting
and oil exploration are omitted unless they contain signifi
cant geological data. (An annual review of oil exploration in
Brazil, with data on Sergipe, has been published since 1 947
in the American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, un
der the title "Foreign developments " . )
Listing o f authors i s under the last (family) name, except
where this is Filho or Jr. or where the family name is com-


posite ( e . g . , Morais Rego) ; in t h e latter case, cross-references

are provided .
Dates of publication aim at actual dates, as s tated in the
publications or given in annual reports of DNPM, circular
letters of the Sociedade Brasileira de Geologia, etc. Where
the actual and nominal dates differ, the latter - normally the
date printed on the cover - is given in square brackets, e . g . ,
[for 1 976] .
Entries lacking titles - usually long excerpts from pre
viously unpublished reports - are given a title within quota
tion marks if the wording is extracted from the text as such
(see, for example, Alvim 1 920) , or are assigned a descriptive
title in English (for example, K . Beurlen 1 955) . Annual
reports of oil companies , geological surveys and similar
organizations frequently contain material derived from un
published internal reports, for example in the form of long
summaries. These do not constitute independent biblio
graphical items; however, in citations in the text, credit is
given to the author of the information (for example, Carlton
in Conselho Nacional do Petr61eo 1 948b) .
The original orthography of authors' names and titles of
books, articles, periodicals, etc. , is employed.
Plates, tables, figures, maps, etc . , are s tated on ly if they
lack pagination .
To facilitate retrieval of data on Sergipe, page references
are given (in square brackets) for the more voluminous
Each entry has a code to indicate content - with reference
to the C enomanian-Coniacian of Sergipe - as follows :
R = review, i . e . containing no new results or interpretations
G = general geology

Stages according to current knowledge (older concep ts, in

cluding "A lb " and "Maastr ", in parentheses ) :
Cen = Cenomanian
Tur = Turonian
Con = Coniacian
T= taxonomy
a = ammonites
b = bivalves
g = gastropods
e = echinoids
f = foraminifers
o = ostracodes
n = nannofossils
p = palynomorphs
v = vertebrates
x = other groups

For example, a paper coded Cen- Tur/Ta.e. covers the C eno

mani an and Turonian, with taxonomic descriptions of am
monites and records of echinoids .
Allard, G. O . & H urst, V. J. 1 969: Brazil-Gabon geologic link
supports continental drift . Science 163(3867) , 528- 5 3 2 . Washing
ton, D . C . - R.
Almeida, F. F. M. de 1 964: Os fundamentos geol6gicos. In A. de
Azevedo (ed. ) : Brasil, a terra e o homem 1, 55- 1 3 3 . Com pan hia
Editora Nacional, Sao Paulo. [Sergipe: pp. 99- 1 00; 2nd ed. '
1 968.] - G.
Almeida, F. F. M. de 1 97 1 : As bacias sedimentares brasileiras e a
paleontologia. A nais da A cademia Brasileira de Ciencias 43, Suplemento,
9- 1 8 . Rio de Janeiro .



Peter Bengtson: Cenomanian- Coniacian of Sergipe

Alvim, G . F. 1 920: " . . . notas a respeito do cretacco de S . Francisco

a Sergipe. " In E. P. de Oliveira: Folhelhos bituminosos do Estado
de Alagoas, 27-28. Serviro Geologico e Mineralogico do Brasil, Boletim
l. ( Rochas petroliferas do Brasil . ) Rio de Janeiro . G.
Aquino, G . S . de 1 9 75: Distribuiao de velocidades sismicas e o
mapeamento estrutural em Sergipe. A nais do XXVII Congresso
(Brasileiro de Geologia) [Aracaj u , SE, 1 9 73] 3, 1 67- 1 78. Sociedade
Brasileira de Geologia, Sao Paulo. [Runn ing head gives G . S. de
Aquino & P . R. Palagi as authors . ] - G.
*Arkell, W . J., Kummel, B . & Wright, C. W . 1 95 7 : Mesozoic
Ammonoidea. In R. C. Moore (ed . ) : Treatise on Invertebrate Paleon
tology L, Mollusca 4, L80-L465. Geological Society of America and
University of Kansas Press, Lawrence, Kans.
Asmus, H . E. 1 9 7 5 : Controle estrutural da deposiiio mesozoica nas
bacias da margem continental brasileira. Revista Brasileira de Geo
ciincias 5(3) , 1 60- 1 75 . Sao Paulo. - G.
Asmus, H. E . 1 98 1 : Geologia das bacias marginais atlanticas meso
zoicas-cenozoicas do Brasil. In W . Volkheimer & E . A. Musac
chio ( eds . ) : Cuencas sedimentarias del Jurdsico y Cretdeico de Amirica del
Sur l, 1 2 7- 1 55 . Comite Sudamericano del Jurasico y C retacico,
Buenos Aires. - G.
Asmus, H. E . & C arvalho, J . C . 1 9 78: Condicionamento tectonico
da sedimentaao nas bacias marginais do Nordeste do Brasil
( Sergipe/Alagoas e Pernambuco/Paraiba) . Petrobrds, CENPES,
DINTEP, Projeto REMA C 4, 7-24. Rio de Janeiro . - G.
Asmus, H. E . & Ponte, F . C. 1 9 7 3 : The Brazilian marginal basins.
In A. E. M . Nairn & F . G . Stehli (eds . ) : The Ocean Basins and
Margins: l. The South A tlantic, 87- 1 3 3 . Plenum Press, New York. G.
Asmus, H . E. & Porto, R. 1 9 74: Classificaiio das bacias sedimen
tares brasileiras segundo a tectonica de placas. Anais do XXVI
Congresso (Brasileiro de Geologia) [Belem, PA, 1 9 72] 2, 67-90. Socie
dade Brasileira de Geologia, Sao Paulo.
Asmus, H . E . & Porto, R. 1 980: Diferenas nos estagios iniciais da
evoluiio da margem continental brasileira: possiveis causas e
implicaiies. A nais do XXXI Congresso (Brasileiro de Geologia) [Cam
boriu, SC] l, 225-239. Sociedade Brasileira de Geologia, Sao
Paulo. - G.
Aurich, N., Schaller, H. & Barros, M. C . 1 9 7 2 : Guaricema primeiro campo de petroleo na plataforma continental brasileira.
Anais do XXV Congresso (Brasileiro de Geologia) [Sao Paulo, SP,
1 9 7 1 ] 3, 253-262. Sociedade Brasileira de Geologia, Sao Paulo.
Cen- Tur- ConJj
Azambuj a Filho, N. C . de, Abreu, C . J . , Horschutz, P. M. C . ,
Candido, A . & Ramos, E . M . 1 980: Estudo sedimentologico,
faciologico e diagenetico dos conglomerados do campo petrolifero
de C arrnapolis . Anais do XXXI Congresso (Brasileiro de Geologia)
[Camboriu, SC] l, 240-2 5 3 . Sociedade Brasileira de Geologia,
Sao Paulo. - G.
Bandeira Jr., A . N . 1 978: Sedimentologia e microfacies calciirias das
Formaiies Riachuelo e Cotinguiba da Bacia Sergipel Alagoas .
Boletim Tecnico da Petrobrds 21 (1) , 1 7-69. Rio de Janeiro. - G.
Bender, F. 1 959: Zur Geologie des Kiisten-Beckens von Sergipe,
Brasilien . Geologisches Jahrbuch 77, 1 - 3 3 , I fold-out map. Han
nover. [ I n Portuguese, 1 96 1 , as "Contribuiao ao estudo da bacia
costeira de Sergipe, Brasil" ; translation by L . Tancu. Instituto de
Tecnologia e Pesquisas de Sergipe, Publicar;ao 5, 1 -43, I fold-out map.
Aracaj u , SE.] - Tur/a.e.
Bengtson, P. 1 9 79: A bioestratigrafia esquecida: avaliaao dos mcto
dos bioestratigrficos no C retaceo Medio do Brasil. Anais da
Academia Brasileira de Ciencias 51 (3) , 535-544. Rio de Janeiro . Cen- Tur- ConJa . b f o .n.p.
Bengtson, P. 1 980a: The Cenomanian of the Estancia area in Ser
gipe, Brazil. 2rJ'Congres Geologique International (Paris 7- 1 7 juillet
1980) , Resumes, A bstraets I, p. 203. Paris. - CenJa.
Bengtson, P. 1 980b: Depositional history and ammonite biostrati
graphy of the Cenomanian-Coniacian of Sergipe, Brazil . 26e
Congres Geologique International (Paris 7- 1 7 juillet 1980) , Resumes,
A bstracts l, p. 203 . Pari s . - G.
Berteis, Alwine 1 9 7 7 : Cretaceous Ostracoda: South Atlantic. In F .
M. Swain (ed. ) : Stratigraphic Micropaleontology of A tlantic Basin and
Borderlands, 2 7 1 - 30 1 , PIs . 1 - 3 . Elsevier, Amsterdam. - R.
Beurlen, G . 1 970: Urna nova fauna de amonoides da Formaao
Sapucari/Laranj eiras (C retaceo de Sergipe) : consideraiies sobre

sua bioestratigrafia. Boletim Tecnico da Petrobrds 12(2) [for 1 969] ,

1 47- 1 69 . Rio de Janeiro . - Cen-Tur- ConJTa . b .
Beurlen, K . 1 95 5 : [Annual repor! . ] In A . R. Lamego: Relatorio anual
do Diretor, ano de 1954, 1 00- 1 04. Divisao de Geologia e Mineralo
gia, Departamento Nacional da Produao Mineral, Rio de Ja
neiro. - Tur/x.
Beurlen, K. 1 958: [Annual repor! . ] In A. R. Lamego: Relatorio anual
do Diretor, ano de 1957, 1 3 7- 1 44. Divisiio de Geologia e Mineralo
gia, Departamento Nacional da Produao Mineral, Rio de Ja
neiro . G.
Beurlen, K. 1 9 6 1 a : Die Kreide im Kiistenbereich von Sergipe bis
Paraiba do Norte (Brasilien ) . Zeitschri/t der Deutschen Geologischen
GeselLschaft 112(3) [for 1 960] , 3 78-384. Hannover. - Turla . b .g.
Beurlen, K . 1 9 6 1 b : O Turoniano marinho do Nordeste do Brasil.
Boletim da Sociedade Brasileira de Geologia 10(2) , 39-52. Sao Paulo. Tur/a . b .g.e.
Beurlen, K . 1 96 1 c: Die palaogeographische Entwicklung des siidat
lantischen Ozeans. Nova A cta Leopoldina, Neue Folge 24(154} , 1 -36.
Halle/Saale . - Tur/a . b .g.e.
Beurlen, K . 1 9 6 1 d : Einige Beobachtungen iiber die Verbreitung
gekammerter Cephalopoden-Gehause. Neues Jahrbuch for Geologie
und Palaontologie, Monatshefte 1961 (1) , 6- 1 0 . Stuttgart. - Turla.
Beurlen, K. 1 9 6 1 e: C retiiceo marinho do Nordeste. Jornal do Clube de
Mineralogia 2(1-2} , p. 2 7 . Recife, PE. - G.
Beurlen, K . 1 962: O desenvolvimento paleogeografico do Oceano
Atlantico do Sul. A rquivos de Geologia 2, 2 1 -36. Recife, PE. - G.
Beurlen, K . 1 964a: Introdur;ao cl estratigraJia geral e comparada. 440 pp.,
8 unpaginated tables and figs . Expansiio Gnifica, Recifc, PE.
[Sergipe: p . 342; " 1 965" on back cover.] - G.
Beurlen, K. 1 964b : Einige Bemerkungen zur erdgeschichtlichen
Entwicklung Nordostbrasiliens. Neues Jahrbuch for Geologie und
Palaontologie, Monatshefte 1964(2) , 82- 1 05 . Stuttgart. - G.
Beurlen, K. 1 964c: Afauna do CalcdrioJandaira da regiao de Mossora (Rio
Grande do Norte) . 2 1 5 pp. Prefeitura Municipal de Mossora, Mos
soro, RN; Editora Pongetti, Rio de Janeiro (Colerao Mossoroense C
13) . [Sergipe: pp. 7 1 , 1 3 7 , 1 56 . ] - Tur/a . b .e.
*Beurlen, K. 1 964d : Notas preliminares sobre a fauna da Formaiio
Riachuelo: I l l . Lamelibranquio s . B . Eulamellibranchiata. Univer
sidade do Reci/e, Boletim de Geologia 4, 3 3-35 . Recife, PE.
* Beurlen, K . 1 964e: Notas preliminares sobre a fauna da Formaao
Riaehuelo: I l . Lamelibranquios . A . Anisomyaria. Universidade do
Reci/e, Boletim de Geologia 4, 3 1-32. Recife, PE.
* Beurlen, K. I 964f: Notas preliminares sobre a fauna da Formaao
Riaehuelo: IV. Equinoides . Universidade do Reci/e, Boletim de Geolo
gia 4, 3 7-38. Recife, PE.
Beurlen, K . 1 9 70: Geologie von Brasilien. 444 pp. , 2 fold-outs . Ge
briider Borntraeger, Berlin . [Sergipe : pp. 24 1 -242, 253-255, fold
out table facing p . 240 . ] - Cen-Tur- ConJa . b .
Beurlen, K . 1 9 7 1 a: A paleontologia na geologi a do C retaceo n o
Nordeste do Brasi l . A nais da Academia Brasileira de Ciencias 43,
Suplemento, 89- 1 0 1 . Rio de Janeiro. - Cen- Tur- ConJa . b .g.
Beurlen, K . 1 9 7 1 b : Beitrage zur Palaogeographie der Kreide in
Nordost-Brasilien . Neues Jahrbuch for Geologie und Palaontologie, Ab
handlungen 139(1), 1 -28. Stuttgart. - Cen- Tur- ConJa.b.e.
Beurlen, K . 1 97 1 c: Bacias sedimentares no Bloco Brasileiro . Estudos
Sedimentologicos 1 (2) , 7-3 1 , Figs . 1 - 5 . Natal, RN . - R.
Beurlen, K . 1 9 74: Die geologische Entwicklung des Atlantischen
Ozeans. Geotektonische Forsehungen 46, 1 -69. Stuttgart. - G.
Borchert, H . 1 9 7 7 : On the formation of Lower C retaccous potas
sium salts and tachhydrite in the Sergipe Basin ( B razil) with
some remarks on similar occurrences in West Africa ( Gabon,
Angola etc. ) . In D . D . Klemm & H . -.J . Schneider ( eds . ) : Time- and
Strata-bound Ore Deposits, 94- 1 1 1 . Springer-Verlag, Berlin. - G.
Bourdot Dutra, E . 1 924: [Notes on the geology of Sergipe . ] In G . F.
Alvim & E . Bourdot Dutra: Turfa de Villa-Nova, 3 1 -38 . Serviro
Geologico e Mineralogico do Brasil, Boletim 7. Rio de Janeiro. [Re
printed 1 945, pp. 2 7-34.] - G.
Branner, .J . C. 1 889: The age and correlation of the Mesozoic
rocks of the Scrgipe-Alagoas basin of Brazil. Proceedings of the
A merican Association for the A dvancement of Science [ 3 7 th meeting,
Cleveland, 1 888] 37, 1 8 7- 1 88 . Salem, Mass. [Abstrac!.] - G.
Branner, .J . C. 1 890: The C retaceous and Tertiary geology of the
Sergipe-Alagoas basin of Brazil . Transactions of the American Philo
sophical Sociery, New series 16(3) , 369-434, PIs. 1 -5 . Philadelphia,

FOSSILS AND STRATA 1 2 ( 1 93 3 )

Pa. [Listed as 1 889 in bibliographies, although title page of issue

1 6 ( 3 ) gives 1 890; publication date conlirmed by the Editor of the
American Philosophical Society, in litt., November 1 982. In Portu
guese, 1 899, as "A geologia eretarea e terciaria da bacia do
Sergipe-Alagoas" ; without illustrations; translation by G. Muniz.
1 70 pp. Typ. do "O Estado de Sergipe" , Aracaj u , SE.] - G.
Branner, ] ' C. 1 906: Geologia elementar, preparada com refereneia especial
aos estudantes brasileiros e ti geologia do 305 pp. Laemmert &
Cia., Rio de Janeiro. [Sergipe: pp. 256-259, 265- 2 7 0 . 2nd ed.
1 9 1 5 . 396 pp. Francisco Alves, Rio de Janeiro; Sergipe: pp.
343-350. Reprin t ed. 1 9 7 7 : Escola S uperior de Agricultura de
Mossoro, Mossoro, RN . ( Cole(o Mossoroense C 51. ) ] - R.
Branner, ] . C . 1 9 1 9 : Outlines of the geology of Brazil to accompany
the geologi c map ofBrazil. Bullelin oflhe Geological Sociery ofAmeriea
30(2) [for 1 9 1 8] , 1 89-3 3 7 , PIs. 7 - 1 0 . New York, N . Y . [Sergipe:
pp. 3 2 1 -3 2 3 . 2nd ed . 1 920. I n Portuguese, 1 920, as "Resumo da
geologia do Brasil para acompanhar O mappa geologico do Brasil"; trans
Iation by the author. 1 5 2 pp., PIs. 8- 1 0 . Judd & Detweiler,
Washington, D . C . ; Sergipe: pp. 1 36- 1 38.] - R.
Braun, O. P. G. 1 966: Estratigralia dos sedimentos da parte interiOl'
da regio Nordeste do Brasil. Deparlamenlo Nacional da Produ(o
Mineral, Boletim da Diviso de Geologia e Mineralogia 236, 1 - 76, :,
fold-outs. Rio de Janeiro. - Cen- Tur-Con/j
Brito, I . M. 1 96 7 : Sobre a ocorrencia de um cefalopodo no C retaceo
da area de Estncia, Estado de Sergipe, Brasil. Universidade Federal
do Rio de Janeiro, Boletim de Geologia 1, 7 1 - 7 5 . Rio de Janeiro. - Cen
("Alb ")/Ta.
Brito, I . M . 1 970: A distribuio dos amonitas no Cretaceo do
Nordeste brasileiro . Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Boletim de
Geologia 5, 35-39. Rio de Janeiro. - Tur-Con/a.
B rito, I. M. 1 9 7 1 : Contribuio ao conhecimento dos cefalopodos
cretacicos do Estado de Sergipe. Anais da Academia Brasileira de
Ciencias 43, Suplemenlo, 423-43 2 . Rio de Janeiro. - Tur/Ta. Tx.
B rito, I . M. 1 9 7 5 : As bacias sedimentares do Nordeste do Brasil.
Deparlamenlo de Geologia, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Con
Iribui(o didtilica 1, 1 - 1 07 . Rio de Janeiro. - R.
Brito, I. A. M. 1 976: Geologia das bacias sedimentares brasileiras .
I, Il e III Semanas de ESludos Geologicos [Universidade Federal Rural
do Rio de Janeiro, I taguai] , Coletanea de Irabalhos apresenlados,
5 3 - 7 3 . Imprensa U niversitaria, I taguai, R] . - R.
B rito, I. M . 1 9 7 7 : Historia geologica das bacias sedimentares do
Nordeste do Brasil. Anais da A cademia Brasileira de Ciencias 48(3)
[for 1 976] , 463-474. Rio de Janeiro . - R.
B rito, I. M . 1 979: Bacias sedimenlares e forma(oes pos-paleo::.oicas do
Brasil. 1 79 pp. Editora I n terciencia, Rio de Janeiro . - R.
Brito, I . M . 1 980: Os eguinoides fosseis do Brasil: I . Os endocicli
cos. A nais da Academia Brasileira de Ciincias 52(3), 569-590. Rio de
Janeiro. - Cen?("A lb ") - Con/Te.
Brito, I . M . 1 98 1 : O genero Hemiasler no C retaceo do Brasil
( Echinoidea Spatangoidea) . In Yvonne T. Sanguinetti (ed. ) : A nais
do Il Congresso Lalino-Americano de Paleonlologia 1, 399-4 1 4 . Editora
Pallotti, Porto Alegre, RS. - Tur- Con/Te.
* Brito, I . M . & C ampos, D . A. 1 98 1 : O C retaceo no Brasil. A nais da
Academia Brasileira de Ciencias 53(3) , p . 62 1 . Rio de Janeiro . [Sum
mary of talk.]
Bruni, Maria Alice Leal el al. 1 9 7 6 : Carla geologiea do Brasil ao
milionisimo: folha A racaju (SC.24) . 226 pp., I map. Departamento
Nacional da Produo Mineral, Brasilia. - Cen- Tur- Con/a . b .g.ef
*Buch, L . de 1 83 9 : Pitrificalions recueillies en Amirique par Mr. A lex
andre de Humboldl el par Mr. Charles Degenhardt. 22 pp. , 2 pls. Berlin.
*Buch, L . von 1 849: Ober Ceralilen. 3 3 pp. , 7 pls. Ferd . Diimmler's
Buchhandlung, Berlin.
C ampos, C. W. M. 1 970: Explorao de petroleo na plataforma
continental brasileira. Bole/im Ticnico da Pelrobras 13(3-4) , 95- 1 1 4.
Rio de Janeiro - G.
C ampos, C . W. M. & Bacoccoli, G. 1 9 7 5 : Os altos sincronos e a
pesguisa de petroleo no Brasil. Anais do XXVII Congresso (Brasileiro
de Geologia) [Aracaj u , SE, 1 973] 3, 3 7 3-4 1 5 . Sociedade Brasileira
de Geologia, So Paulo. - G.
C ampos, C . W. M . , Miura, K. & Reis, L. A. N . 1 97 5 : The east
Brazilian continental margin and petroleum prospects. Proceedings
of Ihe Ninlh World Pelroleum Congress [Tokyo] 2 (Geology) , 7 1 -8 1 .
Applied Science Publishers, London. - G.
C ampos, C. W. M., Ponte, F . C. & Miura, K . 1 974: Geology of the

Bibliography and reJerences


Brazilian continental margin . In C . A. Burk & C . L . Drake (eds . ) :

The Geology of Conlinental Margins, 447-46 1 . Springer-Verlag, Ber
lin. - G.
Campos, Dea Regina Bouret & Campos, D . A. 1 9 76: Localidades
fossiliferas da folha Aracaj u-SC.24. In Maria Alice Leal Bruni el
al. : Carla geologiea do Brasil ao milionisimo: folha A racaju (SC.24),
1 6 7-204. Departamento Nacional da Produo Mineral, Brasilia.
Cen- Tur- Con/a . b .g.ef
Campos, L . F. G. de 1 92 5 : Notas sobre aigumas localidades da costa
norte e nordeste do Brasil onde se encontram os fosseis terciarios e
cretaceos referidos na presente monographia. In CarlotaJoaguina
Maury: Fosseis terciarios do Brasil, com descripo de novas
formas cretaceas, 667-699, I fold-out map. Servi(o Geologico e
Mineralogico do Brasil, Monographia 4. Rio de Janeiro. [In Portu
guese and E nglish.] - R.
Cesar, ] . R. A., Sousa, C. H . M . & Bruni, Maria Alice Leal 1 9 7 7 :
Avaliao regional d o setor mineral - Sergipe. Deparlamenlo Na
cional da Produ(o Mineral, Boletim 48, 1 -98. Brasilia. - R.
C onselho Nacional do Petroleo 1 948a: Relalorio de 1946. 308 pp., 28
ligs . , numerous unnumbered tables and plates. Rio de Janeiro .
[The chapter "Estado de Sergipe" summarizes a report by D. F .
C ampbell on lield-work carried out in cooperation with S . V.
Guedes and S . O . Silva (pp. 1 35- 1 47 , Figs. 1 2- 1 3 , 6 unnumbered
pls . ) . ] - G.
Conselho Nacional do Petroleo 1 948b: Relatorio de 1947. 2 1 6 pp., 27
ligs . , numerous unnumbered tables and plates. Rio de Janeiro .
[The chapter "Estado de Sergipe" summarizes reports by ]. L .
C arlton on work in northeastern Sergipe, carried out in coopera
tion with S. V . Guedes (pp. 79-89, Fig. 1 1 , 4 unnumbered pls . ) ,
and b y P. H . Keller on work in the valley o f the Sergipe River,
assisted by L. Mota and W . de Assis (pp. 89-90, Fig. 1 2 ) . ] - Tur/
Conselho Nacional do Petroleo 1 949: Relatorio de 1948. 1 54 pp . , 1 6
ligs . , numerous unnumbered tables and plates. Rio d e Janeiro .
[The chapter "Estado de Sergipe" summarizes reports by W. T.
O 'Gara and L . Mota (pp. 7 7 - 79, Fig. 9).] - G.
Conselho Nacional do Petroleo 1 95 1 : Relalorio de 1950. 245 pp., 24
ligs. , numerous unnumbered tables and plates. Rio de Janeiro.
[The chapter "Estado de Sergipe" summarizes a report by U nited
Geophysical Co. S. A. (pp. 96-99, Fig. 1 6, I table) . ] - G.
Cooke, C. W . 1 95 3 : American Upper C retaceous Echinoidea. U.S.
Geological SurvlJ Professional Paper 254-A, 1 -44, PIs. 1 - 1 6 . Wash
ington, D . C . [Sergipe: p . 33, Pl. 1 2 . ] - Tur/e.
*Cooper, M. R. 1 9 7 8 : Uppermost Cenomanian-basal Turonian
ammonites from Salinas, Angola. A nnals oflhe South African Museum
75(5) 5 1 - 1 52 . Cape Town .
Cope, E. D . 1 885: A contribution t o the vertebrate paleontology o f
Brazil. Proceedings of the A merican Philosophical Sociery 23(121) [for
1 886 (sic) ] , 1 -2 1 , 1 pl. Philadelphia, Pa. - Tur/Tv.
Cordeiro, N. 1 94 1 : Memoria explicativa do mapa geologico do
Estado de Sergipe. Revista Mineira de Engenharia 4 (25-26) , 1 9- 2 3 .
Belo Horizonte, MG. [ M a p never published .] - G .
C u nha, F . L . S . 1 959: Consideraiies paleontologicas e estratigrali
cas sobre Hemiaster jacksoni Maury, 1 924. Revista Brasileira de Qui
mica 47(277) , p. 66. So Paulo. - Tur/e.
Derby, O. A. 1 88 1 : Contribuio para o estudo da geologi a do valle
do Rio S. Francisco . A rchivos do Museu Nacional do Rio de Janeiro 4
[for 1 879] , 8 7- 1 1 9 . Rio de Janeiro . - R.
Derby, O . A. 1 88 7 a : " . . . esboo da geologi a dos districtos em gue
foram obtidos estes fosseis . . . " In C. A. White: Contribuiiies a
paleontologia do Brazil, 7- 1 4 . A rchivos do Museu Nacional do Rio de
Janeiro 7. Rio de Janeiro. [ I n Portuguese and English.] - G.
[Derby, O . A . ] 1 887b: Distribuio dos fosseis maritimos descriptos
nesta Memoria. In C. A. White: Contribuiiies a paleontologia do
Brazil, 265--268 . A rchivos do Museu Nacional do Rio de Janeiro 7. Rio
de Janeiro. [Author given in footnote in White ( 1 88 7 : 1 5) .] - Cen
Tur-Con?/a . b .g.e.x.
Derby, O . A. 1 887c: Observaiies sobre a taboa. In C . A. White:
Contribuiiies a paleontologia do Brazil, 269- 2 7 3 . A rchivos do
Museu Nacional do Rio de Janeiro 7. Rio de Janeiro . [ I n Portuguese
and English.] - Cen- Tur- Con?/a . b .
Derby, O . A. 1 90 7 : T h e sedimentary belt of t h e coast of Brazil.
Journal of Geology 15(3), 2 1 8- 2 3 7 . C hicago, Ill. - R.
Douglas, R. G . , Moullade, M . & Nairn, A. E . M . 1 9 7 3 : Causes and


Peter Bengtson : Cenomanian- Coniacian of Sergipe


consequences of drift in the South Atlantic. In D . H . Tarling & S .

K . Runcorn (eds . ) : Implications of Continental Drift t o the Earth
Sciences 1, 5 1 7-53 7 . Academic Press, London. - G.
[Duarte, A. G . ] 1 93 5 : [Annual report. ] In E. P. de Oliveira: Relatorio
annua l do Director, anno de 1934, 25-30. Servio Geologico e Minera
logico, Departamento Nacional da Producao Mineral, Rio de
Janeiro. [Author of pp. 26-30 doubtful , since end of Duarte's
report is not marked . ] - Tur?/b .g.e.
Duarte, A. G. 1 936: Petroleo e condioes para sua occorrencia no
Estado de Sergipe. Minera(iio e Metallurgia 1 (3) , 1 1 6- 1 1 7 . Rio de
Janeiro . - G.
Duarte, A. G . 1 938: [Report on field work. ] In E . P. de Oliveira:
Relatorio annual do Director, anno de 1935, 39-46. Servio Geologico e
Mineralogieo, Departamento Nacional da Producao Mineral, Rio
de Janeiro. - Tur- Con?/a . b .
Duarte, Lelia ( ed . ) 1 9 70: Catdlogo de fosseis tipo{s do Brasil) : Parte Il.
322 cards. Sociedade Brasileira de Paleontologia, Rio de Janeiro .
- Tur/v.
Du Toit, A. L. 1 92 7 : A geological comparison of South America
with South Africa. Carnegie Institution of Washington, Publication 381,
1 - 1 28, PIs. 1 - 1 2 , I fold-out table, I map. Washington , D . C .
[ Sergipe: p . 1 1 4. I n Portuguese, 1 95 2 , updated a n d annotated , a s
" Compara(iio geologica entre a Amirica do Sul e a Africa do Sul ";
translation and notes by K. E. C aster and J. C . Mendes . 1 79 pp.,
12 pls . , I fold-out table, I map. I nstituto Brasileiro de Geografia e
Estatistica, Rio de Janeiro; Sergipe: p. 1 35 . ] - G.
Du Toit, A. L. 1 928: Some reflections upon a geological comparison
of South Africa with South America. Proceedings of the Geological
Society of South Africa 31, 9-38. Johannesburg. [ I n Portuguese,
1 952, as " Reflexoes sobre urna comparaao geologica da A frica
do Sul com a America do Sul". In A. L. Du Toit: Compara(iio
geologiea entre a A mirica do Sul e a Ajrica do Sul, 1 43- 1 62 . I nstituto
Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatistica, Rio de Janeiro . ]
D utra, see Bourdot Dutra.
Erichsen, A. I. & Amarai, I. C . do 1 958: Relatorio da Diretoria
1 95 1 . Departamento Nacional da ProdUl;iio Mineral, Boletim da Divisiio
de Fomento da Produ(iio Mineral 97, 1 - 1 72 . Rio de Janeiro. [The
chapter " Calcdrio: Estado de Sergipe" (pp. 1 0 7- 1 1 6) summarizes a
report on the limestones of Sergipe by E. Denis . ] - G.
Fernandes, G. 1 966: Analogia das bacias saliferas de Sergipe, Ga
bao, Congo e Angola. Boletim Ticnico da Petrobrds 9(3-4) , 349- 365.
Rio de Janeiro . - G.
Fernandes, G . 1 96 7 : A geologia de subsuperfIcie indica nova para
metro para futuras descobertas de oleo em Sergipe . Ciencia- Tecni
ca-Petroleo, Explora(iio de Petroleo 4, 1 1 1 - 1 34. (Coletanea de reia to
rios de exploraao ( I l ) , Petrobras . ) Rio de Janeiro .
Ferreira, E . O. 1 9 7 2 : Carta tectonica do Brasil : Noticia explicativa.
Departamento Nacional da Produ(iio Mineral, Boletim 1, 1 - 1 9 ( Portu
guese ) , 1 - 1 4 (English) . Rio de Janeiro. - G.
Figueiredo, A. M . F . & Morales, R. G . 1 9 7 5 : Geologia da area de
C amorim. Anais do XXVII Congresso (Brasileiro de Geologia) (Araca
ju, SE, 1 9 7 3 ] 3, 207-226. Sociedade Brasileira de Geologia, Sao
Paulo. - G.
* Fiirster, R. & Scholz, G . 1 9 79: Salaziceras nigerianum n . sp. from
southeast Nigeria: Faunal evidence for an open seaway between
the northern and southern Atlantic in Late Albian times. Neues
Jahrbuch}Ur Geologie und Palaontologie, Monatshifte 1979(2) , 1 09- 1 1 9 .
Freire, F. F . o. 1 89 1 : Historia de Sergipe. LXX I I I + 424 pp. Typo
graphia Perseverana, Rio de Janeiro . [Cretaceous : pp.
LXI-LXV. Reprint ed. 1 9 7 7 with preface by P. Mercadante (pp.
1 1 - 1 8 ) . 4 1 6 pp. Editora Vozes, Petropolis, RJ ; C retaceous: pp.
56-59 .] - R.
Gerth, H . 1 93 5 : Geologie Siidamerikas 1 (2) , 2 0 1 - 389, Pls. 1 9-30, 3
fold-out tables. Gebriider Borntraeger, Berlin. [Sergipe : pp.
334-34 1 . ] - R.
Gomes, F . A . 1 968: Fossas tectonicas do Brasil. A nais da Academia
Brasileira de Ciencias 40, Suplemento, 255-2 7 1 . Rio de Janeiro . - G.
Grabert, H. 1 960: Zur Tektogenese Nordost-Brasiliens. Zeitschrift der
Deutschen Geologischen Gesellschaft 111 (3) [for 1 959] , 6 1 9-63 1 . Han
nover. - R.
Guimaraes, D . 1 936: Quadro chrono-geologico do Brasil . Minera(iio e
Metallurgia 1 (2) , 65-7 1 . Rio de Janeiro. [Also 1 936 as Publicar;iio

especial do Instituto Brasi/eiro de Minera(iio e Metallurgia (Servir;o de

Fomento da Produo Mineral) 1, 7 unpaginated pp. Rio de Janei
ro . ] - R.
Guimaraes, D . 1 958: Geologia estratigrdfica e economiea do Brasil. 450
pp., 1 80 figs . , 1 2 7 tables. Belo Horizonte, MG. [Sergipe: pp.
2 6 1 -262, table facing p . 264, PIs. 1 1 3 , 1 1 5 , 1 1 9 . ] - R.
Guimaraes, D . 1 964: Geologia do Brasil . Departamento Nacional da
Produr;iio Mineral, Memoria da Divisiio de Fomento da Produr;iio Mineral
1, 1 -674, 22 figs . , 1 5 fold-outs. Rio de Janeiro . [ Sergipe: pp.
476-484, 6 3 7 , 640, 646-652, table facing p . 484. ] - R .
* Hancock, J . M . & KaufTman, E . G. 1 9 79: The great transgressions
of the Late C retaceous . Journal of the Geological Society (of London)
136(2) , 1 75 1 86. London.
*Hancock, J . M . & Kennedy, W . J. 1 98 1 : Upper Cretaceous am
monite stratigraphy: some current problems. In M. R. House & J.
R. Senior: The A mmonoidea, 55 1 -553 . (The Systematics Associ
ation Special Volurne 1 8 . ) Academic Press, London.
* H art, M . B., Bailey, H. W., Fletcher, B . , Price, R. & Sweicicki , A.
1 98 1 : C retaceous. In D . G . Jenkins & J. W . Murray (eds . ) :
Stratigraphical A tlas of Fossil Foraminifera, 1 49-2 2 7 . Ellis Horwood ,
C hichester.
Hartt, C. F . 1 868: A naturalist in Brazil. The American Naturalist 2(1) ,
1 - 1 3 . Salem, Mass. - Tur/a. b .
Hartt, C . F . 1 870a: Geology and Physical Geography of Brazil. XXI +
620 pp., 9 pls. Fields, Osgood & C o . , Boston. [Sergipe: pp.
383-393, 555-556 . ] Reprint ed . 1 9 75 with introduction by A . V .
C arozzi ( 2 2 pp. ) : Robert E. Krieger, Huntington, N . Y . I n
Portuguese, 1 94 1 , as " Geologia e geografia fisica d o Brasil", with
introduction by E . Roquette-Pinto and biography and bibliogra
phy of Hartt by E. S. de Mendona; translation by E . S. de
Mendona and E . Dolianiti. 649 pp. ( " B rasiliana" , Vol. 200) ,
Companhia Editora Nacional, Sao Paulo; Sergipe: pp. 4 1 7-429,
595-596. ] - Tur/Ta . b . v .
Hartt, C . F . 1 8 70b: On t h e geology of Brazil. Journal of the American
Geographical and Statistieal Society 2(2) , 55-70. New York, N . Y . G.
Hartt, C . F . 1 8 76: The Geological Survey of Brazil. (Translation
and comments by T . B . Comstock . ] American Journal of Science and
A rts, Third series 1 1 (66) , 466-47 3 . New Haven, Conn. - G.
Haug, E. [ 1 9 1 O?] : Traite de geologie: Il. Les periodes geologiques. Fascicule
2. Pp. 929- 1 396, PIs . 1 00- 1 1 9 . Librairie Armand Colin, Paris.
[Sergipe: pp. 1 295- 1 296 . ] [Volurne Il, published 1 908- 1 9 1 1 ,
consists of three parts . Part I I : 2 was probably issued 1 9 1 0, since it
contains numerous references dated 1 909 and was reviewed in
Geologisches Zentralblatt 15(4) , dated 15 October 1 9 1 0 . ] Tur/a .g.
*Hedberg, H . D . ( ed . ) 1 976: International Stratigraphic Guide. 200 pp.
John Wiley & Sons, New York.
Henao Londoiio, D. 1 958: Estudos gravimetricos em S ergipe-Ala
goas . Revista da Escola de Minas 21 (4) , 1 69- 1 7 1 , 2 maps . Ouro
Preto, MG. [Also 1 959, in Boletim Ticnico da Petrobrds 2(2) , 1 3- 1 9 .
Rio d e Janeiro . ] - G.
* Henderson, J . 1 82 1 : A History of the Bra?)l. 522 pp. Longman,
H urst, Rees, Orme, and Brown, London .
Herngreen, G . F . W . 1 9 7 5 : Palynology o f middle a n d upper C reta
ceous strata in Brazil. Mededelingen Rijks Geologische Dienst, Nieuwe
Serie 26(3) , 39-9 1 . Haarlem. - Cen- Tur-Con/a f o .p.
Herngreen, G. F . W. 1 98 1 : Microfloral relationships between Africa
and South Ameriea in midd le and upper C retaceous time. In D .
C . B haradwaj e t a l . (eds . ) : Proceedings of the IVth International
Palynological Conference [Lucknow, India, 1 9 76- 1 9 7 7 ] 3, 406-4 1 7 .
Birbal Sahni I nstitute of Palaeobotany, Lucknow. - Cen - Tur- Con/


Herngreen, G . F . W . & C hlonova, Anna Fedorovna 1 98 1 : C reta

ceous microfloral provinces. Pollen et Spores 23(3-4) , 44 1 -555.
Paris. - R.
Hyatt, A . 1 8 70: Report on the C retaceous fossils from Marolm,
province of Sergipe, Brazil, in the collection of Professor Hartt. In
C . F . Hartt: Geology and Physical Geography of Brazil, 385- 3 9 3 .
Fields, Osgood & C o . , Boston, M a s s . [ I n Portuguese, 1 94 1 , a s
" Relatorio d o s fosseis cretaceos de Maroim, Provincia de Sergipe,
Brasil, da coleao do Professor Hartt " ; translation by E . S . de
Mendona and E. Dolianiti. In C . F . Hartt: Geologia e geografia
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* Iglesias, Dolores & Meneghezzi, Maria de Lourdes 1 959: Biblio
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ciation des Services Geologiques Africains, Paris. - Turlfo .

Bibliography and references


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Magalhaes, J . & Mezzalira, S . 1 95 3 : Moluscos fosseis do Brasi!. 283
pp. I nstituto Nacional do Livro, Rio de Janeiro . [Sergipe : nu
merous citations throughou t . ] - Cen ("A lb ") - Tur/a . b .g .
Marques, R. C . 1 965: C ampo petrolifero de C armopolis . Boletim
Tecnico da Petrobrds 8 (3) , 307-328. Rio de Janeiro. - G.
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Peter Bengtson : Cenomanian- Coniacian of Sergipe

Matsumoto, T. 1 9 7 3 : Late Cretaceous Ammonoidea. In A. Hallam

(ed. ) : A tlas of Palaeobiogeography, 42 1 -429 . Elsevier, Amsterdam. Cen/a.
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gico do Brasil, Monographia 4, 1 - 705, PIs. 1 -24, 2 fold-out tables, I
map. Rio de Janeiro. [Sergipe: pp. 589-603 , Pl. 2 2 . I n Portuguese
and English. Correct publication date given on front and back
cover, not 1 924 as on title-page; cf. E. P . de Oliveira ( 1 925:92,
1 92 7 :82) . ] - Tur/Tb .
Maury, Carlot [t] a Joaquina 1 930: O Cretaceo da Parahyba do
Norte. Servifo Geologico e Mineralogico do Brasil, Monographia 8,
1 -305; A lbum das estampas, I-XXI I I , PIs . 1 - 3 5 . Rio de Janeiro .
[Sergipe: pp. 20-2 1 , 42-49, 54-55, 272-299. In Portuguese and
English.] - Tur("Maastr")/a.
Maury, Carlotta Joaquina 1 93 7 : O Cretaceo de Sergipe . Servifo
Geologico e Mineralogico do Brasil, Monographia 11, 1 -283, 6 fold-out
tables; A lbum das estampas, I-XXXV, Pls. 1 -28. Rio de Janeiro .
[ I n Portuguese and English. Cover date is 1 936; however, E. P. de
Oliveira ( 1 939: 1 0 1 - 1 02 ) gives actual publication date as 1 93 7 . ] Cen- Tur/Ta. Tb . Tg. Te. TJ Tv. Tx.
* Meek, F. B. & Hayden, F. V. 1 85 7 : Descriptions of new species of
Gasteropoda and Cephalopoda from the C retaceous formations of
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Philadelphia 8 [for 1 856] , 70- 7 2 .
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1 0.4. (Enciclopedia brasileira, Biblioteca univers ita ria : Geocien
cias, Geologia 9 . ) I nstituto Nacional do Livro, Rio de Janeiro.
[Sergipe: pp. 1 1 4- 1 1 8, 1 33 . ] - G.
Miranda, j . 1 94 1 : Bi bliografia reiaeionada com a geologia do petro
leo no Est. de Sergipe . Minerafao e Metalurgia 5(30) , 2 7 3-276. Rio
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Moraes, L . j. de 1 939: A provincia petrolifera do Nordeste. Minera
fao e Metalurgia 3(18), 326- 3 3 3 . Rio de Janeiro . [Also 1 939 in:
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Rio de Janeiro . ] - R.
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[ 1 :500 000 map.] Servir;:o Geologico e Mineralogico do Brasil, Rio
de Janeiro . [Author's name missing from map; reference given in
Morais Rego 1 93 3 : 3 3 , 84; cf. E . P . de Oliveira 1 940: 1 6 1 . Listed
under E . P. de Oliveira in bibliography of IgIesias & Meneghezzi
( 1 959) . ] - G.
[Moraes Rego, L . F . de] 1 929: Possibilidade de petroleo em Scrgipe.
Minerio, Combustivel e Transporte (Supplemento mensa l da Revista das
Estradas de Ferro) 2(15) , 95-97. Rio de Janeiro. [Anonymous edito
riai; reference given in Morais Rego 1 9 3 3 : 84 . ] - G.
Morais Rego, L . F . de 1 9 3 3 : Notas sobre a geologia, a geomorfologia
e os recursos minerais de Sergipe. Anais da Escola de Minas de Ouro
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Mota, L. 1 949: Posir;:o estratigrafica do Morro do Chaves (Es!.
Sergipe) . Revista da Escola de Minas 14(6) , 5- 7 . Ouro Preto, MG.
Mi.iller, H . 1 966: Palynological investigations of C retaceous sedi
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1 965] , 1 23- 1 36 . E . j . Brill, Leiden. - Tur- Con/p.
Neufville, E. M . H . 1 9 73: Upper C retaceous-Palaeogene Ostracoda
from the South Atlantic. Publications from the Palaeontological Institu
tion of the University of Uppsala, Special Volume 1, 1 -205, Pls .
6 . 1 -6. 1 2 , 7 . 1 - 7 . 7 , 8 . 1 -8 . 5 . Uppsala. - Tur/To .
Neufville, E. M. H. 1 9 79 : Upper C retaceous- Paleogene marine
ostracods from the Sergipe-Alagoas Basin, northeastern Brazil.
Bulletin of the Geological Institutions of the University of Uppsala, N.S. 8,
1 35- 1 72 . Uppsala. - Tur/To .
Noguti, I . & Santos, j . F. d o s 1 97 3 : Zoneamento preliminar por
foraminiferos planctonicos do Aptiano ao Mioceano [sic] na plata
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1 9 72] , 265-283 . Rio de Janeiro. - Cen-Tur-Con/af

FOSSILS AND STRATA 1 2 ( 1 98 3 )

'Odin, G . S . & Kennedy, W . j . 1 982: M i s e il jour de I'echelle des

temps mesozolques. Comptes rendus des siances de l 'A cadimie des
Sciences 2, 294(6) , 383-386. Paris.
Oj eda, H . A. & Bisol D . L . 1972: Integrar;:o geologica regional da
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2 1 5-225. Sociedade Brasileira de Geologia, Sao Paulo. - G.
Oj eda, H . A . & Fugita, A . Yl. 1 976: Bacia S ergipe/ Alagoas : Geolo
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Oliveira, A . I. de 1 94 3 : Geologia de Sergipe. Minerafao e Metalurgia
7(39) , 1 4 1 - 1 47 . Rio de Janeiro. [Also as reprint, 1 6 p p . , 1 5 pls . , I
map, and 1 946, without plates, in Boldim Geogrdfico 4 (43) ,
809-8 1 7 . Rio de Ja.neiro . ] - G.
Oliveira, A. I . de 1 956: Brazil. In W. F. Jenks ( ed . ) : H andbook of
South American geology, 1 -6 2 . Geological Society of Ameriea Memoir
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Oliveira, A. I . de & Leonardos, O. H. 1 940: Geologia do Brasil. 472
pp . , 36 pls . , I map. Comissao Brasileira dos Centenarios de
Portugal, Rio de Janeiro . [Sergipe: pp. 360- 363, PIs. 24- 2 7 . ] - R.
Oliveira, A. I. de & Leonardos, O . H . 1 94 3 : Geologia do Brasil. 2nd,
revised and enlarged ed. 8 1 3 pp . , 3 7 pls . , 1 07 unnumbered figs . , I
map. Ministerio da Agricultura, Servir;:o de Informar;: a o Agricola
( S erie didatica 2 ) , Rio de Janeiro . [Sergipe: pp. 560-568, PIs .
24- 2 7 . Reprint ed . 1 9 78 without map: Escola Superior de Agri
cultura de Mossoro, Mossoro, RN. ( Coleo Mossoraense C 72 . ) ] G.
*Oliveira, E . P . de 1 92 5 : Relatorio annual do Director, anno de 1924. 1 3 2
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organizada de accordo com os estudos feitas ati 31 de de;;.embro de 1928. 6
pp. Servir;:o Geologico e Mineralogico do Brasil, Rio de Janeiro.
[Also in Ministerio da Agricultura, Industria e Commercio, Annuario
1929, 423-428. Rio de Janeiro . J - G.
Oliveira, E. P. de 1 930: Geologia historiea do Bra;;.il [sic] : columna
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1929. 7 pp. Servir;:o Geologico e Mineralogico do Brazil, Rio de
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Servir;:o Geologico e Mineralogico, Departamento Nacional da
Produr;:o Mineral, Rio de Janeiro.
Oliveira, E . P . de 1 940: Historia da pesquisa de petrolea no Brasil. 208
pp. Ministerio da Agricu ltura, Rio de Janeiro. [Sergipe: pp.
1 5 7- 1 74.] - G.
Oliveira, P . E . de 1 958: [Annual report. ] In A . R. Lamego: Relatorio
anual do Diretor, ano de 1957, 1 29- 1 3 1 . Divisao de Geologia e
Mineralogia, Departamento Nacional da Produ\=ao Mineral, Rio
de Janeiro . - Tur/a.
Oliveira, P. E. de & Brito, I . M. 1 968: Amonitas turonianos do
Estado de Sergipe. XXII Congressa Brasileira de Geologia [Belo
Horizontc, M G] , Resumo das comunicafoes, 60-6 1 . Sociedadc Brasi
leira de Geologia, Nucleo de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, MG.
[Abstract. Also in A nais da A cademia Brasileira de Ciincias 40 (4) , p .
5 7 1 -R. Rio de Janeiro . ] - Tur/a.
Oliveira, P. E. de & Brito, I . M. 1 969: Amonitas turonianos do
Estado de Sergipe . Anais da A cademia Brasileira de Ciincias 41 (2) ,
2 1 5- 2 3 3 . Rio de Janeiro . - Cen ("Tur ") - Tur/Ta.
Paes Leme, A. B. 1 924: Evolufao da estructura da Terra e geologia do
Brasil, vistas atraves das collecfes do Museu Nacional. 368 pp . , 1 4
unpaginated pls . , I map. I mprensa Nacional, Rio d e Janeiro.
[ Sergipe: pp. 204-207 . ] - R.
Pa es Leme, A . B . 1 943: Hist6ria fisica da Terra . 1 020 pp. , I fold-out
fig. , I fold-out table, I map. F . Briguiet & C i a . , Rio de Janeiro.
[Sergipe: pp. 870-874.J - R.
Petri, S . 1 96 2 : Foraminiferos cretaceos de Sergipe. Boletim da Facul
dade de Filosofia, Ciincias e Letras da Universidade de Sao Paulo 265
(Geologia 20) , 1 - 1 40, PIs. 1 - 2 1 . So Paulo. - Cen-Tur- Con/a . b . e .

Bibliography and references


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Petrobras 17(3) , 1 7 7- 1 9 1 , Figs . 5-6. Rio de Janeiro. - Cen-Tur-Con/
f n .p .
Regali, Marilia S . P . , Uesugui, N . & Santos, A . S . 1 97 5 : Palinologia
dos sedimentos mcso-cenoz6icos do B rasil ( I l ) . Boletim Ticnico da
Petrobras 17(4) [for 1 974] , 263-30 1 , PIs. 1 -25 [in separate envc
lope] . Rio de Janeiro. - Cen- Tur- Con/Tp.
Rego, see Moraes Rego.
Resende, A. C. & Garcez V . Filho, D . 1 97 3 : Hidrogeologia de
Sergipe e Bahia: Parte I . Sergipe. XXVII Congresso Brasileiro de
Geologia [Aracaj u , SE] , Boletim 3 (Roteiro das excursoes) , 47-55.
Sociedade B rasileira de Geologia, Nucleo da Bahia, Salvador,
BA. - G.
Reyment, R. A . 1 965: Upper C retaceous fossil molluscs in South
America and West Africa. Nature 207(5004) , p . 1 384. London Turla.
Reyment, R. A. 1 969a: Ammonite biostratigraphy, continental drift
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don. - G.
Reyment, R. A. 1 969b: L ' histoire cretacee du bassin sedimentaire
cotier nigerian. A nnales de la Faculte des Sciences de l'Universite de
Clermont 41 (Geologie et Mineralogie 19) , 1 0- 1 3 . Clermont-Ferrand .
- R.
Reyment, R. A . 1 9 7 1 a: Experimental studies of C retaceous trans
gressions for Africa. Geological Society of A meriea Bulletin 82(4) ,
1 063- 1 07 1 . Boulder, Colo. - Cen- Turla.
Reyment, R. A. 1 9 7 1 b: Vermuteter Dimorphismus bei der Ammoni
tengattung Benueites. Bulletin of the Geological institutions of the Uni
versity of Uppsala, N.S. 3(1), 1 - 1 8, PIs. 1 - 1 0. Uppsala. - Turla.
Reyment, R. A. 1 9 7 1 c: Sydatlantiska havets uppkomstsatt. [The
mode of formation of the South Atlantic Ocean.] Svensk naturueten
skap 1971, 87-92, Figs . 6- 7 . S tockholm. [ I n Swedish with English
summary.] - G.
Reyment, R. A . 1 9 7 2 : C retaceous (Albian-Turonian) geology of the
South Atlantic. In T. F . J . Dessauvagie & A . J . Whiteman (eds . ) :
African Geology, 505-5 1 2 , Pl. I . U niversity of I badan, Ibadan.
(Proceedings of a Conference on African Geology, Ibadan, Ni
geria 1 97 0 . ) - Cen-Turla.
Reyment, R. A. 1 9 7 3 : C retaceous history of the South Atlantic. In
D. H. Tarling & S. K. Runcorn (eds . ) : Implications of Continental


Drift to the Earth Sciences 2, 805-8 1 4 . Academic Press, London. Tur/a.

Reyment, R. A. 1 9 74: Application des methodes paleobiologiques a
la theorie de la derive des continents, illustree par l'Atiantique
Sud. Revue de Geographie Physique et de Geologie Dynamique 2, 16(1) ,
6 1 -70. Paris Cen-Tur-Con/a . o .
Reyment, R. A . 1 97 5 : Paleontologie evolutive et nouvelle tectoni
que. Memoires du Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Nouvelle serie,
A . Zoologie 88, 8- 1 8 . Paris. - Turla.
Reyment, R. A. 1 976: Mid-Cretaceous events in South America. 29
Congresso Brasileiro de Geologia [Belo Horizonte, MG] , Resumos dos
trabalhos, 359-360. Sociedade B rasileira de Geologia, N ucleo de
Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, MG. [Abstract.] - G.
Reyment, R. A . 1 9 7 7 : Las transgresiones del C retacico medio en el
Atlantico Sur. Revista de la Asociacion Geologiea A rgentina 32(4) ,
2 9 1 -299. Buenos Aires . - Cen/a.
Reyment, R. A. 1 978: The mid-C retaceous of the Nigerian coastal
basin. A nnales du Museum d'Histoire Naturelle de Nice 4 [for 1 9 76] ,
XX. I -XX. 1 5 . Nice. - Turla.
Reyment, R. A. 1 9 79: Events of the mid-Cretaceous in South Amer
icao Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciencias 51 (3) , 489-500. Rio de
Janeiro. - Cen - Tur- Con/a.
Reyment, R. A. 1 980: Paleo-oceanology and paleobiogeography of
the C retaceous South Atlantic Ocean. Oceanologica Acta 3(1) ,
1 2 7- 1 33 . Montreuil. - R.
Reyment, R. A . 1 98 1 : Colombia. In R. A . Reyment & P . Bengtson
(eds . ) : Aspects of Mid-Cretaceous Regional Geology, 1 75- 1 95 . Aca
demic Press, London. - Turla.
Reyment, R. A . , Bengtson, P. & Tait, E. A. 1 9 76: C retaceous
transgressions in Nigeria and Sergipe-Alagoas (Brazil) . In F . F.
M. dc Almeida ( ed . ) : Continental margins of Atlantic type,
253-264. Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciencias 48, Suplemento. Rio
de Janeiro. - Cen-Tur-Con/a.
Reyment, R. A. & Neufville, E. M. H. 1 9 74: Multivariate analysis of
populations split by continental drift . Mathematical Geology 6(2) ,
1 73- 1 8 1 . New York. - Turlo.
Reyment, R. A. & Tait, E. A. 1 9 72a: Biostratigraphical dating of
the early history of the South Atlantic Ocean. Philosophical Trans
actions of the Royal Society of London, B. Biological Sciences 264(858) ,
55-95, Fig. I l , PIs. 3-5. London. - Cen - Tur- Con/a . b .g.x.
Reyment, R. A . & Tait, E. A . 1 9 72b: Faunal evidence for the origin
of the South Atlantic. International Geological Congress, 24th Session
(Canada 1972), Section 7: Paleontology, 3 1 6- 3 2 3 . Montreal. Turla.
Richter, A. J . 1 96 7 : Geologia do " Horst" que separa as bacias do
Reconcavo-Tucano e Alagoas-Sergipe. Ciencia- Ticnica-Petroleo,
Explora(iio de Petroleo 4, 1 7 1 - 1 7 7 . (Coletanea de relat6rios de ex
ploracao ( I l ) , Petrobras . ) Rio de Janeiro. - Cen?- Tur?- Con?lg.x.
Richter, A . J . & Simoes, I . A . ( compilers) 1 9 7 5 : Carta geologiea da
Bacia SergipelA lagoas. [ 1 :50 000 .] 33 map-sheets. Petrobras S . A . ,
Rio de Janeiro; Departamento Nacional da Producao Mineral,
Brasilia. - G.
Rocha, J . F . da 1 939: A tlas geologico do Brasil: /933-1934. 18 pp., 24
maps. Servico Geol6gico e Mineral6gico, Departamento Nacional
da Producao Mineral, Rio de Janeiro. [Contains 1 : 750 000 map of
S ergipe. I n Portuguese and English . ] - G.
Rosa, H. 1 96 7 : Bacias cretaceas do Brasil: situacao atual das pes
quisas de petr6leo. Boletim Ticnico da Petrobras 10(2) , 1 79-2 1 1 . Rio
de Janeiro. - G.
Roxo, M. G . O. 1 938: [Annual report of the Sec(iio de Paleontologia . ]
In E . P . de Oliveira: Relatorio annua l do Director, anno de 1935,
1 63- 1 65, 1 80- 1 8 7 . Servico Geologico e Mineralogico, Departa
mento Nacional da Produccao Mineral, Rio de Janeiro. - Tur- Con/
a . b .g.e.v.
Rlieni, W . 1 966: Zur Erdolgeologie des Klistenbeckens von
Sergipe-Alagoas, B rasilien. Bulletin der Vereinigung Schweizerischer
Petroleum- Geologen und -1ngenieure 32(83) , 1 5-38 . Basel . - G.
Sampaio, A. V. & Northneet, A. 1 97 5 : Estratigrafia e correlacao das
bacias sedimentares brasileiras. A nais do XXVII Congresso (Brasi
leira de Geologia) [Aracaj u , SE, 1 9 7 3 ] 3, 1 89-206. Sociedade Brasi
leira de Geologia, Sao Paulo. - G.
Santos, Maria Eugenia C . M. 1 96 2 : Novos lamelibranquios do
calcario Sapucari, Estado de Sergipe. A nais da Academia Brasileira
de Ciencias 34(4), Resumo das comunica(oes, XXXII-XXX I I I . Rio de
Janeiro. [Summary of talk.] - Con ("Tur")!b .
Santos, Maria Eugenia C . M . 1 963: Inoceramus do calcario Sapucari,



Peter Bengtson: Cenomanian- Coniacian of Sergipe

Estado de Sergipe. Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciencias 35(3) ,

357-359, PIs . 1 - 2 . Rio de Janeiro. - Con ("Tur")/Tb .
Santos, Maria Eugenia C . M . & Cunha, F . L . S . 1 958: Sobre
Hemiaster jacksoni Maury e outros equinoides do Cretacico brasi
leira. A nais da Academia Brasileira de Ciencias 30(3) , Resumo das
comunica(oes, X L I I I-XLV . Rio de Janeiro . [Summary of tal k . ] Tur/e.
Santos, Maria Eugenia C . M. & Cunha, F. L. S. 1 959: Sobre
Hemiaster jacksoni Maury e outros equinoides do C retacieo brasi
leira. Departamento Nacional da Produ(ao Mineral, Boletim da Divisao
de Geologia e Mineralogia 186, 5- 1 9 , PIs . 1 - 3 . Rio de Janeiro .
[English summary. Reprinted 1 9 8 1 in: Estudos de paleontologia
potiguar, 1 39- 1 59 . Cale(ao Mossoraense C 167. Mossoro, RN .] - Tur/
Santos, R. S. 1 958: [Annual report.] In A. R. Lamego : Relatorio anual
do Diretor, ano de 1957, 1 35- 1 36 . Divisao de Geologia e Mineralo
gia, Departamento Nacional da Produyao Mineral, Rio de Ja
neiro. - Cen/v.
Santos, R. S. & Salgado, Marise Sardenberg 1 969: Enchodus longipec
toralis ( SchaetTer) , um Teleostei do C retaceo de Sergipe. A nais da
A cademia Brasileira de Cieneias 41 (3) , 3 8 1 -392. Rio de Janeiro.
[English summary . ] - Tur/Tv.
SchaetTer, B. 1 94 7 : C retaceous and Tertiary actinopterygian fishes
from B razil. Bulletin of the A merican Museum of Natural History 89(1) ,
5-39, Pls. 1 - 7 . New York. - Tur("A lb ")/Tv.
Schaller, H. ( ed . ) 1 9 70: Revisao estratigrafica da Bacia de Sergipe/
Alagoas . Boletim Tieniea da Petrobras 1 2(1) [for 1 969] , 2 1 -86, Figs .
3 , 1 0- 1 1 , 1 6A, 30-3 1 . Rio de Janeiro. [Contains results of work
by the Comissao de Revisao Estratigrafica da Baeia de Sergipe/A lagoas,
edited for publication by H. Schaller.] Cen- Tur- Con/a.b.efo.p.
* Shumard, B . F . 1 854: Description of the species of Carboniferous
and C retaceous fossils collected . In R. B . Marcy & G . B. McClel
lan: Exploration of the Red River of Louisiana, in the year 1852,
1 7 3-1 85, PIs . 1-6. A. O . P. Nicholson, Washington, D . C .
Silva Filho, M . A. d a , Bomfim, L. F. C . , Santos, R. A. dos, Leal, R .
A . , Santana, A. C . & Braz Filho, P. A. 1 9 7 9 : Geologia d a
geossinc1inal sergipana e d o s e u embasamento - Alagoas, Sergipe
e Bahia: Proj eto Baixo S. Francisco/Vaza-Barris. Departamento
Nacional da Produ(iio Mineral, Geologia 13 (Geologia Basiea JO), 1 - 1 3 1 ,
2 maps . Brasilia. - R.
Simoes, I. A. & Bandeira j r . , A . N . 1 969: Aplicayao da c1assificayao
de Folk no mapeamento de litofacies dos carbonatos da quadri
cula de C armopolis no Estado de Sergipe. Anais do XXI Congressa
(Brasileira de Geologia) [C uritiba, PR, 1 967] , 3- 1 8 . Sociedade Bra
sileira de Geologia, Sao Paulo. - G.
Sop [p] er, R. H . 1 9 1 4: Geologia e supprimento d'agua subterranea
em Sergipe e no nordeste da Bahia. Inspectoria {Federal} de Obras
Contra as Seccas (Serie 1, D- Geologia) , Publica(oes 34, 1 - 1 03, Figs .
1 - 1 5 , Photographs 1 -80, 2 unnumbered tables, l map. Rio de
Janeiro . [2nd ed. 1 923; pp. 1 -96, otherwise as for 1 st ed . l - G.
Stefan, P. & Tancu, Leonida 1 9 5 7 : O sal-gema de Sergipe e seu aproveita
mento . 296 pp. Instituto de Tecnologia e Pesquisas de Sergipe,
Aracaj u , SE. - G.
Steinmann, G . 1 88 1 : Ueber Tithon und Kreide in den peruanischen
Anden. Neues Jahrbuch for Mineralogie, Geologie und Palaeontologie
1881 (2) , 1 30- 1 53 , Pls. 6-8. Stuttgart. - Tur ("Cen ")/a.
*SUDENE, 1 974: [Topographical maps; 1 : 1 00 000.] Folha SC.24-Z
B-IV A racaju; Folha SC.24-Z-B- V Japaratuba; Folha SC.24-Z-D-I
Estaneia. 3 map-sheets. Superintendeneia do Desenvolvimento do
Nordeste (SUDENE) , Recife, PE.
Summerhayes, C . P . , Fainstein, R. & Ellis, .J . P. 1 9 76: Continental
margin otT Sergipe and Alagoas, northeastern Brazil: a reconnais
sanee geophysical study of morphology and structure. Marine
Geology 20(4) , 345-36 1 . Amsterdam. - G.
Tibana, P. (compiler) 1 969: C retaceo de Sergipe: area de Laran
j eiras . XXIIl Congressa Brasileira de Geologia [Salvador, BA] , Boletim
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Geologia, Nlic1eo da Bahia, Salvador, BA. - G.

Tibana, P . 1 9 7 3 : Excursao it Bacia Sedimentar de S ergipc e ao

Geosinclinal de Propria. XXVIl Congressa Brasileira de Geologia
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Sociedade Brasileira de Geologia, Nlicleo da Bahia, Salvador,
BA. - G.
Tinoco, I. M . 1 97 5 : Estabelecimento e desenvolvimento da provin
cia biogeografica das I ndias Ocidentais . A rquivos do Museu Nacional
55, 1 6 7- 1 7 1 . Rio de Janeiro . - R.
Tricart, J . & Silva, Teresa C ardoso da 1 969: Estudos de geomorfologia
da Bahia e Sergipe. 1 6 7 pp. + 36 unpaginated pp., l fold-out.
I mprensa Ofieial da Bahia, Salvador, BA. - G.
Troelsen, J . C . & Quadros, L . P. de 1 9 7 1 : Distribuivao bioestratigra
fica dos nanofosseis em sedimentos marin hos (Aptiano-Mioceno)
do Brasil. A nais da A cademia Brasileira de Ciencias 43, Suplemento,
5 7 7-609. Rio de Janeiro . Cen- Tur- Con/Tn.
*Troger, K. A. 1 98 1 : Zu Problem en der Biostratigraphie der I no
ceramen und der Untergliederung des C enomans und Turons in
Mittel- und Osteuropa. Newsletter on Stratigraphy 9(3) , 1 39- 1 56 .
Viana, C . F. 1 969: Microfosseis do Cretaceo do Nordeste brasileiro
e A frica Ocidental. A nais do XXI Congressa (Brasileiro de Geologia)
[C uritiba, PR, 1 96 7 ] , 1 9-28. Sociedade Brasileira de Geologia,
Sao Paulo.
Tur- Con/f o .p.
Viana, C . F . 1 980: C ronoestratigrafia dos sedimentos da margem
continental brasileira. A nais do XXXI Congressa Brasileira de Geologia
[Camborili, SC] 2, 832-843 . Sociedade Brasileira de Geologia,
Sao Paulo.
Cen- Tur- Con/fn.p.
*Wade, B . 1 926: The fauna or the Ripley Formation on Coon Creek,
Tennessee. U.S. Geological Surve;> Professional Paper 137, 1 -2 7 2 .
Washington, D . C .
Wanderley, A. 1 938: [Report on field work. ] In E . P. de Oliveira
( ed . ) : Relatorio annual do Director, anno de 1935, 46- 5 7 . Scrviyo
Geologico e Mineralogico, Departamento Nacional da Producvao
Mineral, Rio de Janeiro. - G.
White, C. A. 1 88 7 : Contribui6es a paleontologia do Brazil . A rchivas
do Museu Nacional do Rio de Janeiro 7, 1 -2 7 3 , Pls. 1 -28. Rio de
Janeiro. [ I n Portuguese and English; reprinted 1 888 with pre face
by the author, under the title Contributions to the Paleontology of
Bra,,-il, Comprising Descriptions of Cretaceous Invertebrate Fossils, Mainly
from the Provinces of Sergipe, Pernambuco, Para and Bahia . ] - Cen- Tur
Con?/Ta. Tb . Tg. Te. Tx.
*Wiedmann, J . & Neugebauer, J . 1 97 8 : Lower C retaceous am mon
ites from the South Atlantic Leg 40 (DSDP) , their stratigraphic
value and sedimentologic properties. In H. M . Bolli, W . B . F .
Ryan e t al. : Initial reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project 40, 709-734.
U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D . C .
*Wilson, R. C . L . & Williams, C . A . 1 9 7 9 : Oceanic transform
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sedimentary basins - a review. Journal of the Geological Society (of
London) 136(3) , 3 1 1 -320. London .
Woodward, A . S . 1 89 5 : Catalogue of Fossil Fishes i n the British Museum,
Part 3. 544 pp. , 18 pls. British Museum ( Naturai History ) , Lon
don. [Sergipe: p. 2 7 5 . ] - Tur?/Tv.
Woodward, A. S . 1 90 7 : Notes on some Uppcr C retaceous fish
remains from the provinces of Sergipe and Pernambuco, Brazil.
Geological Magaz;ne, N.S., Decade V, 4 (515), 1 93- 1 9 7 , Pl. 7 . Lon
don. - Tur?/Tv.
*Wright, C . W. & Kennedy, W . J . 1 98 1 : The Ammonoidea of the
Plcnus Maris and the Middle Chaik. Palaeontegraphical Society
Monographs, Publications 560 (in Volume 1 34 [for 1 980] ) , 1 - 1 48 ,
P l s . 1 - 3 2 . London.
Zambrano, .J . .J . 1 98 1 : Distribucion y evolucion de las cuencas
sedimentarias en el continente sudamericano durante el Jurasico
y el C retacico. In W. Volkheimer & E. A. Musacchio (eds . ) :
Cuencas sedimentarias delJurasicoy Cretaeico de Amirica del Sur 1, 9-44.
Comite Sudamericano del Jurasico y C retacico, Buenos Aires.
- R.



Appendix l: Locality data

Appendix 1 . Locality data

Descriptions of localities

Note: Lithological properties in the Cretaceous of Sergipe are

strongly influenced by weathering, the degree of which may
be locally very variable. Terms for bedding, hardness, col
our, etc. are used informally; for example, "hard" is em
ployed in the sen se of yielding with difficulty to the hammer
(as opposed to "friable" ) . All data given are purely descrip
tive and as recorded in the lield .
C itations In square brackets refer to second editions,
translations or reprints with pagination different from the
original issue.

Kcar Cotinguiba Formation, Aracaj u Member.

Kcsp Cotinguiba Formation, Sapucari Member.
Kr-Kc Riachuelo-Cotinguiba formation (see p. 4 1 ) .
Exposure outcrop height less than ca. 0 . 5 m .
Section outcrop height more than c a . 0 . 5 m.

Starting points for UTM coordinates : 10 Mm S from the

Equator, and 0.5 Mm W from the meridian 39 W of
Greenwich, respectively .

Alta Verde
RifntllCtI IQ titt ort:

BALDE 3 : UTM 8 805 lOOr.;/704 95OE. Topographical map sheet


O "

logo 30 Sul d"ta cidadt, Ilo primeiro

kilometro pela estrada de rodagem , . " of A. C , Duanc ( 1 938:44)

O Possihly locality C3 of Petr; ( 1 962:29, Fig. 2) and "Cotinguiba

Ltranjeiras I " of Camp<:>S & Campo! ( 1 976: 195) (sec also under



Geolog-ical map .heet: SC.H-Z-B-IV-4

LoOlre materia! on small elevation. Ahitude ca, 30 m.

KCJp, Coquinoid, light brown Laranjeira. limestonu and locally

quartziferous, eream Laranjeira. limestones.

BOA L U Z 6: UTM H IlO I 5SON/697 9OOE. Topographical map

sheet: SC.H-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Geologieal map sheel: Se.24-Z-S

IV-4 Aracaju

Quarry on hillside racing SE, immediatdy ;-.; ofdam, A\titude ca

30 m

Kap: flaggy, hard, light brown Pindoba limestones

Madre de Deus)

BOA LUZ 7: UT:-'1 8 80 1 4ooN/697 7ooE, Topographical map



UTM 8 803 700N/699 9.'1OE. Topographical

map sheet: SC.24-ZB-IV Aracaju. Geological map sheet: SC.24-Z

B-IV.+ Aracaju

Stttions and old quarry on hillside racing NE. Alt;wde ca. 25-30

KeJp: 1\odular, light brown Laranjeiras limestones

RiftrtllCts: O Probably tlle quarry al "Rua Tamandary" of A. G

Duarte ( 1 938:44) and "Laranjeiras" of Magalhiies & Menahra

( 1 953:243). O Loca!ity Y-482 ofG. Beurlen ( 1 970: 1 5 7 ) and Schaller

( 1 970:72)

sheL SC.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju, Gwlogical map shut: SC,24-Z-B

IV-4 Aracaju.

Benj amim Constant

Expo.ure near top of hill on side facing E . Altitude ca. 40 m .

Ku/!: Flaggy, yellowish Pindoba lirnestones

(Benjamin Constant)

BENJA/l-II M CONSTANT !: UTM 8 793 050:-./696 9OOE. ropa

graphical map ,heel: SC.24-Z-BIV Aracaju, Geological map shcet

SC,24-Z-B-IV-4 Aracaju.

UTM 8 804 25ON/7oo l ooE. Topographical

nlap sheet: SC.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Ceological nlap sl1eet: se.24-Z

B-IV-4 Araeaju.

Partly overgrown quarry on l1ill.ide facing SE. Ahimde ca. 20 m.

Kp: Massive, hard, ligl1t brown Laranjeira. lime.tones.


UTM 8 804 2OON/700 25OE. Topographical

map sheet: SC.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju, Geologieal map sheet: se.24-Z

B-IV-4 Araeaju.

Exposuro on hiHside facing S\\'. Ahitude c a . 20-35 m.

KCJp: l\1assive, >quinoid, ydlowish and light brown Laranjeiras


UTM 8 804 loor.;/7OO 2SOE. Topographical

map sheet: Se,24-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Geological map sheet: SC.24-Z

B-IV-4 Aracaju

Section on steep hillside facing SW to SE. Ahimde ea, 2.l-35 m.

KeJp: Massive,


Laranjeira. lime.tones and massive,

hard, locally coquinoid, light hrown Laranjeiras limutones



8 804 4-OON/699 95OE. Topographieal

map shut: Se.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Geological map ,heet: SC.24-Z1:I-IV-4 Araeaju.

BENJAMIM CONSTANT 2 : UTM 8 792 75ON/695 9OOE. Topa

graphical map sheet: se.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Geological map sheet:

SC.24-Z-B-IV-4 Aracaju

Kap: Hard, locally nodular, cream Laranjeiras lime.tonn with

abundant bivalves and echinoids

K,,?: L i g h t brown, d a y e y limeslones of Pindoba facies

l'opograph.ical map
map sheet: SC.24-Z-B-


sheet: SC.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju

IV-4 Araca)u.

Quarries on hillsides facing S to E and scction in valley racing :\

Allitude ca. 30-.'10 m.

Quarry facing i". Altitude ca. 20-35 m.

Kup: Cream Laranjeiras limestones underlain by intcrbedded

limestones and clays

Kesp: Locally hard, grey and cream Laranjeiras limestones

BOA LUZ 1 0 : UTM 8 BQ2 150N/698 550E, Topographical map

sheet: SC.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Geological map sheee SC.24-Z-B

BEi"JAML\-1 CONSTA1\T 3: UT:-.t 8 792 8SON/696 OSOE. Topa

graphical map sheet: Se.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Geological map sheet

se.24-ZB-IV4 Aracaju

Quarry on hillside facing SW. Altitude Ca, 30-35 m.



cream Laranjeira. limestones


Laranjeiras limestones:

[V-4 Aracaju

Quarry on hilLside facing SE. ,\ltitude ca. 40 m

Kup: Massive, cream Laranjeiras limestones

BOA LUZ I l : UT:'>t 8 80 1 700:\/697 950E. Topographical map

sheN: SC.24-ZB-IV Aracaju. Geological mal' .heet: SC.24-Z-B

IV-4 Aracajlt.

BENJAl\IIM CONSTANT 4: UTM 8 79 2 7001"/696 oooE. Topa

graphical map sheer se.24-Z-B-IV Araeaj u . Geological map sheet:

SC.H-Z-B-IV-4 Aracaju

Loose material on hlllside facing SW. Ahitude ca. 30 m

Quarry on hillside facing SW. Altitud(" ca 3 5 - 40 m .

Kap; Hard, yellowislr and c r e a m Lara,uciras limeSIOneS w i l h

a b u n d a n t cchinoid.

Kcsp: Hard, cream l.aranjeiras limeston<;.

12: UT:vI 8 801 !lOON/597 950E. Topographical mal'

sheet: Se.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju, Geological map ,heel: SC.24-Z-ll

BEr.;JAMIl\-1 CONSTt\NT 5: UTI 8 792 6SO/696 oooE. Topa

graphical map ,heet: se.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Geologica! map shet

SC.24-Z-B-IV-4 Aracaju

Section on NW side of road. Ahitude ca. lO m

'nap sheet: SC.H-Z-B-

IV-4 Aracaju.


Xesp: Friable,


sheet: Se.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju

Exposure i n small road. Altitude ca. 45 m .

Exposure On smal! elevaliotl. Ahitude ca. 20 m

KMp, Flaggy, deep!y weathend, friable, light brown Pindoba



Topographical map


Quarry a t foot of hill, facing S, approximately 50 m from rivulet

Ahilude ca . ."I - l O m

Xcsp: Irregular, grev Laranjeiras limestonts. Bed. tlipping sleeply

lV4 Aracaju.

BOA SORTE 9: UT:\! 8 804 9OON/697 55OE, Topographical map

sheet: SC.24-ZR-IV Ara{aju, Gological map sheet: SC,24-Z-B

IV-4 Aracaju

Exposurcs in ditch on W ide ofroad and on hillside in'''' e diately

\V of road. Altitud ca. 30-35 m



or onco1iti,



grad ing

upwards imo beddetl limntone. wi!hout oolitu and onro[ilcs

BOA SORTE 1 0 : UTM 8 8(}1 350:-.1697 250E, '['opographical map

shen SC.24Z-B-IV Aracaj". Geological map shce!: SC.24-Z-S

IV4 Aracaju.

Loose material on hilltop and hillsides facing :\ E to SE, AltilUtl,

ca. 35-45 m.

Kap: Hard, crem Laranjeiras lin'cstollcs

BOA SORTE I l : UT:'>1 8 804 100:\1697 550E. Topog'''phical ",al'

sheet: Se.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju, Geological mal' sheet: SC,H-ZB

IV-4 Aracaju

Section in track on hill.ide N\\'. Altitudc Ca. 3540 m

Kcsp: Friable, yellowish Lara"jira. limestones. UpJl<'r layr .. ol

hard, >quinoid, yellow-grey lime,!one.

BOA SORTE 12: UTM S 804 OOON/697 6OOE, Topographical map

sheer: SC.24Z-B-IV Arac..j u . Geolog-ical map sh("et: SC.24--Z-B

IV-4 Araeaj"

Exposure in track nn hill,ide facing :"I\\'. Altitude ca. 45 m

Kap: LimeSlone breccia

BOA SORTE 13: CT:-'I 8 803 950.\;/696 8SOE. Topographical mal'

sheet: SC.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju, Geologica! map sheel: SC,24-Z-B

IV-4 Aracaju

Seclion on SE sidr of road, Altitude Ca, 65 m

Kop: Greyish limestone noduks in deply wC3thned. very rriablr

1imeston matrix.

BOA SORTE 1 4: U'['M 8 804 050N/697 OOOE, Topographical rnap

sheet: SC.24-Z-B-IV .<\racaj u . Geological mal' sheet: SC.24Z-B

IV-4 Aracaju.

Loasc material on hillside facing W , i m m d i a t d v E of ro"tl

Altitude ca, 63 m

Kap, Cream Laranjeiras 1i"'Slonu

Section on hillsid(" facing W . t\ltitud ca. 3."1 nl

Kap: Hard, cream Laranjeira. and flagg)', grev Pindoba lime

Slones. Coquinoid Laranjeiras limcstones onrlain by locally silici

lied limestone breccia. Hival\'es, ga.tropods and chinoids abun


Rtfim,us 10 t h e arta: O Well CPX-4 (Frnande

S E (ca. 30")

1967, F i g . 9;

Bandeira 1978, Fig. 2) is ca. SOO III E :\ E ofBolandcira

I, O Locality

Y-2 of Sim0cs & Bandeir" { 1 969, (Fig, 2 ] ) is ca. 1 50 m N E of


Locality 1 6 of Marque. ( 1 966: 1 0 - 1 1 and

map) is probably ca. 200 m N of Aroeirinha 3 , O Locality [5 nf

ribana ( 1 969: 3 1 ) is possibl' in the area of Aroeirinha 4 although

faulty distancing makes i t impossible to ascertain the exact location



Boa Sorte



Rtjnlll(ll to 1M ml:


8 80 1 250N/694!lOOE.


map .heel: Se.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Geological map sheet: SC.24-Z

B-IV-4 Aracaju

Scctions on N E .ide of highway HR-235 and on hillside above.


SIRIBA l: UTM 8 755 :.tooN/675 950E. Topographical map .heet

Se,24-Z-D-I ESliincia. Geolog;cal map sheet: Se.24-Z-D-I-3 ESl;inSmall outcrop on hillside facing NW, just above the rivulet.

Ahitude ca, 5 m.

Kap: Lighl brown, dolomitic limestonClr and cream Laranjeiras

limestones. BivalveJ locally abundant

Altitude ca. 45-55 m .

HtfiTtct: Probably locality 7 5 ofMarques ( ! 966: 1 0 - 1 1 and map)



8 802 4-OO N/694 25OE.


map sheet: se 'N-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Geological map sheet: SC,24-Z

B_IV.4 Aracaju

Section in old road on hillside facing W . Altitude Ca. 50 m

KMp: Somwhat sEckensided, yellow-grey Laranjeiras limestnn.-5




8 80 ! 35ON/694 ! 5OE.


map sheel: SC.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Geologica! map shut: SC.24-Z

B-IV-4 Aracaju.

Quarry on hillside racing W . Ahitude ca. 40-45 m

Kup: Brown-grey Laranjeiras limstnnes.




8 802 2OON/693 9OOE.


map shcet: SC.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju, Geologieal map sl,,e t: SC.H-Z

B_IV-4 Aracaju.

Scctions on both sides ofhighway BR-235. Ahitude ca. 65-70 m

Xcsp: Local!,' f1aggy, friable, grcy Pindoba !imestones




8 802 4-OO N/694 1 00E.


map sheet: se.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Geologiea! map sheet: SC,24-Z

B-IV-4 Aracaju.

Section in ,ivulet, near jXlnd. Ahitude ca. 45 m .

XCJP: Flaggy, h a r d , g n : y Pindoha limestones, underlain by m a s

Rtjer= to 'htr,a,

o "Engnho Boa Luz"

{A. G . Duarte 1936: 1 1 7 ;

194O: 1 6 J ; Cordeiro 191 1 : 2 I } . O \\lell US-l


[ l - U S - l -SE] ( (Henao

in Marques 1 965, Fig. I ; Hnao Londoiio in Rassmuss

in Fernantles 1967, Fig. I; Fernande.

1966, Fig. 4; Henao Londono

1967, Fig. 9; Simoo i Tibana 1969:30; Richter & Sim<'>es L 97."1,

sheet Se.24-Z-B-IV4 Aracaju; Bandeira 1978, Fig, 2) is Ca. 700 m

W of Boa Luz 7 .

Locality Y -497 of Bandeira ( 1 978, PI. 9) is ca

250 m NW of Boa Luz 10



UTM 8 800 SOON/697 200E.

sheet: SC.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju,

IV-4 Aracaju



Geological map .het: SC.24-Z-H

Loase material on hilhop. ,\hitude ca. 50 m

KMp: Flaggy, ercam Pindoba limcstones. Irregular, friable cream


BOA LUZ 2: UTM 8 800 600:-.1/697 6OOE. Topographic1 mp

sheet: Se.24-l-B-IV Aracaju. Geological map shee!: SC.24-Z-B

Exposure on E side of road, Ahitude ca. 40 m.

Kcsp: Flaggy, friable, cream Pindoba limestone .

BOA LUZ 3 : UTM 8 800 750N/697 75OE. Topographical map

sheet: SC.24-Z-BIV Aracaju. Geological map sheet: SC.H-Z-B

IV-4 Aracaju

Scclion immNiiately S E of road. Altitudc ca. 45 m


Kap: Deeply weathered, locally slickensidro, friable, ytllowish


(formerly Cedro)

BALDE l: UTM 8 80."1 7SO1705 050E. Topographiea! map slHet

Se.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Geologieal map




Loose material on hillside facing \'i. Altitude Ca. 40 m.

Kup: Cream Laranjeiras !imestone .

BALDE 2 : UTM 8 805 4OON/705 05OE, Topographical map .het

SC.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Ccological map sheel:



Exposure on hil!sidc facing S\\!. Ahitude ca. 40 m

KCJp: Cream, locaHy light brown and hard, Laranjeiras lime-

of road. Altilude ca. 20 m

sheet: SC.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju.

IV-4 Aracaju.

BOA LUZ 4: UTM 8 800 850N/697 8OOE. Topographical map

.hul: SC.24-l-B-IV Aracaju. Geological map sheet: SC.24-Z-B

IV-4 Aracaju.

Section on NW side of road, Altitude ea. 45 m

Kesp: Slicken.ided, whitish Pindoba lime.tones.

BOA LUZ 5 : UTM 8 80 1 4SON/697 850E, Topographical map

,heet: SC,24-ZB-IV Aracaju. Geological map sheet: SC.24-Z-B

IV-4 Aracaju

Section. on both sides of road, on hilltop. Altitude ca. 4 m

Kcr?: Slickellsided, light brown, ea\careous shales.

XMP: Flagg}", cream Pintloba lime.tolles

BOA SORTE 3: UTM S 804 25Or.;/697 oooE. Topographical map

,heet: SC.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Gcological map sheee SC.24-Z-B

IV-4 Aracaju

EXjXIsure in old road. approximatdy 50 m NW of new road

Altitude ca. 50 m.

KCJp: flaggy, locally slickensided, Cream Pindoba limesIOnes

BOA SORTE 4: UTM 8 !lO4 200N/697 OOOE. Topographical map

.hut: SC.H-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Geological map shut: SC,24-Z-B

IV-4 AraclUu.

Exposures on bolh side, of road at bend. Ahitude ca. 5 m .

Kup: Locally Oaggy, browngrey and C r c a m limMtones w i t h

a b u n d a n t s m a l l concretions.

BOA SORTE 5 : UTM 8 804 5OON/698 05OE. Topognphical map

sheet: SC.24-Z-fl-IV Araeaju. Geological map sheee Se.24-Z-B

IV-4 Aracaju

Exposure on hillside facing S\\', AI!itude Ca. 20-40 m

KCJp: Hard, yellowish grev, and friabk, crcam Laranjeiras lime

stones. Echinoids locally abundant.


Kcsp': Friable, li"ht bro,,"n, cla\'ey limestonC5

BOTICARIO I. UTM S H l l 800:\/ 7 1 6 550E. Topographical map

sheet, SC.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Geologic,,1 mal' shee!: SC,24-ZfI

IV_2 Riachuelo

Quarry on hillside facing S E . Altitudr ca. 35 m .

Kcsp. Flaggy, yellowgrey Pindoba limtstones. Fish 5caks locally


Rtjcm,a' Locality S-fIO o f S irno.,s & Bandeira ( 1 969, [Fil(. 2 ] )

BOTICARIO 2. U T M 8 8 1 1 700:\/7 1 6 95OE, Topographica l m a p

sheee SC.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Geologieal m a p sheet: se.2-1--Z-B

IV-2 Riachuelo.

Exposure On smal! elevation. Altitude Cl',- 20 m

Kup: Hard, yellow-grey Laranjeiras limcstone5 with abundant


Rtjcmla: Localily SSl o f S i moes & Bandeira ( 1 969, [Fig. 2 [ )

BOTICARIO 3 : UT'.I 8 8 1 2 350:\ / 7 1 6 650E, Topographical map

shett: Se.H-Z-B-IV Arauju. Geological map sheet: SC.24-Z-B

IV-2 Riachudo

Exposure in ditch ncavation on S\\ side of road. Altitude ca. 1 0

Kup: Cherts
BOTICARIO 4: UT\I 8 8 1 2 SOON/ 7 1 6 450L Topogmphical map

.heet: se.24-ZB-IV Aracaju, Grological map ,hen SC.24-ZB

IV-2 Riachutlo.

Exposure in r"ad, Ahitude ca. 1 0 m .

Kcsp: Hard, yellow-grey Laranjeiras limestones

BOA SORTE 6: UT:\-t 8 804 850N/698 300E, Topographical map

sheet: SC.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju, Geological map sheet: SC.H-Z-B

IV.4 Aracaju.

Exposures mainly in road. Ahitude ca. 25-40 m

KCJfJ: Deeply weathered, .Iickensided, cream lO lighl grey Pindoba

limestons, overlain by hard, cream Laranjciras limes lOn eS.

BOA SORTE 7 : UTM 8 804 7ooN/698 1 5OE. Topographical map

sheet: Se.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Geological map sheet: Se.24-Z-B

IV-4 Aracaju

Loose material on hillside facing N\\'. Ahitude ca. 35 m.

KMp: Locally hard, browni.h or brown-grcy limestones

BOA SORTE 8: UT:'>1 8 804 SOON/697 5SOE. Topographical map

sheet: SC.:l4-Z-B-IV Aracaju, Geological map sheet: Se.H-Z-B

IV_4 Aracaju

Laose material on hill. ide facing E and eXjXIsure on W .ide of

5c<:tiotl on hillside facing NE, immediately SW of dam. Altitude

\hilUde ca. 35 m
plantation track . ..

Kup: Flaggy, hard, light brown Pindoba limestones

jei'as limestone.

ca. 30 m .

f\ 8 1 1l 4DO;-';/72 1 400E.

EXjXIsure in lrack on hillsidc facing :\\\', "pproxima!ely 1 00 m SE

Geological map .hut: Se.H-Z-B

Seetions on both sides of road. Altitude ca. 40 m

A. G . D u a r t e 1 9 3 8 : 4 5 : Moraes 1939:332 r I 939:33}; E , P. de Oliveira


Sorte 5

BOA SORTE l: UTM 8 804 6501\/697 450E. Topographical map

IV-4 Aracaju.

Boa Luz


Z-B-V- l earrnopolis

" of Morais Rego ( 1 933:4-4) probably refers to lhe area r.; of Boa

sheet, se.H-Z-B-IV Aracaju, Geological map sheet: SC.U-Z-B

IV-4 Aracaju

s i v e , grey Laranjeira, limesIOnes


map sheet: Se,H-Z-B-V .Iaparatuha. Geological map .heet: SC.H

Heferma to tlrt arta: "l\a cidade de Laranjeiras, p<:TlO da linha ferrea

BOA SORTE 2 : UTM 8 804 350N/697 2QOE. TOjXIgraphical map

KMp: Massive, h a r d , cream to l i g h t brown Laranjeiras limestones


Bolandeira I

Kesp: Coquinoid and locally brecciated, hard, brown-grev Laran

Buenos Aires
Rifm(t to Iht arta: Loeality S-60 ofSirnoes & Bandeira ( \ 969, (Fig.

2 ] ) is ca. 500 '" l:: or Buenos Aires 1


l UTM 8 8 1 5 8SO! 7 2 1 9OOE. Topographie<ol

mal' .heet: SC.24-Z-B-V . Iaparatuba. Geolog-ical map sheet: SC.24-

Z-B-V- I Carmopolis

Quarry a t f{)(lt of hill facing N . Ahitudr ca. 1 5-20 rn

Kop: Cream I.aranjriras limestones

RtjmC(: Loc.ality S-59 or Sim(i("s & Randira ( 1 969. [FiJi(. 2])


UT:-'I 8 8 1 5 2ooN/721 850E. Topographical

map shee!: SC.24-Z-B-V Japaratuba. Geological map sheel: SC,24-

Z-B-V- I Carmopoli.

EXI>osure al pond, immediatdy W of road. Altitudc Ca, 5 m

Kesp: Hard, hrownish, locally blur-gry, Laranjeiras limestones



Peter Bengtson : Cenomanian- Coniacian of Sergipe

BUENOS AIRES 3 : UT-I 8 8 1 5 4OON/722 850E. Topographical

map sbecr: Se.24-Z-B-V Japaratuha. Geological map shct\: Se 'H

Z-B-V] Carm6polis



IV-4 Aracaju

UTM 8 808 35ON/ 7 1 3 050E. Topographical map

sheet: SC.24--ZB-IV Aracaju. GeologicaJ map shee!: SC.24-Z-B


IV_4 Aracaju

Sectiun un hilllop, Altitude ca. 30 m

Riftrmus / o 1 M arta: Locality e s of Pelr; ( 1 962:2'9, f i g . 2) a n d Olher







1 9 37 : 1 0 - 1 3 , 1 1 2- 1 1 5 , 140- 1 4 1 , 146- 1 4 7 , 282-283; A . G . Duarlt

1936: 1 1 7; A. C. Duarte
P. de Oliveira


1938:45; Manes 1939:332 [ 1 939:331 ; E .

1940: 1 6 3 ; Cordeiro

1 94 1 : 2 1 ; A .

I . de Oliveira

1943 : 1 46-- 1 4 7 [ 1 943 : 1 3- 1 4, 1946:8 14-8 1 5 ] : Oliveira & Leonardos

1943:562; Magalhacs & Menalira 1953:85-86, 100; Cam &

Camp<:" 197 6: 1 9 3 - 1 94; Brito 1 9 8 1 :4(6) art probably in the area or

west of Bumburum 4-6

B U i B U R U 1 l: UTM 8 80:' 8001\;/10:' 4;.QF.. Topographical map

shUl: SC.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Geological map lhee!: SC.24-Z-B

[V4 Aracaju

Kcsp: Cream and yellu",i,h Laranjeiras limes toneS wilh abundanl

white cherl nodules


1 4 : UTM 8 809 5:.oN!7 1 1 9OOE. Tupographical map

shecl: SC.H-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Geolugical map ,heet: SC,24-Z-B

IV-4 Araeaju.

K"p: Flagg)', locally hard, greV and CTeam Pinduba limes!Ones


UTM 8 809 5OON/7 1 1 65OE.



shetl: SC.N-ZBIV Ara(".aj u . Geologieal map SheCl: SC.24-Z-B

IV-4 Araeaju.

Quarry a l rool of hill. facing N . Altitude ca 5 m

Quarry Un hinside facing S\V. Ahilude ca. 25-30 m

Ku/!: Lighl greV and cream Laranjeiras limeslunes wilh abundalll


BV:-'IBURUM 2 : UT1 8 806 lOON1705 750E. Topographical map

shul: SC.24-Z-B-[V Aracaju. Geological map sheel: SC.24-Z-B

[ V A Aracaju

Exposures in and on bolh sides uf road, un hilltup. Ahiludr ca

35 m

shect: SC.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Geological map sheet: SC.24-Z-B

IV-4 Aracaju.

IV-4 Araeaju.

Lovse material on hilllop and hillside facing NE. Altilude ca.

20 m .

UTM 8 809 750N/ 7 1 1 9:.oE, Topographieal map

IV-t Aracaju.

Loose malerial un N E side uf road. Altilude ca 5 m

Kup: Hard, oompacI, lighl brown Laranjcirall limeSlunes wilh

chert hurizons

Kap: Grt)- Laranjeiras limestones.


UTM 8 809 i5ON1 7 1 2 OOOE, Tupographical map

sheet: SC.24-Z-B-[V Aracaju, Geulogieal map sheet: SC.24-Z-B

BUMBURUM 4: UTM 8 806 4OON1705 3OOE. Tupographical map

sheet: SC,24-ZB-[V Aracaju. Geological map sheel: SC.H-Z-B

IV-4 Aracaju

dalll echinoids

shttc SC.24-Z-BIV Aracaju. Geological map sheel: SC,24-Z-B

IV4 Aracaju

Exposure. un plain and luw hill facing NW. Ahilude ca. 5 m.


UTM 8 800 300N1705 7:.oE. Topographical map

.htt1: SC.24-ZB-IV Aracaju. Geologica! map sheel: SC,24-ZB

IV-4 Aracaju.

Secliun On hillside facing S\\'. Altiludc ca. 5 m



UTM 8 800 9OON/705 700E. Topographieal map

ShCel: SC.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju, Gulogical map shee!: SC.24-Z-B

IV-4 Aracaju.

Slunes. Loose malerial uf flaggy, Cream Pindoha IimUluncs Wilh

BUMBURUM 6 : UTM 8 806 4:.o:\!170:' 55OE. Tupographical map

IV-4 Aracaju.

Quarry facing N . Allitudc ca. 5- 1 5 m

Locally rubbly, cream and light greV Laranjeiras limc-

Kap: Massive, hard. compact, grcy and brown Laranjeiras lime-

C A J E I RA 1 9 : UTM 8 8 1 0 05ON17 1 2 05OE, Tupographical map

IV. Aracaju

BUMBURUt 7 : UTM 8 IlOS JSON/705 3;.QE. Topographical map

sheet: SC.24-Z-B-IV Araca)u, Geulogical map shccr SC.24-Z-B_

IV-4 Aracaju.

Kesp: Hard, panly silicified, lighl bruwn Laranjeiras limestunes.

Cream Laranjeiras limestones

IV-4 Aracaju.

Quarry alung fool o f h i l l a l edgc ufmangmves, facing N . Ahilude

ca 5-10 m

Kup: Yelluw-grey Laranjeiras limestones

Rif"ulas lo Iht Mta,


do Socorro .

O "'''ertu da barra, nas proximidades du arraial

, uflorais Rcgo ( 1 933:44) possibly refenl lo Ihe area

Cajaiba area.

"'.Jequ;" of Leonardus ( 1 949:3 1 3 ) .


"'11 ..jaiba" ufCurdeiro ( 1 94 1 : 2 1 ) , which is marked E orCajaiba un

Ihc lopographical map of SUOENE ( 1 974, heel SC.24-Z-B-IV


zwischcn COlinguiba und dem Rio Sergipe . . " of

K , Scurlen ( 1 9 7 I b:20).

Localilie, B2-S5 uf Pelri ( 1 962:28-29,

Fig. 2 ) , Ihe quarrics of "'Fazcnda Tabua" [ .. Tabua}, including

(Camplxll. Guedes & Sil"a


Rif"malo IfleMta: Localily S-234 ofSim0e5 & Bandeira ( 1 969, [Fig

2 J ) is ca, 250 m SSW uf Caieira 2


sheet: SC.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Geological map sheel' SC.24-Z-B

[V-4 Aracaju

SCClion on both sidu of Irack on hillside facing NE, Altilude ca

30-35 m

Kup: Crcam Lann)eiras limesIones with abundallt while chcrl

nodules. Secondary coluur banding

8 809 ! 5ON17 1 1 95OE, Topographical map

shttl: SC.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Geologieal map sheel: SC.24-Z-B

IV-4 Aracaju


8 808 500:-;/7 1 1 250E.


Conselho :\aciunal du hlr61eo

1949:71-78, Fig. 9: Magalhiics 19:'2, map: Henao Londuno 19:'8,

maps; [Hcnau Londunu) m :\larques 1965, fig, I; Henau !..ondono

in Rassmuu

1966, Fig. 4: Henao wndoiio

Fernandes 1967, Fig. 9 : Bcndcr

Fernandes 1 96 7 . fig l ;

Rosa 1 96 7 , fi!l;. 8 [allhuugh

misplaced]; Richler & Simo.:s 1975, ,hcel SC.24-ZB[V-4 Araeaju

[9-[B-2-S I:: ) ) is ca. I)(} m S E u f C ajaiba 6.

SE (Bender


O Wcll

lb-5, or 9-IB-j

Rosa !967, Fig, 8 [misplacedJ; Richler & SimOes

1975, sheet SC.2"ZB[V." Aracaju) is ca. 100 m E ufCaja;ha l.

Well l - lT-4 (Richler & Simoes 1 9 7 5 , sheet SC.24Z-BIV'" Ara

caju) is ca. 300 m WSW ofCapiba 8; see also 5ocorro O Well [ l -l

C1\-I-SE (Schaller 1 970:62; RichlN & SimOes 19 75 . sheel SC.H-Z

BIV4 Aracaju) i. ca. 450 m E :-; E uf Cajafba 2 , This well (also

designaled Cn- I ) is misplaced On map. of [H"nao LondoiluJ {in

:Vlarques 1965, Fifl. Il, Henao Londuilu
Hcnao wnduiio

(In Fcrnandes

(in Rasmun

1966, Fig.


1967, Fig. I). and fernandes ( 1 96 7 ,

F i g , 9) (C<XIrdina!,, pruvidrl by F. C . Ponle, Pelrobrs. Salvador,

Seclion on E side of road al lxnd, Allilude ca. 10 m


Kup: Chnl5
C A I E l RA 3 :

O Well IBASA2 [or [h2}

Conselho :-;aciunal du PClr61eo


1948a, Fig. 12; O'Gara & MUla


[V-2 Riachudo

Exposure i n ruad. Altilude ca, 35 m.

Kcsp?: Friabk, lighl brown limeslotles

RifnnlUS I Q l i u area; O The oUICrops a l " u s i n a Cana Srava'" uf

Ohveira & Leonardos ( 1 943:563) are prubbly in Ihe area ufCruzes

9 and


O "Usin [das 1 Cruzes" of Oliveira & Brilo ( 1 969

2 1 9-22'0) , O Localily S - 3 1 ofBandira ( 1 978. 1'1. /1) is ca. 100 m W




sheel: SC.24-Z-S-[V Aracaju. Geulog-ical map .heel: SC.24-Z-B

IV-4 Aracaju

Seclion on bank uf tributarv tu Ihe Riacho Tiririca, at foot uf

hillside faeing S. Altiludc ca 5 m

Kap: Hard, light hruwn L"ranjira5 limestuncs



shttl: SC.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Geologieal map sheet: SC.24-Z-B




Sections un both sides of uld Irack i n valley. Altilude ca. 20 m.

Kup: Hard, lighl hrown to greV Laranjiras limcstoncs wilh



!:I 801 250N/705 950E.



shet: SC.24-Z-B-IV Araeaju. Geological map sheel: SC.H-ZB

IV4 Aracaju

Expo.ures on W side uf road and around hill. Altitude ca. 25 m.

Kap: Flagg)', crcam Pindoba limeslunes; hard, panly silicified


5heel: SC.24-Z-BIV Aracaju. Geulogieal map sheel: SC.24-Z-B

IV4 Araeaju

Loose malerial on hilIsidc facing S . Ahiludc ca. 10-20 m

Kcsp: Flaggy, slichn,ided, cream Pindoba limslune, Wilh chert


8 80l:] 800;";17 1 2 700E. Topographical map

sheet: SC.H-ZB- I V Aracaju, Geulogical map shcet: SC.HZ-B

IV-4 Aracaju

Quarry on hillside facing W . Altilude ca. 1 0 m.

Kap: Flaggy, ,Iickellsided, crcam and greV Pinduba limeslones

8 808 650N/ 7 1 2 85OE. Tupographical map

shccI: SC.24-Z-S[V Aracaju. Geolugieal map shttl: SC,24-Z-B

[V_4 Aracaju

Quarry un hillside fating SE. !I.,hitude ca. 15-20 m.

Kup: Flaggy, cream Pinduba limesIones




8 808 5OON1 7 1 2 nOE. Tupographical map

,httl: SC.24-ZB-IV Aracaju, Geolugical map sheel: SC.24-Z-B

IV-4 Aracaju.

Exposure Oil hillside fating SE. Altitude ca. 15 m

Kesp: Flagg)", locally slickensided, crcam Pinduba limesIones.

C A I E l RA 8:


8 809 650N/7 1 2 700E.

Tupographieal Illap

sheel: SC.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Geological map shce!: SC.24ZB

IV-4 AracaJu

Quarr)" un hillside facing N . Altiludc ca. 15 m

Ku/!: Hard, cream and grcy Laranjeiras limeJtoncs

C A I E [ RA 9:


8 809 4:.o;";1 7 1 2 95OE. Tupographieal map

sheet: SC.24-ZB-IV Aracaju, Geulogical map shcct: SC.24--Z-B

IV4 Aracaju.

Quarry Un hillsidc facing S . Ahilude ca. 1 0-- 1 5 m

Kap: Hard, cream and grev Laranjeiras limeSIones

R(j"'1ICe: Localily S-232 o f S i maes & Bandeira ( 1 969, [Fig. 2 ] ) .


l O : UT:\1 8 808 75ON/ 7 1 3 050E. Topographical m a p

shttl: SC.24-ZBIV Aracaju. Geolugical map sheel: SC,24-ZB

IV-4 Araeaju.

Quarry un IUP ofsmall hill, immedialcly E uflrack, Altilude ca.

20 m

Kup: Flaggy, cream Pinduba limeslons.

C A [ E l RA I l : UTM 8 808 600N/ 7 1 3 05OE, Topographical map

sheet: SC,H-Z-B-IV Araeaju, Geolugieal map sheet: SC.24Z-B

IV4 Aracaju.

Quarry on hilhop. Altiludc ca. 30 m

Kup: Cream Laranjcira! limesIones wilh silicified hori2uns.



8 8 0 1 4OO1706 OOOE. Topographical map

shttl: SC.24--- Z -BIV Aracaju. Geologieal map shcel: SC.24-Z-B

[V_4 .... racaju

Seniun on SE sidc ofroad, al fool ofhillside facing NW. Altiludc

ca. 1 0 m

KeJP: Massive, cream Laranjeira. Jimeslunes wilh abundant bi.





8 80 1 S)(}N1705 700E.



sheel: SC,24-ZB-IV Aracaju, Gulugieal map shcet: SC,24-Z-B

IV-" Araeaju

Kup: Coarse, Cream limcstones


Beurln ( 1 970: 1 48) (nut Oliveira &

Localily S - 1 74 uf SimOn &

Bandeira ( 1 969, [Fig, 2]) is ca. 200 no E ufCanabrava 2 .

Well l

VF-6-SE (Richler & SimOes 1 975, sheel SC.24-Z-B-IV-4 !\raeaju)

is ca. 300 m SSW ofCanabrava 5

.heel: SC,24-Z-B-IV Aracaju.

IV-4 Aracaju.




Gwlogical map sheel' SC.N-Z-B

V - I Carmopolis

Exposurc un hillside facing N . Altilude ca, IS m.




dr"ira du .Jiqui'" of BrilU ( 1 980:572, 575; 1 9 8 1 :-Kl7l

CAjAiBA 4:


8 B O l 7001705 65OE. Topographical


httl: SC.24-Z-BIV Aracaju. Geological map .heel: SC.24Z-B

IV-4 Aracaju

Hard, gny, reel-brown and yellowish

Laranjeiras lime-

Kesp: [)eply wealhcred. brownish ljmestone ,,'ilh h!ue-ltfr)' ho

riwn5, Sivalvcs abundanl

Riftrt1lC(l: Well C p- I l (P f1rohnis 1964:23 , 2 5 , Fig 7; :'IlarqUTS

CANABRAVA 2 : U T I 8 8 1 0 700N17 1 1 8OOE. Tupqcraphical m a p

1965, fig, 5: Ftrnaudc. 1967, Fig. 6 ) .

IV-4 Araeaju


S h e e l : SC.24-ZB-IV Aracaju. Geulugical map s h e e l : SC.24-Z-B




8 80 1 700(>;/705 4OOE. Topographical


ShCC1: SC.24-ZB-IV Aracaju, Geologieal map shet: SC.24-ZB

IV4 Aracaju

figh scales.

Kup: Massive, locally ooquinuid LaranJeiras

ahundant small conereliun .



8 80 1 350NI7054lOE.

hed: SC.24-ZB-IV Aracaju, Geulogical map Sheel: SC,24ZB

I V A Aracaju

.heet: SC.24-Z-B-IV Araeaju. Geological map s h e e l : SC.24-Z-B

IV-4 Aracaju.

Senion a l dge o f mangrovcs al foot ofhill, facing W . Altilude ca.

S m

Kup: Massivc, brown-grev and cream Laranjeiras limeSIUnCS

wilh abundanl echinoids.

CA.JAiBA 7 :


8 80 1 300:-;'/705 2:.oE.



shttt: SC.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Geological map sheel: SC.HZ-B

IV-4 Araeaju.

Quarry facing E . Altitude ca. 10--2'0 m.

Kup: Massive,



blue-grey Laranjciras limes!uncs.

Largc ammonites locally abundanl

CAjAiBA 8:


8 800 9OON1705 2OOE.



ShCC1: SC.24-Z-B-IV Araeaju, Geulogical map shcet: SC.24-Z-!l

IV-4 Aracaju

Quarry facing E . Altiludc ea. 10--25 m

Kap: Massive, cream and blue-grey Laranjeiras limcstoncs.


Exposure in track, on hillside facing W . Altilude ca, 30 m.

Kcsp: Flagg)',

hard, cream

Laranjeiras limtones




8 824 65ON/723 95OE.



shttt: se.24-Z-B-V japaraluba. Geological map sheCl: SC.24-Z-B

V-l Carmopolis

Loose material on hillsidc facing 1\E. Altilude ca, IS m

Pindoba limesIones and yellowih

Poorly eposed seclion on hillside facing SW at wcll C P U 5

A l l i l u d e ca, 3 0 - 3 5 m

Kesp: Locally hard, grev and bruwn-grc) Laranjciras limesIones

CANABRAVA 4: UTM 8 810 7S0N/7 1 3 OSOE. Tupographical map

[V-4 Aracaju

Exposure in palh, on hillside facing SW. Altitude ca. 25 m

Kejp: flaggy, friable, browllish limeslunes llnderlain by Agui

lhada dulumiles

Riftrf1lCt: Localily S - I 96 of Sim6es & Bandeira ( 1 969, [Fig. 2 ) ) .

sheet: SC.24Z-B-IV Aracaju. Geological map sheet: SC.24Z-B

Bivalvel abundanl



V - I Carm6polis.

Exposurc un hillside racing 5\\' . .A.ltitude ca. 20 m

Kup: Friablc, locally hard, cream Laranjeiras limeSIones.


UTi 8 823 750:-;/723 6OOE. Tupographieal map

shecl: SC.24-ZS-V japaraluha. Geological map ShCel: SC.24ZB

A l t i l u d e ca

1 0 on

Kesp: Cvarse. hard, reddish Laranjeira, I;mslo]ln. Cren, 1..,

CANABRAVA 6: UTM 8 8 1 0 IOON/7 1 3 OOOE. Topqcraphical map

ranjeiras limeSlUneS

IV-4 Aracaju.

C R U ZI:: S

shttt: SC,24-Z-B-IV :\racaju. Geolugical map shcet: SC.H-Z-B.

Laranjeiras limeSIones


UT!'.l 11 112 .. 6OON/724 050E. Tupqcraphical map

sheel: SC.H-Z-BV japaratuba, Geological map shecI: SC.24-Z-11-

Lonse malerial un hillside facing NW. Altilude ca. 1 5 m.

Kup: flaggy, hard, cream Pindoba

8 825 25ON!723 9OOE, Topographical map

1hcet: SC.24-Z-BV japaratuba. Geological map sheel: SC.24-ZB

Secliun under po",er line to w1I C P- 1 2 1 . on hillside facing W .

Exposure in track. Altitude Ca. 1 0- 1 5 m

Kup: Mainly naggy, hard, light brown Pindoba limetlunes

limesIones and yellowish

V-I Cannopolis.

Loos malerial in gully on hill1ide facing S\\', approximatdy 100

m SE uf well C i' - 1 35. Altitude Ca, 30 m

Kap: Crcam Laranjeiras limesIOnes wilh abundant bivalves


Canto do Negro
Rifnmt:tS lo Ilrerra: "'Purto da Rede" ur "PuTtu das Redes" (Branner

[ 1 899:55J:

Murai. Rego






1938:45; Wanderley 1938:55) refcrs 10 Ihe area ca, 500 m E ofCanlo

CANTO DO 1\EGRO l: UT'1 8 807 150:\/708 6OOE, Topographi


SC.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju.

SC.24-Z-B-I\'-4 Aracaju.


UTI 8 82 .. 250:\/723 6OOE. Topographicl,1 m"p

,heet: SC.HZ-B-V . Japaratuba. Geolu!l;ical map sheet: SC.24-Z-B

V l Carm6poJi!


map shecI

Loose malcrial on plain. !\llitude ca. O m

Kup: Cheru and flaggy, hard, cream Pinduba !omesIones.

Secliun al wdl C P- 1 26, facing S . AltilUde ca. 1 :'-20 m .

Kesp: Moslly h a r d . l i g h t brown Laranjeira. limeSlunes



UTi 8 824 600;-;'/723 6S0E.

Tupqcraphical mal'

sheel: SG.24-ZB-V japaraluba. Geological map sheel: SC.24Z-B

Vl Carm6polis

Secliun on hillsidc facing S\\'. Altilude ca. 1 0 m

Kap: Cuanlc, hard, lighl bro"-'11 Laranjeoras lime.tones.



UTM 8 824 35ON/723 5001:: .



sheel: SC.24-ZBV .Japaratuba. Grologica! ml'p sheet: SC.24ZIl

V - I Carmopolis

Large boulders immedialely NW uf "'Estaiio Coklora Crules"'

limesIones with

Tupographical m a p


V - I Carm6polis.

Kcsp: Hard. grey limulonel

CANABRAVA 3 : UT:VI 8 8 1 0 05ON/ 7 1 2 8:.oE. Topqcraphical map

Seeliun un hilJside facing SE, jusl abovc cdgc of mangroves

Altilude ca. S m.

fl B 2 4 700Ni723 8501:: .

s h e e t : SC.24-Z-B-V japaralUha, Geological m"p s h r e l : SC.24-Z-B

Exposure in road un hillsidc facing E . Altilude ca. 20 m.

Kop': Flaggy and rubbl)", lighl brown limeslOnes wilh abundant

cal map

CAjAiBA 5 :

Topqcraphical map

Secliun on NW sid" of ruad. Altiludc ca, 1 0 m

Kup, Brown-grey limestotles

Rifnmm: Locality S - 1 7 3 of SimOcs & Banddra ( 1 969, [Fig, 21 1

and S - 1 7 3 0 ( 1 ) of Bandeira ( 1 978, Pl. 8 ) .

du Negru l, i.e. un Ihe opposile hank of lhe Sergipe River

Secliun at edge uf mangroves, fating E. Altiludc ca. 5 m


8 82 .. 6OON1723 6OOE,

.heet: SC.24Z-BV Japaralllha. Grological map 5hel: SC.24-ZB

V l Carlll6polis.

Loo,e malerial un hilJ.ide facing NE. Altilude ca 25 m

Quarry facing E. Allitudc ca. 5-20 m

Rift1t1lC(J: PrubabJy ".Jiquy" of Wanderley ( 1 938:49) and "pe

8 824 700;";/723 65OF.. Topographieal onap

Sheel: SC.H-Z-B-V japaraluha. Geulogical map sheel: SC.24-Z-B

KCJp: Coarsc, hard, lighl brown LaranJciras limcstunrs.

CANABRAVA l : UTl 8 8 1 0 6OO!71 1 7;,01:: . Topographical map

Kup: Massive, ydluwish and brown-grey Laranjciras limestunes

wilh abundanl chinuids.

8 824 .'iOON1723 9OOE. Tupographical map

Secliuns ; n valley open lO the W , Altitude ca. 10-20 m

Leonardus 1943:563; sce Cruzes).

shee!: SC.24-Z-B-[V Aracaju. Gculogical map Shcel: SC,24-Z-B



V - I Carmopoli5

(Cana Brava)

Rifmllus lo Iht m/:


ShCC1: SC.24-Z-B-V japaraluba. Geulogical map shccl: SC.24-Z-B

V - I Carmopoli!



V-I Carmopolis.

IV-4 Aracaju

C A I E l RA 6 :

8 824 9OON/724 l OO E . Topographical

shttl: SC.24-Z-BV japaraluba. Geological map shuI: SC,24-Z-B




Kesp: Lighl brown and ydlowish Laralljciras limcslollu wilh

C A M P I r\ H O 1 : UTM 8 8 1 3 7001\;/ 7 1 6 4OOE. Tupographieal m a p

Rifmnct: Localily S-236 uf SimOes & Bandeira ( 1 969. [Fig. 2 1 1




abundanl bivalves.

CANABRAVA :' : UT1 8 8 1 0 1 50:-;/7 1 2 55OE. Topographical m a p


8 825 OSON/723 750E.

Loose maIerial oIl 11.1'" hill. Altilude ca, 1 0 m.





Expo5ur on small clevaliun facing W . Ahilude ca. 1 0 m

limcstone breccia. Calcarous sands tones

4: U T M 8 809 050''1/7 1 2 700E.


V-I Carm6polis.

Kup: Flagg)". locally s\ickellsided. ydlowi,h and whilish Pinduba


8 825 lOON1723 650E.

sheet: SC.H-Z-BV japaratuba. Geulog-ical map shecI: SC,24-Z-B

shecl: SC.24-ZA-V .Japaraluba Geulogical m a p !heel: SC.24Z-B


probably lie in Ihe area ofCajaiba 7-10.



Shetl: SC.24-Zij-IV Aracaju. (eological map shecl: SC.24Z-S



(Cajahyba; furmerl)" .Jiqui)

( 1 970:64, 7 2 ) , and localil' 2/20 uf Reymell1 & Tail ( 1 972a:92)

C A I E l RA

Exposurc in road, Altiludc ca. 3 5 m

Kup': Depl}' wealhered. ru['bl', light brown lim,!tonc.


Kup: Nodular, hard, yellow-gry limeslones

locality GB-9, ofG. Bcurlen ( 1 970: 1 48 - 1 49. 155, 1 6 1 ) and Schallcr


rupographical map

Inap shet: Se,24-Z-S

CARA.iBAS 7: l!'Tl 11 8 1 2 350:-;/ 7 1 4 8OOE. Topographical mp


1 4 : UTM 8 80 1 9OO(>;/70S 35OE. Topographical map

sheel: SC.24--Z-B-IV Aracaju. Geological map shcct: SC.24-Z-!l

Exposure un NW side of road. AJtilude ca. 2S m

Kcsp: Lighl bruwn Pindoha limClloncs

Aracaj u ) .

Exposure j u s l bdo,"", hilltop, facing SE. Altitude ca 4{J m.

8 808 400"'/ 7 1 3 4WE.

IV-2 Riachuelu.


IV-2 Riachuelo

Exposure in lrack, Altilude ca. lO m

un Ihc soulhcrn banks of Ihe CUlinguiba River, which includes lhe


shttl: SC.24Z-B- [ V Aracaju

ahundan! bivalvu.

sheel: SC.H-Z-B-IV Aracaju, Geological map sheel: SC.24Z-B


CARAlBAS 6 : C T :'Il 11 11 1 2

Vl Carmopolis

Quarry un hillside facing NW Allilude ca :' - 1 0 m

C A I E l RA

UTI 8 11 1 2 4.'il"17 1 5 450E. Topo!l;raphical map

sheet: SC.24-Z-BI\" Aracaju GrdogiClll map sheel: SC.24-Z-B

ufCru2e. 8.

Kup: Cream Laranjdra. Iime.lone,


1 0 )ll

Kap: Rubbly, hard. li!:hl brown Laranjeir"s limesIones.


silicified horizons

Exposure on N W side of Irack. Altitude Ca. 5 m.

sheel: SC.24--Z-B-[V Aracaju, Geulogieal map sheel: SC.24-Z-B

BUfBURUM 5 : UTM 8 806 4)(}N!70S 4WE Topographical map

IV-4- Aracaju


Exposure in road. approxiOlalc\y 50 m :\ W of road and rivulel

;ntersecI;on . ..
\ ltilude ca

Kop: Rubbly. lighl brown I.dranj{"iras lirneslOnrs.

I l : UTM 8 800 6OON/70S 5lOE. Topographical map

.hecl: SC.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Geological mal' shect: SC.H-Z-B


IV-2 Riachuc!o

Exposure in road, Ahiludc ra 20 m

Kap: Massive, blue-grey Laranjeiras limestones


750N/7 1 6 1 50 E , Tup'-'fIr"phical map

shel: SC.U-Z-B-[V Aracaju. Gnlogical map ,hcc Se.24.Z.II_

IV2 Riaehuelo.

Quarry on hillside facing E . Altilude Ca, 20-25 m.

IV-4 Aracaju.

Quarry facing F.. Altitude ca, O- I :' m

Kesp: Locally rubbly, cream Laralljeiras limestOIle. wilh abuIl'

IV-4 Aracaju

Kup: Grey limestune oonglumeralc and massiv Laranjeiras time

sheel: SC_24-ZB-IV Aracaju. Geological map shcet: SC.N-Z-B

BUMBURUf 3 : UTM 8 806 2;.QNI70:' 6;.QE. Tupographical map

shul: SC.24--Z-B-IV Aracaju. Geological map sheel: SC.24-Z-B

sheel: SC.H-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Geological map shecI: SC.24-Z-B

Sectiuns On bolh sides of road. Altilude ca. 1 0 m

Loose malerial un hilllop. Altilude ca. 25 m

Kesp: Flaggy, erum and grev Pindoba limeSlUneS


1 0 : UTM 8 800 6OO:-;'/70S 200E. Topographical map

UTM B 8 1 2



1 6 : UTM 8 8 1 0 05ON!7 1 I .'iOOE. Tupographieal map


Kap: Lighl grev Laranjeiras limesIOnes.


Kesp: LimeSlune oonglomerale u\'erlain by flaggy, cream Pinduha

Kesp: Flaggy, cream Pinduba limeSIones


8 800 950N!70S 350E. Tupographical map

IV-4 Aracaju

Kup: Flagg)', hard, cream Pinduha limeslun"s with abundant

Secliun un hillside facing 1\E. Altilude ca. 5 m

Rift>ntet: Localily Y- I 56 uf SimOes & Bandeira { 1 969, (Fig. 2 1 1 .

C A I E I R.4


sheel: SC.24-Z-B-IV Araca)u. Geulogical map shce!: SC,24ZB.

Kcsp: Massive, light grev and blue-grcy Laranjeiras limestones.

Kup: LocaHy rubbJy, cream limeslunes.


CAjA f BA 9 :

Quarry a l fool uf hill, facing NE. Altilude ca. 5 m

Loose malerial on hillside facing E.

Loose material on hillside facing W . Altitude ca. 25 m

KCJp: Hard, bloe-grey Lararueiras limestones

outerops a l

UTM 8 808 500N( 7 1 3 I SOE. Topographical map

sheet: SC.H-Z-B-IV Araca)u. Geological map sheel: SC.H-Z-B

Alliludc ca, l O m.

Kup: Hard, grcy Laranjeiras limeSIOnU.

CARAIBAS I : VTM 8 813 2S0/ 7 1 5 700E

Topographical map

shect: SC,24-Z-B-IV Araca)u. Geological map sheet: SC,24-Z-B

IV-2 Riaehuelo

Loose malerial in dilches un bulh sides of road. Altitude ca.

20--30 m .

Kup: Rubbly, h a r d , l i g h l brown Laranjeiras limesluttes.

CARAiBAS 2 : UTM 8 8 1 3 350N1 7 1 5 950E. Tupographical map

shecl: SC.24--Z-BIV Aracaju. Geolugieal map ShCel: SC.24Z-B

IV-2 Riachuelo.

Exposure in shallow dilch on NW ide ufroad. Allilude ca. 25 m

Kup: Rubbly, hard, yclluw-grc)' Laranjeiras lime!tunes.

CARAiBAS 3 : UTM 8 813 05O1 7 1 6 OOOE. Topographical map

shcct: se.U-Z-B-IV Araeaju. Geological map sheel: SC,24-ZB
IV-2 Riachuelu

Exposures in and un bolh sides of ruad. Allitude ca, 20 m .

Kesp: Rubbly, hard, ydluw'grcy LaranJeiras limesIones

Rifnnte,: Localily S-79 ofSimOes & Bandeira ( 1 969, [Fig. 2 ] ) .



UTM 8 82 3 9OON/723 6501::

l"upographical map

shtt1: SC.24-Z-B-V japaraluba, Geological map .heel: SC,24-ZJI

V-I Carm6polis.

Secliun at well C P- 1 2 1 , facing S . Allitude ca. 20-30 m

Kap: While and cream, calcareous sandSlunes overlain by lihl

brown Laranjeiras limes tones.




8 82 3 9OON/723 050E. Tupographical


shect: SC.24-Z-B-V japaraluba. Geulogical map shee!: SC.HZ-B

V-I Cmnopolis

Quarry al foot of hill, facing NE, Altitude Ca. 1 0 m .

KCJp: Quarniferuus, locally saccharoidal dulomiles



UTM 8 825 450N!723 9OOE.

Topographical mal'

sheel: SC.24-ZB-V japaraluba. Geological map Sheel: SC.24-Z-B

V-I Carmopolis

Seclion un hillside facing S\\'. Allilude ca 20-30 m

KCJp: Friablc, crcam Laranjeiras limeslunes, overlain by locally

hard, lighl brown and whilish Laranjeiras IimUloncs.





ESTiVA 9 : UTM 8 799 650NI702 BOOE. Topographical map shcct:

SC.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Geological map sheet: SC.24-Z-BIV-4

Rifmllw / " litt are,,: O A. G. Du,mc ( 1 936: 1 1 7 ; 1938:4)), Morao

( 1 939:332 [ 1 939:33] ) , Cordciro ( 1 9 4 1 :2 1 ) and Olivdra & Leonardos

( 1 943:56 3 ) . O Probably "Engenho Am" [misprint?] or E. P. de


Quarry on hillside facing SE. Altitude ca. 20-25 m



light brown and brown-grey Laranjeiras lime-

SC.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Geological map !htt!: SC.24-Z-B-IV-3 Ita

poranga d'Ajuda.

2: UTM 8 797 700N/688 OOOE. Topographical map shtt!

Se.24_Z_S_IV Arac"ju. Geological map sheet: SC.24-Z-B-IV-3 Ita

poranga d'Ajuda.


8 799 8SQN/703 350E.


IV-4 Arac.aju.

Slickensided, l i g h t grey Laranjciras limc!!ono

porang:;o d'Ajuda

Exposurc in old road, S E orrwd, on hillsidc facing ;\"E. Altilude

ca. 70 m

Kcsp: Sikkensided, light rey Pindoba limestones.



8 799 7SON1703 25OE. Topographical map

IV-4 Aracaju.

SC.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju, Geological map shecI; SC.24-Z-B-IV-3 Ila

poranga d'Ajuda


6 799 65ON!703 IOOE.


Musivc and rubbly,

with abundant bival'e .



yellow-grey Laranjciras limestones

SC.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Gwlogical m ... p shttl; SC.24-Z-H-IV3 ha

porang ... d'Ajl1da

Quarry immediatdy N E of road, on hillside facing SW. Altitude

ca. 50-60 m .



s h t t t : SC.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Gwlogical map s h e e t : SC.24Z-B

IV-4 Aracaju.

Loeally flaggy, grcy a n d ycllow-grey Pindoba limestoncs.

Quarry facing W . Altitude ca, 20-30 m

Quarry at fool of hill in rivcr Ixnd, facing E. Allilude ca. H

SO m .

CUMBE 7 : UT;\! 8 799 250N/686 95OE. Topographical map sheel:

SC.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Gwlogical map shcet: SC.24-Z-B-IV-3 Ita

poranga d'Ajuda.

{ until 1 9 6 3 }

l liu o " , "

Coarsely flaggy, c r e a m , locally l i g h l hrown Pindoba lime

CUMBE 8 : UT;\1 8 797 900;.1/666 05OE. Topographical map sheel:

SC.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Gwlogical map shttl: SC.24-ZB-IV-3 Ita

poranga d'Ajuda.

Exposure in old Irack, on hillside facing S . Altitude Ca. 70 m .

Slickensided, Cream Laranjciras limtstunes, locally w i t h

purplish, silicilied p a m

(Morais Rego





1 9 4 1 : 2 1 ) refcrs to Ihc arca E of Estiva 8. O The sections rrfrrred to

corles proximos ao posto de Ibura

bv A . G . Duartr.

( 1 936:4.)) are probably Estiva 1-3. O The localities described by

Wallderley ( 1 938:49) aS 'Percorridos mais sriscentos melros .

cento cincucma metros depois

outros ccm mctfl)$ .

ccm metros adiante


" rder to road CutS ill Ihe arca or Euiva 1 - 3 .

O Loealili" 1 1 2 7 and 2 1 2 7 ofRymenl & T a i t ( 1 972a:92, F i g . 1 1 )

are misplaced on the map (Fig. I l ) ; Ihcy are possibly in the E'li\"a 7

area [from lidd Ilotu alld lithological compari-'On]. O WcIl IBASA





at foot uf hill

8 783 700,..; /68.) OOOE.


Quarry a t petrol .t3tion, a t foot of hillside facing SE. Altitude ca

Cream Pindoba limatoncs with clay intercalations

B-IV-3 Itaporanga d'Ajuda.


8 783 8OON/685 OOOE.


map sheet: SC.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Geological map sheet: SC.24-Z


phical map shttt: SC.24-Z-B-V Japaratuba. Geological map shtel:

i Jil. Altitude Ca.

phica! map shcet: SC.24-Z-R-V Japaratuba, Geological map shect

SC.24-Z-B-V-I Carmopolis.

Rubbly, grey lirnestoncs with abundant bivalve. and gastro

( I lha)

( 1 890:390 [ 1 899:.)7]) i. probably Ilha! 2 or ncarby

1M arta: O "Japaratuba' of Sopper ( 1 9 1 4:38), Maga

" municipio


1 7) and Oliveira & BnlO ( 1 969:223, 227) and






( 1 959: 1 2

[ 1 98 1 : 1 46 ] ) m a y b e anywhere ill t h c extens;"c Ol1lcrop area S o f

Japaratuba. O ']aparamba ( 1 .800 m . a W , e m u m corte de rstrada



Loose matcrial on hillside facing ="'W. Altitudc ca, 15 m.

Flaggy, Crcam pjnduba limt.tones and yellow-grey Laran

jeiral limcslon".


1949, Fig. 9; Magalhaes 1952, mal'; Henao Londorio 19.)8, mars;

htrobras 1964, Fig, 6; [Henao LondonoJ in ;\1arques 196,), Fig, I ;

1967, Fig. I; Fernandes

1967, Fig. 9; Bender

i Rosa

1967, Fig. 8; Riehler & Sirnoo 1 97 5. shttt SC.24-Z-B-IV-4 Aracaju

[9-IB- I -S E j ) is Ca. 900 m W of E.tiva 7





Quarry at foot of hill along tdge of mangrovu, facing E tO S.

Altitude ca. 0-,', m .


H a r d , c r e a m and g r e y Laranjeiras limestones with chert



SC.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju. G=logical map sheet:


Lxally hard and locall)' flaggy, cream I.aranjciras lim-

ILHAS 4: UTM 8 804 5SO,,/707 SOOE. Topographical map shttl:

ESTIVA 2: UTl'>I 8 800 300;\"/703 O.)()E. Topograpbical map sheel:


Aracaju, Gwlogical

mal' sheet:


Se<:lions aimOSI oomplctd' covcrr.d witb 5Oil, on both sides of

road, Altitudc Ca. 1 0 m

Riftr",us: Probably locality Cl of Pelri ( 1 962:29, Fig. 2) alld

"Ibura" ofCampos & Campos ( 1 976: 1 9.) ) .

Aracaju. Gwlogical map .bect SC.24-Z-B-IV_4

Slickensidr.d, cream Laranjciras limestones.

SC.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Gwlogical map sheet:



facing W . Altitude ca. 1 0 m .


SC.H-Z-BIV Aracaju. GwlOl(ical map sheet:

Pindoba limesIOneI.


ESTIVA 4: UTM 8 Il00 2OON1703 25OE. TOpof!:raphical map sheet:

SC.24-Z-B-IV Arncaju. Gwlogical map sheet:




Loose material on hillside facillg X and small cxposurc lIar

hilltop. Altitude ca. 10-20 m.


Expo.ure on hillside facing :'\W. Altitudc ca. 10 m.

ESTIVA .): UT'\'I 8 800 SOON1703 3SOE, Topographical map ,heet:



Riflrmc w

SC.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Gwlogical map ,beet:


Section al swimming-pool, facing SE. Altiwde ca. 5 m

Flaggy, crcam Pindoba limUloncs

Reforma: Loeality 6 of Resende & Garcc:!: V. Filbo ( 1 973:50) .

ESTIVA 6: UTM 8 800 9OON1703 6OOE. Topographical map sheet

SC.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju.





Massive, dolornitized and moulcd, saccharoidal alld \'uggy,

light bro ..'n Laranjeiras limutone.



Set:tion bchi'ld petrol stalion, approximately 100 m E ofhighway

BR- 1 0 1 . Altitude ca . .) m .

Flaggy, locally slichnsided, cream Pindoba limestones

ESTiVA 7 : UTI 8 SOl 250="'/703 45OE. Topogrdphical map sheri:

SC.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju. GwlO!l;kal map .hcel SC.24-Z-BIV-4


Quarry on W sidc of highway BR- 1 0 1 and !.Cctioll Oil E side

Ahiwde ca. 10-20 m .

C r c a m and w h i t i s h Laranjeiras lime,tonu with scattered

chert concretion.; locally Pindoba facies

Riftrf""u: Loeality 7 of Re!.Cnde & Garce:!: V. Filho ( 1 973:50) and

of Tibana ( 1 973:26)


slIttI: SC.H-Z-B-V .Japaratuba. Geological map sheet: SC,24-Z-B

V - I Carmopolis

Quarry immediately SE ofroad, at foot ofhill facing :'\W. Altitudr

ca. 35 m


ta5Sivt. dolomitizcd and mouled, locally spt>lled, .accha

roidal and vuggy. light brown Laranjeiras limcstones.

/APARATUBA 3 : U"l"M 8 827 650,..; / 725 ')50E. Topograpbical map

V-I Carmopolis

The localily l taporanga' (in part?) of

collected from nen Itapero.a 2]. O , . . .

no lei to do Vasa Barris .


of A . G , Duarte ( 1 936: 1 1 7 ) and localily B8 of I'mi ( 1 962:29. Fig.

1-2) possibly rder 10 haperoa localities; see also haporanga. O

Wdl [ ! - J N I - I -SE (Fcrnande. 1967, Fig. 9; Richtcr & Simo.:s 197,),

sheet SC,24-Z-B-IV3 Itaporanga d'Ajuda; Bandeira 1978, Figs. 2,

1 0 - 1 5 ) is ca. I km E of haperoa 4.


I: UTM 8 784 OOON/66') 9OOE. Topographical map

IV-3 Itaporanga d'Ajuda

Quarry at foot of hill facing N . Altitude ca. lO m


Partly flaggy, cream Pindoba limestones

ITAPEROA 2: UTM 8 784 8OON/68.) 75OE. Topographical map

shtet: SC.24-Z-B-IV Araalju. Gwlogical map sbct: SC.24-Z-B

IV-3 haporanga d'Ajuda.

Exposurc on plain near rivukl, approximalely 1 00 m SW of 101'.'

hill. Altitude ca. 5 m


Yellow-grey Laranjeiras Iime.lones

Large, ,halloI'.' quarry facing S


Massive, dolomitized and mottled, saccharoidal and vugg)',

SC.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Geological


ma p shtet: SC.24-Z-B-IV-4

JAPARATUBA 5: UTM 8 826 950N/725 2OOE, Topographical map

Vl Carmpolis

Seclion in Irack, un hillside facing SW. Altill1de ca. 15 m .


Dolomitized, locaHy saccharoidal, grey and yellowish L a

Sections on holh sides of bighway BR- I O I . Altitude CiI. lO m .


H a r d , brown-grey Laranjeiras limestones; locaUy thinner

bcdded, light brown limc'{QnC$.

P. Bengtson

ITAPEROA 3 : UTM 8 785 400"';1686 350E

ropog-raphical map

IV-3 Itaporanga d'Ajuda.

Se<:tion on N .ide of railway. Altitude al. l O m


Loeally much slickcnsided, line, grey limestollcs witb daycy


ill Rosa



8 824 100N/728400E.



shttt: SC.24-Z-B-V Japaraluba, Geological map .httt: SC.H-Z-B

V - I Carmopolis.


Sections on bolh .ides of road. Altitude ca.


rn .

Nodular, coquinoid, g r e y and l i g h t brown Laranjeira5 limc

Riftmuu: O Lxalily S-4 of Simo.:s & Bandeira ( 1 969, [Fig.21)



8 823 SOON1728 75OE.



shee!: SC.H-Z-BV Japaratuba. Gwlogical rnap sheel: SC.24-Z-B

V - I CarmOpoli .

Section on S \ V s i d e of r o a d , A l t i t u d e ca. 30 m




locally coquinoid, grey alld lighl brown

Laranjeiras limutOllcs

O Probably the locality "Aproximadamenle 6400 m S E de Japara

IUba" ofOliveira & Brito ( 1 969:228).




8 824 000:'\/728 OSOE,



shect: SC,24-ZB-V Japaraluba. Geological map shcet: SC.24-Z-B

Vl Carmopolis

Loo.e material in shallow valley, approximately 100 m S ofroad

Altitude ca. 5 m



locally coquinoid,



Laranjcira. limc-




Iassil'e, hard, brownisb limestoIles




Coquinoid, light brown Laranjeiras limestones, locally with

821 300/724 8OQE. Topographical rnap

.hecl: SC.24-Z-B-V./aparatu"". Geological map sheet: SC.24-Z-B

V _ I Carmopolis.

Massive, dolomilized and motded, saccharoidal and \'uggy,

Rubbly, bard, light brown limestonei.




Rubbly, hard a n d coquinoid, yellowish limeSIones.




H a r d , g r e y Luanjeiras limestonu wilh a b u n d a m bivalvu.




8 823 850N/127 2OOE.



sheet: SC.24-Z-BV Japaratuba, Gwlogical map .heet: SC.HZ-B

V - I CarmOpolis
20 m .


Maive, quanziferous, ycllow-grcy limestoncs

whilish lime. tones wilh bivalvc bed .



8 823 SOON/727 300E. Topograpbical map

shect: SC,H-Z-B-V Japaratuba. Geological map shcet: SC.24-ZB

Seclion al wcll Cp2 l 7, 011 hillside facing ,..; W , Altitude ca. 40 m


Malisive, dolomitized and mouled, locally spotted, .accha

roidal and vugg}', cream Laralljciras lime.lones. Locally powdery,

Rubbly, light brown-grey limeSIones with dayey intercala

tions. Weathered surfaces Iypically wilh white coaling



UTM 8 823 SOON1727 6OOE. Topographical rnap

sheel: SC.24-Z-B-V Japaratuba, Gwlogical map sheet: SC.H-Z-B

JAPARATUBA 9: UTM 8 827 4OON/724 85OE. Topographical map

shect: SC.H-Z-B-V Japaratuba. Gcological map .httt: SC.24-Z-B
V l Carmopolis

Vl Carmopolis.

Seclion facing N , a t wclls CP-223 and CP-2H. Ahitude ca. 30 m.


Robbly, light brown-grey limestoncs witb dayey intercala

tions. Weatbered surface! typically wilh wbitc coating. Gastropods

Quarry on billside facing W . Altitude ca, 30 rn

:\!\'e, dolomitized and mouled, locally spotted, ,acchar

oidal and vugg)', cream Laranjcira. limestonu. Loeally powdery,

""hiti.h limuIones ""ith bivalve Ixds




UTM 8 823 8OON/726 9SOE. Topographical map

slIttI: SC.24-Z-BV Japaratuba. Geological map shctl: SC.24-Z-B

JAPARATUBA 10: UT:\1 8 826 200NI72.)600E. Topographical rnap

V - I Carm6polis.

V - I Carmopolis.

25 m .

sheet: SC.24-Z-B-Y Japaraluba. Gwlogical lllap sheel: SC.24-Z-B

Loose matenal on NW side of road, Altitudc ca. 1 0 m
Irregular, locally hard, Cream Laranjeinu limesIones. Bi
6, 9) is in the

V . l Carmopolis

Quarry immcd.iately S E of track and section in track on hillside

faring W . Altitude ca. 20-3,) m . Altitude of quarry ca. 30 m .

Coquinoid, vanably indurated and locally dolomitized,

cream to light brown Larnnjeiras limeston". Ammonilu locally



Exposures Oil botb sides of road. Altitude Ca. 30 m .

V l Carmopolis

Rt/mllCe: Wcll Cp- 1 9 (Fernandes 1967, Figs

8 823 85ON/727 3SOE. Topographical

.hcct: SC.24-Z-B-Y Japaratuba, Gwlogical map sheet: SC.H-Z-B

V _ I Carmopolis


Topographical rnap

V - l Carmopoli.



6 823 800N!727 4OOE.

shttl: SC.24-Z-B-V Japaraluba. Gwlogical map shcet: SC,H-ZB

JAPARATUBA 8: UT:\1 8 827 4SOl"/724 8SOE. Topograpbical map

valves abundanl.


Exposurc immediatcly S ofroad, on hillside facing N . Ahilude ca.

Quarry fadng NE. Altitudc ca. 20-25 m



Se<:tion on S side of road. Altilude ca. 3,) m



V _ I Carmopolis

Seclion. in and on holh .ide. of track, on hillside facing 1\E.


8 823 8OQN/727 SOQE.

sheet: SC.24-Z-BV Japaraluba. Gwlogical rn a p sheet' SC.24-Z-B

Altitudc ca. 35 m.



Rift,,""t: Loealily S- I I ofSimi>es & Bandeira ( 1 969, [Fig. 2 ) ) .

Vl Carmpoli.



Exposure in old \fack, on billsidc facing "';\\'. Ahitude ca. 1 0 m.



8 824 05ON/727 4501:: .

V - I Carmopoli5.

Seclion S ofroad, 011 hillside facing "'; . Altitude ca. 35-4.) m .

sheet: SC,24-Z-B-V Japaratuba. Geological m a p shet: SC.24-ZB

JAPARATUBA I l : UTM 8 826 600,..; / 724 350E. Topographical map

shecl: SC.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju, Gcological map sbcec: SC.24-Z-B

1967, Fig. I; Fernande.

V-I Carmopolis.

sheet: SC.24-Z-B-V Japaratuba. Gcolugical map sheet: SC.24-Z-B

ESTIVA 8: UTM 8 801 .)5ON/703 4SOE. Topographical map sheel:

ill Fernandcs

shect: SC.24-Z-BV Japaratuba. Gwlogical map shect: SC.24-Z-B

Dolomitized, Cfcam Laranjeira. lime510ne,.

V - I Carmpolis


sbeet: SC.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Gwlogical map sheet: SC,24-Z-B



Exposure in road. ..\h;tude ca. 20 m .


JAI'ARATUBA 4: UT;\! 8 827 1 50N/7H 9001:: . Topographical map

Exposurc in road and quarry immediately W ofroad, facing W.

;"larques 1965, Fig. 4; Htnao Londoiio '/I Ra5SmUI5

shttt: SC.24-Z-BV Japaratuba. Grological lllap sheet: SC.24-Z-B

Altiludr ca. 3.) m .


Campus & Campos ( 1 976: 1 9 7 ) [thr ammonite 'AcanthoctrQ.s"' wa,

1966, Fig. 4; Henao Londoiio

Rt/ntll(:tJ: OLocality $ 1 2 ofSimo.:s & Bandeira ( 1 969, [Fig. 2})

sbeet: SC.24-Z-B-V Japaratuba. Geological map shttl: SC.24-ZB


Figs. 1 , 6; :\Iarqucs 1965, Figs. 1 , 3 , 5; Bender i Marques 196.), Fig

2; [MaiaJ

( 1 972a:92. Fig. I l ) .

yellow;.h Laranjeiras limestone!.

Hard, cream and grey Laranjeira. limeswne .

O Locality 3126 of


moldic porosity. Bival\'es abundam, locally al-'O ammonites.

Locally slickensided. cream Laranjeiras limes!ones.


Well SJst- I SE (Marques ti al. 1964:208; Petrobras 1964:2 1 ,

{ 1 962:29, Fig. I ) .

JAPARATUBA 6: U'n1 8 8 2 6 900/724 6SOE, TOpof!:raphical m a p

ILHAS 6: UT.'.I 8 804 500"';/707 050E, Topograpbical map shecl:

Exposure in road. Altitudc ca. 1 0 m

Kcsp: Cream


JAPARATUBA l : UTM 8 827 700:'\/724 95OE. Topograpbical map

ranjeiras lim5IOne .

l..oose material on hillside facing W . Alti!ude ca. 10-20 m

Exposurt! in shallow ditcbes on both sides of track, on hillside

ESTIVA 3 : UT,\! 8 800 25ON1703 300E. Topographical m a p shttt




ILHAS 5: UTM 8 804 6001\/707 l 50E. Topographical map shect

Mainly cherts.


SC.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Geological map .heN:

1 7 , rcspectively. O Possibly {he localily 'Fazenda caSl ofCarmopo-

lis .. " of Reymem & Tait ( 1 972a, npl. PI.

Rcymcnl & Tail ( 1 972a:92, Fig. I l , expl. PI, 3) is very near Jardim

and G . Beurlcn ( 1 970: 1 .) 7 ) . O Locality 3/20 of Reyment & Tail

shcl: SC.2-Z-B-V Japaratuba. Geological map sh""t: SC.H-Z-B

Hard, grey Pindoba lime.tonu.

S- 1 9 of Simo.:s & Bandeira ( 1 969, {Fig, 2 ] ) are ca. 300 m SE of

Jardim 18, Ca. I SO m SE of Jardim 21, and ca. 200 m S E of Jardim

stones with abundam ammonites

cralll Laranjeira limcstones

Loose matenal on hill,idc facing S , Altitudt c. 40-50 Ill .


Exp<.ure in road. Altitude ca. lO m.


Loeality 5- 1 3 ofSimi>e5 & Bandeira ( 1 969, /Fig. 2]) and Bandeira

( l 978, PI. 8) is ca. 200 m N E ofJardim 2. O Localitiu S-6, S-7 and

since this is well outside Ihe outcrop area. O Loeality C8 of Pflri

ba" ofOlivcira & Brito ( I 969:225) are probablr incorrcctly stated

sheet: SC.24-Z-B"V Japaratuba. Geological map sheel: SC.H-ZB

ILHAS 3 : UTM 8 805 000:'\/707 35OE. Topographical Illap sheet

ESTIVA I: UT;\! 8 800 400,..; 1 702 9OOE. Topograpbical map sbeel

SC.24-Z-B-IV Aucaju.

Aracaju. Gwlogical map sheet:

Probably 'usina &mJardim" ofOli\'eira &

litt arto: O

l.eQnardos ( 1 943:563 ) . O Localities C6 and C 7 ofPetr; ( 1 962:29). O

carra\"el)" of :\1agalhiies ( 1 9,)3:,)2) and ' 1 800 rn W de Japaratu

JAPARATUBA 2: UTM 8 827 600:'\/724 9OOE. Topograpbical map

ILHAS I: UTI 8 804 5SON/707 9OOE. Topographical map !iheet

SC,24-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Geological rnap shcel:

Rt!t,tfttfl w

Fig. 7 ; Rassmu.s 1966, Fig. 5; Fernande. 1967, Fig. 6) is ca. 1 50 m

ca. 30-35 m

Re/neN' 10 IN area The quarry al 'Caes da IIha" of Branner


WSW of Jardim 28

Quarry immdiately SE ofroad at foot ofhill fadng N\\'. Altitudr

1948a, Fig. 13; O'Gara & MOla

Henao Londono i n Ranmus. 1966, Fig. 4 ; Henao Londono

Friable, cream Laranjeiras limestonu

2) is ea. 400 m N ofJardirn I, O \','c!l Cp- 1 2 (Petrobras 1964:23,

V-l Carmopolis



Simo.:s 1975, .hect SC.24-ZB-V-I Carmopoli.; Bandeira 1978, Fig

Ihaes ( 1 95 2 : 1 4 ,

GENERAL MAYNARD 3 : UT;"I 8 8 1 7 200:\'/720 S5OE. Topogra

ILHAS 2 : UTM 8 804 15ON/707 9OOE. Topographical map sheel:

i Consdho "';acional do Pelrolw

V - I Carmopoli5

1 967, Fig. 8; :\Ieister & Aurich 1 9 7 2 , Fig. 9 [2-SJ - I -SEJ; Richter &

Cream limc5tones.


H a r d , c r e a m Laranjciras limeslone .


sheel: SC.24-Z-B-V Japaratuba. Gwlogical map shecl: SC.24-Z-B

1 967, Figs. 2, 4, 6, 9; Maia in Fernandes 1967, Fig. 3 ; Bender

Loosc matenal on hiUsidc faring E . Altitude Ca . .) m .

Hard, Crearn Laranjdras limeSIones.

Exposurc(?) in road al Ixnd, possibly not

JAPARATUBA 1 5 : UTM 6 826 700N/724 5SOE. Topographical map



Loo!C malenal on hillside racing N\\' , Altitude ca. 30 m


Coquinoid, h a r d , l i g b l brown Laranjeiras limC$tones w i l h

8 783 650="'/684 9.'iOE. Topograpbical

map sheet: SC.24Z-B-IV Aracaju. Geological map shcel: SC.24Z

SC.H-Z-B-V-l Carmopolis.

20 m .

Section in track on hillside fadng E. Altitudc ca. 1 5-25 m .


Quarry immcdialdy SE of track, facing N W . Ahitude ca. 3,) m

Rubbly, brown-grey Pindoba limestonu with blue-grey d a y



I [or I b- I J (CampIxlI, Gur.des & Sil ..a in C:msdho Nacional do

Petroleo 1948a, Fig, 12; CampIxII in Conselh<.l Nacional do Pttrolw

"Km 7,,)"

8 783 800"';/684 85OE.

shttl: SC.24-ZB-V Japaratuba. Gwlogic.tI map .hI: SC.24-ZB

R,jt"'fUS lo Ih, arta: O 'Ibura" (;\Iorais Rego 1933:44) . O "Porto



GENERAL MAYNARD I: UTM 8 8 1 7 SOON/720650E. Topogra

SC.24-Z-B-V-I Carmopoli .

V - I CarrnOpolis.

abundant bivalvu, gastrupods and ecbinoid.

Flaggy, ligbl brown Pindoba limestonu witll imercalalions

B-IV-3 haporanga d'Ajuda.





S m.

Section on NW side of road. Altitude ca, 30 m .




"" of Camp<. Ilt Camp<. ( 1 976: 1 83- 1 84) may be frorn




shcel: SC.24-Z-H-V Japaratuba. Gwlogical lllap sheet: SC.24-Z-B

Quarry al fool of hill facing W . Altitude ca. 5- 1 0 m


O Loealily S-291 ofSimo.:s & lIandeira ( 1 969,

[Fig. 2]) i. marked ca. 400 m N E of General Maynard l; ho""evcr,



157) and

" of Reyment & Tait ( 1 972a:92, Fig. I 1 and

on Petrobr.i.' unpublished gwlogical map (Simo.:s & Laier 1968:


1-4; !Cc also

Friablc, crcam I.aranjciras limutollcs

JAPARATUBA 14, UTM 8 826 3OON/723 9OOE. Topographical map

'Near Itaporanga, on

GENERAL MAYNARD 2: UT;\1 6 8 1 7 450NI720 450E. Topogra

Quarry on hillsidc facing S\V. Altitude ca. 80 m .

slones. Small ammonilu and lish scales abundant al -'Omc levcls.





B-IV-3 haporanga d'Ajuda.


phical rnap sbeet: SC.24-Z-B-V Japaratuba. Geological map shtt!"

Kcar: V e r y b r i t d e , l i h t brown calcarcous daystones


Higbway B R 1 0 1 .

1128 and

Altitudc ca. 0-.) m .

either the Riachudo or Cotinguiba Formation

as ,.

pussibly refcr to ltaporanga

and 212 1 ,

15 m

map shect: SC.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Geological map sheel: SC.H-Z

General Maynard

poranga d'Ajuda.

SC,24-Z-B-IY Aracaju. Gwlogical map shect: SC.H-Z-B-IY-3 Ita



Quarry immcdialdy N\V of high"'a)" BR- I O I



ltaperoa. O Localilies C-39 of G . Bcurlen ( 1 970: 1 48,

Schaller ( 1 970:72)


;\1assive, cream and grey Laranjcira. limestones.

see p. 2,) herein), this locality corrcsponds tO Pedro GoIIaln:s .) ,



Sections on small hills facing N W and S E , conslituting the lowest

part oflh outcrop area IxlwecnJaparatuba 12 and 15. Altitude ca

of brown and grey days

CUMBE 6 : UTM 6 798 000"';/687 2SOE. Topographkal map shttt


( 1 9 7 I b: 1 8),

B-IV3 Itaporanga d'Ajuda.

CUMBE 5 : UTM 6 797 9001\/667 lOOE. Topographical m ... p sheel:



rnap sheet: SC.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Gwlogiul map sheel: SC.24-Z

8 799 700N1702 9S0E.

Loeally slickensided, l i g h t grey limeSfones.



" of A. G . Duarte ( 1 936: 1 1 7 ) and locality B8 of Petn

cxpL PL 4) all refcr to Itaporanga 1 -4.

&<;;Iion on SE sidc of small road. Altitude ca. 3,) m


V _ I Carmopolis

Cordeiro ( 1 941 : 2 2 ) , Magalhae. & :\!cllalira ( 1 953: 1 98). R. S . San

{ 1 962:29, Figs.


IVA Aracaju


Loose material on hillside facing S\V. Altitude ca. 70 m .


$hel: SC.24-Z-B-V Japaratuba. Gwlogical map sheel: SC.24Z-B

Maury ( 1 937: 1 2 - 1 3 , 68-69, 2 1 6 - 2 1 7 ) , A . G . Duarte ( 1 936: 1 1 7 ) ,

( 1 958: 1 3 .) ) ,

Loeally coquinoid, light grcy Laranjciras limcstones ""ith

JAPARATUBA 13: UT;\1 8 826 4SON/72200E. Topographical map

( 1 976: 1 9 7 ) , Rcymenl II o.l. ( 1 976:258). O , . . . no leito do Vasa

shttl: SC.24-ZB-IV Aracaju. Geological map sheel: SC.24Z-B

Se<:tion on hillside facing W . Allilude ca. 10-30 m


abundanl bivalves, overlain by fnable, cream Laranjeiras lime-



shttl: SC.24-Z-B-V Japaratuba. Grological map shttt: SC.24-Z-B

H a r d , slickcnsided, g r e y Laranjeiras limestollcs, comrnonly

Barris .

;\1anive, c r e a m Laranjdras limestones


CUMBE 4: UTM 6 796 WQN/666 I SOE. Topographical map shttl:


Re/m",,1S w Uuareo.: O Sopper ( 1 9 1 4: 3 8 ) , MOrOli! Rego ( 1 933:49-50),

sheet: SC.H-Z-B-IV Arac.aju. Gwlogical map sheet: SC.24-Z-B


SC.24Z-BIV Aracaju. Gwlogical map shte!: SC.24-Z-B-IV-3 Ila

V - I Cannopolis.

SeClions on both ,idcs of rail""ay. Altiludc Ca. 20 m .

(full namc: haporanga d'Ajuda; Ir.lpiranga 1944-1948)

Cream Laranjeiras limestonts with chert nooules.



CUMRE 3 : UTM 8 198 OOON/688 lOOE, Topographical map httl:

JAPARATUBA 12: UTM 88266SON/724300E. Topogupbica.1 map

IV-3 Itaporanga d'Ajuda.


Quarry near hilltop, facing S . Altitude ca. 20 m .

Eposurc in gully, on hillside faeing 5W. Ahilude ca. sa m .



shttl: SC.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Gwlogical map shel: SC.24-Z-B


Flaggy, slickensided, grey Pindoba limotonc!.



Quarry at foot of hill, facing N\\'. Altilude ca. 1 0 - 1 5 m.

Qurry at fool of hill, faeing SW. Altitudc ca. :,o m


ITAPEROA 4 : UTM 8 785 6OON/687 1 5OE. Topographical map

.httt: SC.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Gwlogical map !bttt: SC.24-Z-B

with black coaling. on the surfacc5.

Olivcira ( 1 940: 1 6 3 ) .

CUMBE L : U T M 8 797 4N/687 9OOE. Topographical map shw:


Appendix 1: Locality data

Seclion facing W, at well. CP-205 and CP-206. Altitude ca. 20-


Variably dolomitizcd, grey and l i g h t brown limestone. over

lain by cream limestones



UTM 8 823 700N1727 100E.



sheet: SC.24Z-B-V Japaratuba. Gcological map shttt: SC.H-Z-B

V - I Carmopolis

Section on hillsidc facing S . Altilude ca. 25 m .


H a r d , l i g h l brown Laralljciras limcslone!.




8 823 550N/727 05OE. Topographical map

sheet: SC.24-Z-B-V Japaratuba, Gwlogical map sheet: SC.H-Z-B

V - I Carmopolis

Seclion 011 N E .ide of road. Altitude ca. 1 0 m


Quarllifcrous, cream limes tones



UTM 8 823 4OON1727 250E.

Topographical map

sheet: SC.24-Z-B-V Japaratuba. Geolog-iea! map shuI: SC.24-Z-B

V - I Carm6poli5.

&<;\;011 fating 5, at weU CP-2 ! 5 . Ahitudc ca. 5 m .

Dotom;!;c and quarlZifcrou., l i g h t brown lime.tono:s and


dolomiric, hard, brown lirncslone..



UTM 6 673 3OON1727 4!iOE. TopographiClll mar

.heet: SC.24-Z-B-V JaparalUba. Geologic;o.l IDap sheet: SC.24-Z-B

V- l Cum6polis.

M.mive, h a r d , browni.h p u r p l e limc.tolles a n d ligh!

brown limestoncl.


UTM 6 823 JQN/727 6JOE. Topographical map

V-l Cum6polis

B-IV-4 Aracaju.

SC.24-Z-B-V Japaratuba. Geological map sheet: SC.24-Z-B-V-I

Se-ction on hillside facillg SE, Altilude ca. 1 5 m


Hard, grer Laranjeira! lime5l0lle5, underlain by dolomitic

limestones with quaruiferous intercalatioll'. Also cn:am limestoIles

a. lOO5C: material. Bivaives abulldant

JERlc6 7 ; UTM 8 823 6SON172.'} 05OE. Topographical map sheet;

SC.24-Z-B-V Japaratuba. Geological map sheet: SC.24-Z-B-V-I


Dolomilic and slightly

LocalJy hard, <:ream to light brown Laranjeir.u limntones

quartziferous, hard, light brown

UTM 8 823 8OON/729 OSOE. Topographical map

SC.24-Z-BV Japaratuba. Geological map sheel: $C.24-Z-B-VI

Exposure otl i'OW side of road. Altitude ca. 5 m .

Dolomitic, hard, brownish limestones with abuIldant bi


ca. 1 5 m

Kesp: Massive, q uartziferous, cream limestones.


sheet: SC.24-Z-B- V Japaratuba. Geologicat map sheet; se.24-Z-B

V l Carmopolis

Section facing SW, a t well CP-23. Ahitude ca. 2'0 m


Rubbly, hard, cream tO light brown Laranjeiras limestonu.

Weathen::d surfaces typically with white coaling



UTM 8 822 900N/7274OOE. Topographical


sheet: SC.24-Z-B_V Japaratuba. Geological map sheet: SC.24-Z-B

V _ I Carmopoli!.

&'::tions approximately 2oo m on both sides ofroad, Altitud ca

W-45 m


Hard, locally coquinoid, cream to brown-grey Laranjeiras

limestones . Weathered surfaces typically with white coating



UTM 8 822 9SON1726 9OOE. Topographical map

shut: SC.24-ZB-V Japaratuba. Geological map sheet: SC.24-Z-B

V_I Carmopolis.

Section on S ,ide of road. Altitude ca. SO m


Hard, grey Laranjeiras limestonu with intercalations of

brown, clayey limestones



Exposure on N E side of track, On hillside facing W. Altitude ca



coquinoid, grcy and brown Laranjeiras

limntones, Weathered surfacu lypicaJly with white coating

JARD1M 22:

UTM 8 822 7ooN/726 7ooE. Topographical


sheel: SC.24-Z-B-V Japaratuba. Geological map sheet: SC,H-ZB

V - I Carmopolis

Section in dry gully in valley facing SW. Altitude ca. 10-20 m


Rubbly, grey Laranjeiras limestones overtain by COfjuinoid

UTM 8 822 6SON1726 8SOE, Topographical map

sheet: SC.24-Z-B-V Japaratuba. Geological map "hut: SC.24-Z-B

Vl Carmopolis

Exposun: on hillside facing S , AltilUde ca. 25 m

Rubbly, hard, grey Laralljeiras limestones

V _ I Carm6po1is.

Section facing SW at well C P- I 66. Alti'ude ca. 2'O rn

Rubbly, hard, grcy Laranjeiras limutOlles with abundanl




UTM 8 822 7SON/726600E. Topographical map

shet: SC.24-Z-B-V Japaratuba. Geological map sheet: SC.24-Z-B

V - I Carmopolis

Secliun on hillside facing SW Altitude ca. I S m.




UTM 8 822 NI72ti6SOE. Topographical map

V - I Carm6polis.

Exposure on hillside facing S . Altitude ca, 1 0- 1 5 m

LAJES 2 ; UTM 8 8 1 7 lOO:-.i/723 3 S O E . Topographical map shect:

SC.24-Z-B-V Japaratuba, Geological map shcet: SC.24-ZB-V-1



shut: SC.24-ZB-V Japaratuba. Geological map shttt: SC.24-Z-B

V - I Carmopolis

EXfX"lure5 ill alld Oil both side! of track. Altitude ca. 1 0- 1 5 m.


Rubbly, hard, grey Laranjeiras limestones



SC.24-Z-B-V Japaratuba. Geological rnap shet; SC.24-Z-B-V-I

Carmupoli .

UTM 8 822 6OON1726 6OOE. Topographical map

V - l Carm6polis

Ke,p: Hard.

1887a: 1 3 ;

Well Cp-5(-SE) (Marqu

Fig. 7) is ca. 300 m S of .Jerico 3.

ti al. 1964, fig.;

Fernandes 1967,

WelJ C p - l OrD] (Pmobra.

1964;23, Fig. 7; Marques 1965, Fig. 5; Fernande! 1 967, Fig. 6) is ca.

400 m SE ofJeric6 2

JERIC6 I: UTM 8 823 350N/723 65OE. Topographical map shw:

SC.24-Z-B-V Japaratuba. Geological map .heet: SC.24-Z-B-Vt


&.:: Iions on both sides of road to weIl CP-66. Altitude ca. 2'O m.


Locally hard, light brown Jirnestones

JERIC6 2: UTM 8 823 2SON1723 65OE. Topographical map .hw:

SC.2<4-Z-B-V Japaratl1ba. Geological map shul: se.24-Z-B-V-I


Se.::tion on E .ide of mad to well CP-66, Altilude ca. 1 0 m

Dolomitic, saccharoidal and variably quartiferou"


browll lime5l0ne .


JERIC6 3: UTM 8 823 3SON/724 3ooE. Topographical m a p shct:

SC.H-Z-B-V Japaratllba. Geological map .hw: SC.24-Z-B-Vt

Exposure in ditch on E ,ide ofroad, below well C P - 1 1 7 . Altitl1de

ca. 20 m.

Kap: Cream

Laralljeira. limestones with abundant bivalve,

JERIC6 4; UTM 8 823 N/724 300E. Topographical map sheet

SC.24-Z-B-V Japaratuba. Geological map shttt: SC.24-Z-B-V-I


Exposun: in ditch on E side ofroad, above well CP-I 1 7 . Altitllde

ca. 55 m


Cream limes tones with clay intercalaliOll'

JERIC6 S : UTM 8 823 35ON/724 6SOE. Topographical map sheet

SC.24-Z-B-V Japaratuba. Geological map shttt: se.24-Z-B-V-I


Section on hitlside facing SW, immroialely W ofroad to well CP-

97. Ahitude ca. 4O--- SO m.

Kr-Kr: Dolomitic, spotted, light browll limestones, localJy more

or less tabular, brown limestonn


G , Campos 192.'}:690-693; Maury 1925:594-6(13 /l4nim; E . P. de

232-233, 248-249, 280-282; Mora"" 1939:332 [ 1 939:33]; E. P. de

( 1 940: 1 :'9,





( 1 969:222-223),


( 1 969:3 1 ) , K , Beurlcn ( 1 9 7 I b : 1 8 ) , Brito ( 1 9 7 1 :427-428), Reyrnent

( 1 9 7 I b:6), Rcymcnt & Tait ( 1 972a;93 ) .

O The locality d"crilx:d by

340; A. G . Duarte 1936; 1 1 7; Maury 1937:8- 1 3 , 142- 1 43. 158- 1 59,


1940; 163;


1941 : 2 1 ;




1943:563; Magalhaes & Menalira 1953 : 7 1 , 85, 238, 24<l: Cooke

1953:33, PI.

12; Santos & Cunha

1958:XLl I I ; Cunha


Branner ( 1 890:390 [ 1 899;57]) as " I n the town of L.arangeiras is a

quarry on the ea51 side of the stream . . . is probably Laranjeiras 1 3

Santos & Cunha 1959: 1 2 1 1 9 8 1 : 146]; CamfX"l & Campo. 1 9 76; 1 9-1-


(forais Rego 1933:44-45; hury 1937:282-283) i. a

description givn by Brannr ( 1 890:389, 397-398 [ 1 899:55-56,

Isic] or Cordeiro ( 1 94 1 : 2 1 ) and "EIlgr.Ilho Quilalc" of CamJX" &

(Branner 1890:389 ( 1 899:56]; MoraisRgo 1933:45}, thc lithology i.

" Engenho Quiali'''

Campol ( 1 976: 1 94) i, probabl' in the area of Laralljira. 25 and

" of A. G . Duarte ( 1 938;44) is po'5sibly at th bridge

O The quarry

between Laranjeiras 12 and 13.

ill " Rua da Palha"

[ givcll as " margem di reita do rio Scrgipe"]: Reyment 'l

1976:258; BrilO 1 9 8 1 :4{I5}. The geographical setting fits the


73-74] ) , the lands formerly belollgcd 10 the

racteristic fealure of the locality.

" ofKOMmat ( 1 89S:467 I I 895:45]) refel"ll to Bom Jesu.,

ridos Kiscentos metms


l..aranjciras 1 9 0r nearby.

" of Wanderle}' ( J 938:SO) is probabl}'

The locality " Pouco alcm da ponte

sobrc o rio Cotillguiba, na cidade de Laralljeiras

" of Wanderlcy

( 1 938:52) probably cefns to the area of Lanlltieiras

setecentos metrQl; depois .


O .,

" or Wanderley ( 1 938;52) is probably

Laranjciras 25. D " sahida da cidad .. . . . alloralldo no lcito do rio

" ofWanderley ( 1 938;53} i. po ibly the area of l..aranjeiras 1 2 .

T h e outcrop ara ducribed by Wanderlcy ( 1 938:53) as " Pela

m uma cxtensao de 1 . 700 metros

eastwards to Laranjeiras 26.

Localities 2'9-36, 1 /23 and 2/28 of

B-IV-4 Aracaju

Quarry on hillside facillg SE. Altitude ca. 25 m


Hard, browll limeSlones; rubbly. light brown limeSIOnc .

LARANJ E I RAS 1 8 : UTM 8 806 OSON/7oo 05OE. Topographical

map sheet: SC.24-Z-B-[V Aracaju. Geological map .hut: SC,24-Z

B-IV-4 Aracaju.

EXfX"lur"" in and on NE side ofroad. Allitude ca. 10 m






po'5 & Campos ( 1 976: 1 94) cornprise5 5Cveral localities in {he t.a


"Laranjeira. Il" of Cam

UTM 8 806 looN/701 1 5OE, Topographical

rnap sheet SC.24Z-B-IV Aracaju. Geological map sheet: SC.24-Z

B-IV-4 Aracaju

Section on hillside facing NW. Altitudc ca. 3O m


Rubbly and Ilagg}-', grey Pindoba limestones.

UTM 8 806 250N/7oo95OE. Topographical

map sheet: SC.24-Z-B-[V Aracaju. Geological map sheet: SC.24-Z

B-IV-4 Aracaju .

Exposure on hillside facing S W and looscma{erial in gull}' a{ foo{

LocaHy hard, grey Pilldoba limestonM. Coquinoid, hard,


UTM 8 806 looNl7oo 7ooE. Topographical

Coquinoid, hard, browllish Laranjeiras limestoIle. with

abundant bivalve., AI!IO locally ruhbly, grer limestones a. lDO:'!e



UTM 8 805 I SON/698 950E. Topographical

map sheet; SC.24Z-B-IV Aracaju. Geological map ,het: SC.H-Z

B-[V-4 .... racaju

Exposure in road. Altitude ca. 5 m



locally hard, grcy and brown-grey Laranjeiras

limestones with coatings of iron oxide Oil weathered surfac.



UTM 8 80.'} 3OO/698 9OOE. Topographical

map shecl: SC.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Geological map 5hel: SC.24-Z

B-IV-4 Aracaju

Exposure in track on hilJside facing SE. Altitude ca. 20 m.


Hard, light brown and grey limcstones.


UTM 8 805 600[1.;/699 1 5OE. Topographical

map sheet: SC,24-Z-BIV Aracaju, Geological map .hut; SC.24-Z

B-IV-4 Aracaju.



material on hil1side facing SW, Ahitude ca. 1 5 m

Rubbly, friable, crtam limestones alld hard, brownish and

yellowish Laranjeiras limesIones


UTM 8 80S 95ON/700 3OOE. Topographical

Seclion on NW side of road. Altitude ca. l O rn .


H a r d , grey a n d brown Laranjeiras limestones


UTM 8 805 looN/699 3OOE. Topographical

map shct: SC.2ol-Z-BIV Aracaju. GeologiGl! map "heet: SC.24Z8-IV-4 Aracaju.

Se-ctioll approximatcly 20 m S of river. Altitude ca. 0-5 m.




19: UTM 8 804 95ON/699 1 50E, Topographical

map shul; SC.24-Z-BIV Aracaju . Geological map sheet: SC.24-Z

B-IV-4 Aracaju

Quartj' on hillside, facing NW, Altitude ca. 20 m.


ta5sive, locally hard, eream Laranjeiras limestollu.

LARANJ E I RAS 2'0: UTM 8 804 9SON/699 000E. Topographical

map sheet: SC.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Gcological rnap shet; SC.24-Z

B-IV-4 Aracaju.

&'::tion ill excavalcd ditch, SE o f roadjunction. Ahitude ca. 1 0 m.


Flaggy, light grcy Pindoba limestone.

shut; SC.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Geological map sheet: SC.24-Z-B

IV-4 Aracaju

Exposure immediately E of road, on hill,ide facing SE. Altitudc


Rubbly, l i g h t brown Laralljeiras lime'tones w i t h abuIldant


Locality S-2 2 1 of Simi>es & Bandeira ( 1 969, [Fig. 2])

LOMBADA ol: UTM 8 8 1 1 OSON1714 OSOE. Topographical map

,hut: SC.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Geological map sheet: SC.24-Z-B

IV-2 Riachuelo

Loose material on ooth ,ide, of road. Altitude Ca. 45 m.


Rubbly, light brown Laranjeiras lime.tones and naggy,

hard, cream limestolles.

LOMBADA 5 : UTM 8 8 1 1 6SONI 7 1 4 E. Topographical map

sheet: SC.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Geological map sheel: SC,24-Z-B

IV-2 Riachuclo

Loose material in road. Altitude Ca. 25 m

Rubbly, light brown limestones.


LOMBADA 6: UTM 8 8 1 1 800NI7 I 4 6OOE. Topographical rnap

shut: SC.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Geological map sheet; SC.24-Z-B

lV-2 Riachuelo

Loosc material in rnad. Altitude c.. . 30 m .

Rubbly, l i g h t browll limestones

Hard, hrown-grcy and browllish Laranjciras lime,tolles,

.heel: SC,24-Z-B-IV Ancaju. Geological map sheet: se.24-Z-B

IV-2 Riachuclo

Exposures in and immediatdy SW of road. Altitude ca. 35 m.

KCJp?: Flaggy, deeply weatherro, light brown lirncstonc.

RljrrfllCt: Locality S - 1 76 of SimOn & Balldeira ( 1 969, [Fig.

Fig. 3)


LOMBADA 8 : UTM 8 8 1 0 65ONI 7 1 3 450E, Topographical map

sheet: SC.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Geological map sheet: SC.24-Z-B
IV-4 Aracaju.

Exposure in old road, on hillside facillg NW. Altitude ca. 45 m.


Locally brecciatro, yellowgrey Laranjeiras limestonu.

l.OMBADA 9 : UTM 8 8 1 0 45ONI7 1 3 300E. Topographical map

shut: se.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Geological map ,heet; SC.24-Z-B

IV-4 Aracaju

Loosc material on hillside facing N . Altitude ca. 20-30 m.


Locally hard, cream Laralljeiras limcstoncs.

LOMBADA 1 0 : UTM 8 8 1 0 4OONI 7 1 3 400E. Topographical map

sheet: SC.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Geological map ,hut: se.24-Z-B

IV-4 Aracaju.

Exposures along old road and on hillside facing S to SW. Altitude

ca. 30-35 m.


Hard, ycllow-grcy Laralljeiras lime510ne.; al,o cream La

r:lIljeiras limestOlles.

LOMBADA I l : UTM 8 8 1 0 400NI7 I 3 3OOE, Topographical map

shut: se.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Geological map sheet: SC,2+-Z-B

IV-4 Aracaju.

ExfX"lure in ditch on S side of old road. Altilud ca. 20-25 m

Rubbly, friable, eream limutones


LOMBA])A 12: UTM 8 8 1 0 3OON17 1 3 3SOE. Topographical map

5heel: SC.24-ZB-IV Aracaju. Geological map !heet: SC.24-Z-B

IV-4 Aracaju

Exposure on hillside faring NW. Altitude ca. 25-30 m.


Nodular, cream limeston bre-ccia; locally coquinoid, hard

Laralljeiras limestones. Flaggy, grey alld ycllowish


limestones as

LOMBADA 13; UTM 8 8 1 0 2SON/ 7 1 3 9SOE. Topographical map

shet; se.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Geological map sheet: SC.2+-Z-B
IV-4 Aracaju

Seclions on ooth sides of road. Altilude ca. 45 m

Flaggy, much slickensided, grcy and yellowish



limcstones, Apparellt allticlillal fold or fault in middle of section.

LOMBADA 14: UTM 8 809 900N17 1 3 750E. Topographical map

,hut: SC.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Geological map sheet: SC.24-Z-B

IV-4 Aracaju.

&'::tion in old road, on hillside facing E. Altitude ca. SO m.


Hard, somewhat ,Iickensided, light brown Laranjeiras lime-


Loc.ality Y-227 of Simi>es & Bandeira ( 1 969, (Fig. 2 ] ,

with whit coating on weathered $urfaces. Echinoids abundant

F i g . 3)


LOMBADA 1 5 : UTM 8 809 75ONI 7 1 4 2SOE. Topographieal map

UTM 8 804 6SON/699 65OE. Topographical

map sheet: SC.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Geological map shut: SC.24-Z

B-IV-4 Aracaju

Quarry facing E . Altitude Ca. 20-30 m


IV-4 Aracaju


map .heet: SC.24-ZB-IV Aracaju, Geological map shee!: SC,H-Z

B-IV-4 Aracaju

Quarry faring W. Altitude ca. W-25 m.


shut: SC.2<4-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Geological map sheet: SC.24-Z-B

Exposure on SW side of road. Altitude ca. SO m.

Massive, friabl, Cream Laranjeiras limutones

LARANJEIRAS 22: UTM 8 804 700N/699 75OE. Topographical

ia5si,"e, ydlowish or whilish Laralljeiras limestolles. Caves

with .talactites.

Friable, cream l.aranjeiras limestolles

LOM BADA 16. UTM 8 809 6OON/7 1 4 E. Topographical map

sheet: SC.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Geological map .hut: SC.24-Z-B

IV-4 Aracaju

EXp0'5ure immediately E of road, on hilt.ide faring E . Altitude Ca.

1 5 m.

Light g r e y Laranjeins limestones


LARANJ E l RAS 23; UTM 8 804 8OONl7oo 7ooE. Topographical

map shut: SC.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Geological map sheel: SC.24-Z8-1V-4 Aracaju.

Section on SW side of road, immediatcly N E of road junctioll.

Altitudt ca. 3O m .


Nodular, hard, browll-grey Laranjeiras limestones.


/il 1M


( 1 938:SO) as "' .

LARANJ E I RAS 24: UTM 8 804 7SON17oo 7ooE. Topographical

qual apparece .

B-IV-4 Aracaju.

do area.

map shet: SC.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Geological map shut: SC.24-Z

Exposures on both sides of road, immroiately SW of roadjunc

tiott . Altilude ca. 3O rn




grey Laranjeiras


with abundant

The outcrop a r a describcd by Wanderley

a estaao da,.da de ferro nas proximidades da

" is probably the area of Mchado I alld 5 .

Locality C4 ofPetri ( 1 962:29, Fig. 2 ) is probably withill Ihc Maeha

The locality '"

a sudocsle de Laranjeiras . . . " of G

Beurlcn { 1 970; 1 48} is ,iluated along the railway bctwUll lI.lachado

5 and 1 2 ( G . Beurlen, penal commullication, 1 9 7 2 ) , D "I.aran.

jeira," of Brito ( J 9 7 1 :427-428, Fig, l} is probably the arca of

Machado 1 0- 1 2.
"I..aranjeir.l! [I" of Campos & Campos

( l 976; 1 94) refers tO several localilie. in (hr I. .aranjeiras-Machado

LARANJElRAS 25; UTM 8 804 85ON1701 OSOE. Topographieal

map sheet: SC.24-Z-BIV Aracaju, Geological map .heet: SC.24-Z

B-IV-4 Aracaju

Scclion oll NE side ofroad, on hillside facillg SW. Altitude ca. S

map 5heet: SC.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Geological map hut: SC.24-Z

B-IV-4 Aracaju


map 5hut; SC.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Geological map sheet: SC.24-Z

Weathered surfaces with whit coating


(lJuchicmlS) karl/i"1

17; UT\I 8 1105 500NI70 1 4OOE. Topographical

Reyment & Tait ( 1 972a:92, Fig. I l ) are in the Laralljeira$ area;

1/23 is probably Laranjeiras 21 or 22.

Bom Jesu.

"Von einem anderem Fundorte

roim" Ilocality for "Ammollitts ptd,,>aus" and "A,

of Branner ( 1 906;2ti9 [ 1 9 1 5;35O])

( 1 938;SO) is probably l.aralljeiras 2 1 or 22. 0 The locality ' Percor


appropriate, alld abUlldance of vascoceratille ammonites is a cha

Illow Rua De.embargador Lih<:rio Monteiro] clted by Wanderlcy


1887c:2 7 1 ;

( 1 938; 1 110, 182- 1 86 ) , loraes ( 1 939:332 [ 1 939:33}, E. r. de Oliveira

Exposure on hillside facing NW. Altitude ca. 25 m .

Iht /I'ta:


Oliveira 1929:3; Maury 1930:276-285/J<Usim; Genh 1 935;335, 337,

Iht a"a:

B-IV-4 Aracaju


1887b: 265-268;

Sopper ( 1 9 1 4:38), A . G. Duarte ( 1 935:29



[probably rden tO the munidpiQ of Laranjeiras); 1936: 1 1 1} , Roxo

brown-grey Laranjeiras limestoneI ill gully

Petrobras 1964;22-23, Figs. 5-7; Marques 1965. Figs. 5-6; Ran

This is rnost probably the locality " Som Jesus" of


1890:389-398 /l4ssim [ 1 899:56-7.'} /I4",i",]; Haug 1 9 1 O ? ; 1 296; L. F

map sheet: SC.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Geological map ,heet: SC.24-Z

muSS 1966:79; Funandes 1 967, Fig. 6: Moura

White { 1 887:39, 42, 2 1 2 , 226, 26 1 } and subse<Jucnt authors (Dcrby




R u b b l y , h a r d , locally coquinoid, l i g h t b r o w n Laranjeiras



Hard, light brown Laranjeiras limestoIles


Secliolls in and besid old road, all hill.idr facing SW. Altitude

Iime5toncs w;th abundant ammonites


EXfX"lurc immediately W of road. Altilude ca. 40 m


1.0MBADA 3 ; UTM 8 8 1 0 9SONI7 1 4 000E. Topographical map


LARANJ E I RAS 1 6 : UTM 8 805 6OONI70 1 25OE. TOJX>!l:raphical

ca 2.'}-40 m .

crcam Laralljeiras limstons

IV-4 Aracaju.

LOMBADA 7: UTM 8 8 1 1 2SON17 I 3 4SOE. Topographical map

map sheet; SC.24-ZB-IV Aracaju, Geologieal map sheet; SC.24-Z

B-IV-4 Aracaju

of hil!. Alti{ude ca. 20 m

Scetion on SW sid of road. Altitllde ca. 1 0 m

15; UTM 8 805 5OON1701 l SOE, Topographical

Rubbly, hard, grey limestone1

Exposure Oil hillside facing SW, immroiatcly E of track. Altill1de


heet: SC.24Z-B-V Japaratuba. Geological mat> sh..,t: SC.24-Z-B



map sheel: SC.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Geological map sheet: SC.24-Z


LAJES 3: UTM 8 8 1 7 OOON1723 450E, Topographical map sheet


UTM 8 822 2OON/726 650E. Topographical map

Friable, cream and mottled, yellowish l..aranjeiras lim

Expo.urc in old road . Altitude ca. 2'O m

Rubbly, hard, grey and crcam Laranjciras lime.tollU

ca. 2'O m

14: UTM 8 805 45ON17oo 8SOE. Topographical

map sheet: SC.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Geological map sheet: SC.24-Z

B-IV-4 Aracaju

Exposun:: on hillsid facing SE. Altitudr ca. ZO m


Hard, light brown Laranjeiras limestoIles


Locally hard, light brown Laranjiras limestolle . At NW

Stones underlain by hard, brown-grey Laranjeira5 limestonu.

.. possibly refen to the ar..a of Laralljciras 1 3 - 1 6 and north

.heet; SC.24-Z-B.v Japaratuba. Geological map sheet; SC.H-Z-B





estrada que Icva a Maruim

Hard, light brown Laranjeiras limestons.

13: UTM 8 805 250[1.;/700 6OOE. Topographical


LOMBADA 2 : UTM 8 8 1 0 8SON/7 1 3 9SOE. Topographical m a p

s h e e t : SC.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Geological map s h e e t : SC.24-Z-B


Massive, hard, light brown Laranjeiras Jimestones wilh

Sections and quarry around hill. Altilude ca. 1 5-25 m.


Exposure on E side of road. Altitude ca, 35 m.

KCJp: Locally Ilaggy, brown-grey Laranjeiras limestones.

Riferl1lU: Locality S- I 99 of SimOe' & Bandcira ( 1 969, [Fig.

Altitude Gl. 5 rn.

B-IV-4 Aracaju.

KCJp: Coarse, cream a n d grey Laranjeiras limestones.

Rtferm,a: Locality Y-16 ofSimOe' & Bandeira ( 1 969, [Fig.

IV-4 Aracaju.

ca. 40 m .

Scction on northnn ballk of river, immdialcly E of bridge



UTM 8 822 600NI726 7SOE. Topographical map

12; UTM 8 805 4OONl7oo 250E. Topographical

LOMBADA I : UTM 8 8 1 0 7ooN1 7 1 3 95OE. Topographical map

sheel: se.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Geological map sheel; SC.24-Z-B

B-IV-4 Aracaju

LAJES I: UTM 8 8 1 6 looN/724 3OOE. Topographical map sheet;

SC.24-Z-B-V Japaratllba. Geological map sheet: SC.24-ZB-V-I


Vanea 2. O The locality at the ., . . ponte qu liga eta cidade a

5heet: SC.24-Z-B-V Japaratuba. Geological map sheet; SC.24-Z-B



trtap ,hut: SC.24-ZB-IV Aracaju. Geological map sheet: SC.H-Z

2 ] ) i. ca. 1 00 m [I.; of Lajes 3

small village in the vicinit)' of Laralljeiras 2.'}.


Variably indurated, locally bioturbated, l i g h t brown Laran

part of locality also powdery, cream l..aralljeiras limestoIles

o r possibly furlher upstream bt:-tween Laranjeira 1 3 and 1 0 ,



Quartj' and scction on hillside facing SW. Altitude ca. l O- 1 5 m

limesIones. Wealhered surfaces typically with white coating


Section on northern bank of river. Altitude ca. 1 0 m .

B-IV-4 Aracaju.



map shut: SC.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Geological map sheet: SC.24-Z

map sheet: SC.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Geological map sheet: SC,24-Z

/il 1M artIl: Locality S-72 ofSirns & Bandcira ( 1 969, [Fig.

UTM 8 822 6SON!726800E. TOfX>graphical map

V - I Carm6polis.


LARANJ E l RAS 1 1 : UTM 8 805 400Nl7oo l ooE. Topographical


sheet; SC,24-Z-B-V Japaratuba. Geological map shut: SC.24-Z-B

25 m



Quarry on hiliside facing SE. Altitude ca. l O m .

Well Cp-23 (Fernandes 1967, Fig. 6)

Laranjeiru limeslones



UTM 8 822 9SON1727 6SOE. Topographical map

stones with locally abundant inoceramid bivalve$. Cream and gry

abundant bivalves.

V - I Carm6polis.


Bioturbated, hard, light brown and grey Laralljeiras lime



sheet: SC.24-Z-B-V Japaratuba. Geological map sheet: SC.24-Z-B

Exposun:: on small elevation, immediately W of rivulet. Altitude

Quarry on hillside facing S . Altitude ca. 1 0- 1 5 m

jeiras limeston""

JERIC6 8: U T M 8 8 2 3 3SOi'O/725 25OE. Topographical m a p sheet


10: UTM 8 805 4OON/7oo OOOE. Topographieal

map .heet: se.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Geological rnap shet: SC.24-Z

B-IV-4 Aracaju.

Exposure. on both sides of road. Altitude ca. 15 m


Expo.ure on hillsidc fiocing S . Ahitudc ca. 15 m.



Cann6poli .

lirncstone .

.hul: SC.24-Z-B-V Japaratu!>... . Geological map sheet: SC.24-Z-B


JERIC6 6; UTM 8 823 200N/724 9OOE. Topographical map sheet:


Section facing SW, at well CP-22 ! . AhilUdc CiI. 1 0 m .




Peter Bengtson: Cenomanian- Coniacian of Sergipe



Nodular, hard, light brown Laranjeiras limestunes.

MACHADO I: UTM 8 804 400N/699 600E. Topogrdphical map

shcet: SC.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Grological map Sheel: SC.24-Z-B

IV-4 Aracaju.

Quarry on hill,ide facillg S . Altitude ca. 1 0- 1 5 m


LARANJEIRAS 26: UTM 8 806 0SONI70 1 3SOE. Topographical

map sheel: SC.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Geological rnap sheet; SC.24-ZB-



ack, Oil hillside facillg N . Altitudc ca. 30-35 m.

Rubbly, cn:am limesIoIles.

Massive, cream, and localty hard, light brown Laralljeiras


MACHAI)() 2 : UTM 8 804 6OON/699 OSOE. Topographical map

.hul: SC.2+-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Geologic:.1 map ,heel: SC,24-Z-B

IV-4 Aracaju

&'::tioll on N E side ofroad, at bend. Altilude ca. 30 m

Massive, hard, local1y brecciated, grey Laranjeiras lime-


Nodular, light grcy Laranjeiras lime'tolle,. E<:hinoids local

Iy abundant

UTM 8 805 2OON/7oo OOOE. Topographical

map ,heet: SC.2+-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Geological map shut: SC.24-Z


MACHADO 3; UTM 8 804 4SON/699 E. Topographical map

B-IV-4 Aracaju.

RiftmlUl l o Iht ll'ta: O

l1at rock u.ed for washillg. Ahitude ca. 5 m.

(Richter &; SimOes 1 9 7 5 , ,heet SC.24ZB-IV-4 Aracaju) is ca. I SO

Section approximatcly SO m S of bridge over river, con,tituting


Slightly nodular, light brown Laranjeiras limestones.

Loc.a l i t y Y-228 ofSimOeS & Bandeira ( 1 969,

[Fig. 2}, Fig. 3} is ca. 100 m SW of Lombada 1 3 .

m N of Lombada 16

O Well


sheet; SC.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju, Geological map sheet: SC.24-Z-B_

IV-4 Aracaju.

Quarry on hillsid facing W. Altitude ca. 2O-2S m.


Massive, hard, grcy and crcam Laranjeiras limcstones with

abUlldant bivalves.


MACHADO 4 : UTM 8 804 4OON/699 4OOE. Topographical map

httl: SC.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Geological map shttl: SC.24-Z-B

IV-4 Aracaju.

Quarry on hillsidc facing S and !ectionsaround hill, facing from

E to 5W. Ahitudt ca. 20-30 m.

Kesp: Hard, (TCam Laranjciras (imestones

Appendix 1 : Locality data

MADRE DE DEUS 8 : UTM 8 803 2SON/700 SOOE. Topographical

map ,heel: SC.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Geological map shtet: SC.24-Z

B-IV-4 Aracaju.

Seclion on SW side ofroad. AhilUde ca. 20 m.

KCJp: Hard, locaUy deeply weathercd, grey Pindoba Iimestoncs.

MADRE DE DEUS 9 : UTM 8 803 35ON/701 OSOE. Topographical

MACHAOO 5 : UTM 8 804 2N/699 5OOE. TopographicaJ map

Ihcel: SC.24-Z-B-]V Aracaju. Geological map shtt!: SC.24-Z-B

IV-4 Arae<tju.

Sections on balh sidcl of railway; first cut W of road-railway

map sheet: SC.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Geological map shcet: SC.24-Z

B.IV-4 Aracaju.

Loose m .. terial on hillside facing N . Altitude ca. 20 m.

Kup: Hard, brown-grey Pindoba limesloncs.

Kap: Hard, CTcam Laranjciras limestones ... i,h abundant bi

IV-4- Aracaju

Kcsp: Hard, cam, localJy brownish, Laranjciru limellona wilh

abundant bivalves.

MACHADO 7: UTM 8 804 3OON/699 200E. Topographical map

lV-4 Araeaju.

V - I C .. rm6polis.

Ahitude ca. 1 5 m.

sheel; SC.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju. GeoJogical map sheCI; SC.24-Z-B

IV-4 Aracaju

EltposurCl on bolh sidC"S of railway, approximalcly 100 m W of

sign "441". Ahilude ca. IS m.

K(sp: Variably induraled, Crum and browni,h LaranjeiTils lime-

EllPOSUn: in vallcy, immcdi .. tcly E of track. Ahilude Ca. 20 m.

Kesp: Locally hard, cream Laranjeiras limesloncs.

MATA 9: UTM 8 799 O.'iON1701 6SOE. TOpoj(raphical map sheel

SG.24-Z-B-IV Ancaju. Geological map sheel: SC.24-ZB-jV-4

KCJp: Massive, biolurbated, locaUy coquinoid .. nd hard, grey and

yelJowish Laranjeiras limesloncs. Bival\"cs and large ammonilcs


MATA lO: UTM 8 799 2OON1701 9OOE. Topographical m .. p sheet

KCJp: VariabJy indurated, cream and light brown Laranjciras




Aracaju. Geological

map sheel: SC.24-Z-B-IV-4

MAGALHES 3 : UTM 8 824 S5ON/724 35OE. Topographical map

Kul': Massive, hard, coquinoid, ycllowish Laranjeiras limcstoncs

with abundanl bival\"cs and large ammonitcs

MACHADO 9: UTM 8 804 S5ON/698 8OOE. Topographieal map

IV-4 Aracaju.

Kup: Hard, yeUowish, brown or gTCY Laranjeiras limcstoncs

KCJp: Nodular, hard, brownish or locally cream Laranjciras lime

Slones. Rubbly, lighl brown limestones wilh abundanl cchinoids as

l<)(>Se material

,heel: SC.24-Z-B-V japaraluba. Geological map sheel: SC.24-Z-B

V - I Carmopolis.

MACHADO 1 0 : UTM 8 804 7.'iON/698 8.'iOE. Topographical map

sheet: SC.24-Z-B-IV Araeaju. Geologieal map sheel: SC.24-Z-B

IV-4 Aracaju.

Seetion on NW side of railway at sign "687". Altitude ca. IS m.

KCJp: Rubbly, gn:y Laranjeiras limeslonC"S.

V-I Carm6polis

sheel: SC.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Geological map sheel: SC.24-Z-B

IV-4 Aracaju

Loosc material immcdialdy NW of railway. Ahilude ca. I.l m.

Kul': Rubbly, grer LararUeiras limestones.

,heel: se.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Gwlogio:al map sheet: SC.24-Z-B

IV-4 Araeaju

Section on SW sidc of railway, approllimalcly I S m S of road

Altilude ca. 1 S m .

MACHADO 13: UTM 8 804 -+OON/699 2.'iOE. Topographical map

IV_4 Arac..ju.

Scctions on bolh sidcs of road. Ahilude ca. 25 m.

KCJp: Variably oolourcd, locally ooarsc Laranjeiras limestones;

V - I C .. rm6polis.

Mction on hillside facing N . Allilude ca. 20-30 m.

MAGALHES 1: UTM 8 824 85ON/124 9OOE. Topographical map

shccI; SC.24-Z-B-V Japaratuba. GeoIogical map sheel: SC.24-Z-B

V _ I Carm6polis.

MAGALHES 8 : UTM 8 82:' 4001";/725 1 5OE. Topographical map

sheet: SC.24-Z-B-V japaraluba. Geological map she,,: SC.24-Z-B

Quarry al weU CP230, on hillside fating SE. Ahitude ca. 1 0 m.

Kup: BiolUrbated, cream Laranjeiras limcslonel, localJy friable

but with hard areas. Bivalves locally abundant

MACHADO 14: UTM 8 804 5OON/699 200E. Topographical map

Scction on NE sidc of road. Ahitudc c a . 30 m

Exposure immedialely S of road bend. Ahitude ca. l O m

o " A partirda Barra do Madrede Deus

Kap: Slighdy dolomi!ic, light brown tO cream Laranjeiras lime

. . " of

Morais Rcgo ( 1 933:44) n:fers to Ihe area of Madre dc Deus 1-4. 0

Wanderley ( 1 938:.'iO) as "Por mais mil c quinhenlos metros

sloncs wilh abundanl burrows.


I..oca l ily S-75 ofSimQcs & Bandeira ( 1 969, [fig. 21)

MARACUjA 2: UTM 8 8 1 6 OOON/718 GOOE. Topographical map

varios .. lloramenlos . . . " , is the area of Madre de Deus 7 and 8. O

sheet: SC.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Geological map shect: SC.24-Z-B

CQnlluencia do Madre de Ikus . . " by Wanderley ( 1 938:S3) is the

Scction on SW bank of river and cxposure on hillside faeing NE.

The area described as "Pela outra margem do Colinguiba


IV-2 Riachudo

aTea of Madre de Deus 4 and 5 . O " . . . faunda Madre de IXus, na

Quarry approllimately 50 m SW of river. Ahitude ca . .l- I S m.

[de Iburaj . . . " ofSantQS & Cunha ( 1 9 59 : 1 2 [ 1 9 8 1 : 1461) and "F..-

limes tone. Quarry: cream calcareous sandslone overlain by dola

estrada de rodagem Aracaju-Laranjcin.s, a I km do POSIO Fi$Cill

Campos ( 1 976:196) are

probably in Ihe area of Madn: de Deus 2 and 3.

Locality C 3 of

Pelri (1962:29, Fig. 2) .. nd "Cotinguiba-Laranjeinu I " ofCampos

& Campos ( 1 976:19:') may be M ..dn- de Deus 8 or NW or Ihis

WeU u - I -SE ( '"' I -IT-7-SE; Fernandes 1961, Fig. 9;

Richlu & Simbes 1975, sheet SC.24-Z-B-IV-4 Aracaju) is ca. 100 m

NW or Madre de Deus 6.

K,-Kc: River ction: dolomitic, coarsc, Iocally onoolilic, brown

milic limeStooes which also occur as loose malerial higher on hill


MARACUjA 3 : UTM 8 8 1 4 9OON/ 7 J 8 l OOE. Topographical map

sheet: SC.24Z-B-IV Aracaju. Geological map shcc!: SC.24-Z-B

IV-2 Riachuelo.

Loosc material on hilbide facing SW. Ahilude ca. 30 m

Kup: Cherts

MADRE DE DEUS I: UTM 8 802 25ON1701 700E. Topographical

map shee!: SC.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Geologica! map Iheel: SC.24-Z

B-IV-4 Aracaju.

Seclion al pond, on hiUsidc fadng W . Ahilude c... :. m

Kap: Rubbly, locally flagg)', grey and light brown limestoncs.

MARACUj 4: UTM 8 8 I S 400NI 7 1 7 900E. Topographical map

sheet: SC.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Geologieal map ,heel: SC.24-Z-B

IV-2 Ri..chuclo

Small quarry approxim"lely l:' m N ofroad. AhilUde ca. JO m .

Kup: Massive, dolomilized, saecharoidal a n d vuggy, crum La

ranjeiras limcsloncs

R-IV-4 Aracaju.

MARACUjA .l : UTM 8 81S I.'iON/ 7 1 8 3.)OE. Topographieal map


bank of river. approimalcly 200 m

bridge . Altitude ca. O m.

of railway

IV:sp: Mauive, hard, light brown Laranjciras limcslono.

MADRE D E DEUS 3; UTM 8 802 15ON/70! 5OOE. Topogn>phical

map sheet: SC.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Gwlogical map sheet: SC.24-Z

sheel: SC.2+Z-B-IV Aracaju. Geologic.aJ map sheet: SC.24-Z-B

IV-2 Riaehuelo

Exposure on hillside facing E . Ahilude ea. l O - I S m.

Kul': Limenone brccda underlain by cream Laranjeiras lime

Slones and overlain(?) by naggy, cream Pindoba limcsloncs (loosc


lions and abundanl bivalves. Limcstone brcccia.

O The Iocalily " . . . cru:tamos o no Madre de Deus . .

ofPelri ( 1 962:29, Fig. 2) and "Colinguiba-Laranjeiras Il" of Cam

pos & Carnpos ( 1 976: 1 9S ) .

MADRE D E D E U S 4; U T M 8 8 0 2 35ON/702 5OOE. Topognphical

map sheet: SC.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Geological map sheet: SC.24-Z

B-IV-4 Aracaju.

Seclion al blt of hill facing SE. Altitude ca. 5 m.

K($p: LocaHy rubbly, brown-grcy limcslones.

MADRE D E DEUS .l : UTM 8 802 6OONI702 550E. Topographical

map shee!: SC.24-Z-B-IV Araeaju. Gwlogica! map sheel: SC.24-Z

R-IV-4 Aracaju.

SC.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Geological map shw: SC.24-Z-B-IV-4


Quarry on hiJ1side facing W . Altitude ca. 25-30 m.

Kup: Ma!l5ive, cream Laranjciras limestones.

MATA 2: UTM 8 799 8O)N1701 6OOE. TopographicaJ map sheel



Aracaju. Geological map ,hccI; se.24-Z-B-IV-4

Quarry on hillside facing NE. Altilude ca. 2S-30 m.

Kup: Hard, cream and grcy Laranjeinu limcstoncs.

MATA 3: UTM 8 799 15ON1701 700E. Topographical map sheel:

B_IV_4 Ancaju

Sections on bolh sides ofroad. AltilUde ca. 2:' m .

KUfr: Brown-grey Laranjciras limesIOnei

Probably the Iocality dcscribcd as ' . . oitoccnlOS metros

adiame . . ' by Wanderley ( 1 938:5O).

MADRE D E DEUS 7 : UTM 8 803 lOON/700 115OE. Topognphical

map sheet: SC.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Geological map sheel: SC.24-Z

S_\V-4 Aracaju.

Scctions in and on NE side ofroad. Aldtude ca. 20 m.

Kul': Flagg), locally powdery, lighl grey Pindoba limelilOncs.

UTM 8 796 6OONI700 200E. Topographical



1 0 : UTM 8 196 6SON/699 950E. TopographicaJ map

shect: SC.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Geologieal map sheet: SC.24-Z-B

IV-4 Aracaju.

Quarry facing SW lO W . Allitude ca. 35-5$ m.

Kup: Ma!l5ive, hard, locaUy ooquinoid and brccciated, blue-grey


I l ; UTM 8 796 6SON/699SOOE. Topographical map



UTM 8 796 2OON/699 75OE. Topographical map

sheet: SC.24-Z-B-IV Araeaju. Geological map sheet: SC.24-Z-B

IV_4 Aracaju

Kcsp: Massive, cream Laranjeiras limestoncs.


UTM 8 796 550NI700 OSOE. Topographic.. 1 map

IV-4 Aracaju.


Quarry facing W . Altitude ca. W--S5 m

Kul': Massive, yeUowish Laranjeiras limcstones.

(Mussucaj full n a m e : Mucuea de Baixo)


Iq Iht a,,<I: The outcrop area dcseribcd by Wanderley

( 1 938:52} as "

. tn:skilometrosdepoisdeSle povoado . . . uma zona

calcarc.. " is Ihc area betwecn Mucuc .. and Pilar



14: UTM 8 796 5OON/700 lOOE. Topographical map

,heel: SC.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju. GeoJogic.. 1 map sheet: SC.24-Z-B

IV-4 Aracaju.

Quarry facing W, near hilhop. Altilude ca. 60--65 m

UTM 8 804 200NI704 I.'iOE. Topographic.. 1 map

MUC;UCA 2: UT!\.1 8 804 350NI704 5OOE. Topographical map

,hccI: SC.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Geolog-ieal map sheel: SC.24-Z-B

IV-4 Araeaju.

Quarl1 facing NW, near hillslop. Altitude Ca. 35-40 m

Kesp: Cn:am Lannjeir", limeSIones. Ca'n wilh slalaclilcs

MUC;UCA 3: UTM 8 804 3OON!704 6.'iOE. Topographical map

shcc!: SC.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Geologieal map sheel: SC.24-Z-B

KCJp: Yellowish Laranjeiras limesIones


15: UT1 8 796 S50N/699 8OOE. Topographic.. 1 map

sheet: SC.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Geological map sheel: SC.24-Z-B

IV-4 Arac..ju.

Quarry on hillside fating E . Allilud ca. 3O-3S m.

Kul': Coquinoid, yeHowish Laranjeiras limesloncs


1 6 : UTM 8 196 6lONI700 350E. Topographieal map

sheel: SC.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Geological map sheet: SC.N-ZB

IV-4 Araeaju

Quarry f..cing SW. Ahitude c ... 40-50 m.

Kesp: Ydlowish and cream Laranjciras limutoncs

IV-4 Aracaju.

Quarry al fool of hill, facing SW. Ahitude ca. 20-2S m

KCJp: H .. rd, cream La .... njeiras lime$lones.

MUC;UCA 4: UTM 8 804 O.'iON/704 850E. Topographic.. 1 map

Mundo Novo

IV-4 Aracaju.

MUNOO NOVa I : UTM 8 791 3.'iON/694 .'iOOE. Topographical

sheet: SC.24-Z-B\V Aracaju. Geological map sheet: SC.24-Z-B

map sheet: SC.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Geological map sheel: SC.24Z

Quarry on hillside facing S . Altilude ea. 20--25 m.

Kup: Cream Laranjeiras limesIOnes wilh abundaul bivalves

MUC;UCA 5: UTM 8 803 9001704 9OOE. Topographieal map

,heel: SC.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Geolog-ieal map shee!: SC.24-Z-B

IV-4 Ancaju.

B_IV_4 Aracaju.

Seclion on hillsidc facing SW and quarry on hilltop. Altitude ca.

2S-4S m

Kul': flagg)', local1y slickensided, hard, yJlow-grey Pindoba


Eltposure on hillside facing N . Altilude ca. 30 m

KeIp: Hard, num Laranjeiras limesloncs.

MUNDO NOVa 2: UTM 8 79 7 9OON/693 9OOE. Topographical

shccI: SC.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Geological map shcct: SC.24-Z-B

IV-4 Aracaju

map sheel: SC.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Geological map sheet: SC.24-Z

B-IV-4 Aracaju

Loosc malCrial on hillside facing SW. Altilude ca. 40-50 m

KCJp: Flaggy, loc.. Uy slickensided, brown-grey Pindoba lime-

Quarry facing SW. Ahiludc ca. 2O--30 m

Kup: Hard, grey and cream Laranjeiru limeSIones.

MUC;UCA 1 : UTM 8 804 5OON1705 IOOE. Topographical map
IV-4 Aracaju.

Quarry and scclioul on hinsides facing from SW lO NW. Altilude

ca. 2S m

MUNOO Nova 3: UT{ 8 798 250N/693 8lOE. Topographical

map sheet: SC.24-ZB-IV Aracaju. Geological map sheel: SC.24-Z


B_!V.4 A",caju

Loose malerial on hilbide facing W . Allilude ca. 40-50 m

Kup: Flagg)', locally sliekensided, browngrey Pindoba lime

Kesp: Hard, cream and light brown Laranjciras limcstones wilh

limellone breccia, overlain by cream limeSIones.

MUC;UCA 8: UTM 8 804 15ON/70S 3OOE. Topographical m .. p

MUNDO NOVO 4: UTM 8 798 15O/693 65OE. Topographical

map sheel: SC.24+Z-B-IV Aracaju. Geological map Ihect: SC.24-Z

B_IV_4 Aracaju

Loosc malerial on

hillside facing E . Ahitude C<ro. 35-40 m.

Kup: Flagg)', locaHy slickenlided, brown.grey Pindoba lime-

MATA I: UTM 8 799 8O)N/70 1 5.'iOE. Topographical map sheet


map shut: SC.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Geological map shccl: SC.24-Z


sheet: SC.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Geological map shee!: SC.24Z-B

Exposure on NW side ofroad. Altimde ca. 1 0 m.

Kcsp: Flagg)', grey Pindoba limeslones

MADRE D E DEUS 6: UTM 8 802 8OON1701 lOOE. Topographic.. 1

Quarry facing W . AI!itude ca. 4$-60 m.

cherl nodules.


Kul': Grey Laranjciras lime"oues.

Seclion al roge of mangrovcs, on hillside facing NE. AhilUdeca.

' m


Quarry facing W . Altitude ca. 20--30 m

Quarry on hillside facing S. Altitude ca. 1 0 m.

Kup: Nodular, hard, locally coquinoid, brown-!l:rey limestoncs

sheet: SC.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Geologieal map shee!: SC.24-Z-S

Kul': Hard, lighl brown Pindoba limestones with daycy intercala

&/trntt:t :


IV-4 Aracaju

Sections on ooth sides of railway. Altitude ca. 5 m.


MOSQUITO l : U T M 8 782 65ON/686 2 0 0 E Topographieal m a p

sheel: SC.24Z-D-1 ESlinci ... Geologic.. l m a p sheet: SC.24-ZD-I-1

sheet: SC.24-Z-B-IV Ancaju. Geolo!(ical map sheet SC.24-Z-B

B_IV_4 Aracaju.

Logo a seguir . . . " ofWanderley ( 1 938:49). O Probably Jocalily C2

UTM 8 796 4.'iON/700 05OE. Topographical

IV-4 Aracaju

Kul': Massive, locally brccei .. ted, yellowish Laranjeiras lime-


MUC;UCA 6: UTM 8 803 9OON!704 75OE. Topographical map

MADRE DE DEUS 2: UTM 8 802 050N/701 700E. Topographical

map shtet: SC.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Geological map shee!: SC.24-Z


sheet: SC.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Geological map sheet: SC.24-Z-R

Quarry on hillside faeing E. AhilUde ca. 35-40 m.

Kup: Flascr-bcddcd, hard, light brown Laranjeins limC"Stoncs

MARACUjA l : UTM 8 8 1 $ -+OON17 l 7 85OE. Topograp.hieal map

The oUlcrop arca .. Iong the Socorro-Laranjeiras road, dcscribcd by

Kup: Massivt, cream !O yellowish Laranjeiras limestones, locally

wilh ehert nodules.

sheet: SC.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Geological map sheel: SC.24-Z-B

Quarry faeing SE, on hillside faeing NE. Altilude ca. 25-30 ril.

IV-2 Riachuclo

Madre de Deus

m .. p

and cn:am Laranjeiras limellones. Large bivalveli abundanl.

Quarry near roge of mangro\"cs . AhilUdc ca. :' m .

IV-4 Aracaju.

sheet; SC.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Geological map sheet: SC.24-ZB

Scclion on

IV-4 Aracaju.



KCJp: friable, ydlowish and cream Laranjciras limcstoncs.

I: UTM 8 809 5001708 950E. Topognphical map

sheet: SC.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Geological map shert: SC.24-Z-B

shee!: SC.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Geological map sheel: SC.24-Z-B

IV-4 Arae ..j u .



1.oosc material on N side ofroad. Altitude ca. 1 0 m.

shed: SC.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Geological map shee!: SC.24-Z-B

unda adn: de Deus" of Campos &

of Branner

MAGALHES 6: UTM 8 824 25ON1724 35OE. Topographical map

sheel: SC.24-Z-B-V Japaraluba. Geological map sheel: SC.24Z-B

V - I Carm6po1is.

also locally dolomilic limcSlOlles.

UTM 8 796 4OONI700 lOOE. Topographical

IV-4 Aracaju

dam bivalvel.

sheet: SC.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Geological map shcct: SC.24-Z-B

Rt/trtll(ul 1 M <lru:


Kup: Hard, brink, lighl grey Lannjeiras limOlOnes wilh abun

KCJp: RubbJy, brown-grcy limC"SlOnes.


,heet: SC.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Geological map sheel: SC.24-Z-B

IV-4 Aracaju.

Kul': Ma!l5ive, cream Laranjeiras limcstoncs, locally with abun

down Oil Ihe west side of the

from two t O thrcc miles further


Kcsp: Coarsc, hard, cream Laranjeiras limesloncs.

MACHADO 12: UTM 8 804 95ON/698 9OOE. Topographical map


dant ammonito

Kup: Flaggy, ydlowish Pindoba limcstoncs with inlercalated

Scction on hillside facing S E . Ahilude ca. 40 m.

Kesp: Cre.. m Laranjeiras limcstones.

MACHADO I l : UTM 8 804 8.'iON/698 900E. TopographicaJ map

Kap: Cream Laranjeiras limcstonel, locally wilh abundal\! am


Quarry on hilllide facing S . Ahitude ca. 50-55 m.

Rif,.ma Iq 1 M area; T h e locality


MAGALHES 5 : UTM 8 824 3.'iON1724 25OE. TopographicaJ map

sheet: SC.24-Z-B-V japaratuba. Gwlogical m .. p sheel: SC.24-Z-B

Topographical map

Quarry facing SW. Ahilude ca. 50-60 m

IV-4 Aracaju.

( 1 899:43\) is probably localed al or near Mombaa I

Eltposure on W side of road. Ahilude ca. 1 0 m

Kap: Hard, ydlowish Laranjeiras limcstoncs.

6: UTM 8 796 75ON/700 050E.

IV-4 Aracaju.


Seclion facing NE al weU CP-I:'2. Altitude ca. 30 m .

MAGALHES 4: UTM 8 824 6OON/724 6OOE. Topographical map

Scclion on W side of railway. Allitude ca. IS m.


shee!: SC.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Geological map sheet: SC.24-Z-B

V - I Carm6polis.

sheel: SC.24-Z-B-IV Araeaju. Gwlogical map ,heel: se.24-Z-B

Quarry facing E. Altitude ca. 35-4S m

KCJp: Massive, ydlowish Laranjeiras limesIones, locally wilh

Quarry on hillside facing SW. Ahilude ca. 3:'-40 m.

sheet: SC.24-Z-B-V Japaraluba. Geological map shccI: SC.24-Z-B

UTM 8 796 6OON/100 200E. Topographical map

IV-4 Aracaju.


Seclions fating NW and NE, al weH C P- I l S . Altitude ca. 20-

30 m


shee!: SC.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Geological map ,heet: SC.24-Z-B

Quarry facing S . Altilude ca. 3O-.'iO m.

Quarry facing NW. Altitude ca. 30-40 m.

V - l Carm6polis.

MACHADO 8 : UTM 8 804 5OON/699 lOOE. Topographical map

Quarry facing SE. Altilude ea. 30-4S m.

sheel: SC.24-Z-BIV Aracaju. Geological map ,heel: SC.24-Z-B


K,-K(: Dolomitic, brownish and grey limesloncs.


Kup: Cream Laranjcirali JimeS!onn

SC.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Geological map sheet: SC.24-Z-B-IV-4

sheet: SC.24-Z-B-V Japar.uuba. Geological map shee!: SC.24-ZB

Kul': Friable, cream and whiti,h Laranjeiras limestone,


map sheet: SC.24-Z-B-IV-4

,heel; SC.24-Z-B-V Japaratuba. GeoIogical map sheet: SC.24-Z-B

MAGALHAES 2 : UTM 8 824 2SON1724 4OOE. Topographical m .. p

Sections on bolh sido orrailway. Ahilude ca. I.l m.

MATA 7 , UTM 8 199 45ON1701 150E. Topographical map shccr

Aracaju. Geological


K{1p: Massive, cream Laranjeiru limcs!Ones


MATA 8: UTM 8 799 lOON1701 2OOE. Topographical map Iheel

Seclion al "E'laio Cok!Ora Magalhiel", on hillside facing NE.

sheel: SC.24-Z-B-1V Aracaju. Geologial map sheel: SC.24-Z-B

Quarry on hillside f..cing S . AltilUde ca. 20 m

KCJp: Mal5ive, cream uranjciras limestones, wilh abundanl bur

roW1. Massive, hard, lighl grey Laranjeiras limcstoncs. Echinoids

locally abundanl.


MUCURI 4 : UTM 8 796 6SON/700 5OOE.

sheet: SC.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Geologieal map shee!: SC.24-Z-B

IV-4 Aracaju


MAGALHES l : UTM 8 824 2OON/124 700E. Topographical map

Sections on bolh sides of fllilway. Altitude ca. \ !:1 m.


Kup: Lighl brown-grey Laranjeiras limes!Oncs with abundanl

valv,", .

s h e e t : SC.U-Z-B-IV AraC<llju. Gcological map s h e e l : SC.24-Z-B

map sheel:


Seclion on hillside facing NW. Ahilude ca. 20-30 m

inlcrsection. Ahitudc C3. 1 5 m.

MACHADO 6: UTM 6 604 ZOON/699 3 0 0 E . Topographk<ll m a p

MATA 6: UTM 8 799 6OON1701 -+OOE. Topogr.. phical map sheet

SC.24-Z-R-IV Aracaju. Geological



Atacaju. Geologieal m ..p sheet: SC.24-Z-B-\V-4

Quarry on hiUside facing E . Altitude ca. 2S-30 m.

Kcsp: Cream Laranjeiras limcstones

SC.24-Z-B-IV Araeaju: Geological map sheel: SC.24-Z-B-IV-4


Quarry on hillside facing E . Ahilude ca. 2:'-30 m.

KeIp: Cre.. m Laranjeiras lime$!One$.



Quarry on hill,ide facing NW. Aldlude ca. 20--25 m.

Kup: Cream Laranjeiras limcsloncs wilh claycy horizons


O Localily 26 0f 1arques ( 1 966 : 1 0- 1 1 and

Schaller ( 1 970:12); localilY F-274 is probably immedialdy NE of

&/trlft(tf l<l t!u art<l:

Umgebung der landwirlschaftlichen Schulc Quipm . . . " of K

( 1 969: 3 1 ) is probably a road scclion in Ihe area belween Oileiro 24

Mucuri 12, in an area which is now complelcly ellca\"atro.

Beurlcn ( 1 9 7 1 b:20).

fig. I l )



Locality 1 / 1 9 of Reyment & Tail ( 1 9 12a:92,

I : UTM 8 796 9OON/701 lOOE. Topographical map

sheel: SC.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Geological map sheet: SC.24-Z-B

IV-4 Aracaju.

UTM 8 797 OOON1701 OOOE

IV-4 Aracaju .

Two ,mali quarries on hillside facing SW. Ahilude ca. 35-40 m.

Kup: Coquinoid, hard, light brown Laranjeiras limesIones wilh

breccia, overlain by nagg)', cream Pindoba limeSlones.

UTM 8 796 15ON!700 700E. Topographical map

sheel: SC.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Geologic.. 1 map sheet: SC.24Z-B

IV-4 ATilcaju.

Quarry on hillside facing SE. Ahitude ca. 35 m

KeIp: Flaggy, crum and yellow-grcy Pindoba limestone$ wilh

nodular horizons

Ihe cxact position. O The quarry of the f:il,rica dc Cimento POrt

l ..nd de Strgipe (G. Bcurlen I9 70 : 1 49, I S9} is probably Oiteim I 8 or

19. O "

. all der SlraBc \"on Araeaju nach habaiana

Bcurlen ( 1 9 7 I b:20) is in the Oiteiro area.

" of K

Locality 3 / 1 9 of Rey

probably in th vicinity of Oileiro 1 - 7

Topographieal map

shee!: SC.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Geological map sheet: SC.24-Z-B


and 29, although fauhy distancing makes it imponible lo as.cerlain

1 5 - 1 6 . O "Colinguiba I l l " of C .. mpos & Campos ( 1 9 76 : 1 96) i,

KCJp: flaggy, cream Pindoba limestones.


map) is e.a. 1000 m SW of Oileiro 29. O l.ocality 1 3 of "libana

mem &: Tait ( 1 972a:92, Fig. I l ) is either Oileiro 1 8 - 1 9 or Retiro

Quarry on hilltop. Ahitude ca. 35 m.


MATA 5: UTM 8 799 750N/701 85OE. Topographieal map sheet

t!u ',.. ; O T h e quarries ofthe/aprd<l Mueuri (Iocalilies

Y_$41 and F-274) ofG. Beuden ( 1 970: 1 49, 153, 1$4, 159, 1 6 1 ) and


MATA 4: UTM 8 799 650N1701 7.'iOE. Topographical map liheet

SC.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Geological map sheet;

RiftrttlCt! Iq


I : UTM 8 798 2.'iO:"I1701 3OOE. Topographbl map

sheet: SC.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Geological map shee!: SC.24-Z-B

IV-4 Aracaju

Quarry on hilbide facing NW. A!titude ca. 40 m.

Kul': Massive, friable, cream Laranjeins limesloncs

OlTEIRa 2:

UTM 8 7980lON/70 1 3.'iOE. Topographieal map

sheet: SC.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Geological map sheet: SC.24-Z-B

IV-4 Aracaju

Quarry on hilbide facing N . Ahilude ca. 35-40 m.

Kcsp: Hard, lighl bro""n, and friablc, cre .. m uranjciras lime_




8 798 OXlN1701 5OOE.



,heet: Se.24-Z-S-IV Aracaju. Gological map heet: Se.24-Z-S

IV-4 Aracaju.

Quarry faci"g E. Altitud ca. 25-40 m.


Yellow-grey, brown-gn:y and ercam Laranjeiras limetone .

OITEIRO 4: UTM 8 798 IOON/701 7 S O E . Topographical map

sheet: Se.24-Z-S-IV Aracaju. Geological map sheet: SC.24-Z-B

IV-4 Aracaju.

UTM 8 798 l SON/701 550E

Topographical map

shtet: Se.24-Z-S-IV Aracaju. Geological map sheet: Se.24-Z-B

IVol Aracaju

Quarry facing S. Altitudc ca, 20--40 m


Crcam Laranjeiras limeSlOtleS, 10000 l ly hard and light brown.

OlTE1RO 6:

UT:\1 8 798 200:-<1701 4OOE.

.heet: SC.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju.

lV-4 Aracaju



G..ological map sht: SC,H-Z-B

Quarry facing S . Al!itud ca. 30-4{I m



UTM 8 798 350N1701 2OOE. Topographical map

sheet: SC.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju. G..ological map shet: SC.24-Z-B

IV-4 Aracaju.

Mouled, cream Laranjeiras limestonC$. Abo rubbly, light

OITEIRO 2 7 : UTM 8 798 200N/699 700E. Topographical map

sheet: SC.H-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Geological map sheet: SC.H-Z-B

Kcsp: Cream

UTM 8 798 65ON/700 800E

OITEIRQ 28: UTM 8 798 250N/699 5OOE. Topographical map

sheet: SC.24-ZB-IV Aracaju, Gcological map shcel: SC.H-ZB
IV-4 Aracaju

Quarry immediatdy ;.; E of highway BR235. A[titude ca, W

lO m

Kcsp: Cream Laranjeiras limestoncs.

Riftr(l[(e: Probably locality 2119 of Ryment

& Tait ( 1 972a:92,

Fig, I l ) .

sheet: &C.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Geological map shee!: SC.24-Z-B

IV-ol Aracaju.

sheet: SC,H-Z-B-IV Aracaju, Gological map sheet: SC.24-Z-B

IV-4 Aracaju.

Quarry on hillside facing SE. Altitude ca. 30--35 m.

Massive, cream Laranjeiras limestones, locally coquinoid,

Flaggy. w h i t i s h and yellowish P i n d o b a limestone.; locally

Probably locality 2 3 of Marques ( 1 966, m\ip)

OITEIRO 30: UTM 8 798 700N/699 700E. Topographical map

shcct: SC,24-ZS-TV Aracaju, Geological map sheet: SC.24-Z-B

IV4 Aracaju.

Cream Laranjciras limeslones, overlain by rubbly, hard,

hard and with chert horimns.

light brown limestones


OITEIRO 3 1 : UTM 8 797 [ 50N/701 1 50E. Topographical map

UTM 8 798 6OONI?OI 300E. Topognphical map

sheet: Se.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju. G..ological map sheet: Se.H-Z-B

IV-4 Aracaju

Exposures in and on W side of road. Altitude ca 45 m

Massive, hard, yeJlowgrey Lannjeiras limeSIones


sheer: SC.24-Z-fl-IV Aracaju. Geo[ogica[ map sheet: SC.24-Z-fl

IV-4 Aracaju

Exposurc on hillside facing NE. Altitude ca. 45 m.

IV-4 Aracaju.

Exposurcs in and on W side of rnad, Altitudc (;,t. 45 m

Massive, fairly bioturbated and variably induraled, cream


Laranjeiras limutones.

sheet: SC.24-Z-B-IV Aracajll. Geological map sheet: Se.24-Z-B


IV-4 Aracaju

B-IV-2 Riachuelo

sheet: SC.24-Z-B-IV Aracajll. Gwlogical map sheel: SC,H-ZB

IV-4 Ara(;,tjll.

Quarry on hillside facing NW, \ O m E ofroad, Altilllde ca. 25 m.


Massive, cream Laranjeiras limestones.


13: UTM 8 797 4OON1701 9OOE. Topographical map

sheet: SC,24-ZB-IV Aracaju. Geological map sheet: SC.24-Z-B

IV-ol Aracaju


Grey and ydlowish Laranjeiras limeslones with abllndant

cherl nodules

OITEIRO 1 4 : UTM 8 797 6SON/701 800E. Topographical map

sheet: SC.24-Z-B-IV Ancaju. Geologica[ map shet: SC,H-Z-B

IV-4 Aracaju


Hard, ydlow-grey Laranjeiras limestones wilh locally abun

dant bivalves


UTM 8 797 550N/701 7ooE. Topographical map

lY-ol Aracaju

Nodu[ar, ydlowish Laranjeiras limesloncs; locally flaggy



Rifnt71us 10

lfu arta:

Locality 1 6 of Tibana ( l 969: 3 1 ) is probably

Pari 2 although faulty distancing mak it impossible 10 acenain

the nact poilion.

O Locality 24 of Reyment & Tait ( 1 972a:92, Fig

l I) is probably Pati I or 2


[6: UTt 8 797 6OON/701 4SOE. Topographica[ map

IV-4 Aracaju.


Aracaju. Gwlogical

Topographical map shcet

map sheel: SC.H-Z-B-IV-4

90-9.) m


SC,24-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Geo[ogical map sheel:




Light ohvc-bro""n, cakareous shales_


UTM 8 79 7 25ON/701 2ooE. Topographical map

Quarry on hillside facing SW. Altitude ca. 35-40 m.



Laranjcira, lim""tone',

coquinoid, ycllow-grcy Laranjeiras limestones




Ge-ological map sheet: SC,24-Z-B-IV-4

Loo,e material on hillside facing NW. Altitude ca, 50-55 m

Hard, panly .ilicified, grey Laranjeiras limestones

[8: UTM 8 799 1 50N/699 8OOE. Topographical map

tassivc, blue-grey and yellowi.h Laranjeiras lime$\ones

19: UTM 8 798 850);/699 850E. Topographical map

.heel: SC.24-Z-Fl-IV Aracaju, Geological map shcet: SC,24-ZB

IV-4 Aracaju

Loosc material on hillside facing SE. Ahilude Ca. 60 m.

K,-Kc: QQ!itic, onco[ilic and conglomcratic,

brownish lime'tone .

h,si\"e, bluegrey and ydlowish Laranjeiras limestones,

locally with echinoid accumulations

shcet: SC,24-Z-B-IV Aracaju, Gological map shect: SC.24-Z-B

IY4 Aracaju

Quarry on hillside facing NW. Altitllde Ca. 40-45 m





Pedra Branea
10 1M


IV-4 Aracaju.

Quarry on hillside facing [1.; . Altitude ca. 55-60 m

deserihed by Wanderley ( 1 938:53) a. "

and . .



Th area
. por Cerca de 800 m , . .

em urna zona de (alcareo erystallino .

" may rdr to the

l: Un.1 8 805 6OON/703 OSOE. Topographical

map sheet: SC.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Gwlogical roap .heet: SC.24-Z

B-IV-4 Aracaju.

Quarry on hillside faeing E, SO m W orhighway B R- I O [ . Altitude


H a r d , c r c a m Llranjiras limestone.

map ,heel: SC,H-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Geological map sheel' SC,H-Z

8-IV-4 Aracaju.

Loose malerial on hillside racing SW, Altitudc ca. 25-30 m

Flaggy, light grev Pindoba limestone.

PEDRA BRAr-;CA 3 : UTM 8 806 l00N/701 750E. Topographieal

B-I\'-4 Aracaju.

Exposure on hillside facing N E . Altilude ca. 20-25 m.


Grey Pindoba limestones

Mas.iv, Cream Laranjeira! [imestones

map sheet: SC.24Z-S-IV Aracaju. Geo[ogical map shcct: SC.24-Z

B-IV-4 Aracaju.

IV-4 Aracaju

ca. 2'0--- 35 m

Quarry faeing E . A[titude ca, 40-50 m.


rubbly, light brown limcstones.


Quarry and section i n old road, on hiUside facing SW. Ahitude


overlain by

OITEIRO B : UTM 8 798 2SON/699 950E. Topographical map

sheet: SC.H-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Geological map shecl: SC.24-Z-B

IV-4 Aracaju.

Exposure a l fool of hilJ facing SE. Altitude ca. 40 m

Rubbly, light brown lime!loncs.

OITEIRO 24: UTM 8 797 9SON/699 950E. Topographica[ rnap

shee!: SC.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Geo[ogical rnap shal: SC.24-Z-B

IV-4 Aracaju

Se<::l ion on N E sidc of highway BR-B5. Altitude ca. 40 m

Cream Pindoba lime,tone,.

OITEIRO 2:': UTM 8 797 950N/699 BOOE. Topographical map

shcct: SC.24-Z-B-IY Aracaju. Geological map sheet: SC.24-Z-B

Flagg)', light grey Pindoba limestones; locally hard, brown

ish limesloncs

PEDRA BRANCA 5 : UTM 8 806 300N1702 I SOE. Topographical

map sheel: SC.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju, Geological map sheet: SC.H-Z

B-IV-4 Aracaju

Section. in and On N side of old road, on hillside faeing E.

A[titude ca. 30-35 m


Flaggy, hard, brown-grev Pindoba limeSIone.

PEDRA BRANCA 6: UTM 8 806 4OON/702 5OOE. Topographica[

map sheet: SC.24-Z-BIV Aracaju. Geological map sheet: SC.24-Z

B-IV-4 Aracaju.

EXp<l5ure on hillside faeing E . Altitude ca. 20 m


Hard, gny and brown-grcy limestones with abundant fish

PEDRA BRANCA 7 : UTM 8 806 2SON1702 5SOE. Topographical

map shee!: SC.24-Z-fl-IV Aracaju, Geological map shtel: SC.24-Z

IV_ol Aracaju

BIV-4 Aracaju

Altitude ca. 30--40 m .

ca. 1 5 m

Quarl)' facing NE, approximaldy 100 m SW ofhighway BR-235.


"Ca,a da IIha" of

(formerly island?) Ca. I k m E of Pedra Branca

OITEIRO 22: UTM 8 798 4OONI700 looE. Topographical map


PEDRA BRANCA 4: UTM 8 806 2SON!702 050E. Topographical

sheet: SC.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Geological roap sheet: SC.24-Z-B


"Haif a mile from t h i s p o i n t On t h e rivcr, at

map shcet: SC.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Geological map sheet: SC.24-Z

OITEIRO 2 1 : UTM 8 798 350!'O/699 9OOE. Topographical map


tht margin of the mangue . . . " of Branner ( 1 890:388 ( 1 899:53)) is

probably ca. 900 m E N E of Pedra Branca 13.


limestones with abundam

shcet: SC.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Geological map sheet: SC,24-ZB


F[aggy, deeply wea!hcrcd, crcam Pindoba limcslones.

PEDRA BRANCA 13: UTM 8 806 4:'0N/703 300E. lopographical

map sheet: SC.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Geological map sheel: SC.24-Z
B-IV-4 Aracaju.

Seclions on both ,ide. ofpipdin clearing. A[tilUde ca. 1 0 - 1 5 m

Flagg}', light grey Pindoba limestones wi!h abundan! fish

seal",; local1y hard, grey limestone.

Massive, c r e a m Laranjeiras limeslonu.

Seclion on N E side of old road, on hillside facing NW. Altitude


Flaggy, crcam Pindoba limestones

Exposure in road. Altiludc ca. 55 m.


Hard, coquinoid, light grey Laranjeiras limes!ones

PEDRA FURADA 10: U T M 8 803 9OON/698 050E. Topographical

map .heel: SC,H-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Geo[ogical map heel: SC.24-Z

B-IY-4 Aracaju.

Seclion in rnad. Alti!ude ca, 30-40 m.

Coarse, cream Laranjcira. limcstones.

PEDRA FURADA 1 1 : UTM 8 804 OSON/698 200E. Topographical

map sheet: SC.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Geological map heel: SC,24-Z

B I V-4 Aracaju

Seclion i n road, on hillside facing S . Altitude ca. 30--4Q m.


Biolurbated, friable and powdery, cream Laranjeiras lime

Slones with abundant echinoids.

PEDRA FURADA 12: UTM 8 803 05ON/699 45OE, Topographical

map sheet: SC,H-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Geological map shecl: SC.24Z

8-IV-4 Aracaju.

Seclion i n old road, On hillside faeing NW. Altilude ca. 20-2:' m


Hard, light brown Laranjeiras limeSIOnes.

PEDRA FURADA 13: UTM 8 803 150N/700 1 50 E . Topographical

map ,heet: SC.24-Z-B-IV Ar;,tcaju. Gwlogical map shect: Sc..14-Z

B-IV-4 Aracaju.

EXpDSure in road. Altitude ca. 35 m


Locally brccciated, cr(am Laranjdras limestones

PEDRA FURAOA [4: UTM 8 803 100N/700 3OOE, Topographical

map ,hect: SC.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Geological map sheet: SC.24-Z

B-TY-4 Aracaju.

Loose material On hillside facing NW, Altitude ca. 20 rn






wilh abundant bi

PEDRA FURAOA 15: UTM 8 802 9OON/699 95OE. Topographical

map sheet: SC.H-Z-B-IV Aracajll. Geologic;,tl map .hect: SC.H-Z

B-IV-4 Aracaju

Exposures in and on S E side of road. Altilude ca, 25 m .


C r e a m Lannjeira' limeston"" u n d c r l a i n by h a r d , locally

B-IV-4 Aracaju.

coquinoid, grcy limes tones and limestone bre<:cia

road. Ahitudc ca. 10-20 m

PEDRA FURADA 16: U T M 8 803 150N/697 700E. Topographica[

Cream tO light hTOwn Pindoba limstones, Bedding locally



map sheel: Se.24-Z-B-IY Arac;,tju. Geological map sheet: SC.H-Z

B-IV-4 Aracaju

Section on hillside raeing SW. Altitlldc ca 2:'-35 m.

Loca.lity 6 ofTibana ( J 969: 3 1 )

Hard, cream Laranjeiras [imcstoncs wilh abundan! bi


Grey and light brown limenone.

map ,heet: SC.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju, Geological map sheet: SC.H-Z

B-IV-4 Aracaju

Sections on both sides ofhighway B R- I O I , at road sign "km 79"

[formerly "km 7 7 " ] . Altitude ca. 35 rn

Nodu[ar, cream Laranjeiras limestoIles: [ocally hard, co

quinoid, browni.h limestones. Light brown Pindoba limestones in N

pari ofsection

"Another outcrop of the formation

.. " , locality 3/27
and "Near km 7 7 on Highway Br 101
. of Reymcnt & Tai!


( 1 972a:84, 92, Fig I l , expl. PL 4 ) , although misplaced on map (Fig.

PEDRA BRANCA [ 7 : UT:\{ 8 805 700N/703 l 00E, Topographical

map $heet: SC,H-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Geological map .heet: SG.24-Z

B-IV-4 Aracaju

Sections on both .ide. ofhighway B R- I O I , Ahitude Ca_ 40-45 m.



PEDRA FURADA 17: UTM 8 802 N/698 750E, Topographica[

map shcel: SC.24-Z-B-IV Aracajll, Geo[ogical map sheel: SC.24-Z

B-IV4 Aracaju

Exposurc on hillside facing NE. Altitude ca. 35 m


Hard, light brown Laranjeiras limestonu and flaggy, cream

Pindoba limeslOnes with silicir.ed fouils. Bivalves abundant

PEDRA FURADA 18: UTM 8 803 050N/698 9OOE. Topographical

map sheet: SC.24-ZB-IV Aracaju. Geo[ogical map sheel: SC.24-Z

BIV-4 Aracaju

Exposure on hilhop and seetion a ! rivulel, racing S . Alti!ud ca.

20-30 m


Massive, whitish and light brown Laranjeiras lime'tones.

PEDRA FURADA 19: UTM 8 803 OSON/700 100E. Topographiul

map sheet: SC.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Geological map sheet: SC.24-Z

B-IV-4 Aracaju.

EXpDSure in road, immediately SW of bend, Altitudc ca. 25 m .


Limcstonc brcccia, underlain by h a r d , coquinoid. yellow

grey Laranjeiras limestones

N pari: Nodular. locally coquinoid, cream Laranjeiras lime

from the nodular, crcam limestones by breecia bed, S part: Nodular,

yellow-gny Laranjeiras limestone . Contortro bedding i n middle of

outerop, probably caud by .lumping

Rifne1lCtS :

Loca.lily 5 of Tibana ( 1 969:3 l ) , " K m 1 [ ,5" of Tibana

( 1 973:26) and Iaealit)' 8 of Rcnde & Garcez V , Filho ( 1 973:SO)


10 1M



Riicni ( 1 966:28)


. 5 km siidlich von Sao CriSlovao


PEDRElRAS l: U T M 8 7 7 8 3501'1/697 5SOE. Topographical map

sheet: SC.24-Z-D-1 ulancia. Geological map sheet. SC.24-Z-D-I2

Pedra Furada
/I) Iht


Sao Crist6vao

Loosc material on lidal nal immediately SW ofroad. Altitude ca

Probab[y thc locality "


( 1 959: 1 2 [ 1 98 1 : 1 %] ) .

PEDRA BRANCA 2 : UTM 8 806 OSON/701 6OOE, TopogTilphical

OITEIRO W: UTM 8 798 45ON/699 950E. Topographical map


Quarry 10 m E of highway B R- I O I , faeing W . Alti!ude Ca. 5 m .

cruzamento da cstrada em Laranjciras

ca. 45 m .

Quarry facing SW to NW. Altitude ca. 20-40 m


B-IV-4 Aracaju


area of Pedra Branca 2-7

Quarry facing S , Altitude ca. W-30 m


PEDRA BRANCA 12: UTM 8 8066SON/703 100E. Topographical

roap sheel: SC.H-ZB-IV Aracaju. Geological map sheet: SC.24-Z

a 1600 m SWS do

of Santos & Cunha

PEDRA FURADA L U T M 8 803 2001\/699 l OOE. Topographica[

map shee!: SC.24-ZB-IV Aracaju. Geological map shcet: SC.24-Z

B-IV-4 Aracaju

Exposurc in road. Altitude ca. 20 m

Morais Rego ( 1 93 3 : 39) pos.ibly rders to outerops on the peninsula

IV_4 Aracaju


forming [ow anticlinc

PATI 4: UTM 8 803 IOON/692 300E. Topographical map sheet:


Hard, locally

sheee SC,H-Z-R-IV Aracaju. Geological map shcet: se,H-Z-B


Flaggy, spoued, brownish Pindoba [imestones. Also hard,

light brown limestones with coquinas i n S part of .ectio1\. Beds


IV-4 Aracaju


Section on W .ide of highway BR- I O I . Altitude ca. 10 m


B-IV-4 Aracaju.

"oncs. Middle pan: Thick'beddd, Cream limestones, separated

L i g h t g r e v Laranjeiras [imcstoncs.

sheet: SC.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Gcological map sheet: SC.24-Z-B


B-IY4 Aracaju

1 1).

Light olive-brown, calcareou hales

PATI 2: UTM 8 803 lSON/692 800E. Topographical map shcel

Quarry faeing SW. Altilude ca. 30--40 m .


PEDRA BRANCA I l : UTM 8 806 650N1703 OSOE. Topographical

map Shal: SC.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Geological map sheet: SC.H-Z

SC,24-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Geo[ogical map shcct: SC.24-Z-B-IV-4

sheel: SC.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Geologica[ map sheet: SC.H-Z-B


of Tibana ( 1 969:3 1 ) , "Km 1 2,2" of Tibana

( 1 973:26) and loca[ity 9 of Resende & Garee V . Filho ( 1 973:50).


1: UTM 8 802 9OON/693 35OE,



Quarry on hillside facing E . Altilude ca. 30 In


weathere<!, cream Pindoba limestones

PEDRA BRANCA 16: UTM 8 805 9SON1703 l oo E . Topographieal

PATI 3 : UTM 8 802 950N/692 5OOE, Topographical map sheet

hecl: Se,24-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Geo[ogical map sheet: SC.24Z-B

Section in dilch on W side of highway B R- I O I . Ahitude ca. 5 m.

Section imme<!ialdy W of highw;,ty B R- l O I . Allitude ca. 1 0 m

Sttlions on bo!h sidcs of highway BR-235. Altitude Ca, 60 m

Quarry On hillside facing SW. Altitude Ca. 2:'-30 m .

B-IV-4 Aracaju.


Se<:: t ions On both side. of highwa' BR-235, at bend, Altitude ca

Qllarry fadng SW. Altitude ca. 2'0--- 30 m

map ,heel: SC.H-Z-B-IV Aracaj. Geological map sheet: SC.24-Z

B-IV-4 Aracaju

12: UT:\{ 8 798 7SON/699 550E. Topographical map

PEDRA BRAr-;CA 10: UTM 8 806 750N/703 OOOE. Topographical

Kap: Flaggy, deeply

Rtft'nlCts: Localily 7

PEDRA FURADA 9 : UTlI.I 8 803 SOON/698 350E. Topographical

map heet: SC.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju, Geo[ogical map shect SC.24-Z


rnap shecl: SC.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Geological map sheet: SC.24-Z

Rubbly, light brown limestones

fa.sive, (Team Laranjeiras limutone. with abllndant chen


DQlomitic, hard, brownish limes tones.

PEORA BRANCA 1 5 : UTI 8 806 looN/703 050E, Topographical

Exposure in road. Altitude ca. 30 ro.

Quarry faeing SE. Altitude ca, 40-55 m.



Seclion on hillside faeing SW. Ahitude ca. l:' m.


OLHO-D'AGtJA l : UTM 8 8 1 4 9S01\/ 7 1 6 3 5 0 E . Topographical


B-IY-4 Aracaju.

Sections on bolh sides of highway BR- I O I and on hill.ide E of

map sheel: SC.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju, Gcological map sheel: SC.24-Z

OITEIRO 1 1 : UTM 8 798 4OON/699 5SOE. Topographical map

map shee!: SC.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Geo[ogical map sheet: SC.24-Z

map shtel: SC.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Geologica[ map sheet: SC.24--Z

OITEIRO 1 0 : UTM B 798 700N1701 350E. Topographic;,tl map

shcct: Se.H-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Gcological map shect: SC.24-Z-B

Hard, light brown Laranjeira. [imcstones.

PEDRA BRAi'OCA 1 4 : UT 8 806 3SON/703 050E. Topographical

Brownish [imestone breccia


Seclion on W .ide of old road, on hi[],ide fadng SE


PEDRA BRANCA 9: UTM a 806 6OON/702 700E. Topographica[


Quarry on hillside facing W. Altitudc ca. 25-40 m.


B-IV-4 Aracaju


Section on N E side of highway BR-235, Altitude ca. 30 m .

Topographical map

PEDRA BRANCA 8 : UTM 8 805 850;\/702 650E, TopographicaJ

map sheet: SC.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Geological map .heet: SC.24-Z


Laranjeiras limestoncs wilh abundanl ehert nodu[es.

hard, grev Pindoba limestonu.

Yellowish Laranjeiras limestones.


Quarry on hillside facing SE. A[tilude ca. 50-55 m.


gny limcstones as l<x>se material on hillside


Quarry facing E , Altitude ca. 35-50 m.



IV-4 Aracaju

OITEIRO 2 9 : UTM 8 798 3SON/699 4OOE. Topographical map

Loca.lly hard, eream Laranjeira limotones


sheet: SC.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Geological map sheet: SC,H-Z-B

Quarry racing SW. Altitudc ca. 30-SO m .

Cream Laranjeiras limeswnes


O I T E I RO 26: UTM 8 798 ZOON/699 8ooE. Topographical map

IY-4 Aracaju

Quarry facing 5 , Altitude ca. 30-40 m.


FOSSI L S AND STRATA 1 2 ( 1 983)

Peter Bengtson : Cenomaman- Coniacian of Sergipe


Hard, ligh! brown Laranjeiras limcstones.

O m.


Friablc, grey and lighl brown limenones, locally with hard

PEDRElRAS 2 : UT1 8 7 7 7 200N/697 l SOE. Topographical map

sheet: SC,24-Z-D-1 ESI'meia. Geological map sheel. SC.24-Z-D-I-2

Sao Cristovao

Exurc i n bank 5 m from river. Altilude ca, O m

Friable, yellow-grty limes!ones.


PEDRA FURADA 2 : UTM 8 803 550N/699 100E. TopographicaJ

rnap .heet: $C,H-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Geological map .heet: SC.24-Z

B-IV-4 Aracaju.

Section a l natural bridge in limcstone

rock]. Altitude ca. 20--30 m.

[}tdra furada ,., pierced

Kap: Massivc, hard, light brown Laranjeiras

Rifi'nlCts: O Branner ( 1 890:389. 397-398


[ 1 899:56, 74-75) ) .

O Freire ( 1 89 1 : L X V [ 1 9 7 7 : :'9) ) . O Alvim ( 1 9W:28) , although incor

rcctly called "Pedra Funda". O Morais Rego ( 1 933:44), although
incorrectly ,aid 10 be ofoolitic [ime,tone, O Campbell (in Conselho

Nacional do Pelr61eo 1948a, u n n u m bered and unpaginated figurc)

"A 2500 m na! imedia6es de Laranjeiras, em direao sudoeste

" of Denis


Erichsen & Amaral 1 958: 1 1 4)

PEDRA FURADA 3 : UTM 11 803 6OON/699 100E. Topographical

map shat: SC.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Geo[ogical map shcel: SC.24-Z

B-IY-4 Aracaju,

Quarl)' on hillsidc faeing SW. Allitude (;,t . 25-30 m .


G r e y Laranjeiras limestones.

map shecl: SC.H-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Geological map sheel: SC,24-Z

B-IV-4 Aracaju.

Quarry facing W. Altitude ca. 25-4{l m

Hard, grev and cream Laranjeiras limestones

PEDRA FURADA 5: UTM 8 803 6SON/699 4OOE. Topographical

map sheel: SC.24-Z8-IV Aracaju. Geological map ,heel: SC.24-Z

B-IV-4 Aracaju

Quarry on hillside facing NE. Altitude ca. 25-30 m


O T h e locality "Aproximadamen!e

Whitish Laranjeiras limestones, local1y hard and coquinoid

cream limestones

Norde.te" [inadvertently assigned tO the Riachudo Formation) of

Carnpos & Camp<l5 ( 1 976: 1 90) is one of the localities Pedro Gon
<;alves I, 3 or 4.

l.ocality S-68 ofSim6es & Bandeira ( 1 969, [Fig

2) is ca. 200 m SSW of Pedro Gonalves 4.

Localily 5-66 of

(Asmu. & Ponte

1 9 7 3 , Fig. 6), [ J - ] RC s t - I - S E or 2-RC- I -S E (Pelrobd.s 1964:20---2 [ ,


1967, Figs, 2 , 4, 9; 1I.13ia






Marqucs 1 965, Fig. 4;


1 96 7 , Fig. 3;

Quarry on hi1lsidc facing NE, Altitude ca. 20 m.

Laranjeiras limestonu.

( 1 978, PL 9)

PEDRA FURADA 7 : UTM 8 803 lOON/698 700E. Topographical

map sheet: SC.24Z-B-IV Aracaju. Ge-ologica[ map shet: SG.H-Z

B-IV--4 Aracaju

Quarry facing SW. Allitudc ca. 30-40 m.

Hard, grcy and Cream Laranjiras limestones

PEDRA FURADA 8 : UTM 8 803 4OON/698 4OOE. Topographical

map shal: SC.H-Z-B-IV Aracaju, Geological map sheet: SC.24-Z

B_IV_4 Aracaju.

Hard, cream Laranjeiras limes tones



8 8 1 6 4OON/720 8OOE.


graphical map shcel: SC.24-Z-B-V japaratuba. Geological map

sht: SC,24-Z-B-V-[ Carm6polis.

Quarry facing N E . Altitude ca, 30-50 m.

Kesp: Hard, cream Laranjeiras [imestones.

Rif.,nlCf: Localily S-701 7 1 (in part) ofSim6es

[Fig. Z] ) .


& Bandeira ( 1 969,

2 : U T M 8 8 1 6 WONI7W 800E. Topo

graphical map ,heet: SC.24-Z-B-V japaratuba. Geologica[ map

shect: SC,24-Z-B-V-1 Carm6polis

Sec!ion on hillside facing E. Alti!ude ca. 40-60 m

Hard, partly coquinoid, cream Laranjeiras limestones, [0-




Well RC-I

Figs. 1 , 6; Marques [ 965, Fig. 3; [lI.laia1

cally wilh abundan! bivalves

Exposure i n road, Altiludc ca. 40 m

Richter & Simoes 1 9 7 5 , sheet SC.H-Z-B-V -I Carm6polis; Bandeira

B-IV-4 Aracaju


Sim6es & Bandeira ( 1 969, [Fig. 2)) and Bandeira ( [ 978, PL 8) is ca.

400 m SW of Pedro Gonp[vu 4.

PEORA FURADA 6: UTM 8 803 6SON/699 SOQE. Topographical

map .heet SC.24-Z-B-IV Arac;,tju. Geological map sheet: SC.24-Z

Kcsp: Hard, locally coquinoid, crcam

IUfnnICl: Loca[ily Y-SO:. of Banddra

1 0 km, N 6 0

E, de M a r o i m ' " of Oliveira & B r i l o ( 1 969:230) and '-Maruim

1978, Figs. 2, 1 0- 1 6) i ca, 100 m W of Pedro Gonalves

PEDRA FURADA 4: UTM 8 803 65ON/699 1 00E, Topographical


Pedro Gonalves
RiftrnICt$ l a Iht liTt":


graphical map ,"cet:



8 8 1 6 4OON/720 550E.


SC.24-Z-B-V japaratuba. Geological map

sheet: &C,24-Z-B-V-1 Carm6polis

Quarry facing N E . Altitude ca. 35-40 m


Hard, crcam Lannjeiras limesIones, locally with abundant

.mall ammonites.


Probably localitics S-70 of G . Beurlen ( 1 970: 1 5 1 , 157,

1 59 ) , S-70/ 7 1 (in pari) ofSim6es & Bandeira ( 1 969 . [Fig. 2]), and

4/23 of Reyment & Tait ( l 972a:92, Fig. I l ) .



4: U T M 8 8 1 6 350N/720 45OE.


graphical map sheet: SC.24-Z-B-v Japaraluba. Geological map

sheet: SC.24-Z-B-V-l Carmopolis.

Quarry facing W. Altitude ca. 35-50 m

Kap: Hard, cream Laranjeiras hmcstones

RifnnICt: Localily 5-69 ofSim6e. & Bandeira

( 1 969, [Fig. 2])


PEDRO GONCALVES 5 : UTM 8 8 1 6 600!'\/72iJ .'iE.


map slitte se.U-Z-B-V Japaratuba.


Geological map

sht: SC.24-Z-BV-1 Carm6polis

PINOOBA 5: UTM 8 807 050NI706 3OOE. Topographical map

sheet: SC.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Geological rnap sheet: SC.24-Z-B
IV-4 Aracaju
e maIerial OIl hillside facing SW, Altilude ca. 20 m

Quarry on hillside facing SE. Ahitude ca. 35-SO m .

Kap: Hard, lighl grey Laranjeiras limeSIOIleS ..Ild cream Laran

KQP: Cn:am Laranjdra.s limestona.


Appendix l : Locality data

jeiras limestone.

Sec under "General Maynard".

PINDOBA 6: UT:\I 8 80 7 2OON170j 8OOE. Topographical rnap


lV-4 Aracaju
Exposur on hillside faeing NW, at edge of mallgroves. Altitud

ca, S m .
I Q l i u a"a:

o "Rio Pilar"

(Mora;! Rego i933:+t) is prob

ably the river arm extending northward, W of Pilar 7 , 8 and 1 1 .

a "ElIgenho Pilar" (A. G . Duart" 1936: 1 [ 7; Ioraes 1939:332
[ 1 939:331; E. P. de Oliveira 194{1: 1 6 3 ) . O TIlc outcrop area d"scri
bed by Wanderley ( 1 938:52) as " . . . IS kilometros depoi, dc,tc
povoado . . . urna zona calcarea" is the ar<:a bo:t .....een Muuca and
PiLar. O "Porto Pilar" (W;indcrlcy 1938:52) is in the area orl'ilar 7

& AmaraI 19S8: 1 1 4)

" Fazenda Pilar" (Oenis



PILAR I: UTM 8 804 200N1705 6OOE. Topographical map ,heel:

SC.NZS-IV Aracaju. Geological map shttl: SC,24-ZB.IV_4

PINOOBA 7 : UTM 8 806 8oo:\"I706 I 00E. Topog-raphical map

sheet: se,H-Z-BIV Aracaju. Geo\ogical map sheel: SC.24-Z-B
IV-4 Aracaju

H a r d , c r e a m Laranjeiras limestones, loeally with fincly

fragmental breccias

Exposure on hillside facing SW. Altitude c.. . 40 m

Kap: Cream Laranjeiras limesIones, locally hard and brown-grey.

SC.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Grological map sheet:


Loose material on hillside facing SE. Altitude Ca. 1 5-20 m
Kc.sp: Han!, cream Laranjeira5 limestones




Lar;mjeinu limestollC.'l, loeally wilh hard, CoqUillOid, grey and light

browll limestollC5,

l o lfu


O " Sao Gonalo" (Whit 1887:X1, 6 6 . 1 6 5 ;

19j3:208} is probably the area of PorTo da Cruz 2 . 0 " S . Gnnplo'

of -'lorai, Rego ( 1 933:)()- 5 1 , .'>6-37) i$ prohably also the arca of


lO be south of Sta.

( l 93 3 : 5 0 ) . O "No baixo Rio Piaul

cidadc de Estancia


a margem do rio, abaio da

. . " oflorais Rego ( 1 933:EKl) probahly refers to

thc area of rorto da Cruz 2.


0-1-3 ESlncia
e material on plain, approximately half-way between track
and edge of mangroves. Ahitude ca. O m

0-1-3 Estancia.



(commonly 'Prainha" by I<xal residnts)


III 1M M/J: O Bourdot Outra ( 1 924:37 [ 1 94.'l:33] ) . O "Las

Cream Laranjeiras limestones, IDCally with abundant d\<rt

to ulldoubted Albiall are 1101 illcluded here. Referellces 10 Lastro:


White ( 1 887, numcrous references). [krby ( 1 887a: 1 2 ; 1887b:265-

PILAR 6 : UTM 8 804 550N/706 8OOE. Topographical map sheet:


268; Derby 1887c:269-2 7 1 ) , Branntr ( 1 890:383400




[ 1 9 1 5:344-3%]),



[ 1 899:


( l 9N : 3 7 [ 1 94j:33] ) , L . F . G , Campos ( 1 925:691 -693), E. P. de

Oliveira ( 1 929:3), Maury ( 1 930:276-277; 1 9 3 7 : 8- 1 3 and follow

Quarry on hillside facing NW, at edge of mangroves. Altitude ca.

ing), Mora;s Rego ( 1 933:45-46), A. G . Ouarte ( 1 936: 1 1 7; 1 938:

43-44), Wallderley ( 1 938:55), E . p. de Oliveira ( 1 940: 1 6 3 ) , Cor

' m
Kc.s/>: Flaggy, cream to browllgrey Pilldoba limestnnes

deiro ( 1 9 4 1 : 2 1 ) , Oliveira & Leonardos ( 1 943:.'>63 ) , Schaeffer ( 1 947'

14), L . Ouarte ( 1 970), Santos & Salgado ( 1 969:389, 39 1 ) , Campos &


PILAR 7 : UTM 8 804 looNI706 650E. Topographical map .heet

Campos ( 1 976: 1 9 1 1 9 2 ) .

SC.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Geological map sheet: SC,24-Z-B-IV-4

first three-quarters of a mile below Ihe engellho .


. . the border oflhe mangue along the

' " of Branntr

( 1 890:383 [ 1 899:42]) rders to Ihe area of Praia 9 alld ca. 500 m

Ilorlhwards. O "Adiante, depois de uma larga bala .

&<,etioIl at edge of mangroves, Altitude ca. O m.

Ku;: Hard, browngre)' Laralljeiras lime.tones. Cream Lar.. 11

Rcgo ( 1 933:45) probably rden to Ihe ara of Praia

' " of :-'Iorais

I, O Th"

jeiras limestones with "bund"nt calcite-filkd fmuure!. Hard, light

"Nequim" quarry (:-'-Iorais Rego 1933:46) and "Nequinho" ( A . G .

browll limestones

01larte I 938:4445;Wanderlty I9311:54} are probably E-SEofPraia

PILAR 8 : UTI 8 804 OOON!706 looE. TOp<)l{raphical map .lteet:

Geological map sheet:


7 . O The arca "A uns ttcentos metros desla fazend"

Wandtrley ( 1 938:54) is probably in Ihe area E of Praia 7 .

.. of

localities "Salinas" ofWanderley ( 1 93 8 : j S ) , " . . . logo acima de Porto

UT:-'I 8 80 1 750N/700 OOOE. Topographical


IV-4 Aracaju.
Section at former .ugarcane loading station, immediatcl' W of
Kap: G r e y Pindoba limestones w i t h d a y e y intercalations

IV-4 Aracaju.


UTM 8 80 1 9S0N/7oo oooE. Topographical map

sheet: se.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju. map sheet: SC.24-ZB

IV-4 Aracaju
Exposure immediald)' E of road. Altitude ca. 20 m
Kp: Flagg)', grey Pindoba litnestones

Quarry Oil hillside facing E . Altitnde ca. I j20 m



UT:-..I 8 S02 300N/699 7ooE. Topographical map

.heet: SC.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Geological map shtet: SC.24-ZB

sheet: 5C.24-ZBIV Arcaju. Geological map sheet: SC.24-Z-B

IV-4 Aracaju

Loose material in road, Oil hillside facing N\V. Altilude ca. 20 m.

Kcsp: Han!, grey limestones.

IV-4 Aracaju.

s.,ction oll SW sidc of road. Altitude ca. 4O m .

Kup?: Oeeply weathered, l i g h t hrowll clay.tonu


UTM 8 800 400;>.;/699 4X1E. Topographical map

sheet: SC.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Geological map sheet: SC.24Z-B

QUICAMA 4: UTM 8 795 5001\/697 750E. Topographical map

.heet: SC,24-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Grological map sheet: SC,NZB
IV-4 Aracaju

Quarry approximatdr 100 m E of small road. Altilude C. 20 m

IV.4 Aracaju
Quarry facing NW. t\ltitude ca. 20-40 m
Kap: Dominantly massive, cream and blue-gre)' Laranjeiras lime

SIOlles wilh several disoolliinuity surfaces, some ofwhich are underlain by breccia ballh. Also nodular and coquilloid Laratueiras
limestoncs. Inoceramid bivalves and small ammonites locaUy abun



UTM 8 800 400/699 2ooE. Topographic:d


sheet: SC.24-ZB-IV Aracajll. Geological map shet: SC.24-Z-B

IV4 Aracajll

s h e e t : SC.24-Z-B-V Japaratuba. Geological map sheet: SC.24-Z-B

V-I Carmopolis.
Loose material in track, on hillside facing E. Altitude ca. 5 m .
Kop, G r e y Laralljeiras limesIones

Westernmost pari ofquarry Retiro 15 with wall fiocing SE, Altitu

de ca. W m
KafJ: Flaggy, hard, grey Pindoba limestones


UTI 8 800 900N/7oo I SOE. Topographical map

sheet: SC.24-ZBIV Aracaju. Geological map sheet: SC.24-ZB

IV-4 Aracaju
Loose malerial on hillside facing E. Altitude c, 1 0 m
Kap: Hard. silicified, brown-grey and yellow-grey Lara'ljeiras

RI/trl"llU III tht arta:

"Pouoo adiantc, a margem esquerda, na chacara

do Dr, Bragana .

" of Morais Rego ( 1 933:44) probably refers lo

R E C R E I O l : l ' T M 8 803 950N/701 9 IXI E , Topographical m a p

IV-4 Aracaju

Seclioll otl tidai llal and quarrie at foot of hilJ facing S E (O SW.
Altitude ca. 0-5 m.
KeIp: Variablyindurated and variably coloured Laranjciras lime

SlOIles, wilh abundanl echinoids


Loeality Y-484 of 5challcr ( 1 970:72) is included in


UTM 8 804 oooN/702 2ooE, Topographical map

,hcet: SC,H-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Gwlog-ieal map sheet: SC,24-Z-B

IV-4 Aracaju


U T M 8 80 1 .')001\/699 6OOE. Topographical map

Loose material on hillside facing NE Altitude ca. 25-35 m

Kop: Flaggy, lighl brown Pindoba limestolles


UT:-",I 8 S O l 700\"/699 9SOE. Toraphical


,heet: SC.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Geological map sheel: SC.24-Z-B

IV-4 Aracaju.

Loa.e maierial oIl hilltop. Altitude ca. 25 m





light brown and hard, brown_gry Laranjeira5

UTM 8 S02 2EKl:\"/699 7SOE.



sheet: SC.24-Z-BIV Aracaju. Geological map sheet: SC.24-Z-B

IV-4 Aracaju.
s.,ction on SW side of road. Ahitudc ca. 40 m

Section at foot of hill facillg \.... . Altitudc ca, O m

K,sp: [kcply weathered, light brown clayslone5.

KCJp: Loeally bioturbated, cream Laranjeiras limesIones



sheet: SC.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Geological map .hett: SC.24-ZB

IVA Aracaju

s h e e t : SC,24-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Geological map sheet: SC.N-ZB

Recreio ! .


UTM 8 804 350N1702 jooE. Topographical mal'

sheet: Se.24-ZB-IV Aracaju. Geological map sheet: SC.24-Z-B

IV-4 Aracaju

RETIRO 2 1 :


8 800 600N/698 850E. Topographical map

sheet: se.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Geological map shte!: SC.24-ZB

IV-4 Aracaju

Seclion under power line, On hillside facing S . Altilude ca. 1 5-

s.,ctiOll on N side of road. Altitude ca. I j m

Kap: Yellnw'grey Laranjeiras limestones. loeally dayey and fi,
sile, underlain by breccia bank alld hard, c<XJuinoid limesIoIle

4<J m .

Kesp: Hard, locally coquinoid, grey Laranjeiras limestones with

abulldant inoeeramid bivalves

das Redes, no rio Tiririca , . " ofCordciro ( 1 9 4 1 : 2 1 ) and S I B6 nf

Exposure on ridge, Altitude ca, 1 5 m

Simes & Bandeira ( 1 969, [Fig. 21) are ca, 1900 m S of Praia 9 and

Kap: Massive. friable, cream Laratueiras limUIoIles; loeally hard,

probably the same as the outcrops of "Tiririca" of Morais Rego

( 1 93 3 : 4 5 ) . O Loeality S- 1 84 ofSimOes & Bandeira ( 1 969, (Fig 2 ] ) is

grey limeSlones

ca. 90J rn SSW of Praia 8, whereas lheir S- 1 9 1 and S - 1 9 2 a ca . 300 m

PIL4,R 9 : UTM 8 S03 9OON1707 OSOE. Topographical map sheet

SC.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Geological map sheet: SC.N-Z-BIV-4

SC.24-ZSIV Aracaju.

stones. AppareIlt allgular unoonformity

PILAR 10: UTM 8 803 650N1707 050E. Topographical map shw:

ca. O m

&<,elion at edge of mangroves, facing SE. Ahitude ca, 5 m.

Kesp: Hard, IDCally flaggy, whiti.h




and light brown




Kcsp: Flaggy, locallyslickcllsidro. cam alld light hrownPindoha

SC.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Geological map sheel:


Quarry oll hillside facing SE, just above fishing .ite. Altilude ca.
15 m
Kap: Crum Laranjeiras limestones

PRAIA 2 : UTM 8 809 850NI709 650E. Topographical map heel

SC.24-ZB-IV Aracaju. Geological mal' shee!:


Exposure at edge of mangro\"es, below hillside facing 1\ lO E.

Altitude ca, O m .

Kesp: Flaggy, loeally .Iickensided, grey Pindoba limestones with

chert horizOll'


Locality Y - 1 S1 ofSimocs & Handira ( 1 969, [Fig, 2 ] )

PRAIA 3: UTM 8 8 I O oooN/709 7 5 O E , Toporaphical m a p shcer

PILAR 12: UTM 8 805 400N1707 oooE, Topographical map sheet

SC.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Geological map sheet: SC.24-Z-B-IV-4
Loose material ill old road, near ditch, Altitude ca. 20 m ,
Ke.p: C r e a m Laranjeins limestones w i t h a b u n d a n t chert


Aracaju. Geological map sheet: SC.24-Z-A-IV.4

Section on hillside facing W, just ahuve mangro\'e" Altitude ca.
S m
KrKc: Hard, oncolitic, light brown Iimestone5 widl abul,dant


L<xalily Y - 1 5 3 ofSimOeS & Balldeira ( 1 969, [Fig. 2 ] ) .

!' R A I A 4: UT1 8 8 1 0 lOONI709 8OOE. Topographical m a p .heet

SC.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju.


1948a : 1 4 5 ) .

Iht ortll:

tnap sheet:


Sectioll on hillside facing :\"W, just al){l\" mangroves. Altitud ca

A l v i m ( 1 920:28) . O

of Campbell


as pedreira. d

Consdho Nacional do Petrolco

"Sauara" (Morais Rego 1933:38, 48, .'>6), "Sanhara"

dciro 1 9 4 1 :22; Magalhes &


1 % 3 :60, 240, 269), Or

"Saura" (A. I. de Oliveira 1943 : 1 47 ( 1 943 : 1 4, 1946: 8 1 5 J ; Oliveira &

Leonardt 1943:.'>62) is now part ofthc/II.ndQ Pindoba, probably at

or near Pilldoba 1-2.




(Mury 1 9 3 7 : 1 2 1 3 , I 1 8 1 1 9 , 1 82 1 8 3 , 228-23 1 , 242245; Cor


The quarries at "Andorinhas" (Branner

[ 1 899:40-82


probably lie wilhin the

area of Pilldoha 1 - 6
P I N O O B A I : UTM 8 806 850NI70j jEKlE. Topographical map

heet: SC.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Geological map sheft: SC.24-Z-S

IV-4 Aracaju.
Quarry Oil Itillside facing N . Ahilude Ca. 5 1 O m

O m

SC.N-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Geological map sheet: SC.24-Z-B-IV-4


Loose material in hallk facillg N E to E, just ahuve mangrove.

Altitude ca. O m .

Kcsp: Hard, loeally slickensided, light brown limestones

PRAIA 6: UT:\I 8 8 1 0 I EKlNI7 1 0 oooE. Topographical mal' sheet

SC.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Geological

map sheet:


Section at edgeof mangroves, in bank facillg W. Altitude ca. O m .
KeIp: Slickensided, cream Pindoba l imestones
PRAIA 7 : UTM 8 8 1 0 100;>.;1 7 1 0 2EKlE. Topographical map sheet
SC,N-Z-B-IV Aracaju.

sheet: Se.24-ZB-IV Aracaju. Gwlogical map sheet: SC.H-ZB


ca. 5 - I O m .
Kap: Flaggy, slickensided, c r e a m Pindoba limestoIles. Slicken

Geological map sheet:


Exposures in small gullies in and beside track, on hillside facillg

N . Alt;tude ca. 1 5-2j m .

Krsp?: Friable, gre)' a n d light brown calcareous mudstones.


Loeality S - 1 8 3 ofSimOes & Bandeira ( 1 969, [Fig. 2 ] ) .

sided, cream Laranjeiras limeslones. Loeal accumulalions of small


P RA I A 8: UTM 8 8 1 0 6EKl;>.;/7 1 1 050E. Topographical map .heet:

PINDOBA 3 : UTM 8 80 7 I50NI706 850E. Topographical map


sheet: SC.N-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Geological mal' sheet: Se.24-ZB
IV-4 Aracaju.
Loo material al top of ridge. Altilude ca. 1 0 m.
Kc.sp: Loeally flagg)', cream Pindoba limestones.

Aracaju. Geological map sheet: SC.24-ZBIV-4

LC>O'le malerial ill track, on hiJl5ide facillg NW. Altitude ca. 15 m .

Kap: H a r d , y e l l o.... -grey lime!!olles.
PRAIA 9: UTM 8 8 1 0 2EKlN/7 1 O OOOE. Topographical map sheer
SC.24-ZBIV Aracaju, Geological map sheel: SC.HZ-BIV4

PINDOBA 4: UTM 8 80 7 1ooN/706 1 50 E . Topographical map

sheet: SC.24-Z-BIV Aracaju. Geological map sheet: SC.24-ZB

Section on tidal flat in cove belowhill.ide facing W . Altitude ca. O

IV-4 Aracaju
Exposure ill valley, near edge of mangroves. Altiludc ca. 5 m.
KeIp: Flaggy, slickensided, cream Pindoba limesIoIles.


" of Oenis


.. . . . ao sul da usina do

Erichst:n & Amarai 19j8: 1 1 4 ) . O Localit)'

3 / 1 9 of Reymenl & Tait ( 1 972a:92) is cither Retiro 1 5 - 1 6 or Oiteiro

1 8- 1 9


U T YI 8 8oo 750N/699450E.



KrKC". Thick-bedded, more or less ollcolilic. locally coquinoid,

grey and brownish limestones.

IV-4 Aracaju

"Engenho Ribeira'" (A. G . Ouarte 1936: 1 1 7;

"Engellho Ribeiro" of E. P
( 1 %9:30 [ 1 96 1 :4O])

de Oliveira ( 1 940: 1 6 3 ) . O llellder's

"Str"lkneinschniu ca. 45-00 m siidwestlich



( 1 969:23O) and "Laranjeira5 Sul" ofCampos & Campos ( 1 976: 1 9j)

8 800 950N/699 3jOE. Topographical map

sheet: SC.N-ZBIV Aracaju. Geological map sheet: SC.24-Z-B

IV-4 Aracaju.


8 800 9EKlN/699 5OOE,





8 799 ISO:\"/698 5ooF..



sheet: SC.24-Z-fl-IV Aracaju. Geologial map sh.-et: SC.21Z-B

Section immediately SW ofhighway BR-23j. Altilude ca. 2j m

Hard, light bro.... n Laralljeiras limeSIOIleS


probably refer 10 olle of the Ribeira loealities alollg BR-235

IV-4 Aracaju

Scction Oil hillside facing E. Altitude ea. 20 m


ilR-23j, O Locality 3 7 of Marques ( 1 966, map) i. either Ribeira I l

or l 2 . 0 Loeality 1 4 0 f TibaJla ( 1 969:3 1 ) is probabJr in the area of

Ribeira l O although faulty distancing makcs i l impohiulc to a.cer

aproximadamente 5 km ao sul de Laranjeiras" ofOliveira & Brito

Hard, light hrowll Laranjeiras limestones



A , G . Ouarle 1938:45; ....Ioraes 1939:332 [ 1 939:33] ) . O I'robably

tain the exact position. O "Corte na estrada Aracaju-Itabaiana,

Sectioll on hill.ide facing NW. Ahitude ca. 2O25 m


Riftrt1lU1 10 Mt arta:

Laranjeiras"' is probabl}' one ofthe Ribeira loealities along highwar

KCJp: Hard. gre)' and friable, cream Laranjeiras Innestonts with


chal concretions.

sheet: SC.H-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Geological map sheet: SC.24-Z-B

IV-4 Aracaju.

R I B E I RA 2 :

Section On hillside facing NW, immcdiatcly ahuve dam, Altitude

ca. 1 0 m


8 799 250N/69B 4OOE. Topographical rnap

sheet: SC.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Geological map shte!: SC.24-Z11

IV-4 Aracaju.

Kap: Variably illdurated, grey La.ranjeira. lime<tones

Section on N E side ofhighway BR-235. Altitudc ca, 30-35 m

Kop: Hard, light brown Laranjiras lime'tones w;th chert concre-




8 800 950:-;/699 6OOE. Topographical map

sheet: SC.24-Z_B_IV Araeaju. Genlogical map ,heet: SC.24-ZB

IV-4 Aracaju.






8 799 35ON/698 200E.



.heet: SC.24-Z-11-IV Aracaju. Geological map sheel: SC.24-ZB

Seclion on hiliside facing NW. Altilllde ca. 1 0 m

Kap: Hard, locally coquilloid, grey Laranjeiras lime.tones

IV-4 Arac.aju.

8 800 9OJ"'/699 8OOE. Topographical map

sheet: SC.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Geological map sheet: SC.H-ZB

Kop: Loeally lIaggy, gre)' Laratljeiras limestoIles

Quarry on hillside facing NE, Ilear edge of mangrove. Altitude

uutcrop area E and N E of Retiro 2 1 .


KC$p: Hard, light browll Laranjeiras limesIones.

PRAIA 5 : UTM 8 8 1 0 OSON/709 9OOE. Topo;;raphical map sheet

PINDOBA 2 : UTM 8 806 850N1705 6OOE. Topographical map

IV-4 Aracaju.

no leilo do :\Iadre-Oeus a mOntante do

shee!: SC.N-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Geological map sheet: SC.24-Z-B



PILAR I l : UTM 8 803 650NI706 850E, Topographical map sheel:

O " .

engenho BOa Luz" ofCordeiro ( 1 941 : 2 1 ) possibly refefS 10 Ihe largc

s.,ction at edge o f m angro"es, below hillside facing S\\'. Altitude

SC,24-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Geological map sheet: SC.24-Z-B-IV-4

(formed)' Paraiso)

Rif,rtlfCt1 IQ Iht a'ta:

Bandeira ( 1 978, PI. 8) is probably near Praia 9.




N alld ::tEKl m NNE of Praia 7 , respectivdy. O Loeality S - I 90D of

PRAIA I: UTM 8 809 6OON/709400E. Toporal'hical rnap shcet

Exposure on tidal flat. Altitude ca. O m .

Kap: Flaggy, h a r d , loeally .Iickensided, blue-grey Pindoha lime'


QUICAM 2 : UTM 8 795 8ooN/698 9OJE. Topographical map

the area of Recreio 1 - 2

I. :\Iost of the ftsils reporled from Lastro are Albian, and references


sheet: SC.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Geological map sheet: SC.24-ZB


Kcsp: [keply weathered, loeally dolomilic. cream limesIones.

tro" refers lo thearea from ca, 5-00 m N ofPraia 9 to theareaofPraia

Quarr . on hillside facing SW. Allitude ca. 5 m .

SC,24-Z-B-IV Arac.aju.

limesIOne .


PILAR 5 : UTM 8 804 550N1706 7ooE. Topographical map shw


variably illduratcd, grey 10 cream Laranjeiras

Altilllde ca. O m


Loose malerial on hill.ide facillg N . Altitude ca. 25-35 m

road . Altitude ca. 25 m .

s.,ctions in and on S side ofroad. Altitude ca. 20 m

Q U I Z A N G A I : UTM 8 8 1 3 850N1 7 1 9 4 5 0 E , Topographical m a p

PORTO OA CRUZ 2 : UTM 8 750 550N/673 250E. Topngraphical

map sheet: SC,N-Z])-I Estallcia. Geological map sheet: SC.24-Z

Section al edge of mangroves. Altitude ca. j m.

Kup: Hard, grey and cream, and massive, friable, cream Laran

SC,24-ZBIV Arncaju. Geological map

IV-4 Aracaju.

Ku/>: Flagg)', lucall)' silicified, cream Pilldoba limestolles


jeiras limestones


I: UT:-"I 8 795 oooN/698 350E. Topographical map

PORTO ])A CRUZ I : UT! 8 750 600;";/674 fi50E. Tnpographical

Loose material alollg edge of mallgroves, possibly nOI i 1ilu.

PILAR 4: UTM 8 804 5EKlNI706 jjOE. Topographical map sheet

SC.24-Z-B-IV Ancaj'!. Geological map sheet:


sheet: SC.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Grological map shel: SC.24-ZS

QUICAMA 3 : UTM 8 7% I50N/697 9OJE. Topographical map

Derby 1887a : 1 3 ; Otrby 1887b:265-268; Derby 1887c:272; Branner

U T M 8 80 1 550)\;/699 350E. Topographical m a p

Kap: Friable, cream limestones


dant white chert noclules.

Porto da Cruz

Kup: Light brown limestoncs with abundant bivalves

&<,etion on hillside facing N W . Altitude ca. 1 0- 1 5 m .

Kap: Flagg)', c r e a m Pindoba limestone and massive, Cream

SC.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Geological map sheet:

" .. no leito do Poxim-Mirim a montante de

map ,heet: SC.24-Z-])-1 Estncia. Geological map <heet: Se.NZ-

PILAR 3 : UTM 8 804 6OONI706 5OOE. Topographical map shw

SC.24-Z-S-IV Aracaju, Geological map shw:


Kap: Massive, friablt, cream Laranjeiras limc.lOnes with abun

Porto da Cruz 2 ,

PILAR 2: UTM 8 S03 8.5ON1705 6OOE, Topographical map sheel:

lo 1M

Quissam . . . " of Cordeiro ( 1 9 4 1 : 2 1 ) refen to the Poxim-Mirim

sheet: SC.24-ZB-IV Aracaju. Geological map sheet: SC.N-Z-B

1890:390 [ 1 899:581; Maury 1 9 3 7 : 206207; Iagalhe. & Mezzalira

Exposure on hillside facing S. Altitude ca, 25 m .




IV-4 Aracaju.

Kap: Massive,

Kup: Slickenlided , cream Pindoha limestones.

and 8. O "GambOa Grande" (Wanderley 1938:S3) rerer.; 10 the

OIUCrop area a l Pilar l O - I l .


s h e e t : SC,24-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Geological map s h e e t : Se.24-Z-B


River valley betwen Quima alld Tabua de Cima

shed: SC,24-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Geological map sheel: SC.24-ZB




Sections on bolh .ides ofhighway BR-235. Altitude ca. 25-30 m

Kap: Hard, grey Laranjciras lime.tones with rmely fragmental


IV-4 Aracaju.

Section oll hillsidc facing N. Altitude ca. 1 530 m ,

KCJp: G r e y Laranjeiras lime.tone. with thin d a y e y horizons




8 SO l oooN/699 900E.



IV-4 Aracaju.

8 80 1 050N!7oo 100E.




Kap: Hard, light brown Laranjeiras limestones


8 799 450N/698000E. Topographical map

sheet: SC.24Z-11IV Aracaju. Geological map .heet: SC.24-2-B

KeJp: Cream limcstone with abundant in<xcr.. mid bivalves .


8 799 4EKl,\/698 I SOE.

23j. t\ltitude ca, 30 m

R I B E I RA 5 :

Quarry on hillside facing N\\'. Altitude ca. 1 5-20 m.



EXp05ure on hiHsid facillg W , immediately N E of highway BR

,heet: SC.24-ZH-IV Aracaju. Geological map sheet: Se,24-ZB



sheet: SC.24-Z-A-IV Aracaju. Geological map sheet: SC.24-Z-B

IV-4 Aracaju

Abundant inuceramid bivalve.

IV-4 Aracaju

Section on hillside facing N E . Ahitude Ca. 20 m

gheet: SC,H-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Geological map sheet: SC.24-Z-B

Kap: Grer Pindoba limesIones

IV-4 Aracaju.


Probably locality 30 of Marques ( 1 966, map)

Sect;on on hillside faring NE. Altitudc ca. 1 0- 1 5 m

Kap: Hard, light browll Laranjeiras limeSIones



8 80 ! lOONl7oo 2EKlE. Topographical map




8 799 6001\/697 850E.



sheet: SC.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Geological map sheet: SC.24-Z-B

IV-4- Aracaju.

sheet: SC.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Geological map sheet: SC.24-Z-B

Sction. on both sides of highway BR-235. Altitude ca. 20 m

IV-4 Aracaju.

Kap: Nodular, hard, lighl brown and cream Laranjeiras lime-

Section at foot ofhillside facing W . Altitude ca, 5 m


Hard, light browll Laralljeiras limutones





8 80 1 1 5O:\,/7oo200E. Topographical map

sheet: SC.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju, Geological map sheet: SC,24-Z-B


8 799 8OO/698 looE,



IV-4 Aracaju.
s.,ction on hillside facing S , immediately N of river. Altitude ca.

IV-4 Aracaju.
s.,ction in river hank at spring, facing ;>';W, Altitudc ca. 5 m
Kosp: Hard, light brown Laranjeiras limestone .


sheet: SC.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Geological maV .hcet' SC.24-ZB

UTM 8 80 1 3EKl:-;'l7oo 1 0 0 E . Topographical m a p

20 m

Kap: Cream Laralljeiras limestones.

R I B E I RA 8 :


8 799 45ON/697 550E.



sheet: SC.N-ZBIV Aracaju. Geological map sheet: SC.24-ZB

sheet: SC.24-ZB-IV Aracaju. Geological map shcet: SC,24-ZB

IV-4 Aracaju.

IV-4 Aracaju

Section i n road Oil hillside facing SE. Altitude ca. 1 0- 1 5 m .

Quarry on hilJside facing \

..... Altilude ca. 20 m .

KCJp: H a r d . l i g h l browll Laranjeiras JimeSIoneS


Cream Laranjeiras limestOIles.


R I BEl RA 9:


8 799 6SON/697 550E.



sh(t: Se.24Z S - I V Aracajll. Geological map ,heet: SC.H-ZB

IV-4 Aracaju

Scclion on hillside radnl( SE. Altiturlc Ca, 20 30 m.

1 0 : UT:\l 8 799 750'1/697 6OOE. Topographical rnap

IY4 Aracaju

Section, On bolh sides of h ighway BR23S, Altiturle ca. 30 m

Kop: Hard, brown-grey limestone,.

1 1 : UTM 8 799 2SON!697 200E. Topographical map

I V . 4 Aracaju

KrIp: N E part hard, light brown Laranjeiras hmestones wilh

abundant tochinoids. SW part: (ream Laranjciras limestones


UTM 8 799 IOON/697 050E. T0P<>!lraphical Ill a p

IV.4 Aracaju



UTM 8 799 9,)();-';/697 SSOE. Topographical mal'

IV-4 Aracaju

Kul': Flagn, hard, locaily sliekensided, grey rindoba limestonu.

1 4 : UTM 8 799 200;-';/697 300E. Topographical map

IV-4 Araeaju

Gwlogical mal' sheet: SC.24ZB

Scction immediate!y N W ofroad, on hillside facing :\'W. Altitude

ca, 2O m .

KUfJ: Locally silicilied, c r e a m and l i g h t brown Laranjeiras lime-

R I B E l RA

1 5 : UT:\t 8 799 850N/698 6')()E. Topographical mal'

sheet: SC.24-ZB- I V Aracaju, Geological mal' sheet: SC.24ZB

IV-4 Aracaju.

R [ B E [ RA

16: UTM 8 800 oooN/698 8OOE. Topographical mal'

,heet: SC.24ZB-IV Aracaju. Geological mal' sheet: SC.HZB

IV4 Aracaju

Kul': Hard, partJy .ilicified, whitish and yellowi.h Laranjeiras

R I B E [ RA


IV.4 Aracaju.

Section on hillside facin E, appl'OXimalrly 100 m W of highwa;

H R- I O I , Altitude ca. 1 0 m

SANTA C R U Z 2 : UT.\1 8 802 4OON1703 350E. Topographical map

sheel: Se.24ZB I V Aracajlt, Geological map sheet: SC.HZB
IV-4 Aracaju.

immediately W of road. Alt;tude Ca, 5-10 m

Kop: Hard, hrownish Laranjiras hmcslOnes with abundant cal

cite-filled vug,

UTM 8 799 9.)()N/698 700E. Topographical mal'

.heet: SC,HZ- B I V Aracaju. GC1Jlogical mal' sheet: SC.24ZB

IV-4 Aracaju

SANTA CRUZ 3 : UT'I 8 802 500N/7W 45OE. Topographic... 1 mal'

shcct: SC.24Z B I V Aracaju. Geological map sheet: SC.24-Z-B
IV4 Aracajll.

Two ,mali quarrie. ne... r rn ... ngro'cs, F. of highway AR- I O I . Alti

tude ea S m

Kap: Hard, light brown Laranjciras limrSlOllcs


of Morais Rego ( 1 93 3 : ' )() ) .



1 ) 4 of G ,


( 1 970: 1 .)() , 1 52, 157, 159) are idcntical with or cloe 10 Rita Cacete 4

and 3 , re.peetive1y. O "

a pedrdra de Rita Cacete (Ioc. n." 245,

de Bender)"' of Schaller ( 1 970,67) is Rita Cacete 3 or 4


8 782 2.)()N/689 550E.

RITA CACETE 2 : UTM 8 782 250N/690 2')()E. Topographical

Small quarry under the more northerly of two power IUles, Alti

tude ca. l O m

0 1 1 Salgado.

Quarry on hillside fating S , JUSt abo,'c ed!':e of mangrove . Alti

tude ca. 0-5 m

Rcfmnus: Probably localitiu 312 1 , 1 / 3 1 , "Small quarry near Sao

" ' and "Quarry 2 . 5 k m SW of Rita Caeete


Reymem & T,.it ( l 972a:9'2-93. Fig. I l . upI. Pl. 4)

UTM 8 78 1 950N/687 8.)()E, Topographical

O-l-I Sal!,:ado

Quarry on hill.ide facing S

Santana 2


SAO PEDRO 14 UT.\1 8 fi O l 600:\'/696 oooE, TOPOilTaphical map


UTI 8 820 8001722 9.)()E,

Topographieal Ill a p

sheet: SC.24Z-A-V Japaraluba Geological mal' sheet: SC.24-Z-B

V . [ Carmopolis

Sections on both sides o f highway A R- I O L Ahitude ca 20 m

Kap: Hard, light brown Laranjeiras limeSlones

Rifml!Ce: Loeality Y3 o f S imo.:s & Handira ( 1 969, [Fig, 2])

SANTANA 2 : U T 1 8 82 1 0001\/723 200E. Topographieal mal'
sheet: SC.24ZBV Japaralllba, G ..ological map sheet: SC.24-Z-B

Rt/ertnet: Locality Y4 of SimOeS & Bandeira ( 1 969, [Fig. 2 J ) .


8 82 1 5OON/723 800E. Topographical mal'

sheet, SC.24-Z-B-V Japanluba. Geological mal' sheet: SC.HZB

SANTA CRUZ 8 : UT1 8 803 3.)()N/703 3OOE. Topographical mal'

map sheet: se 24Z01 Estiincia. Geological map sheet: SC.H-Z

O-Il Salgado

Quarry on hill.ide facing S E . Ahilude ca. l O- I S m

IV.4 Araeajtl

Loose material at road. on hillside facin :\\\'. :\hitllde ca 2] m

Knp: fine, hard. I!;rey lime"one_

SO f RA i'\ C I SCO I: UTI 8 794 600:\/69) 6OOE. Topographical

map sheet: SC.24-Z-B- I V Aracaju, Geological mal' sheet: SC,24Z


\O: UTI fl SOZ 700:\1705 WOE. Topographical

Expo.lure at eoge of mangrovrs, al f[)(ll of hill facing W . Allilude

ca. 5 m .

Kul': Flaggy, very fi .. ik, hard, grey Prndoba limestones Wilh

ehert horizons and abundant fish _cales

I l : UT-I 8 802 450:\1705 55lJE. Tupographic<l1

BIV4 Arcaju.

Kul': I.ocally rubhly, crram I.aranjiras limestones


lJTM 8 803 200N/705 200E, Topographical

mal' hen Se.H-Z-B- I V Araeaj". Golog;cal mal' sheee SC.24-Z

B-IV-4 Aracaju

Expo,ure. on hilltop and hillside facing :" to E. Altilude c... . 40 m.

erealll Pindoba limeswnes



U T M ij ij02 4')()1704 8OOE. Topo!,:raphical

groves. AIt;lude ca. 5 'Il

Kcsp: Flagg-,-', hard, grey and Cream Pindoba I,mesloncs with ,hcrt



UT.\1 8 802 300:\/705 6.)()E. Topographieal

mainly facing S

Rtftrtnct: Locality S64 of SimOes & Bandeira ( 1 969, [Fig 2])

Topographical map


15: lOT.\1 8 802 850:\'/703 7.)()E


mal' sheet: SC,24 Z B I V Aracaju. Grological mal' sheet: SC.HZ

Sections on both sides of road, at bend. Ahuud,' ca, 20 m

Kul': Grey and brownish Laranjeiras limSlones

Santa Luzia

(full n a m e ' S a n t a Luzia do h a nh i )

Kap: Hard, CTe;o.m Laranjeiras limeSIones

( 1 933:49-5 1 ,

56- 5 7 ) ,


( 1 93 7 : 1 2 - 1 3 ,

70-7 1 ,


1 49 , 1 56- 1 5 7 , 1 70- 1 i ! . 264-267), Cordeiro ( 1 9 4 1 : 2 2 ) . Campbell

(In Consdho Nacional do !'ctr6leo 1948a : 1 4 1 ) , Magalhaes &

SALOBRO 4; UTM Il 814 4OON/720 oooE. Topographieal mal'

sheet: SC.24-Z-BV Japaratuba. Geological mal' sheet: SC.24ZB

Vl Carmopolis.

Section on hill.ide facing S. Altitude ca. 1 5-30 m

.\1czzalira ( 1 953:70- 7 1 , 1 00, 1 2 7 ) , Campos & Campos ( 1 9 76 : 1 97 ) ,

Brito ( 1 980:579-580). O "Ganguarari" of Iaury ( 1 9 3 7 :88-fl9),




( 1 953: 1 23 )





( 1 97 6 : 1 9 8 ) . O The sugar-mill "CasIdo" (Morai. Rego 1 9 3 3 , 50) is

ca. 600 m SS\\' of Santa Lllzia I .


I : UT.\! 8 745 9.)()N/669 I .)() E , Topographical

mal' shtte SC.H-ZDI Estncia. Gwlogical mal' sheet: SC.'24-Z013 Estneia

Section on hillside fating NE, Ca. 1 00 m E ofroad. Altitude ca. 25

Kup: Gre}' Laranjeiras limcstonu.

Rtjmna: Locality S62 o f S i mOes & Bandeira ( 1 969, rFig, 2])

possibly Sao Pedro I from lithoJogy and fauna; the localities are

inadvertently marked on the Aracaju-Laranjriras road instcad of

the Aracaj u - I tabaiana road [E. A. Tail, unpublished locality lis!

Quarry facing E. Altilude ca. 10-30 m.




Laranjriras limestonu. locally

SO PEDRO l: UT\1 8 80 1 0.)()N/695 350E. Topographical ,nal'

shetc SC.24Z - A - I V Aracaju, Golo!,:ical mal' sheet: SC,24-ZB

IVA Aracaju

Quarry faeing E. in1medialdy SW o f highwa:, BR235, Ailltudc

ca. 30-35 m .

Kp: \Vhitish cakareous sands tones and conglomrate.

.hcet: SC.24ZB I V Aracaju, Geological map .hect: Se.HZB

IV-4 Aracaju

Quarry faeing E . Altitude ca, 20-30 III

Kul': Grey and cream L"ranjeiras limstones with locally abun

Stcinbruch an der Strafk nacl, I tahaiana"' of Bender

( 1 959:30 [ 1 96 1 :40] ) . O " 1 00om [ ",

de Cotinguiba

" of Oliveira


nova estrada para


N W do Posto Fiscal
1 0 xm

,heet: SC.24- Z - H 1 V Araeaju. Gwlogical mal' sheet: SC.HZB

IV-4 ATacaju

Quarry faeing N\'i. Altitltde ca


with hard, brownish arcs

1 5-25 III

and cream

Laranjeiras limestone.

sa ROQUE 6 : UTM ij 80S 7001\/703 6OOE. Topol\'raphical map

.hat: SC.24Z B I V Aracaju. Geological mal' shet: SC.24ZB

IV-4 Aracaju.

Section on N W side of road, Altitudr ca. 1 5-30 m

Knp, Cream and brownish l.araoUeiras limestones

sa ROQUE 7 ; UT1 Il 805 5OON/703 5OOE. Topq::rapn'cal mal'

s a PEDRO 2 : U T M 8 800 950N/695 4SOE. Topographical map

sheet: SC.24ZBIV Aracaju. Gcological mal' sheet
IV4 Aracaju


sheet; SC.24Z- B [ V Aracaju. Gological map .heet: SC.24ZB

IV-4 AracaJu

Quarry on hillside facing S\\" Altitudr ca. 35 m.

K.sp; Hard, light brown I.aranjeiras limrsron.

EV<Mure 1 0 m N E or highway BRn5. Altitude c a . 30 m

Kup: Hard,

SAO ROQUE 5 : UTI 8 805 7.)()N/703 flOOE. 'J'opographical mal'

KCJp: Massive,

Keip: C r e a m Laratutiras limestones


Kup: Bioturbated. eream Lara'Ueira. limestone.

Sa ROQUE 4: UT! 8 805 8.)()N1703 650E. Topographical mal'

dam large ammonite,.

light brown and friabk, eream L ... ranjeira. lime

'lone., locally with abundant burrows

SO PEDRO 3 : L- T M 8 800 650:\1695 S.)()E. Topographical mal'

shcet: SC24ZB [ V Aracaju, Gcolog-ieal mal' sheet: SC.24-Z-B

IV-4 Aracaju

S.ction on N E side of highway AR-23S. Altitude ca, 25-35 m

Kup: Nodular, hard,

Laranjeira limestone.

locally CO(juinoid, grey and light


,heet: SCHZ- B - I V Aracaju. Gtological map .heet: SC.H-Z-B

IV4 Aracaju.

fu<po!ure On SW .ide of highway BR-23.'i. Altitude ca. 25 III

IV-4 Aracajll

Senions on both sides of highway BR235. Altitude ca. 25 m

K,ar: Sliekensided, light olive claystoncs


( i n the literature variously spelkd Sapucahy, Sapllcai, Sapueary

and Sapucari)

I: U T M 8 80S WOt-;I709 350E. Topographical map

heet: SC.24Z B I V Arac ...j u . Gwlogical mal' shrct: SC,24ZB

IV4 Aracaju

Quarry on hillside facing N W

Altitudc ca 5 - 1 0 m

KeJp: Flaggy, locaHy sliekrnsidrd, CTeam to gry [>indoba lime

RtftrellCts: O H a m ( 1 870a:383-384, 393 [ 1 94 1 " 1 1 7 - 4 1 8 , 429 1 ) ,

W h i t e ( 1 88 7 : 54, 2 6 3 ) , Derby ( 1 8Il7a: 1 2 ;


2 7 1 ) , Branner ( 1 890:382-401 p{JSJ;'" [ 1 899,40-82 passim1;


[ 1 920: 1 3 7 1 ) ,


( 1 89 1 :LXI-LXV


I 887c:
1 9 1 9:

[ 1 9 7 7 : 56-59

passim l l , Kossmat ( 1 895:467 [ 1 895:46 ] ) , Bourdot DUlra ( 1 9H : 3 7

[ 1 94 5 : 3 3 ] ) ,
1 1 8- 1 1 9,

l a u r y

256- 2 5 7 ) ,

( 1 925:59-1---- 5 99:


339-340). A. G . Duarte ( 1 936: 1 1 7;


( 1 93 3 : 3 7 ) ,


1937:8- 1 3 ,
( 1 935:335,

1 938:45), Roxo 0938: 1 8 2 ) ,

.\Iorae. ( 1 939:332 r I 939:33 ] ) , E. P. dc Oliveira 0 9 4 0 : 1 6 3 ) , Cordei

ro ( 1 9 4 1 : 2 1 ) , Oli"eira & Leonardos ( 1 943;562), Campbell (in Con

selho National do Pttroleo 1948a: 145, unnumhrred and unpaginat

S.ction On hillside facing SE, immediately W of road after turn-olT

ed fig.), Magalhiies & :\1ezzalira ( 1 95 3 : 1l 6 ) , Schalkr ( 1 9 7 0 : 5 3 , Fig

Kul': Massive, variably indurated, cream Lar... njeira. limestones

Hartt ( 1 8 70a:556 [ 1 9 4 1 :596 ] ) . O " Sal,ucari - Laranjeiras" of Roxo

from Itighway BR-235. Altitude ca, 25-30 m.

2 1 ) , Campos & Campos ( 1 9 76: 1 96 ) . O "

wilh abundant burrow, and echinoids

( 1 938: 1 8 2 ) . O !.ocality III of Petri 0 962:28. Fig. 2)

sa PEDRO 7 : UT1 8 800 9OCI:\/605 5OOE. Topographical mal'

Reftrtl!CtJ III Ihe arra: O W h i t e ( 1 887:28, 33, 49, 80, 249-2.50), Dahy


1 5-25 m

(A. G . Duartc 1938:45)

IV4 Aracaju

2:19), Sopper ( 1 9 1 4: 3 8 ) , Rourdot DutTa ( 1 924:38 ( 1 945:341 ) , -'Iorais

SALOBRO 3 : UTM 8 8 1 5 050;-';/7 1 9 7.)()E, Topographical map

shree SC.24-Z S - I V Aracajll. Geological map .heet: SC,24ZB

Quarry On hillside facing W . Allitude ca. 25-30 m

o "'Engenho S:,o Pedro"

O Localitics 22a and 2 3 of Reymem & Tait ( 1 972a:92, Fig. I l ) are

sheet: SC.24ZB[V Aracaju, Geological mal' 5heeL SC.24-Z-B

Kcsp: Hal", locally eOCjuinoid, variably coloured Laranjeiras lime

sheet: SC.24-ZB-V Japaratuba. Gwlogical map sheet: SC.24-Z-B

RcffUIIClS III IM a 'ta :

sa PEDRO 6: UTM 8 800 8.)()N/695 SOOE. Topographical map

Expo.ure on hill.ide faeing :\' E . Ahitude ca. 20 m

stone., locally with abundant bivalves

sa ROQUE 2 : UT:\1 8 805 650N/7038SOE, Topographical map

IV4 Aracaju.

SAO PEDRO 5 , U T M 8 800 ZOON/696 250E, Topographical map

( 1 887a: 1 3 ; 1 118 7 0 : 265-268; 1 887c:272; 1 907:220), Brannr ( 1 906

V l Carmopolis

I V - 4 Aracaju.

SO ROQUE 3 : UT'I 8 805 900:\/703 6S0E. Topograplllcai map

shett: SC.24Z B I V Araaju. Grolo81caJ mal' sheet: SC.24ZB

Kesp: Flagg)', hard, cream Pindoba limestones, locally with grey

sheet: SC.24ZB-V Jal'aratuba. Geological map sheet: SC.24-Z-B

Sao Rague
sa ROQUE I : U T .\ I 8 8 0 4 9OCI!"-;/703 4 O O E . Topoll:raphic1 map

sheet; SC.24ZB I V Ancaju, Geological mal' sheet: SC.24-Z-A

with abundanl ammonitu. bivalves and burrow!, Ca"es

Kcarc t.ocally s!ickcnsided, light olive clayslone.

Section On hillside facin!,: SW, approximately .)() Hl NW of fartll

Section i n track, On hill.ide facing N E . Altitude ca

cally hard, coquinoid, grey limestones

SAO PEDRO 4: UT:\I 8 800 350!"-;/695 9OOE. Topographical map

houst, Altitude ea. IS m

limestone conglomeratc.

Expo.ure on hillside facing NW, immediate\y S E of road. A l t;

Kcsp: l.ocally hard, spolled, cram !.aunjeira .. limeSlones

IV-4 AracaJU

Section on hillside facing :\W. Altilude ca. 30 m


V l Carmopoli.

Vl Carmopolis

RIVA Araeaju

( 1 9 7 1 :429 ) , 0 "

BIV4 Aracaju.


sheet: SC,HZBV Japaratuba. Geological map shet SC.24-Z-B

SALOBRO 2 : UTM Il 8 1 5 1001'1 7 1 9 90CIE

map sheet: SC.24-Z-B- I V Aracaju. Geological map sheet: SC,24-Z

W do Posto Fiseal de COllnlluih,,"' ofOliveira & Brito ( 1 969:222.

Expmure on hilltop. Altitudc ca. ZO m

Scction around hill al edge of mangrove"


[V4 Aracaju

Quarry on hillsidt faeing S , Altitude ca. :ro-30 m

Rt/twrceJ: O "Ca. 1 0 k m nordwestlich des Zoilltau,e. von Co

Kap: Crcam Laranjciras limestones

UTI 8 8 1 5 5.)()N/7 1 9 3.)()E.

SO PEDRO 1 6 : UT;>.I fl 801 fl50N/696 l SOE, TopographicHI mal'

KCJp: Nodular, hard, grey and brown-grer Laranjeiras limestonu

SO FRANCISCO 2: UT;>.! 8 794 500:\'/695 5OOE. Topographial

1 9701

!ttde ca. 5 m

2 ] ) is Salobro 2 or 3

Section on S E side of rnad. Altitude Ca. 40 m

light bro .... n and friable, cream Laranjeiras lime'

Kup: Hard,

shut: SC.24Z B - I V Aracaju. Geologlcal mal' shect: SC.24ZA

B-IV-1 Aracaju

Rcferma III Iht arta: !.oeality S-63 ofSimOes & Bandeira 0969, [Fig.

[ 1,1 4 Aracaju

Exposurc 01\ E side of rnad. Altitude ca. 55 III

Sao Pedro

map .heet: SC.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Geological mal' sheet: se.NZ


sheet: SC.24-Z- B - I V Aracaju. Geological map .hcet: SC.HZB

IV4 Aracaju.

Scction on W

SA:\,l:'" C R U Z

Kup: Grey and Cream Laranjeiras

Section on hill,ide facinR S\\'. Alnwde ca 40 m

SAO PEDRO IS: UT1 Il 8 0 1 700N/696 OOOE. Topographical map

sAo PEDRO 1 7: U T M 8 799 6')()/695 5.)()E. Top<>graphi,al mal'

shcct: se.24-Z-BI\' Araraju. Gwlog,,,al map sheet: SC24-Z-R

B - I V_4 Aracaju


IV4 Aracaju

sheet: SC.24- Z B I \" Arac"ju, Gcolical map ,heet: SC.24-Z-H.

Kap): Brown-grey limeSlones

Kul': Cream Laranjeiras limestonu wilh abundant burrows; lo

Small quarry On hill.ide facing :\\\', I S m horn edl!;e or man

UT:"I 8 782 050N/687 6OOE.

sIteet: SC,24ZB - I V Araeaju. Gcological mal' ,heet: SC.24-ZB

Kp: Cream Laranjeiras Iime'tones

KC$p: Hard, .potted, lighl grey lim'toncs.

Loosc material i n and beside road, on hill.ide facing W . Allitude

mal' shut: SC.2\- Z - II - I V Aracaju. Geological mal' sheet: Se.N-Z

Ahitude ca 5 m

Kesp: Nodular, eream Laranjeiras lime.tone.


Sections on SE sid of road and on hillside . Altitude C<l, 40-45

Kap: Hard, rellow-grey I.aranjcira., limrslOns

Ca. 30 m .

Kup; Hard. light bro"'n La",njeirs limestone. and flaggy, him!.

mal' sheet: se.HZDl Estimcia. Gwlogical map shet: SC,24-Z

IV-4 Aracaju

1 967, FiSS. 6 , 9; Moura ;n Fernandcs 1 967, Fig. il is Ca. 1400 III SE of

Petroor;i 1964:22-23, figs. 5 , 7 ; Marques 1965. Fig!, 5-6; Fernandes

BIVA Aracaju

[ V . 4 Aracaju


Kcsp: Cream and grey Laranjeiras limesIOnes

sIteet: SC,4ZB-IV Aracaju, Gwlogic1 map sheet: SC.24ZB

(formerly Aguiar)

GeoloRieal mal' .heet: SC,24Z-B

Quarry on hill.ide faeing SW, jult above edge of mangroves

Altitude ca 0-5 m.

.... i t h

So Francisco

Kop: Hard, hrown-grry Laranjriras limcstone .

mal' shen SC.24 Z B - I V Araeaju. Geological mal' sheel: SC.24-Z

O - I l Salgado


K.sp: lfteply weathcred. bro"'nish grey limestones


Keip: Friab!e, ye!lowgrey Laranjciras limestones.

RITA CACETE 4: UT\t 8 781 6OOr-;/687 950E. Topographical
mal' sIteet: SC,24Z0[ E.tancia, Geological mal' sheet: SC.H-Z


in Fernandes 1 96 7 , Fig. 7) is ca, 700 m

I V A Aracaju

II-IVA Aracaju

RITA CACETE 3 : U T M 8 78 1 550N/6880SOE, Topographical

rnap sheet: SC.24Z01 Estancia. Geologieal map sIteet: SC.24Z


N E of Santana 3 . O \Vell Cp4[SE1 (Iarqlles lI a/. 1964'208. fig.;

F.xposure facing \V , at well CP57. Altitude Ca, 15 m.

mal' .heet: SC.HZB I V Araeaju. Gcologi{1 mal' shcct: SC,24Z

Kap: Hard, light brown and powdery, cream limestones


Pe!robras 1964:22-23. Fig5. ;', 7 ; Marques 1 965, figs, 5-6; Fn

nande. 1 96 7 , Fig. 6; Moura

sheet: SC.H-ZBIV Aracaju, Geological mal' sheee SC.2\-Z-A

sheet: SC.24-Z- B - I V Aracaju. Geological map ,heet: SC.24-Z-B

0 1 - 1 Salgado


V l Carm6poli.

SANTA C R U Z 9 : UT! 8 fl03 100;-.;/704 35OE. Topographical map

map sheet: SC.24ZD[ Estancia, Gwlogical mal' shect: SC,24Z-


SAO PEDRO 13: UT.\I fl 801 500:\/695 850E, Topographical map

ti al. 1964, fig,;

Kop: Flaggy, hard, b,owll-;:(,ty Pindoha lim'lones

1 5-20 m

I).J-I Salgado

Kp: Hard, grey Laranjeiras limetones


a b u n d a n t echinoids and bivalves

Fugita 1 976, Fig . 1 , 8 B ; Bandeira I 97ij, fig,. 2, 1 2 - 1 5 ) is ca. 7SO m

tude Ca, 30 m

mal' heet: SC.24Z-DI Estiincia. Geological mal' sheet: SC.24Z

&etion i n rivu!et. Altitude ca. O m.


S E of Santana 3 . O Well Cp2[SE1 (\Iarqucs

IV.4 Aracajll


SeC1ion on both ids or TOad and On hillsidc! fcing 1\ and S.

Altitude ca, 45-60 III


shett: SC.24ZBIV Aracaju, Geological mal' sht'ct: SC.H-Z-B

I V 4 Araeaju

Riehter & Simo.:s 1 9 7 5 , sht SC.24ZB V - 1 Cannopolis; Ojeda &

Kp: H a r d , g r e y a n d c r e a m Laranjeiras limestonu

o " S. Cristovam"


Bisol 1 9 7 2 , Figs. 2, 4-9, 1 2 - 1 6 ;

sheet: SC.24-Z-B 1 V Aracaju, Ceol0'lical map shree Se.24-Z-S

Secnon in pipdinr d"arinll, on hillside facing SE, Altitude Ca. mal' sheet: SC.24-Z-B

SANTA CRUZ 7 : UT.\'I 8 802 800:\/703 35OF.. Topographical map

"Sltio Coqueiro" (Oliveira & Brito 1969:227) i! within the arca of


1 972, fig, 9 ; Ojeda &

SAO PEDRO 12: UT.\I II II O I 350/695 iOOL Topographic<ll mal'

shcet: SC.24ZB I V Aracaju Gological map sheet: SC.24-ZB

IV4 Aracaju.

(Rita Ca.. ete)



in Fernandes 1 967 . Fig. 7; 1-.leister &

Scction facing E, at wcll C p I I I , .... Ititude ca . 20 III

KCJp: Hard, yellow-gre)' Laranjriras limestones


nande. 1 96 7, Figs, 6, 9; \toura

Kr-Kc: Blue-grey, fissmed cI"ys with thin chert horiWIlS, under

sheet; SC.24-ZB-IV Ara{aju.

Rita Cacete

Rita Caecte 3-6.

1964 ()!j. fi g , ; Pmobras 1964:22

(/ al.

jeiras limestones

lain by dolomilic lim'lOnes

SANTA CRUZ 4: UT'! fl 802 l OON/703 700E. Topographial m ... p

Exposure on E !ide of pipdine clearing. Altitude ca, 15 m

Rcfumw 1$ tM a rta :

[ 1 -]CP- I [-SE1 ( Marques

V l Carmopolis

SA:\TA C R U Z 6 : UT.\I 8 802 700:\/703 700E. Topographical map

Expo.ure on hilltop. Altitud ca. 40 m

Kul': Brownish limesrone breccia.

2)) is ca, 1 1 00 m SE o f S a n l a n a 3 , and t h c i r localities Y I and Y - 5 8

are c a . 1 200 m SSW and 5jO m S o f S a n t a n a I , respectivdy. O WeU

Loose material on hillsid facing W , Altitude ca, 20-30 )ll

SAr\"[.\ CRL'Z 5 : UT1 8 802 I.)()N1703 6OOE. Topographical map

Section i n deprsion on hill, facing SW. Altitude ca. 25 m

Seuion SE of road, On faring .'\ E. Altitudr ca. 45 m

Kap: LocaJly hard, powdny, .pota-d. whitish and cream Laran

23, Figs. 5-7: Marqlles 1 965, Figs. 5-6; Rassmuss 1966 79; fer

SAr\TA C R U Z I . UTI 8 802 250/703 250E. Topographical mal'

IV-4 Aracaju

KCJp: Hard, coquinoid, cream Lararuciras limestones

sheet: SC.24ZB[\" Aracaju. (;,'ological ma l' shnt: SC.21Z-B

The outnop arca described br Wander!ey ( 1 938:53) as ' .

. no no

\\' Altitud,' ca, 40 III

I V A Aracaju

Rcftt"lllCU I Q Iht a ,ea , Loeali!y Y-23 nfSimo.:s & Bandcira { ! 969, [ F i g

" is the

Grolo)(ic ... 1 map shrel: S e . H-Z-H

SO PEDRO I l : lOT! 8 801 250:\/695 6E. Topographieal !\lar


heet: SC.24Z B I V A1'acaJu.

Exposure on hillside facing S Altitude ca. 30 m

KCJp: Whitish ealcarWl1' ,a"dstone' and conglomnalS

cncnsta yoltada para o rio, vamos rnContrar na base , . " ' of \\'an

area induding Santa Cruz I and 4 , O Locality Y-445 of Bandeira

IV-1 Aracaju

Srction in sm,,1l valky, Oil 1"lIsllle

arca of Santa Cruz 10. I I and 1 4 O The locality " Dcscend()-s a

Cotinguiba cm grande cxtcnsao pela margm, nqunda

SAO PEDRO 10 : CTI H Wl l 1.'i01'/G95 650E, Top<Jl!;raphi,al mal'

sherr: SC.24-Z H I V Amcaju

Knp: Locallv hard. 'p"tted, crm

derky ( 1 938:53) is probabl)' i n rhe ara of Santa Cruz 7 and I S . O The

are ... " '
urna faixa do calcareo com sikx .
of Wanderley

SrctioflS on W .ide ofhighway BR I O I and a t foot of hill faring S,

Expo!ures in and On E .ide of road. Altitude ca. 20-25 m

sheet: SC.HZ-B I V .<\racaju

"Oileiro Ga\;ulIe"' or " Outeiro Galante"

bivalves, overlain by thinncrbeddcd. hard, grey limestones

sheet: SC.H-Z - B - I V Aracaju. Geological map .heet: SC.N-Z-B

R I B E l RA

K{Jp: Rubhly, lighl brown LarHlIjriras limestones "ith abumlant

Section on hillside facing SE. Altitude Ca. 25-35 m.

Kul': Cream Laranjeiras limeMone.

map sheet: SC.24-Z-

Exposure at foot of hill facing 1\ . Ahitude ca. m.

(Branner 1890:390 [ 1 89 9 : 5 7 1 ; -'Iorai, Rego 1 9 3 3 : 44) comprise. th

sheet: SC.14ZB I V Aracaju. Gwlogical mal' sheet: SC,24-ZB

sheet: se.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Geological map sheet: SC.24-Z-S



])-1-3 E.!ancia

( 1 9 78, Pl. 8) is Ca, 3')() m N E of Santa Crul 1 3

Scct;on on hill.ide fadng S Altitude ca, 30-45 m.


map sheet: SC.24-Z-D-I Estancia

( 1 938:53) possibly rders to the area W or W of Santa Cruz 8 . O

,heet: Se.24-ZS-IV Aracaju_ Geologi,al map sheet: Se.HZB

R I B E l RA


Wander!ey 1 93 8 : 5 2 ) .

,heet: Se.HZ-B-IV Aracaju. Geological map heet: Se.24-Z-B


Santa Cruz

(Fonte Grande)

Rt/mllw III Iht arta: O '"Fotlle Grande" (A.G. ])uart" 1 936: 1 1 7 ;

Kcsp: Hard, brown-grey limutone,

R I B E 1 RA

FOS S I L S AND STRATA 1 2 ( 1 983)

Peter Bengtson : Cenomanian- Coniacian of Sergipe

5heet: SC,24-Z B I V Aramju, Geolog-ical map .heet: SC.24-Z-B

IV4 Aracaju

Senion on E side of road. Altitude ca. 30 Ill.

Kul': Variably indurated, grey and cream Laranjeiras limestones

near Araeaj" .

SApUCARI 2 : UT!\I (1 805 lOON/708 7.)()E

" of

"["oIKlgraph,cal mal'

sheet: SC.24-Z- R - I V Aracaju. Geologieal map shen SC,24-Z-B

IV4 Aracaju.

Quarry at foot of ltill faeing SE

KCJp: Flaggy, eream l'indoba limcslones

with abundant bllrrows

SO PEDRO 8 UTM 8 800 9.)()N/695 5.)()E. Topographical mal'
sheet: SC.24-Z B I V Aracaju. Geological mal' sheet SC.24-Z-B
IV4 Aracaju.

Section on hillsid faeing W , immediately E of road. Altitude ca


30 m

Rcftrtl!C( lo Iht arta: "Peno d a usina Serg;p.

sAo PEDRO 9: UTM 8 80 1 0.)()N/695 6OOE. Topographical mal'


IV{ Aracaju

IV-4 Aracaju

35 m.

ca. 45-60 m.

Kap; Variably indurated, eream LarallJciras limestones

,heet: SC.24- Z - R - I V Aracaju. Geological mal' sheeL SC.24-Z-B

Section On hill.ide facing SW, immcdialely F. ofroad. Altitude Ca

Kul': Spotted, cream Laranjeiras limestone

( 1 96 l b,40)


8 802 800:\'/69." 9.)()E

shet, SC.24-Z - B - I V Aracaju

" of K . Brurlrn

Topographical map

Grolog'Lal mal' .hc{ SC.24ZB

Section along old road, 10 m \\" of and pUillkl to road, Altitudr

Kap: Rubbly, hard, light brown Laranjei",. lime,tone.

FOSSILS AND STR,ATA 1 2 ( 1 983)


8 802 850N/696 OOOE.

Topographical map

,hed: SC.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Geologica] map shetr: Se.24-Z-B

IV-4 Aracaju.

Exposul"f: on hillside facing W . Ahitude ca. 55-6(1 m,


Hard, locally brecciated, CTeam to light brown Laranjfiras




8 802 650N/696 050E.



IV-4 Aracaju.

Quarry facing N W and w:tion OIl hillside faring SE. Ahitude ca.

4{}-.. 5(l m .




8 802 5OON/695 650E.



sheet: SC.24-Z-B-IV AraC<lju. Geologiu.l map sheet: SC.24-Z-B

IV-4 Ancaju



8 802 5OON/695 350E.



IV-4 Aracaju

Loose malerial in old road, On hill facing W . Altitude ca. 60 m

Light brown coquinoid limesIOne! and breccia



8 803 250N/696 OOOE.





Se<;:tions on both sides ofroad. Altitude ca. 80 m.

Flaggy, hard, grey Pindoba limestones with abundant small



8 803 6OON/696 6OOE.



IV-4 Aracaju.

Exposure On hillside facing SE. Altitude ca. 70 m

Friable, Cream limestones with abundanl small eoncrelions.



8 803 700N/696 750E.



sheel: SC.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Geological map sheel: SC.24-Z-B

IV-4 Aracaju.

1 0 : UTr.t 8 802 9OON/694 850E. Topographical map

shcet: SC.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Geological map sheel: SC.2.... Z-B

IV-4 Aracaju.

shn:t: SC.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Geological map .heet: SC.H-Z-B

lV-4 Aracaju.

Seclion on S side of road, immedialely W of road-railway inter_

suada de feITo COm a de rodagem

I l : UTM 8 803 lOON!695 l SOE. Topographical map

sheel: se.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Geological map sheet: se.24-Z-B

IV-4 Aracaju.

SOCORRO 4: UTM 8 799 3OON/703 65OE. Topographical map

Exposure on W side o f h ighway B R- l O I . Altitude ca. 30 m.


1 2 : UTM 8 802 75ON/696 lOOE. Topographical map

sheel: SC.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Geological map heel: SC.H-Z-B

IV-4 Aracaju.

Approximately 1 50 m section on W side ofroad. Altitude ca. 60

sheet: SC.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Geological map 5heet: SC.24-Z-B

Exposure on N side of road. Ahitude ca. 15 m

UTM 8 803 700N!696 5OOE. Topographical map

shecl: SC.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Geolo3"ical map sheet: SC.24-Z-B

IV-4 Aracaju

KClp: Hard, locally silicified, light brown limelilone

RiftTt"IlCt: "Duzentos melros aliOm . . . " of Wanderley

( 1 938:49)

SQCORRO 7 : UT1 8 799 5OON/703 6501:: . Topographical map

shecl: se.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju. G=logical map shttl: SC.H-Z-B

Grey Pindoba IimMtones wilh abundant small eoncrelions,

intercalated with Ihin dayey horizons. Hard. grey Laranjeiras lime-

Secliolls on bolh sides ofhighwa)' B R- I O I . Altilude ca. 30-4D m.

Yellowish Pindoba limeSIones wilh clay inlercalatlOns. Di


Locality 4 of Tibana ( 1 969:3 1 ) , " Km 5" of Tibana

( 1 973:26) and localit)' 5 of Resende & Garcez V. Filho ( 1 973:49)

'full name: Nossa Senhora do Socorro. abbreviated N . S . [doJ

rro: Soccorro: Cotinguiba 1944-1954)


( 1 936: 1 1 7) ,

Morais Rego ( 1 933:48 [nol p. 44)), A . G


( 1 938: 1 84 - 1 8 5 ) ,


( 1 939:332

[ 1 939:33] ) , E . P. de Oliveira ( 1 940: 159, 163), Cordiro ( 1 94 1 : 2 1 ) ,

Oliveira & Leonardos ( 1 943:563), Camphl:lI

do Petroleo 1948a : 1 45 ) .

(i ConseJho Nacional

"municipio de COlinguiba" ofSanlOS &

Cunha ( 1 959 : 1 2 [ 1 98 1 : 1 46 J ) .

O "Ao sair de Soeorro

" ofOliveira

& Leonardos ( 1 943:563) probably refers to Ihe area of Socorro 12

anti nearby road Cltts funher to the norlhwest.

The locality

"Stralkn-Anschniu an der neuen Fahrstralle von Aracaju nach

Maruim, W der Ortschaft COlinguiba .
. of KrommeJhl:in
( 1 964:490, 494) probably refers to Socorro 4 or 7 .

O "Seciio lipo da

Formaiio Cotinguiba" or Schaller ( 1 970:53, Fig. 2 1 ) and "Cotin

guiba I " ofCampos & Campos ( 1 976: 1 93) refer to the enlire stretch

of road hl:lween the Socorro and Pedra Branca areas.


I !ZQ of Reyment &. Tail ( 1 972a:92, Fig. l I) is probably Socorro 10

or I l .

O Well


designated 1t-4 by Bendu

1 -1T-2 (Richler & Sim&:s 1975, sheet SC.24-Z-B-IV-

.... of Soeorro lO. This well is erroneous

4 Aracaju) is ca. 200 m S\

sheel: SC.24-Z-B-1V Aracaju. Geological map sheet: SC.H-Z-B

SOCORRO lO: UTM 8 800 2OON/704 850E. Topographical map

sheel: se.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Geological map sheet: SC.H-Z-B

IV-4 Aracaju.

Quarry on hillside facing E , immediately N W of road Altitude

Manive, blue-gry and cream Laranjeiras limestones with

local breccias.

SOCORRO I l : UTM 8 800 lOON!704 850E

Topographical map

IV-4 Aracaju

Quarry on hillside facing NE, immediately SE of road. Ahilude

ca. 15-20 m.

Massive, blue-grey and cream Laranjeiras limestones.

IV-4 Aracaju

Se<:lion on SW side of road, al bend. Altitude ca. 20 m

Kup: Loc;ally dayey, grey Pindoba limestones

Rift.mal: O Probably the locality "Na primeira

de rodagem . . " of Wanderley ( 1 938:49).

Pmi ( 1 962:29, Fig. 2).
( 1 976: 1 96 ) .

CUTV" da estrada

(i" Conselho Nacional do

S O C O R R O 1 3 : UTM 8 799 6OON/704 1001:: . Topographical map

sheet: SC.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Gological map sheel: SC.24-Z-B
IV-4 Aracaju.

Massive, cream and lighl brown Laranjeiras limes tones

with locally abundant large inoceramid bivalves

shect: se.24-Z-D-I Estncia. Geological map sheet: se.24-ZD-I-3

Cream and light brown limestones with abundant bivalves

TIBURCIO 2: UTM 8 75 1 000[>;/676200E. Topographical map

sheet: Se.H-Z-D-I ESlncia. Geological map sheet: SC.H-Z-D-I3

Small quarry 011 hillside facing S. Ahitude ca . .'I m
Deeply weathered,


light brown limeSIones, underlain by

hard, grey Pindoba limestono:s with abundano bivalves


"Sitio Tiburcio" of Bengtson ( 1 980a:203)

1966, Fig. 4), Henao LondoilO


SOCORRO 1 4 : UTM 8 799 450N/7Q4 300E. Topographical map

shttt: se.2 .... Z-B-IV Aracaju. Geological map shttl: SC.24-Z-B

IV-4 Aracaju.

Seclions on both sides of railway. Altitude ca. 15 m

a n d Magalhiies 1 9 5 2 , m a p ) (coordinales provided by F . C . Ponle,

Well Ib-4 [9-IB-4J (Petrobras 1964,

in Rosa 1967, Fig. 8; Richter & Sim&:. 197.'1, sheel

cal map


se.N-Z-B-IV Aracaju.

SC.24-Z-B-IV-4 Aracaju.


map sheet:


Ka,: Variably induraled, cream Pindoba limestones

Rtfl't"IlCu: O "km. 441,500" and 'km. 441,700" of

( 1 938:48-49).

XXXI I ) .


"km 441,700" of M . E . C . M . Santos ( 1 962'

O "km 444,500" [ : 44 1 ,500) and "km 44 1 ,700" of

M. E . C. M . Sa'lIos ( 1 963:357-359).

O "Nossa Senhora do Socorro"

IV-4 Aracaju


Locally hard and locall' Ilaggy, cream LaranjciTa. lime

locally slickensided, brown-grey Pindoba lime

cal map sheet

SC.2 .... Z-B-IV

se.24-Z-B-IV-4 Aracaju


Geological map sheel:



locall)' slicken.ided, brown-grey Pindoba lime-

SC.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju.


map sheel

Deeply weathered, Ilagg}", ydlow-grey Pindoba !imestones.


TABUA DE BAIXO 4: UTM 8 798 7501"/693 looE. Topographi

SC.H-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Geological map sheet

\Vell Cp-9 (Pelrobds 1%4:23, Fig. 7 ; Mar

T IMB O I: UTM 8 824 95ON/727 8ooE. Topograptucal map sheel


Exposures on both sides of road. Ahitude ca. 15 m.


Cream calcareous sandstones and hard, red-brown to light

TIMBO 2: UTM 8 824 700N/727 950E. Topographical map sheet:

Th:eply wealhered, light brown Laranjeiras limutones


TABUA DE BAIXO 5 : UTM 8 798 85ON/693 350E. Topographi





SC.24-Z-B-IV4 Aracaju.



map sheet:

TABUA DE BAIXO 6: UTM 8 798 9OON/693 5OOE. Topographi_

cal map sheel:

SC.H-Z-B-IV Aracaju.


map sheet


Section 011 hillside facing SE, approximately 50 m S E of road

Altilude ca. 20 m

Hard, light brown limestones.

TIMBO 4: UTM 8 824 5OON/726 4OOE. Topographical map sheet

SC.24-Z-B-V japaratuba. Geological map ,heel: se.24Z-B-Vl

Carmopoli .

Section on NW .ide of road. Ahitude ca. 20 m

Hard, coquinoid brown-gre}' Laranjeiras hmutones wilh

T IMB O .'l: UTM 8 824 650N/726 6:.QE. Topographical map sheet

se.24-Z-B-V Japaratuba. Geological map sheet: SC.24-Z-B-V-I

Section on S E side of road. Altitude ca. 15 m

Seclions on both sides of road, at bend. Altitude ca. 60 m

Slickensided, locally Ilaggy, grey and Cream Laranjiras


Gry limeslones with sandslone intercalation!

TIMBO 3 : UTM 8 825 OOON/727 35OE. Topographical map sh,t

SC.24-Z-B-V japaraluba. Geological map ,heef: SC.24-Z-BYl

abundant burrows

Flaggy, yellow-grey Pindoba limestones

SC.24-Z-B-IV-4 Aracaju.

SeClions on bolh sides of road. Altitude ca. 15 m.



Quarry on SE side of road. Ahitude ca. 50 m





Hard, coquinoid, grey limestoncs with abundanl ammon-


TABUA D E BAIXO 7 : UTM 8 798 9OON!693 6OOE. Topographi

cal map sheet:


SC.2.... Z-B-IV-4 Aracaju





Quarry on S side of road. Altitude ca. 60 m

Locally flaggy and slickensided, yellow-grey and cream


Laranjeiras limMtones

TI1BO 6: UTM 8 824 SOON1726 6OOE. Topographical map sheet

se.24-Z-B-V japaraluba. G=logical map sheet: SC.24-ZB-V-l


Quart) on hillside facing W and section at rivulet. Altilude ca. 10


Hard, locally dolomitic, lighl brown limestones with locally

abundan! bivalves


Loc;alit)' S - 1 5 of SimOes & Bandeira ( 1 969, [Fig.2] ) .

T1MBO 7 : UTt 8 824 6OON/727 050E. Topographical map sheet:

Tabua de eima

(Taboa de Cima; R i o Braneo)



arta: Well I - TC - I -SE (Richler & Simo.:s 1975, sheel

Cima 3

se.24-Z-B-V japaraluba. Geological map sheet: se.24-ZB-V-l


Exposure on N side of road. Altitude ca. 30 m


Hard, coquinoid, bioturbaled, grey Iime.tonM

TIMBO 8 : UTM 8 824 700N/727 55QE. Topographical map ,hect

SC.24-Z-B-V japaraluba. Geological map sheel: SC.24-ZB-V-1


TABUA DE C I M A I: UT1 8 798 95ON!691 05OE. Topographical

EKposure in track on small elevalion. Allilude ca. 5 m

Kcsp: Hard, quartziferou., dolomitic, light brown limes tones

RtftrtllCt : Loc;alilY S - 1 8 ofSim&:s & Bandeira ( 1 969, [Fig. 2 ] )

Loose material on hillside faring E. Altitude ca. 60 m .


Slickensided, brown-grey limMtones

TABUA D E CIMA 2: UT:\t 8 799 2ooN/690 700E. Topographical

map shee!: SC.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Geological map sheel: SC.24-Z
B-IV-3 Itaporanga d'Ajuda

Expo5Ure on hillside facing S E . Altilude ca. 55 m


Hard, red-brown Laranjeiras JimesIOneS. flaggy, locally


.Iichnsided, Cream Pindoba limestons as IDO.e material.


TABUA DE CIMA 3 : UTM 8 798 5OON/690 1 50E. Topographical

IY-4 Aracaju.

B-IV-3 Itaporanga d'Ajuda

Altilude ca. 30 m

map sheel: SC.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Geological map sheet: SC.24-Z

Section on hiliside facing N . Altilude ca. 50-70 m.
Slickensided, light grey limestones.

TABUA D E CIMA 4: UTM 8 798 850N/690 75OE. Topographical

B-IY-3 Itaporanga d'Ajuda

Crum and whilish limestonn, localJy wilh chert horiwns

SC.24-Z-B-V japaratuba. Geological map sheel: SC.24-Z-BY-I

TABUA DE BAIXO 3: UTM 8 798 4:.0N/692 6OOE. Topographi

IV-4 Aracaju.

Quarry on hillside facing \V . Altitude ca. 15 m

Iht area:

100 m r\ ofTimoo 4. O LocaJity S 1 6 0f Sim&:. &. Bandeira ( 1 969,

brown, dolomitic(?) limes tones.

Section on hillside facing S\\'. Altitude ca. 4{1-5O m

SOCORRO 1 6 : UTM 8 800 250N1703 75OE. Topographical map



ques 1965, Fig. 5; Ranmun 1966:79; Fcrnandes 1967, Fig. 6) is ca

SC.24-Z-B-V japaratuba. Geological map sheel: se.H-Z-B Y - l

TABUA D E BAIXO 2: UTM 8 798 25ON/692 950E. Topographi


shecl: se.2.... Z-B-IY Aracaju. Geological map .heel: se.24-Z-B


[Fig. 2]) is hl:tween Timoo 5 and 7.

Loose malerial on hillside facing SW. Allitude ca. 45 m


B-IV-3 Itaporanga d'Ajuda.

ca. l O m

(; ConseJho Nacional do Pelroleo 1948a, Fig. 1 2 ) ,

O'Gara & M O l a ( i n ConseJho Nacional do Petroleo 1949, F i g . 9 ) ,

,lTta: "Engenho Taboa de Baixo" of A. G. Duarte

map sheet: SC.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Geological map sheet: SC.H-Z

stones. Friable, cream Laranjeiras limestOnM with abundant small

This weJl is erroneously(?) designated ITATlG4 by Campbell,

( 1 938:45).

SC.24-Z-B-IV-3 Itaporanga d'Ajuda) is ca. 2.5 km S of Tabua de

Variably induraled, ydlow-grey Pindoba limestones

provided by F. C . Ponle, Petrobras, Salvador, BA). O Well 1t-3, or

Guedes & Silva

RtftTt"IlCt l Iht


shecl SC.24-Z-B-IV-4 Aracaju) is Ca. 300 m N W of Socorro 10

i" Rosa 1967, Fig. 8; Richter &. Sim&:s 1 975,

Tabua de Baixo


Se<;:tion on N side of railway, immediatdy I:: of bridge. Altitucle

Fig. 6 ; Bender


Quarry facing S. Alfilude ca. 20-35 m.

Section On W side of railway. Altitude ca. 1.'1 m

Fernandes 1967, Fig. I ) , and Fernandes ( 1 967, Fig. 9) (coordinales

SC.24-Z-B-IV-4 Aracaju) is ca. 400 m N E of Socorro .')

IV_4 Aracaju

"Cofinguiba I l " ofCampos & Campos

sheet: Se.H-ZB-IV Aracaju. Geological map sheet: SC.24-Z-B

!htt!: SC.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Geological map sheel: se.24-Z-B

O Localities B6 and B7 of

(in Marques 1965, Fig.

Petrobras, Salvador, BA).

" . . . der Typus-Lokalitiit

T I B U R C I O I: UTM 8 750 95ON/676 3OOE. Topographical map


TABOCAS 2: UTM 8 798 6OON1702 35OE. Topographical map

Exposure on SE side of road. Ahitud ca. 45 m.

SOCORRO 1 5 : U T i\ ! 8 800 350/>;/703 6 5 0 E . Topographical map

ITATIG-3 (Bender

Shallow quarry a t edge of mangroves. Ahitude ca. O m

Hard, grey and brownish Laranjeiras limestones.

SC.24-Z-B-IV-4 Aracaju

Duply weathered, powdery, cream limestones

ofCampos & Campos ( 1 976: 1 96 ) .

I), Henao Londoiio (i" Rassmusl

a ludesle [ ,. sudoesle) do rio Vaza

" of Schalier ( 1 970:.'15, 69) refer 10 the Estancia area,


Quarry On hilbide facing NE. Altitude ca. 30-35 m

cal map shttt:

Petroleo 1949, Fig. 9 ) , 1agalhaes ( 1 952, map) , Henao Londono

( 1 9.'>8, maps [ 1 959: 1 .'I ] ) , [Hcnao LondoilOJ

IV-4 Aracaju

Exposure in small gully, on hillside facing SE. Altitude ca. 45 m.

SOCORRO 9: UT!\.! 8 800 35ON/705 05OE. Topographical map

(i Rosa 1967, Fig. 8) and It-3

(or ITATIG-3) by Camphl:lJ, Guedes & Silva (i Conselho Nacional
do Ptroleo 194aa, Fig. 12), Campbell (in Consdho Nacional do
Petroleo 1948a, Fig. 1 3 ) , O'Gara &. Mota

sheet: SC.H-Z-B-IY Aracaju. Geological map shttl: se.24-Z-B

cal map sheet:

SOCORRO 1 2 : UTM 8 799 800N!7Q4 3001:: . Topographical map

UTM 8 797 700N/702 45OE. Topographical map

SC.24-Z-B-IV-4 Aracaju

Hard, dayey, grey limestones

shttl: se.2.... Z-B-IV .'\racaju. Geological map shttt: SC.24-Z-B


Iht arta:


SOCORRO 8: UTM 8 800 25ONI704 950E. Topographical map

shttt: se.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Geological map sheet; SC.24-Z-B



O "

" and " . . Plataforma de Estncia, a SW do rio Vaza

"regiiio de ESlncia" of K . Beurlen ( 1 9 7 1 a:94).

lV-4 Aracaju

shttl: SC.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Geological map sheet: SC.H-Z-B

Sections on both sides of road. Altilude ca. 75 m


( 1 976:197) and "CP-33, Silio Tibureio" of Schaller ( 1 970:69) are

als liburcio-Schichlen bezeichne" of K . Beurlen ( 1 970:253).

TABUA D E BAIXO \: UTM 8 797 2OON/692 6OOE. Topographi

ca. 15-20 m.

Hard, grey and whitish Laranjeiras limeSIones.


" of Morai. Rego

( 1 933:50) probably rden lO th area of Tiburcio I and 2 O " Loe.

particularly the outcrops of liburcio.



il leste, 7 kilomelros de

(Taboa de Baixo; Rio Braneo)

SOCORRO 6: UTM 8 800 lOON/703 8OOE. Topographical map



Massive, grey and cream Laranjiras lime510nes and Ilaggy,

Seclion on N W side of rwd. Ahilude ca. 20 m.

Flaggy, locally slickensided, c r e a m Pindoba limeslones.



The quarry "

no .eu alluente Biriba .


Quarry on hillside facing W . Altilude ca. 15-20 m


cream limeSIOneS



Crcam Pindoba limMtones with dayey imercalalions

IV-4 Aracaju

Loose malerial on hillside facing W . Altilude ca. 65 m .


262 de Bender" (Brilo 1 9 6 7 : 7 2 ) , "Tihurcio" ofCampos & Campos

Barris .


sheet: SC.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Geological map shtt!: SC.24-Z-!!




Section on N W side of road. Ahilude Ca. 20 m

Loc;ally flaggy, !ilickensided, CTeam limeSIones


Rubbly, localJy hard, lighl grey and cream limesIones


" ofWanderley ( 1 938:48 and

49, respectively)

"N visinhilns de Estancia e Santa Luzia

Estancia . . . " of Sopper ( 1 9 1 4:38, photograph 32) is possibly in the

Tiburcio area.


IV-4 Aracaju

Exposure on hillside facing S . Altitudc Ca. 50 m


IV-4 Aracaju

Tiburcio I and/or 2 .


Friable, cream limestones with abundam small eoncrelions


SOCORRO 1 8 : UTM 8 799 7ooN/703 75OE. Topographical map

shttt: se.24-Z-B-IY Aracaju. Geological map sheet: SC.24-Z-B

the Tiburcio area.

SOCORRO 3 : UTM 8 800 lOONI704 OOOE. Topographical map

torled hl:dding and fauhing On W side of road

Exposure on hillside facing N . Altilude ca. 65 m


Branner ( 1 906:265-270 [ 1 9 1 5 : 348-35O]) probably refer in part to


IV4 Aracaju

shcel: SC.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Geological map sheet: se.24-Z-B


Hard, yel1ow-grey Laranjeiras limeSlonM with lDCaI cher!

la tJu dua;

sobre o rio Piauhy . . . " of Branner ( 1 906:259) and "Estancia" of

Hard, grey and light brown Laranjeiras limeSIones



Exposure on E side of pipeline dearing. Allitude ca. 20 m.

Se<;:tions on both sides ofrailway. Altitude ca. lO m.


IV_4 Aracaju.

8 803 550N!696 200E. Topographical map

IV-4 Aracaju.


Seclions on holh sides of road. Altitude ca. I:' m.

sheet: SC.24-Z-BIV Aracaju. Geological map sheet: SC.24-Z-B

Hard, ooquinoid, cream Laranjeiras limestone!i.

shttt: SC.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Geological map heet: SC.24-Z-B


IV-4 Aracaju.

SOCORRO 5: UTM 8 799 85QN/705 050E. Topographlcal map

Exposure in old road. Allilude ca. 75 m.


SOCORRO 2 : UTM 8 800 250N/703 9.'lOE. Topographical map

sheet: SC.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Geological map sheef: SC.24-Z-B

IV-4 Aracaju.


shttt: SC.2 .... Z-B-IV Aracaju. Geological map shttt: se.24-Z-B

IV-4 Aracaju.

SOCORRO 1 7 : UTM 8 800 looN/703 7ooE. Topographical map

shttt: se.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Geologica! map sheet: SC.24-Z-B
IV-4 Aracaju


Cream Pindoba limeSIOneS.

Kup: Msive, hard, yellow-grey Laranjeiras limeSIOneS.

Rlfermets: "Poueo alm da estaio . . . " and ' " . cruzamento

Hard, Iighl brown Laranjeiras limesIOnes.

sheel: SC.H-ZB-IV Aracaju. Geological map sheet: SC.H-Z-B


hillsidc facing 5W. Altilude ca. 10-20 m.

seclion. Altitude ca. 1 0 m.

Section on N side of rnad. Altitude ca, 60 m.


I: UTM 8 800 05Q/>;/7G4 2OOE. Topographical map

Se<:tion on N E side of road at bend and nposure above, on


Massive, friablc, grey Laranjciras limestonu w i t h abondant

inoceramid bivalvcs, ovcrlain by hard, CTeam lirnestonu



sheet: SC.2 .... Z-B-IV Aracaju. Geological map sheet: SC.24-Z-B

IV-4 Aracaju


shut: SC.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju. Gwlogical map shett: Se.24-Z-S


Appendix l: Locality data

map sheel: SC.2 .... Z-B-IV Aracaju. Geological map sheet: SC.24-Z
Exposures in shallow ditches in road. Ahitude ca. 6:' m .


Slickensided, cream l.aranjeiras limeSlones.


8 805 35ONI70245OE.


map '

Sheel: se.24-Z-B-IV Aracaju. GeoJogical map Sheel: SC.24-Z-B

Exposure on side of small hill facing SE, betwttn th IwO hills.


Massive, hard, light brown Laranjeiras limutones




8 805 1 50N!701 950E. Topographical map

shet: se.24-Z-B-IY Aracaju. Geological map sheel: SC.H-Z-B

IV--4 Aracaju

Exposure on hillside facing SE. Altilude ca. 20-30 m.


Limestone breccia. Cream Laranjeiras lime.tone. abovc as

IDOSe material, with abundam bivalves and echinoids


Peter Bengtson : Cenomanian- Coniacian of Sergipe

Index of localities



The index comprises localities designated by a spe

cific name or eode, as given in the locality descrip
tions (pp. 63-7 1 ) under the headi ngs " References lO
the area" and " References" . Alternative (ortho
graphie) forms are given in square braekets. Epi
thets like usina J fa?.enda, engenho, povoado, etc. are
omiued. For clarity, wells are noted after the eode .
Where a locality is mentioned in more t h a n two
publications, the wording "various authors" is
used. The entrics are arranged in num ber and letter
order, with numbers firsl. vVells are filed accord ing
to the first letter contained in the code ( a numbcr
designating the well ca tegory may precede this let
ter) .
1 / 1 9 ( Reyment & Tai t 1 9 72a) : Mucuri
1 /20 ( Reyment & Tait 1 9 72a) : Socorro
1 /23 (Reyment & Tait 1 9 72a) : Laranj eiras
1 /2 7 ( Reyment & Tait 1 972a) : Estiva
1 /28 ( Reyment & Tai t 1 9 72a) : I taporanga
1 /3 1 ( Reyment & Tait 1 9 72a) : Rita Caeete 4
2 / 1 9 ( Reyment & Tait 1 9 72a) : Oiteiro 28
2/20 ( Reyment & Tait 1 9 72a) : C aj aiba
2/2 1 ( Reyment & Tait 1 9 72a) : I taporanga
2/27 ( Reyment & Tai t 1 9 72a) : Estiva
2/28 ( Reyment & Tait 1 9 72a) : Laranj eiras
3/ 1 9 ( Reyment & Tait 1 9 72a) : Oiteiro, Retiro
3/20 ( Reyment & Tait 1 9 72a) : Jardim I
3/2 1 ( Reyment & Tait 1 9 72a) : Rita Caeete 4
3/26 ( Reyment & Tait 1 9 72a) : Jardim
3/27 ( Reyment & Tait 1 9 72a) : Pedra Branea 1 6
4 (Tibana 1 969) : Soeorro 7
4/23 ( Reyment & Tait 1 9 72a) : Pedro Gon,alves 3
5 ( Rosende & Gareez V. Filho 1 9 7 3 ) : Soeorro 7
5 (Tibana 1 969) : Pedra Branea 1 4
6 ( Resende & Garcez V . Filho 1 9 7 3 ) : Estiva 5
6 (Ti bana 1 969) : Pedra Branea 1 4
7 ( Resende & Garee7. V . Filho 1 9 7 3 ) : Estiva 7
7 (Ti bana 1 969) : Pedra Branea 1 0
8 ( Resende & Gareez V . Filho 1 9 7 3 ) : Pedra Branea
9 ( Resende & Garcez V . Filho 1 9 7 3 ) : Pedra Ilranea
1 3 (Tibana 1 969) : Oi teiro
1 4 (Ti bana 1 969) : Ribeira
1 5 (Tibana 1 969) : Aroeirinha
16 ( Marques 1 966) : Aroeiri nha
16 (Tibana 1 969) : Pati
22a ( Reymcnt & Tait 1 9 72a) : So Pedro
2 3 ( Marques 1 966) : Oi teiro 29
2 3 ( Reyment & Tai t 1 9 72a) : So Pedro
24 ( Reyment & Tait 1 9 72a) : Pati
26 ( Marques 1 966 ) : Oi teiro
29 -36 ( Reyment & Tait 1 9 72a) : Laranj eiras
30 ( Marques 1 966) : Ribeira 5
37 ( Marques 1 966) : Ribeira
75 ( Marques 1 966) : Aroeiri nha
Ambe (E. P. de Oliveira 1 940) : C u m be
Andorinhas ( Branner 1 890) : Pindoba
BI ( Petri 1 962) : Sapueari
B2 ( Petri 1 96 2 ) : C aj aiba
B3 ( Petri 1 962) : Caj aiba
B4 ( Petri 1 962 ) : C aj aiba
B5 ( Petri 1 962 ) : C aj aiba
B6 ( Petri 1 962) : Soeorro 1 2
B 7 ( Petri 1 962) : Socorro 1 2
B 8 ( Petri 1 962) : I taperoa, I taporanga
Boa Luz (various authors ) : Boa Luz
Bom Jardim ( Oliveira & Leonardos 1 943 ) : Jardim
Bom Jesus (various authors ) : Laranj eiras 1 6

( Petri
( Petri
( Petri
( Petri
( Pctri
( Petri
( Petri

1 96 2 ) :
1 962 ) :
1 962 ) :
1 962) :
1 962 ) :
1 962) :
1 962 ) :

Estiva 2
Madre de Deus 3
Alto Verde, M adre de Deus

C 8 ( Petri 1 962 ) : Japaratuba

C-39 (G. Beurlen 1 9 70; Sch aller 1 9 70) : I taporanga
Caes da lIha ( Branner 1 890) : IIhas
Cana Brava (Oliveira & Leonardos 1 943; G . Beurlen 1 970) : C anabrava, Cruzes
Casa da lIha ( Morais Rego 1 93 3 ) : Pedra Branea
Castelo ( Morais Rego 1 93 3 ) : Santa Luzia
Cedro (various authors ) : Bumburum
Cn- I [ I -CN- I -SE] , well (various authors ) : Caj aiba
Coqueiro (Oliveira & Brito 1 969) : Rita Cacetc
Cotinguiba (various authors ) : C aj aiba, Socorro
Cotinguiba 1 (Campos & C ampos 1 9 76) : Socorro
Cotinguiba Il ( C ampos & Campos 1 9 76) : Socorro
Cotinguiba I I I (Campos & Campos 1 9 76) : Oiteiro
Cotinguiba-Laranj eiras I (Campos & Campos
1 9 76) : Alto Verde, Madre de Deus
Cotinguiba-Laranj eiras Il (Campos & Campos
1 976) : Madre de Deus 3
C p- I [ I -CP- I -SE] , well (various authors ) : Santana
Cp-2 [CP-2-SE] , well (various authors ) : Santana
Cp-4 [CP-4-SE] , well (various authors ) : Santana
Cp-5 [CP-5-S E] , well (various authors ) : Jeric6
Cp-9, well (various authors ) : Timb6
Cp- I O [D] , well (various au thors ) : Jerie6
C p- I l , well (various authors ) : Cruzes 6
C p- 1 2 , well (various authors ) : Jardim
Cp- 1 9 , well ( Fernandes 1 967 ) : Japaratuba 1 0
Cp-23, well ( Fernandes 1 96 7 ) : Jardim 1 8
CP-33 (Schaller 1 9 70) : Tibiircio
CPX-4, well ( Fernandes 1 96 7 ; Bandeira 1 9 78) : Bo
Cruzes ( Oliveira & Brito 1 969) : C ruzes
Cumbe (various authors ) : Cumbe
Estancia (various authors) : Tiburcio
1'-274 (G. Beurlen 1 9 70; Schaller 1 9 70) : Mucuri
Fabriea de Cimento Portland de Sergipe (G. Beur
len 1 970) : Oiteiro
Fonte Grande (A. G. Duane 1 936; Wanderley
1 938) : Santa Cruz
Gamb6a Grande (Wanderley 1 938) : Pilar
Ganguarari (various authors ) : Santa Luzia
GB-9 (G. Bcurlen 1 9 70) : C aj aiba
1- 1 3 (G. Beurlen 1 9 70) : Rita Caeete
1 - 1 4 (G. Beurlen 1 9 70) : Rita Cacete
l b- I [ I BASA- I , 9-IB- I -SE] , well (various authors ) :
I b-2 [ I BASA-2 , 9-IB-2-SE] , well (various authors ) :
C aj aiba
I b-4, well ( Bender in Rosa 1 96 7 ; Riehter & SimDes
1 9 7 5 ) : Socorro
I b-5 [9- I B-5-SE] , well ( Bender in Rosa 1 96 7 ; Rieh
ter & Simoes 1 9 7 5 ) : C aj aiba
I bura ( Morais Rego 1 93 3 ; Campos & C ampos
1 976) : Estiva, Estiva 2
1 - IT-2, well ( Riehter & Simoes 1 9 7 5 ) : Socorro
I t-3 [ I TAT I G- 3 , I - IT-3 ] , well (various authors ) :
I t-4 [ I TATIG-4, 1 - 11'-4] , wcll (various authors ) :
C aj aiba, Socorro
I -IT-7-SE, well ( Riehter & Simoes 1 9 7 5 ) : Madre
de Deus
I t aj aiba (Cordeiro 1 94 1 ) : C aj aiba
l taporanga (various authors) : I taperoa, I taporanga
Japaratuba (various au thors ) : Japaratuba
Jiqui Uiquy, Jequi] (various authors ) : C aj aiba, Ca
j aiba 3
Km 5 (Tibana 1 9 7 3 ) : Socorro 7
Km 7 , 5 (Ti bana 1 9 7 3 ) : Estiva 7
Km 1 1 ,5 (Tibana 1 9 7 3 ) : Pedra Branea 1 7
K m 1 2 , 2 (Tibana 1 9 7 3 ) : Pedra Branea 1 0
k m 7 7 ( Reyment & Tai t 1 9 72a) : Pedra Branea 1 6
km. 44 1 ,500 (Wanderley 1 938) : Socorro 1 4
k m 44 1 , 700 (Wanderley 1 938; M . E . C . M . Santos
1 962, 1 963) : Soeorro 1 4
k m 444,500 ( M . E . C . M . San tos 1 963 ) : Socorro 1 4
Laranj eiras (various authors ) : Alto Verde I , Boa
Sorte, Laranjeiras, M achado, Pedra Furada


Laranj eiras S u l (Campos & Campos 1 976) : Ribeira

Laranj eiras " (Campos & Campos 1 9 76) : Laran
j eiras, M achado
Las tro (various authors ) : Praia
"Ioc. n.o 245, de Bender" (Schaller 1 9 70) : Rita
" Loe. 262 de Bender" ( B ri to 1 96 7 ) : Tibiireio
Ls- I -SE, well ( Fernandes 1 96 7 ) : Madre de Deus
Madre de Deus [Madre-Deus] (various authors ) :
Madre d e Deus, Retiro
Marca,o (Campos & Campos 1 9 76) : General
Maruim ( B ranner 1 906) : Laranj eiras 1 6
Maruim Nordeste ( Campos & Campos 1 97 6 ) : Pe
dro Gon,alves
Mucuri (G. Beurlen 1 970; Schaller 1 9 70) : M ucuri
Nequinho [Nequim) (various authors ) : Praia
I -N I- I -S E , well (various au thors ) : I taperoa
Nossa Senhora do Socorro (various au thors ) : So
corro , Socorro l 4
Oiteiro Galante [Outeiro Galante] ( Branner 1 890;
Morais Rego 1 93 3 ) : Santa Cruz
Pedra Furada [Pedra Funda] (various authors ) :
Pedra Furada 2
Pilar (various authors ) : Pilar
Pindoba (Alvim 1 9 20; Campbell in Conselho Na
cional do Petr61eo 1 948a) : Pindoba
Plataforma de Estncia (Sch aller 1 9 70) : Ti biireio
Porto da Rede [Porto das Redes} (various au thors ) :
Canto do Negro
Porto Grande (various authors ) : Estiva
Praia ( Bourdot Dutra 1 924) : Praia
Qui,am (K. Beurlen 1 9 7 1 b ) : M ueuri
Quitale [Quiale] (various authors ) : Laranj eiras
RC- I [ 1 -RCst- I -S E , 2-RC- I -S E ] , well (various
authors ) : Pedro Gon,alves
Retiro (Denis in Erichsen & Amarai 1 958) : Retiro
Ribeira [Ribeiro] (various authors ) : Ribeira
Rita Cacete (Schaller 1 9 70; Reyment & Tait
1 972a) : Rita Cacete, Rita Cacete 4
Rua da Palha (Wanderley 1 938) : Laranj eiras
Rua Tamandary (A. G . Duarte 1 938) : Alto Verde I
S-4 (Sirnoes & Bandeira 1 969; G. Beurlen 1 9 70) :
Jardim I
S-6 (Simoes & Bandeira 1 969) : Jardim
S-7 (Simoes & Bandeira 1 969) : Jardim
S- I I ( SimDes & Bandeira 1 969 ) : Jardim 4
S- 1 2 (Si moes & Bandeira 1 969) : Jardim 2
S- 1 3 ( Sirnoes & Bandeira 1 969 ) : Jardim
S- 1 5 ( SimDes & Bandeira 1 969 ) : Timb6 6
S- 1 6 ( Sirnoes & Bandeira 1 969) : Timb6
S- 1 8 ( Simoes & Bandeira 1 969 ) : Timb6 8
S- 1 9 ( SimDes & Bandeira 1 969) : Jardim
S-3 1 ( Bandeira 1 9 78) : C ruzes
S-59 (Si moes & Bandeira 1 969) : Buenos Aires
S-60 ( Sirnoes & Bandeira 1 969 ) : Buenos Aires
S-62 ( Simoes & Bandeira 1 969 ) : Salobro 4
S-63 (SimDes & Bandeira 1 969) : Salobro
S-64 ( Sirnoes & Bandeira 1 969) : Salobro I
S-66 (Si moes & Bandeira 1 969; Bandeira 1 9 78) : Gon,alves
S-68 (Si moes & Bandeira 1 969) : Pedro Gon,alves
S-69 ( Sirnoes & Bandeira 1 969) : Pedro Gon,alves 4
S-70 ( G . Beurlen 1 970) : Pedro Gon,alves 3
S-70/ 7 1 (Sirnoes & Bandeira 1 969) : Pedro Gon,alves I , Pedro Gon,alves 3
S-72 ( SimDes & Bandeira 1 969) : Lajes
S-75 ( Simoes & Bandeira 1 969 ) : Maraeuj a
S-79 ( Sirnoes & Bandeira 1 969) : Caraibas 3
S-80 (SimDes & Bandeira 1 969) : Boticario I
S-8 1 ( SimDes & Bandeira 1 969) : Boticario 2
S- 1 73 ( SimDes & Bandeira 1 969) : Canabrava
S- 1 73 D ( I ) ( Bandeira 1 9 7 8 ) : Canabrava I
S- I 74 ( Sirnoes & Bandeira 1 969) : Canabrava
S- 1 76 ( SimDes & Bandeira 1 969) : Lombada 7
S- 1 83 ( Sirnoes & Bandeira 1 969) : Praia 7
S- 1 84 ( SimDes & Bandeira 1 969) : Praia
S- 1 86 ( Sirnoes & Bandeira 1 969) : Praia


S- 1 90D (Bandeira 1 978) : Praia

S- 1 9 1 ( Simoes & Bandeira 1 969) : Praia
S- 1 92 (Simoes & Bandeira 1 969) : Praia
S- I 96 (Simoes & Bandeira 1 969) : Canabrava 4
S- 1 99 (Simoes & Bandeira 1 969) : Lombada I
S-22 1 (Simoes & Bandeira 1 969) : Lombada 3
S-232 ( Simoes & Bandeira 1 969) : Caieira 9
S-234 (Simoes & Bandeira 1 969) : Caieira
S-236 (Simoes & Bandeira 1 969) : Caieira 3
S-29 1 (Simoes & Bandeira 1 969) : General Maynard
Salinas (Wanderley 1 938) : Praia
Sanhara [Sahnara, Sahara) (various authors ) : Pin
Santa Luzia (various authors ) : Santa Luzia
Sao Cristovao [S. Cristovam) (Morais Rego 1 933;
Reyment & Tait 1 9 72a) : Rita Cacete, Rita Ca
cete 4
So Gon,alo [S. Gonplo) (various authors ) : Porto
da Cruz
Sao Pedro (A. G. Duarte 1 938) : So Pedro
Sapucari [Sapucahy, Sapucai, Sapucary, Sapucari)
(various authors) : Sapucari I

Appendix 1: Localily data

Sapucari - Laranjeiras ( Roxo 1 938) : Sapucari I

Sau ara [Suara, Suara} (various authors ) : Pindoba
Sergipe (K. Beurlen 1 96 1 bl : Sergipe
Sjst- I -SE [2-Sj- I -SE) , well (various authors) : jar
Socorro (various authors ) : Cajaiba, Socorro
Taboa de Baixo (A. G. Duarte 1 938) : Tabua de
Tabua (G. Beurlen 1 970; Schaller 1 970) : Caj aiba
I -TC- I -SE, well (Richter & Simoes 1 975) : Tabua
de Cima
Tiburcio (various authors) : Tiburcio, Tiburcio 2
Tiririca (Morais Rego 1 933; Cordeiro 1 94 1 ) : Praia
US- I [ I -US- I -SE] , well (various authors ) : Boa Luz
I -VF-3-SE, weU ( Richter & Simoes 1 975): Lom
I -VF-6-SE, weU (Richter & Si moes 1 975) : Cana


Y- I (Simoes & Bandeira 1 969) : Santana

Y-2 (Sim6es & Bandeira 1 969) : Bolandeira
Y-3 (Simoes & Bandeira 1 969) : Santana I
Y-4 (Simoes & Bandeira 1 969) : Santana 2
Y- 1 6 ( Sim6es & Bandeira 1 969) : Laj es I
Y-23 (Sirnoes & Bandeira 1 969) : Santana
Y-58 (Simoes & Bandeira 1 969) : Santana
Y- 1 53 (Sirnoes & Bandeira 1 969) : Praia 3
Y- 1 54 ( Sirnoes & Bandeira 1 969).: Praia 2
Y- 1 56 ( Sirnoes & Bandeira 1 969) : Caieira 1 4
Y-227 (Sirnoes & Bandeira 1 969) : Lombada 1 4
Y-228 (Sirnoes & Bandeira 1 969) : Lombada
Y-445 (Bandeira 1 978) : Santa Cruz
Y-482 (G. Beurlen 1 970; SchaUer 1 970): Alto Verde
y -484 (Sch aller 1 970) : Recreio I
Y-497 (Bandeira 1 978) : Boa Luz
Y-505 ( Bandeira 1 978) : Pedra Furada 6
Y-547 (G. Beurlen 1 970; Schaller 1 970) : Mucuri


FOSSILS AND STRATA 1 2 ( 1 983 )

Peter Bengtson: Cenomanian- Coniacian of Sergipe

Appendix 2 . Biostratigraphical locality index

The 604 localities of Appendix l are grouped in alphabetical
order under the various ammonite subdivisions, as defined
on pp. 44-47. For each locality, the primary means of dating
is given as follows : a = ammonites , i = inoceramids , b = non-

Albian, undifferentiated
Cruzes 1 6 : pas (or undiff. Cenomanian)
Lombada 7 : pos or undifT. C enomanian)
Pati 4: mf (or undifT. Cenomanian)
Pedra Branea 9 : pos (or undifT. Cenomanian)
Pedra Branea 10: pos (or undifT. Cenomanian)
Praia 9: o (and undifT. Cenomanian)
Santana l : L (or undifT. Cenomanian)
Santana 2 : l (or undifT. C enomanian)

inoceramid bivalves, mf = microfacies analysis, 1 = macro

scopic, lithological analogy with nearby ammonite-dated
localities , pos = geographical and inferred stratigraphical

?Santa Luzia l : pos

?Santa Luzia 2: pos
Santana l : L (or undiff. Albian)
Santana 2 : L (or undifT. Albian)
Santana 3 : pos (or undifT. Turanian)
Sergipe 10: mf
Timb6 1 : pos
Timb6 2: pos
Timb6 3: mf
Timb6 6: mf


Cenomanian, undiJferentiated
Aroeirinha 2: mf
Aroeirinha 5 : mf
Boa Sorte l : mf
Boa Sorte 6: pos (or Turonion 1)
Boa Sorte 9 : mf
Canabrava l : rnf
?Canabrava 2: pos
?C anabrava 4: pos (or undifT. Turanian)
?C araibas 6: pos (or undifT. Turanian)
?Caraibas 7 : pos (or undifT. Turanian)
Cruzes 4: mf
C ruzes 1 6 : pos (or undifT. Albian)
I taperoa 3 : mf
Japaratuba 1 3 : mf
Jardim 4: mf
?Jardim 1 2 : mf
?Jardim 1 3 : pos
?Jardim 1 4: pos
Jardim 1 5 : mf
Jardim 1 7 : mf
Jardim 25: mf
Jardim 26: mf
Jardim 28: mf
?Jeric6 l : pos
?Jeric6 2: pos
?.J eric6 7: pos
?Jeric6 8: pos
Laranj eiras 6: mf
Lombada 7 : pos (or undiff. Albian)
M agalhaes l : pos
Magalhaes 4: mf
Magalhaes 5 : mf
Pati 2: mf
Pati 4: mf (or undifT. Albian)
Pedra Branea 3: mf
Pedra Branea 4: mf
Pedra Branea 5 : mf
Pedra Branea 6: mf
Pedra Branea 9: pos (or undifT. Albian)
Pedra Branea 1 0 : pos (or undifT. Albian)
?Pedra Branea I l : mf
?Pedra Branea 1 2 : mf
Pedreiras l : mf
Pedreiras 2 : mf
?Porto da C ruz 2 : pos
Pra;a 2: mf
Praia 9: a ( and undifT. Al bi an )

I taperoa 2: mf
I taporanga l : mf
I taporanga 2 : o
I taporanga 3 : o
I taporanga 4: o
Praia 4: mf
?Sergipe I l : o

Cenomanian 2

Cruzes l : l
Cruzes 2 : l
Cruzes 5: l
?Cruzes 1 0 :
Cruzes 1 2 : o
Cruzes 1 4: a
Cruzes 1 5 : a
Magalhaes 2: a
Magalhaes 3 : o
Magalhes 6: o
Mosquito 1 : o
Praia 3: b (or Cenomonian 3, or Cenomanion 4)

Cenomanian 3

?Biriba l : mf
Caraibas l : o
?Cruzes 3: o
Cruzes 6: o
C ruzes 7: l
Cruzes 8: l
?Cruzes 9: l
Cruzes I l : o
Cruzes 1 3 : l
?Japaratuba 1 0: a
Jardim 3 : mf (or Cenomonion 4)
?Jardim 7: l
Jardim 8: pos (or Cenomonion 4)
Jardim 9: o
Jardim 1 0 : o
Jardim I l : pos (or Cenomonion 4)
Jardim 1 9 : o ( and Cenomanion 4)
Jardim 22: a ( and Cenomanian 4)
Jardim 24: o

Jeric6 3 : L
J eric6 4: L
Jeric6 5: pos (or Cenomanian 4)
Jeric6 6: l
Laranj eiras 5: i (or Cenomanion 4)
Olho-d'Agua 1 : mf (or Cenomanion 4)
Pedra Branea 1 3 : a
Pedra Branea 1 4: a
?Porto da C ruz l : mf
Praia 3 : b (or Cenomanian 2, or Cenomanion 4)
Praia 8 : o
?Tibiircio l : mf
Tibiircio 2 : o
Timb6 8: pos (or Cenomonian 4)

Cenomanian 4

?Cumbe 5: mf
?Cumbe 6: mf
Cumbe 7 : a
Japaratuba 1 2 : o
Japaratuba 1 4 : o
Jardim l : a
Jardim 3 : mf (or Cenomonian 3)
Jardim 5: o
Jardim 6: a
Jardim 8: pos (or Cenomonion 3)
Jardim I l : pos (or Cenomanion 3)
Jardim 1 6 : a
Jardim 1 8 : a
Jardim 1 9 : a ( and Cenomonian 3)
Jardim 2 1 : a
Jardim 2 2 : o ( and Cenomanian 3)
Jeric6 5: pos (or Cenomanian 3)
Laranj eiras 5: i (or Cenomanian 3)
Magalhes 8: a (? and Turonion 1)
Olho-d'Agua l : mf (or Cenomonion 3)
Praia 3: b (or Cenomonion 2, or Cenomanian 3)
Timb6 4: o
Timb6 5: a
?Timb6 7 : l
Timb6 8: pos (or Cenomanian 3)

Turonian, undif.ferentiated
?Canabrava 4: pos (or undiff. Cenomanian)
?Caraibas 6: pos (or undifT. Cenomanian)
?Caraibas 7 : pos (or undifT. Cenomanian)
?Maracuj a l : pos
? Maracuj a 2: pos
?Maracuj ii 3: pos
Santana 3: pos (or undifT. Cenomanian)

Turonian l

Aroeirinha 3 : mf (or Turonion 2)

Aroeirinha 4: mf (or Turonion 2)

FOSS I LS AND STRATA 1 2 ( 1 98 3 )

B o a Sorte 2 : mf
Boa Sorte 3 : mf
Boa Sorte 4: mf
Boa Sorte 5 : a
Boa Sorte 6: pos (or undiff. Cenomanian)
Boa Sorte 7: b
Boa Sorte 8: mf
Boa Sorte 1 0 : mf
Boa Sorte I l : a
Boa Sorte 1 2 : mf (or Turonian 2)
Boa Sorte 1 3 : mf
Boa Sorte 1 4 : a
?Bolandeira l : mf (or Turonian 2)
Caieira 1 9 : mf (or Turonian 2)
C ampinho l : mf (or Turonian 2)
C anabrava 3 : pos (or Turonian 2)
C anabrava 5: mf (or Turonian 2)
Canabrava 6: a (or Turonian 2)
C araibas 2: mf (or Turonian 2)
C araibas 3: mf (or Turonian 2)
C araibas 5: mf (or Turonian 2)
C ruzes 1 7 : a ( and Turonian 2)
Cumbe l : mf (or Turonian 2)
C umbe 2: pos (or Turonian 2)
Cumbe 3: mf (or Turonian 2)
C umbe 4: mf (or Turonian 2)
Cumbe 8: mf (or Turonian 2)
General M aynard l : i (or Turonian 2)
General Maynard 3 : mf (or Turonian 2)
I tape roa l : mf (or Turonian 2)
Japaratuba l : l
Japaratuba 2 : pos
?Japaratuba 3 : pos
Japaratuba 4: a
Japaratuba 5: l
Japaratuba 6: a
Japaratuba 7: l
Japaratuba 8: l
Japaratuba 9: pos
Japaratuba I l : a ( and Turonian 2)
Jardim 20: a
?Jardim 2 3 : a
Jardim 2 7 : a
Laranj eiras l : mf
Laranj eiras 2 : mf
Laranj eiras 3 : a
Laranj eiras 4: a
?Laranj eiras 7 : pos
Laranj eiras 8: a (or Turonian 2)
L aranj eiras I l : i (or Turonian 2)
L aranj eiras 1 2 : i (or Turonian 2)
Laranj eiras 1 4 : a
Laranj eiras 1 5 : a
Laranj eiras 1 6 : a
Laranj eiras 1 7 : a
Laranj eiras 1 8 : a
Laranj eiras 1 9 : mf (or Turonian 2)
Laranj eiras 20: i (or Turonian 2)
Laranj eiras 26: mf
Lombada 4 : mf (or Turonian 2)
Lombada 5: mf (or Turonian 2)
Lombada 6: mf (or Turonian 2)
Lombada 8: i (or Turonian 2)
Machado 9: a
Machado I l : mf (or Turonian 2)
Machado 1 2 : mf (or Turonian 2)
?Magalhaes 8: a ( and Cenomanian 4)
Mom baa l : mf (or Turoniall 2)
Pa ti l : mf (or Turonian 2)
Pati 3: mf (or Turonian 2)
Pedra Branea 2: mf
Pedra Branea 7 : mf (or Turonian 2)
Pedra Branea 1 5 : mf (or Turonian 2)
Praia l : mf (or Turonian 2)

Appendix 2: Biostratigraphical locality index

Praia 5: mf (or Turonian 2)

Praia 6: mf (or Turonian 2)
Praia 7: mf (or Turonian 2)
Rita C acete l : mf (or Turonian 2)
Rita C acete 2: mf (or Turonian 2)
Ri ta Cacete 4: a (and Turonian 2)
Rita C acete 5: a
Rita C acete 6: mf (or Turonian 2)
Sergipe l : a
Sergipe 2 : a
Sergipe 3 : i (or Turonian 2)
Sergipe 4: mf (or Turonian 2)
Sergipe 5: a
Sergipe 6: pos
Sergipe 7 : mf
Sergipe 8 : pos
Sergipe 9: a
Sergipe 1 2 : mf (or Turonian 2)
Sergipe 1 3 : mf

Turonian 2

Alto Verde l : mf
Alto Verde 2 : mf
Alto Verde 3 : mf
Alto Verde 4: i
Alto Verde 5: a
Aroeirinha l : a
Aroeirinha 3 : mf (or Turonian 1)
Aroeirinha 4: mf (or Turonian 1)
Balde l : mf
Balde 2 : mf
Balde 3 : a
Boa Luz l : i
Boa Luz 2: mf
Boa Luz 3 : mf
Boa Luz 4: mf
Boa Luz 5 : a
Boa Luz 6: mf
Boa Luz 7 : mf
Boa Luz 8 : mf
Boa Luz 9 : a
Boa Luz 1 0 : mf
Boa Luz I l : a
Boa Luz 1 2 : a
Boa Sorte 1 2 : mf (or Turonian 1)
?Bolandeira l: mf (or Turonian 1)
Boticario l : mf
Boticario 2 : mf
Boticario 3 : pos
Boticario 4: mf
Buenos Aires l : a
Buenos Aires 2 : mf
Buenos Aires 3 : mf
Bumburum l : a
Bumburum 2 : a
Bumburum 3 : a
Bumburum 4: a
Bumburum 5: a
Bumburum 6: a
Bumburum 7: mf
Caieira 2 : pos
C aieira 3: mf
Caieira 4: i
Caieira 5: mf
Caieira 6 : mf
Caieira 7 : mf
Caieira 8 : mf
Caieira 9 : pos
C aieira 1 0 : mf
Caieira I l : mf
Caieira 1 2 : mf

Caieira 1 3 : mf
C aieira 1 4: mf
C aieira 1 5 : mf
?Caieira 1 6 : a
?Caieira 1 7: a
Caieira 1 8 : pos
C aieira 1 9 : mf (or Turonian 1)
Campinho l : mf (or Turonian 1)
C anabrava 3 : pos (or Turonian 1)
C anabrava 5 : mf (or Turonian 1)
C anabrava 6 : a (or Turonian 1 )
Canto do Negro l : pos
Caraibas 2: mf (or Turonian 1)
C araibas 3: mf (or Turonian 1)
C araibas 4: a
C araibas 5: mf (or Turonian 1 )
C ruzes 1 7 : a ( and Turonian 1)
Cumbe l : mf (or Turonian 1 )
C u m b e 2 : pos (or Turonian 1 )
C u m b c 3 : mf ( o r Turonian 1 )
C u m b e 4: mf (or Turonian 1 )
Cumbc 8 : mf ( o r Turonian 1 )
General Maynard l : i (or Turonian 1)
General M aynard 2 : a
General M aynard 3 : mf (or Turonian 1)
I taperoa l : mf (or Turonian 1)
I taperoa 4 : a
Japaratuba I l : a ( and Turonian 1 )
Japaratuba 1 5 : a
Jardim 2 : a
Lajes 2 : mf
Lajes 3 : mf
Laranj eiras 8 : a (or Turonian 1)
Laranj eiras 9 : mf
Laranj eiras 1 0 : a
Laranj eiras I l : i (or Turonian 1)
Laranj eiras 1 2 : i (or Turonian 1)
Laranj eiras 1 3 : a
Laranj eiras 1 9 : mf (or Turonian 1)
Laranj eiras 20: i (or Turonian 1)
Laranj eiras 2 l : a
Laranj eiras 22: a
Laranj eiras 2 3 : mf
Laranj eiras 24: pos
Laranj eiras 2 5 : mf
Lombada l : a
Lombada 2 : a
Lombada 3 : a
Lombada 4: mf (or Turonian 1)
Lombada 5 : mf (or Turonian 1 )
Lombada 6 : mf (or Turonian 1)
Lombada 8 : i (or Turonian 1 )
Lombada 9 : a
Lombada 1 0 : a
Lombada I l : a
Lombada 1 2 : a
Lombada 1 3 : mf
Lombada 1 4: mf
Lombada 1 5 : mf
Machado l : a
Machado 2 : a
Machado 3 : a
Machado 4: a
Machado 5: mf
Machado 6 : a
Machado 7: a
Machado 8: mf
?Machado 1 0 : a
Machado I l : mf (or Turonian 1)
Machado 12: mf (or Turonian 1)
M achado 1 3 : a
Machado 1 4 : pos
Madre de Deus l : mf
Madre de Deus 2 : a



Peter Bengtson: Cenomanian- Coniacian of Sergipe

Madre de Deus 3: i
Madre de Deus 4: i
Madre de Deus 5: mf
Madre de Deus 6 : pos
Madre de Deus 7: pos
Madre de Deus 8: pos
Madre de Deus 9: pos
?Magalhaes 7: a
Maracuja 4: pos
Maracuja 5: a
Mombaa l : mf (or Turonian I)
Mundo Novo l: a
Mundo Novo 2 : mf
Mundo Novo 3 : mf
Mundo Novo 4 : pos
Muuca l : a
Muuca 2: a
Muuca 3 : a
Muuca 4: a
Muuca 5: a
Muuca 6: a
Muuca 7: a
Muuca 8: mf
Pati l : mf (or Turonian 1)
Pati 3 : mf (or Turonian 1)
Pedra Branca l : a
Pedra Branca 7: mf (or Turonian 1 )
Pedra Branca 8 : a
Pedra Branca 1 5 : mf (or Turonian l)
Pedra Branca 1 6 : a
Pedra Branca 1 7 : a
Pedra Furada l : mf
Pedra Furada 2 : mf
Pedra Furada 3 : a
Pedra Furada 4: a
Pedra Furada 5: a
Pedra Furada 6: pos
Pedra Furada 7: mf
Pedra Furada 8 : mf
Pedra Furada 9: a
Pedra Furada 1 0 : mf
Pedra Furada I l : a
Pedra Furada 1 2 : a
Pedra Furada 1 3 : a
Pedra Furada 1 4: a
Pedra Furada 1 5 : a
Pedra Furada 1 6 : a
Pedra Furada 1 7 : a
Pedra Furada 1 8 : mf
Pedra Furada 1 9 : mf
Pedro Gonalves l : a
Pedro Gonalves 2: mf
Pedro Gonalves 3 : a
Pedro Gonalves 4: a
Pedro Gon<;:alves 5: a
Pilar l : a
Pilar 2: pos (or Turonian 3)
Pindoba l : mf
Pindoba 2 : a
Pindoba 3: mf
Pindoba 4: a
Pindoba 5: a
Pindoba 6: mf
Pindoba 7 : mf
Praia l : mf (or Turonian J)
Praia 5 : mf (or Turonian 1)
Praia 6 : mf (or Turonian 1 )
Praia 7 : mf (or Turonian 1 )
Recreio l : a
Recreio 2: a
Recreio 3 : mf
Retiro l : i
Retiro 2: mf
Retiro 3 : a

Retiro 4: a
Retiro 5: i
Retiro 6: a
Retiro 7 : i
Retiro 8: a
Retiro 9: i
Retiro 1 0 : a
Retiro I l : mf
Retiro 1 2 : a
Retiro 1 3 : mf
Retiro 1 4: mf
Retiro 1 5 : a
Retiro 1 6 : a
Retiro 1 7 : a
Retiro 1 8 : mf
Retiro 1 9 : a
Retiro 20: pos
Retiro 2 1 : a
?Ribeira l : pos
Ribeira 2: mf
Ribeira 3: i
Ribeira 4: mf
Ribeira 5 : mf
Ribeira 6: a
Ribeira 7: a
Ribeira 8: mf
Ribeira 9: mf
Ribeira 1 0: mf
Ribeira I l : a
Ribeira 1 2 : a
Ribeira 1 3 : a
Ribeira 1 4: mf
Ribeira 1 5 : mf
Ribeira 1 6 : a
Ribeira 1 7 : mf
Rita C acete l : mf (or Turonian 1)
Rita Cacete 2 : mf (or Turonian l)
Rita C acete 3 : a
Ri ta C acete 4: a (and Turonian 1)
Rita C acete 6: mf (or Turonian 1 )
Salobro l : mf
Salobro 2 : mf
Salobro 3: a
Salobro 4: i
Santa C ruz I : a
Santa Cruz 2 : pos
Santa Cruz 3 : pos
?Santa Cruz 4: mf
Santa C ruz 5 : i
Santa C ruz 6: mf
Santa C ruz 7 : mf
Santa C ruz 8: i
Santa Cruz 9: a
Santa Cruz 1 2 : mf (or Turonian 3)
Santa C ruz 1 5 : a
Sao Pedro l : a
Sao Pedro 2 : mf
Sao Pedro 3 : mf
Sao Pedro 4: mf
Sao Pedro 5 : mf
Sao Pedro 6 : a
Sao Pedro 7: mf
Sao Pedro 8 : mf
Sao Pedro 9: a
Sao Pedro 1 0 : a
Sao Ped ro 1 1 : pos
Sao Pedro 1 2 : a
Sao Pedro 1 3 : a
Sao Pedro 1 4: a
So Pedro 1 5 : pos
Sao Pedro 1 6 : pos
Sao Pedro 1 7 : mf
Sao Roque l : a
Sao Roque 2 : a

FOSSILS AND STRATA 1 2 ( 1 98 3 )

Sao Roque 3 : a
Sao Roque 4: a
Sao Roque 5: a
Sao Roque 6: a
Sao Roque 7: a
Sergipe 3 : i (or Turonian 1 )
Sergipe 4: mf (or Turonian 1 )
Sergipe 1 2 : mf (or Turonian 1)
Tabua de Baixo l : mf
Tabua de Baixo 2 : mf
Tabua de Baixo 3 : mf
Tabua de B aixo 4: mf
Tabua de Baixo 5 : mf
Tabua de Baixo 6 : mf
Tabua de Baixo 7 : mf
Tabua de Cima l : mf
Tabua de Cima 2 : mf
Tabua de Cima 3 : mf
Tabua de Cima 4: pos
Varzea l : mf
Varzea 2 : a

Turonian 3

Benj amim Constant

Benj amim Constant
Benj amim Constant
Benj amim Constant
Benj amim Constant
C aieira l : mf
C aj aiba 4: mf
C aj aiba 5 : mf
C aj aiba 1 4: a
Estiva l : pos
Estiva 2 : pos
Estiva 3: mf
Estiva 4: pos
Estiva 5: a
Estiva 6: mf
Estiva 7 : mf
Estiva 8 : a
Estiva 9: mf
Estiva 1 0 : a
Estiva I l : a
Estiva 1 2 : a
Estiva 1 3 : a
I lhas l : mf
I1has 3 : a
Ilhas 4: i
I1has 5: mf
l lhas 6: a
Lombada 1 6 : a
Mata l : mf
Mata 2 : pos
Mata 3: i
Mata 4: mf
Mata 5 : pos
Mata 6: mf
Mata 7 : a
Mata 8: a
Oiteiro 1 1 : mf
Oiteiro 1 2 : mf
Oiteiro 1 8 : a
Oiteiro 1 9 : a
Oiteiro 20: i
Oiteiro 2 1 : mf
Oiteiro 2 2 : mf
Oiteiro 2 3 : a
Oiteiro 24: a
Oiteiro 2 5 : mf
Oiteiro 26: a
Oiteiro 2 7 : pos



Appendix 2: Biostratigraphical locality index

FOSSILS AND STRATA 1 2 ( 1 98 3 )

Oiteiro 28: a
Oiteiro 29: mf
Oiteiro 30: a
Pilar 2: pos (or Turonian 2)
Pilar 3: a
Pilar 4: mf
Pilar 5 : a
Pilar 6: mf
Pilar 7 : mf
Pilar 8 : mf
Pilar 9: mf
Pilar I l : mf
Pilar 1 2 : mf
Quiama 3 : a
Quiama 4: mf
Quizanga I : mf
Santa Cruz 1 0 : mf
Santa Cruz I l : mf
Santa Cruz 1 2 : mf (or Turonian 2)
Santa Cruz 1 3 : mf
Santa Cruz 1 4: a
So Francisco I : a
So Francisco 2: mf
?Sapucari I : a
Sapucari 2: mf
Socorro I : a
Socorro 2: i
Socorro 3: a
Socorro 6: a
Socorro 1 5 : a
Socorro 1 6 : a
Socorro 1 7 : mf
Socorro 1 8 : mf


Caj aiba I : i
Caj aiba 2: a
Caj aiba 3: a
Caj aiba 6: a
Caj aiba 7: a
C aj aiba 8: a
Caj aiba 9: i
C aj aiba 1 0 : a
Caj aiba I l : a
Caj aiba 1 2 : a
C aj aiba 1 3 : a
I lhas 2: a
Lajes I : a
Mata 9: a
Mata 1 0 : a
Mucuri I : i
Mucuri 2: i
Mucuri 3: i
Mucuri 4: a
Mucuri 5: mf
Mucuri 6: a
Mucuri 7: a
Mucuri 8: i
Mucuri 9: a
Mucuri 1 0 : a
Mucuri I l : mf
Mucuri 1 2 : a
Mucuri 1 3 : i
Mucuri 1 4: a
Mucuri 1 5 : mf
Mucuri 1 6 : a

Oiteiro I : pos
Oiteiro 2: pos
Oiteiro 3: a
Oiteiro 4: a
Oiteiro 5: i.
Oiteiro 6: pos
Oiteiro 7: a
Oiteiro 8: a
Oiteiro 9: mf
Oiteiro 1 0 : mf
Oiteiro 1 3 : a
Oiteiro 1 4 : mf
Oiteiro 1 5 : mf
Oiteiro 1 6 : a
Oiteiro 1 7 : mf
Oiteiro 3 1 : pos
Pilar 1 0 : i
Quiam I : mf
Quiam 2 : i
Socorro 4: a
Socorro 5: a
Socorro 7: a
Socorro 8: i
Socorro 9: pos
Socorro 1 0 : a
Socorro I l : a
Socorro 1 2 : a
?Socorro 1 3 : pos
Socorro 1 4: a
Tabocas I : mf
Tabocas 2 : a



Peter Bengtson: Cenomanian- Coniacian of Sergipe

Appendix 3 (opposite) . Biostratigraphical map of the main

area of outcrop of the C enomanian-Coniacian in Sergipe
(for location, see Fig. 2; cf. Fig. 8) . Localities investigated
( 1 97 1 - 1 9 72 and 1 9 7 7 ) are marked (p. 30; Appendix I ) , and
the broad distribution of subdivisions based on characteris
tic ammonite genera (pp. 44-47) is indicated . Base data
( black) are mainly from geological rna ps by Richter & Si
moes ( 1 97 5 ) , with additional details from lield observations
and from unpublished topographical maps made available
by Petrobras S . A . (full references, p. 25) . Main roads are
shown, otherwise only roads and tracks leading to localities
are indicated .

FOSSILS AND STRATA 1 2 ( 1 98 3 )

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The use of unabbreviated se ria I titles is accepted. ( 7 ) C aptions of
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languages. Figure captions and tab les must be submitted on separate sheets.
(8 ) Tables, if any, with captions, numbered with arabic numerals.
When possible, try to simplify table material so that it can be run in
with the text. ( 9 ) Explanations of plates, if any.

Figures in the text should be reducible to a maximum size of
1 7 . 1 X 25.3 cm or less. I t is recommended that figures be construc
ted either for the entire width of the type area ( 1 7 . 1 cm) or for the
column width ( 8 . 1 cm) . An intermediate width of 1 1 . 7 cm is also
particularly useful. On all figures should be the author's name and
the figure num ber. Do not attach captions to the figures. Photo
graphs are to be elear, sharply contrasted, and printed on white
paper with glossy finish. Photographs of fossils, however, should be
made without very pronounced light areas or \'ery heavy shadows ;
the shadows are to fall consistently towards the lower right corner of
the figure. Figures may be composed of severai quadrangular units
separated by I mm broad spaces . The itcms in composite figures
should be similar to each other in tone . I f the natura I background is
to be deleted, blackening is preferred .
The items of compositc figures should be designated A, B, C, etc.
(not a, b, c, etc. ) . Plates in the strict sense should be prepared for an
area of 1 7 . 1 X 2 5 . 3 cm. The items in composite plates should be
designated 1 , 2 , 3 , etc. (not italics ) . All figures, plates, and tables are
to be referred to by ara bi c numerals.
Ballance, P . F . 1 964: Streakcd-out mud ripples below Miocene
turbidites, Puriri Formation. New Z ealand . Jour. Sed. Petrology 34,
9 1 - 1 0 1 . Ylenasha, Wisconsin.
Hecker, R . F. ( reKKe p , P . <P . ) 1 9 5 7 : BBeoeHue B naJle03KO/l O l UlO .
[Introduction to Palaeoecology . ] 83 pp. rOCreOJITeXI13I1aT, MocKs a .
Pettijohn, F . J . & Potter, P. E . 1 964: A tlas a n d Glossary oJ Prima ry
Sedimentary Structures. 370 pp. Springer-Verl ag, Berlin, Gottingen,
Heidelberg, New York.
Seilacher, A. 1 96 3 : Lebensspuren und Salinitatsfazies. In Unter
scheidungsmoglichkeiten mariner und nichtmariner Sedimente.
Fortschr. Geot. Rheinl. West[ 10, 8 1-94. Krefeid.

Minipri n t in Fossils and Strata

Miniprint is intended for reading with simple magnifying equip
ment and can usually be read suboptimally with the naked eye. It
has been introduced in some serials within the earth and life scien
ces, mainly to provide full supporting text for synoptic artieles . !ts
introduction in Fossils and Strata is not for the main text, but for lists
of data which need be read only occasionally, and then as small
paragraphs following entry word s . The system has been introduced
particularly to meet the extensive and increasing need for locality
definitions in modern palaeontology and stratigraphy. The extra in-

house work required to provide camera-ready copy is more than

compensated by the elimination of typesening and proof-reading,
and much space is saved . Miniprint from type-set originals, as
provided experimentally in Number 1 2 , is even more economic with
regard to space.
Authors wishing to submit camera-ready copy for miniprint
should consult the editor beforehand with regard to type-faces and
typewriter ribbons. It is recommended that lists should be arranged
as in Numbers I 1 and 1 2 .


ISSN 0300-9491
No. 1.

No. 2.

No. 3.

No. 4.

No. 5.

No. 6.

No. 7.

No. 8.

No. 9.

No. 10.

No. 11.

No. 12.

No. 13.

Hans L. Jessen: Schultergiirtel und Pectoralflosse bei Actinopterygiern [Shoulder girdle and pectoral fin in actinopterygians].
Pp. 1-101, Pis. 1-25. Oslo, 5th May, 1972. Price 150,00 Norwegian
Crowns (USD 25.00 1983). ISBN 82-00-09288-7.
Jan Bergstrom: Organization, life, and systematics of trilobites. Pp.
1-69, Pis. 1-5. Oslo, 27th April, 1973. Price 60,00 Norwegian
Crowns (USD 10.00 1983). ISBN 82-00-09330-1.
Michael G. Bassett and Leonard R. M. Cocks: A review of Silurian
brachiopods from Gotland. Pp. 1-56, Pis. 1-11. Oslo, 25th February, 1974. Price 62,00 Norwegian Crowns (USD 10.00 1983).
ISBN 82-00-09349-2.
Evolution and morphology of the Trilobita. Trilobitoidea and Merostomata. Proceedings of a symposium in Oslo, 1st8th July, 1973.
Edited by Anders Martinsson. Pp. 1-468. 78 Pis. Oslo, 15th July,
1975. Price 392,00 Norwegian Crowns (USD 65.00 1983).
ISBN 82-00-04963-9.
Sven Laufeld: Silurian Chitinozoa from Gotland. Pp. 1-130. Oslo,
15th May, 1974. Price 150,00 Norwegian Crowns (USD 25.00
1983). ISBN 82-00-09358-1.
Lennart Jeppsson: Aspects of Late Silurian conodonts. Pp. 1-54.
Pis. 1-12. Oslo, 20th December 1974. Price 77,00 Norwegian
Crowns (USD 13.00 1983). ISBN 82-00-09373-5.
Walter Kegel Christensen: Upper Cretaceous belemnites from the
Kristianstad area in Scania. Pp. 1-69, Pis. 1-12. Oslo, 20th March
1975. Price 93,00 Norwegian Crowns (USD 15.00 1983).
ISBN 82-00-09374-3.
Merete Bjerreskov: Llandoverian and Wenlockian graptolites from
Bornholm. Pp. 1-93, Pis. 1-13. Oslo, 15th December, 1975. Price
150,00 Norwegian Crowns (USD 25.00 1983). ISBN 82-00-09392-1.
Gonzalo Vidal: Late Precambrian microfossils from the Visingso
Beds in southern Sweden. Pp. 1-57. Oslo, 15th July, 1976. Price
107,00 Norwegian Crowns (USD 18.00 1983). ISBN 82-00-09418-9.
Hans J0rgen Hansen and Anne-Lise Lykke-Andersen: Wall structure and classification of fossil and recent elphidiid and nonionid
Foraminifera. Pp. 1-37, Pis. 1-22. Oslo, 15th November, 1976.
Price 117,00 Norwegian Crowns (USD 19.00 1983).
ISBN 82-00-09427-9.
Kent Larsson: Silurian tentaculitids from Gotland and Scania. Pp.
1-180. Oslo, 10th May, 1979. Price 269,00 Norwegian Crowns
(USD 45.00 1983). ISBN 82-00-09483-9.
Peter Bengtson: The Cenomanian-Coniacian of the Sergipe Basin,
Brazil. Pp. 1-78, one fold-out map. Oslo, 25th February, 1983. Price
120,00 Norwegian Crowns (USD 20.00 1983). ISBN 82-00-09484-7.
Anita Lofgren: Arenigian and Llanvirnian conodonts from Jamtland, northern Sweden. Pp. 1-129, Pis. 1-16. Oslo, 15th May, 1978.
Price 230,00 Norwegian Crowns (USD 38.00 1983).
ISBN 82-00-09476-6.

No. 14.

Svante Bjorck: A stratigraphic study of Late Weichselian deglaciation, shore displacement and vegetation history in south-eastern
Sweden. Pp. 1-93. Oslo, 15th October, 1981. Price 120,00 Norwegian Crowns (USD 20.00 1983). ISBN 82-00-09520-6.

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