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In its effort to push the limits of file compression, Dropbox recently developed

a lossless compression algorithm for H.264 and JPEG files. Since you are thinki
ng about applying for a job at Dropbox, you decided to experiment with simple lo
ssless compression as part of your interview prep.
One of the most widely known approaches in the field of compression algorithms i
s sliding window compression. It works as follows:
Consider characters one by one. Let the current character index be i.
Take the last width characters before the current one (i.e. s[i - width, i - 1],
where s[i, j] means the substring of s from index i to index j, both inclusive)
, and call it the window.
Find such startIndex and length that s[i, i + length - 1] = s[startIndex, startI
ndex + length - 1] and s[startIndex, startIndex + length - 1] is contained withi
n the window. If there are several such pairs, choose the one with the largest l
ength. If there still remains more than one option, choose the one with the smal
lest startIndex.
If the search was successful, append "(startIndex,length)" to the result and mov
e to the index i + length.
Otherwise, append the current character to the result and move on to the next on
Given a string, apply sliding window compression to it.
For inputString = "abacabadabacaba" and width = 7
the answer is
losslessDataCompression(inputString, width) = "ab(0,1)c(0,3)d(4,3)c(8,3)".
Step 1: i = 0, inputString[i] = 'a', window = "". 'a' is not contained within th
e window, so it is appended to the result.
Step 2: i = 1, inputString[i] = 'b', window = "a". 'b' is not contained within t
he window, so it is appended to the result.
Step 3: i = 2, inputString[i] = 'a', window = "ab". 'a' can be found in the wind
ow. 'a' in the window corresponds to the inputString[0], so (0,1) representing t
he substring "a" is appended to the result.
Step 4: i = 3, inputString[i] = 'c', window = "aba". The same situation as in th
e first two steps.
Step 5: i = 4, inputString[i] = 'a', window = "abac". Consider startIndex = 0, l
ength = 3. inputString[startIndex, startIndex + length - 1] = "aba" and it is co
ntained within the window, inputString[i, i + length - 1] = "aba". Therefore, "(
0,3)" should be added to the result. i += length.
Step 6: i = 7, inputString[i] = 'd', window = inputString[0, 6] = "abacaba". The
same situation as in the first two steps.
Step 7: i = 8, inputString[i] = 'a', window = inputString[1, 7] = "bacabad". Con
sider length = 3 again. inputString[i, i + b - 1] = "aba", window[3, 5] = "aba",
and it corresponds to inputString[4, 6] since inputString[0, 2] is no longer wi
thin the window. So, "(4,3)" should be appended. i += length.
Step 8: i = 11, inputString[i] = 'c', window = "abadaba". The same situation as
at the first two steps.
Step 9: i = 12, inputString[i] = 'a', window = "badabac". length = 3, inputStrin
g[i, i + length - 1] = "aba", window[3, 5] = "aba", and it corresponds to inputS
tring[8, 10]. So, "(8,3)" should be appended. i += length.
For inputString = "abacabadabacaba" and width = 8
the answer is
losslessDataCompression(inputString, width) = "ab(0,1)c(0,3)d(0,7)".

In both of the above examples the resulting "compressed" string becomes even lon
ger than the initial one. In fact, sliding window compression proves to be effic
ient for longer inputs. E.g.:
For inputString = "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" and width = 12
the answer is
losslessDataCompression(inputString, width) = "a(0,1)(0,2)(0,4)(0,8)(4,12)".
In the last example the resulting string is one character shorter than the input
one. It is the shortest possible example of the efficient work of sliding windo
w compression. If the input contained even more letters 'a', then the effect of
this approach would be even more considerable.
[input] string inputString
A non-empty string of lowercase letters.
[input] integer width
A positive integer.
[output] string
Compressed inputString.

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