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Working Paper 5 on The Ka:rmik Linguistic Theory (1988)

Ka:rmik Linguistics: Theory and Practice 5

Techniques in Ka:rmik Linguistic Theory
Chilukuri bhuvaneswar, CIEFL, Hyderabad, India

The procedure outlined above is implemented by a number of techniques

evolved by human beings from time to time during the course of its history.
A technique implements a procedure which implements a theory. In the
implementation of a procedure, one needs to use techniques to implement a
formal, or functional, or cognitive, or dispositional, or even experiential level
of the procedure. For example, to produce the semantic level of lingual
action, the technique of superimposition of meaning on form is used; to
perform the function of a Yes-No Question (seeking affirmation or rejection)
in English, the technique of operator inversion and rising intonation (placing
the operator before the subject and giving the sentence a rising intonation:
e.g. The boy has left Has the boy left) is used; to understand a particular
social practice, the prototype-categorial technique is exploited to cognize
that practice (the concerned practice is categorized within a known
prorotype and interpreted); the trait for aesthetic appeal is expressed
through many techniques such as symmetry, imagery, and novelty (e.g.
alliteration in phonetics; parallelism in syntax; metaphor in semantics; etc.);
and the experience of anger is expressed by the technique of using rising
intonation in a sentence.
As a process is implemented, sometimes, the algorithmic, heuristic, and
automatic processes transform themselves into techniques also as human
beings try to improve the processes. At the creative level, they are generally
algorithmic and heuristic which become automatic by gradual evolution. All
of them are techniques evolved in the Ka:rmik Processing of the Ka:rmik
Theory of Living through the Ka:rmik Theory of Language (Ka:rmik Linguistic
I. Ka:rmik Theory of Creation: Ka:rmik Theory of [Living – Language]
II. Ka:rmik Theory of Language: [Theory – Process – Technique] of Language
i. Formation; ii. Application; 3. Transmission; 4. Preservation; 5. Perpetuation.

A few of them are given below:

I. Techniques Used in the Formation of Actional Reality
There are some general techniques used across the whole gamut of all the
five realities as well as some specific techniques easily observable and
extensively used in the formation, choice, exploitation of state of being, and
systematization of lingual action and the creation of actional reality.

A. General Techniques

(1) Superimposition Technique

i. Semiotic Representation
a. Pattern on Form

Working Paper 5 on The Ka:rmik Linguistic Theory (1988)

b. Meaning on (Pattern – Form)

c. Concept on Meaning-Pattern-Form
d. Disposition (personality) on Function on Concept on Meaning on Form
e. Multidimensional Superimposition
ii. Transformation:
Cognitive (Conceptual) – Categorial (Analytical) – Superimpositional
iii. A:nushangikatvam
(2) Lingual Action Choice Techniques
(i). Exploration of Variables Technique
a. Contextual Exploration of Variables (CEV)
i. order (space, time, sound);
ii. direction;
iii. Combination
1. Microtechniques
a. addition, subtraction, division,
multiplication (monoform, polyform, mixed form-function processing)
metathesis ( Reversal of Order)

2. Macrotechniques
(Linear (initial, medial, final); Parallel; Radial; Spiral; Cyclic)
iv. Choice of Cogneme/Paradigm/Syntagm
b. Productive Extension of Variables (PEV)
c. Creation of New Variables (CNV)
d. Star Networking of Highlighted Variables
They apply to all the procedures at the dispositional, cognitive, socioculturalspiritual,
contextual actional, and actional levels.

(ii). Exploitation of State of Being Techniques

a. Formal-Functional
b. Functional-Formal
c. Spoken – Written
d. Written-Spoken

(iii) Least Effort Technique

a. Form Simplification
b. Culture –Form Simplification
(3) Systematization Techniques
(4) The Individual-Collective-Contextual Conjunction of Action
a. ICCCA Creation of Knowledge Processing
b. ICCCA Knowledge – Sharing - Standardization
c. ICC Communication (Application of Shared Knowledge)
d. Transmission
e. Perpetuation
f. Radial Networking of Creation – Application- Transmission - Perpetuation

(5) Ka:rmik ProcessingTechniques

a. A:dhya:sam and A:nushangikatvam

Working Paper 5 on The Ka:rmik Linguistic Theory (1988)

i. form-function-meaning-cognition-disposition (personality)
ii. action-result-experience
iii. context-action-experience
iv. existence-experience-living
b. Interconnection-Interrelation-Interdependence
i. spatial-temporal-material
ii. social-cultural-spiritual
iii. individual-collective-contextual
iv. dispositional-actional-experiential
v. supracosmic-macrocosmic-microcosmic
c. Networks – within – Networks
1. Form
i. supracosmic-macrocosmic-microcosmic
ii. individual- semigroup-group-supergroup/ part- semiwhole-whole-
iii. body-mind-consciousness
iv. phonetics-lexis-syntax-semantics-disourse
v. [space-time-matter]- [society-culture-spirituality]-[disposition
2. Function
3. Processes
i. U.S. Action – U.S. Living – U.S. Ling. Action

d. Atomic-(W)holistic Functionality
i. Part – Semi-Whole – Whole (Phoneme-Syllable-Word; Word- Phrase
i. part-whole-greater whole-superwhole
(Word – Sentence – Turn/Paragraph – Transaction/Essay)
ii. causal-subtle-gross (Concept – Pattern – Form) of any lingual activity
e. Linear-Parallel-Radial-Cyclic-Spiral Processing Techniques
f. Action – Pattern – Principle – Rule – Law Formation (Process?)
g. Multidirectional Processing Technique
i. Bottom-up
ii. Top-down
iii. Diagonal
h. Reversal of Ordering Technique
i. Theory – Procedure – Technique of Processing Action (Process?)
j. Goals- within- Goals: Functions (Process?)


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